Descripción general de la cuadrícula dinámica de Web Components
Ignite UI for Web Components Las cuadrículas dinámicas se utilizan para resumir y representar datos multidimensionales voluminosos en un formato de tabla cruzada. Los datos se pueden ordenar, agrupar o filtrar fácil y rápidamente. Dichos datos pueden incluir sumas, promedios y otras estadísticas. Los usuarios finales pueden modificar el diseño de la tabla dinámica mediante operaciones de arrastrar y soltar, según sus necesidades.
What is Web Components Pivot Grid?
El Web Components IgcPivotGrid presenta los datos en una tabla dinámica y ayuda a realizar análisis complejos en el conjunto de datos proporcionado. Este sofisticado control de cuadrícula dinámica se utiliza para organizar, resumir y filtrar grandes volúmenes de datos que luego se muestran en un formato de tabla cruzada. Las características clave de una cuadrícula dinámica de Web Components son las dimensiones de fila, las dimensiones de columna, las agregaciones y los filtros.
brinda a los usuarios la capacidad de configurar y mostrar sus datos en una estructura de tabla dinámica multidimensional. Las filas y columnas representan grupos de datos distintos y los valores de las celdas de datos representan agregaciones. Esto permite un análisis de datos complejo basado en un conjunto de datos plano simple. IgcPivotGridComponent
es una tabla dinámica rica en funciones que proporciona una configuración sencilla de las diferentes dimensiones y valores, así como operaciones de datos adicionales sobre ellos, como filtrado y clasificación.
Web Components Pivot Grid Example
A continuación se muestra un ejemplo de cuadrícula dinámica Web Components en combinación con el componente Selector de datos dinámicos Web Components. De esta manera, puede tener opciones de configuración de tiempo de ejecución más flexibles.
export class PivotSalesDataItem {
public constructor(init: Partial<PivotSalesDataItem>) {
Object.assign(this, init);
public Country: string;
public Product: string;
public UnitsSold: number;
public ManufacturingPrice: number;
public SalePrice: number;
public GrossSales: number;
public Discounts: number;
public Sales: number;
public COGS: number;
public Profit: number;
public Date: string;
public MonthName: string;
public Year: number;
export class PivotSalesData extends Array<PivotSalesDataItem> {
public constructor() {
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 501,
ManufacturingPrice: 15,
SalePrice: 23,
GrossSales: 26440,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 26440,
COGS: 16185,
Profit: 11255,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1372,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 27440,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 27440,
COGS: 16185,
Profit: 11255,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2762,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 55240,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 55240,
COGS: 13210,
Profit: 42030,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1464,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 21960,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 21960,
COGS: 21780,
Profit: 180,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 719,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 10785,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 10785,
COGS: 8880,
Profit: 1905,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3576,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 53640,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 53640,
COGS: 24700,
Profit: 28940,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 4422,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1547700,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 1547700,
COGS: 393380,
Profit: 1154320,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3649,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 54735,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 54735,
COGS: 9210,
Profit: 45525,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 4172,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 50064,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 50064,
COGS: 7554,
Profit: 42510,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3841,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 76820,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 76820,
COGS: 18990,
Profit: 57830,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3726,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 44712,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 44712,
COGS: 4635,
Profit: 40077,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2625,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 39375,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 39375,
COGS: 24700,
Profit: 14675,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1958,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 244750,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 244750,
COGS: 319860,
Profit: 75110,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3271,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 981300,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 981300,
COGS: 239500,
Profit: 741800,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2091,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 14637,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 14637,
COGS: 10730,
Profit: 3907,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2825,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 42375,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 42375,
COGS: 6150,
Profit: 36225,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2513,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 50260,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 50260,
COGS: 2920,
Profit: 47340,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 883,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 13245,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 13245,
COGS: 9740,
Profit: 3505,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2087,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 25044,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 25044,
COGS: 7554,
Profit: 17490,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2563,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 897050,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 897050,
COGS: 261560,
Profit: 635490,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2846,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 34152,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 34152,
COGS: 1101,
Profit: 33051,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 997,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 6979,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 6979,
COGS: 4415,
Profit: 2564,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2290,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 34350,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 34350,
COGS: 24720,
Profit: 9630,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2133,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 14931,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 14931,
COGS: 5715,
Profit: 9216,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3617,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 72340,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 72340,
COGS: 18170,
Profit: 54170,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1266,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 443100,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 443100,
COGS: 393380,
Profit: 49720,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 894,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 6258,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 6258,
COGS: 7465,
Profit: 1207,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2725,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 340625,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 340625,
COGS: 216480,
Profit: 124145,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3061,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 36732,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 36732,
COGS: 6483,
Profit: 30249,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3958,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1385300,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 1385300,
COGS: 261560,
Profit: 1123740,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3920,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 47040,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 47040,
COGS: 4635,
Profit: 42405,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3381,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 422625,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 422625,
COGS: 338520,
Profit: 84105,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 4307,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1292100,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 1292100,
COGS: 500250,
Profit: 791850,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 878,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 10536,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 10536,
COGS: 8514,
Profit: 2022,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 496,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 7440,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 7440,
COGS: 21780,
Profit: 14340,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3367,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 50505,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 50505,
COGS: 8880,
Profit: 41625,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2055,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 616500,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 616500,
COGS: 537750,
Profit: 78750,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 4041,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 80820,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 80820,
COGS: 18170,
Profit: 62650,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 3237,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1132950,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 1132950,
COGS: 715000,
Profit: 417950,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 630,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 7560,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 7560,
COGS: 5859,
Profit: 1701,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4210,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 526250,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 526250,
COGS: 506340,
Profit: 19910,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1127,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 22540,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 22540,
COGS: 18990,
Profit: 3550,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 3438,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 24066,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 24066,
COGS: 8430,
Profit: 15636,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2015,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 24180,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 24180,
COGS: 6423,
Profit: 17757,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2534,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 17738,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 17738,
COGS: 5715,
Profit: 12023,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1384,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 20760,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 20760,
COGS: 6150,
Profit: 14610,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3561,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 24927,
Discounts: 276.15,
Sales: 24650.85,
COGS: 19725,
Profit: 4925.85,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1823,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 27345,
Discounts: 344.4,
Sales: 27000.6,
COGS: 22960,
Profit: 4040.6,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2795,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 19565,
Discounts: 72.1,
Sales: 19492.9,
COGS: 5150,
Profit: 14342.9,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 457,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 3199,
Discounts: 44.73,
Sales: 3154.27,
COGS: 3195,
Profit: 40.73,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3785,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 26495,
Discounts: 92.82,
Sales: 26402.18,
COGS: 6630,
Profit: 19772.18,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 748,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 8976,
Discounts: 222.96,
Sales: 8753.04,
COGS: 5574,
Profit: 3179.04,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1021,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 357350,
Discounts: 4235,
Sales: 353115,
COGS: 314600,
Profit: 38515,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2076,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 14532,
Discounts: 177.03,
Sales: 14354.97,
COGS: 12645,
Profit: 1709.97,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 4316,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 51792,
Discounts: 173.4,
Sales: 51618.6,
COGS: 4335,
Profit: 47283.6,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 4174,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 50088,
Discounts: 320.52,
Sales: 49767.48,
COGS: 8013,
Profit: 41754.48,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3736,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1307600,
Discounts: 4889.5,
Sales: 1302710.5,
COGS: 363220,
Profit: 939490.5,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1914,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 669900,
Discounts: 7542.5,
Sales: 662357.5,
COGS: 560300,
Profit: 102057.5,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2742,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 41130,
Discounts: 332.1,
Sales: 40797.9,
COGS: 22140,
Profit: 18657.9,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1499,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 449700,
Discounts: 6903,
Sales: 442797,
COGS: 575250,
Profit: 132453,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3772,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 75440,
Discounts: 275.1,
Sales: 75164.9,
COGS: 13755,
Profit: 61409.9,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1112,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 7784,
Discounts: 128.1,
Sales: 7655.9,
COGS: 9150,
Profit: 1494.1,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2368,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 35520,
Discounts: 227.1,
Sales: 35292.9,
COGS: 15140,
Profit: 20152.9,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1586,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 11102,
Discounts: 314.48,
Sales: 10787.52,
COGS: 22462.5,
Profit: 11674.98,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3386,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 423250,
Discounts: 908.75,
Sales: 422341.25,
COGS: 87240,
Profit: 335101.25,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 852,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 106500,
Discounts: 983.75,
Sales: 105516.25,
COGS: 94440,
Profit: 11076.25,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2783,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 347875,
Discounts: 2278.75,
Sales: 345596.25,
COGS: 218760,
Profit: 126836.25,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2684,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 40260,
Discounts: 112.05,
Sales: 40147.95,
COGS: 7470,
Profit: 32677.95,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4083,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1224900,
Discounts: 8715,
Sales: 1216185,
COGS: 726250,
Profit: 489935,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2816,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 985600,
Discounts: 7542.5,
Sales: 978057.5,
COGS: 560300,
Profit: 417757.5,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 4294,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 85880,
Discounts: 772.8,
Sales: 85107.2,
COGS: 38640,
Profit: 46467.2,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2856,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 19992,
Discounts: 25.34,
Sales: 19966.66,
COGS: 1810,
Profit: 18156.66,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1407,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 175875,
Discounts: 1153.75,
Sales: 174721.25,
COGS: 110760,
Profit: 63961.25,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1265,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 8855,
Discounts: 18.41,
Sales: 8836.59,
COGS: 1315,
Profit: 7521.59,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3892,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1362200,
Discounts: 3302.25,
Sales: 1358897.75,
COGS: 245310,
Profit: 1113587.75,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3068,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 383500,
Discounts: 908.75,
Sales: 382591.25,
COGS: 87240,
Profit: 295351.25,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2181,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 272625,
Discounts: 983.75,
Sales: 271641.25,
COGS: 94440,
Profit: 177201.25,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1356,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 406800,
Discounts: 2958,
Sales: 403842,
COGS: 246500,
Profit: 177201.25,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1814,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 634900,
Discounts: 4889.5,
Sales: 630010.5,
COGS: 363220,
Profit: 266790.5,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1495,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 186875,
Discounts: 2180,
Sales: 184695,
COGS: 209280,
Profit: 24585,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1463,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 182875,
Discounts: 1856.25,
Sales: 181018.75,
COGS: 89100,
Profit: 91918.75,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 215,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 2580,
Discounts: 310.8,
Sales: 2269.2,
COGS: 3885,
Profit: 1615.8,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 566,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 198100,
Discounts: 19964,
Sales: 178136,
COGS: 741520,
Profit: 563384,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3255,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 39060,
Discounts: 274.08,
Sales: 38785.92,
COGS: 3426,
Profit: 35359.92,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 772,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 15440,
Discounts: 626.4,
Sales: 14813.6,
COGS: 15660,
Profit: 846.4,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1135,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 13620,
Discounts: 165.6,
Sales: 13454.4,
COGS: 2070,
Profit: 11384.4,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1193,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 17895,
Discounts: 708.9,
Sales: 17186.1,
COGS: 23630,
Profit: 6443.9,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2530,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 759000,
Discounts: 5508,
Sales: 753492,
COGS: 229500,
Profit: 523992,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3451,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1035300,
Discounts: 10368,
Sales: 1024932,
COGS: 432000,
Profit: 592932,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3059,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 36708,
Discounts: 274.08,
Sales: 36433.92,
COGS: 3426,
Profit: 33007.92,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3957,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 494625,
Discounts: 1655,
Sales: 492970,
COGS: 79440,
Profit: 413530,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3444,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 41328,
Discounts: 310.8,
Sales: 41017.2,
COGS: 3885,
Profit: 37132.2,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3154,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 946200,
Discounts: 11496,
Sales: 934704,
COGS: 479000,
Profit: 455704,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4108,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1437800,
Discounts: 19964,
Sales: 1417836,
COGS: 741520,
Profit: 676316,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3760,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 470000,
Discounts: 6822.5,
Sales: 463177.5,
COGS: 327480,
Profit: 135697.5,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2334,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 28008,
Discounts: 253.2,
Sales: 27754.8,
COGS: 3165,
Profit: 24589.8,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 580,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 6960,
Discounts: 260.16,
Sales: 6699.84,
COGS: 3252,
Profit: 3447.84,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2610,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 52200,
Discounts: 626.4,
Sales: 51573.6,
COGS: 15660,
Profit: 35913.6,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1459,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 510650,
Discounts: 20139,
Sales: 490511,
COGS: 748020,
Profit: 257509,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3774,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 45288,
Discounts: 253.2,
Sales: 45034.8,
COGS: 3165,
Profit: 41869.8,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2572,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 30864,
Discounts: 260.16,
Sales: 30603.84,
COGS: 3252,
Profit: 27351.84,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 320,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 40000,
Discounts: 1655,
Sales: 38345,
COGS: 79440,
Profit: 41095,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3275,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1146250,
Discounts: 20139,
Sales: 1126111,
COGS: 748020,
Profit: 378091,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3582,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 447750,
Discounts: 6822.5,
Sales: 440927.5,
COGS: 327480,
Profit: 113447.5,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4056,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1216800,
Discounts: 1554,
Sales: 1215246,
COGS: 64750,
Profit: 1150496,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2144,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 643200,
Discounts: 6606,
Sales: 636594,
COGS: 275250,
Profit: 361344,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 3502,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 437750,
Discounts: 5690,
Sales: 432060,
COGS: 273120,
Profit: 158940,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 679,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 13580,
Discounts: 494.4,
Sales: 13085.6,
COGS: 12360,
Profit: 725.6,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2351,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 47020,
Discounts: 376.4,
Sales: 46643.6,
COGS: 9410,
Profit: 37233.6,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2043,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 612900,
Discounts: 11496,
Sales: 601404,
COGS: 479000,
Profit: 122404,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3565,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 445625,
Discounts: 15913.13,
Sales: 429711.88,
COGS: 509220,
Profit: 79508.13,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1401,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 28020,
Discounts: 1548,
Sales: 26472,
COGS: 25800,
Profit: 672,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2077,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 623100,
Discounts: 6201,
Sales: 616899,
COGS: 172250,
Profit: 444649,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3643,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 43716,
Discounts: 700.92,
Sales: 43015.08,
COGS: 5841,
Profit: 37174.08,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2960,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 20720,
Discounts: 411.18,
Sales: 20308.82,
COGS: 9790,
Profit: 10518.82,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1201,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 14412,
Discounts: 684.36,
Sales: 13727.64,
COGS: 5703,
Profit: 8024.64,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2321,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 16247,
Discounts: 114.24,
Sales: 16132.76,
COGS: 2720,
Profit: 13412.76,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3972,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 496500,
Discounts: 4826.25,
Sales: 491673.75,
COGS: 154440,
Profit: 337233.75,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3878,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 484750,
Discounts: 6397.5,
Sales: 478352.5,
COGS: 204720,
Profit: 273632.5,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2278,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 683400,
Discounts: 21910.5,
Sales: 661489.5,
COGS: 608625,
Profit: 52864.5,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1075,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 134375,
Discounts: 6652.5,
Sales: 127722.5,
COGS: 212880,
Profit: 85157.5,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4050,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 48600,
Discounts: 684.36,
Sales: 47915.64,
COGS: 5703,
Profit: 42212.64,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3035,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 910500,
Discounts: 6201,
Sales: 904299,
COGS: 172250,
Profit: 732049,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3636,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 454500,
Discounts: 5887.5,
Sales: 448612.5,
COGS: 188400,
Profit: 260212.5,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1379,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 16548,
Discounts: 493.02,
Sales: 16054.98,
COGS: 4108.5,
Profit: 11946.48,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4492,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 561500,
Discounts: 7533.75,
Sales: 553966.25,
COGS: 241080,
Profit: 312886.25,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1744,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 218000,
Discounts: 4826.25,
Sales: 213173.75,
COGS: 154440,
Profit: 58733.75,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2341,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 292625,
Discounts: 6397.5,
Sales: 286227.5,
COGS: 204720,
Profit: 81507.5,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3835,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 479375,
Discounts: 7533.75,
Sales: 471841.25,
COGS: 241080,
Profit: 230761.25,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1161,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 348300,
Discounts: 25596,
Sales: 322704,
COGS: 711000,
Profit: 388296,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 876,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 10512,
Discounts: 689.76,
Sales: 9822.24,
COGS: 5748,
Profit: 4074.24,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1705,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 213125,
Discounts: 5887.5,
Sales: 207237.5,
COGS: 188400,
Profit: 18837.5,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1805,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 541500,
Discounts: 16866,
Sales: 524634,
COGS: 468500,
Profit: 56134,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 389,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 136150,
Discounts: 17241,
Sales: 118909,
COGS: 426920,
Profit: 308011,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1459,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 29180,
Discounts: 498.6,
Sales: 28681.4,
COGS: 8310,
Profit: 20371.4,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 4236,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 84720,
Discounts: 2310.3,
Sales: 82409.7,
COGS: 38505,
Profit: 43904.7,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3627,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 43524,
Discounts: 892.44,
Sales: 42631.56,
COGS: 7437,
Profit: 35194.56,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1756,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 26340,
Discounts: 1218.6,
Sales: 25121.4,
COGS: 20310,
Profit: 4811.4,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 307,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 4605,
Discounts: 1218.6,
Sales: 3386.4,
COGS: 20310,
Profit: 16923.6,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1222,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 366600,
Discounts: 24252,
Sales: 342348,
COGS: 505250,
Profit: 162902,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 489,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 171150,
Discounts: 3836,
Sales: 167314,
COGS: 71240,
Profit: 96074,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 4133,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 61995,
Discounts: 1180.2,
Sales: 60814.8,
COGS: 19670,
Profit: 41144.8,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2743,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 822900,
Discounts: 22308,
Sales: 800592,
COGS: 464750,
Profit: 335842,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 4460,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1338000,
Discounts: 24252,
Sales: 1313748,
COGS: 505250,
Profit: 808498,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1232,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 154000,
Discounts: 5690,
Sales: 148310,
COGS: 136560,
Profit: 11750,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2586,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 18102,
Discounts: 1190.28,
Sales: 16911.72,
COGS: 21255,
Profit: 4343.28,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1332,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 166500,
Discounts: 3975,
Sales: 162525,
COGS: 95400,
Profit: 67125,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4487,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1346100,
Discounts: 16974,
Sales: 1329126,
COGS: 353625,
Profit: 975501,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3862,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1158600,
Discounts: 35016,
Sales: 1123584,
COGS: 729500,
Profit: 394084,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1765,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 617750,
Discounts: 48300,
Sales: 569450,
COGS: 897000,
Profit: 327550,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3533,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 441625,
Discounts: 14940,
Sales: 426685,
COGS: 358560,
Profit: 68125,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2016,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 30240,
Discounts: 130.8,
Sales: 30109.2,
COGS: 2180,
Profit: 27929.2,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2938,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 58760,
Discounts: 1659.2,
Sales: 57100.8,
COGS: 20740,
Profit: 36360.8,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3352,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 67040,
Discounts: 844.8,
Sales: 66195.2,
COGS: 10560,
Profit: 55635.2,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2430,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 850500,
Discounts: 3836,
Sales: 846664,
COGS: 71240,
Profit: 775424,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 535,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 66875,
Discounts: 5690,
Sales: 61185,
COGS: 136560,
Profit: 75375,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1523,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 18276,
Discounts: 703.2,
Sales: 17572.8,
COGS: 4395,
Profit: 13177.8,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1782,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 623700,
Discounts: 30478,
Sales: 593222,
COGS: 566020,
Profit: 27202,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 347,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 4164,
Discounts: 415.68,
Sales: 3748.32,
COGS: 2598,
Profit: 1150.32,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3509,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1228150,
Discounts: 30478,
Sales: 1197672,
COGS: 566020,
Profit: 631652,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2943,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1030050,
Discounts: 26110,
Sales: 1003940,
COGS: 484900,
Profit: 519040,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4037,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 504625,
Discounts: 5370,
Sales: 499255,
COGS: 128880,
Profit: 370375,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4146,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1451100,
Discounts: 26698,
Sales: 1424402,
COGS: 495820,
Profit: 928582,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 725,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 5075,
Discounts: 480.2,
Sales: 4594.8,
COGS: 6860,
Profit: 2265.2,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2325,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 16275,
Discounts: 941.15,
Sales: 15333.85,
COGS: 13445,
Profit: 1888.85,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 675,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 8100,
Discounts: 1458.6,
Sales: 6641.4,
COGS: 7293,
Profit: 651.6,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2990,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 35880,
Discounts: 1458.6,
Sales: 34421.4,
COGS: 7293,
Profit: 27128.4,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1072,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 7504,
Discounts: 941.15,
Sales: 6562.85,
COGS: 13445,
Profit: 6882.15,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1048,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 7336,
Discounts: 589.05,
Sales: 6746.95,
COGS: 8415,
Profit: 1668.05,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 469,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 5628,
Discounts: 673.8,
Sales: 4954.2,
COGS: 3369,
Profit: 1585.2,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 4240,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 50880,
Discounts: 1119,
Sales: 49761,
COGS: 5595,
Profit: 44166,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1976,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 23712,
Discounts: 669.6,
Sales: 23042.4,
COGS: 3348,
Profit: 19694.4,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1984,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 39680,
Discounts: 1563,
Sales: 38117,
COGS: 15630,
Profit: 22487,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 480,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 144000,
Discounts: 14865,
Sales: 129135,
COGS: 247750,
Profit: 118615,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1205,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 18075,
Discounts: 2093.25,
Sales: 15981.75,
COGS: 27910,
Profit: 11928.25,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2480,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 17360,
Discounts: 199.5,
Sales: 17160.5,
COGS: 2850,
Profit: 14310.5,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2926,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 20482,
Discounts: 870.45,
Sales: 19611.55,
COGS: 12435,
Profit: 7176.55,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3210,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1123500,
Discounts: 24228.75,
Sales: 1099271.25,
COGS: 359970,
Profit: 739301.25,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3221,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 402625,
Discounts: 22668.75,
Sales: 379956.25,
COGS: 435240,
Profit: 55283.75,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1127,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 13524,
Discounts: 1405.2,
Sales: 12118.8,
COGS: 7026,
Profit: 5092.8,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1610,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 32200,
Discounts: 1303,
Sales: 30897,
COGS: 13030,
Profit: 17867,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4100,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 512500,
Discounts: 18700,
Sales: 493800,
COGS: 359040,
