Row Actions in React Hierarchical Grid
The Ignite UI for React Row Actions feature in React Hierarchical Grid enables developers to use an IgrActionStrip
and utilize CRUD for row/cell components and row pinning. There are several predefined UI controls for these operations that are applicable to a specific row in the IgrHierarchicalGrid
– editing and pinning.
The predefined actions UI components are:
They are added inside the IgrHierarchicalGrid
and this is all needed to have an IgrActionStrip
providing default interactions.
<IgrHierarchicalGrid id ="hierarchicalGrid" rowEditable ="true" primaryKey ="ID" >
<IgrColumn field ="field" >
</IgrColumn >
<IgrActionStrip name ="actionStrip" >
<IgrGridPinningActions > </IgrGridPinningActions >
<IgrGridEditingActions > </IgrGridEditingActions >
</IgrActionStrip >
</IgrHierarchicalGrid >
When ActionStripComponent is a child component of the IgrHierarchicalGrid, hovering a row will automatically show the UI.
Custom Implementation
These components expose templates giving flexibility for customization. For instance, if we would like to use the IgrActionStrip
for a Gmail scenario with row actions such as delete , edit and etc. You can simply create button component with icon, add click event to it and insert it into the IgrActionStrip
<IgrHierarchicalGrid >
<IgrActionStrip name ="actionStrip" >
<IgrGridPinningActions > </IgrGridPinningActions >
<IgrGridEditingActions editRow ="true" deleteRow ="true" > </IgrGridEditingActions >
</IgrActionStrip >
</IgrHierarchicalGrid >
import React from 'react' ;
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client' ;
import './index.css' ;
import { IgrHierarchicalGridModule } from "@infragistics/igniteui-react-grids" ;
import { IgrHierarchicalGrid, IgrPinningConfig, RowPinningPosition, IgrActionStrip, IgrGridPinningActions, IgrGridEditingActions, IgrColumn, IgrRowIsland } from "@infragistics/igniteui-react-grids" ;
import SingersData from './SingersData.json' ;
import "@infragistics/igniteui-react-grids/grids/combined" ;
import "@infragistics/igniteui-react-grids/grids/themes/light/bootstrap.css" ;
const mods : any [] = [
mods.forEach((m) => m.register());
export default class Sample extends React.Component <any, any> {
private hierarchicalGrid1: IgrHierarchicalGrid
private hierarchicalGrid1Ref(r: IgrHierarchicalGrid) {
this .hierarchicalGrid1 = r;
this .setState({});
private _pinningConfig1: IgrPinningConfig | null = null ;
public get pinningConfig1(): IgrPinningConfig {
if (this ._pinningConfig1 == null )
var pinningConfig1: IgrPinningConfig = {} as IgrPinningConfig;
pinningConfig1.rows = RowPinningPosition.Top;
this ._pinningConfig1 = pinningConfig1;
return this ._pinningConfig1;
private actionStrip: IgrActionStrip
constructor (props: any ) {
super (props);
this .hierarchicalGrid1Ref = this .hierarchicalGrid1Ref.bind(this );
public render (): JSX .Element {
return (
<div className ="container sample ig-typography" >
<div className ="container fill" >
autoGenerate ="false"
data ={this.singersData}
primaryKey ="ID"
rowEditable ="true"
allowFiltering ="true"
pinning ={this.pinningConfig1}
ref ={this.hierarchicalGrid1Ref} >
name ="actionStrip" >
</IgrGridPinningActions >
editRow ="true"
deleteRow ="true"
addRow ="true" >
</IgrGridEditingActions >
</IgrActionStrip >
field ="Artist"
header ="Artist"
dataType ="String"
sortable ="true" >
</IgrColumn >
field ="Photo"
header ="Photo"
dataType ="Image"
sortable ="true" >
</IgrColumn >
field ="Debut"
header ="Debut"
dataType ="Number"
sortable ="true" >
</IgrColumn >
field ="GrammyNominations"
header ="Grammy Nominations"
dataType ="Number"
sortable ="true" >
</IgrColumn >
field ="GrammyAwards"
header ="Grammy Awards"
dataType ="Number"
sortable ="true" >
</IgrColumn >
childDataKey ="Albums"
autoGenerate ="false" >
field ="Album"
header ="Album"
dataType ="String"
sortable ="true" >
</IgrColumn >
field ="LaunchDate"
header ="Launch Date"
dataType ="Date"
sortable ="true" >
</IgrColumn >
field ="BillboardReview"
header ="Billboard Review"
dataType ="String"
sortable ="true" >
</IgrColumn >
field ="USBillboard200"
header ="US Billboard 200"
dataType ="String"
sortable ="true" >
</IgrColumn >
childDataKey ="Songs"
autoGenerate ="false" >
field ="Number"
header ="No."
dataType ="String" >
</IgrColumn >
field ="Title"
header ="Title"
dataType ="String" >
</IgrColumn >
field ="Released"
header ="Released"
dataType ="Date" >
</IgrColumn >
field ="Genre"
header ="Genre"
dataType ="String" >
</IgrColumn >
</IgrRowIsland >
</IgrRowIsland >
childDataKey ="Tours"
autoGenerate ="false" >
field ="Tour"
header ="Tour"
dataType ="String" >
</IgrColumn >
field ="StartedOn"
header ="Started on"
dataType ="String" >
</IgrColumn >
field ="Location"
header ="Location"
dataType ="String" >
</IgrColumn >
field ="Headliner"
header ="Headliner"
dataType ="String" >
</IgrColumn >
</IgrRowIsland >
</IgrHierarchicalGrid >
</div >
</div >
private _singersData: any [] = SingersData;
public get singersData(): any [] {
return this ._singersData;
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot (document.getElementById('root' ));
root.render (<Sample /> );
tsx コピー
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