Web Components Descripción general de tablas y gráficos
Ignite UI for Web Components Charts & Graphs es una extensa biblioteca de visualizaciones de datos que permite gráficos y paneles impresionantes e interactivos para sus aplicaciones web y móviles. Construido para la velocidad y la belleza, diseñado para funcionar en todos los navegadores modernos y con total tacto e interactividad, puede crear rápida y fácilmente imágenes receptivas en su próxima aplicación en cualquier dispositivo.
Los gráficos Ignite UI for Web Components admiten más de 65 tipos de series y combinaciones que le permiten visualizar cualquier tipo de datos, incluidas series de categorías, series financieras, series polares, series radiales, series de rangos, series de dispersión, series de formas y series geoespaciales. Independientemente del tipo de comparación que esté realizando, o del tipo de historia de datos que esté tratando de contar, puede representar sus datos de cualquiera de estas maneras:
- Cambian con el tiempo
- Comparación
- Correlación
- Distribución
- geoespacial
- Resumen + Detalle
- Parte al Todo
- Clasificación
¡Potencie sus visualizaciones más exigentes con gráficos Infragistics Web Components!
Web Components Tipos de tablas y gráficos
El producto Web Components tiene más de 65 tipos diferentes de gráficos y tablas para cualquier escenario, desde una sola pantalla de gráfico hasta un panel interactivo. Puede crear gráficos de Web Components como Circular, Barras, Área, Línea, Punto, Apilado, Donut, Dispersión, Manómetro, Polar, Mapa de árbol, Stock, Financiero, Mapas geoespaciales y más para sus aplicaciones móviles o web. El beneficio de nuestro gráfico de Web Components en comparación con otros es la compatibilidad total con funciones como:
- Diseño web responsivo integrado
- Panorámica y zoom interactivos con mouse, teclado y toque
- Control total de la animación del gráfico
- Eventos detallados del gráfico
- Soporte de transmisión en tiempo real
- Soporte de alto volumen (millones de puntos de datos)
- Líneas de tendencias y otras funciones de análisis de datos
Construido con un diseño modular de capas de ejes, marcadores, series, leyendas y anotaciones, el gráfico de Web Components facilita el diseño de un renderizado de cualquier tipo de historia de datos. Cree un gráfico sencillo con una sola serie de datos, o cree historias de datos más complejas con varias series de datos, con varios ejes en vistas compuestas.
Categoría y gráfico financiero vs. gráfico de datos
La categoría Web Components y Gráfico financiero es a lo que nos referimos como nuestros gráficos específicos de dominio. Es un envoltorio alrededor de Web Components Gráfico de datos que asume que tu dominio es una categoría o una serie de precios financieros.
La elección de estos gráficos de dominio específicos permite simplificar la API y dibujar una gran cantidad de interfaces sobre los datos para configurar automáticamente el escenario del gráfico, todo ello sin necesidad de definir explícitamente atributos como ejes, series y anotaciones. Por el contrario, el gráfico de datos es muy explícito y es necesario definir cada parte crítica del gráfico.
Los gráficos de dominio utilizan un gráfico de datos en su núcleo; Por lo tanto, se aplican las mismas optimizaciones de rendimiento a ambos. La diferencia radica en si están tratando de hacer las cosas muy fáciles de especificar para el desarrollador o ser lo más flexibles posible. Web Components Gráfico de datos es más detallado, desbloqueando todas nuestras capacidades de gráficos que necesita, lo que le permite mezclar y combinar cualquier número de series, ejes o anotaciones, por ejemplo. Para los gráficos de categorías y financieros, puede haber una situación que no se pueda hacer fácilmente para la que el gráfico de datos sea más adecuado, como una serie con una serie de dispersión con un eje x numérico.
Puede ser difícil saber qué gráfico elegir al principio. Es crucial comprender el tipo de serie y cuántas características adicionales desea presentar. Para una categoría básica o serie financiera más ligera, recomendamos utilizar uno de los gráficos de dominio. Para escenarios más avanzados, se recomienda usar Web Components Gráfico de datos, como presentar algo distinto de lo que cubre la propiedad del gráfico de chartType
categorías, como una serie apilada o dispersa, o datos numéricos o basados en el tiempo. Vale la pena señalar que el Web Components Gráfico financiero cubre solo los tipos de series de columnas, barras OHLC, velas y líneas.
Hacemos que Web Components categoría y Gráfico financiero sean más fáciles de usar, la buena noticia es que siempre puede cambiar al gráfico de datos en el futuro.
Web Components Gráfico de barras
El Web Components Gráfico de barras o gráfico de barras es uno de los tipos de gráficos de categorías más comunes que se utilizan para comparar rápidamente la frecuencia, el recuento, el total o el promedio de los datos de diferentes categorías con los datos codificados por barras horizontales de igual ancho y diferentes longitudes. Son ideales para mostrar las variaciones en el valor de un artículo a lo largo del tiempo, la distribución de datos, la clasificación de datos ordenados (de mayor a menor, de peor a mejor). Los datos se representan mediante una colección de rectángulos que se extienden de izquierda a derecha del gráfico hacia los valores de los puntos de datos. Más información sobre nuestro gráfico de barras
export class HighestGrossingMoviesItem {
public constructor(init: Partial<HighestGrossingMoviesItem>) {
Object.assign(this, init);
public franchise: string;
public totalRevenue: number;
public highestGrossing: number;
export class HighestGrossingMovies extends Array<HighestGrossingMoviesItem> {
public constructor(items: Array<HighestGrossingMoviesItem> | number = -1) {
if (Array.isArray(items)) {
} else {
const newItems = [
new HighestGrossingMoviesItem(
franchise: `Marvel Universe`,
totalRevenue: 22.55,
highestGrossing: 2.8
new HighestGrossingMoviesItem(
franchise: `Star Wars`,
totalRevenue: 10.32,
highestGrossing: 2.07
new HighestGrossingMoviesItem(
franchise: `Harry Potter`,
totalRevenue: 9.19,
highestGrossing: 1.34
new HighestGrossingMoviesItem(
franchise: `Avengers`,
totalRevenue: 7.76,
highestGrossing: 2.8
new HighestGrossingMoviesItem(
franchise: `Spider Man`,
totalRevenue: 7.22,
highestGrossing: 1.28
new HighestGrossingMoviesItem(
franchise: `James Bond`,
totalRevenue: 7.12,
highestGrossing: 1.11
tsimport { IgcLegendModule, IgcDataChartCoreModule, IgcDataChartCategoryCoreModule, IgcDataChartCategoryModule, IgcDataChartInteractivityModule, IgcDataChartVerticalCategoryModule, IgcDataChartAnnotationModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { IgcLegendComponent, IgcDataChartComponent, IgcCategoryYAxisComponent, IgcNumericXAxisComponent, IgcCategoryHighlightLayerComponent, IgcBarSeriesComponent, IgcDataToolTipLayerComponent } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { HighestGrossingMoviesItem, HighestGrossingMovies } from './HighestGrossingMovies';
import { ModuleManager } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-core';
import "./index.css";
export class Sample {
private legend: IgcLegendComponent
private chart: IgcDataChartComponent
private yAxis: IgcCategoryYAxisComponent
private xAxis: IgcNumericXAxisComponent
private categoryHighlightLayer: IgcCategoryHighlightLayerComponent
private barSeries1: IgcBarSeriesComponent
private barSeries2: IgcBarSeriesComponent
private tooltips: IgcDataToolTipLayerComponent
private _bind: () => void;
constructor() {
var legend = this.legend = document.getElementById('legend') as IgcLegendComponent;
var chart = this.chart = document.getElementById('Chart') as IgcDataChartComponent;
var yAxis = this.yAxis = document.getElementById('yAxis') as IgcCategoryYAxisComponent;
var xAxis = this.xAxis = document.getElementById('xAxis') as IgcNumericXAxisComponent;
var categoryHighlightLayer = this.categoryHighlightLayer = document.getElementById('CategoryHighlightLayer') as IgcCategoryHighlightLayerComponent;
var barSeries1 = this.barSeries1 = document.getElementById('BarSeries1') as IgcBarSeriesComponent;
var barSeries2 = this.barSeries2 = document.getElementById('BarSeries2') as IgcBarSeriesComponent;
var tooltips = this.tooltips = document.getElementById('Tooltips') as IgcDataToolTipLayerComponent;
this._bind = () => {
chart.legend = this.legend;
yAxis.dataSource = this.highestGrossingMovies;
barSeries1.xAxis = this.xAxis;
barSeries1.yAxis = this.yAxis;
barSeries1.dataSource = this.highestGrossingMovies;
barSeries2.xAxis = this.xAxis;
barSeries2.yAxis = this.yAxis;
barSeries2.dataSource = this.highestGrossingMovies;
private _highestGrossingMovies: HighestGrossingMovies = null;
public get highestGrossingMovies(): HighestGrossingMovies {
if (this._highestGrossingMovies == null)
this._highestGrossingMovies = new HighestGrossingMovies();
return this._highestGrossingMovies;
new Sample();
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<div class="legend-title">
Highest Grossing Movie Franchises
<div class="legend">
<div class="container fill">
title="Billions of U.S. Dollars">
title="Total Revenue of Franchise"
title="Highest Grossing Movie in Series"
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Web Components Gráfico circular
El Web Components Gráfico circular, o gráfico circular, es un tipo de gráfico muy común de parte a todo. Los gráficos de parte a todo muestran cómo las categorías (partes) de un conjunto de datos se suman a un valor total (entero). Las categorías se muestran en proporción a otras categorías en función de su porcentaje de valor con respecto al valor total que se está analizando. Un gráfico circular representa los valores de datos como secciones en un gráfico circular o circular. Cada sección, o porción de pastel, tiene una longitud de arco proporcional a su valor de datos subyacente. Los valores totales representados por los segmentos de tarta representan un valor entero, como 100 o 100%. Los gráficos circulares son perfectos para conjuntos de datos pequeños y son fáciles de leer de un vistazo rápido. Más información sobre nuestro gráfico circular
export class EnergyGlobalDemandItem {
public constructor(init: Partial<EnergyGlobalDemandItem>) {
Object.assign(this, init);
public value: number;
public category: string;
public summary: string;
export class EnergyGlobalDemand extends Array<EnergyGlobalDemandItem> {
public constructor(items: Array<EnergyGlobalDemandItem> | number = -1) {
if (Array.isArray(items)) {
} else {
const newItems = [
new EnergyGlobalDemandItem(
value: 37,
category: `Cooling`,
summary: `Cooling 37%`
new EnergyGlobalDemandItem(
value: 25,
category: `Residential`,
summary: `Residential 25%`
new EnergyGlobalDemandItem(
value: 12,
category: `Heating`,
summary: `Heating 12%`
new EnergyGlobalDemandItem(
value: 11,
category: `Lighting`,
summary: `Lighting 11%`
new EnergyGlobalDemandItem(
value: 15,
category: `Other`,
summary: `Other 15%`
tsimport { IgcItemLegendModule, IgcPieChartModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { IgcItemLegendComponent, IgcPieChartComponent } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { EnergyGlobalDemandItem, EnergyGlobalDemand } from './EnergyGlobalDemand';
import { ModuleManager } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-core';
import "./index.css";
export class Sample {
private legend: IgcItemLegendComponent
private chart: IgcPieChartComponent
private _bind: () => void;
constructor() {
var legend = this.legend = document.getElementById('legend') as IgcItemLegendComponent;
var chart = this.chart = document.getElementById('chart') as IgcPieChartComponent;
this._bind = () => {
chart.dataSource = this.energyGlobalDemand;
chart.legend = this.legend;
private _energyGlobalDemand: EnergyGlobalDemand = null;
public get energyGlobalDemand(): EnergyGlobalDemand {
if (this._energyGlobalDemand == null)
this._energyGlobalDemand = new EnergyGlobalDemand();
return this._energyGlobalDemand;
new Sample();
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<div class="legend-title">
Global Electricity Demand by Energy Use
<div class="legend">
<div class="container fill">
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Web Components Gráfico de líneas
El Web Components Gráfico de líneas, o gráfico de líneas, es un tipo de gráfico de líneas de categoría que muestra los valores de datos continuos representados por puntos conectados por segmentos de línea recta de una o más cantidades durante un período de tiempo para mostrar tendencias y realizar análisis comparativos. El eje Y (etiquetas en el lado izquierdo) muestra un valor numérico, mientras que el eje X (etiquetas inferiores) muestra una serie temporal o una categoría de comparación. Puede incluir uno o más conjuntos de datos para comparar, que se representarían como varias líneas en el gráfico. Más información sobre nuestro gráfico de líneas
export class CountryRenewableElectricityItem {
public constructor(init: Partial<CountryRenewableElectricityItem>) {
Object.assign(this, init);
public year: string;
public europe: number;
public china: number;
public america: number;
export class CountryRenewableElectricity extends Array<CountryRenewableElectricityItem> {
public constructor(items: Array<CountryRenewableElectricityItem> | number = -1) {
if (Array.isArray(items)) {
} else {
const newItems = [
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2009`,
europe: 34,
china: 21,
america: 19
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2010`,
europe: 43,
china: 26,
america: 24
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2011`,
europe: 66,
china: 29,
america: 28
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2012`,
europe: 69,
china: 32,
america: 26
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2013`,
europe: 58,
china: 47,
america: 38
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2014`,
europe: 40,
china: 46,
america: 31
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2015`,
europe: 78,
china: 50,
america: 19
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2016`,
europe: 13,
china: 90,
america: 52
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2017`,
europe: 78,
china: 132,
america: 50
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2018`,
europe: 40,
china: 134,
america: 34
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2018`,
europe: 40,
china: 134,
america: 34
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2019`,
europe: 80,
china: 96,
america: 38
tsimport { IgcLegendModule, IgcCategoryChartModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { IgcLegendComponent, IgcCategoryChartComponent } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { CountryRenewableElectricityItem, CountryRenewableElectricity } from './CountryRenewableElectricity';
import { ModuleManager } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-core';
import "./index.css";
export class Sample {
private legend: IgcLegendComponent
private chart: IgcCategoryChartComponent
private _bind: () => void;
constructor() {
var legend = this.legend = document.getElementById('legend') as IgcLegendComponent;
var chart = this.chart = document.getElementById('chart') as IgcCategoryChartComponent;
this._bind = () => {
chart.dataSource = this.countryRenewableElectricity;
chart.legend = this.legend;
private _countryRenewableElectricity: CountryRenewableElectricity = null;
public get countryRenewableElectricity(): CountryRenewableElectricity {
if (this._countryRenewableElectricity == null)
this._countryRenewableElectricity = new CountryRenewableElectricity();
return this._countryRenewableElectricity;
new Sample();
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<div class="legend-title">
Renewable Electricity Generated
<div class="legend">
<div class="container fill">
included-properties="year, europe, china, america"
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Web Components Gráfico de anillos
El gráfico de Web Components Gráfico de anillos o de rosquilla, es una variante de un Gráfico circular, que ilustra proporcionalmente las ocurrencias de una variable en un círculo para representar partes de un todo. El gráfico de anillos tiene una abertura circular en el centro del gráfico circular, donde se puede mostrar un título o una explicación de categoría. Los gráficos de anillos pueden admitir varios anillos concéntricos, con soporte integrado para visualizar datos jerárquicos. Más información sobre nuestra tabla de donas
export class EnergyGlobalDemandItem {
public constructor(init: Partial<EnergyGlobalDemandItem>) {
Object.assign(this, init);
public value: number;
public category: string;
public summary: string;
export class EnergyGlobalDemand extends Array<EnergyGlobalDemandItem> {
public constructor(items: Array<EnergyGlobalDemandItem> | number = -1) {
if (Array.isArray(items)) {
} else {
const newItems = [
new EnergyGlobalDemandItem(
value: 37,
category: `Cooling`,
summary: `Cooling 37%`
new EnergyGlobalDemandItem(
value: 25,
category: `Residential`,
summary: `Residential 25%`
new EnergyGlobalDemandItem(
value: 12,
category: `Heating`,
summary: `Heating 12%`
new EnergyGlobalDemandItem(
value: 11,
category: `Lighting`,
summary: `Lighting 11%`
new EnergyGlobalDemandItem(
value: 15,
category: `Other`,
summary: `Other 15%`
tsimport { IgcItemLegendModule, IgcDoughnutChartModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { IgcItemLegendComponent, IgcDoughnutChartComponent, IgcRingSeriesComponent } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { EnergyGlobalDemandItem, EnergyGlobalDemand } from './EnergyGlobalDemand';
import { ModuleManager } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-core';
import "./index.css";
export class Sample {
private legend: IgcItemLegendComponent
private chart: IgcDoughnutChartComponent
private series: IgcRingSeriesComponent
private _bind: () => void;
constructor() {
var legend = this.legend = document.getElementById('legend') as IgcItemLegendComponent;
var chart = this.chart = document.getElementById('chart') as IgcDoughnutChartComponent;
var series = this.series = document.getElementById('series') as IgcRingSeriesComponent;
this._bind = () => {
series.dataSource = this.energyGlobalDemand;
series.legend = this.legend;
private _energyGlobalDemand: EnergyGlobalDemand = null;
public get energyGlobalDemand(): EnergyGlobalDemand {
if (this._energyGlobalDemand == null)
this._energyGlobalDemand = new EnergyGlobalDemand();
return this._energyGlobalDemand;
new Sample();
ts<!DOCTYPE html>
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Global Electricity Demand by Energy Use
<div class="legend">
<div class="container fill">
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Web Components Gráfico de áreas
El Web Components Gráfico de áreas se representa utilizando una colección de puntos conectados por segmentos de línea recta con el área debajo de la línea rellenada. Los valores se representan en el eje Y (etiquetas en el lado izquierdo) y las categorías se muestran en el eje X (etiquetas inferiores). Los gráficos de área enfatizan la cantidad de cambio durante un período de tiempo o comparan varios elementos, así como la relación de las partes de un todo, mostrando el total de los valores trazados. Más información sobre nuestra tabla de áreas
export class CountryRenewableElectricityItem {
public constructor(init: Partial<CountryRenewableElectricityItem>) {
Object.assign(this, init);
public year: string;
public europe: number;
public china: number;
public america: number;
export class CountryRenewableElectricity extends Array<CountryRenewableElectricityItem> {
public constructor(items: Array<CountryRenewableElectricityItem> | number = -1) {
if (Array.isArray(items)) {
} else {
const newItems = [
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2009`,
europe: 34,
china: 21,
america: 19
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2010`,
europe: 43,
china: 26,
america: 24
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2011`,
europe: 66,
china: 29,
america: 28
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2012`,
europe: 69,
china: 32,
america: 26
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2013`,
europe: 58,
china: 47,
america: 38
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2014`,
europe: 40,
china: 46,
america: 31
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2015`,
europe: 78,
china: 50,
america: 19
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2016`,
europe: 13,
china: 90,
america: 52
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2017`,
europe: 78,
china: 132,
america: 50
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2018`,
europe: 40,
china: 134,
america: 34
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2018`,
europe: 40,
china: 134,
america: 34
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2019`,
europe: 80,
china: 96,
america: 38
tsimport { IgcLegendModule, IgcCategoryChartModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { IgcLegendComponent, IgcCategoryChartComponent } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { CountryRenewableElectricityItem, CountryRenewableElectricity } from './CountryRenewableElectricity';
import { ModuleManager } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-core';
import "./index.css";
export class Sample {
private legend: IgcLegendComponent
private chart: IgcCategoryChartComponent
private _bind: () => void;
constructor() {
var legend = this.legend = document.getElementById('legend') as IgcLegendComponent;
var chart = this.chart = document.getElementById('chart') as IgcCategoryChartComponent;
this._bind = () => {
chart.dataSource = this.countryRenewableElectricity;
chart.legend = this.legend;
private _countryRenewableElectricity: CountryRenewableElectricity = null;
public get countryRenewableElectricity(): CountryRenewableElectricity {
if (this._countryRenewableElectricity == null)
this._countryRenewableElectricity = new CountryRenewableElectricity();
return this._countryRenewableElectricity;
new Sample();
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<div class="legend-title">
Renewable Electricity Generated
<div class="legend">
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Gráfico de Web Components minigráfico
El gráfico de minigráficos de Web Components o gráfico de minigráficos es un tipo de gráfico de categorías diseñado para representarse dentro de un diseño a pequeña escala, como dentro de una celda de cuadrícula, o en cualquier lugar donde se necesite una visualización del tamaño de una palabra para contar una historia de datos. Al igual que otros tipos de gráficos Web Components, el gráfico de minigráfico tiene varios elementos visuales y las características correspondientes que se pueden configurar y personalizar, como el tipo de gráfico, los marcadores, los rangos, las líneas de tendencia, el trazado de valores desconocidos y la información sobre herramientas. Los gráficos de minigráficos se pueden representar como un gráfico de Gráfico de líneas, Gráfico de áreas Gráfico de columnas o de pérdidas y ganancias. La diferencia entre el gráfico de tamaño completo equivalente al gráfico Spark es que el eje Y (etiquetas del lado izquierdo) y el eje X (etiquetas inferiores) no son visibles. Más información sobre nuestro gráfico de minigráficos.
import { IgcSparklineModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { IgcSparklineComponent } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { ModuleManager } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-core';
export class SparklineDisplayTypes {
private chart1: IgcSparklineComponent;
private chart2: IgcSparklineComponent;
private chart3: IgcSparklineComponent;
private chart4: IgcSparklineComponent;
public data: any[] = [];
constructor() {
this.data = this.generateData();
this.chart1 = document.getElementById('chart1') as IgcSparklineComponent;
this.chart2 = document.getElementById('chart2') as IgcSparklineComponent;
this.chart3 = document.getElementById('chart3') as IgcSparklineComponent;
this.chart4 = document.getElementById('chart4') as IgcSparklineComponent;
this.chart1.dataSource = this.data;
this.chart2.dataSource = this.data;
this.chart3.dataSource = this.data;
this.chart4.dataSource = this.data;
public generateData()
const data: any[] = [];
let index = 0;
let min = 1000.0;
let max = -1000.0;
for (let angle = 0; angle < 360 * 4; angle += 5)
let v1 = Math.sin(angle * Math.PI / 180);
let v2 = Math.sin(3 * angle * Math.PI / 180) / 3;
let revenue = v1 + v2;
let expanse = revenue < 0 ? revenue : 0;
let income = revenue > 0 ? revenue : 0;
"Index": index++,
"Angle": angle,
// Value = v1 + v2
"Value": revenue,
"Expanse": expanse,
"Income": income
min = Math.min(min, v1 + v2);
max = Math.max(max, v1 + v2);
return data;
new SparklineDisplayTypes();
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<label class="options-label">Sparkline with Line Display Type</label>
<igc-sparkline id="chart1"
height="calc(25% - 2.5rem)"
<label class="options-label">Sparkline with Area Display Type</label>
<igc-sparkline id="chart2"
height="calc(25% - 2.5rem)"
minimum="-1" maximum="1"
<label class="options-label">Sparkline with Column Display Type</label>
<igc-sparkline id="chart3"
height="calc(25% - 2.5rem)"
<label class="options-label">Sparkline with WinLoss Display Type</label>
<igc-sparkline id="chart4"
height="calc(25% - 2.5rem)"
minimum="-1" maximum="1"
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Web Components Gráfico de burbujas
El gráfico de burbujas Web Components, o gráfico de burbujas, se utiliza para mostrar datos que constan de tres valores numéricos. Dos de los valores se trazan como un punto de intersección mediante un sistema de coordenadas cartesianas (X, Y) y el tercer valor se representa como el tamaño del diámetro del punto. Esto le da su nombre al gráfico de burbujas: una visualización de burbujas de diferentes tamaños a lo largo de las coordenadas X e Y del gráfico. El gráfico de burbujas de Web Components se utiliza para mostrar las relaciones de las correlaciones de datos con las diferencias de valor de datos representadas por tamaño. También puede utilizar una cuarta dimensión de datos, normalmente color, para diferenciar aún más los valores del gráfico de burbujas. Obtenga más información sobre nuestro gráfico de burbujas.
export class CountryStatsAfricaItem {
public constructor(init: Partial<CountryStatsAfricaItem>) {
Object.assign(this, init);
public code: string;
public population: number;
public workedHours: number;
public gDP: number;
public name: string;
export class CountryStatsAfrica extends Array<CountryStatsAfricaItem> {
public constructor(items: Array<CountryStatsAfricaItem> | number = -1) {
if (Array.isArray(items)) {
} else {
const newItems = [
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `DZA`,
population: 39728000,
workedHours: 47.5,
gDP: 13725,
name: `Algeria`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `AGO`,
population: 27884000,
workedHours: 39.8,
gDP: 6228,
name: `Angola`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `BEN`,
population: 10576000,
workedHours: 43.7,
gDP: 1987,
name: `Benin`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `BWA`,
population: 2121000,
workedHours: 41.2,
gDP: 15357,
name: `Botswana`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `BFA`,
population: 18111000,
workedHours: 39.3,
gDP: 1596,
name: `Burkina Faso`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `BDI`,
population: 10160000,
workedHours: 36.4,
gDP: 748,
name: `Burundi`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `CMR`,
population: 23298000,
workedHours: 42,
gDP: 3289,
name: `Cameroon`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `CPV`,
population: 525000,
workedHours: 45,
gDP: 5915,
name: `Cape Verde`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `CAF`,
population: 4493000,
workedHours: 38,
gDP: 622,
name: `Central African Republic`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `TCD`,
population: 14111000,
workedHours: 40.4,
gDP: 2067,
name: `Chad`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `COM`,
population: 777000,
workedHours: 40.1,
gDP: 1413,
name: `Comoros`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `COG`,
population: 4856000,
workedHours: 38.1,
gDP: 5543,
name: `Congo`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `CIV`,
population: 23226000,
workedHours: 39.7,
gDP: 3242,
name: `Cote Ivoire`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `COD`,
population: 76245000,
workedHours: 44,
gDP: 812,
name: `Democratic Republic of Congo`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `EGY`,
population: 92443000,
workedHours: 39.7,
gDP: 10096,
name: `Egypt`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `GNQ`,
population: 1169000,
workedHours: 38.8,
gDP: 27554,
name: `Equatorial Guinea`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `SWZ`,
population: 1104000,
workedHours: 45.7,
gDP: 7759,
name: `Eswatini`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `ETH`,
population: 101000000,
workedHours: 40.1,
gDP: 1533,
name: `Ethiopia`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `GAB`,
population: 1948000,
workedHours: 40.5,
gDP: 16837,
name: `Gabon`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `GMB`,
population: 2086000,
workedHours: 40.3,
gDP: 1568,
name: `Gambia`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `GHA`,
population: 27849000,
workedHours: 47.6,
gDP: 3927,
name: `Ghana`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `GIN`,
population: 11432000,
workedHours: 43.4,
gDP: 1758,
name: `Guinea`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `GNB`,
population: 1737000,
workedHours: 35.1,
gDP: 1446,
name: `Guinea-Bissau`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `KEN`,
population: 47878000,
workedHours: 43.9,
gDP: 2836,
name: `Kenya`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `LSO`,
population: 2059000,
workedHours: 47.6,
gDP: 2708,
name: `Lesotho`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `LBR`,
population: 4472000,
workedHours: 40.3,
gDP: 785,
name: `Liberia`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `LBY`,
population: 6418000,
workedHours: 42.5,
gDP: 14847,
name: `Libya`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `MDG`,
population: 24234000,
workedHours: 40.8,
gDP: 1377,
name: `Madagascar`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `MWI`,
population: 16745000,
workedHours: 44.5,
gDP: 1089,
name: `Malawi`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `MLI`,
population: 17439000,
workedHours: 40.6,
gDP: 1919,
name: `Mali`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `MRT`,
population: 4046000,
workedHours: 45.9,
gDP: 3602,
name: `Mauritania`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `MUS`,
population: 1259000,
workedHours: 44.4,
gDP: 18864,
name: `Mauritius`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `MAR`,
population: 34664000,
workedHours: 39.6,
gDP: 7297,
name: `Morocco`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `MOZ`,
population: 27042000,
workedHours: 46.7,
gDP: 1118,
name: `Mozambique`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `NAM`,
population: 2315000,
workedHours: 43.1,
gDP: 9975,
name: `Namibia`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `NER`,
population: 20002000,
workedHours: 45,
gDP: 908,
name: `Niger`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `NGA`,
population: 181000000,
workedHours: 32.76,
gDP: 5671,
name: `Nigeria`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `RWA`,
population: 11369000,
workedHours: 46.3,
gDP: 1731,
name: `Rwanda`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `STP`,
population: 199000,
workedHours: 38.2,
gDP: 2948,
name: `Sao Tome`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `SEN`,
population: 14578000,
workedHours: 46.8,
gDP: 2294,
name: `Senegal`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `SYC`,
population: 95000,
workedHours: 39.8,
gDP: 24857,
name: `Seychelles`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `SLE`,
population: 7172000,
workedHours: 35.4,
gDP: 1314,
name: `Sierra Leone`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `ZAF`,
population: 55386000,
workedHours: 42.48,
gDP: 12378,
name: `South Africa`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `SSD`,
population: 10716000,
workedHours: 39.3,
gDP: 1875,
name: `South Sudan`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `SDN`,
population: 38903000,
workedHours: 36.3,
gDP: 4290,
name: `Sudan`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `TZA`,
population: 51483000,
workedHours: 38,
gDP: 2491,
name: `Tanzania`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `TGO`,
population: 7323000,
workedHours: 38.8,
gDP: 1351,
name: `Togo`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `TUN`,
population: 11180000,
workedHours: 35.2,
gDP: 10766,
name: `Tunisia`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `UGA`,
population: 38225000,
workedHours: 38.6,
gDP: 1666,
name: `Uganda`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `ZMB`,
population: 15879000,
workedHours: 46.6,
gDP: 3627,
name: `Zambia`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `ZWE`,
population: 13815000,
workedHours: 41.4,
gDP: 1912,
name: `Zimbabwe`
tsexport class CountryStatsEuropeItem {
public constructor(init: Partial<CountryStatsEuropeItem>) {
Object.assign(this, init);
public code: string;
public population: number;
public workedHours: number;
public gDP: number;
public name: string;
export class CountryStatsEurope extends Array<CountryStatsEuropeItem> {
public constructor(items: Array<CountryStatsEuropeItem> | number = -1) {
if (Array.isArray(items)) {
} else {
const newItems = [
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `ALB`,
population: 2891000,
workedHours: 41,
gDP: 10970,
name: `Albania`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `AUT`,
population: 8679000,
workedHours: 30.75,
gDP: 44305,
name: `Austria`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `BLR`,
population: 9439000,
workedHours: 43.5,
gDP: 17230,
name: `Belarus`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `BEL`,
population: 11288000,
workedHours: 29.7,
gDP: 41708,
name: `Belgium`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `BIH`,
population: 3429000,
workedHours: 46.5,
gDP: 10932,
name: `Bosnia`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `BGR`,
population: 7200000,
workedHours: 31.62,
gDP: 17000,
name: `Bulgaria`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `HRV`,
population: 4233000,
workedHours: 35.15,
gDP: 20984,
name: `Croatia`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `CYP`,
population: 1161000,
workedHours: 34.42,
gDP: 30549,
name: `Cyprus`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `CZE`,
population: 10601000,
workedHours: 33.77,
gDP: 30605,
name: `Czechia`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `DNK`,
population: 5689000,
workedHours: 27.16,
gDP: 45459,
name: `Denmark`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `EST`,
population: 1315000,
workedHours: 35.61,
gDP: 27550,
name: `Estonia`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `FIN`,
population: 5481000,
workedHours: 31.48,
gDP: 38942,
name: `Finland`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `FRA`,
population: 64453000,
workedHours: 29.03,
gDP: 37766,
name: `France`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `DEU`,
population: 81787000,
workedHours: 26.31,
gDP: 43938,
name: `Germany`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `GRC`,
population: 10660000,
workedHours: 39.06,
gDP: 24170,
name: `Greece`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `HUN`,
population: 9778000,
workedHours: 36.99,
gDP: 25034,
name: `Hungary`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `ISL`,
population: 330000,
workedHours: 29.02,
gDP: 43048,
name: `Iceland`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `IRL`,
population: 4652000,
workedHours: 33.47,
gDP: 60818,
name: `Ireland`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `ITA`,
population: 60578000,
workedHours: 33.04,
gDP: 34302,
name: `Italy`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `LVA`,
population: 1998000,
workedHours: 36.57,
gDP: 23019,
name: `Latvia`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `LTU`,
population: 2932000,
workedHours: 35.76,
gDP: 27046,
name: `Lithuania`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `LUX`,
population: 567000,
workedHours: 29.25,
gDP: 94089,
name: `Luxembourg`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `MLT`,
population: 434000,
workedHours: 37.78,
gDP: 34087,
name: `Malta`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `MDA`,
population: 4071000,
workedHours: 41,
gDP: 4747,
name: `Moldova`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `MNE`,
population: 627000,
workedHours: 47.2,
gDP: 15290,
name: `Montenegro`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `NLD`,
population: 16938000,
workedHours: 27.38,
gDP: 46494,
name: `Netherlands`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `MKD`,
population: 2079000,
workedHours: 36.6,
gDP: 12760,
name: `North Macedonia`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `NOR`,
population: 5200000,
workedHours: 27.36,
gDP: 64008,
name: `Norway`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `POL`,
population: 38034000,
workedHours: 39.4,
gDP: 25300,
name: `Poland`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `PRT`,
population: 10368000,
workedHours: 36.06,
gDP: 26608,
name: `Portugal`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `ROU`,
population: 19925000,
workedHours: 34.34,
gDP: 20556,
name: `Romania`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `RUS`,
population: 145000000,
workedHours: 38.04,
gDP: 24517,
name: `Russia`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `SMR`,
population: 33000,
workedHours: 40.1,
gDP: 56372,
name: `San Marino`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `SRB`,
population: 8877000,
workedHours: 46.5,
gDP: 13278,
name: `Serbia`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `SVK`,
population: 5436000,
workedHours: 33.73,
gDP: 28309,
name: `Slovakia`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `SVN`,
population: 2071000,
workedHours: 32.46,
gDP: 29038,
name: `Slovenia`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `ESP`,
population: 46672000,
workedHours: 32.68,
gDP: 32291,
name: `Spain`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `SWE`,
population: 9765000,
workedHours: 30.96,
gDP: 45679,
name: `Sweden`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `CHE`,
population: 8297000,
workedHours: 30.57,
gDP: 57264,
name: `Switzerland`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `UKR`,
population: 44922000,
workedHours: 38.6,
gDP: 7465,
name: `Ukraine`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `GBR`,
population: 65860000,
workedHours: 32.1,
gDP: 38839,
name: `United Kingdom`
tsimport { IgcLegendModule, IgcNumberAbbreviatorModule, IgcDataChartCoreModule, IgcDataChartScatterModule, IgcDataChartScatterCoreModule, IgcDataChartInteractivityModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { IgcLegendComponent, IgcDataChartComponent, IgcNumericXAxisComponent, IgcNumericYAxisComponent, IgcBubbleSeriesComponent, IgcSizeScaleComponent, IgcDataToolTipLayerComponent } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { CountryStatsAfricaItem, CountryStatsAfrica } from './CountryStatsAfrica';
import { CountryStatsEuropeItem, CountryStatsEurope } from './CountryStatsEurope';
import { ModuleManager } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-core';
import "./index.css";
export class Sample {
private legend: IgcLegendComponent
private chart: IgcDataChartComponent
private xAxis: IgcNumericXAxisComponent
private yAxis: IgcNumericYAxisComponent
private bubbleSeries1: IgcBubbleSeriesComponent
private _sizeScale1: IgcSizeScaleComponent | null = null;
public get sizeScale1(): IgcSizeScaleComponent {
if (this._sizeScale1 == null)
var sizeScale1 = new IgcSizeScaleComponent();
sizeScale1.isLogarithmic = false;
sizeScale1.minimumValue = 10;
sizeScale1.maximumValue = 80;
this._sizeScale1 = sizeScale1;
return this._sizeScale1;
private bubbleSeries2: IgcBubbleSeriesComponent
private _sizeScale2: IgcSizeScaleComponent | null = null;
public get sizeScale2(): IgcSizeScaleComponent {
if (this._sizeScale2 == null)
var sizeScale2 = new IgcSizeScaleComponent();
sizeScale2.isLogarithmic = false;
sizeScale2.minimumValue = 10;
sizeScale2.maximumValue = 80;
this._sizeScale2 = sizeScale2;
return this._sizeScale2;
private dataToolTipLayer: IgcDataToolTipLayerComponent
private _bind: () => void;
constructor() {
var legend = this.legend = document.getElementById('legend') as IgcLegendComponent;
var chart = this.chart = document.getElementById('chart') as IgcDataChartComponent;
var xAxis = this.xAxis = document.getElementById('xAxis') as IgcNumericXAxisComponent;
var yAxis = this.yAxis = document.getElementById('yAxis') as IgcNumericYAxisComponent;
var bubbleSeries1 = this.bubbleSeries1 = document.getElementById('bubbleSeries1') as IgcBubbleSeriesComponent;
var bubbleSeries2 = this.bubbleSeries2 = document.getElementById('bubbleSeries2') as IgcBubbleSeriesComponent;
var dataToolTipLayer = this.dataToolTipLayer = document.getElementById('dataToolTipLayer') as IgcDataToolTipLayerComponent;
this._bind = () => {
chart.legend = this.legend;
bubbleSeries1.xAxis = this.xAxis;
bubbleSeries1.yAxis = this.yAxis;
bubbleSeries1.dataSource = this.countryStatsAfrica;
bubbleSeries1.radiusScale = this.sizeScale1;
bubbleSeries2.xAxis = this.xAxis;
bubbleSeries2.yAxis = this.yAxis;
bubbleSeries2.dataSource = this.countryStatsEurope;
bubbleSeries2.radiusScale = this.sizeScale2;
private _countryStatsAfrica: CountryStatsAfrica = null;
public get countryStatsAfrica(): CountryStatsAfrica {
if (this._countryStatsAfrica == null)
this._countryStatsAfrica = new CountryStatsAfrica();
return this._countryStatsAfrica;
private _countryStatsEurope: CountryStatsEurope = null;
public get countryStatsEurope(): CountryStatsEurope {
if (this._countryStatsEurope == null)
this._countryStatsEurope = new CountryStatsEurope();
return this._countryStatsEurope;
new Sample();
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<title>Sample | Ignite UI | Web Components | infragistics</title>
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<div class="container sample">
<div class="legend-title">
Total Population of Selected Countries
<div class="legend">
<div class="container fill">
title="GDP per Capita"
title="African Countries"
radius-member-as-legend-label="Work Hours"
title="European Countries"
radius-member-as-legend-label="Work Hours"
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Web Components Gráfico Financiero / Bursátil
El Web Components Gráfico financiero o de acciones, es una visualización compuesta que representa datos de acciones y datos financieros en un gráfico de series temporales que incluye elementos visuales interactivos en una barra de herramientas como filtros de día / semana / mes, selección de tipo de gráfico, selección de tipo de volumen, selección de indicadores y selección de líneas de tendencias. Diseñado para la personalización, el gráfico de acciones de Web Components se puede personalizar de cualquier manera para brindar una visualización e interpretación más fáciles de sus datos. El gráfico financiero representa los datos de fecha y hora a lo largo del eje X (etiquetas inferiores) y muestra campos como los volúmenes de apertura, máximo, mínimo y cierre. El tipo de gráfico para representar los datos de series temporales puede ser Barra, Vela, Columna o Línea. Obtenga más información sobre nuestro gráfico de acciones.
export class StocksHistory {
/** gets stock OHLC prices for multiple stocks */
public static async getMultipleStocks(): Promise<any[]> {
// getting prices of multiples stocks asynchronously
const dataSources: any[] = [
//await this.getAmazonStock(),
await this.getGoogleStock(),
await this.getMicrosoftStock(),
//await this.getTeslaStock()
return new Promise<any[]>((resolve, reject) => {
/** gets Amazon stock OHLC prices from a .JSON file */
public static async getAmazonStock(): Promise<StockItem[]> {
let url = "https://static.infragistics.com/xplatform/data/stocks/stockAmazon.json";
let response = await fetch(url);
let jsonData = await response.json();
let stockData = this.convertData(jsonData);
// setting data intent for Series Title, e.g. FinancialChart usage
(stockData as any).__dataIntents = {
close: ["SeriesTitle/Amazon"]
// console.log("fetchAmazonStock: ", stockData.length);
return new Promise<StockItem[]>((resolve, reject) => {
/** gets Tesla stock OHLC prices from a .JSON file */
public static async getTeslaStock(): Promise<StockItem[]> {
let url = "https://static.infragistics.com/xplatform/data/stocks/stockTesla.json";
let response = await fetch(url);
let jsonData = await response.json();
let stockData = this.convertData(jsonData);
// setting data intent for Series Title, e.g. FinancialChart usage
(stockData as any).__dataIntents = {
close: ["SeriesTitle/Tesla"]
return new Promise<StockItem[]>((resolve, reject) => {
/** gets Microsoft stock OHLC prices from a .JSON file */
public static async getMicrosoftStock(): Promise<StockItem[]> {
let url = "https://static.infragistics.com/xplatform/data/stocks/stockMicrosoft.json";
let response = await fetch(url);
let jsonData = await response.json();
let stockData = this.convertData(jsonData);
// setting data intent for Series Title, e.g. FinancialChart usage
(stockData as any).__dataIntents = {
close: ["SeriesTitle/Microsoft"]
return new Promise<StockItem[]>((resolve, reject) => {
/** gets Google stock OHLC prices from a .JSON file */
public static async getGoogleStock(): Promise<StockItem[]> {
let url = "https://static.infragistics.com/xplatform/data/stocks/stockGoogle.json";
let response = await fetch(url);
let jsonData = await response.json();
let stockData = this.convertData(jsonData);
// setting data intent for Series Title, e.g. FinancialChart usage
(stockData as any).__dataIntents = {
close: ["SeriesTitle/Google"]
return new Promise<StockItem[]>((resolve, reject) => {
public static convertData(jsonData: any[]): StockItem[] {
let stockItems: StockItem[] = [];
for (let json of jsonData) {
let parts = json.date.split("-"); // "2020-01-01"
let item = new StockItem();
item.date = new Date(parts[0], parts[1], parts[2]);
item.open = json.open;
item.high = json.high;
item.low = json.low;
item.close = json.close;
item.volume = json.volume;
return stockItems;
export class StockItem {
public open?: number;
public close?: number;
public high?: number;
public low?: number;
public volume?: number;
public date?: Date;
tsimport { FinancialChartYAxisMode, IgcFinancialChartModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { IgcFinancialChartComponent } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { ModuleManager } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-core';
import { StocksHistory } from './StocksHistory';
export class FinancialChartMultipleData {
private chart: IgcFinancialChartComponent;
constructor() {
this.chart = document.getElementById('chart') as IgcFinancialChartComponent;
this.chart.yAxisMode = FinancialChartYAxisMode.PercentChange;
this.chart.yAxisTitle = "Percent Changed";
getData(): void {
StocksHistory.getMultipleStocks().then((stocks: any[]) => {
this.chart.dataSource = stocks;
new FinancialChartMultipleData();
ts<!DOCTYPE html>
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<div class="container sample">
<igc-financial-chart id="chart" width="100%" height="100%"
chart-title="Google vs Microsoft"
subtitle="Between 2013 and 2017"
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Web Components Gráfico de columnas
El Web Components Gráfico de columnas o gráfico de columnas es uno de los tipos de gráficos de categorías más comunes que se utilizan para comparar rápidamente la frecuencia, el recuento, el total o el promedio de los datos en diferentes categorías con datos codificados por barras verticales de igual ancho y diferentes longitudes. Son ideales para mostrar las variaciones en el valor de un artículo a lo largo del tiempo, la distribución de datos, la clasificación de datos ordenados (de mayor a menor, de peor a mejor). Los datos se representan mediante una colección de rectángulos que se extienden desde la parte superior hasta la parte inferior del gráfico hacia los valores de los puntos de datos. Obtenga más información sobre nuestro gráfico de columnas.
export class HighestGrossingMoviesItem {
public constructor(init: Partial<HighestGrossingMoviesItem>) {
Object.assign(this, init);
public franchise: string;
public totalRevenue: number;
public highestGrossing: number;
export class HighestGrossingMovies extends Array<HighestGrossingMoviesItem> {
public constructor(items: Array<HighestGrossingMoviesItem> | number = -1) {
if (Array.isArray(items)) {
} else {
const newItems = [
new HighestGrossingMoviesItem(
franchise: `Marvel Universe`,
totalRevenue: 22.55,
highestGrossing: 2.8
new HighestGrossingMoviesItem(
franchise: `Star Wars`,
totalRevenue: 10.32,
highestGrossing: 2.07
new HighestGrossingMoviesItem(
franchise: `Harry Potter`,
totalRevenue: 9.19,
highestGrossing: 1.34
new HighestGrossingMoviesItem(
franchise: `Avengers`,
totalRevenue: 7.76,
highestGrossing: 2.8
new HighestGrossingMoviesItem(
franchise: `Spider Man`,
totalRevenue: 7.22,
highestGrossing: 1.28
new HighestGrossingMoviesItem(
franchise: `James Bond`,
totalRevenue: 7.12,
highestGrossing: 1.11
tsimport { IgcLegendModule, IgcCategoryChartModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { IgcLegendComponent, IgcCategoryChartComponent } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { HighestGrossingMoviesItem, HighestGrossingMovies } from './HighestGrossingMovies';
import { ModuleManager } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-core';
import "./index.css";
export class Sample {
private legend: IgcLegendComponent
private chart: IgcCategoryChartComponent
private _bind: () => void;
constructor() {
var legend = this.legend = document.getElementById('legend') as IgcLegendComponent;
var chart = this.chart = document.getElementById('chart') as IgcCategoryChartComponent;
this._bind = () => {
chart.dataSource = this.highestGrossingMovies;
chart.legend = this.legend;
private _highestGrossingMovies: HighestGrossingMovies = null;
public get highestGrossingMovies(): HighestGrossingMovies {
if (this._highestGrossingMovies == null)
this._highestGrossingMovies = new HighestGrossingMovies();
return this._highestGrossingMovies;
new Sample();
ts<!DOCTYPE html>
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<div class="legend-title">
Highest Grossing Movie Franchises
<div class="legend">
<div class="container fill">
y-axis-title="Billions of U.S. Dollars"
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Web Components Gráfico compuesto
El Web Components Gráfico compuesto, también llamado gráfico combinado, es una visualización que combina diferentes tipos de gráficos en la misma área de trazado. Es muy útil cuando se presentan dos series de datos que tienen una escala muy diferente y pueden expresarse en unidades diferentes. El ejemplo más común es el de los dólares en un eje y el porcentaje en el otro eje. Obtenga más información sobre nuestro gráfico compuesto.
import { IgcCalloutLayerModule, IgcDataChartAnnotationModule, IgcDataChartCategoryCoreModule, IgcNumberAbbreviatorModule,
IgcDataChartCategoryModule, IgcDataChartCoreModule, IgcDataChartInteractivityModule, IgcLegendModule,
IgcDataChartComponent, IgcLegendComponent, IgcCalloutLayerComponent } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { ModuleManager } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-core';
export class DataChartCompositeChart {
private chart: IgcDataChartComponent;
private data : any[] = [];
private legend: IgcLegendComponent;
constructor() {
this.chart = document.getElementById('chart') as IgcDataChartComponent;
this.legend = document.getElementById('legend') as IgcLegendComponent;
this.chart.legend = this.legend;
this.chart.dataSource = this.data;
public formatNumber(num: number): string {
var ret = num;
if (num >= 1000000) return (num / 1000000.0).toFixed(1) + "M";
if (num >= 1000) return (num / 1000.0).toFixed(1) + "K";
return ret.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
public initData(){
this.data = [
{ Date: "Jan 1, 2019", Revenue: 16914, Expenses: 10183 },
{ Date: "Mar 1, 2019", Revenue: 15077, Expenses: 12813 },
{ Date: "Jun 1, 2019", Revenue: 16886, Expenses: 14476 },
{ Date: "Sep 1, 2019", Revenue: 17652, Expenses: 11705 },
{ Date: "Jan 1, 2020", Revenue: 21082, Expenses: 14044 },
{ Date: "Mar 1, 2020", Revenue: 17737, Expenses: 12803 },
{ Date: "Jun 1, 2020", Revenue: 18687, Expenses: 13677 },
{ Date: "Sep 1, 2020", Revenue: 21470, Expenses: 13717 },
{ Date: "Jan 1, 2021", Revenue: 28072, Expenses: 17133 }
for (let i = 0; i < this.data.length; i++) {
const item = this.data[i];
item.Revenue = item.Revenue * 1000;
item.Expenses = item.Expenses * 1000;
item.Income = item.Revenue - item.Expenses;
item.IncomePerRevenue = (item.Income / item.Revenue) * 100;
// calculating x-offset for callouts
item.RevenueX = i;
item.ExpensesX = i + 0.5;
// formatting values for callouts
item.FormattedRevenue = "$" + this.formatNumber(item.Revenue);
item.FormattedIncome = "$" + this.formatNumber(item.Income);
item.FormattedExpenses = "$" + this.formatNumber(item.Expenses);
item.FormattedProfit = item.IncomePerRevenue + "%";
new DataChartCompositeChart();
ts<!DOCTYPE html>
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<div class="container sample">
<div class="options vertical">
<span class="legend-title">Facebook Statement of Income 2019-2020</span>
<igc-legend id="legend" orientation="Horizontal"></igc-legend>
<div class="container" style="height: calc(100% - 3rem)">
<igc-data-chart id="chart" width="100%" height="100%"
<igc-category-x-axis id="xAxis" name="xAxis" label="Date" overlap="0" gap="0.1" use-clustering-mode="true"></igc-category-x-axis>
<igc-numeric-y-axis id="yAxis" name="yAxis" abbreviate-large-numbers="true" title="In Millions of U.S. Dollars"
minimum-value="0" maximum-value="30000000" title-left-margin="5" title-right-margin="0">
<igc-numeric-y-axis id="yAxis2" name="yAxis2" abbreviate-large-numbers="true" title="Percentage" major-stroke-thickness="0"
minimum-value="0" maximum-value="160" label-location="OutsideRight" label-horizontal-alignment="Left">
<igc-column-series name="series1" x-axis-name="xAxis" y-axis-name="yAxis" value-member-path="Revenue"
title="Revenue" marker-type="Hidden"></igc-column-series>
<igc-column-series name="series2" x-axis-name="xAxis" y-axis-name="yAxis" value-member-path="Expenses"
title="Expenses" marker-type="Hidden"></igc-column-series>
<igc-spline-area-series name="series3" x-axis-name="xAxis" y-axis-name="yAxis2" value-member-path="IncomePerRevenue"
title="Income / Revenue %" marker-type="Circle">
<igc-callout-layer is-auto-callout-behavior-enabled="false" target-series-name="series1" x-member-path="RevenueX" y-member-path="Revenue" label-member-path="FormattedRevenue" use-value-for-auto-callout-labels="false"
callout-leader-brush="Transparent" callout-text-color="Black" callout-background="Transparent" callout-position-padding="-5">
<igc-callout-layer is-auto-callout-behavior-enabled="false" target-series-name="series2" x-member-path="ExpensesX" y-member-path="Expenses" label-member-path="FormattedExpenses" use-value-for-auto-callout-labels="false"
callout-leader-brush="Transparent" callout-text-color="Black" callout-background="Transparent" callout-position-padding="-5">
<igc-callout-layer is-auto-callout-behavior-enabled="true" target-series-name="series3" use-value-for-auto-callout-labels="true"
callout-leader-brush="Transparent" callout-text-color="Black" callout-background="LightGray"
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Web Components Gráfico polar
El Web Components Gráfico de áreas polar o gráfico polar pertenece a un grupo de cartas polares y tiene la forma de un polígono relleno cuyos vértices o esquinas se encuentran en las coordenadas polares (ángulo/radio) de los puntos de datos. El Gráfico de áreas Polar utiliza los mismos conceptos de trazado de datos que el Gráfico de dispersión pero envuelve los puntos de datos alrededor de un círculo en lugar de estirarlos horizontalmente. Al igual que con otros tipos de series, se pueden trazar varios gráficos de áreas polares en el mismo gráfico de datos y se pueden superponer entre sí para mostrar las diferencias y similitudes entre los conjuntos de datos. Más información sobre nuestra carta polar.
export class BoatSailingDataItem {
public constructor(init: Partial<BoatSailingDataItem>) {
Object.assign(this, init);
public direction: number;
public boatSpeed: number;
public windSpeed: number;
export class BoatSailingData extends Array<BoatSailingDataItem> {
public constructor(items: Array<BoatSailingDataItem> | number = -1) {
if (Array.isArray(items)) {
} else {
const newItems = [
new BoatSailingDataItem(
direction: 0,
boatSpeed: 70,
windSpeed: 90
new BoatSailingDataItem(
direction: 45,
boatSpeed: 35,
windSpeed: 65
new BoatSailingDataItem(
direction: 90,
boatSpeed: 25,
windSpeed: 45
new BoatSailingDataItem(
direction: 135,
boatSpeed: 15,
windSpeed: 25
new BoatSailingDataItem(
direction: 180,
boatSpeed: 0,
windSpeed: 0
new BoatSailingDataItem(
direction: 225,
boatSpeed: 15,
windSpeed: 25
new BoatSailingDataItem(
direction: 270,
boatSpeed: 25,
windSpeed: 45
new BoatSailingDataItem(
direction: 315,
boatSpeed: 35,
windSpeed: 65
new BoatSailingDataItem(
direction: 360,
boatSpeed: 70,
windSpeed: 90
tsimport { IgcLegendModule, IgcDataChartCoreModule, IgcDataChartPolarModule, IgcDataChartPolarCoreModule, IgcDataChartInteractivityModule, IgcDataChartAnnotationModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { IgcLegendComponent, IgcDataChartComponent, IgcNumericAngleAxisComponent, IgcNumericRadiusAxisComponent, IgcPolarLineSeriesComponent, IgcDataToolTipLayerComponent } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { BoatSailingDataItem, BoatSailingData } from './BoatSailingData';
import { ModuleManager } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-core';
import "./index.css";
export class Sample {
private legend: IgcLegendComponent
private chart: IgcDataChartComponent
private angleAxis: IgcNumericAngleAxisComponent
private radiusAxis: IgcNumericRadiusAxisComponent
private polarLineSeries1: IgcPolarLineSeriesComponent
private polarLineSeries2: IgcPolarLineSeriesComponent
private dataToolTipLayer: IgcDataToolTipLayerComponent
private _bind: () => void;
constructor() {
var legend = this.legend = document.getElementById('legend') as IgcLegendComponent;
var chart = this.chart = document.getElementById('chart') as IgcDataChartComponent;
var angleAxis = this.angleAxis = document.getElementById('angleAxis') as IgcNumericAngleAxisComponent;
var radiusAxis = this.radiusAxis = document.getElementById('radiusAxis') as IgcNumericRadiusAxisComponent;
var polarLineSeries1 = this.polarLineSeries1 = document.getElementById('PolarLineSeries1') as IgcPolarLineSeriesComponent;
var polarLineSeries2 = this.polarLineSeries2 = document.getElementById('PolarLineSeries2') as IgcPolarLineSeriesComponent;
var dataToolTipLayer = this.dataToolTipLayer = document.getElementById('dataToolTipLayer') as IgcDataToolTipLayerComponent;
this._bind = () => {
chart.legend = this.legend;
polarLineSeries1.dataSource = this.boatSailingData;
polarLineSeries1.angleAxis = this.angleAxis;
polarLineSeries1.radiusAxis = this.radiusAxis;
polarLineSeries2.dataSource = this.boatSailingData;
polarLineSeries2.angleAxis = this.angleAxis;
polarLineSeries2.radiusAxis = this.radiusAxis;
private _boatSailingData: BoatSailingData = null;
public get boatSailingData(): BoatSailingData {
if (this._boatSailingData == null)
this._boatSailingData = new BoatSailingData();
return this._boatSailingData;
new Sample();
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<div id="root">
<div class="container sample">
<div class="legend-title">
Wind Speed vs Boat Speed
<div class="legend">
<div class="container fill">
title="Wind Speed"
title="Boat Speed"
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Web Components Gráfico de dispersión
El Web Components Gráfico de dispersión, o gráfico de dispersión, se utiliza para mostrar la relación entre dos valores utilizando un sistema de coordenadas cartesianas (X, Y) para representar los datos. Cada punto de datos se representa como el punto de intersección del valor de datos en los ejes X e Y. Los gráficos de dispersión llaman la atención sobre intervalos desiguales o grupos de datos. Pueden resaltar la desviación de los datos recopilados con respecto a los resultados previstos y, a menudo, se utilizan para trazar datos científicos y estadísticos. El gráfico de dispersión de Web Components organiza y traza los datos cronológicamente (incluso si los datos no están en orden cronológico antes del enlace) en los ejes X e Y. Obtenga más información sobre nuestro gráfico de dispersión.
export class CountryDemographicAfricanItem {
public constructor(init: Partial<CountryDemographicAfricanItem>) {
Object.assign(this, init);
public population: number;
public birthRate: number;
public deathRate: number;
public name: string;
export class CountryDemographicAfrican extends Array<CountryDemographicAfricanItem> {
public constructor(items: Array<CountryDemographicAfricanItem> | number = -1) {
if (Array.isArray(items)) {
} else {
const newItems = [
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 39728000,
birthRate: 23.9,
deathRate: 4.77,
name: `Algeria`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 27884000,
birthRate: 42.32,
deathRate: 8.68,
name: `Angola`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 10576000,
birthRate: 37.43,
deathRate: 9.32,
name: `Benin`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 2121000,
birthRate: 24.14,
deathRate: 7.02,
name: `Botswana`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 18111000,
birthRate: 39.44,
deathRate: 8.82,
name: `Burkina Faso`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 10160000,
birthRate: 42.66,
deathRate: 11.03,
name: `Burundi`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 23298000,
birthRate: 36.84,
deathRate: 10.35,
name: `Cameroon`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 525000,
birthRate: 21.14,
deathRate: 5.61,
name: `Cape Verde`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 4493000,
birthRate: 36.11,
deathRate: 14.01,
name: `C.A.R.`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 14111000,
birthRate: 43.86,
deathRate: 13.22,
name: `Chad`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 777000,
birthRate: 33.33,
deathRate: 7.49,
name: `Comoros`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 4856000,
birthRate: 35.23,
deathRate: 7.56,
name: `Congo`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 23226000,
birthRate: 37.1,
deathRate: 12.54,
name: `Cote Ivoire`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 76245000,
birthRate: 42.81,
deathRate: 10.19,
name: `DCongo`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 914000,
birthRate: 23.35,
deathRate: 8.37,
name: `Djibouti`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 92443000,
birthRate: 27.2,
deathRate: 5.96,
name: `Egypt`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 1169000,
birthRate: 34.64,
deathRate: 10.34,
name: `Equatorial Guinea`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 3343000,
birthRate: 32.83,
deathRate: 7.07,
name: `Eritrea`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 100835000,
birthRate: 32.3,
deathRate: 7,
name: `Ethiopia`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 1948000,
birthRate: 30.09,
deathRate: 7.82,
name: `Gabon`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 2086000,
birthRate: 39.99,
deathRate: 8.2,
name: `Gambia`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 27849000,
birthRate: 31.56,
deathRate: 8.31,
name: `Ghana`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 11432000,
birthRate: 36.36,
deathRate: 9.58,
name: `Guinea`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 1737000,
birthRate: 37.15,
deathRate: 10.78,
name: `Guinea-Bissau`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 47878000,
birthRate: 31.78,
deathRate: 5.84,
name: `Kenya`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 2059000,
birthRate: 28.16,
deathRate: 12.92,
name: `Lesotho`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 4472000,
birthRate: 34.72,
deathRate: 8.12,
name: `Liberia`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 6418000,
birthRate: 20.19,
deathRate: 5.2,
name: `Libya`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 24234000,
birthRate: 33.4,
deathRate: 6.48,
name: `Madagascar`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 16745000,
birthRate: 37.05,
deathRate: 7.5,
name: `Malawi`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 17439000,
birthRate: 43.22,
deathRate: 10.67,
name: `Mali`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 4046000,
birthRate: 34.57,
deathRate: 7.96,
name: `Mauritania`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 1259000,
birthRate: 10.1,
deathRate: 7.7,
name: `Mauritius`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 34664000,
birthRate: 20.4,
deathRate: 5.15,
name: `Morocco`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 27042000,
birthRate: 39.36,
deathRate: 10.38,
name: `Mozambique`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 2315000,
birthRate: 29.59,
deathRate: 7.46,
name: `Namibia`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 20002000,
birthRate: 48.44,
deathRate: 9.94,
name: `Niger`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 181136992,
birthRate: 39.37,
deathRate: 12.77,
name: `Nigeria`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 11369000,
birthRate: 31.79,
deathRate: 6.13,
name: `Rwanda`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 199000,
birthRate: 34.33,
deathRate: 6.81,
name: `Sao Tome and Principe`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 14578000,
birthRate: 36.21,
deathRate: 6.07,
name: `Senegal`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 95000,
birthRate: 17,
deathRate: 7.5,
name: `Seychelles`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 7172000,
birthRate: 35.61,
deathRate: 13.03,
name: `Sierra Leone`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 13797000,
birthRate: 43.66,
deathRate: 11.63,
name: `Somalia`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 55386000,
birthRate: 21.3,
deathRate: 10.1,
name: `South Africa`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 10716000,
birthRate: 36.32,
deathRate: 11.24,
name: `South Sudan`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 38903000,
birthRate: 33.32,
deathRate: 7.52,
name: `Sudan`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 1104000,
birthRate: 29.27,
deathRate: 9.86,
name: `Swaziland`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 51483000,
birthRate: 38.64,
deathRate: 7.02,
name: `Tanzania`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 7323000,
birthRate: 34.53,
deathRate: 8.83,
name: `Togo`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 11180000,
birthRate: 18.65,
deathRate: 6.36,
name: `Tunisia`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 38225000,
birthRate: 42.63,
deathRate: 8.87,
name: `Uganda`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 15879000,
birthRate: 38.44,
deathRate: 8,
name: `Zambia`
new CountryDemographicAfricanItem(
population: 13815000,
birthRate: 33.94,
deathRate: 8.4,
name: `Zimbabwe`
tsexport class CountryDemographicEuropeItem {
public constructor(init: Partial<CountryDemographicEuropeItem>) {
Object.assign(this, init);
public population: number;
public birthRate: number;
public deathRate: number;
public name: string;
export class CountryDemographicEurope extends Array<CountryDemographicEuropeItem> {
public constructor(items: Array<CountryDemographicEuropeItem> | number = -1) {
if (Array.isArray(items)) {
} else {
const newItems = [
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 2891000,
birthRate: 11.88,
deathRate: 7.22,
name: `Albania`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 8679000,
birthRate: 9.8,
deathRate: 9.6,
name: `Austria`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 9439000,
birthRate: 12.5,
deathRate: 12.6,
name: `Belarus`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 11288000,
birthRate: 10.8,
deathRate: 9.8,
name: `Belgium`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 3429000,
birthRate: 9.12,
deathRate: 10.89,
name: `Bosnia`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 7200000,
birthRate: 9.2,
deathRate: 15.3,
name: `Bulgaria`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 165000,
birthRate: 9.39,
deathRate: 8.97,
