Angular Navegar por el contenido del mapa
La navegación en el control IgxGeographicMapComponent
está habilitada de forma predeterminada y permite hacer zoom y desplazarse por el contenido del mapa. Sin embargo, este comportamiento se puede cambiar utilizando la propiedad zoomable
. Es importante saber que el mapa sólo permite hacer zoom sincronizado: escalar el contenido del mapa manteniendo la relación de aspecto. Como resultado, no es posible escalar el contenido del mapa verticalmente sin escalarlo también horizontalmente y viceversa.
Angular Ejemplo de navegación por el contenido del mapa
/* tslint:disable:object-literal-sort-keys */
// tslint:disable:object-literal-shorthand
// tslint:disable:max-line-length
// tslint:disable:member-ordering
* Describes available links to imagery tile sources on public ArcGIS/Esri servers.
* You can find up-to-date list on
export enum EsriStyle {
// these Esri maps show geographic tiles for the whole of world
WorldStreetMap = "",
WorldTopographicMap = "",
WorldImageryMap = "",
WorldOceansMap = "",
WorldNationalGeoMap = "",
WorldTerrainMap = "",
WorldDeLormesMap = "",
WorldLightGrayMap = "",
WorldShadedReliefMap = "",
WorldPhysicalMap = "",
// these Esri maps show geographic tiles for the whole of world without contours of continents
// therefore the Map should also load a shapefile of continents when using them
WorldAdminOverlay = "",
WorldTransportationOverlay = "",
WorldBoundariesDarkOverlay = "",
WorldBoundariesLightOverlay = "",
WorldLabelsLightGrayOverlay = "",
// these Esri maps show only geographic tiles for the USA
// therefore the Map should be zoomed in to geographic bounds of USA when using them
UsaOwnerOccupiedHousing = "",
UsaSoilSurvey = "",
UsaPopulationOlderThanAge64 = "",
UsaPopulationYoungerThan18 = "",
UsaPopulationGrowth2015 = "",
UsaUnemploymentRate = "",
UsaSocialVulnerability = "",
UsaRetailSpendingPotential = "",
UsaPopulationChange2010 = "",
UsaPopulationChange2000 = "",
UsaPopulationDensity = "",
UsaPopulationByGender = "",
UsaMedianHouseholdIncome = "",
UsaMedianNetWorth = "",
UsaMedianHomeValue = "",
UsaMedianAge = "",
UsaLaborForceParticipation = "",
UsaAverageHouseholdSize = "",
UsaDiversityIndex = "",
UsaRailNetwork = ""
export class EsriUtility {
public static getUri(style: EsriStyle): string {
const isHttpSecured = window.location.toString().startsWith("https:");
// resolving Esri Server uri based on hosting website
let uri: string = style;
if (!isHttpSecured) {
uri = uri.replace("https:", "http:");
return uri;
tsimport { IgxGeographicMapComponent } from "igniteui-angular-maps";
export enum MapRegion {
Caribbean = "Caribbean",
UnitedStates = "United States",
UnitedKingdom = "United Kingdom",
European = "European",
SouthAfrica = "South Africa",
Poland = "Poland",
Australia = "Australia",
Japan = "Japan",
Uruguay = "Uruguay",
Egypt = "Egypt",
Hawaii = "Hawaii"
export class MapUtility {
public static navigateTo(geoMap: IgxGeographicMapComponent, name: MapRegion) {
const geoRect = this.getRegions()[name];
public static toPixel(num: number): string {
const s = Math.abs(num).toFixed(0);
return s + " px";
public static toLng(num: number): string {
num = this.clamp(num, -180, 180);
let s = Math.abs(num).toFixed(1);
if (num < 100) {
s = " " + s;
if (num > 0) {
return s + "°E";
} else {
return s + "°W";
public static toLat(num: number): string {
num = this.clamp(num, -90, 90);
let s = Math.abs(num).toFixed(1);
if (num < 100) {
s = " " + s;
if (num > 0) {
return s + "°N";
} else {
return s + "°S";
public static clamp(num: number, min: number, max: number): number {
return Math.max(min, Math.min(max, num));
public static pad(num: number, places?: number): string {
places = places || 20;
let s = num.toFixed(1).toString();
while (s.length < places) { s = " " + s; }
return s;
public static getBingKey(): string {
return "Avlo7qsH1zZZI0XNpTwZ4XwvUJmCbd-mczMeUXVAW9kYYOKdmBIVRe8aoO02Xctq";
public static getRegions(): any {
// create regions only once
