Angular Navegación de cartas
Los gráficos Ignite UI for Angular permiten el desplazamiento panorámico interactivo y el zoom a través del mouse, el teclado y el tacto.
Angular Ejemplo de navegación de gráficos
El siguiente ejemplo muestra todas las opciones de panorámica y zoom disponibles. Puede interactuar con el ejemplo usando los botones o seleccionar las opciones que desee usando los menús desplegables o las casillas de verificación.
import { Injectable } from "@angular/core" ;
@Injectable ()
export class SampleScatterStats {
public static countries: Country[];
public static getCountries(count?: number ): any [] {
if (this .countries === undefined ) {
this .countries = this .initData();
if (count === undefined ) {
count = 1000 ;
const items: Country[] = [];
for (let i = 0 ; i < this .countries.length; i++) {
const country = this .countries[i];
if (i < count) {
return items;
public static getCountriesWithHighIncome(): any [] {
if (this .countries === undefined ) {
this .countries = this .initData();
const items: any [] = [];
for (const country of this .countries) {
if (country.gdpPerCapita >= 10000 ) {
return items;
public static getCountriesWithLowIncome(): any [] {
if (this .countries === undefined ) {
this .countries = this .initData();
const items: any [] = [];
for (const country of this .countries) {
if (country.gdpPerCapita < 10000 ) {
return items;
public static getCountriesWithLargePop(): any [] {
if (this .countries === undefined ) {
this .countries = this .initData();
const items: any [] = [];
for (const country of this .countries) {
if (country.population >= 10000000 ) {
return items;
public static getCountriesWithSmallPop(): any [] {
if (this .countries === undefined ) {
this .countries = this .initData();
const items: any [] = [];
for (const country of this .countries) {
if (country.population < 10000000 ) {
return items;
public static sortByPopDescending (a: Country, b: Country ) {
if (a.population > b.population) { return 1 ; }
if (a.population < b.population) { return -1 ; }
return 0 ;
public static sortByPopAscending (a: Country, b: Country ) {
if (a.population > b.population) { return -1 ; }
if (a.population < b.population) { return 1 ; }
return 0 ;
public static sortByGdpAscending (a: Country, b: Country ) {
if (a.gdpPerCapita > b.gdpPerCapita) { return -1 ; }
if (a.gdpPerCapita < b.gdpPerCapita) { return 1 ; }
return 0 ;
public static sortByGdpDescending (a: Country, b: Country ) {
if (a.gdpPerCapita > b.gdpPerCapita) { return 1 ; }
if (a.gdpPerCapita < b.gdpPerCapita) { return -1 ; }
return 0 ;
public static sortByDepDescending (a: Country, b: Country ) {
if (a.dptPerCapita > b.dptPerCapita) { return 1 ; }
if (a.dptPerCapita < b.dptPerCapita) { return -1 ; }
return 0 ;
public static sortByDptAscending (a: Country, b: Country ) {
if (a.dptPerCapita > b.dptPerCapita) { return -1 ; }
if (a.dptPerCapita < b.dptPerCapita) { return 1 ; }
return 0 ;
public static initData(): Country[] {
let data: Country[] = [];
data.push(new Country("AFG" , 29824536 , 688 , 92 , 46 , "Afghanistan" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("ALB" , 2801681 , 4406 , 882 , 86 , "Albania" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("DZA" , 38481705 , 5310 , 115 , 88 , "Algeria" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("ADO" , 78360 , 40365 , 15212 , 84 , "Andorra" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("AGO" , 20820525 , 5539 , 944 , 48 , "Angola" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("ATG" , 89069 , 13406 , 4388 , 193 , "Antigua and Barbuda" , "North America" ));
data.push(new Country("ARG" , 41086927 , 14680 , 7759 , 141 , "Argentina" , "South America" ));
data.push(new Country("ARM" , 2969081 , 3354 , 1584 , 130 , "Armenia" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("ABW" , 102384 , 0 , 4935 , 130 , "Aruba" , "South America" ));
data.push(new Country("AUS" , 22723900 , 67436 , 52596 , 100 , "Australia" , "Oceania" ));
data.push(new Country("AUT" , 8429991 , 46792 , 90128 , 146 , "Austria" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("AZE" , 9295784 , 7394 , 8513 , 100 , "Azerbaijan" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("BHS" , 371960 , 21908 , 1067 , 119 , "Bahamas" , "North America" ));
data.push(new Country("BHR" , 1317827 , 23040 , 13261 , 125 , "Bahrain" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("BGD" , 154695368 , 750 , 149 , 45 , "Bangladesh" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("BRB" , 283221 , 14917 , 2456 , 125 , "Barbados" , "North America" ));
data.push(new Country("BLR" , 9464000 , 6722 , 2629 , 109 , "Belarus" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("BEL" , 11128246 , 43396 , 113603 , 111 , "Belgium" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("BLZ" , 324060 , 4852 , 3079 , 63 , "Belize" , "North America" ));
data.push(new Country("BEN" , 10050702 , 751 , 308 , 74 , "Benin" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("BMU" , 64798 , 84471 , 2575 , 136 , "Bermuda" , "North America" ));
data.push(new Country("BTN" , 741822 , 2509 , 1193 , 55 , "Bhutan" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("BOL" , 10496285 , 2576 , 275 , 71 , "Bolivia" , "South America" ));
data.push(new Country("BIH" , 3833916 , 4396 , 2052 , 81 , "Bosnia and Herzegovina" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("BWA" , 2003910 , 7255 , 1208 , 120 , "Botswana" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("BRA" , 198656019 , 11320 , 1608 , 101 , "Brazil" , "South America" ));
data.push(new Country("BRN" , 412238 , 41127 , 0 , 109 , "Brunei" , "Oceania" ));
data.push(new Country("BGR" , 7305888 , 7022 , 6261 , 138 , "Bulgaria" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("BFA" , 16460141 , 652 , 136 , 37 , "Burkina Faso" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("BDI" , 9849569 , 251 , 167 , 18 , "Burundi" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("CPV" , 494401 , 3554 , 714 , 76 , "Cabo Verde" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("KHM" , 14864646 , 945 , 304 , 57 , "Cambodia" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("CMR" , 21699631 , 1220 , 164 , 42 , "Cameroon" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("CAN" , 34754312 , 52409 , 29625 , 76 , "Canada" , "North America" ));
data.push(new Country("CYM" , 57570 , 0 , 2078 , 181 , "Cayman Islands" , "North America" ));
data.push(new Country("CAF" , 4525209 , 479 , 270 , 23 , "Central African Republic" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("TCD" , 12448175 , 1035 , 160 , 25 , "Chad" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("CHL" , 17464814 , 15245 , 5867 , 116 , "Chile" , "South America" ));
data.push(new Country("CHN" , 1350695000 , 6093 , 2221 , 63 , "China" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("COL" , 47704427 , 7763 , 1269 , 96 , "Colombia" , "South America" ));
data.push(new Country("COM" , 717503 , 831 , 430 , 24 , "Comoros" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("ZAR" , 65705093 , 418 , 197 , 19 , "Congo Dem. Rep." , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("COG" , 4337051 , 3154 , 1722 , 90 , "Congo Rep." , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("CRI" , 4805295 , 9443 , 1874 , 67 , "Costa Rica" , "North America" ));
data.push(new Country("CIV" , 19839750 , 1244 , 527 , 82 , "Cote d'Ivoire" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("HRV" , 4267558 , 13159 , 13519 , 114 , "Croatia" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("CUB" , 11270957 , 0 , 1780 , 9 , "Cuba" , "North America" ));
data.push(new Country("CUW" , 152056 , 0 , 0 , 138 , "Curacao" , "North America" ));
data.push(new Country("CYP" , 1128994 , 26352 , 37812 , 94 , "Cyprus" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("CZE" , 10510785 , 18690 , 8260 , 123 , "Czech Republic" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("DNK" , 5591572 , 56364 , 101084 , 116 , "Denmark" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("DJI" , 859652 , 1575 , 573 , 20 , "Djibouti" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("DMA" , 71684 , 6913 , 3000 , 148 , "Dominica" , "North America" ));
data.push(new Country("DOM" , 10276621 , 5733 , 1162 , 89 , "Dominican Republic" , "North America" ));
data.push(new Country("ECU" , 15492264 , 5425 , 995 , 99 , "Ecuador" , "South America" ));
data.push(new Country("EGY" , 80721874 , 3256 , 391 , 91 , "Egypt" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("SLV" , 6297394 , 3782 , 1953 , 124 , "El Salvador" , "North America" ));
data.push(new Country("GNQ" , 736296 , 22391 , 634 , 57 , "Equatorial Guinea" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("ERI" , 6130922 , 504 , 195 , 3 , "Eritrea" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("EST" , 1325016 , 16887 , 16944 , 127 , "Estonia" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("ETH" , 91728849 , 467 , 51 , 8 , "Ethiopia" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("EUU" , 505640311 , 32917 , 0 , 118 , "Euroean Union" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("FRO" , 49506 , 0 , 0 , 120 , "Faeroe Islands" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("FJI" , 874742 , 4613 , 150 , 81 , "Fiji" , "Oceania" ));
data.push(new Country("FIN" , 5413971 , 45649 , 68960 , 156 , "Finland" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("FRA" , 65676758 , 39759 , 74619 , 91 , "France" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("GAB" , 1632572 , 10930 , 1587 , 103 , "Gabon" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("GMB" , 1791225 , 510 , 306 , 88 , "Gambia" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("GEO" , 4490700 , 3529 , 1940 , 91 , "Georgia" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("DEU" , 80425823 , 42598 , 57755 , 106 , "Germany" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("GHA" , 25366462 , 1646 , 274 , 72 , "Ghana" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("GRC" , 11092771 , 22395 , 47636 , 111 , "Greece" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("GRL" , 56810 , 0 , 1035 , 101 , "Greenland" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("GRD" , 105483 , 7598 , 3402 , 116 , "Grenada" , "North America" ));
