Web Components Data Validation

    Este tema explica cómo configurar y establecer las reglas de validación de datos integradas.

    Ejemplo de validación de datos de Web Components


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    Al configurar las reglas de validación de datos, deberá importar las reglas que desee utilizar.

    import { AnyValueDataValidationRule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-excel';
    import { CustomDataValidationRule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-excel';
    import { DataValidationErrorStyle } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-excel';
    import { ListDataValidationRule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-excel';
    import { OneConstraintDataValidationOperator } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-excel';
    import { OneConstraintDataValidationRule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-excel';
    import { TwoConstraintDataValidationOperator } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-excel';
    import { TwoConstraintDataValidationRule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-excel';
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    El siguiente fragmento muestra cómo puede configurar las reglas de validación de datos.

    // this validation rule has only input message set
    const valRule1 = new AnyValueDataValidationRule();
    valRule1.inputMessageTitle = "Hotel room booking form";
    valRule1.inputMessageDescription = "Please us the form below to choose your accommodation type";
    this.spreadsheet.workbook.worksheets(0).rows(1).cells(0).dataValidationRule = valRule1;
    this.spreadsheet.workbook.worksheets(0).rows(1).cells(0).value = "Hotel room booking form";
    // this validation rule has a two constraint validation set
    const valRule2 = new TwoConstraintDataValidationRule();
    valRule2.validationOperator = TwoConstraintDataValidationOperator.Between;
    valRule2.inputMessageTitle = "Adults";
    valRule2.inputMessageDescription = "Adults count must be min, 1 and max. 4.";
    valRule2.errorMessageTitle = "Adult requirement not met";
    valRule2.errorMessageDescription = "There must be between 1 and 4 adults per room.";
    valRule2.errorStyle = DataValidationErrorStyle.Information;
    this.spreadsheet.workbook.worksheets(0).rows(3).cells(1).dataValidationRule = valRule2;
    this.spreadsheet.workbook.worksheets(0).rows(3).cells(1).value = 1;
    this.spreadsheet.workbook.worksheets(0).rows(3).cells(0).value = "Adults";
    // this validation rule has a custom formula validation set
    const valRule3 = new CustomDataValidationRule();
    const separator = getLocaleNumberSymbol(window.navigator.language, NumberSymbol.Group);
    valRule3.setFormula("=AND((B4+B5)<5 " + separator + " (B4+B5)>0)", null);
    valRule3.inputMessageTitle = "Children";
    valRule3.inputMessageDescription = "Children and adults cannot be more than 4 per room.";
    valRule3.errorMessageTitle = "Room limit exceeded";
    valRule3.errorMessageDescription = "The maximum persons per room is 4.";
    valRule3.errorStyle = DataValidationErrorStyle.Warning;
    this.spreadsheet.workbook.worksheets(0).rows(4).cells(1).dataValidationRule = valRule3;
    this.spreadsheet.workbook.worksheets(0).rows(4).cells(1).value = 0;
    this.spreadsheet.workbook.worksheets(0).rows(4).cells(0).value = "Children";
    // this validation rule has a list of accepted choices validation set
    const valRule4 = new ListDataValidationRule();
    valRule4.setValues(["FB", "HB", "BB" ]);
    valRule4.inputMessageTitle = "Servicing";
    valRule4.inputMessageDescription = "Allowed values: FB (Full board - breakfast, lunch, and dinner)" +
    ", HB (Half board - breakfast and dinner), BB (Bed and breakfast)";
    valRule4.errorMessageTitle = "Invalid Option";
    valRule4.errorMessageDescription = "Please choose FB, HB, or BB";
    valRule4.errorStyle = DataValidationErrorStyle.Stop;
    this.spreadsheet.workbook.worksheets(0).rows(5).cells(1).dataValidationRule = valRule4;
    this.spreadsheet.workbook.worksheets(0).rows(5).cells(1).value = "FB";
    this.spreadsheet.workbook.worksheets(0).rows(5).cells(0).value = "Servicing";
    // this validation rule has a single constraint validation set
    const valRule5 = new OneConstraintDataValidationRule();
    valRule5.inputMessageTitle = "Check In Date";
    const checkinDate = new Date();
    valRule5.inputMessageDescription = "The hotel operates from" + checkinDate;
    valRule5.validationOperator = OneConstraintDataValidationOperator.GreaterThanOrEqualTo;
    this.spreadsheet.workbook.worksheets(0).rows(6).cells(1).dataValidationRule = valRule5;
    this.spreadsheet.workbook.worksheets(0).rows(6).cells(1).value = checkinDate.toLocaleDateString();
    this.spreadsheet.workbook.worksheets(0).rows(6).cells(0).value = "Check In Date";
    // this validation rule has a single constraint validation set
    const valRule6 = new OneConstraintDataValidationRule();
    valRule6.inputMessageTitle = "Check Out Date";
    valRule6.inputMessageDescription = "The check out date must be greater than the check in date";
    valRule6.validationOperator = OneConstraintDataValidationOperator.GreaterThan;
    valRule6.setConstraintFormula("=B7", null);
    const checkOutDate = new Date();
    checkOutDate.setDate(checkOutDate.getDate() + 1);
    this.spreadsheet.workbook.worksheets(0).rows(7).cells(1).dataValidationRule = valRule6;
    this.spreadsheet.workbook.worksheets(0).rows(7).cells(1).value = checkOutDate.toLocaleDateString();
    this.spreadsheet.workbook.worksheets(0).rows(7).cells(0).value = "Check Out Date";

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