Angular Descripción general del control deslizante de zoom
El control ZoomSlider Angular proporciona funcionalidad de zoom a los controles habilitados para rango. El ZoomSlider cuenta con una barra de desplazamiento horizontal, una miniatura de todo el rango y una ventana de rango de zoom de tamaño variable. ZoomSlider no puede funcionar como un control independiente y actúa como una mejora para los controles basados en rangos, como DataChart o CategoryChart.
Angular Ejemplo de control deslizante de zoom
El siguiente ejemplo demuestra cómo usar IgxZoomSliderComponent
para navegar por el contenido en IgxDataChartComponent
import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
export class SampleScatterStats {
public static countries: Country[];
public static getCountries(count?: number): any[] {
if (this.countries === undefined) {
this.countries = this.initData();
if (count === undefined) {
count = 1000;
const items: Country[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.countries.length; i++) {
const country = this.countries[i];
if (i < count) {
// items = items.sort(this.sortByPopDescending);
return items;
public static getCountriesWithHighIncome(): any[] {
if (this.countries === undefined) {
this.countries = this.initData();
const items: any[] = [];
for (const country of this.countries) {
if (country.gdpPerCapita >= 10000) {
return items;
public static getCountriesWithLowIncome(): any[] {
if (this.countries === undefined) {
this.countries = this.initData();
const items: any[] = [];
for (const country of this.countries) {
if (country.gdpPerCapita < 10000) {
return items;
public static getCountriesWithLargePop(): any[] {
if (this.countries === undefined) {
this.countries = this.initData();
const items: any[] = [];
for (const country of this.countries) {
if (country.population >= 10000000) {
return items;
public static getCountriesWithSmallPop(): any[] {
if (this.countries === undefined) {
this.countries = this.initData();
const items: any[] = [];
for (const country of this.countries) {
if (country.population < 10000000) {
return items;
public static sortByPopDescending(a: Country, b: Country) {
if (a.population > b.population) { return 1; }
if (a.population < b.population) { return -1; }
return 0;
public static sortByPopAscending(a: Country, b: Country) {
if (a.population > b.population) { return -1; }
if (a.population < b.population) { return 1; }
return 0;
public static sortByGdpAscending(a: Country, b: Country) {
if (a.gdpPerCapita > b.gdpPerCapita) { return -1; }
if (a.gdpPerCapita < b.gdpPerCapita) { return 1; }
return 0;
public static sortByGdpDescending(a: Country, b: Country) {
if (a.gdpPerCapita > b.gdpPerCapita) { return 1; }
if (a.gdpPerCapita < b.gdpPerCapita) { return -1; }
return 0;
public static sortByDepDescending(a: Country, b: Country) {
if (a.dptPerCapita > b.dptPerCapita) { return 1; }
if (a.dptPerCapita < b.dptPerCapita) { return -1; }
return 0;
public static sortByDptAscending(a: Country, b: Country) {
if (a.dptPerCapita > b.dptPerCapita) { return -1; }
if (a.dptPerCapita < b.dptPerCapita) { return 1; }
return 0;
public static initData(): Country[] {
let data: Country[] = [];
// Code, Population, GDP per Capita, Debt per Capita, Mobile Phones (per 100 people), Name, Region
data.push(new Country("AFG", 29824536, 688, 92, 46, "Afghanistan", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("ALB", 2801681, 4406, 882, 86, "Albania", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("DZA", 38481705, 5310, 115, 88, "Algeria", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("ADO", 78360, 40365, 15212, 84, "Andorra", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("AGO", 20820525, 5539, 944, 48, "Angola", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("ATG", 89069, 13406, 4388, 193, "Antigua and Barbuda", "North America"));
data.push(new Country("ARG", 41086927, 14680, 7759, 141, "Argentina", "South America"));
data.push(new Country("ARM", 2969081, 3354, 1584, 130, "Armenia", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("ABW", 102384, 0, 4935, 130, "Aruba", "South America"));
data.push(new Country("AUS", 22723900, 67436, 52596, 100, "Australia", "Oceania"));
data.push(new Country("AUT", 8429991, 46792, 90128, 146, "Austria", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("AZE", 9295784, 7394, 8513, 100, "Azerbaijan", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("BHS", 371960, 21908, 1067, 119, "Bahamas", "North America"));
data.push(new Country("BHR", 1317827, 23040, 13261, 125, "Bahrain", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("BGD", 154695368, 750, 149, 45, "Bangladesh", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("BRB", 283221, 14917, 2456, 125, "Barbados", "North America"));
data.push(new Country("BLR", 9464000, 6722, 2629, 109, "Belarus", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("BEL", 11128246, 43396, 113603, 111, "Belgium", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("BLZ", 324060, 4852, 3079, 63, "Belize", "North America"));
data.push(new Country("BEN", 10050702, 751, 308, 74, "Benin", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("BMU", 64798, 84471, 2575, 136, "Bermuda", "North America"));
data.push(new Country("BTN", 741822, 2509, 1193, 55, "Bhutan", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("BOL", 10496285, 2576, 275, 71, "Bolivia", "South America"));
data.push(new Country("BIH", 3833916, 4396, 2052, 81, "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("BWA", 2003910, 7255, 1208, 120, "Botswana", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("BRA", 198656019, 11320, 1608, 101, "Brazil", "South America"));
data.push(new Country("BRN", 412238, 41127, 0, 109, "Brunei", "Oceania"));
data.push(new Country("BGR", 7305888, 7022, 6261, 138, "Bulgaria", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("BFA", 16460141, 652, 136, 37, "Burkina Faso", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("BDI", 9849569, 251, 167, 18, "Burundi", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("CPV", 494401, 3554, 714, 76, "Cabo Verde", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("KHM", 14864646, 945, 304, 57, "Cambodia", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("CMR", 21699631, 1220, 164, 42, "Cameroon", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("CAN", 34754312, 52409, 29625, 76, "Canada", "North America"));
data.push(new Country("CYM", 57570, 0, 2078, 181, "Cayman Islands", "North America"));
data.push(new Country("CAF", 4525209, 479, 270, 23, "Central African Republic", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("TCD", 12448175, 1035, 160, 25, "Chad", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("CHL", 17464814, 15245, 5867, 116, "Chile", "South America"));
data.push(new Country("CHN", 1350695000, 6093, 2221, 63, "China", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("COL", 47704427, 7763, 1269, 96, "Colombia", "South America"));
data.push(new Country("COM", 717503, 831, 430, 24, "Comoros", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("ZAR", 65705093, 418, 197, 19, "Congo Dem. Rep.", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("COG", 4337051, 3154, 1722, 90, "Congo Rep.", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("CRI", 4805295, 9443, 1874, 67, "Costa Rica", "North America"));
data.push(new Country("CIV", 19839750, 1244, 527, 82, "Cote d'Ivoire", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("HRV", 4267558, 13159, 13519, 114, "Croatia", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("CUB", 11270957, 0, 1780, 9, "Cuba", "North America"));
data.push(new Country("CUW", 152056, 0, 0, 138, "Curacao", "North America"));
data.push(new Country("CYP", 1128994, 26352, 37812, 94, "Cyprus", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("CZE", 10510785, 18690, 8260, 123, "Czech Republic", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("DNK", 5591572, 56364, 101084, 116, "Denmark", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("DJI", 859652, 1575, 573, 20, "Djibouti", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("DMA", 71684, 6913, 3000, 148, "Dominica", "North America"));
data.push(new Country("DOM", 10276621, 5733, 1162, 89, "Dominican Republic", "North America"));
data.push(new Country("ECU", 15492264, 5425, 995, 99, "Ecuador", "South America"));
data.push(new Country("EGY", 80721874, 3256, 391, 91, "Egypt", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("SLV", 6297394, 3782, 1953, 124, "El Salvador", "North America"));
data.push(new Country("GNQ", 736296, 22391, 634, 57, "Equatorial Guinea", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("ERI", 6130922, 504, 195, 3, "Eritrea", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("EST", 1325016, 16887, 16944, 127, "Estonia", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("ETH", 91728849, 467, 51, 8, "Ethiopia", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("EUU", 505640311, 32917, 0, 118, "Euroean Union", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("FRO", 49506, 0, 0, 120, "Faeroe Islands", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("FJI", 874742, 4613, 150, 81, "Fiji", "Oceania"));