if (this.regions === undefined) {
return this.regions;
private static regions: any;
private static addRegion(name: string, geoRect: any) { = name;
geoRect.longitude = geoRect.left + (geoRect.width / 2);
geoRect.latitude = + (geoRect.height / 2);
this.regions[name] = geoRect;
private static createRegions() {
this.regions = {};
this.addRegion(MapRegion.Australia, { left: 81.5, top: -52.0, width: 98.0, height: 56.0 });
this.addRegion(MapRegion.Caribbean, { left: -92.9, top: 5.4, width: 35.1, height: 25.8 });
this.addRegion(MapRegion.Egypt, { left: 19.3, top: 19.9, width: 19.3, height: 13.4 });
this.addRegion(MapRegion.European, { left: -36.0, top: 31.0, width: 98.0, height: 38.0 });
this.addRegion(MapRegion.Japan, { left: 122.7, top: 29.4, width: 27.5, height: 17.0 });
this.addRegion(MapRegion.Hawaii, { left: -161.2, top: 18.5, width: 6.6, height: 4.8 });
this.addRegion(MapRegion.Poland, { left: 13.0, top: 48.0, width: 11.0, height: 9.0 });
this.addRegion(MapRegion.SouthAfrica, { left: 9.0, top: -37.1, width: 26.0, height: 17.8 });
this.addRegion(MapRegion.UnitedStates, { left: -134.5, top: 16.0, width: 70.0, height: 37.0 });
this.addRegion(MapRegion.UnitedKingdom, { left: -15.0, top: 49.5, width: 22.5, height: 8.0 });
this.addRegion(MapRegion.Uruguay, { left: -62.1, top: -35.7, width: 10.6, height: 7.0 });
tsexport class WorldUtility {
// calculate geo-paths between two locations using great circle formula
public static calcPaths(origin: any, dest: any): any[] {
const interval = 200;
const paths: any[] = [[]];
let pathID = 0;
const distance = this.calcDistance(origin, dest);
if (distance <= interval) {
paths[pathID].push({ x: origin.lon, y: });
paths[pathID].push({ x: dest.lon, y: });
} else {
let current = origin;
let previous = origin;
for (let dist = interval; dist <= distance; dist += interval) {
previous = current;
paths[pathID].push({ x: current.lon, y: });
const bearing = this.calcBearing(current, dest);
current = this.calcDestination(current, bearing, interval);
// ensure geo-path wrap around the world through the new date-line
if (previous.lon > 150 && current.lon < -150) {
paths[pathID].push({ x: 180, y: });
current = { lon: -180, lat: };
} else if (previous.lon < -150 && current.lon > 150) {
paths[pathID].push({ x: -180, y: });
current = { lon: 180, lat: };
paths[pathID].push({ x: dest.lon, y: });
return paths;
// calculate bearing angle between two locations
public static calcBearing(origin: any, dest: any): number {
origin = this.toRadianLocation(origin);
dest = this.toRadianLocation(dest);
const range = (dest.lon - origin.lon);
const y = Math.sin(range) * Math.cos(;
const x = Math.cos( * Math.sin( -
Math.sin( * Math.cos( * Math.cos(range);
const angle = Math.atan2(y, x);
return this.toDegreesNormalized(angle);
// calculate destination for origin location and travel distance
public static calcDestination(origin: any, bearing: number, distance: number): any {
const radius = 6371.0;
origin = this.toRadianLocation(origin);
bearing = this.toRadians(bearing);
distance = distance / radius; // angular distance in radians
let lat = Math.asin(Math.sin( * Math.cos(distance) +
Math.cos( * Math.sin(distance) * Math.cos(bearing));
const x = Math.sin(bearing) * Math.sin(distance) * Math.cos(;
const y = Math.cos(distance) - Math.sin( * Math.sin(;
let lon = origin.lon + Math.atan2(x, y);
// normalize lon to coordinate between -180º and +180º
lon = (lon + 3 * Math.PI) % (2 * Math.PI) - Math.PI;
lon = this.toDegrees(lon);
lat = this.toDegrees(lat);
return { lon, lat };
// calculate distance between two locations
public static calcDistance(origin: any, dest: any): number {
origin = this.toRadianLocation(origin);
dest = this.toRadianLocation(dest);
const sinProd = Math.sin( * Math.sin(;
const cosProd = Math.cos( * Math.cos(;
const lonDelta = (dest.lon - origin.lon);
const angle = Math.acos(sinProd + cosProd * Math.cos(lonDelta));
const distance = angle * 6371.0;
return distance; // * 6371.0; // in km