Profit: 134760,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1012,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 126500,
Discounts: 14906.25,
Sales: 111593.75,
COGS: 286200,
Profit: 174606.25,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3337,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1001100,
Discounts: 24105,
Sales: 976995,
COGS: 401750,
Profit: 575245,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3955,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 27685,
Discounts: 814.45,
Sales: 26870.55,
COGS: 11635,
Profit: 15235.55,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4347,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1304100,
Discounts: 14865,
Sales: 1289235,
COGS: 247750,
Profit: 1041485,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1548,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 541800,
Discounts: 10535,
Sales: 531265,
COGS: 156520,
Profit: 374745,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2153,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 32295,
Discounts: 1965,
Sales: 30330,
COGS: 26200,
Profit: 4130,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4126,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 515750,
Discounts: 5381.25,
Sales: 510368.75,
COGS: 103320,
Profit: 407048.75,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3376,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 67520,
Discounts: 2663,
Sales: 64857,
COGS: 26630,
Profit: 38227,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2244,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 33660,
Discounts: 416.25,
Sales: 33243.75,
COGS: 5550,
Profit: 27693.75,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1360,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 20400,
Discounts: 2145.75,
Sales: 18254.25,
COGS: 28610,
Profit: 10355.75,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 279,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 34875,
Discounts: 5043.75,
Sales: 29831.25,
COGS: 96840,
Profit: 67008.75,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2521,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 882350,
Discounts: 10535,
Sales: 871815,
COGS: 156520,
Profit: 715295,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2433,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 48660,
Discounts: 2832,
Sales: 45828,
COGS: 28320,
Profit: 17508,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1738,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 34760,
Discounts: 1579,
Sales: 33181,
COGS: 15790,
Profit: 17391,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1106,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 138250,
Discounts: 5381.25,
Sales: 132868.75,
COGS: 103320,
Profit: 29548.75,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 213,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 63900,
Discounts: 18750,
Sales: 45150,
COGS: 312500,
Profit: 267350,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2929,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 58580,
Discounts: 2663,
Sales: 55917,
COGS: 26630,
Profit: 29287,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2389,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 16723,
Discounts: 199.5,
Sales: 16523.5,
COGS: 2850,
Profit: 13673.5,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3086,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 21602,
Discounts: 870.45,
Sales: 20731.55,
COGS: 12435,
Profit: 8296.55,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 745,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 260750,
Discounts: 23625,
Sales: 237125,
COGS: 351000,
Profit: 113875,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1266,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 443100,
Discounts: 9660,
Sales: 433440,
COGS: 143520,
Profit: 289920,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4287,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1286100,
Discounts: 18750,
Sales: 1267350,
COGS: 312500,
Profit: 954850,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3193,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 47895,
Discounts: 3420.9,
Sales: 44474.1,
COGS: 38010,
Profit: 6464.1,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1967,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 39340,
Discounts: 1341,
Sales: 37999,
COGS: 11175,
Profit: 26824,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 631,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 9465,
Discounts: 2559.6,
Sales: 6905.4,
COGS: 28440,
Profit: 21534.6,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3469,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 41628,
Discounts: 404.64,
Sales: 41223.36,
COGS: 1686,
Profit: 39537.36,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3215,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 48225,
Discounts: 1827,
Sales: 46398,
COGS: 20300,
Profit: 26098,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1959,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 685650,
Discounts: 20580,
Sales: 665070,
COGS: 254800,
Profit: 410270,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2181,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 763350,
Discounts: 30660,
Sales: 732690,
COGS: 379600,
Profit: 353090,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2205,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 26460,
Discounts: 1960.56,
Sales: 24499.44,
COGS: 8169,
Profit: 16330.44,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1890,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 661500,
Discounts: 31416,
Sales: 630084,
COGS: 388960,
Profit: 241124,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2417,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 302125,
Discounts: 7140,
Sales: 294985,
COGS: 114240,
Profit: 180745,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1158,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 144750,
Discounts: 20662.5,
Sales: 124087.5,
COGS: 330600,
Profit: 206512.5,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 803,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 12045,
Discounts: 1377,
Sales: 10668,
COGS: 15300,
Profit: 4632,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3705,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1296750,
Discounts: 31416,
Sales: 1265334,
COGS: 388960,
Profit: 876374,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 589,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 4123,
Discounts: 629.16,
Sales: 3493.84,
COGS: 7490,
Profit: 3996.16,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3999,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 59985,
Discounts: 2559.6,
Sales: 57425.4,
COGS: 28440,
Profit: 28985.4,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 4256,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 29792,
Discounts: 629.16,
Sales: 29162.84,
COGS: 7490,
Profit: 21672.84,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2160,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 270000,
Discounts: 14906.25,
Sales: 255093.75,
COGS: 238500,
Profit: 16593.75,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 466,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 163100,
Discounts: 35259,
Sales: 127841,
COGS: 436540,
Profit: 308699,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1478,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 22170,
Discounts: 1978.2,
Sales: 20191.8,
COGS: 21980,
Profit: 1788.2,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3798,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 56970,
Discounts: 1568.7,
Sales: 55401.3,
COGS: 17430,
Profit: 37971.3,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 447,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 6705,
Discounts: 1037.7,
Sales: 5667.3,
COGS: 11530,
Profit: 5862.7,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 745,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 14900,
Discounts: 1201.2,
Sales: 13698.8,
COGS: 10010,
Profit: 3688.8,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1732,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 12124,
Discounts: 559.86,
Sales: 11564.14,
COGS: 6665,
Profit: 4899.14,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1759,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 26385,
Discounts: 1037.7,
Sales: 25347.3,
COGS: 11530,
Profit: 13817.3,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 338,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 4056,
Discounts: 610.68,
Sales: 3445.32,
COGS: 2181,
Profit: 1264.32,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3911,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 46932,
Discounts: 1582.56,
Sales: 45349.44,
COGS: 5652,
Profit: 39697.44,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 4473,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 53676,
Discounts: 1965.6,
Sales: 51710.4,
COGS: 7020,
Profit: 44690.4,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 383,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 4596,
Discounts: 1967.28,
Sales: 2628.72,
COGS: 7026,
Profit: 4397.28,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1062,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 15930,
Discounts: 1325.1,
Sales: 14604.9,
COGS: 12620,
Profit: 1984.9,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 4083,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 28581,
Discounts: 556.15,
Sales: 28024.85,
COGS: 5675,
Profit: 22349.85,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3974,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 27818,
Discounts: 268.03,
Sales: 27549.97,
COGS: 2735,
Profit: 24814.97,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3723,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 26061,
Discounts: 775.18,
Sales: 25285.82,
COGS: 7910,
Profit: 17375.82,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2435,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 29220,
Discounts: 1460.34,
Sales: 27759.66,
COGS: 5215.5,
Profit: 22544.16,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1763,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 12341,
Discounts: 775.18,
Sales: 11565.82,
COGS: 7910,
Profit: 3655.82,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4473,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 31311,
Discounts: 556.15,
Sales: 30754.85,
COGS: 5675,
Profit: 25079.85,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1246,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 436100,
Discounts: 43144.5,
Sales: 392955.5,
COGS: 457860,
Profit: 64904.5,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1615,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 484500,
Discounts: 9408,
Sales: 475092,
COGS: 112000,
Profit: 363092,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 749,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 224700,
Discounts: 45801,
Sales: 178899,
COGS: 545250,
Profit: 366351,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1318,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 26360,
Discounts: 2766.4,
Sales: 23593.6,
COGS: 19760,
Profit: 3833.6,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2882,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 864600,
Discounts: 45801,
Sales: 818799,
COGS: 545250,
Profit: 273549,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2484,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 745200,
Discounts: 35742,
Sales: 709458,
COGS: 425500,
Profit: 283958,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3169,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 950700,
Discounts: 9408,
Sales: 941292,
COGS: 112000,
Profit: 829292,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4080,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 510000,
Discounts: 30738.75,
Sales: 479261.25,
COGS: 421560,
Profit: 57701.25,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3943,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 59145,
Discounts: 2206.05,
Sales: 56938.95,
COGS: 21010,
Profit: 35928.95,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 253,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 5060,
Discounts: 2149,
Sales: 2911,
COGS: 15350,
Profit: 12439,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 799,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 239700,
Discounts: 34839,
Sales: 204861,
COGS: 414750,
Profit: 209889,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3942,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 78840,
Discounts: 852.6,
Sales: 77987.4,
COGS: 6090,
Profit: 71897.4,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2498,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 312250,
Discounts: 18261.25,
Sales: 293988.75,
COGS: 250440,
Profit: 43548.75,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2517,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 50340,
Discounts: 2766.4,
Sales: 47573.6,
COGS: 19760,
Profit: 27813.6,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1145,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 343500,
Discounts: 28812,
Sales: 314688,
COGS: 343000,
Profit: 28312,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3814,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 45768,
Discounts: 2725.38,
Sales: 43042.62,
COGS: 9733.5,
Profit: 33309.12,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1188,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 356400,
Discounts: 20139,
Sales: 336261,
COGS: 239750,
Profit: 96511,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2233,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 669900,
Discounts: 57687,
Sales: 612213,
COGS: 686750,
Profit: 74537,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 421,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 52625,
Discounts: 14393.75,
Sales: 38231.25,
COGS: 197400,
Profit: 159168.75,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 269,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 94150,
Discounts: 70462,
Sales: 23688,
COGS: 747760,
Profit: 724072,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 952,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 19040,
Discounts: 1565.2,
Sales: 17474.8,
COGS: 11180,
Profit: 6294.8,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2964,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 889200,
Discounts: 28812,
Sales: 860388,
COGS: 343000,
Profit: 517388,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1505,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 10535,
Discounts: 273.28,
Sales: 10261.72,
COGS: 2440,
Profit: 7821.72,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1678,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 33560,
Discounts: 2051.2,
Sales: 31508.8,
COGS: 12820,
Profit: 18688.8,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4249,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 29743,
Discounts: 143.92,
Sales: 29599.08,
COGS: 1285,
Profit: 28314.08,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1677,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 33540,
Discounts: 2051.2,
Sales: 31488.8,
COGS: 12820,
Profit: 18668.8,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3051,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 381375,
Discounts: 15400,
Sales: 365975,
COGS: 184800,
Profit: 181175,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3372,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 50580,
Discounts: 588,
Sales: 49992,
COGS: 4900,
Profit: 45092,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1686,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 590100,
Discounts: 38136,
Sales: 551964,
COGS: 354120,
Profit: 197844,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3086,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 46290,
Discounts: 3001.2,
Sales: 43288.8,
COGS: 25010,
Profit: 18278.8,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 4150,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 83000,
Discounts: 1132.8,
Sales: 81867.2,
COGS: 7080,
Profit: 74787.2,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3027,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 60540,
Discounts: 1032,
Sales: 59508,
COGS: 6450,
Profit: 53058,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 4359,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1307700,
Discounts: 37488,
Sales: 1270212,
COGS: 390500,
Profit: 879712,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1589,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 23835,
Discounts: 853.2,
Sales: 22981.8,
COGS: 7110,
Profit: 15871.8,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2679,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 334875,
Discounts: 11140,
Sales: 323735,
COGS: 133680,
Profit: 190055,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3401,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 23807,
Discounts: 705.04,
Sales: 23101.96,
COGS: 6295,
Profit: 16806.96,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2815,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 19705,
Discounts: 613.2,
Sales: 19091.8,
COGS: 5475,
Profit: 13616.8,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2964,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 59280,
Discounts: 2185.6,
Sales: 57094.4,
COGS: 13660,
Profit: 43434.4,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4173,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1251900,
Discounts: 59040,
Sales: 1192860,
COGS: 615000,
Profit: 577860,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1157,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 8099,
Discounts: 379.68,
Sales: 7719.32,
COGS: 3390,
Profit: 4329.32,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3065,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 21455,
Discounts: 894.88,
Sales: 20560.12,
COGS: 7990,
Profit: 12570.12,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4080,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 81600,
Discounts: 3094.4,
Sales: 78505.6,
COGS: 19340,
Profit: 59165.6,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1713,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 34260,
Discounts: 4788.8,
Sales: 29471.2,
COGS: 29930,
Profit: 458.8,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1691,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 591850,
Discounts: 38136,
Sales: 553714,
COGS: 354120,
Profit: 199594,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2305,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 27660,
Discounts: 574.08,
Sales: 27085.92,
COGS: 1794,
Profit: 25291.92,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3401,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 23807,
Discounts: 1627.92,
Sales: 22179.08,
COGS: 14535,
Profit: 7644.08,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2288,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 16016,
Discounts: 1309.28,
Sales: 14706.72,
COGS: 11690,
Profit: 3016.72,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 4086,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1225800,
Discounts: 15240,
Sales: 1210560,
COGS: 158750,
Profit: 1051810,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2651,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 927850,
Discounts: 16086,
Sales: 911764,
COGS: 149370,
Profit: 762394,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3971,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 27797,
Discounts: 1309.28,
Sales: 26487.72,
COGS: 11690,
Profit: 14797.72,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2512,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 879200,
Discounts: 10668,
Sales: 868532,
COGS: 99060,
Profit: 769472,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2745,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 960750,
Discounts: 11816,
Sales: 948934,
COGS: 109720,
Profit: 839214,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1903,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 570900,
Discounts: 51216,
Sales: 519684,
COGS: 533500,
Profit: 13816,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2914,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 58280,
Discounts: 1132.8,
Sales: 57147.2,
COGS: 7080,
Profit: 50067.2,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1889,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 13223,
Discounts: 1627.92,
Sales: 11595.08,
COGS: 14535,
Profit: 2939.92,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1466,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 29320,
Discounts: 2185.6,
Sales: 27134.4,
COGS: 13660,
Profit: 13474.4,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 887,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 266100,
Discounts: 59040,
Sales: 207060,
COGS: 615000,
Profit: 407940,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 395,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 7900,
Discounts: 2432,
Sales: 5468,
COGS: 15200,
Profit: 9732,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1693,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 25395,
Discounts: 853.2,
Sales: 24541.8,
COGS: 7110,
Profit: 17431.8,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2649,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 794700,
Discounts: 15240,
Sales: 779460,
COGS: 158750,
Profit: 620710,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3608,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 72160,
Discounts: 698.4,
Sales: 71461.6,
COGS: 4365,
Profit: 67096.6,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1073,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 321900,
Discounts: 29538,
Sales: 292362,
COGS: 273500,
Profit: 18862,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2167,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 650100,
Discounts: 102667.5,
Sales: 547432.5,
COGS: 950625,
Profit: 403192.5,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1319,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 461650,
Discounts: 52479,
Sales: 409171,
COGS: 433160,
Profit: 23989,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1252,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 15024,
Discounts: 2506.68,
Sales: 12517.32,
COGS: 6963,
Profit: 5554.32,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1156,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 144500,
Discounts: 31466.25,
Sales: 113033.75,
COGS: 335640,
Profit: 222606.25,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1153,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 345900,
Discounts: 69255,
Sales: 276645,
COGS: 641250,
Profit: 364605,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2720,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 952000,
Discounts: 76135.5,
Sales: 875864.5,
COGS: 628420,
Profit: 247444.5,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3658,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 54870,
Discounts: 4961.25,
Sales: 49908.75,
COGS: 36750,
Profit: 13158.75,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2950,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 885000,
Discounts: 29538,
Sales: 855462,
COGS: 273500,
Profit: 581962,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1821,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 27315,
Discounts: 1656.45,
Sales: 25658.55,
COGS: 12270,
Profit: 13388.55,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1127,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 338100,
Discounts: 35748,
Sales: 302352,
COGS: 331000,
Profit: 28648,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 862,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 107750,
Discounts: 31466.25,
Sales: 76283.75,
COGS: 335640,
Profit: 259356.25,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3805,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 57075,
Discounts: 330.75,
Sales: 56744.25,
COGS: 2450,
Profit: 54294.25,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1415,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 424500,
Discounts: 102424.5,
Sales: 322075.5,
COGS: 948375,
Profit: 626299.5,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2231,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 780850,
Discounts: 41170.5,
Sales: 739679.5,
COGS: 339820,
Profit: 399859.5,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3649,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 456125,
Discounts: 6378.75,
Sales: 449746.25,
COGS: 68040,
Profit: 381706.25,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2948,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 368500,
Discounts: 23737.5,
Sales: 344762.5,
COGS: 253200,
Profit: 91562.5,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3395,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1188250,
Discounts: 39973.5,
Sales: 1148276.5,
COGS: 329940,
Profit: 818336.5,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2650,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 31800,
Discounts: 2112.48,
Sales: 29687.52,
COGS: 5868,
Profit: 23819.52,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 585,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 175500,
Discounts: 71793,
Sales: 103707,
COGS: 664750,
Profit: 561043,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1316,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 460600,
Discounts: 42572.25,
Sales: 418027.75,
COGS: 351390,
Profit: 66637.75,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 4459,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 53508,
Discounts: 950.4,
Sales: 52557.6,
COGS: 2640,
Profit: 49917.6,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2711,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 813300,
Discounts: 50409,
Sales: 762891,
COGS: 466750,
Profit: 296141,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3613,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 54195,
Discounts: 1656.45,
Sales: 52538.55,
COGS: 12270,
Profit: 40268.55,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1847,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 230875,
Discounts: 9866.25,
Sales: 221008.75,
COGS: 105240,
Profit: 115768.75,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2996,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1048600,
Discounts: 65236.5,
Sales: 983363.5,
COGS: 538460,
Profit: 444903.5,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2838,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 993300,
Discounts: 39973.5,
Sales: 953326.5,
COGS: 329940,
Profit: 623386.5,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1536,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 30720,
Discounts: 3049.2,
Sales: 27670.8,
COGS: 16940,
Profit: 10730.8,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1291,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 25820,
Discounts: 1193.4,
Sales: 24626.6,
COGS: 6630,
Profit: 17996.6,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1213,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 8491,
Discounts: 515.97,
Sales: 7975.03,
COGS: 4095,
Profit: 3880.03,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2370,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 28440,
Discounts: 1706.4,
Sales: 26733.6,
COGS: 4740,
Profit: 21993.6,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1979,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 13853,
Discounts: 328.23,
Sales: 13524.77,
COGS: 2605,
Profit: 10919.77,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2879,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 57580,
Discounts: 1751.4,
Sales: 55828.6,
COGS: 9730,
Profit: 46098.6,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1707,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 34140,
Discounts: 1868.4,
Sales: 32271.6,
COGS: 10380,
Profit: 21891.6,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2933,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 20531,
Discounts: 226.8,
Sales: 20304.2,
COGS: 1800,
Profit: 18504.2,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1014,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 12168,
Discounts: 2124.36,
Sales: 10043.64,
COGS: 5901,
Profit: 4142.64,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 693,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 10395,
Discounts: 3547.8,
Sales: 6847.2,
COGS: 26280,
Profit: 19432.8,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3741,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 26187,
Discounts: 226.8,
Sales: 25960.2,
COGS: 1800,
Profit: 24160.2,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3995,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 27965,
Discounts: 328.23,
Sales: 27636.77,
COGS: 2605,
Profit: 25031.77,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 953,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 19060,
Discounts: 1868.4,
Sales: 17191.6,
COGS: 10380,
Profit: 6811.6,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2530,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 37950,
Discounts: 2201.18,
Sales: 35748.82,
COGS: 16305,
Profit: 19443.82,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1372,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 27440,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 27440,
COGS: 16185,
Profit: 11255,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2762,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 55240,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 55240,
COGS: 13210,
Profit: 42030,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1464,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 21960,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 21960,
COGS: 21780,
Profit: 180,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 719,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 10785,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 10785,
COGS: 8880,
Profit: 1905,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3576,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 53640,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 53640,
COGS: 24700,
Profit: 28940,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 4422,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1547700,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 1547700,
COGS: 393380,
Profit: 1154320,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3649,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 54735,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 54735,
COGS: 9210,
Profit: 45525,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 4172,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 50064,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 50064,
COGS: 7554,
Profit: 42510,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3841,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 76820,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 76820,
COGS: 18990,
Profit: 57830,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3726,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 44712,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 44712,
COGS: 4635,
Profit: 40077,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2625,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 39375,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 39375,
COGS: 24700,
Profit: 14675,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1958,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 244750,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 244750,
COGS: 319860,
Profit: 75110,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3271,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 981300,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 981300,
COGS: 239500,
Profit: 741800,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2091,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 14637,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 14637,
COGS: 10730,
Profit: 3907,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2530,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 316250,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 316250,
COGS: 41400,
Profit: 274850,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2825,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 42375,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 42375,
COGS: 6150,
Profit: 36225,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2513,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 50260,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 50260,
COGS: 2920,
Profit: 47340,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 883,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 13245,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 13245,
COGS: 9740,
Profit: 3505,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2087,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 25044,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 25044,
COGS: 7554,
Profit: 17490,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2563,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 897050,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 897050,
COGS: 261560,
Profit: 635490,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2846,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 34152,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 34152,
COGS: 1101,
Profit: 33051,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 997,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 6979,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 6979,
COGS: 4415,
Profit: 2564,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3421,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 51315,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 51315,
COGS: 5490,
Profit: 45825,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Marchesa`,
UnitsSold: 70000,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 1050000,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 1050000,
COGS: 5490,
Profit: 1044510,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2291,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 687300,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 687300,
COGS: 197000,
Profit: 490300,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2290,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 34350,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 34350,
COGS: 24720,
Profit: 9630,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2133,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 14931,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 14931,
COGS: 5715,
Profit: 9216,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3475,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1216250,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 1216250,
COGS: 448500,
Profit: 767750,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3686,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 44232,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 44232,
COGS: 2736,
Profit: 41496,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3319,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 49785,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 49785,
COGS: 21520,
Profit: 28265,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3617,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 72340,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 72340,
COGS: 18170,
Profit: 54170,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1266,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 443100,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 443100,
COGS: 393380,
Profit: 49720,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 894,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 6258,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 6258,
COGS: 7465,
Profit: 1207,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2725,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 340625,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 340625,
COGS: 216480,
Profit: 124145,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3061,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 36732,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 36732,
COGS: 6483,
Profit: 30249,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3958,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1385300,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 1385300,
COGS: 261560,
Profit: 1123740,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3920,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 47040,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 47040,