data.push(new Country("GTM" , 15082831 , 3341 , 1216 , 126 , "Guatemala" , "North America" ));
data.push(new Country("GIN" , 11451273 , 493 , 305 , 37 , "Guinea" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("GNB" , 1663558 , 494 , 722 , 43 , "Guinea-Bissau" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("GUY" , 795369 , 3585 , 1049 , 71 , "Guyana" , "South America" ));
data.push(new Country("HTI" , 10173775 , 776 , 36 , 40 , "Haiti" , "North America" ));
data.push(new Country("HND" , 7935846 , 2339 , 465 , 125 , "Honduras" , "North America" ));
data.push(new Country("HKG" , 7154600 , 36708 , 105420 , 196 , "Hong Kong" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("HUN" , 9920362 , 12560 , 14821 , 120 , "Hungary" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("ISL" , 320716 , 42362 , 362942 , 107 , "Iceland" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("IND" , 1236686732 , 1503 , 240 , 62 , "India" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("IDN" , 246864191 , 3551 , 837 , 88 , "Indonesia" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("IRN" , 76424443 , 6578 , 170 , 73 , "Iran" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("IRQ" , 32578209 , 6625 , 1641 , 75 , "Iraq" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("IRL" , 4586897 , 45922 , 512083 , 105 , "Ireland" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("ISR" , 7910500 , 32567 , 12070 , 123 , "Israel" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("ITA" , 59539717 , 33814 , 36841 , 155 , "Italy" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("JAM" , 2707805 , 5464 , 4660 , 116 , "Jamaica" , "North America" ));
data.push(new Country("JPN" , 127561489 , 46548 , 24000 , 97 , "Japan" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("JOR" , 6318000 , 4909 , 903 , 103 , "Jordan" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("KAZ" , 16791425 , 12120 , 6060 , 122 , "Kazakhstan" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("KEN" , 43178141 , 933 , 200 , 61 , "Kenya" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("KIR" , 100786 , 1736 , 120 , 11 , "Kiribati" , "Oceania" ));
data.push(new Country("PRK" , 24763188 , 0 , 544 , 2 , "Korea North" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("KOR" , 50004441 , 24454 , 7567 , 105 , "Korea South" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("KSV" , 1807106 , 3567 , 0 , 0 , "Kosovo" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("KWT" , 3250496 , 56367 , 15754 , 133 , "Kuwait" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("KGZ" , 5607200 , 1178 , 699 , 99 , "Kyrgyzstan" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("LAO" , 6645827 , 1412 , 900 , 63 , "Laos" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("LVA" , 2034319 , 13947 , 18527 , 110 , "Latvia" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("LBN" , 4424888 , 9764 , 8815 , 66 , "Lebanon" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("LSO" , 2051545 , 1135 , 255 , 49 , "Lesotho" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("LBR" , 4190435 , 414 , 65 , 40 , "Liberia" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("LBY" , 6154623 , 13303 , 972 , 180 , "Libya" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("LIE" , 36656 , 0 , 0 , 98 , "Liechtenstein" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("LTU" , 2987773 , 14172 , 9995 , 159 , "Lithuania" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("LUX" , 530946 , 103859 , 3696467 , 143 , "Luxembourg" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("MAC" , 556783 , 77196 , 0 , 210 , "Macao" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("MKD" , 2105575 , 4548 , 2668 , 102 , "Macedonia" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("MDG" , 22293914 , 443 , 140 , 37 , "Madagascar" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("MWI" , 15906483 , 267 , 77 , 21 , "Malawi" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("MYS" , 29239927 , 10432 , 2570 , 120 , "Malaysia" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("MDV" , 338442 , 6244 , 2947 , 152 , "Maldives" , "Oceania" ));
data.push(new Country("MLI" , 14853572 , 696 , 254 , 53 , "Mali" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("MLT" , 419455 , 20839 , 14233 , 107 , "Malta" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("MHL" , 52555 , 3292 , 1377 , 0 , "Marshall Islands" , "Oceania" ));
data.push(new Country("MRT" , 3796141 , 1043 , 831 , 77 , "Mauritania" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("MUS" , 1291167 , 8862 , 3937 , 97 , "Mauritius" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("MEX" , 120847477 , 9818 , 1956 , 78 , "Mexico" , "North America" ));
data.push(new Country("FSM" , 103395 , 3155 , 556 , 27 , "Micronesia" , "Oceania" ));
data.push(new Country("MDA" , 3559519 , 2047 , 1296 , 71 , "Moldova" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("MCO" , 37579 , 0 , 471428 , 64 , "Monaco" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("MNG" , 2796484 , 3691 , 686 , 93 , "Mongolia" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("MNE" , 621081 , 6514 , 939 , 189 , "Montenegro" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("MAR" , 32521143 , 2902 , 712 , 101 , "Morocco" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("MOZ" , 25203395 , 570 , 231 , 30 , "Mozambique" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("MMR" , 52797319 , 0 , 117 , 1 , "Myanmar" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("NAM" , 2259393 , 5931 , 1131 , 90 , "Namibia" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("NPL" , 27474377 , 699 , 161 , 34 , "Nepal" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("NLD" , 16754962 , 45961 , 226503 , 115 , "Netherlands" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("NCL" , 258000 , 0 , 385 , 90 , "New Caledonia" , "Oceania" ));
data.push(new Country("NZL" , 4433000 , 38680 , 52300 , 108 , "New Zealand" , "Oceania" ));
data.push(new Country("NIC" , 5991733 , 1777 , 693 , 68 , "Nicaragua" , "North America" ));
data.push(new Country("NER" , 17157042 , 395 , 178 , 23 , "Niger" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("NGA" , 168833776 , 2722 , 71 , 55 , "Nigeria" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("NAC" , 348692795 , 51826 , 0 , 90 , "North America" , "North America" ));
data.push(new Country("NOR" , 5018573 , 99636 , 131220 , 114 , "Norway" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("OMN" , 3314001 , 23624 , 2962 , 164 , "Oman" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("PAK" , 179160111 , 1255 , 366 , 57 , "Pakistan" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("PLW" , 20754 , 11202 , 0 , 71 , "Palau" , "Oceania" ));
data.push(new Country("PAN" , 3802281 , 9982 , 3927 , 181 , "Panama" , "North America" ));
data.push(new Country("PNG" , 7167010 , 2184 , 238 , 28 , "Papua New Guinea" , "Oceania" ));
data.push(new Country("PRY" , 6687361 , 3680 , 382 , 92 , "Paraguay" , "South America" ));
data.push(new Country("PER" , 29987800 , 6424 , 1126 , 100 , "Peru" , "South America" ));
data.push(new Country("PHL" , 96706764 , 2587 , 636 , 89 , "Philippines" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("POL" , 38535873 , 12721 , 6586 , 123 , "Poland" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("PRT" , 10514844 , 20175 , 47835 , 115 , "Portugal" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("PRI" , 3651545 , 27795 , 15692 , 79 , "Puerto Rico" , "North America" ));
data.push(new Country("QAT" , 2050514 , 92633 , 41988 , 125 , "Qatar" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("ROM" , 20076727 , 8437 , 5082 , 111 , "Romania" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("RUS" , 143178000 , 14091 , 3634 , 166 , "Russian" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("RWA" , 11457801 , 623 , 284 , 33 , "Rwanda" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("WSM" , 188889 , 3623 , 968 , 0 , "Samoa" , "Oceania" ));
data.push(new Country("SMR" , 31247 , 0 , 8388 , 99 , "San Marino" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("STP" , 188098 , 1400 , 2193 , 58 , "Sao Tome and Principe" , "Oceania" ));
data.push(new Country("SAU" , 28287855 , 25946 , 3176 , 189 , "Saudi Arabia" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("SEN" , 13726021 , 1023 , 296 , 64 , "Senegal" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("SRB" , 7199077 , 5294 , 4178 , 125 , "Serbia" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("SYC" , 88303 , 11689 , 15614 , 129 , "Seychelles" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("SLE" , 5978727 , 633 , 340 , 35 , "Sierra Leone" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("SGP" , 5312400 , 54007 , 0 , 145 , "Singapore" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("SVK" , 5407579 , 16893 , 10926 , 109 , "Slovakia" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("SVN" , 2057159 , 22059 , 25555 , 103 , "Slovenia" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("SLB" , 549598 , 1819 , 355 , 22 , "Solomon Islands" , "Oceania" ));
data.push(new Country("SOM" , 10195134 , 0 , 386 , 7 , "Somalia" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("ZAF" , 52274945 , 7314 , 1613 , 98 , "South Africa" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("SAS" , 1649249388 , 1396 , 0 , 60 , "South Asia" , "South Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("SSD" , 10837527 , 974 , 0 , 0 , "South Sudan" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("ESP" , 46761264 , 28282 , 52045 , 111 , "Spain" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("LKA" , 20328000 , 2922 , 881 , 84 , "Sri Lanka" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("KNA" , 53584 , 13658 , 6408 , 153 , "St. Kitts and Nevis" , "North America" ));
data.push(new Country("LCA" , 180870 , 7288 , 1586 , 112 , "St. Lucia" , "North America" ));
data.push(new Country("VCT" , 109373 , 6349 , 4477 , 121 , "St. Vincent and the Grenadines" , "North America" ));
data.push(new Country("SXM" , 30959 , 0 , 0 , 0 , "Sint Maarten" , "North America" ));
data.push(new Country("SDN" , 37195349 , 1695 , 946 , 42 , "Sudan" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("SUR" , 534541 , 9376 , 1011 , 99 , "Suriname" , "South America" ));
data.push(new Country("SWZ" , 1230985 , 3290 , 428 , 61 , "Swaziland" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("SWE" , 9519374 , 55039 , 91487 , 117 , "Sweden" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("CHE" , 7996861 , 78929 , 154063 , 123 , "Switzerland" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("SYR" , 22399254 , 0 , 373 , 54 , "Syria" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("TJK" , 8008990 , 953 , 262 , 78 , "Tajikistan" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("TZA" , 47783107 , 609 , 183 , 47 , "Tanzania" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("THA" , 66785001 , 5480 , 1292 , 108 , "Thailand" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("TMP" , 1148958 , 1179 , 0 , 44 , "East Timor" , "Oceania" ));
data.push(new Country("TGO" , 6642928 , 589 , 0 , 41 , "Togo" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("TON" , 104941 , 4494 , 799 , 52 , "Tonga" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("TTO" , 1337439 , 17523 , 3502 , 143 , "Trinidad and Tobago" , "North America" ));
data.push(new Country("TUN" , 10777500 , 4197 , 1779 , 105 , "Tunisia" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("TUR" , 73997128 , 10661 , 3794 , 86 , "Turkey" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("TKM" , 5172931 , 6798 , 978 , 63 , "Turkmenistan" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("TUV" , 9860 , 4044 , 0 , 16 , "Tuvalu" , "Oceania" ));
data.push(new Country("UGA" , 36345860 , 551 , 85 , 38 , "Uganda" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("UKR" , 45593300 , 3873 , 2144 , 117 , "Ukraine" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("ARE" , 9205651 , 41692 , 24273 , 129 , "United Arab Emirates" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("GBR" , 63695687 , 38649 , 160158 , 124 , "United Kingdom" , "Europe" ));
data.push(new Country("USA" , 313873685 , 51755 , 52170 , 91 , "United States" , "North America" ));
data.push(new Country("URY" , 3395253 , 14728 , 3989 , 132 , "Uruguay" , "South America" ));
data.push(new Country("UZB" , 29774500 , 1719 , 150 , 76 , "Uzbekistan" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("VUT" , 247262 , 3183 , 389 , 72 , "Vanuatu" , "Oceania" ));
data.push(new Country("VEN" , 29954782 , 12729 , 1906 , 96 , "Venezuela" , "South America" ));
data.push(new Country("VNM" , 88772900 , 1755 , 379 , 125 , "Vietnam" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("WBG" , 4046901 , 2530 , 414 , 65 , "Palestine" , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("YEM" , 23852409 , 1341 , 293 , 49 , "Yemen Rep." , "Asia" ));
data.push(new Country("ZMB" , 14075099 , 1463 , 264 , 41 , "Zambia" , "Africa" ));
data.push(new Country("ZWE" , 13724317 , 909 , 609 , 59 , "Zimbabwe" , "Africa" ));
data = data.sort(this .sortByPopDescending);
const countries: Country[] = [];
for (const country of data) {
if (country.isValid()) {
return countries;
public static abbreviate(value: number ): string {
const suffixes = ["" , "K" , "M" , "B" , "T" ];
const suffixNum = Math .floor(("" + value).length / 3 );
const shortValue = parseFloat ((suffixNum !== 0 ? (value / Math .pow(1000 , suffixNum)) : value).toFixed(1 ));
return shortValue + suffixes[suffixNum];
class Country {
public population: number ;
public gdpPerCapita: number ;
public gdpTotal: number ;
public dptPerCapita: number ;
public phonePer100: number ;
public code: string ;
public name: string ;
public region: string ;
constructor (code: string , pop: number , gdp: number , dpt: number , phones: number , name: string , region: string ) {
this .code = code;
this .region = region;
this .name = name;
this .population = pop;
this .gdpPerCapita = gdp;
this .gdpTotal = gdp * pop;
this .dptPerCapita = dpt;
this .phonePer100 = phones;
public getPopulation(): string {
return SampleScatterStats.abbreviate(this .population);
public getGdpTotal(): string {
return SampleScatterStats.abbreviate(this .gdpTotal);
public getGdpPerCapita(): string {
return SampleScatterStats.abbreviate(this .gdpPerCapita);
public isValid(): boolean {
return this .gdpPerCapita > 0 && this .population > 0 &&
this .dptPerCapita > 0 && this .phonePer100 > 0 ;
ts コピー import { NgModule } from "@angular/core" ;
import { FormsModule } from "@angular/forms" ;
import { CommonModule } from "@angular/common" ;
import { BrowserModule } from "@angular/platform-browser" ;
import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from "@angular/platform-browser/animations" ;
import { AppComponent } from "./app.component" ;
import { IgxDataChartCoreModule, IgxDataChartScatterCoreModule, IgxDataChartScatterModule, IgxLegendModule, IgxNumberAbbreviatorModule, IgxDataChartInteractivityModule } from "igniteui-angular-charts" ;
import { SampleScatterStats } from "./SampleScatterStats" ;
@NgModule ({
bootstrap : [AppComponent],
declarations : [
imports : [
providers : [SampleScatterStats],
schemas : []
export class AppModule {}
ts コピー import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild } from "@angular/core" ;
import { IgxDataChartComponent } from "igniteui-angular-charts" ;
import { IgxNumericXAxisComponent } from "igniteui-angular-charts" ;
import { IgxNumericYAxisComponent } from "igniteui-angular-charts" ;
import { IgxBubbleSeriesComponent } from "igniteui-angular-charts" ;
import { IgxSizeScaleComponent } from "igniteui-angular-charts" ;
import { SampleScatterStats } from "./SampleScatterStats" ;
@Component ({
standalone : false ,
selector : "app-root" ,
styleUrls : ["./app.component.scss" ],
templateUrl : "./app.component.html"
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
public data: any [];
public isZoomEnabled: boolean = true ;
public defaultInteraction: string = "DragZoom" ;
public panModifier: string = "None" ;
public zoomModifier: string = "None" ;
@ViewChild ("xAxis" , { static : true })
public xAxis: IgxNumericXAxisComponent;
@ViewChild ("yAxis" , { static : true })
public yAxis: IgxNumericYAxisComponent;
@ViewChild ("chart" , { static : true })
public chart: IgxDataChartComponent;
constructor ( ) {
this .data = SampleScatterStats.getCountriesWithHighIncome();
public ngOnInit ( ) {
this .createSeries();
this .chart.actualWindowScaleHorizontal = 0.6 ;
this .chart.actualWindowScaleVertical = 0.6 ;
this .chart.actualWindowPositionVertical = 0.2 ;
this .chart.actualWindowPositionHorizontal = 0.2 ;
public onPanUpClick ( ) {
this .chart.actualWindowPositionVertical -= 0.05 ;
public onPanDownClick ( ) {
this .chart.actualWindowPositionVertical += 0.05 ;
public onPanRightClick ( ) {
this .chart.actualWindowPositionHorizontal += 0.05 ;
public onPanLeftClick ( ) {
this .chart.actualWindowPositionHorizontal -= 0.05 ;
public createSeries ( ) {
const sizeScale = new IgxSizeScaleComponent();
sizeScale.minimumValue = 10 ;
sizeScale.maximumValue = 60 ;
const series = new IgxBubbleSeriesComponent();
series.title = "Countries" ;
series.dataSource = SampleScatterStats.getCountries();
series.showDefaultTooltip = true ;
series.xMemberPath = "population" ;
series.yMemberPath = "gdpTotal" ;
series.radiusMemberPath = "gdpPerCapita" ;
series.radiusScale = sizeScale;
series.xAxis = this .xAxis;
series.yAxis = this .yAxis;
this .chart.series.clear();
this .chart.series.add(series);
ts コピー <div class ="container vertical" >
<div class ="options horizontal" >
<span class ="options-item" > Default Drag Option:</span >
<select [(ngModel )]="defaultInteraction" >
<option > DragZoom</option >
<option > DragPan</option >
<option > None</option >
</select >
<span class ="options-item" > Pan Modifier:</span >
<select [(ngModel )]="panModifier" >
<option > Alt</option >
<option > Control</option >
<option > Shift</option >
<option > Windows</option >
<option > Apple</option >
<option > None</option >
</select >
<span class ="options-item" > Zoom Modifier:</span >
<select [(ngModel )]="zoomModifier" >
<option > Alt</option >
<option > Control</option >
<option > Shift</option >
<option > Windows</option >
<option > Apple</option >
<option > None</option >
</select >
</div >
<div class ="options horizontal" >
<label class ="options-item" > <input type ="checkbox" [(ngModel )]="isZoomEnabled" /> Enable Zooming</label >
<button class ="options-item" (click )="onPanUpClick()" > Pan Up</button >
<button class ="options-item" (click )="onPanDownClick()" > Pan Down</button >
<button class ="options-item" (click )="onPanLeftClick()" > Pan Left</button >
<button class ="options-item" (click )="onPanRightClick()" > Pan Right</button >
</div >
<div class ="container" >
<igx-data-chart #chart [dataSource ]="data"
width ="100%"
height ="100%"
[defaultInteraction ]="defaultInteraction"
[dragModifier ]="zoomModifier"
[panModifier ]="panModifier"
[isHorizontalZoomEnabled ]="isZoomEnabled"
[isVerticalZoomEnabled ]="isZoomEnabled" >
<igx-numeric-x-axis #xAxis
isLogarithmic =true
abbreviateLargeNumbers =true
title ="Population" >
</igx-numeric-x-axis >
<igx-numeric-y-axis #yAxis
isLogarithmic =true
abbreviateLargeNumbers =true
title ="Total GDP ($)" >
</igx-numeric-y-axis >
</igx-data-chart >
</div >
</div >
html コピー
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¿Te gusta esta muestra? Obtenga acceso a nuestro kit de herramientas de Angular completo y comience a crear sus propias aplicaciones en minutos. Descárgalo gratis.
Navegación de gráficos con interacciones del usuario
El hecho de que el zoom esté activado de forma predeterminada depende del gráfico que esté utilizando. Si está utilizando IgxCategoryChartComponent
, está activado de forma predeterminada, pero no está en el IgxDataChartComponent
. Para habilitar o deshabilitar la navegación en la interfaz de usuario, debe establecer las isHorizontalZoomEnabled
propiedades y/o del isVerticalZoomEnabled
gráfico, según la dirección en la que desee habilitar o deshabilitar el zoom.
También es posible hacer zoom o desplazarse simplemente haciendo clic con el mouse o usando el tacto. La propiedad defaultInteraction
del gráfico de datos determina lo que sucede al hacer clic con el mouse o al tocar eventos. Esta propiedad tiene como valor predeterminado DragZoom
y cuando se establece en esta opción con el zoom habilitado, al hacer clic y arrastrar se colocará un rectángulo de vista previa sobre el área del gráfico que se convertirá en el área ampliada del gráfico. Esta propiedad defaultInteraction
también se puede establecer en DragPan
para permitir la panorámica o None
para evitar estas operaciones.
Navegación por cartas con toque, mouse y teclado
La navegación en el gráfico de datos de Angular puede realizarse con el tacto, el ratón o el teclado. De forma predeterminada, se pueden invocar las siguientes operaciones mediante operaciones táctiles, de ratón o de teclado:
Panorámica : usando las teclas de flecha 🡐 🡒 🡑 🡓 del teclado o manteniendo presionada la tecla Mayús , haciendo clic y arrastrando con el mouse o presionando y moviendo el dedo mediante el tacto.
Acercar : usando la tecla Re Pág del teclado, girando la rueda del mouse hacia arriba o pellizcando para acercar mediante el tacto.
Alejar : use la tecla Av Pág del teclado, gire la rueda del mouse hacia abajo o pellizque para alejar mediante el tacto.
Ajustar al área del gráfico : usando la tecla Inicio en el teclado. No hay operación táctil ni de mouse para esto.
Zoom de área : haga clic y arrastre el mouse dentro del área de trazado con la propiedad defaultInteraction
establecida en su valor predeterminado: DragZoom
Las operaciones de zoom y panorámica también se pueden habilitar mediante el uso de teclas modificadoras configurando las propiedades dragModifier
y panModifier
, respectivamente. Estas propiedades se pueden configurar con las siguientes teclas modificadoras y, al presionarlas, se ejecutará la operación correspondiente:
Valor del modificador
Clave correspondiente
sin llaves
El gráfico se puede desplazar habilitando las propiedades verticalViewScrollbarMode
y horizontalViewScrollbarMode
Estos se pueden configurar con las siguientes opciones.
: las barras de desplazamiento siempre permanecen visibles, siempre que el gráfico esté ampliado, y desaparecen cuando se reduce por completo.
: las barras de desplazamiento desaparecen después de su uso y reaparecen cuando el mouse está cerca de su ubicación.
: las barras de desplazamiento se reducen a una línea más delgada cuando no se utiliza el zoom.
: predeterminado, no se muestran barras de desplazamiento.
El siguiente ejemplo demuestra cómo habilitar las barras de desplazamiento.
export class MultipleStocks extends Array <Array <StockItem >> {
public static async fetch(): Promise <MultipleStocks> {
const dataSources: any [] = [
await this .getGoogleStock(),
await this .getAmazonStock(),
return new Promise <MultipleStocks>((resolve, reject ) => {
public static async getAmazonStock(): Promise <StockItem[]> {
let url = "" ;
let response = await fetch(url);
let jsonData = await response.json();
let stockData = this .convertData(jsonData);
(stockData as any ).__dataIntents = {
close : ["SeriesTitle/Amazon" ]
return new Promise <StockItem[]>((resolve, reject ) => {
public static async getTeslaStock(): Promise <StockItem[]> {
let url = "" ;
let response = await fetch(url);
let jsonData = await response.json();
let stockData = this .convertData(jsonData);
(stockData as any ).__dataIntents = {
close : ["SeriesTitle/Tesla" ]
return new Promise <StockItem[]>((resolve, reject ) => {
public static async getMicrosoftStock(): Promise <StockItem[]> {
let url = "" ;
let response = await fetch(url);
let jsonData = await response.json();
let stockData = this .convertData(jsonData);
(stockData as any ).__dataIntents = {
close : ["SeriesTitle/Microsoft" ]
return new Promise <StockItem[]>((resolve, reject ) => {
public static async getGoogleStock(): Promise <StockItem[]> {
let url = "" ;
let response = await fetch(url);
let jsonData = await response.json();
let stockData = this .convertData(jsonData);
(stockData as any ).__dataIntents = {
close : ["SeriesTitle/Google" ]
return new Promise <StockItem[]>((resolve, reject ) => {
public static convertData(jsonData: any []): StockItem[] {
let stockItems: StockItem[] = [];
for (let json of jsonData) {
let parts ="-" );
let item = new StockItem(); = new Date (parts[0 ], parts[1 ], parts[2 ]); =;
item.high = json.high;
item.low = json.low;
item.close = json.close;
item.volume = json.volume;
return stockItems;
export class StockItem {
public open?: number ;
public close?: number ;
public high?: number ;
public low?: number ;
public volume?: number ;
public date?: Date ;
ts コピー import { NgModule } from "@angular/core" ;
import { FormsModule } from "@angular/forms" ;
import { CommonModule } from "@angular/common" ;
import { BrowserModule } from "@angular/platform-browser" ;
import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from "@angular/platform-browser/animations" ;
import { AppComponent } from "./app.component" ;
import { IgxFinancialChartModule, IgxDataChartInteractivityModule, IgxLegendModule } from 'igniteui-angular-charts' ;
@NgModule ({
bootstrap : [AppComponent],
declarations : [
imports : [
providers : [],
schemas : []
export class AppModule {}
ts コピー import { AfterViewInit, Component, ViewChild, ChangeDetectionStrategy, ChangeDetectorRef } from '@angular/core' ;
import { MultipleStocks } from './MultipleStocks' ;
import { IgxFinancialChartComponent } from 'igniteui-angular-charts' ;
@Component ({
standalone : false ,
selector : "app-root" ,
styleUrls : ["./app.component.scss" ],
templateUrl : "./app.component.html" ,
changeDetection : ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
export class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit
@ViewChild ("chart" , { static : true } )
private chart: IgxFinancialChartComponent
private _multipleStocks: MultipleStocks = null ;
private _isFetching: boolean = false ;
public get multipleStocks (): MultipleStocks {
if (this ._multipleStocks == null && !this ._isFetching)
this ._isFetching = true ;
( async () => { this ._multipleStocks = await (await MultipleStocks.fetch()); this ._detector.markForCheck(); })();
return this ._multipleStocks;
public constructor (private _detector: ChangeDetectorRef )
public ngAfterViewInit(): void
ts コピー <div class ="container vertical sample" >
<div class ="container fill" >
name ="chart"
isToolbarVisible ="false"
isVerticalZoomEnabled ="true"
isHorizontalZoomEnabled ="true"
[dataSource ]="multipleStocks"
verticalViewScrollbarMode ="Fading"
horizontalViewScrollbarMode ="Persistent"
zoomSliderType ="None"
windowRect ="0, 0, 0.5, 1" >
</igx-financial-chart >
</div >
</div >
html コピー
Navegación de gráficos a través del código
La navegación por código del gráfico solo se puede utilizar para el control IgxDataChartComponent.
El gráfico de datos Angular proporciona varias propiedades de navegación que se actualizan cada vez que se realiza una operación de zoom o panorámica en el gráfico. También puede establecer cada una de estas propiedades para acercar o desplazar el gráfico de datos mediante programación. A continuación se muestra una lista de estas propiedades:
: un valor numérico que describe la porción X del rectángulo de vista de contenido que se muestra en el gráfico de datos.
: un valor numérico que describe la parte Y del rectángulo de vista de contenido que se muestra en el gráfico de datos.
: un objeto Rect
que representa un rectángulo que representa la parte del gráfico que está actualmente a la vista. Por ejemplo, un windowRect
de "0, 0, 1, 1" sería la totalidad del gráfico de datos.
: un valor numérico que describe la parte del ancho del rectángulo de vista de contenido que se muestra en el gráfico de datos.
: un valor numérico que describe la parte de altura del rectángulo de vista de contenido que se muestra en el gráfico de datos.
Recursos adicionales
Puede encontrar más información sobre las funciones de gráficos relacionadas en estos temas:
Referencias de API
La siguiente es una lista de miembros de API mencionados en las secciones anteriores: