React Horizontal Scrolling
The Ignite UI for React Data Table / Data Grid supports Horizontal Scrolling is enabled by setting the total width of the columns greater than the width of the React data grid.
React Horizontal Scrolling Example
export class DataGridSharedData {
public static getEmployees(count?: number): any[] {
if (count === undefined) {
count = 250;
const employees: any[] = [];
let maleCount: number = 0;
let femaleCount: number = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
const age: number = Math.round(this.getRandomNumber(20, 40));
const gender: string = this.getRandomGender();
const firstName: string = this.getRandomNameFirst(gender);
const lastName: string = this.getRandomNameLast();
const street: string = this.getRandomStreet();
const country: string = this.getRandomItem(this.countries);
const city: string = this.getRandomCity(country);
const generation = Math.floor(age / 10) * 10 + "s";
const email: string = firstName.toLowerCase() + "@" + this.getRandomItem(this.emails);
const website: string = firstName.toLowerCase() + "-" + this.getRandomItem(this.websites);
let photoPath: any;
if (gender === "male") {
if (maleCount > 26) {
maleCount = 1;
photoPath = this.getPhotoMale(maleCount);
else {
if (femaleCount > 24) {
femaleCount = 1;
photoPath = this.getPhotoFemale(femaleCount);
let person: any = {};
person.Address = street + "," + city;
person.Age = age;
person.Birthday = this.getBirthday(age);
person.City = city;
person.Country = country;
person.CountryFlag = this.getCountryFlag(country);
person.Email = email;
person.FirstName = firstName;
person.Gender = this.getGenderPhoto(gender);
person.Generation = generation;
person.ID = this.pad(i + 1, 5);
person.LastName = lastName;
person.Name = firstName + " " + lastName;
person.Phone = this.getRandomPhone();
person.Photo = photoPath;
person.Street = street;
person.Salary = this.getRandomNumber(40, 200) * 1000;
person.Sales = this.getRandomNumber(200, 980) * 1000;
person.Website = website;
person.Productivity = this.getProductivity();
if (person.Salary < 50000) {
person.Income = "Low";
} else if (person.Salary < 100000) {
person.Income = "Average";
} else {
person.Income = "High";
return employees;
public static getProductivity(weekCount?: number): any[] {
if (weekCount === undefined) {
weekCount = 52;
const productivity: any[] = [];
for (let w = 0; w < weekCount; w++) {
const value = this.getRandomNumber(-50, 50);
productivity.push({Value: value, Week: w});
return productivity;
public static getSales(count?: number): any[] {
if (count === undefined) {
count = 250;
const names: string[] = [
"Intel CPU", "AMD CPU",
"Intel Motherboard", "AMD Motherboard", "NVIDIA Motherboard",
"Corsair Memory", "Patriot Memory", "Skill Memory",
"Samsung HDD", "WD HDD", "Seagate HDD", "Intel HDD",
"Samsung SSD", "WD SSD", "Seagate SSD", "Intel SSD",
"Samsung Monitor", "Asus Monitor", "LG Monitor", "HP Monitor" ];
const countries: string[] = ["USA", "UK", "France", "Canada", "Poland", "Japan", "Germany"];
const status: string[] = ["Packing", "Shipped", "Delivered"];
const sales: any[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
const price = this.getRandomNumber(100, 900);
const items = this.getRandomNumber(10, 80);
const value = price * items;
const margin = this.getRandomNumber(3, 10);
const profit = Math.round((price * margin / 100) * items);
const country = this.getRandomItem(countries);
BundlePrice: price,
ProductPrice: price,
Margin: margin,
OrderDate: this.getRandomDate(new Date(2012, 0, 1), new Date()),
OrderItems: items,
OrderValue: value, // Math.round(value / 1000) + "," + Math.round(value % 1000),
ProductID: 1001 + i,
ProductName: this.getRandomItem(names),
Profit: profit,
Countries: country,
CountryFlag: this.getCountryFlag(country),
Status: this.getRandomItem(status)
return sales;
public static getHouses(count?: number): any[] {
if (count === undefined) {
count = 250;
const houses: any[] = [];
const property: string[] = [ "Townhouse", "Single", "Condo", "Villa"];
const emails: string[] = [ "", "", "", "", ""];
const countries: string[] = ["USA", "UK", "France", "Canada", "Poland", "Japan", "Germany"];
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
const year: number = this.getRandomNumber(1950, 2015);
const age: number = 2020 - year;
const gender: string = this.getRandomGender();
const firstName: string = this.getRandomNameFirst(gender);
const lastName: string = this.getRandomNameLast();
const initials = firstName.substr(0, 1).toLowerCase();
const email: string = initials + lastName.toLowerCase() + "@" + this.getRandomItem(emails);
const street: string = this.getRandomStreet();
const country: string = this.getRandomItem(countries);
const city: string = this.getRandomCity(country);
Address: street + "," + city,
Age: age,
Agent: firstName + " " + lastName,
Area: this.getRandomNumber(50, 300),
Baths: this.getRandomNumber(1, 3),
Built: year,
City: city,
Country: country,
CountryFlag: this.getCountryFlag(country),
Email: email,
ID: this.pad(i + 1, 5),
Phone: this.getRandomPhone(),
Price: this.getRandomNumber(210, 900) * 1000,
Property: this.getRandomItem(property),
Rooms: this.getRandomNumber(2, 5),
SaleDate: this.getRandomDate(new Date(2015, 0, 1), new Date()),
Street: street,
return houses;
private static websites: string[] = [ ".com", ".gov", ".edu", ".org"];
private static emails: string[] = [ "", "", ""];
private static genders: string[] = ["male", "female"];
private static maleNames: string[] = ["Kyle", "Oscar", "Ralph", "Mike", "Bill", "Frank", "Howard", "Jack", "Larry", "Pete", "Steve", "Vince", "Mark", "Alex", "Max", "Brian", "Chris", "Andrew", "Martin", "Mike", "Steve", "Glenn", "Bruce"];
private static femaleNames: string[] = ["Gina", "Irene", "Katie", "Brenda", "Casey", "Fiona", "Holly", "Kate", "Liz", "Pamela", "Nelly", "Marisa", "Monica", "Anna", "Jessica", "Sofia", "Isabella", "Margo", "Jane", "Audrey", "Sally", "Melanie", "Greta", "Aurora", "Sally"];
private static lastNames: string[] = ["Adams", "Crowley", "Ellis", "Martinez", "Irvine", "Maxwell", "Clark", "Owens", "Rooney", "Lincoln", "Thomas", "Spacey", "MOrgan", "King", "Newton", "Fitzgerald", "Holmes", "Jefferson", "Landry", "Berry", "Perez", "Spencer", "Starr", "Carter", "Edwards", "Stark", "Johnson", "Fitz", "Chief", "Blanc", "Perry", "Stone", "Williams", "Lane", "Jobs", "Adams", "Power", "Tesla"];
private static countries: string[] = ["USA", "UK", "France", "Canada", "Poland"];
private static citiesUS: string[] = ["New York", "Los Angeles", "Miami", "San Francisco", "San Diego", "Las Vegas"];
private static citiesUK: string[] = ["London", "Liverpool", "Manchester"];
private static citiesFR: string[] = ["Paris", "Marseille", "Lyon"];
private static citiesCA: string[] = ["Toronto", "Vancouver", "Montreal"];
private static citiesPL: string[] = ["Krakow", "Warsaw", "Wroclaw", "Gdansk"];
private static citiesJP: string[] = ["Tokyo", "Osaka", "Kyoto", "Yokohama"];
private static citiesGR: string[] = ["Berlin", "Bonn", "Cologne", "Munich", "Hamburg"];
private static roadSuffixes: string[] = ["Road", "Street", "Way"];
private static roadNames: string[] = ["Main", "Garden", "Broad", "Oak", "Cedar", "Park", "Pine", "Elm", "Market", "Hill"];
private static getRandomNumber(min: number, max: number): number {
return Math.round(min + Math.random() * (max - min));
private static getRandomItem(array: any[]): any {
const index = Math.round(this.getRandomNumber(0, array.length - 1));
return array[index];
private static getRandomDate(start: Date, end: Date): Date {
return new Date(start.getTime() + Math.random() * (end.getTime() - start.getTime()));
private static getRandomPhone(): string {
const phoneCode = this.getRandomNumber(100, 900);
const phoneNum1 = this.getRandomNumber(100, 900);
const phoneNum2 = this.getRandomNumber(1000, 9000);
const phone = phoneCode + "-" + phoneNum1 + "-" + phoneNum2;
return phone;
private static getRandomGender(): string {
return this.getRandomItem(this.genders);
private static getRandomNameLast(): string {
return this.getRandomItem(this.lastNames);
private static getRandomNameFirst(gender: string): string {
if (gender === "male") {
return this.getRandomItem(this.maleNames);
else {
return this.getRandomItem(this.femaleNames);
private static getRandomCity(country: string): string {
if (country === "Canada") {
return this.getRandomItem(this.citiesCA);
} else if (country === "France") {
return this.getRandomItem(this.citiesFR);
} else if (country === "Poland") {
return this.getRandomItem(this.citiesPL);
} else if (country === "USA") {
return this.getRandomItem(this.citiesUS);
} else if (country === "Japan") {
return this.getRandomItem(this.citiesJP);
} else if (country === "Germany") {
return this.getRandomItem(this.citiesGR);
} else { // if (country === "United Kingdom") {
return this.getRandomItem(this.citiesUK);
private static getRandomStreet(): string {
const num = Math.round(this.getRandomNumber(100, 300)).toString();
const road = this.getRandomItem(this.roadNames);
const suffix = this.getRandomItem(this.roadSuffixes);
return num + " " + road + " " + suffix;
private static getBirthday(age: number): Date {
const today: Date = new Date();
const year: number = today.getFullYear() - age;
const month: number = this.getRandomNumber(0, 8);
const day: number = this.getRandomNumber(10, 27);
return new Date(year, month, day);
private static getPhotoMale(id: number): string {
return '' + this.pad(id, 2) + '.png';
private static getPhotoFemale(id: number): string {
return '' + this.pad(id, 2) + '.png';
private static getGenderPhoto(gender: string): string {
return '' + gender + '.png';
private static getCountryFlag(country: string): string {
return '' + country + '.png';
private static pad(num: number, size: number): string{
let s = num + "";
while (s.length < size) {
s = "0" + s;
return s;
tsimport React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
import './index.css';
import { DataGridSharedData } from './DataGridSharedData';
import { IgrDataGridModule } from "@infragistics/igniteui-react-grids";
import { IgrDataGrid } from "@infragistics/igniteui-react-grids";
import { IgrTextColumn } from "@infragistics/igniteui-react-grids";
import { IgrNumericColumn } from "@infragistics/igniteui-react-grids";
import { IgrDateTimeColumn } from "@infragistics/igniteui-react-grids";
import { IgrImageColumn } from "@infragistics/igniteui-react-grids";
import { IgrGridColumnOptionsModule } from "@infragistics/igniteui-react-grids";
export default class DataGridColumnScrolling extends React.Component<any, any> {
public data: any[];
constructor(props: any) {
this.state = { componentVisible: true } = DataGridSharedData.getEmployees();
public render(): JSX.Element {
return (
<div className="container sample">
<IgrTextColumn field="ID" headerText="ID" width="*>110" horizontalAlignment="center"/>
<IgrTextColumn field="FirstName" headerText="First Name" width="*>190"/>
<IgrTextColumn field="LastName" headerText="Last Name" width="*>190"/>
<IgrImageColumn field="CountryFlag" headerText="Country" paddingTop="5" paddingBottom="5"
width="*>160" contentOpacity="1" horizontalAlignment="center"/>
<IgrDateTimeColumn field="Birthday" headerText="Date of Birth" width="*>170" horizontalAlignment="center"/>
<IgrNumericColumn field="Age" width="*>120" horizontalAlignment="center"/>
<IgrTextColumn field="Street" headerText="Address" width="*>260"/>
<IgrTextColumn field="City" width="*>170" />
<IgrTextColumn field="Country" width="*>170" />
<IgrNumericColumn field="Salary" width="*>120" headerText="Salary" positivePrefix="$" showGroupingSeparator="true"/>
<IgrNumericColumn field="Sales" width="*>120" headerText="Sales" positivePrefix="$" showGroupingSeparator="true"/>
// rendering above class to the React DOM
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));
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Setting Default Column Width
Setting Individual Column Widths
<IgrTextColumn field="FirstName" headerText="First Name" width="300"/>
<IgrTextColumn field="LastName" headerText="Last Name" width="300"/>
<IgrNumericColumn field="Age" headerText="Age" width="300"/>
<IgrDateTimeColumn field="Birthday" headerText="Birth Date" width="300"/>
<IgrTextColumn field="Street" headerText="Street Address" width="300"/>
<IgrTextColumn field="City" headerText="City and State" width="300"/>
<IgrTextColumn field="Salary" headerText="Salary" width="300"/>
<IgrTextColumn field="Sales" headerText="Sales" width="300"/>