COGS: 4635,
Profit: 42405,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3381,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 422625,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 422625,
COGS: 338520,
Profit: 84105,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1094,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 136750,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 136750,
COGS: 41400,
Profit: 95350,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 4307,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1292100,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 1292100,
COGS: 500250,
Profit: 791850,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 878,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 10536,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 10536,
COGS: 8514,
Profit: 2022,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 496,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 7440,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 7440,
COGS: 21780,
Profit: 14340,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3367,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 50505,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 50505,
COGS: 8880,
Profit: 41625,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3880,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1358000,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 1358000,
COGS: 397020,
Profit: 960980,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2055,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 616500,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 616500,
COGS: 537750,
Profit: 78750,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 4041,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 80820,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 80820,
COGS: 18170,
Profit: 62650,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 3237,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1132950,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 1132950,
COGS: 715000,
Profit: 417950,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 630,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 7560,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 7560,
COGS: 5859,
Profit: 1701,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4210,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 526250,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 526250,
COGS: 506340,
Profit: 19910,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1127,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 22540,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 22540,
COGS: 18990,
Profit: 3550,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 3438,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 24066,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 24066,
COGS: 8430,
Profit: 15636,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2015,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 24180,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 24180,
COGS: 6423,
Profit: 17757,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2534,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 17738,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 17738,
COGS: 5715,
Profit: 12023,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1384,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 20760,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 20760,
COGS: 6150,
Profit: 14610,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3561,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 24927,
Discounts: 276.15,
Sales: 24650.85,
COGS: 19725,
Profit: 4925.85,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1823,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 27345,
Discounts: 344.4,
Sales: 27000.6,
COGS: 22960,
Profit: 4040.6,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2795,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 19565,
Discounts: 72.1,
Sales: 19492.9,
COGS: 5150,
Profit: 14342.9,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 457,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 3199,
Discounts: 44.73,
Sales: 3154.27,
COGS: 3195,
Profit: 40.73,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3785,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 26495,
Discounts: 92.82,
Sales: 26402.18,
COGS: 6630,
Profit: 19772.18,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 748,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 8976,
Discounts: 222.96,
Sales: 8753.04,
COGS: 5574,
Profit: 3179.04,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1021,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 357350,
Discounts: 4235,
Sales: 353115,
COGS: 314600,
Profit: 38515,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2076,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 14532,
Discounts: 177.03,
Sales: 14354.97,
COGS: 12645,
Profit: 1709.97,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 4316,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 51792,
Discounts: 173.4,
Sales: 51618.6,
COGS: 4335,
Profit: 47283.6,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2654,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 331750,
Discounts: 412.5,
Sales: 331337.5,
COGS: 39600,
Profit: 291737.5,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 4174,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 50088,
Discounts: 320.52,
Sales: 49767.48,
COGS: 8013,
Profit: 41754.48,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1675,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 20100,
Discounts: 91.92,
Sales: 20008.08,
COGS: 2298,
Profit: 17710.08,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1572,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 471600,
Discounts: 1482,
Sales: 470118,
COGS: 123500,
Profit: 346618,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3736,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1307600,
Discounts: 4889.5,
Sales: 1302710.5,
COGS: 363220,
Profit: 939490.5,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1914,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 669900,
Discounts: 7542.5,
Sales: 662357.5,
COGS: 560300,
Profit: 102057.5,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2742,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 41130,
Discounts: 332.1,
Sales: 40797.9,
COGS: 22140,
Profit: 18657.9,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1499,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 449700,
Discounts: 6903,
Sales: 442797,
COGS: 575250,
Profit: 132453,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3772,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 75440,
Discounts: 275.1,
Sales: 75164.9,
COGS: 13755,
Profit: 61409.9,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1112,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 7784,
Discounts: 128.1,
Sales: 7655.9,
COGS: 9150,
Profit: 1494.1,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1723,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 516900,
Discounts: 7494,
Sales: 509406,
COGS: 624500,
Profit: 115094,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 423,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 52875,
Discounts: 828.75,
Sales: 52046.25,
COGS: 79560,
Profit: 27513.75,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2368,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 35520,
Discounts: 227.1,
Sales: 35292.9,
COGS: 15140,
Profit: 20152.9,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1586,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 11102,
Discounts: 314.48,
Sales: 10787.52,
COGS: 22462.5,
Profit: 11674.98,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3386,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 423250,
Discounts: 908.75,
Sales: 422341.25,
COGS: 87240,
Profit: 335101.25,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 852,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 106500,
Discounts: 983.75,
Sales: 105516.25,
COGS: 94440,
Profit: 11076.25,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2783,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 347875,
Discounts: 2278.75,
Sales: 345596.25,
COGS: 218760,
Profit: 126836.25,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2684,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 40260,
Discounts: 112.05,
Sales: 40147.95,
COGS: 7470,
Profit: 32677.95,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4393,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 52716,
Discounts: 91.92,
Sales: 52624.08,
COGS: 2298,
Profit: 50326.08,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4083,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1224900,
Discounts: 8715,
Sales: 1216185,
COGS: 726250,
Profit: 489935,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2816,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 985600,
Discounts: 7542.5,
Sales: 978057.5,
COGS: 560300,
Profit: 417757.5,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 4294,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 85880,
Discounts: 772.8,
Sales: 85107.2,
COGS: 38640,
Profit: 46467.2,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2856,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 19992,
Discounts: 25.34,
Sales: 19966.66,
COGS: 1810,
Profit: 18156.66,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1407,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 175875,
Discounts: 1153.75,
Sales: 174721.25,
COGS: 110760,
Profit: 63961.25,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3850,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 481250,
Discounts: 828.75,
Sales: 480421.25,
COGS: 79560,
Profit: 400861.25,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2856,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 19992,
Discounts: 146.44,
Sales: 19845.56,
COGS: 10460,
Profit: 9385.56,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1265,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 8855,
Discounts: 18.41,
Sales: 8836.59,
COGS: 1315,
Profit: 7521.59,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3892,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1362200,
Discounts: 3302.25,
Sales: 1358897.75,
COGS: 245310,
Profit: 1113587.75,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3068,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 383500,
Discounts: 908.75,
Sales: 382591.25,
COGS: 87240,
Profit: 295351.25,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2181,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 272625,
Discounts: 983.75,
Sales: 271641.25,
COGS: 94440,
Profit: 177201.25,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1356,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 406800,
Discounts: 2958,
Sales: 403842,
COGS: 246500,
Profit: 157342,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2545,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 763500,
Discounts: 1482,
Sales: 762018,
COGS: 123500,
Profit: 638518,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1814,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 634900,
Discounts: 4889.5,
Sales: 630010.5,
COGS: 363220,
Profit: 266790.5,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1495,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 186875,
Discounts: 2180,
Sales: 184695,
COGS: 209280,
Profit: 24585,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1154,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 13848,
Discounts: 238.68,
Sales: 13609.32,
COGS: 5967,
Profit: 7642.32,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4180,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 62700,
Discounts: 48.15,
Sales: 62651.85,
COGS: 3210,
Profit: 59441.85,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1463,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 182875,
Discounts: 1856.25,
Sales: 181018.75,
COGS: 89100,
Profit: 91918.75,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 215,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 2580,
Discounts: 310.8,
Sales: 2269.2,
COGS: 3885,
Profit: 1615.8,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 4099,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1229700,
Discounts: 1284,
Sales: 1228416,
COGS: 53500,
Profit: 1174916,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2660,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 18620,
Discounts: 300.3,
Sales: 18319.7,
COGS: 10725,
Profit: 7594.7,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 566,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 198100,
Discounts: 19964,
Sales: 178136,
COGS: 741520,
Profit: 563384,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3255,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 39060,
Discounts: 274.08,
Sales: 38785.92,
COGS: 3426,
Profit: 35359.92,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 772,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 15440,
Discounts: 626.4,
Sales: 14813.6,
COGS: 15660,
Profit: 846.4,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1135,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 13620,
Discounts: 165.6,
Sales: 13454.4,
COGS: 2070,
Profit: 11384.4,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3826,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 478250,
Discounts: 4150,
Sales: 474100,
COGS: 199200,
Profit: 274900,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1193,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 17895,
Discounts: 708.9,
Sales: 17186.1,
COGS: 23630,
Profit: 6443.9,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2530,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 759000,
Discounts: 5508,
Sales: 753492,
COGS: 229500,
Profit: 523992,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3451,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1035300,
Discounts: 10368,
Sales: 1024932,
COGS: 432000,
Profit: 592932,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3059,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 36708,
Discounts: 274.08,
Sales: 36433.92,
COGS: 3426,
Profit: 33007.92,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3957,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 494625,
Discounts: 1655,
Sales: 492970,
COGS: 79440,
Profit: 413530,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3444,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 41328,
Discounts: 310.8,
Sales: 41017.2,
COGS: 3885,
Profit: 37132.2,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4388,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 548500,
Discounts: 2022.5,
Sales: 546477.5,
COGS: 97080,
Profit: 449397.5,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2106,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 263250,
Discounts: 5362.5,
Sales: 257887.5,
COGS: 257400,
Profit: 487.5,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 799,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 9588,
Discounts: 428.4,
Sales: 9159.6,
COGS: 5355,
Profit: 3804.6,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3154,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 946200,
Discounts: 11496,
Sales: 934704,
COGS: 479000,
Profit: 455704,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4108,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1437800,
Discounts: 19964,
Sales: 1417836,
COGS: 741520,
Profit: 676316,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3760,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 470000,
Discounts: 6822.5,
Sales: 463177.5,
COGS: 327480,
Profit: 135697.5,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 377,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 5655,
Discounts: 577.5,
Sales: 5077.5,
COGS: 19250,
Profit: 14172.5,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2110,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 14770,
Discounts: 281.82,
Sales: 14488.18,
COGS: 10065,
Profit: 4423.18,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2334,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 28008,
Discounts: 253.2,
Sales: 27754.8,
COGS: 3165,
Profit: 24589.8,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 580,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 6960,
Discounts: 260.16,
Sales: 6699.84,
COGS: 3252,
Profit: 3447.84,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2610,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 52200,
Discounts: 626.4,
Sales: 51573.6,
COGS: 15660,
Profit: 35913.6,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1598,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 559300,
Discounts: 20762,
Sales: 538538,
COGS: 771160,
Profit: 232622,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1459,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 510650,
Discounts: 20139,
Sales: 490511,
COGS: 748020,
Profit: 257509,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3284,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 410500,
Discounts: 2022.5,
Sales: 408477.5,
COGS: 97080,
Profit: 311397.5,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1197,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 149625,
Discounts: 5362.5,
Sales: 144262.5,
COGS: 257400,
Profit: 113137.5,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3774,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 45288,
Discounts: 253.2,
Sales: 45034.8,
COGS: 3165,
Profit: 41869.8,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2303,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 46060,
Discounts: 217.6,
Sales: 45842.4,
COGS: 5440,
Profit: 40402.4,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2572,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 30864,
Discounts: 260.16,
Sales: 30603.84,
COGS: 3252,
Profit: 27351.84,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 320,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 40000,
Discounts: 1655,
Sales: 38345,
COGS: 79440,
Profit: 41095,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2126,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 637800,
Discounts: 1284,
Sales: 636516,
COGS: 53500,
Profit: 583016,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3275,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1146250,
Discounts: 20139,
Sales: 1126111,
COGS: 748020,
Profit: 378091,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3582,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 447750,
Discounts: 6822.5,
Sales: 440927.5,
COGS: 327480,
Profit: 113447.5,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 783,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 274050,
Discounts: 1862,
Sales: 272188,
COGS: 69160,
Profit: 203028,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1202,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 420700,
Discounts: 13580,
Sales: 407120,
COGS: 504400,
Profit: 97280,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4056,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1216800,
Discounts: 1554,
Sales: 1215246,
COGS: 64750,
Profit: 1150496,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2144,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 643200,
Discounts: 6606,
Sales: 636594,
COGS: 275250,
Profit: 361344,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 3502,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 437750,
Discounts: 5690,
Sales: 432060,
COGS: 273120,
Profit: 158940,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1397,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 488950,
Discounts: 20762,
Sales: 468188,
COGS: 771160,
Profit: 302972,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 679,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 13580,
Discounts: 494.4,
Sales: 13085.6,
COGS: 12360,
Profit: 725.6,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2351,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 47020,
Discounts: 376.4,
Sales: 46643.6,
COGS: 9410,
Profit: 37233.6,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2043,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 612900,
Discounts: 11496,
Sales: 601404,
COGS: 479000,
Profit: 122404,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3565,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 445625,
Discounts: 15913.13,
Sales: 429711.88,
COGS: 509220,
Profit: 79508.13,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1401,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 28020,
Discounts: 1548,
Sales: 26472,
COGS: 25800,
Profit: 672,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2077,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 623100,
Discounts: 6201,
Sales: 616899,
COGS: 172250,
Profit: 444649,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3643,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 43716,
Discounts: 700.92,
Sales: 43015.08,
COGS: 5841,
Profit: 37174.08,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1105,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 13260,
Discounts: 326.88,
Sales: 12933.12,
COGS: 2724,
Profit: 10209.12,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2960,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 20720,
Discounts: 411.18,
Sales: 20308.82,
COGS: 9790,
Profit: 10518.82,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1201,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 14412,
Discounts: 684.36,
Sales: 13727.64,
COGS: 5703,
Profit: 8024.64,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2321,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 16247,
Discounts: 114.24,
Sales: 16132.76,
COGS: 2720,
Profit: 13412.76,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3640,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1274000,
Discounts: 18868.5,
Sales: 1255131.5,
COGS: 467220,
Profit: 787911.5,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3972,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 496500,
Discounts: 4826.25,
Sales: 491673.75,
COGS: 154440,
Profit: 337233.75,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3878,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 484750,
Discounts: 6397.5,
Sales: 478352.5,
COGS: 204720,
Profit: 273632.5,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2278,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 683400,
Discounts: 21910.5,
Sales: 661489.5,
COGS: 608625,
Profit: 52864.5,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1075,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 134375,
Discounts: 6652.5,
Sales: 127722.5,
COGS: 212880,
Profit: 85157.5,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4050,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 48600,
Discounts: 684.36,
Sales: 47915.64,
COGS: 5703,
Profit: 42212.64,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3035,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 910500,
Discounts: 6201,
Sales: 904299,
COGS: 172250,
Profit: 732049,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3636,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 454500,
Discounts: 5887.5,
Sales: 448612.5,
COGS: 188400,
Profit: 260212.5,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1379,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 16548,
Discounts: 493.02,
Sales: 16054.98,
COGS: 4108.5,
Profit: 11946.48,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4492,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 561500,
Discounts: 7533.75,
Sales: 553966.25,
COGS: 241080,
Profit: 312886.25,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 764,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 11460,
Discounts: 875.25,
Sales: 10584.75,
COGS: 19450,
Profit: 8865.25,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1744,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 218000,
Discounts: 4826.25,
Sales: 213173.75,
COGS: 154440,
Profit: 58733.75,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2341,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 292625,
Discounts: 6397.5,
Sales: 286227.5,
COGS: 204720,
Profit: 81507.5,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3835,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 479375,
Discounts: 7533.75,
Sales: 471841.25,
COGS: 241080,
Profit: 230761.25,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1161,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 348300,
Discounts: 25596,
Sales: 322704,
COGS: 711000,
Profit: 388296,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 876,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 10512,
Discounts: 689.76,
Sales: 9822.24,
COGS: 5748,
Profit: 4074.24,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1705,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 213125,
Discounts: 5887.5,
Sales: 207237.5,
COGS: 188400,
Profit: 18837.5,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1805,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 541500,
Discounts: 16866,
Sales: 524634,
COGS: 468500,
Profit: 56134,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 389,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 136150,
Discounts: 17241,
Sales: 118909,
COGS: 426920,
Profit: 308011,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2745,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 41175,
Discounts: 875.25,
Sales: 40299.75,
COGS: 19450,
Profit: 20849.75,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1459,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 29180,
Discounts: 498.6,
Sales: 28681.4,
COGS: 8310,
Profit: 20371.4,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3938,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 27566,
Discounts: 369.6,
Sales: 27196.4,
COGS: 8800,
Profit: 18396.4,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 4236,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 84720,
Discounts: 2310.3,
Sales: 82409.7,
COGS: 38505,
Profit: 43904.7,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3627,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 43524,
Discounts: 892.44,
Sales: 42631.56,
COGS: 7437,
Profit: 35194.56,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1756,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 26340,
Discounts: 1218.6,
Sales: 25121.4,
COGS: 20310,
Profit: 4811.4,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 307,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 4605,
Discounts: 1218.6,
Sales: 3386.4,
COGS: 20310,
Profit: 16923.6,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4489,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 67335,
Discounts: 1356.6,
Sales: 65978.4,
COGS: 22610,
Profit: 43368.4,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2167,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 43340,
Discounts: 588.8,
Sales: 42751.2,
COGS: 7360,
Profit: 35391.2,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1137,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 7959,
Discounts: 798.28,
Sales: 7160.72,
COGS: 14255,
Profit: 7094.28,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1222,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 366600,
Discounts: 24252,
Sales: 342348,
COGS: 505250,
Profit: 162902,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 489,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 171150,
Discounts: 3836,
Sales: 167314,
COGS: 71240,
Profit: 96074,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 4133,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 61995,
Discounts: 1180.2,
Sales: 60814.8,
COGS: 19670,
Profit: 41144.8,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2743,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 822900,
Discounts: 22308,
Sales: 800592,
COGS: 464750,
Profit: 335842,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3699,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 25893,
Discounts: 798.28,
Sales: 25094.72,
COGS: 14255,
Profit: 10839.72,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 4460,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1338000,
Discounts: 24252,
Sales: 1313748,
COGS: 505250,
Profit: 808498,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1232,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 154000,
Discounts: 5690,
Sales: 148310,
COGS: 136560,
Profit: 11750,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2586,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 18102,
Discounts: 1190.28,
Sales: 16911.72,
COGS: 21255,
Profit: 4343.28,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1332,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 166500,
Discounts: 3975,
Sales: 162525,
COGS: 95400,
Profit: 67125,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4487,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1346100,
Discounts: 16974,
Sales: 1329126,
COGS: 353625,
Profit: 975501,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3862,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1158600,
Discounts: 35016,
Sales: 1123584,
COGS: 729500,
Profit: 394084,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1765,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 617750,
Discounts: 48300,
Sales: 569450,
COGS: 897000,
Profit: 327550,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3533,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 441625,
Discounts: 14940,
Sales: 426685,
COGS: 358560,
Profit: 68125,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2016,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 30240,
Discounts: 130.8,
Sales: 30109.2,
COGS: 2180,
Profit: 27929.2,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2938,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 58760,
Discounts: 1659.2,
Sales: 57100.8,
COGS: 20740,
Profit: 36360.8,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3352,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 67040,
Discounts: 844.8,
Sales: 66195.2,
COGS: 10560,
Profit: 55635.2,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4409,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 66135,
Discounts: 402.6,
Sales: 65732.4,
COGS: 6710,
Profit: 59022.4,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3323,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 49845,
Discounts: 908.4,
Sales: 48936.6,
COGS: 15140,
Profit: 33796.6,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2430,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 850500,
Discounts: 3836,
Sales: 846664,
COGS: 71240,
Profit: 775424,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 535,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 66875,
Discounts: 5690,
Sales: 61185,
COGS: 136560,
Profit: 75375,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1523,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 18276,
Discounts: 703.2,
Sales: 17572.8,
COGS: 4395,
Profit: 13177.8,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3631,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 72620,
Discounts: 2116.8,
Sales: 70503.2,
COGS: 26460,
Profit: 44043.2,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1782,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 623700,
Discounts: 30478,
Sales: 593222,
COGS: 566020,
Profit: 27202,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 347,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 4164,
Discounts: 415.68,
Sales: 3748.32,
COGS: 2598,
Profit: 1150.32,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 4147,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1451450,
Discounts: 4886,
Sales: 1446564,
COGS: 90740,
Profit: 1355824,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3509,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1228150,
Discounts: 30478,
Sales: 1197672,
COGS: 566020,
Profit: 631652,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2774,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 41610,
Discounts: 908.4,
Sales: 40701.6,
COGS: 15140,
Profit: 25561.6,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2943,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1030050,
Discounts: 26110,
Sales: 1003940,
COGS: 484900,
Profit: 519040,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4037,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 504625,
Discounts: 5370,
Sales: 499255,
COGS: 128880,
Profit: 370375,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4146,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1451100,
Discounts: 26698,
Sales: 1424402,
COGS: 495820,
Profit: 928582,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4123,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 61845,
Discounts: 402.6,
Sales: 61442.4,
COGS: 6710,
Profit: 54732.4,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1337,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 467950,
Discounts: 24892,
Sales: 443058,
COGS: 462280,
Profit: 19222,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 599,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 4193,
Discounts: 405.65,
Sales: 3787.35,
COGS: 5795,
Profit: 2007.65,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 725,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 5075,
Discounts: 480.2,
Sales: 4594.8,
COGS: 6860,
Profit: 2265.2,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 477,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 3339,
Discounts: 822.15,
Sales: 2516.85,
COGS: 11745,
Profit: 9228.15,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2325,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 16275,
Discounts: 941.15,
Sales: 15333.85,
COGS: 13445,
Profit: 1888.85,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 675,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 8100,
Discounts: 1458.6,
Sales: 6641.4,
COGS: 7293,
Profit: 651.6,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2990,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 35880,
Discounts: 1458.6,
Sales: 34421.4,
COGS: 7293,
Profit: 27128.4,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1072,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 7504,
Discounts: 941.15,
Sales: 6562.85,
COGS: 13445,
Profit: 6882.15,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1048,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 7336,
Discounts: 589.05,
Sales: 6746.95,
COGS: 8415,
Profit: 1668.05,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 469,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 5628,
Discounts: 673.8,
Sales: 4954.2,
COGS: 3369,
Profit: 1585.2,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 804,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 5628,
Discounts: 405.65,
Sales: 5222.35,
COGS: 5795,
Profit: 572.65,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 4240,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 50880,
Discounts: 1119,
Sales: 49761,
COGS: 5595,
Profit: 44166,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1976,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 23712,
Discounts: 669.6,
Sales: 23042.4,
COGS: 3348,
Profit: 19694.4,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1984,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 39680,
Discounts: 1563,
Sales: 38117,
COGS: 15630,
Profit: 22487,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 480,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 144000,
Discounts: 14865,
Sales: 129135,
COGS: 247750,
Profit: 118615,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3551,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 24857,
Discounts: 355.6,
Sales: 24501.4,
COGS: 5080,
Profit: 19421.4,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1205,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 18075,
Discounts: 2093.25,
Sales: 15981.75,
COGS: 27910,
Profit: 11928.25,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2480,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 17360,
Discounts: 199.5,
Sales: 17160.5,
COGS: 2850,
Profit: 14310.5,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2926,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 20482,
Discounts: 870.45,
Sales: 19611.55,
COGS: 12435,
Profit: 7176.55,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3210,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1123500,
Discounts: 24228.75,
Sales: 1099271.25,
COGS: 359970,
Profit: 739301.25,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3221,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 402625,
Discounts: 22668.75,
Sales: 379956.25,
COGS: 435240,
Profit: 55283.75,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2389,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 836150,
Discounts: 12600,
Sales: 823550,
COGS: 187200,
Profit: 636350,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1127,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 13524,
Discounts: 1405.2,
Sales: 12118.8,
COGS: 7026,
Profit: 5092.8,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 319,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 95700,
Discounts: 16500,
Sales: 79200,
COGS: 275000,
Profit: 195800,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1610,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 32200,
Discounts: 1303,
Sales: 30897,
COGS: 13030,
Profit: 17867,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4100,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 512500,
Discounts: 18700,
Sales: 493800,
COGS: 359040,
Profit: 134760,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1012,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 126500,
Discounts: 14906.25,
Sales: 111593.75,
COGS: 286200,
Profit: 174606.25,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3337,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1001100,
Discounts: 24105,
Sales: 976995,
COGS: 401750,
Profit: 575245,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3955,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 27685,
Discounts: 814.45,
Sales: 26870.55,
COGS: 11635,
Profit: 15235.55,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4347,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1304100,
Discounts: 14865,
Sales: 1289235,
COGS: 247750,
Profit: 1041485,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1548,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 541800,
Discounts: 10535,
Sales: 531265,
COGS: 156520,
Profit: 374745,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2153,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 32295,
Discounts: 1965,
Sales: 30330,
COGS: 26200,
Profit: 4130,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3789,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1326150,
Discounts: 21490,
Sales: 1304660,
COGS: 319280,
Profit: 985380,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4364,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 87280,
Discounts: 1389,
Sales: 85891,
COGS: 13890,
Profit: 72001,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4126,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 515750,
Discounts: 5381.25,
Sales: 510368.75,
COGS: 103320,
Profit: 407048.75,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1343,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 167875,
Discounts: 4400,
Sales: 163475,
COGS: 84480,
Profit: 78995,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 245,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 4900,
Discounts: 1802,
Sales: 3098,
COGS: 18020,
Profit: 14922,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3376,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 67520,
Discounts: 2663,
Sales: 64857,
COGS: 26630,
Profit: 38227,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1401,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 9807,
Discounts: 747.6,
Sales: 9059.4,
COGS: 10680,
Profit: 1620.6,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3483,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 52245,
Discounts: 1587,
Sales: 50658,
COGS: 21160,
Profit: 29498,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2244,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 33660,
Discounts: 416.25,
Sales: 33243.75,
COGS: 5550,
Profit: 27693.75,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1360,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 20400,
Discounts: 2145.75,
Sales: 18254.25,
COGS: 28610,
Profit: 10355.75,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 279,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 34875,
Discounts: 5043.75,
Sales: 29831.25,
COGS: 96840,
Profit: 67008.75,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2521,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 882350,
Discounts: 10535,
Sales: 871815,
COGS: 156520,
Profit: 715295,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2433,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 48660,
Discounts: 2832,
Sales: 45828,
COGS: 28320,
Profit: 17508,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1738,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 34760,
Discounts: 1579,
Sales: 33181,
COGS: 15790,
Profit: 17391,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1106,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 138250,
Discounts: 5381.25,
Sales: 132868.75,
COGS: 103320,
Profit: 29548.75,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3379,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 422375,
Discounts: 4400,
Sales: 417975,
COGS: 84480,
Profit: 333495,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1221,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 24420,
Discounts: 1033,
Sales: 23387,
COGS: 10330,
Profit: 13057,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 213,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 63900,
Discounts: 18750,
Sales: 45150,
COGS: 312500,
Profit: 267350,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3335,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 66700,
Discounts: 1389,
Sales: 65311,
COGS: 13890,
Profit: 51421,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1260,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 25200,
Discounts: 1265,
Sales: 23935,
COGS: 12650,
Profit: 11285,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3034,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 60680,
Discounts: 2297,
Sales: 58383,
COGS: 22970,
Profit: 35413,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2929,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 58580,
Discounts: 2663,
Sales: 55917,
COGS: 26630,
Profit: 29287,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2389,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 16723,
Discounts: 199.5,
Sales: 16523.5,
COGS: 2850,
Profit: 13673.5,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3086,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 21602,
Discounts: 870.45,
Sales: 20731.55,
COGS: 12435,
Profit: 8296.55,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 745,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 260750,
Discounts: 23625,
Sales: 237125,
COGS: 351000,
Profit: 113875,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1266,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 443100,
Discounts: 9660,
Sales: 433440,
COGS: 143520,
Profit: 289920,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 3790,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1326500,
Discounts: 21490,
Sales: 1305010,
COGS: 319280,
Profit: 985730,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4287,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1286100,
Discounts: 18750,
Sales: 1267350,
COGS: 312500,
Profit: 954850,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3193,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 47895,
Discounts: 3420.9,
Sales: 44474.1,
COGS: 38010,
Profit: 6464.1,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1967,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 39340,
Discounts: 1341,
Sales: 37999,
COGS: 11175,
Profit: 26824,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 631,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 9465,
Discounts: 2559.6,
Sales: 6905.4,
COGS: 28440,
Profit: 21534.6,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3469,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 41628,
Discounts: 404.64,
Sales: 41223.36,
COGS: 1686,
Profit: 39537.36,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 570,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 6840,
Discounts: 1655.28,
Sales: 5184.72,
COGS: 6897,
Profit: 1712.28,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3215,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 48225,
Discounts: 1827,
Sales: 46398,
COGS: 20300,
Profit: 26098,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3754,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 26278,
Discounts: 110.46,
Sales: 26167.54,
COGS: 1315,
Profit: 24852.54,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2187,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 273375,
Discounts: 6652.5,
Sales: 266722.5,
COGS: 106440,
Profit: 160282.5,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1959,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 685650,
Discounts: 20580,
Sales: 665070,
COGS: 254800,
Profit: 410270,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2181,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 763350,
Discounts: 30660,
Sales: 732690,
COGS: 379600,
Profit: 353090,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3559,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 24913,
Discounts: 589.26,
Sales: 24323.74,
COGS: 7015,
Profit: 17308.74,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2205,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 26460,
Discounts: 1960.56,
Sales: 24499.44,
COGS: 8169,
Profit: 16330.44,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1890,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 661500,
Discounts: 31416,
Sales: 630084,
COGS: 388960,
Profit: 241124,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1296,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 15552,
Discounts: 1655.28,
Sales: 13896.72,
COGS: 6897,
Profit: 6999.72,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 775,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 271250,
Discounts: 15267,
Sales: 255983,
COGS: 189020,
Profit: 66963,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2417,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 302125,
Discounts: 7140,
Sales: 294985,
COGS: 114240,
Profit: 180745,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1158,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 144750,
Discounts: 20662.5,
Sales: 124087.5,
COGS: 330600,
Profit: 206512.5,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 803,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 12045,
Discounts: 1377,
Sales: 10668,
COGS: 15300,
Profit: 4632,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3705,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1296750,
Discounts: 31416,
Sales: 1265334,
COGS: 388960,
Profit: 876374,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 589,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 4123,
Discounts: 629.16,
Sales: 3493.84,
COGS: 7490,
Profit: 3996.16,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3797,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1139100,
Discounts: 21978,
Sales: 1117122,
COGS: 305250,
Profit: 811872,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1321,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 462350,
Discounts: 43596,
Sales: 418754,
COGS: 539760,
Profit: 121006,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3999,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 59985,
Discounts: 2559.6,
Sales: 57425.4,
COGS: 28440,
Profit: 28985.4,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 4256,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 29792,
Discounts: 629.16,
Sales: 29162.84,
COGS: 7490,
Profit: 21672.84,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1643,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 492900,
Discounts: 21978,
Sales: 470922,
COGS: 305250,
Profit: 165672,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1912,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 38240,
Discounts: 1347.6,
Sales: 36892.4,
COGS: 11230,
Profit: 25662.4,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1610,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 483000,
Discounts: 43848,
Sales: 439152,
COGS: 609000,
Profit: 169848,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2160,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 270000,
Discounts: 14906.25,
Sales: 255093.75,
COGS: 238500,
Profit: 16593.75,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 466,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 163100,
Discounts: 35259,
Sales: 127841,
COGS: 436540,
Profit: 308699,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 328,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 114800,
Discounts: 15267,
Sales: 99533,
COGS: 189020,
Profit: 89487,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4099,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 28693,
Discounts: 589.26,
Sales: 28103.74,
COGS: 7015,
Profit: 21088.74,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 990,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 346500,
Discounts: 43596,
Sales: 302904,
COGS: 539760,
Profit: 236856,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1433,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 28660,
Discounts: 2108.4,
Sales: 26551.6,
COGS: 17570,
Profit: 8981.6,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1478,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 22170,
Discounts: 1978.2,
Sales: 20191.8,
COGS: 21980,
Profit: 1788.2,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3798,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 56970,
Discounts: 1568.7,
Sales: 55401.3,
COGS: 17430,
Profit: 37971.3,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 447,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 6705,
Discounts: 1037.7,
Sales: 5667.3,
COGS: 11530,
Profit: 5862.7,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1711,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 34220,
Discounts: 2108.4,
Sales: 32111.6,
COGS: 17570,
Profit: 14541.6,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 745,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 14900,
Discounts: 1201.2,
Sales: 13698.8,
COGS: 10010,
Profit: 3688.8,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1732,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 12124,
Discounts: 559.86,
Sales: 11564.14,
COGS: 6665,
Profit: 4899.14,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1759,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 26385,
Discounts: 1037.7,
Sales: 25347.3,
COGS: 11530,
Profit: 13817.3,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 338,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 4056,
Discounts: 610.68,
Sales: 3445.32,
COGS: 2181,
Profit: 1264.32,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3911,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 46932,
Discounts: 1582.56,
Sales: 45349.44,
COGS: 5652,
Profit: 39697.44,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3691,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 73820,
Discounts: 2567.6,
Sales: 71252.4,
COGS: 18340,
Profit: 52912.4,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 4473,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 53676,
Discounts: 1965.6,
Sales: 51710.4,
COGS: 7020,
Profit: 44690.4,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 383,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 4596,
Discounts: 1967.28,
Sales: 2628.72,
COGS: 7026,
Profit: 4397.28,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3105,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 21735,
Discounts: 505.19,
Sales: 21229.81,
COGS: 5155,
Profit: 16074.81,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1062,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 15930,
Discounts: 1325.1,
Sales: 14604.9,
COGS: 12620,
Profit: 1984.9,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 4083,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 28581,
Discounts: 556.15,
Sales: 28024.85,
COGS: 5675,
Profit: 22349.85,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3974,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 27818,
Discounts: 268.03,
Sales: 27549.97,
COGS: 2735,
Profit: 24814.97,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3723,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 26061,
Discounts: 775.18,
Sales: 25285.82,
COGS: 7910,
Profit: 17375.82,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2435,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 29220,
Discounts: 1460.34,
Sales: 27759.66,
COGS: 5215.5,
Profit: 22544.16,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1678,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 20136,
Discounts: 1860.6,
Sales: 18275.4,
COGS: 6645,
Profit: 11630.4,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1763,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 12341,
Discounts: 775.18,
Sales: 11565.82,
COGS: 7910,
Profit: 3655.82,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4473,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 31311,
Discounts: 556.15,
Sales: 30754.85,
COGS: 5675,
Profit: 25079.85,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1246,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 436100,
Discounts: 43144.5,
Sales: 392955.5,
COGS: 457860,
Profit: 64904.5,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1615,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 484500,
Discounts: 9408,
Sales: 475092,
COGS: 112000,
Profit: 363092,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 749,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 224700,
Discounts: 45801,
Sales: 178899,
COGS: 545250,
Profit: 366351,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1318,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 26360,
Discounts: 2766.4,
Sales: 23593.6,
COGS: 19760,
Profit: 3833.6,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2882,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 864600,
Discounts: 45801,
Sales: 818799,
COGS: 545250,
Profit: 273549,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3039,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 379875,
Discounts: 21875,
Sales: 358000,
COGS: 300000,
Profit: 58000,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2484,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 745200,
Discounts: 35742,
Sales: 709458,
COGS: 425500,
Profit: 283958,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3169,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 950700,
Discounts: 9408,
Sales: 941292,
COGS: 112000,
Profit: 829292,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4080,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 510000,
Discounts: 30738.75,
Sales: 479261.25,
COGS: 421560,
Profit: 57701.25,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3943,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 59145,
Discounts: 2206.05,
Sales: 56938.95,
COGS: 21010,
Profit: 35928.95,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 784,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 11760,
Discounts: 3077.55,
Sales: 8682.45,
COGS: 29310,
Profit: 20627.55,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 253,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 5060,
Discounts: 2149,
Sales: 2911,
COGS: 15350,
Profit: 12439,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1316,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 394800,
Discounts: 23583,
Sales: 371217,
COGS: 280750,
Profit: 90467,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 808,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 242400,
Discounts: 29484,
Sales: 212916,
COGS: 351000,
Profit: 138084,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3295,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 39540,
Discounts: 2320.92,
Sales: 37219.08,
COGS: 8289,
Profit: 28930.08,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 520,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 3640,
Discounts: 1041.25,
Sales: 2598.75,
COGS: 10625,
Profit: 8026.25,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 799,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 239700,
Discounts: 34839,
Sales: 204861,
COGS: 414750,
Profit: 209889,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3942,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 78840,
Discounts: 852.6,
Sales: 77987.4,
COGS: 6090,
Profit: 71897.4,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2498,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 312250,
Discounts: 18261.25,
Sales: 293988.75,
COGS: 250440,
Profit: 43548.75,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2517,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 50340,
Discounts: 2766.4,
Sales: 47573.6,
COGS: 19760,
Profit: 27813.6,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3182,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 63640,
Discounts: 1989.4,
Sales: 61650.6,
COGS: 14210,
Profit: 47440.6,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1145,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 343500,
Discounts: 28812,
Sales: 314688,
COGS: 343000,
Profit: 28312,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 895,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 17900,
Discounts: 823.2,
Sales: 17076.8,
COGS: 5880,
Profit: 11196.8,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3814,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 45768,
Discounts: 2725.38,
Sales: 43042.62,
COGS: 9733.5,
Profit: 33309.12,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1188,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 356400,
Discounts: 20139,
Sales: 336261,
COGS: 239750,
Profit: 96511,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2233,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 669900,
Discounts: 57687,
Sales: 612213,
COGS: 686750,
Profit: 74537,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 421,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 52625,
Discounts: 14393.75,
Sales: 38231.25,
COGS: 197400,
Profit: 159168.75,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 269,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 94150,
Discounts: 70462,
Sales: 23688,
COGS: 747760,
Profit: 724072,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 3766,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 470750,
Discounts: 8697.5,
Sales: 462052.5,
COGS: 119280,
Profit: 342772.5,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 952,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 19040,
Discounts: 1565.2,
Sales: 17474.8,
COGS: 11180,
Profit: 6294.8,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2964,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 889200,
Discounts: 28812,
Sales: 860388,
COGS: 343000,
Profit: 517388,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1505,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 10535,
Discounts: 273.28,
Sales: 10261.72,
COGS: 2440,
Profit: 7821.72,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1678,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 33560,
Discounts: 2051.2,
Sales: 31508.8,
COGS: 12820,
Profit: 18688.8,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4249,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 29743,
Discounts: 143.92,
Sales: 29599.08,
COGS: 1285,
Profit: 28314.08,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1677,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 33540,
Discounts: 2051.2,
Sales: 31488.8,
COGS: 12820,
Profit: 18668.8,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3051,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 381375,
Discounts: 15400,
Sales: 365975,
COGS: 184800,
Profit: 181175,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3372,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 50580,
Discounts: 588,
Sales: 49992,
COGS: 4900,
Profit: 45092,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1686,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 590100,
Discounts: 38136,
Sales: 551964,
COGS: 354120,
Profit: 197844,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3086,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 46290,
Discounts: 3001.2,
Sales: 43288.8,
COGS: 25010,
Profit: 18278.8,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 4150,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 83000,
Discounts: 1132.8,
Sales: 81867.2,
COGS: 7080,
Profit: 74787.2,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3027,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 60540,
Discounts: 1032,
Sales: 59508,
COGS: 6450,
Profit: 53058,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 4359,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1307700,
Discounts: 37488,
Sales: 1270212,
COGS: 390500,
Profit: 879712,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3628,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1088400,
Discounts: 30792,
Sales: 1057608,
COGS: 320750,
Profit: 736858,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1589,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 23835,
Discounts: 853.2,
Sales: 22981.8,
COGS: 7110,
Profit: 15871.8,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2679,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 334875,
Discounts: 11140,
Sales: 323735,
COGS: 133680,
Profit: 190055,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3401,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 23807,
Discounts: 705.04,
Sales: 23101.96,
COGS: 6295,
Profit: 16806.96,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2815,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 19705,
Discounts: 613.2,
Sales: 19091.8,
COGS: 5475,
Profit: 13616.8,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2964,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 59280,
Discounts: 2185.6,
Sales: 57094.4,
COGS: 13660,
Profit: 43434.4,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4173,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1251900,
Discounts: 59040,
Sales: 1192860,
COGS: 615000,
Profit: 577860,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1157,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 8099,
Discounts: 379.68,
Sales: 7719.32,
COGS: 3390,
Profit: 4329.32,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3065,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 21455,
Discounts: 894.88,
Sales: 20560.12,
COGS: 7990,
Profit: 12570.12,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1962,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 13734,
Discounts: 1349.04,
Sales: 12384.96,
COGS: 12045,
Profit: 339.96,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4080,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 81600,
Discounts: 3094.4,
Sales: 78505.6,
COGS: 19340,
Profit: 59165.6,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1713,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 34260,
Discounts: 4788.8,
Sales: 29471.2,
COGS: 29930,
Profit: 458.8,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2795,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 978250,
Discounts: 60088,
Sales: 918162,
COGS: 557960,
Profit: 360202,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4082,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 28574,
Discounts: 1089.76,
Sales: 27484.24,
COGS: 9730,
Profit: 17754.24,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1691,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 591850,
Discounts: 38136,
Sales: 553714,
COGS: 354120,
Profit: 199594,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2305,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 27660,
Discounts: 574.08,
Sales: 27085.92,
COGS: 1794,
Profit: 25291.92,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3401,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 23807,
Discounts: 1627.92,
Sales: 22179.08,
COGS: 14535,
Profit: 7644.08,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2288,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 16016,
Discounts: 1309.28,
Sales: 14706.72,
COGS: 11690,
Profit: 3016.72,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2399,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 719700,
Discounts: 9264,
Sales: 710436,
COGS: 96500,
Profit: 613936,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 4086,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1225800,
Discounts: 15240,
Sales: 1210560,
COGS: 158750,
Profit: 1051810,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2651,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 927850,
Discounts: 16086,
Sales: 911764,
COGS: 149370,
Profit: 762394,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3971,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 27797,
Discounts: 1309.28,
Sales: 26487.72,
COGS: 11690,
Profit: 14797.72,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2512,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 879200,
Discounts: 10668,
Sales: 868532,
COGS: 99060,
Profit: 769472,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2745,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 960750,
Discounts: 11816,
Sales: 948934,
COGS: 109720,
Profit: 839214,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1903,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 570900,
Discounts: 51216,
Sales: 519684,
COGS: 533500,
Profit: 13816,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 647,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 194100,
Discounts: 19392,
Sales: 174708,
COGS: 202000,
Profit: 27292,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2914,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 58280,
Discounts: 1132.8,
Sales: 57147.2,
COGS: 7080,
Profit: 50067.2,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1889,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 13223,
Discounts: 1627.92,
Sales: 11595.08,
COGS: 14535,
Profit: 2939.92,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1466,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 29320,
Discounts: 2185.6,
Sales: 27134.4,
COGS: 13660,
Profit: 13474.4,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 887,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 266100,
Discounts: 59040,
Sales: 207060,
COGS: 615000,
Profit: 407940,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 395,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 7900,
Discounts: 2432,
Sales: 5468,
COGS: 15200,
Profit: 9732,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1693,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 25395,
Discounts: 853.2,
Sales: 24541.8,
COGS: 7110,
Profit: 17431.8,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2459,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 29508,
Discounts: 1320,
Sales: 28188,
COGS: 4125,
Profit: 24063,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2649,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 794700,
Discounts: 15240,
Sales: 779460,
COGS: 158750,
Profit: 620710,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3608,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 72160,
Discounts: 698.4,
Sales: 71461.6,
COGS: 4365,
Profit: 67096.6,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1073,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 321900,
Discounts: 29538,
Sales: 292362,
COGS: 273500,
Profit: 18862,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1754,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 21048,
Discounts: 396.36,
Sales: 20651.64,
COGS: 1101,
Profit: 19550.64,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2167,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 650100,
Discounts: 102667.5,
Sales: 547432.5,
COGS: 950625,
Profit: 403192.5,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1319,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 461650,
Discounts: 52479,
Sales: 409171,
COGS: 433160,
Profit: 23989,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1679,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 503700,
Discounts: 8694,
Sales: 495006,
COGS: 80500,
Profit: 414506,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1252,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 15024,
Discounts: 2506.68,
Sales: 12517.32,
COGS: 6963,
Profit: 5554.32,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3493,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 436625,
Discounts: 20891.25,
Sales: 415733.75,
COGS: 222840,
Profit: 192893.75,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1697,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 11879,
Discounts: 1014.93,
Sales: 10864.07,
COGS: 8055,
Profit: 2809.07,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1156,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 144500,
Discounts: 31466.25,
Sales: 113033.75,
COGS: 335640,
Profit: 222606.25,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 726,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 217800,
Discounts: 9018,
Sales: 208782,
COGS: 83500,
Profit: 125282,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1153,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 345900,
Discounts: 69255,
Sales: 276645,
COGS: 641250,
Profit: 364605,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2720,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 952000,
Discounts: 76135.5,
Sales: 875864.5,
COGS: 628420,
Profit: 247444.5,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3658,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 54870,
Discounts: 4961.25,
Sales: 49908.75,
COGS: 36750,
Profit: 13158.75,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2950,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 885000,
Discounts: 29538,
Sales: 855462,
COGS: 273500,
Profit: 581962,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1821,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 27315,
Discounts: 1656.45,
Sales: 25658.55,
COGS: 12270,
Profit: 13388.55,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4174,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 50088,
Discounts: 396.36,
Sales: 49691.64,
COGS: 1101,
Profit: 48590.64,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1127,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 338100,
Discounts: 35748,
Sales: 302352,
COGS: 331000,
Profit: 28648,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2209,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 26508,
Discounts: 1917,
Sales: 24591,
COGS: 5325,
Profit: 19266,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 862,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 107750,
Discounts: 31466.25,
Sales: 76283.75,
COGS: 335640,
Profit: 259356.25,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3805,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 57075,
Discounts: 330.75,
Sales: 56744.25,
COGS: 2450,
Profit: 54294.25,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1415,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 424500,
Discounts: 102424.5,
Sales: 322075.5,
COGS: 948375,
Profit: 626299.5,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2231,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 780850,
Discounts: 41170.5,
Sales: 739679.5,
COGS: 339820,
Profit: 399859.5,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3649,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 456125,
Discounts: 6378.75,
Sales: 449746.25,
COGS: 68040,
Profit: 381706.25,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2948,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 368500,
Discounts: 23737.5,
Sales: 344762.5,
COGS: 253200,
Profit: 91562.5,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3395,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1188250,
Discounts: 39973.5,
Sales: 1148276.5,
COGS: 329940,
Profit: 818336.5,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2650,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 31800,
Discounts: 2112.48,
Sales: 29687.52,
COGS: 5868,
Profit: 23819.52,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 585,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 175500,
Discounts: 71793,
Sales: 103707,
COGS: 664750,
Profit: 561043,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1316,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 460600,
Discounts: 42572.25,
Sales: 418027.75,
COGS: 351390,
Profit: 66637.75,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 4459,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 53508,
Discounts: 950.4,
Sales: 52557.6,
COGS: 2640,
Profit: 49917.6,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2711,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 813300,
Discounts: 50409,
Sales: 762891,
COGS: 466750,
Profit: 296141,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2621,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 31452,
Discounts: 2412.72,
Sales: 29039.28,
COGS: 6702,
Profit: 22337.28,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3613,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 54195,
Discounts: 1656.45,
Sales: 52538.55,
COGS: 12270,
Profit: 40268.55,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1847,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 230875,
Discounts: 9866.25,
Sales: 221008.75,
COGS: 105240,
Profit: 115768.75,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2996,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1048600,
Discounts: 65236.5,
Sales: 983363.5,
COGS: 538460,
Profit: 444903.5,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2838,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 993300,
Discounts: 39973.5,
Sales: 953326.5,
COGS: 329940,
Profit: 623386.5,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1302,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 19530,
Discounts: 1309.5,
Sales: 18220.5,
COGS: 9700,
Profit: 8520.5,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1536,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 30720,
Discounts: 3049.2,
Sales: 27670.8,
COGS: 16940,
Profit: 10730.8,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1291,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 25820,
Discounts: 1193.4,
Sales: 24626.6,
COGS: 6630,
Profit: 17996.6,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1213,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 8491,
Discounts: 515.97,
Sales: 7975.03,
COGS: 4095,
Profit: 3880.03,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2370,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 28440,
Discounts: 1706.4,
Sales: 26733.6,
COGS: 4740,
Profit: 21993.6,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1979,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 13853,
Discounts: 328.23,
Sales: 13524.77,
COGS: 2605,
Profit: 10919.77,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2879,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 57580,
Discounts: 1751.4,
Sales: 55828.6,
COGS: 9730,
Profit: 46098.6,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1707,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 34140,
Discounts: 1868.4,
Sales: 32271.6,
COGS: 10380,
Profit: 21891.6,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2933,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 20531,
Discounts: 226.8,
Sales: 20304.2,
COGS: 1800,
Profit: 18504.2,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1014,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 12168,
Discounts: 2124.36,
Sales: 10043.64,
COGS: 5901,
Profit: 4142.64,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 693,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 10395,
Discounts: 3547.8,
Sales: 6847.2,
COGS: 26280,
Profit: 19432.8,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3741,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 26187,
Discounts: 226.8,
Sales: 25960.2,
COGS: 1800,
Profit: 24160.2,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3116,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 62320,
Discounts: 4827.6,
Sales: 57492.4,
COGS: 26820,
Profit: 30672.4,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3995,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 27965,
Discounts: 328.23,
Sales: 27636.77,
COGS: 2605,
Profit: 25031.77,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 953,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 19060,
Discounts: 1868.4,
Sales: 17191.6,
COGS: 10380,
Profit: 6811.6,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2530,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 37950,
Discounts: 2201.18,
Sales: 35748.82,
COGS: 16305,
Profit: 19443.82,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2565,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 30780,
Discounts: 330.48,
Sales: 30449.52,
COGS: 918,
Profit: 29531.52,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 4297,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 51564,
Discounts: 463.2,
Sales: 51100.8,
COGS: 1158,
Profit: 49942.8,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2871,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 20097,
Discounts: 1629.6,
Sales: 18467.4,
COGS: 11640,
Profit: 6827.4,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3537,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 42444,
Discounts: 463.2,
Sales: 41980.8,
COGS: 1158,
Profit: 40822.8,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1598,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 199750,
Discounts: 43068.75,
Sales: 156681.25,
COGS: 413460,
Profit: 256778.75,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2616,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 327000,
Discounts: 18525,
Sales: 308475,
COGS: 177840,
Profit: 130635,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2836,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 992600,
Discounts: 80955,
Sales: 911645,
COGS: 601380,
Profit: 310265,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 4023,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 502875,
Discounts: 22550,
Sales: 480325,
COGS: 216480,
Profit: 263845,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3994,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 59910,
Discounts: 3108,
Sales: 56802,
COGS: 20720,
Profit: 36082,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2928,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 58560,
Discounts: 3908,
Sales: 54652,
COGS: 19540,
Profit: 35112,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2912,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 873600,
Discounts: 17730,
Sales: 855870,
COGS: 147750,
Profit: 708120,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3671,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 55065,
Discounts: 3250.5,
Sales: 51814.5,
COGS: 21670,
Profit: 30144.5,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2778,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 55560,
Discounts: 482,
Sales: 55078,
COGS: 2410,
Profit: 52668,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 405,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 6075,
Discounts: 1021.5,
Sales: 5053.5,
COGS: 6810,
Profit: 1756.5,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2013,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 30195,
Discounts: 765,
Sales: 29430,
COGS: 5100,
Profit: 24330,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2634,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 39510,
Discounts: 1185,
Sales: 38325,
COGS: 7900,
Profit: 30425,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 4166,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1458100,
Discounts: 22365,
Sales: 1435735,
COGS: 166140,
Profit: 1269595,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 355,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 44375,
Discounts: 19950,
Sales: 24425,
COGS: 191520,
Profit: 167095,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2382,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 714600,
Discounts: 68820,
Sales: 645780,
COGS: 573500,
Profit: 72280,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 4170,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 83400,
Discounts: 482,
Sales: 82918,
COGS: 2410,
Profit: 80508,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 892,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 6244,
Discounts: 1865.5,
Sales: 4378.5,
COGS: 13325,
Profit: 8946.5,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2200,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 275000,
Discounts: 23950,
Sales: 251050,
COGS: 229920,
Profit: 21130,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3389,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1016700,
Discounts: 25590,
Sales: 991110,
COGS: 213250,
Profit: 777860,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2990,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 373750,
Discounts: 4262.5,
Sales: 369487.5,
COGS: 40920,
Profit: 328567.5,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 4013,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 60195,
Discounts: 961.5,
Sales: 59233.5,
COGS: 6410,
Profit: 52823.5,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 739,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 258650,
Discounts: 98245,
Sales: 160405,
COGS: 729820,
Profit: 569415,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1989,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 596700,
Discounts: 12960,
Sales: 583740,
COGS: 108000,
Profit: 475740,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2991,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 897300,
Discounts: 68820,
Sales: 828480,
COGS: 573500,
Profit: 254980,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 4237,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 63555,
Discounts: 3250.5,
Sales: 60304.5,
COGS: 21670,
Profit: 38634.5,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1442,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 180250,
Discounts: 31612.5,
Sales: 148637.5,
COGS: 303480,
Profit: 154842.5,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2712,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 949200,
Discounts: 65450,
Sales: 883750,
COGS: 486200,
Profit: 397550,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1508,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 188500,
Discounts: 7237.5,
Sales: 181262.5,
COGS: 69480,
Profit: 111782.5,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4245,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1485750,
Discounts: 78400,
Sales: 1407350,
COGS: 582400,
Profit: 824950,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2630,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 789000,
Discounts: 89790,
Sales: 699210,
COGS: 748250,
Profit: 49040,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1182,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 14184,
Discounts: 4224.6,
Sales: 9959.4,
COGS: 10561.5,
Profit: 602.1,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1221,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 24420,
Discounts: 4078,
Sales: 20342,
COGS: 20390,
Profit: 48,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 963,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 11556,
Discounts: 3088.8,
Sales: 8467.2,
COGS: 7722,
Profit: 745.2,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 3243,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1135050,
Discounts: 24745,
Sales: 1110305,
COGS: 183820,
Profit: 926485,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1120,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 16800,
Discounts: 3108,
Sales: 13692,
COGS: 20720,
Profit: 7028,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1174,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 352200,
Discounts: 25590,
Sales: 326610,
COGS: 213250,
Profit: 113360,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2541,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 30492,
Discounts: 1581.36,
Sales: 28910.64,
COGS: 3594,
Profit: 25316.64,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3246,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 22722,
Discounts: 1949.64,
Sales: 20772.36,
COGS: 12660,
Profit: 8112.36,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1531,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 18372,
Discounts: 1581.36,
Sales: 16790.64,
COGS: 3594,
Profit: 13196.64,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2526,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 37890,
Discounts: 633.6,
Sales: 37256.4,
COGS: 3840,
Profit: 33416.4,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1136,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 13632,
Discounts: 623.04,
Sales: 13008.96,
COGS: 1416,
Profit: 11592.96,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1983,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 13881,
Discounts: 1215.83,
Sales: 12665.17,
COGS: 7895,
Profit: 4770.17,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3259,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 39108,
Discounts: 1326.6,
Sales: 37781.4,
COGS: 3015,
Profit: 34766.4,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 3267,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 49005,
Discounts: 5279.17,
Sales: 43725.82,
COGS: 31995,
Profit: 11730.82,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2454,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 29448,
Discounts: 623.04,
Sales: 28824.96,
COGS: 1416,
Profit: 27408.96,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2643,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 31716,
Discounts: 2556.84,
Sales: 29159.16,
COGS: 5811,
Profit: 23348.16,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 383,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 134050,
Discounts: 30492,
Sales: 103558,
COGS: 205920,
Profit: 102362,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2801,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 840300,
Discounts: 92763,
Sales: 747537,
COGS: 702750,
Profit: 44787,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1667,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 208375,
Discounts: 33563.75,
Sales: 174811.25,
COGS: 292920,
Profit: 118108.75,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3539,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 53085,
Discounts: 2574,
Sales: 50511,
COGS: 15600,
Profit: 34911,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 4226,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 29582,
Discounts: 2083.62,
Sales: 27498.38,
COGS: 13530,
Profit: 13968.38,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2220,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 777000,
Discounts: 29491,
Sales: 747509,
COGS: 199160,
Profit: 548349,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 776,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 15520,
Discounts: 6582.4,
Sales: 8937.6,
COGS: 29920,
Profit: 20982.4,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 553,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 8295,
Discounts: 3559.05,
Sales: 4735.95,
COGS: 21570,
Profit: 16834.05,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2107,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 632100,
Discounts: 28809,
Sales: 603291,
COGS: 218250,
Profit: 385041,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2468,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 49360,
Discounts: 2468.4,
Sales: 46891.6,
COGS: 11220,
Profit: 35671.6,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1905,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 666750,
Discounts: 81023.25,
Sales: 585726.75,
COGS: 547170,
Profit: 38556.75,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3658,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 43896,
Discounts: 5314.32,
Sales: 38581.68,
COGS: 12078,
Profit: 26503.68,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4301,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 51612,
Discounts: 3201.66,
Sales: 48410.34,
COGS: 7276.5,
Profit: 41133.84,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2446,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 48920,
Discounts: 5266.8,
Sales: 43653.2,
COGS: 23940,
Profit: 19713.2,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4209,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 63135,
Discounts: 3273.6,
Sales: 59861.4,
COGS: 19840,
Profit: 40021.4,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3353,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 419125,
Discounts: 33563.75,
Sales: 385561.25,
COGS: 292920,
Profit: 92641.25,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1401,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 28020,
Discounts: 6582.4,
Sales: 21437.6,
COGS: 29920,
Profit: 8482.4,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1865,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 559500,
Discounts: 45078,
Sales: 514422,
COGS: 341500,
Profit: 172922,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 463,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 9260,
Discounts: 6171,
Sales: 3089,
COGS: 28050,
Profit: 24961,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 4177,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 62655,
Discounts: 1080.75,
Sales: 61574.25,
COGS: 6550,
Profit: 55024.25,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2523,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 883050,
Discounts: 13244,
Sales: 869806,
COGS: 89440,
Profit: 780366,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1930,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 13510,
Discounts: 1392.16,
Sales: 12117.84,
COGS: 9040,
Profit: 3077.84,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1301,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 15612,
Discounts: 2288.88,
Sales: 13323.12,
COGS: 5202,
Profit: 8121.12,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 4125,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 515625,
Discounts: 7617.5,
Sales: 508007.5,
COGS: 66480,
Profit: 441527.5,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 607,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 12140,
Discounts: 6457,
Sales: 5683,
COGS: 29350,
Profit: 23667,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 478,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 59750,
Discounts: 43518.75,
Sales: 16231.25,
COGS: 379800,
Profit: 363568.75,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4489,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 89780,
Discounts: 5783.8,
Sales: 83996.2,
COGS: 26290,
Profit: 57706.2,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1504,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 188000,
Discounts: 19703.75,
Sales: 168296.25,
COGS: 171960,
Profit: 3663.75,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 3763,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 470375,
Discounts: 13021.25,
Sales: 457353.75,
COGS: 113640,
Profit: 343713.75,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2412,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 844200,
Discounts: 13244,
Sales: 830956,
COGS: 89440,
Profit: 741516,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2342,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 35130,
Discounts: 3559.05,
Sales: 31570.95,
COGS: 21570,
Profit: 10000.95,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4451,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 31157,
Discounts: 292.6,
Sales: 30864.4,
COGS: 1900,
Profit: 28964.4,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3796,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1328600,
Discounts: 37212,
Sales: 1291388,
COGS: 230360,
Profit: 1061028,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2286,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 285750,
Discounts: 36240,
Sales: 249510,
COGS: 289920,
Profit: 40410,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3614,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 451750,
Discounts: 32340,
Sales: 419410,
COGS: 258720,
Profit: 160690,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1716,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 25740,
Discounts: 4840.2,
Sales: 20899.8,
COGS: 26890,
Profit: 5990.2,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1301,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 19515,
Discounts: 1218.6,
Sales: 18296.4,
COGS: 6770,
Profit: 11526.4,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 4175,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1252500,
Discounts: 63828,
Sales: 1188672,
COGS: 443250,
Profit: 745422,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 975,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 6825,
Discounts: 2032.8,
Sales: 4792.2,
COGS: 12100,
Profit: 7307.8,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1154,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 8078,
Discounts: 2296.56,
Sales: 5781.44,
COGS: 13670,
Profit: 7888.56,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1873,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 37460,
Discounts: 4116,
Sales: 33344,
COGS: 17150,
Profit: 16194,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3766,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1129800,
Discounts: 42696,
Sales: 1087104,
COGS: 296500,
Profit: 790604,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3558,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1067400,
Discounts: 125820,
Sales: 941580,
COGS: 873750,
Profit: 67830,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3156,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1104600,
Discounts: 37212,
Sales: 1067388,
COGS: 230360,
Profit: 837028,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2994,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 374250,
Discounts: 32340,
Sales: 341910,
COGS: 258720,
Profit: 83190,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2087,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 41740,
Discounts: 2172,
Sales: 39568,
COGS: 9050,
Profit: 30518,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1056,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 21120,
Discounts: 4116,
Sales: 17004,
COGS: 17150,
Profit: 146,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1353,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 473550,
Discounts: 66948,
Sales: 406602,
COGS: 414440,
Profit: 7838,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 416,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 124800,
Discounts: 48924,
Sales: 75876,
COGS: 339750,
Profit: 263874,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3880,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1164000,
Discounts: 77400,
Sales: 1086600,
COGS: 537500,
Profit: 549100,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 809,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 283150,
Discounts: 50274,
Sales: 232876,
COGS: 311220,
Profit: 78344,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1892,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 28380,
Discounts: 684,
Sales: 27696,
COGS: 3800,
Profit: 23896,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2072,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 41440,
Discounts: 2959.2,
Sales: 38480.8,
COGS: 12330,
Profit: 26150.8,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3052,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1068200,
Discounts: 58590,
Sales: 1009610,
COGS: 362700,
Profit: 646910,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3121,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1092350,
Discounts: 41412,
Sales: 1050938,
COGS: 256360,
Profit: 794578,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2059,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 41180,
Discounts: 2172,
Sales: 39008,
COGS: 9050,
Profit: 29958,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 4254,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 51048,
Discounts: 3036.96,
Sales: 48011.04,
COGS: 6327,
Profit: 41684.04,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1293,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 19395,
Discounts: 6974.1,
Sales: 12420.9,
COGS: 38745,
Profit: 26324.1,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1293,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 452550,
Discounts: 26166,
Sales: 426384,
COGS: 161980,
Profit: 264404,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 230,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 80500,
Discounts: 41412,
Sales: 39088,
COGS: 256360,
Profit: 217272,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1723,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 215375,
Discounts: 35805,
Sales: 179570,
COGS: 286440,
Profit: 106870,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 240,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 4800,
Discounts: 2959.2,
Sales: 1840.8,
COGS: 12330,
Profit: 10489.2,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2571,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 899850,
Discounts: 11340,
Sales: 888510,
COGS: 70200,
Profit: 818310,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1661,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 11627,
Discounts: 2874.06,
Sales: 8752.94,
COGS: 17107.5,
Profit: 8354.56,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4474,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 31318,
Discounts: 2296.56,
Sales: 29021.44,
COGS: 13670,
Profit: 15351.44,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 833,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 12495,
Discounts: 4586.4,
Sales: 7908.6,
COGS: 25480,
Profit: 17571.4,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 674,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 13480,
Discounts: 6051.6,
Sales: 7428.4,
COGS: 25215,
Profit: 17786.6,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 778,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 9336,
Discounts: 3831.84,
Sales: 5504.16,
COGS: 7983,
Profit: 2478.84,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1457,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 29140,
Discounts: 3674.4,
Sales: 25465.6,
COGS: 15310,
Profit: 10155.6,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3158,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 22106,
Discounts: 1252.44,
Sales: 20853.56,
COGS: 7455,
Profit: 13398.56,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 4095,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 81900,
Discounts: 3674.4,
Sales: 78225.6,
COGS: 15310,
Profit: 62915.6,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 3170,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 38040,
Discounts: 3975.84,
Sales: 34064.16,
COGS: 8283,
Profit: 25781.16,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 493,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 7395,
Discounts: 5005.65,
Sales: 2389.35,
COGS: 25670,
Profit: 23280.65,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3286,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 49290,
Discounts: 5005.65,
Sales: 44284.35,
COGS: 25670,
Profit: 18614.35,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3563,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1247050,
Discounts: 41996.5,
Sales: 1205053.5,
COGS: 239980,
Profit: 965073.5,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 4109,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1438150,
Discounts: 81445,
Sales: 1356705,
COGS: 465400,
Profit: 891305,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3653,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 73060,
Discounts: 1149.2,
Sales: 71910.8,
COGS: 4420,
Profit: 67490.8,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2203,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 771050,
Discounts: 44703.75,
Sales: 726346.25,
COGS: 255450,
Profit: 470896.25,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2924,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 20468,
Discounts: 1181.18,
Sales: 19286.82,
COGS: 6490,
Profit: 12796.82,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2650,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 31800,
Discounts: 942.24,
Sales: 30857.76,
COGS: 1812,
Profit: 29045.76,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1194,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 23880,
Discounts: 5863,
Sales: 18017,
COGS: 22550,
Profit: 4533,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3366,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 67320,
Discounts: 3247.4,
Sales: 64072.6,
COGS: 12490,
Profit: 51582.6,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1325,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 9275,
Discounts: 1309.04,
Sales: 7965.97,
COGS: 7192.5,
Profit: 773.47,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4243,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1272900,
Discounts: 31473,
Sales: 1241427,
COGS: 201750,
Profit: 1039677,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2887,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 57740,
Discounts: 6866.6,
Sales: 50873.4,
COGS: 26410,
Profit: 24463.4,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3839,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 76780,
Discounts: 7040.8,
Sales: 69739.2,
COGS: 27080,
Profit: 42659.2,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1863,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 652050,
Discounts: 119756,
Sales: 532294,
COGS: 684320,
Profit: 152026,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2858,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 357250,
Discounts: 25723.75,
Sales: 331526.25,
COGS: 189960,
Profit: 141566.25,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2868,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 34416,
Discounts: 890.76,
Sales: 33525.24,
COGS: 1713,
Profit: 31812.24,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3805,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 26635,
Discounts: 2453.36,
Sales: 24181.64,
COGS: 13480,
Profit: 10701.64,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3914,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 58710,
Discounts: 3051.75,
Sales: 55658.25,
COGS: 15650,
Profit: 40008.25,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 524,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 10480,
Discounts: 3247.4,
Sales: 7232.6,
COGS: 12490,
Profit: 5257.4,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3095,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1083250,
Discounts: 16243.5,
Sales: 1067006.5,
COGS: 92820,
Profit: 974186.5,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2410,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 28920,
Discounts: 1580.28,
Sales: 27339.72,
COGS: 3039,
Profit: 24300.72,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 4263,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 63945,
Discounts: 7795.13,
Sales: 56149.88,
COGS: 39975,
Profit: 16174.88,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2239,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 783650,
Discounts: 119756,
Sales: 663894,
COGS: 684320,
Profit: 20426,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 569,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 3983,
Discounts: 1082.9,
Sales: 2900.1,
COGS: 5950,
Profit: 3049.9,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3889,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 46668,
Discounts: 942.24,
Sales: 45725.76,
COGS: 1812,
Profit: 43913.76,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1378,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 20670,
Discounts: 1287,
Sales: 19383,
COGS: 6600,
Profit: 12783,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2253,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 27036,
Discounts: 639.6,
Sales: 26396.4,
COGS: 1230,
Profit: 25166.4,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3202,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 960600,
Discounts: 101595,
Sales: 859005,
COGS: 651250,
Profit: 207755,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3835,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 46020,
Discounts: 1580.28,
Sales: 44439.72,
COGS: 3039,
Profit: 41400.72,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2487,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 310875,
Discounts: 25723.75,
Sales: 285151.25,
COGS: 189960,
Profit: 95191.25,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 4428,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 66420,
Discounts: 3051.75,
Sales: 63368.25,
COGS: 15650,
Profit: 47718.25,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1200,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 150000,
Discounts: 26958.75,
Sales: 123041.25,
COGS: 199080,
Profit: 76038.75,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2953,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 20671,
Discounts: 1082.9,
Sales: 19588.1,
COGS: 5950,
Profit: 13638.1,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1453,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 17436,
Discounts: 639.6,
Sales: 16796.4,
COGS: 1230,
Profit: 15566.4,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 865,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 10380,
Discounts: 2761.2,
Sales: 7618.8,
COGS: 5310,
Profit: 2308.8,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1072,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 21440,
Discounts: 7221.2,
Sales: 14218.8,
COGS: 25790,
Profit: 11571.2,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1737,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 34740,
Discounts: 4880.4,
Sales: 29859.6,
COGS: 17430,
Profit: 12429.6,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1535,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 10745,
Discounts: 2936.08,
Sales: 7808.92,
COGS: 14980,
Profit: 7171.08,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2532,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 17724,
Discounts: 274.4,
Sales: 17449.6,
COGS: 1400,
Profit: 16049.6,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1765,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 12355,
Discounts: 287.14,
Sales: 12067.86,
COGS: 1465,
Profit: 10602.86,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1567,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 10969,
Discounts: 2936.08,
Sales: 8032.92,
COGS: 14980,
Profit: 6947.08,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2640,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 39600,
Discounts: 583.8,
Sales: 39016.2,
COGS: 2780,
Profit: 36236.2,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3079,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 61580,
Discounts: 6798.4,
Sales: 54781.6,
COGS: 24280,
Profit: 30501.6,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4130,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 61950,
Discounts: 3710.7,
Sales: 58239.3,
COGS: 17670,
Profit: 40569.3,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2938,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 35256,
Discounts: 2340.24,
Sales: 32915.76,
COGS: 4179,
Profit: 28736.76,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3080,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 21560,
Discounts: 274.4,
Sales: 21285.6,
COGS: 1400,
Profit: 19885.6,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1530,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 18360,
Discounts: 2340.24,
Sales: 16019.76,
COGS: 4179,
Profit: 11840.76,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 3537,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 42444,
Discounts: 3385.2,
Sales: 39058.8,
COGS: 6045,
Profit: 33013.8,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2021,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 606300,
Discounts: 33642,
Sales: 572658,
COGS: 200250,
Profit: 372408,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1804,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 225500,
Discounts: 17902.5,
Sales: 207597.5,
COGS: 122760,
Profit: 84837.5,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1014,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 304200,
Discounts: 62832,
Sales: 241368,
COGS: 374000,
Profit: 132632,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2913,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 873900,
Discounts: 42420,
Sales: 831480,
COGS: 252500,
Profit: 578980,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 763,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 11445,
Discounts: 3177.3,
Sales: 8267.7,
COGS: 15130,
Profit: 6862.3,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1425,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 21375,
Discounts: 4830,
Sales: 16545,
COGS: 23000,
Profit: 6455,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 4357,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 544625,
Discounts: 49367.5,
Sales: 495257.5,
COGS: 338520,
Profit: 156737.5,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2138,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 748300,
Discounts: 109147.5,
Sales: 639152.5,
COGS: 579150,
Profit: 60002.5,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3825,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1338750,
Discounts: 58751,
Sales: 1279999,
COGS: 311740,
Profit: 968259,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3393,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1187550,
Discounts: 9800,
Sales: 1177750,
COGS: 52000,
Profit: 1125750,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2215,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 15505,
Discounts: 380.24,
Sales: 15124.76,
COGS: 1940,
Profit: 13184.76,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2278,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 15946,
Discounts: 1692.46,
Sales: 14253.54,
COGS: 8635,
Profit: 5618.54,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 403,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 6045,
Discounts: 4830,
Sales: 1215,
COGS: 23000,
Profit: 21785,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 289,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 5780,
Discounts: 728,
Sales: 5052,
COGS: 2600,
Profit: 2452,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 749,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 11235,
Discounts: 5187,
Sales: 6048,
COGS: 24700,
Profit: 18652,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 372,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 5580,
Discounts: 3660.3,
Sales: 1919.7,
COGS: 17430,
Profit: 15510.3,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3781,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 45372,
Discounts: 4895.52,
Sales: 40476.48,
COGS: 8742,
Profit: 31734.48,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1785,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 12495,
Discounts: 1696.38,
Sales: 10798.62,
COGS: 8655,
Profit: 2143.62,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4029,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1410150,
Discounts: 34300,
Sales: 1375850,
COGS: 182000,
Profit: 1193850,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2813,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 33756,
Discounts: 3732.96,
Sales: 30023.04,
COGS: 6666,
Profit: 23357.04,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2150,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 752500,
Discounts: 57673,
Sales: 694827,
COGS: 306020,
Profit: 388807,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2093,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 732550,
Discounts: 94178,
Sales: 638372,
COGS: 499720,
Profit: 138652,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 4391,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 548875,
Discounts: 27562.5,
Sales: 521312.5,
COGS: 189000,
Profit: 332312.5,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2695,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 53900,
Discounts: 1696.8,
Sales: 52203.2,
COGS: 6060,
Profit: 46143.2,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1337,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 401100,
Discounts: 103320,
Sales: 297780,
COGS: 615000,
Profit: 317220,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2621,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 786300,
Discounts: 11298,
Sales: 775002,
COGS: 67250,
Profit: 707752,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3735,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1120500,
Discounts: 106512,
Sales: 1013988,
COGS: 634000,
Profit: 379988,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 4320,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 30240,
Discounts: 2844.94,
Sales: 27395.06,
COGS: 14515,
Profit: 12880.06,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2828,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 848400,
Discounts: 106722,
Sales: 741678,
COGS: 635250,
Profit: 106428,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2586,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 775800,
Discounts: 11298,
Sales: 764502,
COGS: 67250,
Profit: 697252,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1248,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 374400,
Discounts: 62832,
Sales: 311568,
COGS: 374000,
Profit: 62432,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 4035,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1210500,
Discounts: 42420,
Sales: 1168080,
COGS: 252500,
Profit: 915580,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 359,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 125650,
Discounts: 62769,
Sales: 62881,
COGS: 333060,
Profit: 270179,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 3926,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1177800,
Discounts: 37296,
Sales: 1140504,
COGS: 222000,
Profit: 918504,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4247,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 530875,
Discounts: 49770,
Sales: 481105,
COGS: 341280,
Profit: 139825,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2695,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 32340,
Discounts: 4158,
Sales: 28182,
COGS: 7425,
Profit: 20757,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1104,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 16560,
Discounts: 3660.3,
Sales: 12899.7,
COGS: 17430,
Profit: 4530.3,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1449,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 17388,
Discounts: 4895.52,
Sales: 12492.48,
COGS: 8742,
Profit: 3750.48,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1131,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 7917,
Discounts: 1696.38,
Sales: 6220.62,
COGS: 8655,
Profit: 2434.38,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1468,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 10276,
Discounts: 1692.46,
Sales: 8583.54,
COGS: 8635,
Profit: 51.46,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1272,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 19080,
Discounts: 3927,
Sales: 15153,
COGS: 18700,
Profit: 3547,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1403,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 175375,
Discounts: 22012.5,
Sales: 153362.5,
COGS: 140880,
Profit: 12482.5,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2161,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 270125,
Discounts: 51881.25,
Sales: 218243.75,
COGS: 332040,
Profit: 113796.25,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1937,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 242125,
Discounts: 20343.75,
Sales: 221781.25,
COGS: 130200,
Profit: 91581.25,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2879,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 863700,
Discounts: 24570,
Sales: 839130,
COGS: 136500,
Profit: 702630,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1330,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 26600,
Discounts: 3474,
Sales: 23126,
COGS: 11580,
Profit: 11546,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2426,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 36390,
Discounts: 3631.5,
Sales: 32758.5,
COGS: 16140,
Profit: 16618.5,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2033,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 14231,
Discounts: 2661.75,
Sales: 11569.25,
COGS: 12675,
Profit: 1105.75,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2029,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 710150,
Discounts: 149677.5,
Sales: 560472.5,
COGS: 741260,
Profit: 180787.5,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1049,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 15735,
Discounts: 5757.75,
Sales: 9977.25,
COGS: 25590,
Profit: 15612.75,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1062,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 21240,
Discounts: 801,
Sales: 20439,
COGS: 2670,
Profit: 17769,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2509,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 313625,
Discounts: 20343.75,
Sales: 293281.25,
COGS: 130200,
Profit: 163081.25,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1743,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 26145,
Discounts: 2643.75,
Sales: 23501.25,
COGS: 11750,
Profit: 11751.25,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3418,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1196300,
Discounts: 105367.5,
Sales: 1090932.5,
COGS: 521820,
Profit: 569112.5,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1751,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 612850,
Discounts: 112927.5,
Sales: 499922.5,
COGS: 559260,
Profit: 59337.5,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3228,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 38736,
Discounts: 1645.2,
Sales: 37090.8,
COGS: 2742,
Profit: 34348.8,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1105,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 22100,
Discounts: 879,
Sales: 21221,
COGS: 2930,
Profit: 18291,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2778,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 33336,
Discounts: 900,
Sales: 32436,
COGS: 1500,
Profit: 30936,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1173,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 17595,
Discounts: 6358.5,
Sales: 11236.5,
COGS: 28260,
Profit: 17023.5,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3160,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 395000,
Discounts: 12431.25,
Sales: 382568.75,
COGS: 79560,
Profit: 303008.75,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 4322,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1296600,
Discounts: 115830,
Sales: 1180770,
COGS: 643500,
Profit: 537270,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1901,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 237625,
Discounts: 45712.5,
Sales: 191912.5,
COGS: 292560,
Profit: 100647.5,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2980,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 35760,
Discounts: 1645.2,
Sales: 34114.8,
COGS: 2742,
Profit: 31372.8,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 4068,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 81360,
Discounts: 2596.5,
Sales: 78763.5,
COGS: 8655,
Profit: 70108.5,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2105,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 31575,
Discounts: 1107,
Sales: 30468,
COGS: 4920,
Profit: 25548,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1647,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 32940,
Discounts: 801,
Sales: 32139,
COGS: 2670,
Profit: 29469,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 235,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 3525,
Discounts: 2643.75,
Sales: 881.25,
COGS: 11750,
Profit: 10868.75,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3617,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 452125,
Discounts: 55387.5,
Sales: 396737.5,
COGS: 354480,
Profit: 42257.5,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2106,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 263250,
Discounts: 10350,
Sales: 252900,
COGS: 66240,
Profit: 186660,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2351,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 47020,
Discounts: 879,
Sales: 46141,
COGS: 2930,
Profit: 43211,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1897,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 569100,
Discounts: 111375,
Sales: 457725,
COGS: 618750,
Profit: 161025,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 647,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 194100,
Discounts: 24570,
Sales: 169530,
COGS: 136500,
Profit: 33030,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3621,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 25347,
Discounts: 1436.4,
Sales: 23910.6,
COGS: 6840,
Profit: 17070.6,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3221,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 22547,
Discounts: 759.15,
Sales: 21787.85,
COGS: 3615,
Profit: 18172.85,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 493,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 5916,
Discounts: 3250.8,
Sales: 2665.2,
COGS: 5418,
Profit: 2752.8,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
tsimport 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids/combined';
import { IgcPivotGridComponent, IgcPivotConfiguration, IgcPivotDataSelectorComponent, IgcPivotDateDimension } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids';
import { PivotSalesData } from './PivotSalesData';
import "igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids/themes/light/bootstrap.css";
export class Sample {
private _pivotConfiguration: any | null = null;
public get pivotConfiguration(): any {
if (this._pivotConfiguration == null)
const dateDim = new IgcPivotDateDimension({
memberName: "Date",
enabled: true
months: false
} );
const pivotConfiguration: any = {
columns: [
memberName: "Country",
enabled: true
memberName: "Product",
enabled: true
rows: [
memberName: "MonthName",
enabled: false
values: [
member: "Sales",
dataType: 'currency',
aggregate: {
key: "SUM",
aggregatorName: 'SUM',
label: "Sum"
member: "Profit",
dataType: 'currency',
aggregate: {
key: "SUM",
aggregatorName: 'SUM',
label: "Sum"
this._pivotConfiguration = pivotConfiguration;
return this._pivotConfiguration;
private _bind: () => void;
constructor() {
var grid = document.getElementById('grid') as IgcPivotGridComponent;
var selector = document.getElementById('selector') as unknown as IgcPivotDataSelectorComponent;
this._bind = () => {
grid.pivotConfiguration = this.pivotConfiguration; = this.pivotSalesData;
selector.grid = grid;
private _pivotSalesData: PivotSalesData = null;
public get pivotSalesData(): PivotSalesData {
if (this._pivotSalesData == null)
this._pivotSalesData = new PivotSalesData();
return this._pivotSalesData;
new Sample();
ts<!DOCTYPE html>
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<igc-pivot-data-selector id="selector"></igc-pivot-data-selector>
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Getting Started With Web Components Pivot Grid
El Web Components IgcPivotGrid se puede configurar a través de la pivotConfiguration
<igc-pivot-grid #grid1 data="data" pivot-configuration="pivotConfigHierarchy">
Se define por tres dimensiones principales: filas, columnas y valores. Las filas y columnas definen la estructura agrupada que se muestra en las filas y columnas de la cuadrícula. Los valores definen los campos de agregación y la agregación que se utilizará para calcular y mostrar los valores relacionados de los grupos.
También se puede definir un filtro a través de la propiedad de configuración de filtros. Se puede usar para campos que no desea agregar como una dimensión o un valor, pero le gustaría filtrar sus valores de miembros relacionados a través de la interfaz de usuario.
Dimensions Configuration
Cada configuración de dimensión básica requiere un MemberName
que coincida con un campo de los datos proporcionados.
Se pueden definir varias dimensiones hermanas, lo que crea un grupo anidado más complejo en el área de dimensión de fila o columna relacionada.
Las dimensiones se pueden reordenar o mover de un área a otra mediante sus correspondientes chips mediante arrastrar y soltar.
Una dimensión también puede describir una jerarquía expandible a través de la ChildLevel
propiedad, por ejemplo:
memberFunction: () => 'All',
memberName: 'AllProducts',
enabled: true,
childLevel: {
memberFunction: (data) => data.ProductCategory,
memberName: 'ProductCategory',
enabled: true
En este caso, la dimensión representa un expansor en la sección relacionada de la cuadrícula (fila o columna) y permite que los elementos secundarios se expandan o contraigan como parte de la jerarquía. De forma predeterminada, las dimensiones de fila se expanden inicialmente. Este comportamiento se puede controlar con la defaultExpandState
propiedad de la cuadrícula dinámica.
Predefined Dimensions
Como parte de la cuadrícula dinámica, se exponen algunas dimensiones predefinidas adicionales para facilitar la configuración:
Se puede utilizar para campos de fecha. Describe la siguiente jerarquía de forma predeterminada:- Todos los periodos
- Años
- Cuarteles
- Meses
- Fecha completa
Se puede configurar para filas o columnas, por ejemplo:
public pivotConfigHierarchy: IgcPivotConfiguration = {
rows: [
new IgcPivotDateDimension({ memberName: 'Date', enabled: true });
También permite una mayor personalización a través del segundo parámetro de opción para habilitar o deshabilitar una parte particular de la jerarquía, por ejemplo:
new IgcPivotDateDimension({ memberName: 'Date', enabled: true }, {
total: true,
years: true,
months: true,
fullDate: true,
quarters: false
Values Configuration
Una configuración de valor requiere un miembro que coincida con un campo de los datos proporcionados, o puede definir una función de agregador personalizado para escenarios personalizados más complejos. Fuera de la caja, hay 4 agregaciones predefinidas que se pueden usar según el tipo de datos del campo de datos:
: para campos numéricos. Contiene las siguientes funciones de agregación:SUM
: para campos de fecha. Contiene las siguientes funciones de agregación:LATEST
: para campos de tiempo. Contiene las siguientes funciones de agregación:LATEST
: para cualquier otro tipo de datos. Esta es la agregación base. Contiene las siguientes funciones de agregación:COUNT
La función de agregación actual se puede cambiar en tiempo de ejecución utilizando el menú desplegable del chip de valor. De forma predeterminada, muestra una lista de agregaciones disponibles según el tipo de datos del campo. También se puede establecer una lista personalizada de agregaciones a través de la propiedad AggregateList
, por ejemplo:
public pivotConfigHierarchy: IgcPivotConfiguration = {
values: [
member: 'AmountOfSale',
displayName: 'Amount of Sale',
aggregate: {
key: 'SUM',
aggregator: IgcTotalSaleAggregate.totalSale,
label: 'Sum of Sale'
aggregateList: [{
key: 'SUM',
aggregator: IgcTotalSaleAggregate.totalSale,
label: 'Sum of Sale'
}, {
key: 'MIN',
aggregator: IgcTotalSaleAggregate.totalMin,
label: 'Minimum of Sale'
}, {
key: 'MAX',
aggregator: IgcTotalSaleAggregate.totalMax,
label: 'Maximum of Sale'
public static totalSale: PivotAggregation = (members, data: any) =>
data.reduce((accumulator, value) => accumulator + value.UnitPrice * value.UnitsSold, 0);
public static totalMin: PivotAggregation = (members, data: any) => {
return => x.UnitPrice * x.UnitsSold).reduce((a, b) => Math.min(a, b));
public static totalMax: PivotAggregation = (members, data: any) => {
return => x.UnitPrice * x.UnitsSold).reduce((a, b) => Math.max(a,b));
El valor de pivote también proporciona una displayName
propiedad. Se puede utilizar para mostrar un nombre personalizado para este valor en el encabezado de la columna.
Enable Property
es la interfaz que describe el estado actual del componente IgcPivotGridComponent
. Con él, el desarrollador puede declarar campos de datos como filas, columnas, filtros o valores. La configuración permite habilitar o deshabilitar cada uno de estos elementos por separado. Solo los elementos habilitados se incluyen en el estado actual de Pivot Grid. El componente IgcPivotDataSelectorComponent
utiliza la misma configuración y muestra una lista de todos los elementos, habilitados y deshabilitados. Para cada uno de ellos hay una casilla de verificación en el estado correspondiente. Los usuarios finales pueden modificar fácilmente el estado de pivote alternando los diferentes elementos usando estas casillas de verificación. La propiedad Enable
controla si un IgcPivotDimension
o IgcPivotValue
determinado está activo y participa en la vista dinámica representada por Pivot Grid.
Full Configuration Code
Echemos un vistazo a una configuración de pivote básica:
public pivotConfigHierarchy: IgcPivotConfiguration = {
columns: [
memberName: 'ProductName',
memberFunction: (data) => data.ProductName,
enabled: true
memberName: 'SellerCity',
memberFunction: (data) => data.SellerCity,
enabled: true
rows: [
memberName: 'SellerName',
memberFunction: (data) => data.SellerName,
enabled: true,
values: [
member: 'AmountofSale',
displayName: "Amount of Sale",
aggregate: {
aggregator: IgcPivotNumericAggregate.sum,
key: 'SUM',
label: 'Sum of Sale'
enabled: true
Esta configuración define 1 fila, 1 columna y 1 agregación que suma los valores de cada grupo de dimensiones. Los miembros coinciden con los campos disponibles en la fuente de datos proporcionada:
public data = [
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 12.8,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `2007-01-01T00:00:00`,
Value: 94.4,
NumberOfUnits: 282
Full Configuration Example
El uso del código anterior dará como resultado el siguiente ejemplo, que agrupa las columnas únicas Fecha, Nombre del producto y Ciudad del vendedor en filas únicas y muestra las agregaciones relacionadas para el importe de la venta en las celdas relacionadas:
export class PivotDataFlatItem {
public constructor(init: Partial<PivotDataFlatItem>) {
Object.assign(this, init);
public ProductName: string;
public ProductUnitPrice: number;
public SellerName: string;
public SellerCity: string;
public Date: string;
public Value: number;
public NumberOfUnits: number;
export class PivotDataFlat extends Array<PivotDataFlatItem> {
public constructor(items: Array<PivotDataFlatItem> | number = -1) {
if (Array.isArray(items)) {
} else {
const newItems = [
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 12.8,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `01/01/2007`,
Value: 94.4,
NumberOfUnits: 282
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 49.6,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `01/05/2007`,
Value: 70.8,
NumberOfUnits: 296
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 3.6,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `01/06/2007`,
Value: 35.8,
NumberOfUnits: 68
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 85.6,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `01/07/2007`,
Value: 41.4,
NumberOfUnits: 293
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 18.2,
SellerName: `John Smith`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `01/08/2007`,
Value: 60.6,
NumberOfUnits: 240
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 68.4,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `01/12/2007`,
Value: 38,
NumberOfUnits: 456
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 16.2,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `02/09/2007`,
Value: 89.2,
NumberOfUnits: 492
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 35.2,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `02/16/2007`,
Value: 2,
NumberOfUnits: 78
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 73.2,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `02/17/2007`,
Value: 4.6,
NumberOfUnits: 150
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 73.6,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `02/19/2007`,
Value: 36.2,
NumberOfUnits: 262
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 47.2,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `02/21/2007`,
Value: 18.8,
NumberOfUnits: 125
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 51.4,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `03/04/2007`,
Value: 11.6,
NumberOfUnits: 42
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 27.6,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `03/04/2007`,
Value: 41.4,
NumberOfUnits: 282
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 22.4,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `03/17/2007`,
Value: 59.8,
NumberOfUnits: 305
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 85.4,
SellerName: `Glenn Landeros`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `03/23/2007`,
Value: 31.4,
NumberOfUnits: 265
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 80.8,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `03/25/2007`,
Value: 90.4,
NumberOfUnits: 350
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 64.6,
SellerName: `Glenn Landeros`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `03/27/2007`,
Value: 95.4,
NumberOfUnits: 82
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 50,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `04/02/2007`,
Value: 1.4,
NumberOfUnits: 67
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 16.4,
SellerName: `Brandon Mckim`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `04/04/2007`,
Value: 25.4,
NumberOfUnits: 370
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 50,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `04/12/2007`,
Value: 46.4,
NumberOfUnits: 228
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 44.8,
SellerName: `Bryan Culver`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `04/15/2007`,
Value: 82.2,
NumberOfUnits: 272
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 44.4,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `04/18/2007`,
Value: 84,
NumberOfUnits: 227
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 39.4,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `04/18/2007`,
Value: 94.4,
NumberOfUnits: 248
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 36.6,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `04/21/2007`,
Value: 45.8,
NumberOfUnits: 414
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 75.8,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `04/25/2007`,
Value: 97.6,
NumberOfUnits: 43
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 57.8,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `04/26/2007`,
Value: 21,
NumberOfUnits: 71
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 40.2,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `05/14/2007`,
Value: 72,
NumberOfUnits: 321
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 49.6,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `05/17/2007`,
Value: 49.6,
NumberOfUnits: 329
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 56.6,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `05/17/2007`,
Value: 72.8,
NumberOfUnits: 88
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 67.2,
SellerName: `Glenn Landeros`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `05/26/2007`,
Value: 56.2,
NumberOfUnits: 366
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 14.6,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `06/02/2007`,
Value: 81.4,
NumberOfUnits: 450
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 89.4,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `06/06/2007`,
Value: 19,
NumberOfUnits: 475
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 33.8,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `06/11/2007`,
Value: 55,
NumberOfUnits: 195
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 54.2,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `06/17/2007`,
Value: 71.6,
NumberOfUnits: 458
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 18.4,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `07/04/2007`,
Value: 24.2,
NumberOfUnits: 7
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 96.2,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `07/08/2007`,
Value: 57.6,
NumberOfUnits: 158
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 23,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `07/09/2007`,
Value: 58.8,
NumberOfUnits: 34
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 52.8,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `07/10/2007`,
Value: 32.4,
NumberOfUnits: 412
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 62.2,
SellerName: `John Smith`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `07/15/2007`,
Value: 85,
NumberOfUnits: 10
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 10.8,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `07/16/2007`,
Value: 52.2,
NumberOfUnits: 466
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 4.8,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `07/20/2007`,
Value: 34.2,
NumberOfUnits: 248
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 43.8,
SellerName: `Brandon Mckim`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `07/24/2007`,
Value: 45.6,
NumberOfUnits: 307
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 76.4,
SellerName: `Glenn Landeros`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `07/26/2007`,
Value: 26.2,
NumberOfUnits: 445
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 34.4,
SellerName: `Bryan Culver`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `08/01/2007`,
Value: 89.2,
NumberOfUnits: 480
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 68.6,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `08/02/2007`,
Value: 38.2,
NumberOfUnits: 390
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 65.2,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `08/05/2007`,
Value: 23.2,
NumberOfUnits: 388
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 45,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `08/19/2007`,
Value: 23.4,
NumberOfUnits: 37
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 93.6,
SellerName: `John Smith`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `08/24/2007`,
Value: 17.4,
NumberOfUnits: 237
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 94.4,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `08/26/2007`,
Value: 54.6,
NumberOfUnits: 396
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 72.4,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `08/26/2007`,
Value: 61,
NumberOfUnits: 3
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 80.6,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `09/02/2007`,
Value: 85.2,
NumberOfUnits: 330
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 65.4,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `09/04/2007`,
Value: 51.2,
NumberOfUnits: 143
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 30.6,
SellerName: `Bryan Culver`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `09/05/2007`,
Value: 55.2,
NumberOfUnits: 318
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 7.6,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `09/06/2007`,
Value: 41.8,
NumberOfUnits: 393
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 47,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `09/10/2007`,
Value: 9.2,
NumberOfUnits: 129
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 38,
SellerName: `Glenn Landeros`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `09/17/2007`,
Value: 25.6,
NumberOfUnits: 426
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 2.6,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `09/18/2007`,
Value: 36.4,
NumberOfUnits: 217
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 77.6,
SellerName: `John Smith`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `09/20/2007`,
Value: 28,
NumberOfUnits: 152
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 97.2,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `09/25/2007`,
Value: 21.8,
NumberOfUnits: 452
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 19.8,
SellerName: `Carl Costello`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `10/02/2007`,
Value: 98.4,
NumberOfUnits: 499
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 32.8,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `10/06/2007`,
Value: 79.6,
NumberOfUnits: 169
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 22,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `10/14/2007`,
Value: 69.6,
NumberOfUnits: 386
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 35.6,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `10/14/2007`,
Value: 27.8,
NumberOfUnits: 454
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 47,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `10/25/2007`,
Value: 82.2,
NumberOfUnits: 334
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 41.2,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `10/26/2007`,
Value: 54.4,
NumberOfUnits: 107
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 13.8,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `11/07/2007`,
Value: 86.2,
NumberOfUnits: 275
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 64.2,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `11/09/2007`,
Value: 37.8,
NumberOfUnits: 241
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 1.2,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `11/11/2007`,
Value: 75.2,
NumberOfUnits: 177
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 57.8,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `11/13/2007`,
Value: 58.6,
NumberOfUnits: 494
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 39.6,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `11/19/2007`,
Value: 40.8,
NumberOfUnits: 451
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 5.2,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `01/01/2008`,
Value: 91.8,
NumberOfUnits: 125
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 53.4,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `01/02/2008`,
Value: 31,
NumberOfUnits: 103
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 52.2,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `01/03/2008`,
Value: 43,
NumberOfUnits: 224
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 17.8,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `01/07/2008`,
Value: 47.6,
NumberOfUnits: 498
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 80.8,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `01/08/2008`,
Value: 15.6,
NumberOfUnits: 142
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 95.4,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `01/21/2008`,
Value: 87.2,
NumberOfUnits: 487
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 21.8,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `01/27/2008`,
Value: 14.6,
NumberOfUnits: 331
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 30,
SellerName: `Glenn Landeros`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `02/03/2008`,
Value: 99.2,
NumberOfUnits: 418
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 39.8,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `02/04/2008`,
Value: 61,
NumberOfUnits: 214
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 40.4,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `02/05/2008`,
Value: 81.8,
NumberOfUnits: 229
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 35.2,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `02/05/2008`,
Value: 54.4,
NumberOfUnits: 16
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 41.8,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `02/08/2008`,
Value: 18,
NumberOfUnits: 216
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 0.8,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `02/09/2008`,
Value: 85,
NumberOfUnits: 486
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 37.6,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `02/13/2008`,
Value: 45.2,
NumberOfUnits: 172
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 20.8,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `02/21/2008`,
Value: 60.6,
NumberOfUnits: 102
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 70.8,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `02/24/2008`,
Value: 43,
NumberOfUnits: 36
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 53.4,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `02/25/2008`,
Value: 11,
NumberOfUnits: 71
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 25,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `02/25/2008`,
Value: 17,
NumberOfUnits: 53
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 64.6,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `02/25/2008`,
Value: 99,
NumberOfUnits: 104
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 9.6,
SellerName: `Brandon Mckim`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `02/26/2008`,
Value: 96.2,
NumberOfUnits: 294
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 41.2,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `03/03/2008`,
Value: 93.8,
NumberOfUnits: 454
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 37,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `03/05/2008`,
Value: 82.8,
NumberOfUnits: 492
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 16.8,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `03/08/2008`,
Value: 0.8,
NumberOfUnits: 132
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 24.8,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `03/09/2008`,
Value: 88.6,
NumberOfUnits: 225
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 65.6,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `03/10/2008`,
Value: 69.2,
NumberOfUnits: 422
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 70.6,
SellerName: `Glenn Landeros`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `03/12/2008`,
Value: 97.2,
NumberOfUnits: 303
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 65.2,
SellerName: `Carl Costello`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `03/13/2008`,
Value: 46.4,
NumberOfUnits: 319
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 39.6,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `03/14/2008`,
Value: 48.6,
NumberOfUnits: 262
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 50.8,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `03/23/2008`,
Value: 91.8,
NumberOfUnits: 345
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 88.4,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `04/03/2008`,
Value: 87.4,
NumberOfUnits: 407
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 47.4,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `04/04/2008`,
Value: 15.2,
NumberOfUnits: 121
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 30.4,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `04/06/2008`,
Value: 44.4,
NumberOfUnits: 30
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 88.2,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `04/11/2008`,
Value: 25.4,
NumberOfUnits: 293
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 16.6,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `04/12/2008`,
Value: 55.2,
NumberOfUnits: 271
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 95.2,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `04/18/2008`,
Value: 25.8,
NumberOfUnits: 107
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 7.8,
SellerName: `Bryan Culver`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `04/18/2008`,
Value: 54.6,
NumberOfUnits: 87
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 94.8,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `04/23/2008`,
Value: 79,
NumberOfUnits: 319
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 37.2,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `04/24/2008`,
Value: 21.6,
NumberOfUnits: 346
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 99.4,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `05/07/2008`,
Value: 77.8,
NumberOfUnits: 382
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 96.2,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `05/11/2008`,
Value: 35.4,
NumberOfUnits: 334
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 26.2,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `05/13/2008`,
Value: 28.8,
NumberOfUnits: 176
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 80.8,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `05/19/2008`,
Value: 8.4,
NumberOfUnits: 125
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 78.4,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `05/19/2008`,
Value: 15,
NumberOfUnits: 458
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 94,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `05/25/2008`,
Value: 68.6,
NumberOfUnits: 331
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 96.6,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `05/27/2008`,
Value: 71,
NumberOfUnits: 39
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 37.6,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `06/06/2008`,
Value: 97.2,
NumberOfUnits: 238
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 47,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `06/07/2008`,
Value: 5.8,
NumberOfUnits: 84
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 80.2,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `06/08/2008`,
Value: 24.8,
NumberOfUnits: 363
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 43.6,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `06/08/2008`,
Value: 59,
NumberOfUnits: 479
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 56.4,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `06/11/2008`,
Value: 87.6,
NumberOfUnits: 404
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 81.8,
SellerName: `Glenn Landeros`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `06/18/2008`,
Value: 80.4,
NumberOfUnits: 478
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 90.2,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `06/19/2008`,
Value: 2.4,
NumberOfUnits: 285
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 99.4,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `06/22/2008`,
Value: 82.6,
NumberOfUnits: 15
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 30.8,
SellerName: `Brandon Mckim`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `06/26/2008`,
Value: 77.8,
NumberOfUnits: 245
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 99.4,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `07/01/2008`,
Value: 8.2,
NumberOfUnits: 376
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 73.4,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `07/02/2008`,
Value: 48.6,
NumberOfUnits: 40
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 43.6,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `07/10/2008`,
Value: 38,
NumberOfUnits: 112
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 16.4,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `07/15/2008`,
Value: 9.8,
NumberOfUnits: 224
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 71.4,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `07/16/2008`,
Value: 66.4,
NumberOfUnits: 145
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 94.6,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `07/21/2008`,
Value: 46.6,
NumberOfUnits: 272
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 50.8,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `07/27/2008`,
Value: 90.2,
NumberOfUnits: 278
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 12.8,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `07/27/2008`,
Value: 89.2,
NumberOfUnits: 253
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 35.8,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `08/01/2008`,
Value: 28.4,
NumberOfUnits: 255
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 17.2,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `08/02/2008`,
Value: 0.6,
NumberOfUnits: 46
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 22.2,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `08/08/2008`,
Value: 58.6,
NumberOfUnits: 279
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 63,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `08/08/2008`,
Value: 91.8,
NumberOfUnits: 89
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 83.8,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `08/14/2008`,
Value: 52.6,
NumberOfUnits: 17
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 14.2,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `08/21/2008`,
Value: 54,
NumberOfUnits: 470
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 34.6,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `08/25/2008`,
Value: 1.8,
NumberOfUnits: 195
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 86.8,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `08/27/2008`,
Value: 23.8,
NumberOfUnits: 173
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 42.2,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `09/01/2008`,
Value: 51.2,
NumberOfUnits: 472
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 25.8,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `09/06/2008`,
Value: 88.4,
NumberOfUnits: 148
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 23.2,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `09/06/2008`,
Value: 94.6,
NumberOfUnits: 314
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 83.8,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `09/07/2008`,
Value: 66.8,
NumberOfUnits: 431
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 84.4,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `09/07/2008`,
Value: 27.6,
NumberOfUnits: 347
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 7.4,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `09/11/2008`,
Value: 2.8,
NumberOfUnits: 27
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 9.6,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `09/12/2008`,
Value: 12,
NumberOfUnits: 5
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 50.8,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `09/19/2008`,
Value: 16.6,
NumberOfUnits: 191
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 80,
SellerName: `Bryan Culver`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `09/25/2008`,
Value: 84.4,
NumberOfUnits: 421
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 62.2,
SellerName: `Carl Costello`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `10/03/2008`,
Value: 29,
NumberOfUnits: 297
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 96.2,
SellerName: `Glenn Landeros`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `10/04/2008`,
Value: 15.8,
NumberOfUnits: 128
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 47,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `10/13/2008`,
Value: 37.4,
NumberOfUnits: 210
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 35.8,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `10/14/2008`,
Value: 27,
NumberOfUnits: 315
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 79,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `10/19/2008`,
Value: 69.8,
NumberOfUnits: 489
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 84.4,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `10/21/2008`,
Value: 61.4,
NumberOfUnits: 47
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 25.6,
SellerName: `John Smith`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `10/22/2008`,
Value: 69.4,
NumberOfUnits: 92
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 24,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `11/01/2008`,
Value: 81.2,
NumberOfUnits: 30
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 53.6,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `11/01/2008`,
Value: 15,
NumberOfUnits: 132
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 68.2,
SellerName: `Bryan Culver`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `11/10/2008`,
Value: 6.2,
NumberOfUnits: 368
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 60,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `11/11/2008`,
Value: 39.2,
NumberOfUnits: 482
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 5.8,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `11/11/2008`,
Value: 48.8,
NumberOfUnits: 22
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 96,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `11/20/2008`,
Value: 87.2,
NumberOfUnits: 159
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 59.2,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `11/25/2008`,
Value: 88.6,
NumberOfUnits: 52
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 94,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `01/05/2009`,
Value: 79.8,
NumberOfUnits: 194
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 12.8,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `01/08/2009`,
Value: 43,
NumberOfUnits: 100
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 38,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `01/10/2009`,
Value: 48.4,
NumberOfUnits: 252
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 79.4,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `01/13/2009`,
Value: 68.6,
NumberOfUnits: 116
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 91,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `01/14/2009`,
Value: 27.6,
NumberOfUnits: 259
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 100,
SellerName: `Glenn Landeros`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `01/19/2009`,
Value: 56.8,
NumberOfUnits: 217
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 43.4,
SellerName: `Bryan Culver`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `01/22/2009`,
Value: 36.6,
NumberOfUnits: 48
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 0.8,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `02/02/2009`,
Value: 71.4,
NumberOfUnits: 445
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 60.6,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `02/03/2009`,
Value: 44.6,
NumberOfUnits: 90
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 13.8,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `02/07/2009`,
Value: 36.2,
NumberOfUnits: 453
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 44.2,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `02/07/2009`,
Value: 85.6,
NumberOfUnits: 450
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 94.4,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `02/07/2009`,
Value: 48.2,
NumberOfUnits: 152
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 8.8,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `02/16/2009`,
Value: 46.6,
NumberOfUnits: 119
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 79.2,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `02/16/2009`,
Value: 29.2,
NumberOfUnits: 463
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 18.6,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `02/17/2009`,
Value: 19.8,
NumberOfUnits: 150
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 28,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `02/19/2009`,
Value: 17.6,
NumberOfUnits: 210
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 67.2,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `02/20/2009`,
Value: 36.4,
NumberOfUnits: 150
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 36,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `02/21/2009`,
Value: 74,
NumberOfUnits: 97
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 34.2,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `02/22/2009`,
Value: 86.4,
NumberOfUnits: 256
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 66.4,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `02/24/2009`,
Value: 53,
NumberOfUnits: 172
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 15,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `02/24/2009`,
Value: 5.2,
NumberOfUnits: 489
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 52,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `02/27/2009`,
Value: 9.2,
NumberOfUnits: 222
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 98.4,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `03/03/2009`,
Value: 81.4,
NumberOfUnits: 300
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 72.8,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `03/03/2009`,
Value: 1.4,
NumberOfUnits: 270
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 16.4,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `03/07/2009`,
Value: 81.4,
NumberOfUnits: 263
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 93.6,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `03/10/2009`,
Value: 22.8,
NumberOfUnits: 28
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 42.2,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `03/15/2009`,
Value: 20.4,
NumberOfUnits: 237
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 55,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `03/16/2009`,
Value: 64,
NumberOfUnits: 171
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 97.4,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `03/27/2009`,
Value: 24,
NumberOfUnits: 251
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 51,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `04/01/2009`,
Value: 32.4,
NumberOfUnits: 275
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 4.8,
SellerName: `Brandon Mckim`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `04/06/2009`,
Value: 42,
NumberOfUnits: 311
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 71,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `04/07/2009`,
Value: 82.8,
NumberOfUnits: 217
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 96.8,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `04/09/2009`,
Value: 62.2,
NumberOfUnits: 360
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 83.6,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `04/12/2009`,
Value: 51.6,
NumberOfUnits: 35
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 96.4,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `04/15/2009`,
Value: 81,
NumberOfUnits: 294
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 70.8,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `04/16/2009`,
Value: 36,
NumberOfUnits: 436
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 94.6,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `04/20/2009`,
Value: 82.6,
NumberOfUnits: 78
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 29.6,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `04/22/2009`,
Value: 94,
NumberOfUnits: 301
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 70.6,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `05/02/2009`,
Value: 92.6,
NumberOfUnits: 24
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 71.8,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `05/04/2009`,
Value: 19.4,
NumberOfUnits: 332
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 14.6,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `05/11/2009`,
Value: 56.4,
NumberOfUnits: 307
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 36.8,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `05/11/2009`,
Value: 34.4,
NumberOfUnits: 375
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 62.8,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `05/12/2009`,
Value: 2,
NumberOfUnits: 499
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 13.8,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `05/21/2009`,
Value: 42.6,
NumberOfUnits: 337
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 46.2,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `05/24/2009`,
Value: 55.4,
NumberOfUnits: 284
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 95.4,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `05/26/2009`,
Value: 94.8,
NumberOfUnits: 292
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 78.2,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `05/26/2009`,
Value: 60.2,
NumberOfUnits: 424
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 99.4,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `06/05/2009`,
Value: 29,
NumberOfUnits: 271
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 87,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `06/10/2009`,
Value: 94,
NumberOfUnits: 6
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 13.6,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `06/12/2009`,
Value: 95,
NumberOfUnits: 44
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 99.8,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `06/12/2009`,
Value: 74.2,
NumberOfUnits: 277
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 17,
SellerName: `Brandon Mckim`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `06/13/2009`,
Value: 65.2,
NumberOfUnits: 98
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 42.4,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `06/22/2009`,
Value: 68.6,
NumberOfUnits: 443
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 79.6,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `06/26/2009`,
Value: 81.4,
NumberOfUnits: 409
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 26.4,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `07/02/2009`,
Value: 68.2,
NumberOfUnits: 240
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 34.2,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `07/10/2009`,
Value: 95.6,
NumberOfUnits: 23
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 29.4,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `07/12/2009`,
Value: 36,
NumberOfUnits: 109
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 86.8,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `07/13/2009`,
Value: 30,
NumberOfUnits: 117
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 58.4,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `07/15/2009`,
Value: 34.4,
NumberOfUnits: 336
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 39.8,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `07/18/2009`,
Value: 92.4,
NumberOfUnits: 372
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 10.2,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `07/19/2009`,
Value: 90.4,
NumberOfUnits: 403
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 17.8,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `07/19/2009`,
Value: 66.2,
NumberOfUnits: 144
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 21.6,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `07/19/2009`,
Value: 41.8,
NumberOfUnits: 395
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 33.6,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `07/20/2009`,
Value: 16.6,
NumberOfUnits: 236
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 48.8,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `07/20/2009`,
Value: 86.8,
NumberOfUnits: 160
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 81.8,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `07/20/2009`,
Value: 65.8,
NumberOfUnits: 157
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 9.8,
SellerName: `Glenn Landeros`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `07/25/2009`,
Value: 0.2,
NumberOfUnits: 255
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 88.6,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `08/16/2009`,
Value: 43,
NumberOfUnits: 284
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 89.4,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `08/17/2009`,
Value: 15.8,
NumberOfUnits: 333
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 24,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `08/17/2009`,
Value: 51.6,
NumberOfUnits: 48
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 19.4,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `08/18/2009`,
Value: 82.6,
NumberOfUnits: 399
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 9.4,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `08/24/2009`,
Value: 68.6,
NumberOfUnits: 413
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 1.2,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `09/06/2009`,
Value: 72,
NumberOfUnits: 182
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 77,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `09/06/2009`,
Value: 45,
NumberOfUnits: 156
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 80.8,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `09/09/2009`,
Value: 92.4,
NumberOfUnits: 293
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 22.8,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `10/01/2009`,
Value: 100,
NumberOfUnits: 16
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 78.2,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `10/01/2009`,
Value: 16,
NumberOfUnits: 106
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 73,
SellerName: `Glenn Landeros`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `10/06/2009`,
Value: 91.6,
NumberOfUnits: 16
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 22.2,
SellerName: `John Smith`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `10/07/2009`,
Value: 1.8,
NumberOfUnits: 187
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 42.8,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `10/10/2009`,
Value: 21.8,
NumberOfUnits: 137
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 46.2,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `10/14/2009`,
Value: 15,
NumberOfUnits: 138
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 14.4,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `10/24/2009`,
Value: 65,
NumberOfUnits: 256
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 40.2,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `10/24/2009`,
Value: 11.2,
NumberOfUnits: 353
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 17.2,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `11/01/2009`,
Value: 95,
NumberOfUnits: 359
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 52,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `11/04/2009`,
Value: 43.2,
NumberOfUnits: 134
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 91,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `11/09/2009`,
Value: 25.2,
NumberOfUnits: 263
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 88.6,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `11/11/2009`,
Value: 41,
NumberOfUnits: 313
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 46.6,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `11/16/2009`,
Value: 20.4,
NumberOfUnits: 115
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 20.4,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `11/17/2009`,
Value: 33,
NumberOfUnits: 414
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 70.8,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `11/21/2009`,
Value: 3,
NumberOfUnits: 53
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 81.6,
SellerName: `John Smith`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `11/22/2009`,
Value: 86.8,
NumberOfUnits: 472
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 9.8,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `11/23/2009`,
Value: 53.6,
NumberOfUnits: 199
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 29.8,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `11/24/2009`,
Value: 27.4,
NumberOfUnits: 241
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 33.2,
SellerName: `Glenn Landeros`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `11/24/2009`,
Value: 1.2,
NumberOfUnits: 320
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 65.6,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `01/02/2010`,
Value: 20.6,
NumberOfUnits: 299
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 62.2,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `01/08/2010`,
Value: 35.4,
NumberOfUnits: 366
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 78.6,
SellerName: `John Smith`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `01/10/2010`,
Value: 27.8,
NumberOfUnits: 290
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 11.6,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `01/11/2010`,
Value: 61.8,
NumberOfUnits: 350
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 33.4,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `01/14/2010`,
Value: 33.8,
NumberOfUnits: 469
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 96.2,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `01/21/2010`,
Value: 75.6,
NumberOfUnits: 352
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 92.2,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `01/25/2010`,
Value: 38.8,
NumberOfUnits: 47
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 93.2,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `02/02/2010`,
Value: 66.4,
NumberOfUnits: 153
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 39,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `02/02/2010`,
Value: 28.6,
NumberOfUnits: 211
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 99.4,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `02/04/2010`,
Value: 67,
NumberOfUnits: 267
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 94.4,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `02/04/2010`,
Value: 71.4,
NumberOfUnits: 91
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 19.8,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `02/05/2010`,
Value: 46,
NumberOfUnits: 84
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 87.2,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `02/11/2010`,
Value: 66.8,
NumberOfUnits: 270
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 76.2,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `02/12/2010`,
Value: 87,
NumberOfUnits: 496
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 52,
SellerName: `John Smith`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `02/16/2010`,
Value: 47.4,
NumberOfUnits: 24
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 21.8,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `02/17/2010`,
Value: 72.8,
NumberOfUnits: 41
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 15.8,
SellerName: `John Smith`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `02/22/2010`,
Value: 65.6,
NumberOfUnits: 365
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 2.8,
SellerName: `Brandon Mckim`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `03/01/2010`,
Value: 68.6,
NumberOfUnits: 202
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 52.4,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `03/01/2010`,
Value: 79.4,
NumberOfUnits: 225
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 0.4,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `03/03/2010`,
Value: 70.2,
NumberOfUnits: 206
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 22.4,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `03/11/2010`,
Value: 54.8,
NumberOfUnits: 158
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 94.8,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `03/14/2010`,
Value: 70.4,
NumberOfUnits: 169
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 1.2,
SellerName: `John Smith`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `03/15/2010`,
Value: 19,
NumberOfUnits: 4
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 12.2,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `03/15/2010`,
Value: 12.8,
NumberOfUnits: 232
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 58.8,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `03/16/2010`,
Value: 78.8,
NumberOfUnits: 421
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 44,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `03/25/2010`,
Value: 89.6,
NumberOfUnits: 260
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 54.6,
SellerName: `Brandon Mckim`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `04/02/2010`,
Value: 92,
NumberOfUnits: 194
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 94.6,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `04/05/2010`,
Value: 35.4,
NumberOfUnits: 491
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 11.2,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `04/14/2010`,
Value: 30,
NumberOfUnits: 256
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 18.2,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `04/15/2010`,
Value: 84.6,
NumberOfUnits: 279
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 8.4,
SellerName: `Carl Costello`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `04/15/2010`,
Value: 99.6,
NumberOfUnits: 287
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 78,
SellerName: `Carl Costello`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `04/22/2010`,
Value: 59,
NumberOfUnits: 363
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 55.6,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `04/22/2010`,
Value: 16.4,
NumberOfUnits: 499
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 39.4,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `04/24/2010`,
Value: 0.2,
NumberOfUnits: 109
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 7.8,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `05/04/2010`,
Value: 99.6,
NumberOfUnits: 25
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 62.4,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `05/05/2010`,
Value: 48,
NumberOfUnits: 64
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 38.8,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `05/06/2010`,
Value: 57.8,
NumberOfUnits: 256
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 17.8,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `05/07/2010`,
Value: 15.4,
NumberOfUnits: 50
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 57.8,
SellerName: `Bryan Culver`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `05/07/2010`,
Value: 58.6,
NumberOfUnits: 437
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 21.4,
SellerName: `Bryan Culver`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `05/19/2010`,
Value: 41,
NumberOfUnits: 253
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 10.2,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `05/22/2010`,
Value: 24,
NumberOfUnits: 312
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 87.8,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `05/24/2010`,
Value: 12.6,
NumberOfUnits: 82
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 42.6,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `06/01/2010`,
Value: 32.2,
NumberOfUnits: 467
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 79.8,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `06/05/2010`,
Value: 69.6,
NumberOfUnits: 74
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 1.8,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `06/10/2010`,
Value: 14.8,
NumberOfUnits: 81
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 15,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `06/25/2010`,
Value: 18.8,
NumberOfUnits: 88
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 43.4,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `06/26/2010`,
Value: 44.4,
NumberOfUnits: 126
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 16.2,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `06/27/2010`,
Value: 77.8,
NumberOfUnits: 112
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 59.2,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `06/27/2010`,
Value: 15.4,
NumberOfUnits: 47
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 40,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `07/05/2010`,
Value: 29.4,
NumberOfUnits: 218
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 27,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `07/05/2010`,
Value: 30,
NumberOfUnits: 34
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 14.4,
SellerName: `Bryan Culver`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `07/13/2010`,
Value: 83.4,
NumberOfUnits: 492
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 53.4,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `07/16/2010`,
Value: 41.6,
NumberOfUnits: 464
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 21.4,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `07/17/2010`,
Value: 83.4,
NumberOfUnits: 118
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 24,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `07/18/2010`,
Value: 94.2,
NumberOfUnits: 442
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 37.6,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `07/23/2010`,
Value: 59.6,
NumberOfUnits: 248
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 60.8,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `07/23/2010`,
Value: 83.6,
NumberOfUnits: 472
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 78,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `07/24/2010`,
Value: 84,
NumberOfUnits: 140
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 47.6,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `07/26/2010`,
Value: 86.6,
NumberOfUnits: 118
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 58.2,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `07/27/2010`,
Value: 64,
NumberOfUnits: 176
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 98.4,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `08/01/2010`,
Value: 23.4,
NumberOfUnits: 77
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 3,
SellerName: `Glenn Landeros`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `08/08/2010`,
Value: 74.4,
NumberOfUnits: 105
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 98.2,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `08/21/2010`,
Value: 60.8,
NumberOfUnits: 160
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 79,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `08/26/2010`,
Value: 67,
NumberOfUnits: 186
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 17.8,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `09/04/2010`,
Value: 29,
NumberOfUnits: 380
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 38.8,
SellerName: `John Smith`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `09/11/2010`,
Value: 41.6,
NumberOfUnits: 470
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 75.2,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `09/13/2010`,
Value: 42.8,
NumberOfUnits: 348
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 55.4,
SellerName: `Carl Costello`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `09/14/2010`,
Value: 29.4,
NumberOfUnits: 151
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 51.4,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `09/24/2010`,
Value: 86.6,
NumberOfUnits: 7
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 31.4,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `10/07/2010`,
Value: 39,
NumberOfUnits: 123
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 80,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `10/08/2010`,
Value: 8.8,
NumberOfUnits: 374
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 94.8,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `10/11/2010`,
Value: 96.8,
NumberOfUnits: 178
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 42,
SellerName: `Bryan Culver`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `10/22/2010`,
Value: 31.4,
NumberOfUnits: 354
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 46.6,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `10/25/2010`,
Value: 85.6,
NumberOfUnits: 459
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 27.2,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `11/02/2010`,
Value: 46.4,
NumberOfUnits: 78
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 30.2,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `11/03/2010`,
Value: 52.2,
NumberOfUnits: 417
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 82.2,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `11/12/2010`,
Value: 15.4,
NumberOfUnits: 208
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 13.2,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `11/19/2010`,
Value: 48.6,
NumberOfUnits: 359
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 8.8,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `11/25/2010`,
Value: 24.6,
NumberOfUnits: 392
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 78.4,
SellerName: `John Smith`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `01/01/2011`,
Value: 37.6,
NumberOfUnits: 241
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 50.6,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `01/04/2011`,
Value: 27.2,
NumberOfUnits: 62
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 6.4,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `01/06/2011`,
Value: 89.6,
NumberOfUnits: 485
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 47.4,
SellerName: `Bryan Culver`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `01/14/2011`,
Value: 5,
NumberOfUnits: 470
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 6.2,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `01/23/2011`,
Value: 78.6,
NumberOfUnits: 197
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 57.6,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `01/26/2011`,
Value: 59.8,
NumberOfUnits: 353
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 37.6,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `02/01/2011`,
Value: 39.6,
NumberOfUnits: 338
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 21,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `02/08/2011`,
Value: 93,
NumberOfUnits: 17
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 11.8,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `02/12/2011`,
Value: 61.4,
NumberOfUnits: 429
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 65,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `02/14/2011`,
Value: 24.4,
NumberOfUnits: 385
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 20,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `02/20/2011`,
Value: 35.4,
NumberOfUnits: 166
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 3.2,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `02/20/2011`,
Value: 52.6,
NumberOfUnits: 137
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 18.2,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `02/24/2011`,
Value: 8.2,
NumberOfUnits: 443
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 20.4,
SellerName: `Carl Costello`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `02/26/2011`,
Value: 87.4,
NumberOfUnits: 40
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 20.6,
SellerName: `Glenn Landeros`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `03/05/2011`,
Value: 7.4,
NumberOfUnits: 138
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 23.8,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `03/09/2011`,
Value: 18.2,
NumberOfUnits: 15
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 76.4,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `03/09/2011`,
Value: 74.6,
NumberOfUnits: 469
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 93.4,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `03/11/2011`,
Value: 89,
NumberOfUnits: 426
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 63,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `03/16/2011`,
Value: 32.6,
NumberOfUnits: 208
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 58.6,
SellerName: `Brandon Mckim`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `03/21/2011`,
Value: 51,
NumberOfUnits: 155
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 82.4,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `03/23/2011`,
Value: 33.4,
NumberOfUnits: 381
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 19.2,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `04/12/2011`,
Value: 75.2,
NumberOfUnits: 5
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 53.6,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `04/12/2011`,
Value: 14.6,
NumberOfUnits: 221
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 97.4,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `04/14/2011`,
Value: 84.8,
NumberOfUnits: 39
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 74.2,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `04/16/2011`,
Value: 51.4,
NumberOfUnits: 468
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 8.2,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `04/17/2011`,
Value: 0.8,
NumberOfUnits: 44
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 59.2,
SellerName: `John Smith`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `04/22/2011`,
Value: 47.6,
NumberOfUnits: 287
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 96.8,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `04/24/2011`,
Value: 78.6,
NumberOfUnits: 463
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 76.8,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `04/24/2011`,
Value: 63,
NumberOfUnits: 335
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 73.4,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `04/24/2011`,
Value: 30.6,
NumberOfUnits: 211
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 66.4,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `05/03/2011`,
Value: 87.4,
NumberOfUnits: 291
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 37,
SellerName: `John Smith`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `05/05/2011`,
Value: 40.2,
NumberOfUnits: 1
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 21.4,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `05/06/2011`,
Value: 46,
NumberOfUnits: 120
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 20,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `05/06/2011`,
Value: 72.6,
NumberOfUnits: 382
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 16.6,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `05/07/2011`,
Value: 7.8,
NumberOfUnits: 63
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 41.8,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `05/12/2011`,
Value: 94.4,
NumberOfUnits: 230
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 5,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `05/13/2011`,
Value: 31,
NumberOfUnits: 362
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 10.8,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `05/17/2011`,
Value: 59.8,
NumberOfUnits: 430
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 66.2,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `05/23/2011`,
Value: 91.2,
NumberOfUnits: 204
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 61,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `05/24/2011`,
Value: 86.2,
NumberOfUnits: 118
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 68.8,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `06/01/2011`,
Value: 14.6,
NumberOfUnits: 17
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 40.8,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `06/03/2011`,
Value: 9,
NumberOfUnits: 312
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 97,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `06/12/2011`,
Value: 95,
NumberOfUnits: 283
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 67,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `06/13/2011`,
Value: 27.6,
NumberOfUnits: 460
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 67.2,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `06/14/2011`,
Value: 66.2,
NumberOfUnits: 295
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 28.2,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `06/15/2011`,
Value: 50.6,
NumberOfUnits: 49
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 7.4,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `06/24/2011`,
Value: 8,
NumberOfUnits: 127
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 39.2,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `06/27/2011`,
Value: 98.8,
NumberOfUnits: 244
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 53.4,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `07/01/2011`,
Value: 11.2,
NumberOfUnits: 188
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 25.6,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `07/06/2011`,
Value: 56.2,
NumberOfUnits: 458
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 70.4,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `07/08/2011`,
Value: 82.4,
NumberOfUnits: 448
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 7.6,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `07/27/2011`,
Value: 30.6,
NumberOfUnits: 226
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 21.6,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `08/01/2011`,
Value: 69.6,
NumberOfUnits: 474
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 37.6,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `08/02/2011`,
Value: 62.8,
NumberOfUnits: 338
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 99.4,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `08/02/2011`,
Value: 75.2,
NumberOfUnits: 88
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 72.2,
SellerName: `Carl Costello`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `08/04/2011`,
Value: 86.4,
NumberOfUnits: 436
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 34.4,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `08/06/2011`,
Value: 9.2,
NumberOfUnits: 297
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 47,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `08/07/2011`,
Value: 5.2,
NumberOfUnits: 240
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 26.4,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `08/07/2011`,
Value: 80.2,
NumberOfUnits: 415
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 49.2,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `08/08/2011`,
Value: 61.2,
NumberOfUnits: 435
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 95.2,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `08/16/2011`,
Value: 73.8,
NumberOfUnits: 64
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 74.2,
SellerName: `John Smith`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `08/23/2011`,
Value: 40.8,
NumberOfUnits: 21
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 82.6,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `08/25/2011`,
Value: 55,
NumberOfUnits: 467
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 42.8,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `09/02/2011`,
Value: 28.2,
NumberOfUnits: 98
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 83.6,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `09/04/2011`,
Value: 72.6,
NumberOfUnits: 370
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 41.6,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `09/05/2011`,
Value: 81,
NumberOfUnits: 94
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 74.2,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `09/09/2011`,
Value: 95,
NumberOfUnits: 106
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 75.4,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `09/11/2011`,
Value: 10,
NumberOfUnits: 261
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 10.2,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `09/17/2011`,
Value: 29.4,
NumberOfUnits: 307
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 73,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `09/17/2011`,
Value: 57,
NumberOfUnits: 362
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 85.2,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `09/24/2011`,
Value: 24,
NumberOfUnits: 330
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 77.6,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `09/26/2011`,
Value: 91.8,
NumberOfUnits: 23
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 50.4,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `09/27/2011`,
Value: 66.8,
NumberOfUnits: 392
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 32.4,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `10/13/2011`,
Value: 81.6,
NumberOfUnits: 16
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 63,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `10/13/2011`,
Value: 31,
NumberOfUnits: 100
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 13.4,
SellerName: `Carl Costello`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `10/22/2011`,
Value: 85.6,
NumberOfUnits: 132
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 0.4,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `10/22/2011`,
Value: 74.4,
NumberOfUnits: 22
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 66.2,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `11/02/2011`,
Value: 88.2,
NumberOfUnits: 96
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 50.2,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `11/03/2011`,
Value: 31.4,
NumberOfUnits: 76
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 68,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `11/04/2011`,
Value: 91.2,
NumberOfUnits: 492
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 6.6,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `11/08/2011`,
Value: 51.6,
NumberOfUnits: 49
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 35.6,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `11/12/2011`,
Value: 21,
NumberOfUnits: 197
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 60,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `11/12/2011`,
Value: 70.4,
NumberOfUnits: 484
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 67.4,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `11/13/2011`,
Value: 14.4,
NumberOfUnits: 182
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 52,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `11/15/2011`,
Value: 18.4,
NumberOfUnits: 42
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 66.8,
SellerName: `Brandon Mckim`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `11/19/2011`,
Value: 52.8,
NumberOfUnits: 109
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 56.2,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `11/23/2011`,
Value: 40.2,
NumberOfUnits: 310
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 93.6,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `01/03/2012`,
Value: 53.4,
NumberOfUnits: 306
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 9.6,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `01/06/2012`,
Value: 83,
NumberOfUnits: 290
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 41.2,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `01/10/2012`,
Value: 29.8,
NumberOfUnits: 499
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 9.8,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `01/11/2012`,
Value: 10.8,
NumberOfUnits: 7
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 64.6,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `01/14/2012`,
Value: 35,
NumberOfUnits: 220
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 47.4,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `01/15/2012`,
Value: 50.2,
NumberOfUnits: 395
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 14.6,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `01/18/2012`,
Value: 100,
NumberOfUnits: 219
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 10.8,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `01/18/2012`,
Value: 92,
NumberOfUnits: 229
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 65,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `01/22/2012`,
Value: 55.8,
NumberOfUnits: 111
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 48,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `02/01/2012`,
Value: 20.6,
NumberOfUnits: 237
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 87.8,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `02/13/2012`,
Value: 17.2,
NumberOfUnits: 114
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 55.4,
SellerName: `Bryan Culver`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `02/23/2012`,
Value: 76.8,
NumberOfUnits: 329
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 40.8,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `02/24/2012`,
Value: 1.2,
NumberOfUnits: 135
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 57.8,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `03/02/2012`,
Value: 46.8,
NumberOfUnits: 187
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 14.8,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `03/10/2012`,
Value: 17.6,
NumberOfUnits: 286
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 13,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `03/11/2012`,
Value: 18.2,
NumberOfUnits: 468
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 26,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `03/18/2012`,
Value: 93.2,
NumberOfUnits: 71
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 72.6,
SellerName: `Bryan Culver`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `03/21/2012`,
Value: 62,
NumberOfUnits: 251
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 44.4,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `03/25/2012`,
Value: 57.2,
NumberOfUnits: 297
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 68.2,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `03/25/2012`,
Value: 4.2,
NumberOfUnits: 248
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 35.4,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `03/26/2012`,
Value: 45.2,
NumberOfUnits: 488
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 41.2,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `04/06/2012`,
Value: 59.6,
NumberOfUnits: 211
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 29.4,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `04/14/2012`,
Value: 3.2,
NumberOfUnits: 149
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 52,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `04/14/2012`,
Value: 9.8,
NumberOfUnits: 99
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 57.8,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `04/16/2012`,
Value: 14,
NumberOfUnits: 225
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 26,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `04/27/2012`,
Value: 95.4,
NumberOfUnits: 408
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 5,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `05/09/2012`,
Value: 40.2,
NumberOfUnits: 417
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 3,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `05/24/2012`,
Value: 67.8,
NumberOfUnits: 221
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 57.6,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `06/02/2012`,
Value: 45.4,
NumberOfUnits: 288
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 72.4,
SellerName: `Bryan Culver`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `06/03/2012`,
Value: 92.8,
NumberOfUnits: 372
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 82.6,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `06/03/2012`,
Value: 51.4,
NumberOfUnits: 408
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 91.6,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `06/04/2012`,
Value: 28.6,
NumberOfUnits: 13
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 94.8,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `06/05/2012`,
Value: 31.6,
NumberOfUnits: 487
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 46.4,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `06/11/2012`,
Value: 86,
NumberOfUnits: 276
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 18.2,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `06/16/2012`,
Value: 40.2,
NumberOfUnits: 490
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 48.8,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `06/18/2012`,
Value: 55.6,
NumberOfUnits: 238
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 94.4,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `06/23/2012`,
Value: 92,
NumberOfUnits: 170
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 48.8,
SellerName: `Brandon Mckim`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `07/04/2012`,
Value: 72.8,
NumberOfUnits: 132
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 82.8,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `07/05/2012`,
Value: 56.8,
NumberOfUnits: 443
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 38.2,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `07/05/2012`,
Value: 27.6,
NumberOfUnits: 368
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 24.2,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `07/11/2012`,
Value: 38.6,
NumberOfUnits: 39
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 4,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `07/13/2012`,
Value: 43.2,
NumberOfUnits: 95
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 81.8,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `07/14/2012`,
Value: 42.6,
NumberOfUnits: 42
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 75,
SellerName: `Brandon Mckim`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `07/16/2012`,
Value: 61.4,
NumberOfUnits: 200
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 85.6,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `07/16/2012`,
Value: 10.6,
NumberOfUnits: 221
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 96.4,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `07/21/2012`,
Value: 99.6,
NumberOfUnits: 54
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 46.2,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `07/21/2012`,
Value: 56,
NumberOfUnits: 173
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 99.8,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `07/23/2012`,
Value: 10.8,
NumberOfUnits: 47
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 42.4,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `07/26/2012`,
Value: 91.6,
NumberOfUnits: 173
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 52.2,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `08/05/2012`,
Value: 98.8,
NumberOfUnits: 323
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 45.6,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `08/07/2012`,
Value: 26,
NumberOfUnits: 264
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 56.8,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `08/09/2012`,
Value: 11.6,
NumberOfUnits: 385
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 3.6,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `08/10/2012`,
Value: 26,
NumberOfUnits: 56
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 34.6,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `08/12/2012`,
Value: 96.2,
NumberOfUnits: 267
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 92.4,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `08/14/2012`,
Value: 95,
NumberOfUnits: 109
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 34.8,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `08/17/2012`,
Value: 62.4,
NumberOfUnits: 478
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 23.4,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `08/21/2012`,
Value: 57.8,
NumberOfUnits: 184
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 79.6,
SellerName: `Brandon Mckim`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `08/21/2012`,
Value: 35.4,
NumberOfUnits: 132
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 30.8,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `08/22/2012`,
Value: 96,
NumberOfUnits: 142
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 90,
SellerName: `Carl Costello`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `08/27/2012`,
Value: 27.6,
NumberOfUnits: 46
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 83.2,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `09/03/2012`,
Value: 68.6,
NumberOfUnits: 102
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 0.2,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `09/09/2012`,
Value: 96.6,
NumberOfUnits: 21
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 36.6,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `09/10/2012`,
Value: 5,
NumberOfUnits: 442
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 92.4,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `09/13/2012`,
Value: 99.2,
NumberOfUnits: 254
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 28,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `09/13/2012`,
Value: 50,
NumberOfUnits: 251
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 60.4,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `09/15/2012`,
Value: 44,
NumberOfUnits: 119
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 33,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `09/19/2012`,
Value: 32.4,
NumberOfUnits: 256
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 99,
SellerName: `John Smith`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `09/23/2012`,
Value: 35.8,
NumberOfUnits: 456
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 16.2,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `10/01/2012`,
Value: 16.4,
NumberOfUnits: 430
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 73,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `10/02/2012`,
Value: 57,
NumberOfUnits: 248
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 21.8,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `10/18/2012`,
Value: 28.2,
NumberOfUnits: 440
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 28.4,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `10/19/2012`,
Value: 66.6,
NumberOfUnits: 234
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 80.6,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `10/25/2012`,
Value: 5.4,
NumberOfUnits: 36
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 97.8,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `10/26/2012`,
Value: 41.2,
NumberOfUnits: 46
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 88.8,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `11/02/2012`,
Value: 64.6,
NumberOfUnits: 211
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 67.4,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `11/17/2012`,
Value: 14.2,
NumberOfUnits: 408
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 7.2,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `11/20/2012`,
Value: 72.8,
NumberOfUnits: 376
tsimport 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids/combined';
import { IgcPivotGridComponent, IgcPivotConfiguration, IgcPivotDateDimension, IgcPivotDimension, IgcPivotDateDimensionOptions, SortingDirection, IgcPivotValue, IgcPivotAggregator } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids';
import { PivotDataFlatItem, PivotDataFlat } from './PivotDataFlat';
import "igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids/themes/light/bootstrap.css";
import "./index.css";
export class Sample {
private grid: IgcPivotGridComponent
private _pivotConfiguration1: IgcPivotConfiguration | null = null;
public get pivotConfiguration1(): IgcPivotConfiguration {
if (this._pivotConfiguration1 == null)
var pivotConfiguration1: IgcPivotConfiguration = {} as IgcPivotConfiguration;
var pivotDateDimension1 = new IgcPivotDateDimension();
pivotDateDimension1.memberName = "Date";
pivotDateDimension1.enabled = true;
var pivotDimension1: IgcPivotDimension = {} as IgcPivotDimension;
pivotDimension1.memberName = "Date";
pivotDimension1.enabled = true;
pivotDateDimension1.baseDimension = pivotDimension1;
var pivotDateDimensionOptions1: IgcPivotDateDimensionOptions = {} as IgcPivotDateDimensionOptions;
pivotDateDimensionOptions1.years = true;
pivotDateDimensionOptions1.months = false;
pivotDateDimensionOptions1.quarters = true;
pivotDateDimensionOptions1.fullDate = false;
pivotDateDimension1.options = pivotDateDimensionOptions1;
pivotConfiguration1.columns = [pivotDateDimension1];
var pivotDimension2: IgcPivotDimension = {} as IgcPivotDimension;
pivotDimension2.memberName = "ProductName";
pivotDimension2.sortDirection = SortingDirection.Asc;
pivotDimension2.enabled = true;
var pivotDimension3: IgcPivotDimension = {} as IgcPivotDimension;
pivotDimension3.memberName = "SellerCity";
pivotDimension3.enabled = true;
pivotConfiguration1.rows = [pivotDimension2,pivotDimension3];
var pivotDimension4: IgcPivotDimension = {} as IgcPivotDimension;
pivotDimension4.memberName = "SellerName";
pivotDimension4.enabled = true;
pivotConfiguration1.filters = [pivotDimension4];
var pivotValue1: IgcPivotValue = {} as IgcPivotValue;
pivotValue1.member = "AmountofSale";
pivotValue1.displayName = "Amount of Sale";
pivotValue1.enabled = true;
var pivotAggregator1: IgcPivotAggregator = {} as IgcPivotAggregator;
pivotAggregator1.key = "SUM";
pivotAggregator1.label = "Sum of Sale";
pivotAggregator1.aggregator = this.pivotDataFlatAggregateSumSale;
pivotValue1.aggregate = pivotAggregator1;
var pivotAggregator2: IgcPivotAggregator = {} as IgcPivotAggregator;
pivotAggregator2.key = "SUM";
pivotAggregator2.label = "Sum of Sale";
pivotAggregator2.aggregator = this.pivotDataFlatAggregateSumSale;
var pivotAggregator3: IgcPivotAggregator = {} as IgcPivotAggregator;
pivotAggregator3.key = "MIN";
pivotAggregator3.label = "Minimum of Sale";
pivotAggregator3.aggregator = this.pivotDataFlatAggregateMinSale;
var pivotAggregator4: IgcPivotAggregator = {} as IgcPivotAggregator;
pivotAggregator4.key = "MAX";
pivotAggregator4.label = "Maximum of Sale";
pivotAggregator4.aggregator = this.pivotDataFlatAggregateMaxSale;
pivotValue1.aggregateList = [pivotAggregator2,pivotAggregator3,pivotAggregator4];
pivotConfiguration1.values = [pivotValue1];
this._pivotConfiguration1 = pivotConfiguration1;
return this._pivotConfiguration1;
private _bind: () => void;
constructor() {
var grid = this.grid = document.getElementById('grid') as IgcPivotGridComponent;
this._bind = () => { = this.pivotDataFlat;
grid.pivotConfiguration = this.pivotConfiguration1;
private _pivotDataFlat: PivotDataFlat = null;
public get pivotDataFlat(): PivotDataFlat {
if (this._pivotDataFlat == null)
this._pivotDataFlat = new PivotDataFlat();
return this._pivotDataFlat;
public pivotDataFlatAggregateSumSale(members: any[], data: any[]): any {
return data.reduce((accumulator, value) => accumulator + value.ProductUnitPrice * value.NumberOfUnits, 0);
public pivotDataFlatAggregateMinSale(members: any[], data: any[]): any {
let min = 0;
if (data.length === 1) {
min = data[0].ProductUnitPrice * data[0].NumberOfUnits;
} else if (data.length > 1) {
const mappedData = => x.ProductUnitPrice * x.NumberOfUnits);
min = mappedData.reduce((a, b) => Math.min(a, b));
return min;
public pivotDataFlatAggregateMaxSale(members: any[], data: any[]): any {
let max = 0;
if (data.length === 1) {
max = data[0].ProductUnitPrice * data[0].NumberOfUnits;
} else if (data.length > 1) {
const mappedData = => x.ProductUnitPrice * x.NumberOfUnits);
max = mappedData.reduce((a, b) => Math.max(a, b));
return max;
new Sample();
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Auto generate configuration
La autoGenerateConfig
propiedad genera automáticamente dimensiones y valores basados en los campos de la fuente de datos:
Campos numéricos:
- Creado como
un agregador. - Se agrega a la colección de valores y se habilita de forma predeterminada.
- Creado como
Campos no numéricos:
- Creado como
. - Deshabilitado de forma predeterminada.
- Se ha agregado a la colección de columnas.
- Creado como
Campos de fecha (solo el primer
campo está habilitado, los otrosdate
campos aplican la regla de campos no numéricos):- Creado como
- Habilitado de forma predeterminada
- agregado a la colección rows.
- Creado como
Esta función permite a los desarrolladores crear rápidamente una vista dinámica sin especificar manualmente las dimensiones y los valores. Con un selector de pivote junto a la cuadrícula dinámica, los usuarios pueden habilitar y reordenar dimensiones y valores según sea necesario.
Pivot Value Calculation Keys
La cuadrícula dinámica proporciona una personalización a los campos de claves de objeto que utiliza para realizar sus cálculos dinámicos.
Una vista más detallada de cómo se utilizan se puede ver a continuación en los datos de ejemplo, donde puede ver los valores ya agregados:
ProductCategory: 'All', AllProducts: 'All Products', All: 1000, 'All-Bulgaria': 774, 'All-USA': 829, 'All-Uruguay': 524,
AllProducts_records: [
{ ProductCategory: 'Clothing', 'All-Bulgaria': 774, 'All-USA': 296, 'All-Uruguay': 456 },
{ ProductCategory: 'Bikes', 'All-Uruguay': 68 },
{ ProductCategory: 'Accessories', 'All-USA': 293 },
{ ProductCategory: 'Components', 'All-USA': 240 }
Todos estos se almacenan en la propiedad pivotKeys que forma parte de la pivotConfiguration
propiedad y se pueden usar para cambiar las claves dinámicas predeterminadas.
- niños: campo que almacena niños para la construcción de jerarquía. Representa un mapa de valores agrupados y todos los pivotGridRecords que se basan en ese valor. Se puede utilizar en escenarios muy específicos, donde es necesario hacer algo mientras se crean las jerarquías. No es necesario cambiar esto para uso común.
- registros: campo que almacena la referencia a los registros de datos originales. Se puede ver en el ejemplo anterior: AllProducts_records. Evite configurar campos en los datos con el mismo nombre que esta propiedad. Si sus registros de datos tienen propiedad de registros, puede especificar un valor diferente y único utilizando pivotKeys.
- agregaciones: campo que almacena valores de agregación. Se aplica al crear las jerarquías y tampoco debe cambiarse para escenarios comunes.
- nivel: campo que almacena el nivel de dimensión según su jerarquía. Evite configurar campos en los datos con el mismo nombre que esta propiedad. Si sus registros de datos tienen una propiedad de nivel, puede especificar un valor diferente y único utilizando pivotKeys.
- columnDimensionSeparator: separador utilizado al generar los valores de campo de columna únicos. Es el guión(-) del valor de ejemplo -All-Bulgaria.
- rowDimensionSeparator: separador utilizado al generar los valores de campo de fila únicos. Se utiliza al crear los registros y el campo de nivel.
Los valores predeterminados son:
aggregations: 'aggregations',
records: 'records',
children: 'children',
level: 'level',
rowDimensionSeparator: '_',
columnDimensionSeparator: '-'
If you have data field values that contain the default keys, make sure to change the separators that match to any other symbols that you are not currently using. Otherwise could lead to unexpected behavior in calculating and showing the aggregated values.
Known Issues and Limitations
Limitación | Descripción |
No se admite la configuración de columnas de forma declarativa. | La cuadrícula Pivot genera sus columnas en función de lacolumns configuración, por lo que no se admite configurarlos de forma declarativa, como en la cuadrícula base. Estas columnas no se tienen en cuenta. |
Configuración duplicadaMemberName oMember valores de propiedad para dimensiones/valores. |
Estas propiedades deben ser únicas para cada dimensión/valor. La duplicación puede provocar la pérdida de datos del resultado final. |
La selección de filas solo se admite en modo individual. | Actualmente no se admite la selección múltiple. |
API References
Additional Resources
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