Web Components Vinculación de modelos de datos geográficos
El componente de mapa Ignite UI for Web Components está diseñado para mostrar datos geoespaciales de archivos de formas y/o ubicaciones geográficas de modelos de datos en mapas de imágenes geográficas. La ItemsSource propiedad de serie geográfica se utiliza con el fin de enlazar a modelos de datos. Esta propiedad se puede enlazar a una matriz de objetos personalizados.
Web Components Ejemplo de modelos de datos geográficos de enlace
// calculate geo-paths between two locations using great circle formulapublicstatic calcPaths(origin: any, dest: any): any[] {
let interval = 200;
let paths: any[] = [[]];
let pathID = 0;
let distance = this.calcDistance(origin, dest);
if (distance <= interval) {
paths[pathID].push({ x: origin.lon, y: origin.lat });
paths[pathID].push({ x: dest.lon, y: dest.lat });
} else {
let current = origin;
let previous = origin;
for (let dist = interval; dist <= distance; dist += interval)
previous = current
paths[pathID].push({ x: current.lon, y: current.lat });
let bearing = this.calcBearing(current, dest);
current = this.calcDestination(current, bearing, interval);
// ensure geo-path wrap around the world through the new date-lineif (previous.lon > 150 && current.lon < -150) {
paths[pathID].push({ x: 180, y: current.lat });
current = { lon: -180, lat: current.lat }
} elseif (previous.lon < -150 && current.lon > 150) {
paths[pathID].push({ x: -180, y: current.lat });
current = { lon: 180, lat: current.lat }
paths[pathID].push({ x: dest.lon, y: dest.lat });
return paths;
// calculate bearing angle between two locationspublicstatic calcBearing(origin: any, dest: any): number
origin = this.toRadianLocation(origin);
dest = this.toRadianLocation(dest);
let range = (dest.lon - origin.lon);
let y = Math.sin(range) * Math.cos(dest.lat);
let x = Math.cos(origin.lat) * Math.sin(dest.lat) -
Math.sin(origin.lat) * Math.cos(dest.lat) * Math.cos(range);
let angle = Math.atan2(y, x);
// calculate destination for origin location and travel distancepublicstatic calcDestination(origin: any, bearing: number, distance: number): any {
let radius = 6371.0;
origin = this.toRadianLocation(origin);
bearing = this.toRadians(bearing);
distance = distance / radius; // angular distance in radianslet lat = Math.asin(Math.sin(origin.lat) * Math.cos(distance) +
Math.cos(origin.lat) * Math.sin(distance) * Math.cos(bearing));
let x = Math.sin(bearing) * Math.sin(distance) * Math.cos(origin.lat);
let y = Math.cos(distance) - Math.sin(origin.lat) * Math.sin(origin.lat);
let lon = origin.lon + Math.atan2(x, y);
// normalize lon to coordinate between -180º and +180º
lon = (lon + 3 * Math.PI) % (2 * Math.PI) - Math.PI;
lon = this.toDegrees(lon);
lat = this.toDegrees(lat);
return { lon: lon, lat: lat };
// calculate distance between two locationspublicstatic calcDistance(origin: any, dest: any): number {
origin = this.toRadianLocation(origin);
dest = this.toRadianLocation(dest);
let sinProd = Math.sin(origin.lat) * Math.sin(dest.lat);
let cosProd = Math.cos(origin.lat) * Math.cos(dest.lat);
let lonDelta = (dest.lon - origin.lon);
let angle = Math.acos(sinProd + cosProd * Math.cos(lonDelta));
let distance = angle * 6371.0;
return distance; // * 6371.0; // in km
publicstatic toRadianLocation(geoPoint: any): any {
let x = this.toRadians(geoPoint.lon);
let y = this.toRadians(geoPoint.lat);
return { lon: x, lat: y };
publicstatic toRadians(degrees: number): number
return degrees * Math.PI / 180;
publicstatic toDegrees(radians: number): number {
return (radians * 180.0 / Math.PI);
publicstatic toDegreesNormalized(radians: number): number
let degrees = this.toDegrees(radians);
degrees = (degrees + 360) % 360;
return degrees;
// converts latitude coordinate to a stringpublicstatic toStringLat(latitude: number): string {
let str = Math.abs(latitude).toFixed(1) + "°";
return latitude > 0 ? str + "N" : str + "S";
// converts longitude coordinate to a stringpublicstatic toStringLon(coordinate: number): string {
let val = Math.abs(coordinate);
let str = val < 100 ? val.toFixed(1) : val.toFixed(0);
return coordinate > 0 ? str + "°E" : str + "°W";
publicstatic toStringAbbr(value: number): string {
if (value > 1000000000000) {
return (value / 1000000000000).toFixed(1) + " T"
} elseif (value > 1000000000) {
return (value / 1000000000).toFixed(1) + " B"
} elseif (value > 1000000) {
return (value / 1000000).toFixed(1) + " M"
} elseif (value > 1000) {
return (value / 1000).toFixed(1) + " K"
return value.toFixed(0);
publicstatic getLongitude(location: any): number {
if (location.x) return location.x;
if (location.lon) return location.lon;
if (location.longitude) return location.longitude;
publicstatic getLatitude(location: any): number {
if (location.y) return location.y;
if (location.lat) return location.lat;
if (location.latitude) return location.latitude;
publicstatic getBounds(locations: any[]): any {
let minLat = 90;
let maxLat = -90;
let minLon = 180;
let maxLon = -180;
for (const location of locations) {
const crrLon = this.getLongitude(location);
if (!Number.isNaN(crrLon)) {
minLon = Math.min(minLon, crrLon);
maxLon = Math.max(maxLon, crrLon);
const crrLat = this.getLatitude(location);
if (!Number.isNaN(crrLat)) {
minLat = Math.min(minLat, crrLat);
maxLat = Math.max(maxLat, crrLat);
// if (location.x) {// minLon = Math.min(minLon, location.x);// maxLon = Math.max(maxLon, location.x);// } else if (location.lon) {// minLon = Math.min(minLon, location.lon);// maxLon = Math.max(maxLon, location.lon);// } else if (location.longitude) {// minLon = Math.min(minLon, location.longitude);// maxLon = Math.max(maxLon, location.longitude);// }// if (location.y) {// minLat = Math.min(minLat, location.y);// maxLat = Math.max(maxLat, location.y);// } else if (location.lat) {// minLat = Math.min(minLat, location.lat);// maxLat = Math.max(maxLat, location.lat);// } else if (location.latitude) {// minLat = Math.min(minLat, location.latitude);// maxLat = Math.max(maxLat, location.latitude);// }
const geoBounds = {
left: minLon,
top: minLat,
width: Math.abs(maxLon - minLon),
height: Math.abs(maxLat - minLat)
return geoBounds;
publicstatic getNightShapes(): any[] {
let nightShape = [];
let line: any[] = [];
for (let lon = -180; lon <= 180; lon += 1) {
// let line: any[] = [{x: lon, y: -90}, {x: lon, y: 90}];let x = lon;
let y = 75 * Math.cos(lon * Math.PI / 180);
line.push({x: x, y: y});
// line.push({x: 180, y: 90});// line.push({x: -180, y: 90});// line.push({x: -180, y: -90});let coordinateLine = {points: [line]};
return nightShape;
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La siguiente tabla resume las estructuras de datos necesarias para cada tipo de serie geográfica:
Especifica el nombre de la columna de datos deItemsSource elementos que contienen los puntos geográficos de las formas. Esta propiedad debe asignarse a una matriz de matrices de objetos con propiedades xey.
Especifica el nombre de la columna de datos deItemsSource elementos que contienen las coordenadas geográficas de las líneas. Esta propiedad debe asignarse a una matriz de matrices de objetos con propiedades xey.
Fragmento de código
El siguiente código muestra cómo vincular IgcGeographicSymbolSeriesComponent a un modelo de datos personalizado que contiene ubicaciones geográficas de algunas ciudades del mundo almacenadas usando coordenadas de longitud y latitud. Además, utilizamos el IgcGeographicPolylineSeriesComponent para trazar la ruta geográfica más corta entre estas ubicaciones utilizando WorldUtility.