data.push(new Country("FIN", 5413971, 45649, 68960, 156, "Finland", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("FRA", 65676758, 39759, 74619, 91, "France", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("GAB", 1632572, 10930, 1587, 103, "Gabon", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("GMB", 1791225, 510, 306, 88, "Gambia", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("GEO", 4490700, 3529, 1940, 91, "Georgia", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("DEU", 80425823, 42598, 57755, 106, "Germany", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("GHA", 25366462, 1646, 274, 72, "Ghana", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("GRC", 11092771, 22395, 47636, 111, "Greece", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("GRL", 56810, 0, 1035, 101, "Greenland", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("GRD", 105483, 7598, 3402, 116, "Grenada", "North America"));
data.push(new Country("GTM", 15082831, 3341, 1216, 126, "Guatemala", "North America"));
data.push(new Country("GIN", 11451273, 493, 305, 37, "Guinea", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("GNB", 1663558, 494, 722, 43, "Guinea-Bissau", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("GUY", 795369, 3585, 1049, 71, "Guyana", "South America"));
data.push(new Country("HTI", 10173775, 776, 36, 40, "Haiti", "North America"));
data.push(new Country("HND", 7935846, 2339, 465, 125, "Honduras", "North America"));
data.push(new Country("HKG", 7154600, 36708, 105420, 196, "Hong Kong", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("HUN", 9920362, 12560, 14821, 120, "Hungary", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("ISL", 320716, 42362, 362942, 107, "Iceland", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("IND", 1236686732, 1503, 240, 62, "India", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("IDN", 246864191, 3551, 837, 88, "Indonesia", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("IRN", 76424443, 6578, 170, 73, "Iran", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("IRQ", 32578209, 6625, 1641, 75, "Iraq", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("IRL", 4586897, 45922, 512083, 105, "Ireland", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("ISR", 7910500, 32567, 12070, 123, "Israel", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("ITA", 59539717, 33814, 36841, 155, "Italy", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("JAM", 2707805, 5464, 4660, 116, "Jamaica", "North America"));
data.push(new Country("JPN", 127561489, 46548, 24000, 97, "Japan", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("JOR", 6318000, 4909, 903, 103, "Jordan", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("KAZ", 16791425, 12120, 6060, 122, "Kazakhstan", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("KEN", 43178141, 933, 200, 61, "Kenya", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("KIR", 100786, 1736, 120, 11, "Kiribati", "Oceania"));
data.push(new Country("PRK", 24763188, 0, 544, 2, "Korea North", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("KOR", 50004441, 24454, 7567, 105, "Korea South", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("KSV", 1807106, 3567, 0, 0, "Kosovo", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("KWT", 3250496, 56367, 15754, 133, "Kuwait", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("KGZ", 5607200, 1178, 699, 99, "Kyrgyzstan", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("LAO", 6645827, 1412, 900, 63, "Laos", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("LVA", 2034319, 13947, 18527, 110, "Latvia", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("LBN", 4424888, 9764, 8815, 66, "Lebanon", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("LSO", 2051545, 1135, 255, 49, "Lesotho", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("LBR", 4190435, 414, 65, 40, "Liberia", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("LBY", 6154623, 13303, 972, 180, "Libya", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("LIE", 36656, 0, 0, 98, "Liechtenstein", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("LTU", 2987773, 14172, 9995, 159, "Lithuania", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("LUX", 530946, 103859, 3696467, 143, "Luxembourg", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("MAC", 556783, 77196, 0, 210, "Macao", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("MKD", 2105575, 4548, 2668, 102, "Macedonia", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("MDG", 22293914, 443, 140, 37, "Madagascar", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("MWI", 15906483, 267, 77, 21, "Malawi", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("MYS", 29239927, 10432, 2570, 120, "Malaysia", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("MDV", 338442, 6244, 2947, 152, "Maldives", "Oceania"));
data.push(new Country("MLI", 14853572, 696, 254, 53, "Mali", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("MLT", 419455, 20839, 14233, 107, "Malta", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("MHL", 52555, 3292, 1377, 0, "Marshall Islands", "Oceania"));
data.push(new Country("MRT", 3796141, 1043, 831, 77, "Mauritania", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("MUS", 1291167, 8862, 3937, 97, "Mauritius", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("MEX", 120847477, 9818, 1956, 78, "Mexico", "North America"));
data.push(new Country("FSM", 103395, 3155, 556, 27, "Micronesia", "Oceania"));
data.push(new Country("MDA", 3559519, 2047, 1296, 71, "Moldova", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("MCO", 37579, 0, 471428, 64, "Monaco", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("MNG", 2796484, 3691, 686, 93, "Mongolia", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("MNE", 621081, 6514, 939, 189, "Montenegro", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("MAR", 32521143, 2902, 712, 101, "Morocco", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("MOZ", 25203395, 570, 231, 30, "Mozambique", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("MMR", 52797319, 0, 117, 1, "Myanmar", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("NAM", 2259393, 5931, 1131, 90, "Namibia", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("NPL", 27474377, 699, 161, 34, "Nepal", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("NLD", 16754962, 45961, 226503, 115, "Netherlands", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("NCL", 258000, 0, 385, 90, "New Caledonia", "Oceania"));
data.push(new Country("NZL", 4433000, 38680, 52300, 108, "New Zealand", "Oceania"));
data.push(new Country("NIC", 5991733, 1777, 693, 68, "Nicaragua", "North America"));
data.push(new Country("NER", 17157042, 395, 178, 23, "Niger", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("NGA", 168833776, 2722, 71, 55, "Nigeria", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("NAC", 348692795, 51826, 0, 90, "North America", "North America"));
data.push(new Country("NOR", 5018573, 99636, 131220, 114, "Norway", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("OMN", 3314001, 23624, 2962, 164, "Oman", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("PAK", 179160111, 1255, 366, 57, "Pakistan", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("PLW", 20754, 11202, 0, 71, "Palau", "Oceania"));
data.push(new Country("PAN", 3802281, 9982, 3927, 181, "Panama", "North America"));
data.push(new Country("PNG", 7167010, 2184, 238, 28, "Papua New Guinea", "Oceania"));
data.push(new Country("PRY", 6687361, 3680, 382, 92, "Paraguay", "South America"));
data.push(new Country("PER", 29987800, 6424, 1126, 100, "Peru", "South America"));
data.push(new Country("PHL", 96706764, 2587, 636, 89, "Philippines", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("POL", 38535873, 12721, 6586, 123, "Poland", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("PRT", 10514844, 20175, 47835, 115, "Portugal", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("PRI", 3651545, 27795, 15692, 79, "Puerto Rico", "North America"));
data.push(new Country("QAT", 2050514, 92633, 41988, 125, "Qatar", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("ROM", 20076727, 8437, 5082, 111, "Romania", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("RUS", 143178000, 14091, 3634, 166, "Russian", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("RWA", 11457801, 623, 284, 33, "Rwanda", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("WSM", 188889, 3623, 968, 0, "Samoa", "Oceania"));
data.push(new Country("SMR", 31247, 0, 8388, 99, "San Marino", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("STP", 188098, 1400, 2193, 58, "Sao Tome and Principe", "Oceania"));
data.push(new Country("SAU", 28287855, 25946, 3176, 189, "Saudi Arabia", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("SEN", 13726021, 1023, 296, 64, "Senegal", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("SRB", 7199077, 5294, 4178, 125, "Serbia", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("SYC", 88303, 11689, 15614, 129, "Seychelles", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("SLE", 5978727, 633, 340, 35, "Sierra Leone", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("SGP", 5312400, 54007, 0, 145, "Singapore", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("SVK", 5407579, 16893, 10926, 109, "Slovakia", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("SVN", 2057159, 22059, 25555, 103, "Slovenia", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("SLB", 549598, 1819, 355, 22, "Solomon Islands", "Oceania"));
data.push(new Country("SOM", 10195134, 0, 386, 7, "Somalia", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("ZAF", 52274945, 7314, 1613, 98, "South Africa", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("SAS", 1649249388, 1396, 0, 60, "South Asia", "South Asia"));
data.push(new Country("SSD", 10837527, 974, 0, 0, "South Sudan", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("ESP", 46761264, 28282, 52045, 111, "Spain", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("LKA", 20328000, 2922, 881, 84, "Sri Lanka", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("KNA", 53584, 13658, 6408, 153, "St. Kitts and Nevis", "North America"));
data.push(new Country("LCA", 180870, 7288, 1586, 112, "St. Lucia", "North America"));
data.push(new Country("VCT", 109373, 6349, 4477, 121, "St. Vincent and the Grenadines", "North America"));
data.push(new Country("SXM", 30959, 0, 0, 0, "Sint Maarten", "North America"));
data.push(new Country("SDN", 37195349, 1695, 946, 42, "Sudan", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("SUR", 534541, 9376, 1011, 99, "Suriname", "South America"));
data.push(new Country("SWZ", 1230985, 3290, 428, 61, "Swaziland", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("SWE", 9519374, 55039, 91487, 117, "Sweden", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("CHE", 7996861, 78929, 154063, 123, "Switzerland", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("SYR", 22399254, 0, 373, 54, "Syria", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("TJK", 8008990, 953, 262, 78, "Tajikistan", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("TZA", 47783107, 609, 183, 47, "Tanzania", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("THA", 66785001, 5480, 1292, 108, "Thailand", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("TMP", 1148958, 1179, 0, 44, "East Timor", "Oceania"));
data.push(new Country("TGO", 6642928, 589, 0, 41, "Togo", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("TON", 104941, 4494, 799, 52, "Tonga", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("TTO", 1337439, 17523, 3502, 143, "Trinidad and Tobago", "North America"));
data.push(new Country("TUN", 10777500, 4197, 1779, 105, "Tunisia", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("TUR", 73997128, 10661, 3794, 86, "Turkey", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("TKM", 5172931, 6798, 978, 63, "Turkmenistan", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("TUV", 9860, 4044, 0, 16, "Tuvalu", "Oceania"));
data.push(new Country("UGA", 36345860, 551, 85, 38, "Uganda", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("UKR", 45593300, 3873, 2144, 117, "Ukraine", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("ARE", 9205651, 41692, 24273, 129, "United Arab Emirates", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("GBR", 63695687, 38649, 160158, 124, "United Kingdom", "Europe"));
data.push(new Country("USA", 313873685, 51755, 52170, 91, "United States", "North America"));
data.push(new Country("URY", 3395253, 14728, 3989, 132, "Uruguay", "South America"));
data.push(new Country("UZB", 29774500, 1719, 150, 76, "Uzbekistan", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("VUT", 247262, 3183, 389, 72, "Vanuatu", "Oceania"));
data.push(new Country("VEN", 29954782, 12729, 1906, 96, "Venezuela", "South America"));
data.push(new Country("VNM", 88772900, 1755, 379, 125, "Vietnam", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("WBG", 4046901, 2530, 414, 65, "Palestine", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("YEM", 23852409, 1341, 293, 49, "Yemen Rep.", "Asia"));
data.push(new Country("ZMB", 14075099, 1463, 264, 41, "Zambia", "Africa"));
data.push(new Country("ZWE", 13724317, 909, 609, 59, "Zimbabwe", "Africa"));
// data = data.sort(this.sortByPopAscending);
data = data.sort(this.sortByPopDescending);
const countries: Country[] = [];
for (const country of data) {
if (country.isValid()) {
return countries;
public static abbreviate(value: number): string {
const suffixes = ["", "K", "M", "B", "T"];
const suffixNum = Math.floor(("" + value).length / 3);
const shortValue = parseFloat((suffixNum !== 0 ? (value / Math.pow(1000, suffixNum)) : value).toFixed(1));
return shortValue + suffixes[suffixNum];
class Country {
public population: number;
public gdpPerCapita: number;
public gdpTotal: number;
public dptPerCapita: number;
public phonePer100: number;
public code: string;
public name: string;
public region: string;
constructor(code: string, pop: number, gdp: number, dpt: number, phones: number, name: string, region: string) {
this.code = code;
this.region = region; = name;
this.population = pop;
this.gdpPerCapita = gdp;
this.gdpTotal = gdp * pop;
this.dptPerCapita = dpt;
this.phonePer100 = phones;
public getPopulation(): string {
return SampleScatterStats.abbreviate(this.population);
public getGdpTotal(): string {
return SampleScatterStats.abbreviate(this.gdpTotal);
public getGdpPerCapita(): string {
return SampleScatterStats.abbreviate(this.gdpPerCapita);
public isValid(): boolean {
return this.gdpPerCapita > 0 && this.population > 0 &&
this.dptPerCapita > 0 && this.phonePer100 > 0;
tsimport { NgModule } from "@angular/core";
import { FormsModule } from "@angular/forms";
import { CommonModule } from "@angular/common";
import { BrowserModule } from "@angular/platform-browser";
import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from "@angular/platform-browser/animations";
import { AppComponent } from "./app.component";
import { IgxZoomSliderDynamicModule, IgxNumericYAxisModule, IgxNumericXAxisModule, IgxCrosshairLayerModule, IgxDataChartScatterModule, IgxDataChartScatterCoreModule, IgxDataChartCoreModule, IgxDataChartCategoryModule, IgxDataChartCategoryCoreModule, IgxDataChartAnnotationModule, IgxDataChartInteractivityModule, IgxBubbleSeriesModule } from "igniteui-angular-charts";
import { IgxNumberAbbreviatorModule } from "igniteui-angular-charts";
import { SampleScatterStats } from "./SampleScatterStats";
bootstrap: [AppComponent],
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [SampleScatterStats],
schemas: []
export class AppModule {}
ts// tslint:disable:max-line-length
import { AfterViewInit, Component, TemplateRef, ViewChild } from "@angular/core";
import { IgxBubbleSeriesComponent } from "igniteui-angular-charts";
import { IgxDataChartComponent } from "igniteui-angular-charts";
import { IgxNumericXAxisComponent } from "igniteui-angular-charts";
import { IgxNumericYAxisComponent } from "igniteui-angular-charts";
import { IgxSizeScaleComponent } from "igniteui-angular-charts";
import { IgxZoomSliderComponent } from "igniteui-angular-charts";
import { MarkerType } from "igniteui-angular-charts";
import { IgRect } from "igniteui-angular-core";
import { IgxRectChangedEventArgs } from "igniteui-angular-core";
import { SampleScatterStats } from "./SampleScatterStats";
standalone: false,
providers: [ SampleScatterStats ],
selector: "app-root",
styleUrls: ["./app.component.scss"],
templateUrl: "./app.component.html"
export class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit {
public charts: IgxDataChartComponent[] = [];
@ViewChild("mainChart", { static: true })
public mainChart: IgxDataChartComponent = null;
@ViewChild("zoomChart", { static: true })
public zoomChart: IgxDataChartComponent = null;
@ViewChild("zoomSlider", { static: true })
public zoomSlider: IgxZoomSliderComponent = null;
@ViewChild("seriesTooltip", { static: true })
public seriesTooltip: TemplateRef<any>;
@ViewChild("container", { static: true })
public container: HTMLDivElement;
public isSynchronizingZoom: boolean = false;
public lastRect: IgRect = { left: -1, top: -1, width: -1, height: -1};
public regions: any[];
public countriesAll: any[];
public countriesByRegion: any;
constructor(private dataService: SampleScatterStats) {
this.regions = [];
this.countriesAll = SampleScatterStats.getCountries();
this.countriesByRegion = {};
for (const country of this.countriesAll) {
const name = country.region;
if (!this.countriesByRegion[name]) {
this.countriesByRegion[name] = [];
console.log("region " + name);
public ngAfterViewInit(): void {
if (this.mainChart !== undefined || this.container !== undefined) {
// console.log("ngAfterViewInit mainChart");
this.mainChart.actualWindowRectChanged.subscribe((e: IgxRectChangedEventArgs) =>
this.onActualWindowRectChanged(this.mainChart, e)
if (this.zoomChart !== undefined) {
// console.log("ngAfterViewInit zoomChart");
if (this.zoomSlider !== undefined) {
// console.log("ngAfterViewInit zoomSlider");
this.zoomSlider.windowRectChanged.subscribe((e: IgxRectChangedEventArgs) =>
this.onZoomSliderWindowChanged(this.zoomSlider, e)
this.zoomSlider.resolvingAxisValue.subscribe((e: IgxRectChangedEventArgs) =>
this.onZoomSliderResolveAxisValue(this.zoomSlider, e)
if (this.mainChart !== undefined ||
this.container !== undefined ||
this.zoomChart !== undefined ||
this.zoomSlider !== undefined) {
this.mainChart.gridAreaRectChanged.subscribe((e: IgxRectChangedEventArgs) =>
this.onGridAreaRectChanged(this.mainChart, e)
public onActualWindowRectChanged(chart: IgxDataChartComponent, args: IgxRectChangedEventArgs) {
if (!this.isSynchronizingZoom) {
public onZoomSliderWindowChanged(slider: IgxZoomSliderComponent, args: IgxRectChangedEventArgs) {
if (!this.isSynchronizingZoom) {
public syncZooms(sender: any) {
window.setTimeout(() => {
try {
this.isSynchronizingZoom = true;
const zoomWindow = this.zoomSlider.windowRect;
const datanChart = sender as IgxDataChartComponent;
let chartWindow: any;
if (sender === this.zoomSlider) {
chartWindow = this.mainChart.actualWindowRect;
} else {
chartWindow = datanChart.actualWindowRect;
// console.log("chart " + this.getRect(this.mainChart.actualWindowRect));
// console.log("zoom " + this.getRect(zoomWindow));
if (sender === this.zoomSlider) { => {
this.updateChartZoom(chart, {
left: zoomWindow.left,
width: zoomWindow.width,
height: chartWindow.height });
} else {
this.zoomSlider.windowRect = {
left: chartWindow.left,
width: chartWindow.width,
height: zoomWindow.height }; => {
this.updateChartZoom(chart, {
left: chartWindow.left,
width: chartWindow.width,
height: zoomWindow.height });
} finally {
this.isSynchronizingZoom = false;
}, 0);
public onZoomSliderResolveAxisValue(slider: IgxZoomSliderComponent, args: any) {
// console.log("onZoomSliderResolveAxisValue");
const index = Math.round(args.position * (this.countriesAll.length - 1));
const item = this.countriesAll[index];
if (item) {
args.value = SampleScatterStats.abbreviate(item.population);
public onGridAreaRectChanged(chart: IgxDataChartComponent, e: any) {
const newRect = e.args.newRect;
if (!this.container) {
if (newRect.left !== this.lastRect.left || !== ||
newRect.width !== this.lastRect.width ||
newRect.height !== this.lastRect.height) {
let rightMargin = this.mainChart.rightMargin;
if (isNaN(rightMargin)) {
rightMargin = this.mainChart.autoMarginWidth;
const width = newRect.left + newRect.width + rightMargin;
const right = newRect.left + newRect.width;
const insetLeft = newRect.left;
const insetRight = width - right;
this.lastRect = newRect;
this.zoomSlider.startInset = insetLeft - this.zoomSlider.trackStartInset;
this.zoomSlider.endInset = insetRight - this.zoomSlider.trackEndInset;
if (this.zoomSlider.endInset < 0) {
const inset = this.zoomSlider.endInset;
this.zoomSlider.endInset = 0; => c.rightMargin += (inset * -1.0));
if (this.zoomSlider.startInset < 0) {
const inset = this.zoomSlider.startInset;
this.zoomSlider.startInset = 0; => c.leftMargin += (inset * -1.0));
this.zoomChart.leftMargin = insetLeft;
this.zoomChart.rightMargin = insetRight;
this.zoomChart.bottomMargin = this.zoomSlider.barExtent;
public updateChartZoom(chart: IgxDataChartComponent, zoom: IgRect) {
const yAxis = chart.actualAxes.filter(a => a.isNumeric)[0] as IgxNumericYAxisComponent;
let indexEnd = Math.ceil((this.countriesAll.length - 1) * (zoom.left + zoom.width));
let indexStart = Math.floor((this.countriesAll.length - 1) * zoom.left);
let min = Number.MAX_VALUE;
let max = Number.MIN_VALUE;
if (indexStart < 0) {
indexStart = 0;
indexEnd = Math.min(indexEnd, this.countriesAll.length - 1);
for (let i = indexStart; i <= indexEnd; i++) {
min = Math.min(min, this.countriesAll[i].gdpTotal);
max = Math.max(max, this.countriesAll[i].gdpTotal);
// console.log("data min " + min + " max " + max);
// console.log("axis min " + yAxis.actualMinimumValue + " max " + yAxis.actualMaximumValue);
const yMin = (min - yAxis.actualMinimumValue) / (yAxis.actualMaximumValue - yAxis.actualMinimumValue);
const yMax = (max - yAxis.actualMinimumValue) / (yAxis.actualMaximumValue - yAxis.actualMinimumValue);
const newZoom = {
left: zoom.left,
width: zoom.width,
top: (1.0 - yMax),
height: (yMax - yMin)
// console.log("updateChartZoom " + this.getRect(newZoom));
chart.windowRect = newZoom;
public createSeries(chart: IgxDataChartComponent) {
const sizeScale1 = new IgxSizeScaleComponent();
sizeScale1.minimumValue = 15;
sizeScale1.maximumValue = 40;
const sizeScale2 = new IgxSizeScaleComponent();
sizeScale2.minimumValue = 5;
sizeScale2.maximumValue = 15;
const xAxis = chart.actualAxes.filter(a => a.isNumeric)[0] as IgxNumericXAxisComponent;
const yAxis = chart.actualAxes.filter(a => a.isNumeric)[1] as IgxNumericYAxisComponent;
const series1 = new IgxBubbleSeriesComponent();
series1.title = "High Income Country";
series1.dataSource = SampleScatterStats.getCountriesWithHighIncome();
series1.showDefaultTooltip = false;
series1.xMemberPath = "population";
series1.yMemberPath = "gdpTotal";
series1.radiusMemberPath = "gdpPerCapita";
series1.radiusScale = sizeScale1;
series1.markerType = MarkerType.Circle;
series1.xAxis = xAxis;
series1.yAxis = yAxis;
series1.tooltipTemplate = this.seriesTooltip;
const series2 = new IgxBubbleSeriesComponent();
series2.title = "Low Income Country";
series2.dataSource = SampleScatterStats.getCountriesWithLowIncome();
series2.showDefaultTooltip = false;
series2.xMemberPath = "population";
series2.yMemberPath = "gdpTotal";
series2.radiusMemberPath = "gdpPerCapita";
series2.radiusScale = sizeScale2;
series2.markerType = MarkerType.Circle;
series2.xAxis = xAxis;
series2.yAxis = yAxis;
series2.tooltipTemplate = this.seriesTooltip;
// chart.markerOutlines = [ "#7446B9", "#9FB328", "#2E9CA6", "#525251", "#dcbf3f", "#F96232"];
// chart.brushes = [ "#7446B9", "#9FB328", "#2E9CA6", "#525251", "#dcbf3f", "#F96232"];
public getRect(rect: any) {
const str = "T " + + " L " + rect.left.toFixed(1)
+ " W " + rect.width.toFixed(1)
+ " H " + rect.height.toFixed(1);
return str;
ts<div #container class="container"
width="100%" height="calc(100% - 200px)">
<igx-data-chart #mainChart name="mainChart"
height="calc(100% - 200px)"
chartTitle="World GDP vs Population"
<igx-numeric-x-axis #mainXAxis
<igx-numeric-y-axis #mainYAxis
title="Total GDP ($)">
<div class="zoomPane" width="100%" height="160px" >
<div class="zoomChart" width="100%" height="160px" >
#zoomChart name="zoomChart"
<igx-numeric-x-axis #zoomXAxis
labelVisibility="collapsed" >
<igx-numeric-y-axis #zoomYAxis
labelVisibility="collapsed" >
<div class="zoomSlider" width="100%" height="160px" >
#zoomSlider name="zoomSlider"
height="160px" >
<ng-template let-series="series" let-item="item" #seriesTooltip>
<span>Region: {{item.region}}<br/></span>
<span>Country: {{}}<br/></span>
<span>Population: {{item.getPopulation()}}<br/></span>
<span>GDP Total: {{item.getGdpTotal()}}<br/></span>
<span [style.color]="series.actualBrush">GDP Per Capita: {{item.getGdpPerCapita()}}<br/></span>
<span [style.color]="series.actualBrush">{{series.title}}<br/></span>
html.container {
display: block;
height: 100%;
.zoomPane {
position: relative;
height: 160px;
.zoomChart {
width: 100%;
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
.zoomSlider {
width: 100%;
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
¿Te gusta esta muestra? Obtenga acceso a nuestro kit de herramientas de Ignite UI for Angular completo y comience a crear sus propias aplicaciones en minutos. Descárgalo gratis.
Nombre de la característica | Descripción |
Navegación con barra de desplazamiento | Los usuarios pueden cambiar la escala y desplazarse por rangos de datos utilizando las capacidades integradas de la barra de desplazamiento ZoomSlider. |
Panorámica y zoom | Los usuarios pueden ajustar la escala de visualización arrastrando los bordes del control para el pulgar para hacer que la visualización actual cubra un rango mayor (alejar) o un rango más pequeño (acercar). |
Múltiples opciones de interacción del usuario | Todas las interacciones del usuario del mouse se admiten de manera redundante a través del tacto y la mayoría de ellas, a través del teclado. Para obtener más información, consulte Interacciones del usuario y usabilidad. |
Soporte táctil | En dispositivos táctiles, los usuarios pueden disfrutar de la funcionalidad completa de ZoomSlider. Todas las interacciones del mouse son compatibles en un entorno táctil. |
Extensibilidad | El control ZoomSlider admite el control DataChart listo para usar. |
Ventana de rango de zoom configurable | El ancho y la posición inicial de la ventana del rango de zoom, así como su tamaño mínimo, son configurables. |
Al instalar el componente de gráfico Angular, también se debe instalar el paquete principal.
npm install --save igniteui-angular-core
npm install --save igniteui-angular-charts
Módulos de componentes
El IgxZoomSliderComponent
requiere los siguientes módulos:
import { IgxZoomSliderModule } from 'igniteui-angular-charts';
import { IgxZoomSliderComponent } from 'igniteui-angular-charts';
imports: [
// ...
// ...
export class AppModule {}
Fragmento de código
El siguiente código demuestra cómo configurar ZoomSlider.
Recursos adicionales
Puede encontrar más información sobre los gráficos en el tema Características de los gráficos.
Referencias de API
La siguiente es una lista de miembros de API mencionados en las secciones anteriores: