Fusión de celdas de cuadrícula React
La tabla de datos Ignite UI for React / cuadrícula de datos admite la combinación de celdas. Puede optar por participar y detectar cuándo los registros del mismo nivel adyacentes para una columna específica contienen el mismo valor. Mientras las celdas no están activas, seleccionadas o en modo de edición, el valor se muestra en todas las celdas.
React Ejemplo de fusión de celdas de cuadrícula
/* tslint:disable */
export const Regions: any[] = [
"Name": "North America",
"Countries": [ "Canada", "United States", "Mexico" ]
"Name": "Middle East",
"Countries": [ "Turkey", "Iraq", "Saudi Arabia", "Syria", "UAE", "Israel", "Jordan", "Lebanon", "Oman", "Kuwait", "Qatar", "Bahrain", "Iran" ]
"Name": "Europe",
"Countries": [ "Russia", "Germany", "France", "United Kingdom", "Italy", "Spain", "Poland", "Romania", "Netherlands", "Belgium", "Greece",
"Portugal", "Czech Republic", "Hungary", "Sweden", "Austria", "Switzerland", "Bulgaria", "Denmark", "Finland", "Slovakia", "Norway",
"Ireland", "Croatia", "Slovenia", "Estonia", "Iceland",]
"Name": "Africa",
"Countries": [ "Nigeria", "Ethiopia", "Egypt", "South Africa", "Algeria", "Morocco", "Cameroon", "Niger", "Senegal", "Tunisia", "Libya"]
"Name": "Asia Pacific",
"Countries": [ "Afghanistan", "Australia", "Azerbaijan", "China", "Hong Kong", "India", "Indonesia",
"Japan", "Malaysia", "New Zealand", "Pakistan", "Philippines", "Korea", "Singapore", "Taiwan", "Thailand"]
"Name": "South America",
"Countries": [ "Argentina", "Bolivia", "Brazil", "Chile", "Colombia", "Ecuador", "Guyana", "Paraguay", "Peru", "Suriname", "Uruguay", "Venezuela" ]
export const DealType: any[] = [
"Buy", "Sell"
export const Contracts: any[] = [
"Forwards", "Futures", "Options", "Swap", "CFD"
export const Settlements: any[] = [
"Credit", "Cash", "Loan"
export const SectorTypes: any[] = [
"Public", "Private", "Government"
export const CurrencyTypes: any[] = [
"USD", "EUR", "PLN", "GBP", "YEN"
export const CountryRisks: any[] = [
"Low", "High",
export const SecurityTypes: any[] = [
"Poor", "Good", "High",
export const IssuerNames: any[] = [
"American Airlines", "Delta Airlines", "Southwest", "FedEx",
export const RatingTypes: any[] = [
"AAA", "BBB", "CCC",
export const DefaultData: any[] = [
"IndGroup": "Airlines",
"IndSector": "Consumer, Cyclical",
"IndCategory": "Airlines",
// "Sector": "Public",
// "Sector": "Pfd",
// tslint:disable-next-line:object-literal-sort-keys
// "Contract": "Complete",
// "Rating": "WR",
"Fitch": "N.A.",
"Collateral": "Assets",
// "Currency": "USD",
// "Security": "001765866 Pfd",
"Transactions": "1765866",
// "Ticker": "AAL",
"CPN": "7.875",
"Maturity": "7/13/2022",
"Spread": 28.302,
"KRD_3YR": 0.00006,
// "RISK_COUNTRY": "",
"KRD_5YR": 0,
"KRD_1YR": -0.00187,
export const DataItems: any[] = [
"Category": "Metal",
"Type": "Gold",
"Spread": 0.01,
"Open Price": 1281.10,
"Price": 1280.7317,
"Buy": 1280.7267,
"Sell": 1280.7367,
"Change": -0.3683,
"Change(%)": -0.0287,
"Volume": 48387,
"High(D)": 1289.50,
"Low(D)": 1279.10,
"High(Y)": 1306,
"Low(Y)": 1047.20,
"Start(Y)": 1176.60,
"Change On Year(%)": 8.8502
"Category": "Metal",
"Type": "Silver",
"Spread": 0.01,
"Open Price": 17.43,
"Price": 17.42,
"Buy": 17.43,
"Sell": 17.43,
"Change": -0.01,
"Change(%)": -0.0574,
"Volume": 11720,
"High(D)": 17.51,
"Low(D)": 17.37,
"High(Y)": 18.06,
"Low(Y)": 13.73,
"Start(Y)": 15.895,
"Change On Year(%)": 9.5942
"Category": "Metal",
"Type": "Copper",
"Spread": 0.02,
"Open Price": 2.123,
"Price": 2.113,
"Buy": 2.123,
"Sell": 2.123,
"Change": -0.01,
"Change(%)": -0.471,
"Volume": 28819,
"High(D)": 2.16,
"Low(D)": 2.11,
"High(Y)": 2.94,
"Low(Y)": 1.96,
"Start(Y)": 2.45,
"Change On Year(%)": -13.7551
"Category": "Metal",
"Type": "Platinum",
"Spread": 0.01,
"Open Price": 1071.60,
"Price": 1071.0993,
"Buy": 1071.0943,
"Sell": 1071.1043,
"Change": -0.5007,
"Change(%)": -0.0467,
"Volume": 3039,
"High(D)": 1081.20,
"Low(D)": 1070.50,
"High(Y)": 1120.60,
"Low(Y)": 812.40,
"Start(Y)": 966.50,
"Change On Year(%)": 10.8225
"Category": "Metal",
"Type": "Palladium",
"Spread": 0.01,
"Open Price": 600.55,
"Price": 601.0005,
"Buy": 600.9955,
"Sell": 601.0055,
"Change": 0.4505,
"Change(%)": 0.075,
"Volume": 651,
"High(D)": 607.20,
"Low(D)": 598.40,
"High(Y)": 690,
"Low(Y)": 458.6,
"Start(Y)": 574.3,
"Change On Year(%)": 4.6492
"Category": "Oil",
"Type": "Oil",
"Spread": 0.015,
"Open Price": 45.54,
"Price": 45.7899,
"Buy": 45.7824,
"Sell": 45.7974,
"Change": 0.2499,
"Change(%)": 0.5487,
"Volume": 107196,
"High(D)": 45.94,
"Low(D)": 45.00,
"High(Y)": 65.28,
"Low(Y)": 30.79,
"Start(Y)": 48.035,
"Change On Year(%)": -4.6739
"Category": "Oil",
"Type": "Brent",
"Spread": 0.01,
"Open Price": 46.06,
"Price": 46.05,
"Buy": 46.06,
"Sell": 46.06,
"Change": -0.01,
"Change(%)": -0.0217,
"Volume": 59818,
"High(D)": 46.48,
"Low(D)": 45.60,
"High(Y)": 71.14,
"Low(Y)": 30.02,
"Start(Y)": 50.58,
"Change On Year(%)": -8.9561
"Category": "Oil",
"Type": "Natural Gas",
"Spread": 0.02,
"Open Price": 2.094,
"Price": 2.104,
"Buy": 2.094,
"Sell": 2.094,
"Change": 0.01,
"Change(%)": 0.4776,
"Volume": 2783,
"High(D)": 2.11,
"Low(D)": 2.09,
"High(Y)": 3.20,
"Low(Y)": 1.84,
"Start(Y)": 2.52,
"Change On Year(%)": -16.5079
"Category": "Oil",
"Type": "Gas",
"Spread": 0.015,
"Open Price": 1.5086,
"Price": 1.9532,
"Buy": 1.9457,
"Sell": 1.9607,
"Change": 0.4446,
"Change(%)": 29.4686,
"Volume": 2646,
"High(D)": 1.9532,
"Low(D)": 1.50,
"High(Y)": 2.05,
"Low(Y)": 1.15,
"Start(Y)": 1.60,
"Change On Year(%)": 22.0727
"Category": "Oil",
"Type": "Diesel",
"Spread": 0.015,
"Open Price": 1.3474,
"Price": 1.3574,
"Buy": 1.3474,
"Sell": 1.3474,
"Change": 0.01,
"Change(%)": 0.7422,
"Volume": 2971,
"High(D)": 1.36,
"Low(D)": 1.34,
"High(Y)": 2.11,
"Low(Y)": 0.92,
"Start(Y)": 1.515,
"Change On Year(%)": -10.4026
"Category": "Oil",
"Type": "Ethanol",
"Spread": 0.01,
"Open Price": 1.512,
"Price": 2.7538,
"Buy": 2.7488,
"Sell": 2.7588,
"Change": 1.2418,
"Change(%)": 82.1323,
"Volume": 14,
"High(D)": 2.7538,
"Low(D)": 1.1168,
"High(Y)": 2.7538,
"Low(Y)": 1.1168,
"Start(Y)": 1.475,
"Change On Year(%)": 86.7011
"Category": "Oil",
"Type": "Crude",
"Spread": 0.02,
"Open Price": 27.55,
"Price": 27.58,
"Buy": 27.55,
"Sell": 27.55,
"Change": 0.03,
"Change(%)": 0.1089,
"Volume": 12,
"High(D)": 27.55,
"Low(D)": 27.55,
"High(Y)": 29.32,
"Low(Y)": 21.28,
"Start(Y)": 25.30,
"Change On Year(%)": 9.0119
"Category": "Oil",
"Type": "Coal",
"Spread": 0.015,
"Open Price": 0.4363,
"Price": 0.4163,
"Buy": 0.4363,
"Sell": 0.4363,
"Change": -0.02,
"Change(%)": -4.584,
"Volume": 3,
"High(D)": 0.4363,
"Low(D)": 0.4363,
"High(Y)": 0.4841,
"Low(Y)": 0.3954,
"Start(Y)": 0.4398,
"Change On Year(%)": -5.3326
"Category": "Agriculture",
"Type": "Wheat",
"Spread": 0.01,
"Open Price": 465.50,
"Price": 465.52,
"Buy": 465.50,
"Sell": 465.50,
"Change": 0.02,
"Change(%)": 0.0043,
"Volume": 4318,
"High(D)": 467.00,
"Low(D)": 463.25,
"High(Y)": 628.50,
"Low(Y)": 449.50,
"Start(Y)": 539.00,
"Change On Year(%)": -13.6327
"Category": "Agriculture",
"Type": "Corn",
"Spread": 0.01,
"Open Price": 379.50,
"Price": 379.8026,
"Buy": 379.7976,
"Sell": 379.8076,
"Change": 0.3026,
"Change(%)": 0.0797,
"Volume": 11266,
"High(D)": 381.00,
"Low(D)": 377.75,
"High(Y)": 471.25,
"Low(Y)": 351.25,
"Start(Y)": 411.25,
"Change On Year(%)": -7.6468
"Category": "Agriculture",
"Type": "Sugar",
"Spread": 0.01,
"Open Price": 15.68,
"Price": 14.6742,
"Buy": 14.6692,
"Sell": 14.6792,
"Change": -1.0058,
"Change(%)": -6.4146,
"Volume": 4949,
"High(D)": 15.70,
"Low(D)": 14.6742,
"High(Y)": 16.87,
"Low(Y)": 11.37,
"Start(Y)": 14.12,
"Change On Year(%)": 3.9249
"Category": "Agriculture",
"Type": "Soybean",
"Spread": 0.01,
"Open Price": 1038.00,
"Price": 1038.6171,
"Buy": 1038.6121,
"Sell": 1038.6221,
"Change": 0.6171,
"Change(%)": 0.0595,
"Volume": 20356,
"High(D)": 1044.00,
"Low(D)": 1031.75,
"High(Y)": 1057.00,
"Low(Y)": 859.50,
"Start(Y)": 958.25,
"Change On Year(%)": 8.3869
"Category": "Agriculture",
"Type": "Soy oil",
"Spread": 0.01,
"Open Price": 33.26,
"Price": 33.7712,
"Buy": 33.7662,
"Sell": 33.7762,
"Change": 0.5112,
"Change(%)": 1.5371,
"Volume": 10592,
"High(D)": 33.7712,
"Low(D)": 33.06,
"High(Y)": 35.43,
"Low(Y)": 26.61,
"Start(Y)": 31.02,
"Change On Year(%)": 8.8692
"Category": "Agriculture",
"Type": "Soy Meat",
"Spread": 0.01,
"Open Price": 342.60,
"Price": 342.62,
"Buy": 342.60,
"Sell": 342.60,
"Change": 0.02,
"Change(%)": 0.0058,
"Volume": 5646,
"High(D)": 345.40,
"Low(D)": 340.30,
"High(Y)": 353.40,
"Low(Y)": 261.70,
"Start(Y)": 307.55,
"Change On Year(%)": 11.403
"Category": "Agriculture",
"Type": "OJ Future",
"Spread": 0.01,
"Open Price": 140.60,
"Price": 140.1893,
"Buy": 140.1843,
"Sell": 140.1943,
"Change": -0.4107,
"Change(%)": -0.2921,
"Volume": 7,
"High(D)": 140.1893,
"Low(D)": 0.00,
"High(Y)": 155.95,
"Low(Y)": 113.00,
"Start(Y)": 134.475,
"Change On Year(%)": 4.2493
"Category": "Agriculture",
"Type": "Coffee",
"Spread": 0.01,
"Open Price": 125.70,
"Price": 125.69,
"Buy": 125.70,
"Sell": 125.70,
"Change": -0.01,
"Change(%)": -0.008,
"Volume": 1654,
"High(D)": 125.80,
"Low(D)": 125.00,
"High(Y)": 155.75,
"Low(Y)": 115.35,
"Start(Y)": 135.55,
"Change On Year(%)": -7.2741
"Category": "Agriculture",
"Type": "Cocoa",
"Spread": 0.01,
"Open Price": 3076.00,
"Price": 3076.03,
"Buy": 3076.00,
"Sell": 3076.00,
"Change": 0.03,
"Change(%)": 0.001,
"Volume": 978,
"High(D)": 3078.00,
"Low(D)": 3066.00,
"High(Y)": 3406.00,
"Low(Y)": 2746.00,
"Start(Y)": 3076.00,
"Change On Year(%)": 0.001
"Category": "Agriculture",
"Type": "Rice",
"Spread": 0.01,
"Open Price": 11.245,
"Price": 10.4154,
"Buy": 10.4104,
"Sell": 10.4204,
"Change": -0.8296,
"Change(%)": -7.3779,
"Volume": 220,
"High(D)": 11.38,
"Low(D)": 10.4154,
"High(Y)": 14.14,
"Low(Y)": 9.70,
"Start(Y)": 11.92,
"Change On Year(%)": -12.6228
"Category": "Agriculture",
"Type": "Oats",
"Spread": 0.01,
"Open Price": 194.50,
"Price": 194.2178,
"Buy": 194.2128,
"Sell": 194.2228,
"Change": -0.2822,
"Change(%)": -0.1451,
"Volume": 64,
"High(D)": 195.75,
"Low(D)": 194.00,
"High(Y)": 241.25,
"Low(Y)": 183.75,
"Start(Y)": 212.50,
"Change On Year(%)": -8.6034
"Category": "Agriculture",
"Type": "Milk",
"Spread": 0.01,
"Open Price": 12.87,
"Price": 12.86,
"Buy": 12.87,
"Sell": 12.87,
"Change": -0.01,
"Change(%)": -0.0777,
"Volume": 7,
"High(D)": 12.89,
"Low(D)": 12.81,
"High(Y)": 16.96,
"Low(Y)": 12.81,
"Start(Y)": 14.885,
"Change On Year(%)": -13.6043
"Category": "Agriculture",
"Type": "Cotton",
"Spread": 0.01,
"Open Price": 61.77,
"Price": 61.76,
"Buy": 61.77,
"Sell": 61.77,
"Change": -0.01,
"Change(%)": -0.0162,
"Volume": 3612,
"High(D)": 62.06,
"Low(D)": 61.32,
"High(Y)": 67.59,
"Low(Y)": 54.33,
"Start(Y)": 60.96,
"Change On Year(%)": 1.3123
"Category": "Agriculture",
"Type": "Lumber",
"Spread": 0.01,
"Open Price": 303.90,
"Price": 304.5994,
"Buy": 304.5944,
"Sell": 304.6044,
"Change": 0.6994,
"Change(%)": 0.2302,
"Volume": 2,
"High(D)": 304.5994,
"Low(D)": 303.90,
"High(Y)": 317.10,
"Low(Y)": 236.00,
"Start(Y)": 276.55,
"Change On Year(%)": 10.1426
"Category": "Livestock",
"Type": "LV Cattle",
"Spread": 0.01,
"Open Price": 120.725,
"Price": 120.705,
"Buy": 120.725,
"Sell": 120.725,
"Change": -0.02,
"Change(%)": -0.0166,
"Volume": 4,
"High(D)": 120.725,
"Low(D)": 120.725,
"High(Y)": 147.98,
"Low(Y)": 113.90,
"Start(Y)": 130.94,
"Change On Year(%)": -7.8166
"Category": "Livestock",
"Type": "FD Cattle",
"Spread": 0.01,
"Open Price": 147.175,
"Price": 148.6065,
"Buy": 148.6015,
"Sell": 148.6115,
"Change": 1.4315,
"Change(%)": 0.9727,
"Volume": 5,
"High(D)": 148.6065,
"Low(D)": 147.175,
"High(Y)": 190.00,
"Low(Y)": 138.10,
"Start(Y)": 164.05,
"Change On Year(%)": -9.4139
"Category": "Livestock",
"Type": "Lean Hogs",
"Spread": 0.01,
"Open Price": 81.275,
"Price": 81.8146,
"Buy": 81.8096,
"Sell": 81.8196,
"Change": 0.5396,
"Change(%)": 0.664,
"Volume": 1,
"High(D)": 81.8146,
"Low(D)": 81.275,
"High(Y)": 83.98,
"Low(Y)": 70.25,
"Start(Y)": 77.115,
"Change On Year(%)": 6.0943
"Category": "Currencies",
"Type": "USD IDX Future",
"Spread": 0.02,
"Open Price": 93.88,
"Price": 93.7719,
"Buy": 93.7619,
"Sell": 93.7819,
"Change": -0.1081,
"Change(%)": -0.1151,
"Volume": 5788,
"High(D)": 94.05,
"Low(D)": 93.7534,
"High(Y)": 100.70,
"Low(Y)": 91.88,
"Start(Y)": 96.29,
"Change On Year(%)": -2.6151
"Category": "Currencies",
"Type": "USD/JPY Future",
"Spread": 0.02,
"Open Price": 9275.50,
"Price": 9277.3342,
"Buy": 9277.3242,
"Sell": 9277.3442,
"Change": 1.8342,
"Change(%)": 0.0198,
"Volume": 47734,
"High(D)": 9277.3342,
"Low(D)": 0.93,
"High(Y)": 9483.00,
"Low(Y)": 0.93,
"Start(Y)": 4741.965,
"Change On Year(%)": 95.6432
"Category": "Currencies",
"Type": "GBP/USD Future",
"Spread": 0.02,
"Open Price": 1.4464,
"Price": 1.1941,
"Buy": 1.1841,
"Sell": 1.2041,
"Change": -0.2523,
"Change(%)": -17.4441,
"Volume": 29450,
"High(D)": 1.45,
"Low(D)": 1.1941,
"High(Y)": 1.59,
"Low(Y)": 1.1941,
"Start(Y)": 1.485,
"Change On Year(%)": -19.59
"Category": "Currencies",
"Type": "AUD/USD Future",
"Spread": 0.02,
"Open Price": 0.7344,
"Price": 0.7444,
"Buy": 0.7344,
"Sell": 0.7344,
"Change": 0.01,
"Change(%)": 1.3617,
"Volume": 36764,
"High(D)": 0.74,
"Low(D)": 0.73,
"High(Y)": 0.79,
"Low(Y)": 0.68,
"Start(Y)": 0.735,
"Change On Year(%)": 1.2789
"Category": "Currencies",
"Type": "USD/CAD Future",
"Spread": 0.02,
"Open Price": 0.7744,
"Price": 0.9545,
"Buy": 0.9445,
"Sell": 0.9645,
"Change": 0.1801,
"Change(%)": 23.2622,
"Volume": 13669,
"High(D)": 0.9545,
"Low(D)": 0.77,
"High(Y)": 0.9545,
"Low(Y)": 0.68,
"Start(Y)": 0.755,
"Change On Year(%)": 26.4295
"Category": "Currencies",
"Type": "USD/CHF Future",
"Spread": 0.02,
"Open Price": 1.0337,
"Price": 1.0437,
"Buy": 1.0337,
"Sell": 1.0337,
"Change": 0.01,
"Change(%)": 0.9674,
"Volume": 5550,
"High(D)": 1.03,
"Low(D)": 1.03,
"High(Y)": 1.11,
"Low(Y)": 0.98,
"Start(Y)": 1.045,
"Change On Year(%)": -0.1244
"Category": "Index",
"Type": "DOW Future",
"Spread": 0.01,
"Open Price": 17711.00,
"Price": 17712.1515,
"Buy": 17712.1465,
"Sell": 17712.1565,
"Change": 1.1515,
"Change(%)": 0.0065,
"Volume": 22236,
"High(D)": 17727.00,
"Low(D)": 17642.00,
"High(Y)": 18083.00,
"Low(Y)": 15299.00,
"Start(Y)": 16691.00,
"Change On Year(%)": 6.118
"Category": "Index",
"Type": "S&P Future",
"Spread": 0.01,
"Open Price": 2057.50,
"Price": 2056.6018,
"Buy": 2056.5968,
"Sell": 2056.6068,
"Change": -0.8982,
"Change(%)": -0.0437,
"Volume": 142780,
"High(D)": 2059.50,
"Low(D)": 2049.00,
"High(Y)": 2105.50,
"Low(Y)": 1794.50,
"Start(Y)": 1950.00,
"Change On Year(%)": 5.4668
"Category": "Index",
"Type": "NAS Future",
"Spread": 0.01,
"Open Price": 4341.25,
"Price": 4341.28,
"Buy": 4341.25,
"Sell": 4341.25,
"Change": 0.03,
"Change(%)": 0.0007,
"Volume": 18259,
"High(D)": 4347.00,
"Low(D)": 4318.00,
"High(Y)": 4719.75,
"Low(Y)": 3867.75,
"Start(Y)": 4293.75,
"Change On Year(%)": 1.107
"Category": "Index",
"Type": "S&P MID MINI",
"Spread": 0.01,
"Open Price": 1454.30,
"Price": 1455.7812,
"Buy": 1455.7762,
"Sell": 1455.7862,
"Change": 1.4812,
"Change(%)": 0.1018,
"Volume": 338,
"High(D)": 1455.7812,
"Low(D)": 1448.00,
"High(Y)": 1527.30,
"Low(Y)": 1236.00,
"Start(Y)": 1381.65,
"Change On Year(%)": 5.3654
"Category": "Index",
"Type": "S&P 600 MINI",
"Spread": 0.01,
"Open Price": 687.90,
"Price": 687.88,
"Buy": 687.90,
"Sell": 687.90,
"Change": -0.02,
"Change(%)": -0.0029,
"Volume": 0,
"High(D)": 0.00,
"Low(D)": 0.00,
"High(Y)": 620.32,
"Low(Y)": 595.90,
"Start(Y)": 608.11,
"Change On Year(%)": 13.1177
"Category": "Interest Rate",
"Type": "US 30YR Future",
"Spread": 0.01,
"Open Price": 164.875,
"Price": 164.1582,
"Buy": 164.1532,
"Sell": 164.1632,
"Change": -0.7168,
"Change(%)": -0.4347,
"Volume": 28012,
"High(D)": 165.25,
"Low(D)": 164.0385,
"High(Y)": 169.38,
"Low(Y)": 151.47,
"Start(Y)": 160.425,
"Change On Year(%)": 2.3271
"Category": "Interest Rate",
"Type": "US 2Y Future",
"Spread": 0.01,
"Open Price": 109.3984,
"Price": 109.3884,
"Buy": 109.3984,
"Sell": 109.3984,
"Change": -0.01,
"Change(%)": -0.0091,
"Volume": 17742,
"High(D)": 109.41,
"Low(D)": 109.38,
"High(Y)": 109.80,
"Low(Y)": 108.62,
"Start(Y)": 109.21,
"Change On Year(%)": 0.1634
"Category": "Interest Rate",
"Type": "US 10YR Future",
"Spread": 0.01,
"Open Price": 130.5625,
"Price": 130.5825,
"Buy": 130.5625,
"Sell": 130.5625,
"Change": 0.02,
"Change(%)": 0.0153,
"Volume": 189310,
"High(D)": 130.63,
"Low(D)": 130.44,
"High(Y)": 132.64,
"Low(Y)": 125.48,
"Start(Y)": 129.06,
"Change On Year(%)": 1.1797
"Category": "Interest Rate",
"Type": "Euro$ 3M",
"Spread": 0.01,
"Open Price": 99.18,
"Price": 99.17,
"Buy": 99.18,
"Sell": 99.18,
"Change": -0.01,
"Change(%)": -0.0101,
"Volume": 29509,
"High(D)": 99.18,
"Low(D)": 99.17,
"High(Y)": 99.38,
"Low(Y)": 98.41,
"Start(Y)": 98.895,
"Change On Year(%)": 0.2781
interface UpdateResponse {
data: any[];
recordsUpdated: number;
/* tslint:enable */
export class LiveFinancialData {
public static generateData(count: number): any[] {
const data: any[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
const rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(DataItems.length));
const item = Object.assign({}, DataItems[rand]);
item.Settlement = this.getRandomItem(Settlements);
item.Contract = this.getRandomItem(Contracts);
const region = this.getRandomItem(Regions);
item.Region = region.Name;
item.Country = this.getRandomItem(region.Countries);
item.Risk = this.getRandomItem(CountryRisks);
item.Sector = this.getRandomItem(SectorTypes);
item.Currency = this.getRandomItem(CurrencyTypes);
item.Security = this.getRandomItem(SecurityTypes);
item.Issuer = this.getRandomItem(IssuerNames);
item.Maturity = this.getRandomDate();
item.Rating = this.getRandomItem(RatingTypes);
for (const mockData of DefaultData) {
for (const prop in mockData) {
if (mockData.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
item[prop] = mockData[prop];
item.ID = i;
return data;
public static updateAllPrices(data: any[]): any[] {
const currData = [];
for (const dataRow of data) {
const item = Object.assign({}, dataRow);
return currData;
public static updateRandomPrices(data: any[]): any {
const currData = data.slice(0, data.length + 1);
let y = 0;
for (let i = Math.round(Math.random() * 10); i < data.length; i += Math.round(Math.random() * 10)) {
const item = Object.assign({}, data[i]);
currData[i] = item;
return currData;
public static updateRandomPrices2(data: any[]): UpdateResponse {
const currData = data.slice(0, data.length + 1);
let y = 0;
for (let i = Math.round(Math.random() * 10); i < data.length; i += Math.round(Math.random() * 10)) {
const item = Object.assign({}, data[i]);
currData[i] = item;
return {data: currData, recordsUpdated: y };
public static randomizeDataValues(item: any): void {
const changeP = "Change(%)";
const res = this.getRandomPrice(item.Price);
item.Change = res.Price - item.Price;
item.Price = res.Price;
item[changeP] = res.ChangePercent;
public static getRandomPrice(oldPrice: any): any {
const rnd = parseFloat(Math.random().toFixed(2));
const volatility = 2;
let newPrice = 0;
let changePercent = 2 * volatility * rnd;
if (changePercent > volatility) {
changePercent -= (2 * volatility);
const changeAmount = oldPrice * (changePercent / 100);
newPrice = oldPrice + changeAmount;
const result = { Price: 0, ChangePercent: 0 };
result.Price = Math.round(newPrice * 100) / 100;
result.ChangePercent = Math.round(changePercent * 100) / 100;
return result;
public static getRandomDate(): Date {
const now: Date = new Date();
const month = this.getRandomNumber(0, 8);
const day = this.getRandomNumber(10, 27);
return new Date(now.getFullYear(), month, day);
public static getRandomItem(array: any[]): any {
const index = Math.round(this.getRandomNumber(0, array.length - 1));
return array[index];
public static getRandomNumber(min: number, max: number): number {
return Math.round(min + Math.random() * (max - min));
public static getRandomCountry(region: any): string {
if (region.Countries === undefined) {
return this.getRandomItem(Regions[2].Countries);
} else {
return this.getRandomItem(region.Countries);
tsimport React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
import './index.css';
import { LiveFinancialData } from './LiveFinancialData';
import { IgrDataGridModule } from "@infragistics/igniteui-react-grids";
import { IgrDataGrid } from "@infragistics/igniteui-react-grids";
import { IgrTextColumn } from "@infragistics/igniteui-react-grids";
import { IgrNumericColumn } from "@infragistics/igniteui-react-grids";
import { IgrDateTimeColumn } from "@infragistics/igniteui-react-grids";
import { HeaderClickAction } from "@infragistics/igniteui-react-grids";
import { IgrGridColumnOptionsModule } from "@infragistics/igniteui-react-grids";
export default class DataGridCellMerging extends React.Component<any, any> {
public data: any[];
public grid: IgrDataGrid;
constructor(props: any) {
this.state = { cellMergeMode: "Always" }
this.data = LiveFinancialData.generateData(200);
public onGridRef = (grid: IgrDataGrid) => {
if (!grid) { return; }
this.grid = grid;
public render(): JSX.Element {
return (
<div className="container sample">
<div className="options horizontal">
<label className="options-label">Merged Cell Mode: </label>
<select className="options-select" value={this.state.cellMergeMode}
<IgrTextColumn width="*>140" field="Category" />
<IgrTextColumn width="*>160" field="Type" />
<IgrTextColumn width="*>140" field="Contract" />
<IgrTextColumn width="*>150" field="Settlement" />
<IgrTextColumn width="*>150" field="Region" />
<IgrTextColumn width="*>160" field="Country" />
<IgrNumericColumn width="*>140" field="Open Price" headerText="Open" showGroupingSeparator="true" positivePrefix="$" minFractionDigits={2} maxFractionDigits={2} />
<IgrNumericColumn width="*>140" field="Price" headerText="Close" showGroupingSeparator="true" positivePrefix="$" minFractionDigits={2} maxFractionDigits={2}/>
<IgrNumericColumn width="*>130" field="Change" minFractionDigits={2} maxFractionDigits={2}/>
<IgrNumericColumn width="*>150" field="Change(%)" negativeSuffix="%" positiveSuffix="%" minFractionDigits={2} maxFractionDigits={2}/>
<IgrNumericColumn width="*>110" field="Buy" showGroupingSeparator="true" positivePrefix="$" minFractionDigits={2} maxFractionDigits={2}/>
<IgrNumericColumn width="*>110" field="Sell" showGroupingSeparator="true" positivePrefix="$" minFractionDigits={2} maxFractionDigits={2}/>
<IgrNumericColumn width="*>130" field="Spread" showGroupingSeparator="true" minFractionDigits={2} maxFractionDigits={2}/>
<IgrNumericColumn width="*>130" field="Volume" showGroupingSeparator="true" minFractionDigits={0} maxFractionDigits={0}/>
<IgrNumericColumn width="*>130" field="High(D)" showGroupingSeparator="true" minFractionDigits={2} maxFractionDigits={2} positivePrefix="$"/>
<IgrNumericColumn width="*>130" field="Low(D)" showGroupingSeparator="true" minFractionDigits={2} maxFractionDigits={2} positivePrefix="$"/>
<IgrNumericColumn width="*>130" field="High(Y)" showGroupingSeparator="true" minFractionDigits={2} maxFractionDigits={2} positivePrefix="$"/>
<IgrNumericColumn width="*>130" field="Low(Y)" showGroupingSeparator="true" minFractionDigits={2} maxFractionDigits={2} positivePrefix="$"/>
<IgrNumericColumn width="*>130" field="Start(Y)" showGroupingSeparator="true" minFractionDigits={2} maxFractionDigits={2} positivePrefix="$"/>
<IgrDateTimeColumn width="*>140" field="Maturity" horizontalAlignment="right" />
<IgrTextColumn width="*>120" field="Currency" />
<IgrTextColumn width="*>110" field="Risk" />
<IgrTextColumn width="*>130" field="Sector" />
<IgrTextColumn width="*>130" field="Security" />
<IgrTextColumn width="*>170" field="Issuer" />
public onMergeCellModeChange = (e: any) => {
this.setState({ cellMergeMode: e.target.value });
this.grid.mergedCellMode = e.target.value;
// rendering above class to the React DOM
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));
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Descripción general
La fusión de celdas en la cuadrícula de datos de React se puede configurar mediante la mergedCellMode
opción de toda la cuadrícula de React o columnas individuales. Esta propiedad se puede establecer en una de las siguientes opciones, que se enumeran a continuación:
: la cuadrícula o columna nunca fusionará celdas. Este es el comportamiento predeterminado.Always
: la cuadrícula o columna siempre intentará fusionar celdas.OnlyWhenSorted
: la cuadrícula o columna solo intentará fusionar celdas cuando una columna esté ordenada.
Tenga en cuenta que, independientemente del valor de esta propiedad, las celdas solo se pueden combinar entre registros hermanos.
La combinación de celdas se puede evaluar en función de si los datos están formateados o no utilizando la propiedad mergedCellEvaluationCriteria
. Esto se aplica a toda la cuadrícula o a columnas individuales y se puede configurar en una de las siguientes opciones, que se enumeran a continuación:
: combina celdas de filas adyacentes cuando los valores sin procesar de las celdas son los mismos. Este es el valor predeterminado.FormattedText
: combina celdas de filas adyacentes cuando el valor formateado de las celdas es el mismo.