React Visualización de imágenes de Esri Maps
es un servicio gratuito de mapeo de imágenes geográficas creado por la empresa Esri. Proporciona más de 40 estilos de mosaicos de imágenes geográficas del mundo y algunos mosaicos temáticos para los EE. UU. Se puede acceder a este servicio de imágenes geográficas directamente en el sitio web
React Ejemplo de visualización de imágenes de Esri Maps
* Describes available links to imagery tile sources on public ArcGIS/Esri servers.
* You can find up-to-date list on
export enum EsriStyle {
// note Esri maps show geographic tiles for the whole of world with shapes
WorldTopographicMap = "",
WorldStreetMap = "",
WorldSatelliteMap = "",
WorldPhysicalMap = "",
WorldDeLormesMap = "",
WorldTerrainMap = "",
WorldNationalGeoMap = "",
WorldShadedReliefMap = "",
// not usable imagery tiles
// WorldHillShadeDarkMap = "",
// WorldHillShadeLightMap = "",
// WorldElevation3dTerrainMap = "",
// WorldElevation3dTopographicMap = "",
// WorldOceansMap = "",
// note Esri overlays show geographic tiles for the whole of world without any shapes
WorldOceansBaseMap = "",
WorldOceansOverlay = "",
WorldLightGrayMap = "",
WorldLightGrayOverlay = "",
WorldDarkGrayMap = "",
WorldDarkGrayOverlay = "",
WorldAdminOverlay = "",
WorldTransportationOverlay = "",
WorldBordersWithDarkLabelsOverlay ="",
WorldBordersWithLightLabelsOverlay = "",
// these Esri maps show only geographic tiles for the USA
// therefore the Map should be zoomed in to geographic bounds of USA when using them
UsaOwnerOccupiedHousing = "",
UsaSoilSurvey = "",
UsaPopulationOlderThanAge64 = "",
UsaPopulationYoungerThan18 = "",
UsaPopulationGrowth2015 = "",
UsaUnemploymentRate = "",
UsaSocialVulnerability = "",
UsaRetailSpendingPotential = "",
UsaPopulationChange2010 = "",
UsaPopulationChange2000 = "",
UsaPopulationDensity = "",
UsaPopulationByGender = "",
UsaMedianHouseholdIncome = "",
UsaMedianNetWorth = "",
UsaMedianHomeValue = "",
UsaMedianAge = "",
UsaLaborForceParticipation = "",
UsaAverageHouseholdSize = "",
UsaDiversityIndex = "",
UsaRailNetwork = "",
export class EsriUtility {
public static getUri(style: EsriStyle): string {
let isHttpSecured = window.location.toString().startsWith("https:");
// resolving Esri Server uri based on hosting website
let uri: string = style;
if (!isHttpSecured) {
uri = uri.replace("https:", "http:");
// console.log("uri " + uri);
return uri;
tsimport { IgrGeographicMap } from "@infragistics/igniteui-react-maps";
export enum MapRegion {
Caribbean = "Caribbean",
UnitedStates = "United States",
UnitedKingdom = "United Kingdom",
European = "European",
SouthAfrica = "South Africa",
Poland = "Poland",
Australia = "Australia",
Japan = "Japan",
Uruguay = "Uruguay",
Egypt = "Egypt",
Hawaii = "Hawaii",
export class MapUtils {
public static navigateTo(geoMap: IgrGeographicMap, name: MapRegion): void {
const geoRect = this.getRegions()[name];
// console.log("MapUtils " + name) ;
public static toPixel(num: number): string {
const s = Math.abs(num).toFixed(0);
return s + " px";
public static toLng(num: number): string {
num = this.clamp(num, -180, 180);
let s = Math.abs(num).toFixed(1);
if (num < 100) {
s = " " + s
if (num > 0) {
return s + "°E";
} else {
return s + "°W";
public static toLat(num: number): string {
num = this.clamp(num, -90, 90);
let s = Math.abs(num).toFixed(1);
if (num < 100) {
s = " " + s
if (num > 0) {
return s + "°N";
} else {
return s + "°S";
public static clamp(num: number, min: number, max: number): number {
return Math.max(min, Math.min(max, num));
public static pad(num: number, places?: number): string {
places = places || 20;
let s = num.toFixed(1).toString();
while (s.length < places) {s = " " + s;}
return s;
public static getBingKey(): string {
return "Avlo7qsH1zZZI0XNpTwZ4XwvUJmCbd-mczMeUXVAW9kYYOKdmBIVRe8aoO02Xctq";
public static getRegions(): any {
// create regions only once
if (this.Regions === undefined) {
return this.Regions;
private static Regions: any;
private static addRegion(name: string, geoRect: any): void { = name;
geoRect.longitude = geoRect.left + (geoRect.width / 2);
geoRect.latitude = + (geoRect.height / 2);
this.Regions[name] = geoRect;
private static createRegions(): void {
this.Regions = {};
this.addRegion(MapRegion.Australia, { left: 81.5, top: -52.0, width: 98.0, height: 56.0 });
this.addRegion(MapRegion.Caribbean, { left: -92.9, top: 5.4, width: 35.1, height: 25.8 });
this.addRegion(MapRegion.Egypt, { left: 19.3, top: 19.9, width: 19.3, height: 13.4 });
this.addRegion(MapRegion.European, { left: -36.0, top:31.0, width: 98.0, height: 38.0 });
this.addRegion(MapRegion.Japan, { left: 122.7, top: 29.4, width: 27.5, height: 17.0 });
this.addRegion(MapRegion.Hawaii, { left: -161.2, top: 18.5, width: 6.6, height: 4.8 });
this.addRegion(MapRegion.Poland, { left: 13.0, top: 48.0, width: 11.0, height: 9.0 });
this.addRegion(MapRegion.SouthAfrica, { left: 9.0, top: -37.1, width: 26.0, height: 17.8 });
this.addRegion(MapRegion.UnitedStates, { left: -134.5, top: 16.0, width: 70.0, height: 37.0 });
this.addRegion(MapRegion.UnitedKingdom, { left: -15.0, top: 49.5, width: 22.5, height: 8.0 });
this.addRegion(MapRegion.Uruguay, { left: -62.1, top: -35.7, width: 10.6, height: 7.0 });
tsimport React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
import './index.css';
import { MapUtils, MapRegion } from './MapUtils';
import { EsriUtility, EsriStyle } from './EsriUtility';
import { IgrArcGISOnlineMapImagery } from "@infragistics/igniteui-react-maps";
import { IgrGeographicMapModule } from "@infragistics/igniteui-react-maps";
import { IgrGeographicMap } from "@infragistics/igniteui-react-maps";
import { IgrDataChartInteractivityModule } from "@infragistics/igniteui-react-charts";
export default class MapDisplayImageryEsri extends React.Component<any, any> {
constructor(props: any) {
this.onEsriMapStreet = this.onEsriMapStreet.bind(this);
this.onEsriMapOceans = this.onEsriMapOceans.bind(this);
this.onEsriMapNational = this.onEsriMapNational.bind(this);
this.onEsriMapTopographic = this.onEsriMapTopographic.bind(this);
public render(): JSX.Element {
return (
<div className="container horizontal" >
<div className="container">
width="100%" height="100%" zoomable="true"/>
<div className="container">
width="100%" height="100%" zoomable="true"/>
<div className="container">
width="100%" height="100%" zoomable="true"/>
<div className="overlay-bottom-right overlay-border">Imagery Tiles: @ESRI/ArcGIS</div>
public onEsriMapStreet(geoMap: IgrGeographicMap) {
if (!geoMap) { return; }
const tileSource = new IgrArcGISOnlineMapImagery();
tileSource.mapServerUri = EsriUtility.getUri(EsriStyle.WorldStreetMap);
geoMap.backgroundContent = tileSource;
MapUtils.navigateTo(geoMap, MapRegion.Caribbean);
public onEsriMapOceans(geoMap: IgrGeographicMap) {
if (!geoMap) { return; }
const tileSource = new IgrArcGISOnlineMapImagery();
tileSource.mapServerUri = EsriUtility.getUri(EsriStyle.WorldOceansBaseMap);
// or
// tileSource.mapServerUri = "";
geoMap.backgroundContent = tileSource;
MapUtils.navigateTo(geoMap, MapRegion.Caribbean);
public onEsriMapTopographic(geoMap: IgrGeographicMap) {
if (!geoMap) { return; }
const tileSource = new IgrArcGISOnlineMapImagery();
tileSource.mapServerUri = EsriUtility.getUri(EsriStyle.WorldTopographicMap);
geoMap.backgroundContent = tileSource;
MapUtils.navigateTo(geoMap, MapRegion.Caribbean);
public onEsriMapNational(geoMap: IgrGeographicMap) {
if (!geoMap) { return; }
const tileSource = new IgrArcGISOnlineMapImagery();
tileSource.mapServerUri = EsriUtility.getUri(EsriStyle.WorldNationalGeoMap);
geoMap.backgroundContent = tileSource;
MapUtils.navigateTo(geoMap, MapRegion.Caribbean);
// rendering above class to the React DOM
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));
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Fragmento de código
El siguiente fragmento de código muestra cómo mostrar teselas de imágenes geográficas React de los servidores de imágenes de Esri en IgrGeographicMap
la clase using IgrArcGISOnlineMapImagery
import { IgrGeographicMap } from 'igniteui-react-maps';
import { IgrArcGISOnlineMapImagery } from 'igniteui-react-maps';
// ...
const tileSource = new IgrArcGISOnlineMapImagery();
tileSource.mapServerUri = "";
const geoMap = new IgrGeographicMap({ name: "geoMap" });
geoMap.backgroundContent = tileSource;
Utilidad Esri
Alternativamente, puede utilizar EsriUtility, que define todos los estilos proporcionados por los servidores de imágenes de Esri.
import { IgrGeographicMap } from 'igniteui-react-maps';
import { IgrArcGISOnlineMapImagery } from 'igniteui-react-maps';
import { EsriUtility, EsriStyle } from './EsriUtility';
// ...
const tileSource = new IgrArcGISOnlineMapImagery();
tileSource.mapServerUri = EsriUtility.getUri(EsriStyle.WorldOceansMap);
const geoMap = new IgrGeographicMap({ name: "geoMap" });
geoMap.backgroundContent = tileSource;