public static toRadianLocation(geoPoint: any): any {
const x = this.toRadians(geoPoint.lon);
const y = this.toRadians(;
return { lon: x, lat: y };
public static toRadians(degrees: number): number {
return degrees * Math.PI / 180;
public static toDegrees(radians: number): number {
return (radians * 180.0 / Math.PI);
public static toDegreesNormalized(radians: number): number {
let degrees = this.toDegrees(radians);
degrees = (degrees + 360) % 360;
return degrees;
// converts latitude coordinate to a string
public static toStringLat(latitude: number): string {
const str = Math.abs(latitude).toFixed(1) + "°";
return latitude > 0 ? str + "N" : str + "S";
// converts longitude coordinate to a string
public static toStringLon(coordinate: number): string {
const val = Math.abs(coordinate);
const str = val < 100 ? val.toFixed(1) : val.toFixed(0);
return coordinate > 0 ? str + "°E" : str + "°W";
public static toStringAbbr(value: number): string {
if (value > 1000000000000) {
return (value / 1000000000000).toFixed(1) + " T";
} else if (value > 1000000000) {
return (value / 1000000000).toFixed(1) + " B";
} else if (value > 1000000) {
return (value / 1000000).toFixed(1) + " M";
} else if (value > 1000) {
return (value / 1000).toFixed(1) + " K";
return value.toFixed(0);
public static getLongitude(location: any): number {
if (location.x) { return location.x; }
if (location.lon) { return location.lon; }
if (location.longitude) { return location.longitude; }
return Number.NaN;
public static getLatitude(location: any): number {
if (location.y) { return location.y; }
if ( { return; }
if (location.latitude) { return location.latitude; }
return Number.NaN;
public static getBounds(locations: any[]): any {
let minLat = 90;
let maxLat = -90;
let minLon = 180;
let maxLon = -180;
for (const location of locations) {
const crrLon = this.getLongitude(location);
if (!Number.isNaN(crrLon)) {
minLon = Math.min(minLon, crrLon);
maxLon = Math.max(maxLon, crrLon);
const crrLat = this.getLatitude(location);
if (!Number.isNaN(crrLat)) {
minLat = Math.min(minLat, crrLat);
maxLat = Math.max(maxLat, crrLat);
const geoBounds = {
left: minLon,
top: minLat,
width: Math.abs(maxLon - minLon),
// tslint:disable-next-line: object-literal-sort-keys
height: Math.abs(maxLat - minLat)
return geoBounds;
tsimport { NgModule } from "@angular/core";
import { FormsModule } from "@angular/forms";
import { CommonModule } from "@angular/common";
import { BrowserModule } from "@angular/platform-browser";
import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from "@angular/platform-browser/animations";
import { AppComponent } from "./app.component";
import { IgxGeographicMapModule } from "igniteui-angular-maps";
import { IgxDataChartInteractivityModule } from "igniteui-angular-charts";
bootstrap: [AppComponent],
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [],
schemas: []
export class AppModule {}
tsimport { AfterViewInit, Component, TemplateRef, ViewChild, ChangeDetectorRef } from "@angular/core";
import { IgxArcGISOnlineMapImagery } from "igniteui-angular-maps";
import { IgxGeographicMapComponent } from "igniteui-angular-maps";
import { EsriUtility, EsriStyle } from "./EsriUtility";
import { MapUtility, MapRegion } from "./MapUtility";
import { IgxRectChangedEventArgs } from "igniteui-angular-core";
standalone: false,
selector: "app-root",
styleUrls: ["./app.component.scss"],
templateUrl: "./app.component.html"
export class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit {
public isRunning: boolean;
public regionType: string = "United States";
@ViewChild("map", { static: true })
public geoMap: IgxGeographicMapComponent;
@ViewChild("template", { static: true })
public tooltip: TemplateRef<object>;
public geoRect: any;
public geoT: string;
public geoL: string;
public geoH: string;
public geoW: string;
public winT: string;
public winL: string;
public winH: string;
public winW: string;
public posHorizontal: number;
public posVertical: number;
public scale: number;
public mapHoverLongitude: string = "0.0°W";
public mapHoverLatitude: string = "0.0°S";
public mapHoverX: string = "0.0000";
public mapHoverY: string = "0.0000";
public mapHoverPixelX = "0 px";
public mapHoverPixelY = "0 px";
public navigationOptions: Element[] = [];
public navigationRegions: any = {};
constructor(private ref: ChangeDetectorRef) {
const regions = MapUtility.getRegions();
for (const key in regions) {
if (regions.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
const region = regions[key];
const name =;
this.navigationRegions[name] = region;
public ngAfterViewInit(): void {
if (this.geoMap !== undefined) {
// console.log("ngAfterViewInit map");
this.geoMap.actualWindowRectChanged.subscribe((e: IgxRectChangedEventArgs) =>
this.onMapWindowRectChanged(this.geoMap, e)
this.geoMap.zoomToGeographic({ left: -134.5, top: 16.5, width: 70.0, height: 37.0 });
const tileSource = new IgxArcGISOnlineMapImagery();
tileSource.mapServerUri = EsriUtility.getUri(EsriStyle.WorldOceansMap);
this.geoMap.backgroundContent = tileSource;
this.geoMap.windowPositionHorizontal = 0.1;
this.geoMap.windowPositionVertical = 0.1;
this.geoMap.windowScale = 0.1;
public onMapWindowRectChanged(geoMap: IgxGeographicMapComponent, e: any) {
// converting window rect to geographic rect/region:
const geoRect: any = geoMap.getGeographicFromZoom(e.args.newRect);
geoRect.bottom = + geoRect.height;
geoRect.right = geoRect.left + geoRect.width;
// calculating center of geographic region
geoRect.longitude = geoRect.left + (geoRect.width / 2);
geoRect.latitude = + (geoRect.height / 2);
this.geoRect = geoRect;
const h = geoMap.actualWindowPositionHorizontal
const v = geoMap.actualWindowPositionVertical;
const s = geoMap.actualWindowScale;
this.geoT = "T: " + MapUtility.toLat(;
this.geoL = "L: " + MapUtility.toLng(this.geoRect.left);
this.geoH = "H: " + MapUtility.toLng(this.geoRect.height);
this.geoW = "W: " + MapUtility.toLng(this.geoRect.width);
this.winT = "T: " +;
this.winL = "L: " + e.args.newRect.left.toFixed(4);
this.winH = "H: " + e.args.newRect.height.toFixed(4);
this.winW = "W: " + e.args.newRect.width.toFixed(4);
this.posHorizontal = parseFloat(h.toFixed(4));
this.posVertical = parseFloat(v.toFixed(4));
this.scale = parseFloat(s.toFixed(4));
public onMapMouseMove = (e: any) => {
const bounds =;
const relativeCoordinate = {
x: e.clientX - bounds.left,
y: e.clientY -
const windowCoordinate = {
x: (e.clientX - bounds.left) / bounds.width,
y: (e.clientY - / bounds.height
// converting mouse pixel coordinate to geographic coordinate:
const geoCoordinate: any = this.geoMap.getGeographicPoint(relativeCoordinate);
this.mapHoverLongitude = MapUtility.toLng(geoCoordinate.x);
this.mapHoverLatitude = MapUtility.toLat(geoCoordinate.y);
this.mapHoverX = windowCoordinate.x.toFixed(4);
this.mapHoverY = windowCoordinate.y.toFixed(4);
this.mapHoverPixelX = MapUtility.toPixel(relativeCoordinate.x);
this.mapHoverPixelY = MapUtility.toPixel(relativeCoordinate.y);
public componentDidMount() {
const elem = document.getElementById('map');
elem.addEventListener('mousemove', this.onMapMouseMove, false);
public onSelectionChanged = (e: any) => {
if (this.geoMap === undefined) return;
const name =;
const region = this.navigationRegions[name];
ts<div class="container vertical">
<div class="container" id="map" >
<igx-geographic-map #map
<div class="overlay-left" >
<div class="vertical overlay-border" style="background: rgba(217, 217, 217, 0.5)" >
<label style="font-weight: 600" >Select Map Region</label>
<select [(ngModel)]="regionType" (change)="onSelectionChanged($event)">
<option>South Africa</option>
<option>United States</option>
<option>United Kingdom</option>
<label style="font-weight: 600">Map Geographic Rect</label>
<div class="horizontal" >
<div class="vertical" style="margin-right: 1rem">
<label >{{geoT}}</label>
<label >{{geoL}}</label>
<div class="vertical">
<label >{{geoH}}</label>
<label >{{geoW}}</label>
<label style="font-weight: 600">Map Window Rect</label>
<div class="horizontal">
<div class="vertical" style="margin-right: 1rem">
<label >{{winT}}</label>
<label >{{winL}}</label>
<div class="vertical">
<label >{{winH}}</label>
<label >{{winW}}</label>
<label style="font-weight: 600">Map Window Position</label>
<div class="horizontal">
<div class="vertical" style="margin-right: 1rem">
<label >Horizontal:</label>
<label >Vertical:</label>
<label >Scale:</label>
<div class="vertical">
<label >{{posHorizontal}}</label>
<label >{{posVertical}}</label>
<label >{{scale}}</label>
<label style="font-weight: 600">Map Hover Coordinates</label>
<div class="horizontal">
<div class="vertical" style="margin-right: 1rem">
<label >Longitude: </label>
<label >Latitude: </label>
<label >Window X: </label>
<label >Window Y: </label>
<label >Pixel X: </label>
<label >Pixel Y: </label>
<div class="vertical">
<label >{{mapHoverLatitude}}</label>
<label >{{mapHoverLongitude}}</label>
<label >{{mapHoverX}}</label>
<label >{{mapHoverY}}</label>
<label >{{mapHoverPixelX}}</label>
<label >{{mapHoverPixelY}}</label>
<div class="overlay-bottom-right">Imagery Tiles: in ESRI/ArcGIS</div>
html/* styles are loaded the Shared CSS file located at:
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Coordenadas geográficas
Navega por el contenido del mapa dentro de una región geográfica delimitada por estas coordenadas:
- horizontalmente desde 180°E (negativo) a 180°W (positivo) de longitud
- verticalmente desde 85°S (negativo) a 85°N (positivo) de latitud
Este fragmento de código muestra cómo navegar por el mapa utilizando coordenadas geográficas:
Coordenadas de ventana
Además, puede navegar por el contenido del mapa dentro del rectángulo de la ventana delimitado por estas coordenadas relativas:
- horizontalmente de 0,0 a 1,0 valores
- verticalmente de 0,0 a 1,0 valores
Este fragmento de código muestra cómo navegar por el mapa utilizando coordenadas relativas de ventana:
La siguiente tabla resume las propiedades que se pueden usar en la navegación del control IgxGeographicMapComponent
Nombre de la propiedad | tipo de propiedad | Descripción |
windowRect |
recto | Establece una nueva posición y tamaño de la ventana de navegación en el área visible del contenido del mapa. Rect con valores 0, 0, 1, 1 alejará todo el contenido del mapa en la ventana de navegación. |
windowScale |
número | Establece un nuevo tamaño de la ventana de navegación en el control del mapa. Es el valor más pequeño equivalente de Ancho o Alto almacenado en elwindowRect propiedad |
windowPositionHorizontal |
número | Establece una nueva posición horizontal del punto de anclaje de la ventana de navegación desde el borde izquierdo del control del mapa. Es equivalente al valor almacenado en la izquierda delwindowRect propiedad. |
windowPositionVertical |
número | Establece una nueva posición vertical del punto de anclaje de la ventana de navegación desde el borde superior del control del mapa. Es equivalente al valor almacenado en la parte superior de lawindowRect propiedad. |
actualWindowRect |
recto | Indica la posición actual y el tamaño de la ventana de navegación en el área visible del contenido del mapa. Rect con valores 0, 0, 1, 1 muestra todo el contenido del mapa en la ventana de navegación. |
actualWindowScale |
número | Indica el tamaño actual de la ventana de navegación en el control del mapa. Es equivalente al valor más pequeño de Ancho o Alto almacenado en elactualWindowRect propiedad |
actualWindowPositionHorizontal |
número | Indica la posición horizontal actual del punto de anclaje de la ventana de navegación desde el borde izquierdo del control del mapa. Es equivalente al valor almacenado en la izquierda delactualWindowRect propiedad. |
actualWindowPositionVertical |
número | Indica la posición vertical del punto de anclaje de la ventana de navegación desde el borde superior del control del mapa. Es equivalente al valor almacenado en la parte superior de laactualWindowRect propiedad. |