name: `Channel Islands`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 4233000,
birthRate: 8.9,
deathRate: 12.9,
name: `Croatia`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 1161000,
birthRate: 10.98,
deathRate: 6.84,
name: `Cyprus`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 10601000,
birthRate: 10.5,
deathRate: 10.5,
name: `Czechia`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 5689000,
birthRate: 10.2,
deathRate: 9.2,
name: `Denmark`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 1315000,
birthRate: 10.6,
deathRate: 11.6,
name: `Estonia`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 48000,
birthRate: 12.4,
deathRate: 7.7,
name: `Faeroe Islands`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 5481000,
birthRate: 10.1,
deathRate: 9.6,
name: `Finland`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 64453000,
birthRate: 12,
deathRate: 8.9,
name: `France`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 81787000,
birthRate: 9,
deathRate: 11.3,
name: `Germany`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 10660000,
birthRate: 8.5,
deathRate: 11.2,
name: `Greece`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 9778000,
birthRate: 9.4,
deathRate: 13.4,
name: `Hungary`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 330000,
birthRate: 12.5,
deathRate: 6.6,
name: `Iceland`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 4652000,
birthRate: 14.1,
deathRate: 6.5,
name: `Ireland`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 60578000,
birthRate: 8,
deathRate: 10.7,
name: `Italy`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 1998000,
birthRate: 11.1,
deathRate: 14.4,
name: `Latvia`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 37000,
birthRate: 8.7,
deathRate: 6.7,
name: `Liechtenstein`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 2932000,
birthRate: 10.8,
deathRate: 14.4,
name: `Lithuania`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 567000,
birthRate: 10.7,
deathRate: 7,
name: `Luxembourg`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 2079000,
birthRate: 11.3,
deathRate: 9.75,
name: `Macedonia`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 434000,
birthRate: 10,
deathRate: 8,
name: `Malta`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 4071000,
birthRate: 10.52,
deathRate: 11.42,
name: `Moldova`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 38000,
birthRate: 8.1,
deathRate: 7.6,
name: `Monaco`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 627000,
birthRate: 11.52,
deathRate: 9.8,
name: `Montenegro`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 16938000,
birthRate: 10.1,
deathRate: 8.7,
name: `Netherlands`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 5200000,
birthRate: 11.3,
deathRate: 7.8,
name: `Norway`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 38034000,
birthRate: 9.7,
deathRate: 10.4,
name: `Poland`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 10368000,
birthRate: 8.3,
deathRate: 10.5,
name: `Portugal`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 19925000,
birthRate: 10,
deathRate: 13.2,
name: `Romania`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 144984992,
birthRate: 13.3,
deathRate: 13,
name: `Russia`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 33000,
birthRate: 8.2,
deathRate: 7.1,
name: `San Marino`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 8877000,
birthRate: 9.3,
deathRate: 14.6,
name: `Serbia`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 5436000,
birthRate: 10.3,
deathRate: 9.9,
name: `Slovakia`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 2071000,
birthRate: 10,
deathRate: 9.6,
name: `Slovenia`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 46672000,
birthRate: 9,
deathRate: 9.1,
name: `Spain`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 9765000,
birthRate: 11.7,
deathRate: 9.3,
name: `Sweden`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 8297000,
birthRate: 10.5,
deathRate: 8.2,
name: `Switzerland`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 44922000,
birthRate: 10.7,
deathRate: 14.9,
name: `Ukraine`
new CountryDemographicEuropeItem(
population: 65860000,
birthRate: 11.9,
deathRate: 9.2,
name: `United Kingdom`
tsimport { IgcLegendModule, IgcDataChartCoreModule, IgcDataChartScatterModule, IgcDataChartScatterCoreModule, IgcDataChartInteractivityModule, IgcDataChartAnnotationModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { IgcLegendComponent, IgcDataChartComponent, IgcNumericXAxisComponent, IgcNumericYAxisComponent, IgcScatterSeriesComponent } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { CountryDemographicEuropeItem, CountryDemographicEurope } from './CountryDemographicEurope';
import { CountryDemographicAfricanItem, CountryDemographicAfrican } from './CountryDemographicAfrican';
import { ModuleManager } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-core';
import "./index.css";
export class Sample {
private legend: IgcLegendComponent
private chart: IgcDataChartComponent
private xAxis: IgcNumericXAxisComponent
private yAxis: IgcNumericYAxisComponent
private scatterSeries1: IgcScatterSeriesComponent
private scatterSeries2: IgcScatterSeriesComponent
private _bind: () => void;
constructor() {
var legend = this.legend = document.getElementById('legend') as IgcLegendComponent;
var chart = this.chart = document.getElementById('chart') as IgcDataChartComponent;
var xAxis = this.xAxis = document.getElementById('xAxis') as IgcNumericXAxisComponent;
var yAxis = this.yAxis = document.getElementById('yAxis') as IgcNumericYAxisComponent;
var scatterSeries1 = this.scatterSeries1 = document.getElementById('scatterSeries1') as IgcScatterSeriesComponent;
var scatterSeries2 = this.scatterSeries2 = document.getElementById('scatterSeries2') as IgcScatterSeriesComponent;
this._bind = () => {
chart.legend = this.legend;
scatterSeries1.xAxis = this.xAxis;
scatterSeries1.yAxis = this.yAxis;
scatterSeries1.dataSource = this.countryDemographicEurope;
scatterSeries2.xAxis = this.xAxis;
scatterSeries2.yAxis = this.yAxis;
scatterSeries2.dataSource = this.countryDemographicAfrican;
private _countryDemographicEurope: CountryDemographicEurope = null;
public get countryDemographicEurope(): CountryDemographicEurope {
if (this._countryDemographicEurope == null)
this._countryDemographicEurope = new CountryDemographicEurope();
return this._countryDemographicEurope;
private _countryDemographicAfrican: CountryDemographicAfrican = null;
public get countryDemographicAfrican(): CountryDemographicAfrican {
if (this._countryDemographicAfrican == null)
this._countryDemographicAfrican = new CountryDemographicAfrican();
return this._countryDemographicAfrican;
new Sample();
ts<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Sample | Ignite UI | Web Components | infragistics</title>
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<div class="legend-title">
Population Statistics for Selected Continents
<div class="legend">
<div class="container fill">
title="Death Rate (per 1,000 people)"
title="Birth Rate (per 1,000 people)"
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Web Components Gráfico de formas
Los gráficos de formas Web Components son un grupo de gráficos que toman una matriz de formas (matriz o matrices de puntos X/Y) y las representan como una colección de polígonos o polilíneas en un sistema de coordenadas cartesiano (x, y). A menudo se utilizan para resaltar regiones en datos científicos o se pueden utilizar para trazar diagramas, planos o incluso planos de edificios. Obtenga más información sobre nuestra tabla de formas.
import { ModuleManager } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-core';
import { IgcDataChartCoreModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { IgcDataChartShapeCoreModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { IgcDataChartShapeModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { IgcDataChartInteractivityModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { IgcScatterPolygonSeriesModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { IgcScatterPolygonSeriesComponent } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { IgcStyleShapeEventArgs } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { DataContext } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-core';
import { html } from 'lit-html';
export class DataChartTypeScatterPolygonSeries {
constructor() {
this.onAirplaneShapesLoaded = this.onAirplaneShapesLoaded.bind(this);
this.onAirplaneSeatsLoaded = this.onAirplaneSeatsLoaded.bind(this);
this.createTooltip = this.createTooltip.bind(this);
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((data) => this.onAirplaneShapesLoaded(data));
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((data) => this.onAirplaneSeatsLoaded(data));
public onAirplaneShapesLoaded(jsonData: any[]) {
let airplaneShapeSeries = (document.getElementById('airplaneShapeSeries') as IgcScatterPolygonSeriesComponent);
airplaneShapeSeries.dataSource = jsonData;
public onAirplaneSeatsLoaded(jsonData: any[]) {
let airplaneSeatSeries = (document.getElementById('airplaneSeatSeries') as IgcScatterPolygonSeriesComponent);
airplaneSeatSeries.styleShape = this.onStylingShape;
airplaneSeatSeries.dataSource = jsonData;
airplaneSeatSeries.tooltipTemplate = this.createTooltip;
public onStylingShape(sender: any, args: IgcStyleShapeEventArgs) {
args.shapeOpacity = 1.0;
args.shapeStrokeThickness = 0.5;
args.shapeStroke = "Black";
args.shapeFill = "White";
const itemRecord = args.item as any;
if (itemRecord.class === 'First') {
args.shapeFill = "DodgerBlue";
if (itemRecord.class === 'Business') {
args.shapeFill = "LimeGreen";
if (itemRecord.class === 'Premium') {
args.shapeFill = "Orange";
if (itemRecord.class === 'Economy') {
args.shapeFill = "Red";
if (itemRecord.status === 'Sold') {
args.shapeFill = 'Gray';
public createTooltip(context: any): any {
const dataContext = context as DataContext;
if (!dataContext) return null;
const dataItem = dataContext.item as any;
if (!dataItem) return null;
let tooltip = html`<div>
<div class='ui-tooltip-content'>
<div>Class: ${dataItem.class}</div>
<div>Seat: ${dataItem.seat}</div>
<div>Price: $${dataItem.price}</div>
<div>Status: ${dataItem.status}</div>
return tooltip;
new DataChartTypeScatterPolygonSeries();
ts<!DOCTYPE html>
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<div id="root">
<div class="container sample">
<div class="options horizontal">
<div class="legend-title">
<span>Airplane Seating Chart (Polygons)</span>
<div class="custom-legend">
<div><span style="background: DodgerBlue; "></span><label>First Class</label></div>
<div><span style="background: LimeGreen; "></span><label>Business Class</label></div>
<div><span style="background: Orange; "></span><label>Premium Class</label></div>
<div><span style="background: Red; "></span><label>Economy Class</label></div>
<div><span style="background: Gray; "></span><label>Sold Seat</label> </div>
<div><span style="background: LightGray; "></span><label>Airplane</label> </div>
<igc-data-chart id="chart" width="100%" height="100%"
<igc-numeric-x-axis name="xAxis" minimum-value=-1000 maximum-value=1000 interval=200>
<igc-numeric-y-axis name="yAxis" minimum-value=-600 maximum-value=600 interval=200>
title="Airplane Shape"
title="Airplane Seats">
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Gráfico de spline de Web Components
El gráfico de splines de Web Components o gráfico de splines es un tipo de gráfico de líneas de categoría que muestra los valores de datos continuos representados por puntos conectados por segmentos de línea suave de una o más cantidades durante un período de tiempo para mostrar tendencias y realizar análisis comparativos. El eje Y (etiquetas en el lado izquierdo) muestra un valor numérico, mientras que el eje X (etiquetas inferiores) muestra una serie temporal o una categoría de comparación. Puede incluir uno o más conjuntos de datos para comparar, que se representarían como varias líneas en el gráfico. El gráfico Spline Web Components es idéntico al gráfico Spline Web Components, la única diferencia es que el gráfico de líneas son puntos conectados por líneas rectas y los puntos del gráfico spline están conectados por curvas suaves. Obtenga más información sobre nuestro gráfico de spline.
export class CountryRenewableElectricityItem {
public constructor(init: Partial<CountryRenewableElectricityItem>) {
Object.assign(this, init);
public year: string;
public europe: number;
public china: number;
public america: number;
export class CountryRenewableElectricity extends Array<CountryRenewableElectricityItem> {
public constructor(items: Array<CountryRenewableElectricityItem> | number = -1) {
if (Array.isArray(items)) {
} else {
const newItems = [
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2009`,
europe: 34,
china: 21,
america: 19
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2010`,
europe: 43,
china: 26,
america: 24
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2011`,
europe: 66,
china: 29,
america: 28
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2012`,
europe: 69,
china: 32,
america: 26
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2013`,
europe: 58,
china: 47,
america: 38
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2014`,
europe: 40,
china: 46,
america: 31
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2015`,
europe: 78,
china: 50,
america: 19
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2016`,
europe: 13,
china: 90,
america: 52
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2017`,
europe: 78,
china: 132,
america: 50
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2018`,
europe: 40,
china: 134,
america: 34
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2018`,
europe: 40,
china: 134,
america: 34
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2019`,
europe: 80,
china: 96,
america: 38
tsimport { IgcLegendModule, IgcCategoryChartModule, IgcDataChartInteractivityModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { IgcLegendComponent, IgcCategoryChartComponent } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { CountryRenewableElectricityItem, CountryRenewableElectricity } from './CountryRenewableElectricity';
import { ModuleManager } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-core';
import "./index.css";
export class Sample {
private legend: IgcLegendComponent
private chart: IgcCategoryChartComponent
private _bind: () => void;
constructor() {
var legend = this.legend = document.getElementById('legend') as IgcLegendComponent;
var chart = this.chart = document.getElementById('chart') as IgcCategoryChartComponent;
this._bind = () => {
chart.dataSource = this.countryRenewableElectricity;
chart.legend = this.legend;
private _countryRenewableElectricity: CountryRenewableElectricity = null;
public get countryRenewableElectricity(): CountryRenewableElectricity {
if (this._countryRenewableElectricity == null)
this._countryRenewableElectricity = new CountryRenewableElectricity();
return this._countryRenewableElectricity;
new Sample();
ts<!DOCTYPE html>
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<div class="container sample">
<div class="legend-title">
Renewable Electricity Generated
<div class="legend">
<div class="container fill">
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Gráfico de Web Components pasos
El gráfico de Web Components pasos, o gráfico de pasos, es un gráfico de categorías que representa una colección de puntos de datos conectados por líneas verticales y horizontales continuas que forman una progresión escalonada. Los valores se representan en el eje Y (etiquetas de la izquierda) y las categorías se muestran en el eje X (etiquetas inferiores). El gráfico de líneas de Web Components escalones enfatiza la cantidad de cambio durante un período de tiempo o compara varios elementos. El gráfico de líneas de Web Components escalones es idéntico al Web Components Gráfico de áreas de escalones en todos los aspectos, excepto que el área debajo de las líneas de paso no se rellena. Más información sobre nuestra tabla de pasos
export class CountryRenewableElectricityItem {
public constructor(init: Partial<CountryRenewableElectricityItem>) {
Object.assign(this, init);
public year: string;
public europe: number;
public china: number;
public america: number;
export class CountryRenewableElectricity extends Array<CountryRenewableElectricityItem> {
public constructor(items: Array<CountryRenewableElectricityItem> | number = -1) {
if (Array.isArray(items)) {
} else {
const newItems = [
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2009`,
europe: 34,
china: 21,
america: 19
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2010`,
europe: 43,
china: 26,
america: 24
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2011`,
europe: 66,
china: 29,
america: 28
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2012`,
europe: 69,
china: 32,
america: 26
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2013`,
europe: 58,
china: 47,
america: 38
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2014`,
europe: 40,
china: 46,
america: 31
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2015`,
europe: 78,
china: 50,
america: 19
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2016`,
europe: 13,
china: 90,
america: 52
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2017`,
europe: 78,
china: 132,
america: 50
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2018`,
europe: 40,
china: 134,
america: 34
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2018`,
europe: 40,
china: 134,
america: 34
new CountryRenewableElectricityItem(
year: `2019`,
europe: 80,
china: 96,
america: 38
tsimport { IgcLegendModule, IgcCategoryChartModule, IgcDataChartInteractivityModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { IgcLegendComponent, IgcCategoryChartComponent } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { CountryRenewableElectricityItem, CountryRenewableElectricity } from './CountryRenewableElectricity';
import { ModuleManager } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-core';
import "./index.css";
export class Sample {
private legend: IgcLegendComponent
private chart: IgcCategoryChartComponent
private _bind: () => void;
constructor() {
var legend = this.legend = document.getElementById('legend') as IgcLegendComponent;
var chart = this.chart = document.getElementById('chart') as IgcCategoryChartComponent;
this._bind = () => {
chart.legend = this.legend;
chart.dataSource = this.countryRenewableElectricity;
private _countryRenewableElectricity: CountryRenewableElectricity = null;
public get countryRenewableElectricity(): CountryRenewableElectricity {
if (this._countryRenewableElectricity == null)
this._countryRenewableElectricity = new CountryRenewableElectricity();
return this._countryRenewableElectricity;
new Sample();
ts<!DOCTYPE html>
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Renewable Electricity Generated
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Web Components Mapa de rectángulos
El mapa de rectángulos de Ignite UI for Web Components muestra datos jerárquicos (estructurados en árbol) como un conjunto de nodos anidados. A cada rama del árbol se le asigna un nodo de mapa de árboles, que luego se coloca en mosaico con nodos más pequeños que representan subramas. El rectángulo de cada nodo tiene un área proporcional a una dimensión especificada en los datos. A menudo, los nodos se colorean para mostrar una dimensión separada de los datos. Más información sobre nuestros treemaps.
export class CountyHierarchicalDataItem {
public constructor(init: Partial<CountyHierarchicalDataItem>) {
Object.assign(this, init);
public code: string;
public parent: string;
public name: string;
public population: number;
export class CountyHierarchicalData extends Array<CountyHierarchicalDataItem> {
public constructor(items: Array<CountyHierarchicalDataItem> | number = -1) {
if (Array.isArray(items)) {
} else {
const newItems = [
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `AFC`,
parent: null,
name: `Africa`,
population: null
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `ASA`,
parent: null,
name: `Asia`,
population: null
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `EUR`,
parent: null,
name: `Europe`,
population: null
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `MDE`,
parent: null,
name: `Middle East`,
population: null
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `NAM`,
parent: null,
name: `North America`,
population: null
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `CAM`,
parent: null,
name: `Central America`,
population: null
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `SAM`,
parent: null,
name: `South America`,
population: null
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `OCE`,
parent: null,
name: `Oceania`,
population: null
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `ANG`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Angola`,
population: 19618432
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `BEN`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Benin`,
population: 9099922
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `BOT`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Botswana`,
population: 2030738
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `BUR`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Burkina Faso`,
population: 16967845
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `BUR`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Burundi`,
population: 8575172
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `CAM`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Cameroon`,
population: 20030362
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `CPV`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Cape Verde`,
population: 500585
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `CAR`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Central African Republic`,
population: 4486837
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `CHD`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Chad`,
population: 11525496
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `COM`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Comoros`,
population: 753943
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `DRC`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Congo DRC`,
population: 67757577
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `CRP`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Congo Republic`,
population: 4139748
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `CIR`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Cote Ivoire`,
population: 20152894
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `DBT`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Djibouti`,
population: 905564
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `ETG`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Equatorial Guinea`,
population: 720213
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `ERT`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Eritrea`,
population: 5415280
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `ETH`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Ethiopia`,
population: 84734262
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `GBN`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Gabon`,
population: 1534262
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `GMB`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Gambia`,
population: 1776103
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `GHN`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Ghana`,
population: 24965816
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `GUN`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Guinea`,
population: 10221808
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `GNB`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Guinea-Bissau`,
population: 1547061
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `KEN`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Kenya`,
population: 41609728
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `LES`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Lesotho`,
population: 2193843
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `LBR`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Liberia`,
population: 4128572
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `MDG`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Madagascar`,
population: 21315135
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `MLW`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Malawi`,
population: 15380888
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `MAL`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Mali`,
population: 15839538
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `MRT`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Mauritania`,
population: 3541540
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `MUS`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Mauritius`,
population: 1286051
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `MOZ`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Mozambique`,
population: 23929708
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `NMB`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Namibia`,
population: 2324004
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `NER`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Niger`,
population: 16068994
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `NGA`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Nigeria`,
population: 162470737
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `RWD`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Rwanda`,
population: 10942950
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `STM`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Sao Tome`,
population: 168526
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `SEN`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Senegal`,
population: 12767556
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `SYC`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Seychelles`,
population: 86000
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `SRL`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Sierra Leone`,
population: 5997486
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `ZAF`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `South Africa`,
population: 50586757
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `SSD`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `South Sudan`,
population: 10314021
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `SDN`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Sudan`,
population: 34318385
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `SWZ`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Swaziland`,
population: 1067773
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `TNZ`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Tanzania`,
population: 46218486
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `TOG`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Togo`,
population: 6154813
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `UGN`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Uganda`,
population: 34509205
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `ZMB`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Zambia`,
population: 13474959
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `ZWE`,
parent: `Africa`,
name: `Zimbabwe`,
population: 12754378
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `AFG`,
parent: `Asia`,
name: `Afghanistan`,
population: 35320445
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `BAN`,
parent: `Asia`,
name: `Bangladesh`,
population: 150493658
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `BHT`,
parent: `Asia`,
name: `Bhutan`,
population: 738267
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `BRN`,
parent: `Asia`,
name: `Brunei`,
population: 405938
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `CAM`,
parent: `Asia`,
name: `Cambodia`,
population: 14305183
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `CHI`,
parent: `Asia`,
name: `China`,
population: 1344130000
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `HNK`,
parent: `Asia`,
name: `Hong Kong`,
population: 7071600
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `IND`,
parent: `Asia`,
name: `India`,
population: 1241491960
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `IDN`,
parent: `Asia`,
name: `Indonesia`,
population: 242325638
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `JPN`,
parent: `Asia`,
name: `Japan`,
population: 127817277
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `KZH`,
parent: `Asia`,
name: `Kazakhstan`,
population: 16558676
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `NKO`,
parent: `Asia`,
name: `North Korea`,
population: 24451285
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `SKO`,
parent: `Asia`,
name: `South Korea`,
population: 49779000
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `KGZ`,
parent: `Asia`,
name: `Kyrgyzstan`,
population: 5514600
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `LAO`,
parent: `Asia`,
name: `Lao PDR`,
population: 6288037
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `MAC`,
parent: `Asia`,
name: `Macao`,
population: 555731
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `MYS`,
parent: `Asia`,
name: `Malaysia`,
population: 28859154
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `MDV`,
parent: `Asia`,
name: `Maldives`,
population: 320081
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `MNG`,
parent: `Asia`,
name: `Mongolia`,
population: 2800114
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `MYM`,
parent: `Asia`,
name: `Myanmar`,
population: 48336763
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `NPL`,
parent: `Asia`,
name: `Nepal`,
population: 30485798
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `PHP`,
parent: `Asia`,
name: `Philippines`,
population: 94852030
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `SNG`,
parent: `Asia`,
name: `Singapore`,
population: 5183700
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `SRL`,
parent: `Asia`,
name: `Sri Lanka`,
population: 20869000
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `TKS`,
parent: `Asia`,
name: `Tajikistan`,
population: 6976958
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `THL`,
parent: `Asia`,
name: `Thailand`,
population: 69518555
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `TRK`,
parent: `Asia`,
name: `Turkmenistan`,
population: 5105301
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `UZB`,
parent: `Asia`,
name: `Uzbekistan`,
population: 29341200
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `VTN`,
parent: `Asia`,
name: `Vietnam`,
population: 87840000
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `ANT`,
parent: `Central America`,
name: `Antigua`,
population: 89612
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `ARB`,
parent: `Central America`,
name: `Aruba`,
population: 108141
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `BHM`,
parent: `Central America`,
name: `Bahamas`,
population: 347176
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `BRB`,
parent: `Central America`,
name: `Barbados`,
population: 273925
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `BLZ`,
parent: `Central America`,
name: `Belize`,
population: 356600
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `BRM`,
parent: `Central America`,
name: `Bermuda`,
population: 64700
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `CYI`,
parent: `Central America`,
name: `Cayman Islands`,
population: 56729
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `CSR`,
parent: `Central America`,
name: `Costa Rica`,
population: 4726575
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `CUB`,
parent: `Central America`,
name: `Cuba`,
population: 11253665
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `CUR`,
parent: `Central America`,
name: `Curacao`,
population: 145619
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `DMA`,
parent: `Central America`,
name: `Dominica`,
population: 67675
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `DOM`,
parent: `Central America`,
name: `Dominican Republic`,
population: 10056181
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `SLV`,
parent: `Central America`,
name: `El Salvador`,
population: 6227491
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `FIS`,
parent: `Central America`,
name: `Faeroe Islands`,
population: 48863
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `GND`,
parent: `Central America`,
name: `Grenada`,
population: 104890
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `GUA`,
parent: `Central America`,
name: `Guam`,
population: 182111
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `GTM`,
parent: `Central America`,
name: `Guatemala`,
population: 14757316
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `HAT`,
parent: `Central America`,
name: `Haiti`,
population: 10123787
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `HON`,
parent: `Central America`,
name: `Honduras`,
population: 7754687
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `JAM`,
parent: `Central America`,
name: `Jamaica`,
population: 2706500
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `NCR`,
parent: `Central America`,
name: `Nicaragua`,
population: 5869859
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `NMI`,
parent: `Central America`,
name: `Northern Mariana Islands`,
population: 61174
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `PAN`,
parent: `Central America`,
name: `Panama`,
population: 3571185
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `PRT`,
parent: `Central America`,
name: `Puerto Rico`,
population: 3706690
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `STK`,
parent: `Central America`,
name: `St. Kitts`,
population: 53051
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `STL`,
parent: `Central America`,
name: `St. Lucia`,
population: 176000
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `STV`,
parent: `Central America`,
name: `St. Vincent`,
population: 109365
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `TAB`,
parent: `Central America`,
name: `Trinidad and Tobago`,
population: 1346350
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `RCI`,
parent: `Central America`,
name: `Turks and Caicos Islands`,
population: 39184
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `ISV`,
parent: `Central America`,
name: `US Virgin Islands`,
population: 109666
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `ALB`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Albania`,
population: 3215988
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `AND`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Andorra`,
population: 86165
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `ARM`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Armenia`,
population: 3100236
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `AUT`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Austria`,
population: 8423635
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `BER`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Belarus`,
population: 9473000
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `BEL`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Belgium`,
population: 11020952
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `BIH`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Bosnia`,
population: 3752228
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `BUL`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Bulgaria`,
population: 7348328
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `CHI`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Channel Islands`,
population: 153876
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `CRO`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Croatia`,
population: 4403000
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `CYP`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Cyprus`,
population: 1116564
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `CZE`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Czechia`,
population: 10496088
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `DEN`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Denmark`,
population: 5570572
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `EST`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Estonia`,
population: 1339928
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `FIN`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Finland`,
population: 5388272
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `FRA`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `France`,
population: 65433714
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `GEO`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Georgia`,
population: 4486000
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `DEU`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Germany`,
population: 81797673
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `GRC`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Greece`,
population: 11300410
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `HUN`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Hungary`,
population: 9971727
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `ICE`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Iceland`,
population: 319014
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `IRE`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Ireland`,
population: 4576317
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `IOM`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Isle of Man`,
population: 83327
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `ITA`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Italy`,
population: 60723603
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `KOS`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Kosovo`,
population: 1802765
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `LAT`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Latvia`,
population: 2058184
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `LVA`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Liechtenstein`,
population: 36304
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `LTU`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Lithuania`,
population: 3030173
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `LUX`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Luxembourg`,
population: 518252
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `MKD`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `North Macedonia`,
population: 2063893
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `MLT`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Malta`,
population: 415654
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `MDA`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Moldova`,
population: 3559000
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `MON`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Monaco`,
population: 35427
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `MNE`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Montenegro`,
population: 632261
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `MLD`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Netherlands`,
population: 16693074
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `NOR`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Norway`,
population: 4953088
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `POL`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Poland`,
population: 38534157
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `POR`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Portugal`,
population: 10556999
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `ROM`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Romania`,
population: 21384832
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `RUS`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Russia`,
population: 142960000
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `SMR`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `San Marino`,
population: 31735
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `SBR`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Serbia`,
population: 7258745
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `STM`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Sint Maarten`,
population: 36609
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `SVK`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Slovakia`,
population: 5398384
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `SLO`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Slovenia`,
population: 2052843
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `ESP`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Spain`,
population: 46174601
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `STM`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `St. Martin`,
population: 30615
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `SWE`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Sweden`,
population: 9449213
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `CHE`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Switzerland`,
population: 7912398
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `UKR`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `Ukraine`,
population: 45706100
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `GBR`,
parent: `Europe`,
name: `United Kingdom`,
population: 62744081
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `DZA`,
parent: `Middle East`,
name: `Algeria`,
population: 35980193
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `AZE`,
parent: `Middle East`,
name: `Azerbaijan`,
population: 9173082
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `BHR`,
parent: `Middle East`,
name: `Bahrain`,
population: 1323535
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `EGY`,
parent: `Middle East`,
name: `Egypt`,
population: 82536770
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `IRN`,
parent: `Middle East`,
name: `Iran`,
population: 74798599
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `IRQ`,
parent: `Middle East`,
name: `Iraq`,
population: 32961959
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `ISR`,
parent: `Middle East`,
name: `Israel`,
population: 7765900
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `JOR`,
parent: `Middle East`,
name: `Jordan`,
population: 6181000
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `KWT`,
parent: `Middle East`,
name: `Kuwait`,
population: 2818042
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `LBN`,
parent: `Middle East`,
name: `Lebanon`,
population: 4259405
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `LBY`,
parent: `Middle East`,
name: `Libya`,
population: 6422772
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `MAR`,
parent: `Middle East`,
name: `Morocco`,
population: 32272974
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `OMN`,
parent: `Middle East`,
name: `Oman`,
population: 2846145
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `PKS`,
parent: `Middle East`,
name: `Pakistan`,
population: 176745364
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `QTR`,
parent: `Middle East`,
name: `Qatar`,
population: 1870041
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `SAR`,
parent: `Middle East`,
name: `Saudi Arabia`,
population: 28082541
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `SOM`,
parent: `Middle East`,
name: `Somalia`,
population: 9556873
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `SYR`,
parent: `Middle East`,
name: `Syria`,
population: 20820311
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `TUN`,
parent: `Middle East`,
name: `Tunisia`,
population: 10673800
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `TUR`,
parent: `Middle East`,
name: `Turkey`,
population: 73639596
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `UAE`,
parent: `Middle East`,
name: `United Arab Emirates`,
population: 7890924
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `WTB`,
parent: `Middle East`,
name: `West Bank`,
population: 3927051
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `YEM`,
parent: `Middle East`,
name: `Yemen`,
population: 24799880
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `CAN`,
parent: `North America`,
name: `Canada`,
population: 34483975
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `GRL`,
parent: `North America`,
name: `Greenland`,
population: 56840
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `MEX`,
parent: `North America`,
name: `Mexico`,
population: 114793341
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `USA`,
parent: `North America`,
name: `United States`,
population: 311591917
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `AMS`,
parent: `Oceania`,
name: `American Samoa`,
population: 69543
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `AUS`,
parent: `Oceania`,
name: `Australia`,
population: 22323900
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `FIJ`,
parent: `Oceania`,
name: `Fiji`,
population: 868406
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `FRP`,
parent: `Oceania`,
name: `French Polynesia`,
population: 273777
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `KIR`,
parent: `Oceania`,
name: `Kiribati`,
population: 101093
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `MIS`,
parent: `Oceania`,
name: `Marshall Islands`,
population: 54816
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `MCR`,
parent: `Oceania`,
name: `Micronesia`,
population: 111542
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `NCD`,
parent: `Oceania`,
name: `New Caledonia`,
population: 254024
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `NZL`,
parent: `Oceania`,
name: `New Zealand`,
population: 4405200
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `PAL`,
parent: `Oceania`,
name: `Palau`,
population: 20609
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `PNG`,
parent: `Oceania`,
name: `Papua New Guinea`,
population: 7013829
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `SAM`,
parent: `Oceania`,
name: `Samoa`,
population: 183874
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `SIS`,
parent: `Oceania`,
name: `Solomon Islands`,
population: 552267
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `TML`,
parent: `Oceania`,
name: `Timor-Leste`,
population: 1175880
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `TON`,
parent: `Oceania`,
name: `Tonga`,
population: 104509
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `TUV`,
parent: `Oceania`,
name: `Tuvalu`,
population: 9847
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `VNT`,
parent: `Oceania`,
name: `Vanuatu`,
population: 245619
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `ARG`,
parent: `South America`,
name: `Argentina`,
population: 40764561
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `BOL`,
parent: `South America`,
name: `Bolivia`,
population: 10088108
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `BRA`,
parent: `South America`,
name: `Brazil`,
population: 196655014
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `CHI`,
parent: `South America`,
name: `Chile`,
population: 17269525
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `COL`,
parent: `South America`,
name: `Colombia`,
population: 46927125
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `ECU`,
parent: `South America`,
name: `Ecuador`,
population: 14666055
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `GUY`,
parent: `South America`,
name: `Guyana`,
population: 756040
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `PAR`,
parent: `South America`,
name: `Paraguay`,
population: 6568290
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `PER`,
parent: `South America`,
name: `Peru`,
population: 29399817
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `SUR`,
parent: `South America`,
name: `Suriname`,
population: 529419
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `URG`,
parent: `South America`,
name: `Uruguay`,
population: 3368595
new CountyHierarchicalDataItem(
code: `VEN`,
parent: `South America`,
name: `Venezuela`,
population: 29278000
tsimport { IgcTreemapModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { IgcTreemapComponent } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { CountyHierarchicalDataItem, CountyHierarchicalData } from './CountyHierarchicalData';
import { ModuleManager } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-core';
import "./index.css";
export class Sample {
private treemap: IgcTreemapComponent
private _bind: () => void;
constructor() {
var treemap = this.treemap = document.getElementById('treemap') as IgcTreemapComponent;
this._bind = () => {
treemap.dataSource = this.countyHierarchicalData;
private _countyHierarchicalData: CountyHierarchicalData = null;
public get countyHierarchicalData(): CountyHierarchicalData {
if (this._countyHierarchicalData == null)
this._countyHierarchicalData = new CountyHierarchicalData();
return this._countyHierarchicalData;
new Sample();
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Comparing Population of Countries
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Características principales de Web Components Charts
Muestre cómo cambian sus datos con el tiempo con nuestro Eje de Tiempo integrado. Cambiaremos dinámicamente escalas de tiempo y formatos de etiquetas a medida que interactúa con su gráfico. Hemos incluido un Gráfico financiero completo con todas las funciones que espera de sus gráficos financieros, como Yahoo Finance o Google Finance.
Gráficos dinámicos
Visualice sus datos creando un nuevo Gráfico compuesto y superponiendo varias series en un solo gráfico. En el gráfico, puede mostrar y superponer varias columnas del gráfico para crear columnas apiladas.
Información sobre herramientas personalizada
Visualice sus datos creando nuevas vistas compuestas y superponiendo varias series en un solo gráfico. En el gráfico, puede crear información sobre herramientas personalizada con imágenes, enlace de datos e incluso combinar información sobre herramientas de varias series en una sola información sobre herramientas.
Gráficos de alto rendimiento en tiempo real
Muestre miles de puntos de datos con actualizaciones a nivel de milisegundos en tiempo real con datos en vivo y en streaming. No experimentará retrasos, parpadeos en la pantalla ni retrasos visuales, incluso cuando interactúe con el gráfico en un dispositivo táctil. Para ver una demostración, consulte el tema Gráfico con alta frecuencia.
Manejo de datos de gran volumen
Optimice el rendimiento del gráfico para representar millones de puntos de datos mientras el gráfico sigue proporcionando un rendimiento fluido cuando los usuarios finales intentan acercar o alejar el zoom o navegar por el contenido del gráfico. Para ver una demostración, consulte el tema Gráfico con alto volumen.
Diseño modular
El gráfico Web Components está diseñado para la modularidad. Solo las características necesarias forman parte de la implementación, por lo que se obtiene la menor superficie posible en las páginas representadas.
Enlace de datos inteligente
Elijamos el tipo de gráfico. Nuestro Adaptador de datos inteligente elige automáticamente el mejor tipo de gráfico para los datos. Todo lo que haces es configurar la fuente de datos y nosotros hacemos el resto.
Líneas de tendencia
Web Components gráficos son compatibles con todas las líneas de tendencia que necesites, incluidas las líneas de tendencia lineales (x), cuadráticas (x2), cúbicas (x3), cuárticas (x4), quíntricas (x5), logarítmicas (log x), exponenciales (ex) y de ley de potencia (axk + o(xk)).
Panorámica y zoom interactivos
Utilice el teclado simple o multitáctil, la barra de zoom, la rueda del mouse, arrastre y seleccione para cualquier región rectangular con el mouse para acercar y ver de cerca los puntos de datos, desplazar el historial de datos o desplazar regiones de datos.
Marcadores, información sobre herramientas y plantillas
Utilice uno de los 10 tipos de marcadores o cree su propia plantilla de marcadores para resaltar datos o utilice información sobre herramientas simples o un gráfico de múltiples ejes y series con información sobre herramientas personalizada para brindar más contexto y significado a sus datos.
¡Pero espera hay mas!
Si está considerando cualquier otro gráfico de Web Components en el mercado, aquí hay algunas cosas en las que pensar:
- Incluimos más de 65 tipos de gráficos de Web Components y gráficos combinados, con la configuración más sencilla del mercado con nuestro adaptador de datos inteligente.
- Nuestros gráficos están optimizados en todas las plataformas, incluidas Angular, Blazor, jQuery / JavaScript, React, UNO, UWP, WPF, Windows Forms, WebComponents, WinUI y Xamarin. Son compatibles con la misma API y las mismas funciones en todas las plataformas.
- Nuestro gráfico de acciones y gráficos financieros le brindan todo lo que necesita para una experiencia similar a la de Yahoo Finance o Google Finance, todo con una sola línea de código.
- Probamos el rendimiento de todos los demás. Todo el mundo dice que son rápidos y que pueden manejar muchos datos, pero podemos demostrarlo. Vea usted mismo cómo manejamos grandes volúmenes de datos y transmisión de datos en tiempo real.
- Estamos disponibles las 24 horas, los 5 días de la semana. Infragistics cuenta con soporte global que siempre está en línea. Para América del Norte, Asia Pacífico, Medio Oriente y Europa, ¡estamos disponibles cuando usted lo esté!
- Tenemos muchos más controles de interfaz de usuario en Web Components además de los gráficos. ¡Ofrecemos una solución Web Components completa para construir sus aplicaciones!
Referencias de API
Todos los tipos de gráficos mencionados en este tema se implementan en estos componentes API: