React Estilo de forma en la serie de formas geográficas
En este tema se explica cómo aplicar estilos personalizados a la IgrGeographicShapeSeries
React IgrGeographicMap
Ejemplo de estilo de forma React en series de formas geográficas
import { Style } from "@infragistics/igniteui-react-core" ;
export abstract class ShapeStyling {
public defaultStroke = 'black' ;
public defaultFill = 'gray' ;
public defaultThickness = 0.5 ;
public defaultOpacity = 1.0 ;
public defaultStyle = new Style();
constructor ( ) {
this .defaultStyle = new Style();
this .defaultStyle.stroke = this .defaultStroke;
this .defaultStyle.fill = this .defaultFill;
this .defaultStyle.opacity = this .defaultOpacity;
this .defaultStyle.strokeThickness = this .defaultThickness;
public abstract generate(record: any ): Style;
public getValue(itemMemberPath: string , item : any ): any {
let itemValue = null ;
if (item.fieldValues !== undefined ) {
if (item.fieldsNames.indexOf(itemMemberPath) >= 0 ) {
itemValue = item.fieldValues[itemMemberPath];
} else {
console .log('WARNING: ShapefileRecord does not have ' + itemMemberPath + ' in fieldValues property' );
} else if (item.hasOwnProperty(itemMemberPath)) {
itemValue = item[itemMemberPath];
} else {
console .log('WARNING: Shape data item does not have ' + itemMemberPath + ' property' );
return itemValue;
export class ShapeRandomStyling extends ShapeStyling {
public shapeThickness = 0.5 ;
public shapeOpacity = 1.0 ;
public shapeStrokeColors = ['black' ];
public shapeFillColors = ['red' , 'orange' , 'yellow' ];
public styleMappings = new Map <string , Style>();
public generate(record: any ): Style {
const id = record.fieldValues.Name || this .getRandomValue(0 , 1000 );
if (this .styleMappings.has(id)) {
return this .styleMappings.get(id);
} else {
const randStroke = this .getRandomItem(this .shapeStrokeColors);
const randFill = this .getRandomItem(this .shapeFillColors);
const shapeStyle = new Style();
shapeStyle.stroke = this .shapeStrokeColors[randStroke];
shapeStyle.fill = this .shapeFillColors[randFill];
shapeStyle.opacity = this .shapeOpacity;
shapeStyle.strokeThickness = this .shapeThickness;
this .styleMappings.set(id, shapeStyle);
return shapeStyle;
public getRandomValue(min: number , max : number ): number {
return Math .round(min + (Math .random() * (max - min)));
public getRandomItem(array: any []): any {
return this .getRandomValue(0 , array.length - 1 );
export class ShapeScaleStyling extends ShapeStyling {
public shapeThickness = 0.5 ;
public shapeOpacity = 1.0 ;
public shapeStrokeColors = ['black' ];
public shapeFillColors = ['red' , 'orange' , 'yellow' ];
public itemMemberPath = '' ;
public itemMinimumValue = 0 ;
public itemMaximumValue = 1000 ;
public isLogarithmic = true ;
public generate(record: any ): Style {
let itemValue = this .getValue(this .itemMemberPath, record);
if (itemValue === null ) {
return this .defaultStyle;
let fillColor = this .defaultFill;
let strokeColor = this .defaultStroke;
let scaleValue = this .getScaledValue(itemValue);
if (!Number .isNaN(scaleValue)) {
let fillIndex = Math .round(scaleValue * (this .shapeFillColors.length - 1 ));
let strokeIndex = Math .round(scaleValue * (this .shapeStrokeColors.length - 1 ));
fillColor = this .shapeFillColors[fillIndex];
strokeColor = this .shapeStrokeColors[strokeIndex];
const shapeStyle = new Style();
shapeStyle.fill = fillColor;
shapeStyle.stroke = strokeColor;
shapeStyle.strokeThickness = this .shapeThickness;
shapeStyle.opacity = this .shapeOpacity;
return shapeStyle;
public getScaledValue(value: number ): number {
if (!Number .isFinite(value) || Number .isNaN(value)) { return Number .NaN; }
let min = !Number .isFinite(this .itemMinimumValue) || Number .isNaN(this .itemMinimumValue) ? 0 : this .itemMinimumValue;
let max = !Number .isFinite(this .itemMaximumValue) || Number .isNaN(this .itemMaximumValue) ? 1000 : this .itemMaximumValue;
if (value < min || value > max) { return Number .NaN; }
if (this .isLogarithmic) {
return this .getLogarithmicValue(min, max, value);
} else {
return this .getLinearValue(min, max, value);
public getLogarithmicValue (min: number , max: number , value: number ) {
if (!Number .isFinite(value)) { return Number .NaN; }
let newMin = Math .log10(min);
let newMax = Math .log10(max);
let newVal = Math .log10(value);
if (!Number .isFinite(newMin)) { newMin = 0.0 ; }
if (!Number .isFinite(newMax)) { newMax = 1000 ; }
if (newVal < 0 ) { newVal = 0.0 ; }
return this .getLinearValue(newMin, newMax, newVal);
public getLinearValue (min: number , max: number , value: number ) {
if (!Number .isFinite(value)) { return Number .NaN; }
if (value < min || value > max) { return Number .NaN; }
let scaledValue = (value - min) / (max - min);
return scaledValue;
export class ShapeRangeStyling extends ShapeStyling {
public itemMemberPath = '' ;
public ranges: ShapeRange[] = [];
constructor ( ) {
super ();
this .ranges.push({ minimum : 0 , maximum : 50 , fill : 'yellow' } );
this .ranges.push({ minimum : 0 , maximum : 100 , fill : 'red' } );
public generate(record: any ): Style {
let itemValue = this .getValue(this .itemMemberPath, record);
if (itemValue === null ) {
return this .defaultStyle;
for (const range of this .ranges) {
if (range.minimum <= itemValue && itemValue < range.maximum) {
const shapeStyle = new Style();
shapeStyle.opacity = range.opacity || this .defaultOpacity;
shapeStyle.fill = range.fill || this .defaultFill;
shapeStyle.stroke = range.stroke || this .defaultStroke;
shapeStyle.strokeThickness = range.strokeThickness || this .defaultThickness;
return shapeStyle;
return this .defaultStyle;
export class ShapeRange {
public minimum: number ;
public maximum: number ;
public opacity?: number ;
public fill: string ;
public stroke?: string ;
public strokeThickness?: number ;
export class ShapeComparisonStyling extends ShapeStyling {
public itemMemberPath = '' ;
public itemMappings: ShapeComparison[] = [];
public generate(record: any ): Style {
let itemValue = this .getValue(this .itemMemberPath, record);
if (itemValue === null || itemValue === "" ) {
return this .defaultStyle;
for (const mapping of this .itemMappings) {
if (mapping.itemValue === itemValue) {
const shapeStyle = new Style();
shapeStyle.opacity = mapping.opacity || this .defaultOpacity;
shapeStyle.fill = mapping.fill || this .defaultFill;
shapeStyle.stroke = mapping.stroke || this .defaultStroke;
shapeStyle.strokeThickness = mapping.strokeThickness || this .defaultThickness;
return shapeStyle;
return this .defaultStyle;
export class ShapeComparison {
public itemValue: string ;
public opacity?: number ;
public fill: string ;
public stroke?: string ;
public strokeThickness?: number ;
ts コピー export default class WorldUtils {
public static calcPaths(origin: any , dest : any ): any [] {
let interval = 200 ;
let paths: any [] = [[]];
let pathID = 0 ;
let distance = this .calcDistance(origin, dest);
if (distance <= interval) {
paths[pathID].push({ x : origin.lon, y : });
paths[pathID].push({ x : dest.lon, y : });
} else {
let current = origin;
let previous = origin;
for (let dist = interval; dist <= distance; dist += interval)
previous = current
paths[pathID].push({ x : current.lon, y : });
let bearing = this .calcBearing(current, dest);
current = this .calcDestination(current, bearing, interval);
if (previous.lon > 150 && current.lon < -150 ) {
paths[pathID].push({ x : 180 , y : });
current = { lon : -180 , lat : }
} else if (previous.lon < -150 && current.lon > 150 ) {
paths[pathID].push({ x : -180 , y : });
current = { lon : 180 , lat : }
paths[pathID].push({ x : dest.lon, y : });
return paths;
public static calcBearing(origin: any , dest : any ): number
origin = this .toRadianLocation(origin);
dest = this .toRadianLocation(dest);
let range = (dest.lon - origin.lon);
let y = Math .sin(range) * Math .cos(;
let x = Math .cos( * Math .sin( -
Math .sin( * Math .cos( * Math .cos(range);
let angle = Math .atan2(y, x);
return this .toDegreesNormalized(angle);
public static calcDestination(origin: any , bearing : number , distance : number ): any {
let radius = 6371.0 ;
origin = this .toRadianLocation(origin);
bearing = this .toRadians(bearing);
distance = distance / radius;
let lat = Math .asin(Math .sin( * Math .cos(distance) +
Math .cos( * Math .sin(distance) * Math .cos(bearing));
let x = Math .sin(bearing) * Math .sin(distance) * Math .cos(;
let y = Math .cos(distance) - Math .sin( * Math .sin(;
let lon = origin.lon + Math .atan2(x, y);
lon = (lon + 3 * Math .PI) % (2 * Math .PI) - Math .PI;
lon = this .toDegrees(lon);
lat = this .toDegrees(lat);
return { lon : lon, lat : lat };
public static calcDistance(origin: any , dest : any ): number {
origin = this .toRadianLocation(origin);
dest = this .toRadianLocation(dest);
let sinProd = Math .sin( * Math .sin(;
let cosProd = Math .cos( * Math .cos(;
let lonDelta = (dest.lon - origin.lon);
let angle = Math .acos(sinProd + cosProd * Math .cos(lonDelta));
let distance = angle * 6371.0 ;
return distance;
public static toRadianLocation(geoPoint: any ): any {
let x = this .toRadians(geoPoint.lon);
let y = this .toRadians(;
return { lon : x, lat : y };
public static toRadians(degrees: number ): number
return degrees * Math .PI / 180 ;
public static toDegrees(radians: number ): number {
return (radians * 180.0 / Math .PI);
public static toDegreesNormalized(radians: number ): number
let degrees = this .toDegrees(radians);
degrees = (degrees + 360 ) % 360 ;
return degrees;
public static toStringLat(latitude: number ): string {
let str = Math .abs(latitude).toFixed(1 ) + "°" ;
return latitude > 0 ? str + "N" : str + "S" ;
public static toStringLon(coordinate: number ): string {
let val = Math .abs(coordinate);
let str = val < 100 ? val.toFixed(1 ) : val.toFixed(0 );
return coordinate > 0 ? str + "°E" : str + "°W" ;
public static toStringAbbr(value: number ): string {
if (value > 1000000000000 ) {
return (value / 1000000000000 ).toFixed(1 ) + " T"
} else if (value > 1000000000 ) {
return (value / 1000000000 ).toFixed(1 ) + " B"
} else if (value > 1000000 ) {
return (value / 1000000 ).toFixed(1 ) + " M"
} else if (value > 1000 ) {
return (value / 1000 ).toFixed(1 ) + " K"
return value.toFixed(0 );
public static getLongitude(location: any ): number {
if (location.x) return location.x;
if (location.lon) return location.lon;
if (location.longitude) return location.longitude;
return Number .NaN;
public static getLatitude(location: any ): number {
if (location.y) return location.y;
if ( return;
if (location.latitude) return location.latitude;
return Number .NaN;
public static getBounds(locations: any []): any {
let minLat = 90 ;
let maxLat = -90 ;
let minLon = 180 ;
let maxLon = -180 ;
for (const location of locations) {
const crrLon = this .getLongitude(location);
if (!Number .isNaN(crrLon)) {
minLon = Math .min(minLon, crrLon);
maxLon = Math .max(maxLon, crrLon);
const crrLat = this .getLatitude(location);
if (!Number .isNaN(crrLat)) {
minLat = Math .min(minLat, crrLat);
maxLat = Math .max(maxLat, crrLat);
const geoBounds = {
left : minLon,
top : minLat,
width : Math .abs(maxLon - minLon),
height : Math .abs(maxLat - minLat)
return geoBounds;
public static getNightShapes(): any [] {
let nightShape = [];
let line: any [] = [];
for (let lon = -180 ; lon <= 180 ; lon += 1 ) {
let x = lon;
let y = 75 * Math .cos(lon * Math .PI / 180 );
line.push({x : x, y : y});
let coordinateLine = {points : [line]};
return nightShape;
ts コピー import React from 'react' ;
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client' ;
import './index.css' ;
import WorldUtils from "./WorldUtils"
import { ShapeStyling } from './MapShapeStyleUtility' ;
import { ShapeScaleStyling } from './MapShapeStyleUtility' ;
import { ShapeRangeStyling } from './MapShapeStyleUtility' ;
import { ShapeRandomStyling } from './MapShapeStyleUtility' ;
import { ShapeComparisonStyling } from './MapShapeStyleUtility' ;
import { IgrGeographicMap } from "@infragistics/igniteui-react-maps" ;
import { IgrGeographicMapModule } from "@infragistics/igniteui-react-maps" ;
import { IgrGeographicShapeSeries } from "@infragistics/igniteui-react-maps" ;
import { IgrDataChartInteractivityModule } from "@infragistics/igniteui-react-charts" ;
import { IgrShapeDataSource } from "@infragistics/igniteui-react-core" ;
import { IgrShapefileRecord } from "@infragistics/igniteui-react-core" ;
import { IgrStyleShapeEventArgs } from "@infragistics/igniteui-react-charts" ;
import { IgrDataContext } from "@infragistics/igniteui-react-core" ;
export default class MapShapeStyling extends React.Component <any, any> {
public geoMap: IgrGeographicMap;
public geoSeries: IgrGeographicShapeSeries;
public shapeRecords: any [] = [];
public currentShapeStyling: ShapeStyling;
public shapeRandomStyling: ShapeRandomStyling;
public shapeComparisonStyling: ShapeComparisonStyling;
public shapeScaleStyling: ShapeScaleStyling;
public shapeRangeStyling: ShapeRangeStyling;
constructor (props: any ) {
super (props);
this .state = { stylingType: "ShapeComparisonStyling" }
this .onMapRef = this .onMapRef.bind(this );
this .onDataLoaded = this .onDataLoaded.bind(this );
this .onOptionsSelected = this .onOptionsSelected.bind(this );
this .onStylingShape = this .onStylingShape.bind(this );
this .createTooltip = this .createTooltip.bind(this );
this .shapeRandomStyling = new ShapeRandomStyling();
this .shapeRandomStyling.shapeStrokeColors = ['Black' ];
this .shapeRandomStyling.shapeFillColors = ['#8C23D1' , '#0E9759' , '#B4D336' , '#F2A464' , '#D74545' , 'DodgerBlue' ];
this .shapeScaleStyling = new ShapeScaleStyling();
this .shapeScaleStyling.defaultFill = 'Gray' ;
this .shapeScaleStyling.shapeStrokeColors = ['Black' ];
this .shapeScaleStyling.shapeFillColors = ['DodgerBlue' , 'yellow' , '#c2f542' , '#e8c902' , '#e8b602' , '#e87902' , 'brown' ];
this .shapeScaleStyling.itemMinimumValue = 5000 ;
this .shapeScaleStyling.itemMaximumValue = 2000000000 ;
this .shapeScaleStyling.itemMemberPath = 'Population' ;
this .shapeScaleStyling.isLogarithmic = true ;
this .shapeRangeStyling = new ShapeRangeStyling();
this .shapeRangeStyling.defaultFill = 'Gray' ;
this .shapeRangeStyling.itemMemberPath = 'Population' ;
this .shapeRangeStyling.ranges = [
{ fill: 'yellow' , minimum: 5000 , maximum: 10000000 , },
{ fill: 'orange' , minimum: 10000000 , maximum: 100000000 , },
{ fill: 'red' , minimum: 100000000 , maximum: 500000000 , },
{ fill: 'brown' , minimum: 500000000 , maximum: 2000000000 , },
this .shapeComparisonStyling = new ShapeComparisonStyling();
this .shapeComparisonStyling.defaultFill = 'Gray' ;
this .shapeComparisonStyling.itemMemberPath = 'Region' ;
this .shapeComparisonStyling.itemMappings = [
{ fill: 'Red' , itemValue: 'Central Asia' },
{ fill: 'Red' , itemValue: 'Eastern Asia' },
{ fill: 'Orange' , itemValue: 'Southern Asia' },
{ fill: 'Orange' , itemValue: 'Middle East' },
{ fill: 'Orange' , itemValue: 'Northern Africa' },
{ fill: 'Yellow' , itemValue: 'Eastern Africa' },
{ fill: 'Yellow' , itemValue: 'Western Africa' },
{ fill: 'Yellow' , itemValue: 'Middle Africa' },
{ fill: 'Yellow' , itemValue: 'Southern Africa' },
{ fill: 'DodgerBlue' , itemValue: 'Central America' },
{ fill: 'DodgerBlue' , itemValue: 'Northern America' },
{ fill: 'DodgerBlue' , itemValue: 'Western Europe' },
{ fill: 'DodgerBlue' , itemValue: 'Southern Europe' },
{ fill: 'DodgerBlue' , itemValue: 'Northern Europe' },
{ fill: 'DodgerBlue' , itemValue: 'Eastern Europe' },
{ fill: '#22c928' , itemValue: 'South America' },
{ fill: '#b64fff' , itemValue: 'Melanesia' },
{ fill: '#b64fff' , itemValue: 'Micronesia' },
{ fill: '#b64fff' , itemValue: 'Polynesia' },
{ fill: '#b64fff' , itemValue: 'Australia' },
this .currentShapeStyling = this .shapeComparisonStyling;
public render (): JSX .Element {
return (
<div className ="container sample" >
<div className ="options horizontal" >
<label > Shape Styling:</label >
<select value ={this.state.stylingType}
onChange ={this.onOptionsSelected}
style ={{width: "14rem "}}>
<option > ShapeComparisonStyling</option >
<option > ShapeScaleStyling</option >
<option > ShapeRangeStyling</option >
<option > ShapeRandomStyling</option >
</select >
</div >
<div className ="container" >
ref ={this.onMapRef}
width ="100%"
height ="100%"
zoomable ="true" />
</div >
</div >
public onMapRef(geoMap: IgrGeographicMap) {
if (!geoMap) { return ; }
this .geoMap = geoMap;
this .geoMap.backgroundContent = undefined ;
const sds = new IgrShapeDataSource();
sds.importCompleted = this .onDataLoaded;
sds.shapefileSource = "" ;
sds.databaseSource = "" ;
public onDataLoaded(sds: IgrShapeDataSource, e: any ) {
this .shapeRecords = sds.getPointData();
console.log("loaded WorldCountries.shp " + this .shapeRecords.length);
this .geoSeries = new IgrGeographicShapeSeries ( { name: "series" });
this .geoSeries.dataSource = this .shapeRecords;
this .geoSeries.shapeMemberPath = "points" ;
this .geoSeries.brush = "rgba(146, 146, 146, 0.6)" ;
this .geoSeries.outline = "Black" ;
this .geoSeries.tooltipTemplate = this .createTooltip;
this .geoSeries.thickness = 1 ;
this .geoSeries.styleShape = this .onStylingShape;
this .geoMap.series.add(this .geoSeries);
public onStylingShape(s: IgrGeographicShapeSeries, args: IgrStyleShapeEventArgs) {
const itemRecord = args.item as IgrShapefileRecord;
const shapeStyle = this .currentShapeStyling.generate(itemRecord);
args.shapeOpacity = shapeStyle.opacity;
args.shapeFill = shapeStyle.fill;
args.shapeStroke = shapeStyle.stroke;
args.shapeStrokeThickness = shapeStyle.strokeThickness;
public onOptionsSelected = (e: any ) => {
const stylingType =;
if (stylingType === 'ShapeComparisonStyling' ) {
this .currentShapeStyling = this .shapeComparisonStyling;
} else if (stylingType === 'ShapeScaleStyling' ) {
this .currentShapeStyling = this .shapeScaleStyling;
} else if (stylingType === 'ShapeRangeStyling' ) {
this .currentShapeStyling = this .shapeRangeStyling;
} else {
this .currentShapeStyling = this .shapeRandomStyling;
this .geoSeries.dataSource = this .shapeRecords;
this .setState({ stylingType: stylingType});
public createTooltip(context: any ) {
const dataContext = context.dataContext as IgrDataContext;
if (!dataContext) return null ;
const dataItem = dataContext.item as any ;
if (!dataItem) return null ;
const reg = dataItem.fieldValues.Region;
const name = dataItem.fieldValues.Name;
const pop = WorldUtils.toStringAbbr(dataItem.fieldValues.Population);
return <div className ="tooltipBox" >
<div className ="tooltipTitle" > {name}</div >
<div className ="tooltipBox" >
<div className ="tooltipRow" >
<div className ="tooltipLbl" > Region:</div >
<div className ="tooltipVal" > {reg}</div >
</div >
<div className ="tooltipRow" >
<div className ="tooltipLbl" > Population:</div >
<div className ="tooltipVal" > {pop}</div >
</div >
</div >
</div >
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot (document.getElementById('root' ));
root.render (<MapShapeStyling /> );
tsx コピー
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Importaciones requeridas
El estilo de forma requiere que importe las siguientes clases:
import { IgrGeographicShapeSeries } from 'igniteui-react-maps' ;
import { IgrStyleShapeEventArgs } from 'igniteui-react-charts' ;
import { IgrShapeDataSource } from 'igniteui-react-core' ;
import { IgrShapefileRecord } from 'igniteui-react-core' ;
Tenga en cuenta que los siguientes ejemplos de código utilizan el archivo Shape Styling Utility que proporciona cuatro formas diferentes de diseñar formas:
Estilo aleatorio de forma
Este fragmento de código crea instancias de ShapeRandomStyling que asignarán aleatoriamente colores de relleno a los países del mundo.
import { ShapeRandomStyling } from './ShapeStylingUtility' ;
this .shapeRandomStyling = new ShapeRandomStyling();
this .shapeRandomStyling.shapeStrokeColors = ['Black' ];
this .shapeRandomStyling.shapeFillColors = ['#8C23D1' , '#0E9759' , '#B4D336' , '#F2A464' , '#D74545' , 'DodgerBlue' ];
this .geoSeries = new IgrGeographicShapeSeries();
this .geoSeries.styleShape = this .onStylingShape;
public onStylingShape (s: IgrGeographicShapeSeries, args: IgrStyleShapeEventArgs ) {
const itemRecord = args.item as IgrShapefileRecord;
const shapeStyle = this .ShapeRandomStyling.getStyle(itemRecord);
args.shapeOpacity = shapeStyle.opacity;
args.shapeFill = shapeStyle.fill;
args.shapeStroke = shapeStyle.stroke;
args.shapeStrokeThickness = shapeStyle.strokeThickness;
Estilo de escala de forma
Este fragmento de código crea instancias de ShapeScaleStyling que asignarán colores de relleno a la forma de los países según la población escalada en escala logarítmica.
import { ShapeScaleStyling } from './ShapeStylingUtility' ;
this .shapeScaleStyling = new ShapeScaleStyling();
this .shapeScaleStyling.itemMinimumValue = 5000 ;
this .shapeScaleStyling.itemMaximumValue = 2000000000 ;
this .shapeScaleStyling.itemMemberPath = 'Population' ;
this .shapeScaleStyling.isLogarithmic = true ;
this .shapeScaleStyling.defaultFill = 'Gray' ;
this .shapeScaleStyling.shapeStrokeColors = ['Black' ];
this .shapeScaleStyling.shapeFillColors = ['DodgerBlue' , 'yellow' , '#c2f542' , '#e8c902' , '#e8b602' , '#e87902' , 'brown' ];
this .geoSeries = new IgrGeographicShapeSeries();
this .geoSeries.styleShape = this .onStylingShape;
public onStylingShape (s: IgrGeographicShapeSeries, args: IgrStyleShapeEventArgs ) {
const itemRecord = args.item as IgrShapefileRecord;
const shapeStyle = this .shapeScaleStyling.getStyle(itemRecord);
args.shapeOpacity = shapeStyle.opacity;
args.shapeFill = shapeStyle.fill;
args.shapeStroke = shapeStyle.stroke;
args.shapeStrokeThickness = shapeStyle.strokeThickness;
Estilo de rango de formas
Este fragmento de código crea instancias de ShapeRangeStyling que asignarán colores a la forma de los países según los rangos de población.
import { ShapeRangeStyling } from './ShapeStylingUtility' ;
this .shapeRangeStyling = new ShapeRangeStyling();
this .shapeRangeStyling.defaultFill = 'Gray' ;
this .shapeRangeStyling.itemMemberPath = 'Population' ;
this .shapeRangeStyling.ranges = [
{ fill : 'yellow' , minimum : 5000 , maximum : 10000000 , },
{ fill : 'orange' , minimum : 10000000 , maximum : 100000000 , },
{ fill : 'red' , minimum : 100000000 , maximum : 500000000 , },
{ fill : 'brown' , minimum : 500000000 , maximum : 2000000000 , },
this .geoSeries = new IgrGeographicShapeSeries();
this .geoSeries.styleShape = this .onStylingShape;
public onStylingShape (s: IgrGeographicShapeSeries, args: IgrStyleShapeEventArgs ) {
const itemRecord = args.item as IgrShapefileRecord;
const shapeStyle = this .shapeRangeStyling.getStyle(itemRecord);
args.shapeOpacity = shapeStyle.opacity;
args.shapeFill = shapeStyle.fill;
args.shapeStroke = shapeStyle.stroke;
args.shapeStrokeThickness = shapeStyle.strokeThickness;
Estilo de comparación de formas
Este fragmento de código crea instancias de ShapeComparisonStyling que asignarán colores a los países según el nombre de su región en el mundo.
import { ShapeComparisonStyling } from './ShapeStylingUtility' ;
this .shapeComparisonStyling = new ShapeComparisonStyling();
this .shapeComparisonStyling.defaultFill = 'Gray' ;
this .shapeComparisonStyling.itemMemberPath = 'Region' ;
this .shapeComparisonStyling.itemMappings = [
{ fill : 'Red' , itemValue : 'Eastern Europe' },
{ fill : 'Red' , itemValue : 'Central Asia' },
{ fill : 'Red' , itemValue : 'Eastern Asia' },
{ fill : 'Orange' , itemValue : 'Southern Asia' },
{ fill : 'Orange' , itemValue : 'Middle East' },
{ fill : 'Orange' , itemValue : 'Northern Africa' },
{ fill : 'Yellow' , itemValue : 'Eastern Africa' },
{ fill : 'Yellow' , itemValue : 'Western Africa' },
{ fill : 'Yellow' , itemValue : 'Middle Africa' },
{ fill : 'Yellow' , itemValue : 'Southern Africa' },
{ fill : 'DodgerBlue' , itemValue : 'Central America' },
{ fill : 'DodgerBlue' , itemValue : 'Northern America' },
{ fill : 'DodgerBlue' , itemValue : 'Western Europe' },
{ fill : 'DodgerBlue' , itemValue : 'Southern Europe' },
{ fill : 'DodgerBlue' , itemValue : 'Northern Europe' },
{ fill : '#22c928' , itemValue : 'South America' },
{ fill : '#b64fff' , itemValue : 'Melanesia' },
{ fill : '#b64fff' , itemValue : 'Micronesia' },
{ fill : '#b64fff' , itemValue : 'Polynesia' },
{ fill : '#b64fff' , itemValue : 'Australia' },
this .geoSeries = new IgrGeographicShapeSeries();
this .geoSeries.styleShape = this .onStylingShape;
public onStylingShape (s: IgrGeographicShapeSeries, args: IgrStyleShapeEventArgs ) {
const itemRecord = args.item as IgrShapefileRecord;
const shapeStyle = this .shapeComparisonStyling.getStyle(itemRecord);
args.shapeOpacity = shapeStyle.opacity;
args.shapeFill = shapeStyle.fill;
args.shapeStroke = shapeStyle.stroke;
args.shapeStrokeThickness = shapeStyle.strokeThickness;
Referencias de API