Blazor Grid Remote Data Operations
De forma predeterminada, utiliza IgbGrid
su propia lógica para realizar operaciones de datos.
Puede realizar estas tareas de forma remota y alimentar los datos resultantes a la IgbGrid
aprovechando ciertas entradas y eventos, que son expuestos por el IgbGrid
Scroll infinito
Un diseño popular para escenarios que requieren la obtención de datos por fragmentos de un punto final es el llamado desplazamiento infinito. En el caso de las cuadrículas de datos, se caracteriza por un aumento continuo de los datos cargados que se desencadena cuando el usuario final se desplaza hasta el final. En los siguientes párrafos se explica cómo puede usar la API disponible para lograr fácilmente un desplazamiento IgbGrid
Para implementar el desplazamiento infinito, debes recuperar los datos en fragmentos. Los datos que ya se han obtenido deben almacenarse localmente y hay que determinar la longitud de un fragmento y cuántos fragmentos hay. También debe realizar un seguimiento del último índice de fila de datos visible en la cuadrícula. De esta manera, utilizando las propiedades StartIndex
y ChunkSize
, puede determinar si el usuario se desplaza hacia arriba y debe mostrarle los datos ya obtenidos o si se desplaza hacia abajo y debe obtener más datos desde el punto final.
Lo primero que hay que hacer es obtener el primer fragmento de los datos. Establecer la propiedad es importante, ya que permite que la TotalItemCount
cuadrícula ajuste el tamaño correcto de su barra de desplazamiento.
@code {
protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
if (firstRender)
var grid = this.grid;
grid.IsLoading = true;
double dataViewSize = 480.0 / 50.0;
this.PageSize = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(dataViewSize * 1.5));
var data = await GetDataRemote(1, this.PageSize);
this.CachedData = data;
this.LocalData = this.CachedData;
grid.TotalItemCount = (this.PageSize * this.Page) + 1;
double pageCount = Math.Ceiling((double)this.TotalItems / (double)this.PageSize);
this.TotalPageCount = (int)pageCount;
grid.IsLoading = false;
Además, debe suscribirse a la salida, de modo que pueda proporcionar los datos que necesita la DataPreLoad
cuadrícula cuando intenta mostrar un fragmento diferente, en lugar del cargado actualmente. En el controlador de eventos, debe determinar si desea capturar nuevos datos o devolver datos que ya están almacenados en caché localmente.
<IgbGrid AutoGenerate="false"
<IgbColumn Name="ID"
<IgbColumn Name="ProductName"
Header="Product Name">
<IgbColumn Name="QuantityPerUnit"
Header="Quantity Per Unit">
<IgbColumn Name="UnitPrice"
Header="Unit Price">
<IgbColumn Name="OrderDate"
Header="Order Date">
<IgbColumn Name="Discontinued"
@code {
private IgbGrid grid;
public async void OnDataPreLoad(IgbForOfStateEventArgs e)
int chunkSize = (int)e.Detail.ChunkSize;
int startIndex = (int)e.Detail.StartIndex;
int totalCount = (int)this.grid.TotalItemCount;
bool isLastChunk = totalCount == startIndex + chunkSize;
// when last chunk reached load another page of data
if (isLastChunk)
if (this.TotalPageCount == this.Page)
this.LocalData = this.CachedData.Skip(startIndex).Take(chunkSize).ToList();
// add next page of remote data to cache
this.grid.IsLoading = true;
var remoteData = await GetDataRemote(this.Page, this.PageSize);
var data = this.CachedData.Skip(startIndex).Take(chunkSize);
this.LocalData = data.ToList();
this.grid.IsLoading = false;
this.grid.TotalItemCount = Math.Min(this.Page * this.PageSize, this.TotalItems);
var data = this.CachedData.Skip(startIndex).Take(chunkSize).ToList();
this.LocalData = data;
Demostración de desplazamiento infinito
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
public class NwinCustomdDataItem
public double ProductID { get; set; }
public string ProductName { get; set; }
public double SupplierID { get; set; }
public double CategoryID { get; set; }
public string QuantityPerUnit { get; set; }
public double UnitPrice { get; set; }
public double UnitsInStock { get; set; }
public double UnitsOnOrder { get; set; }
public double ReorderLevel { get; set; }
public bool Discontinued { get; set; }
public string OrderDate { get; set; }
public double Rating { get; set; }
public List<NwinCustomdDataItem_LocationsItem> Locations { get; set; }
public class NwinCustomdDataItem_LocationsItem
public string Shop { get; set; }
public string LastInventory { get; set; }
public class NwindModel
public int Count { get; set; } = 77;
public List<NwinCustomdDataItem> Value { get; set; }
csusing System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Hosting;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using IgniteUI.Blazor.Controls; // for registering Ignite UI modules
namespace Infragistics.Samples
public class Program
public static async Task Main(string[] args)
var builder = WebAssemblyHostBuilder.CreateDefault(args);
builder.Services.AddScoped(sp => new HttpClient { BaseAddress = new Uri(builder.HostEnvironment.BaseAddress) });
// registering Ignite UI modules
await builder.Build().RunAsync();
@using IgniteUI.Blazor.Controls
@using System.Net.Http
<div class="container vertical">
<div class="container vertical fill">
<IgbGrid AutoGenerate="false"
<IgbColumn Name="ID"
<IgbColumn Name="ProductName"
Header="Product Name">
<IgbColumn Name="QuantityPerUnit"
Header="Quantity Per Unit">
<IgbColumn Name="UnitPrice"
Header="Unit Price">
<IgbColumn Name="OrderDate"
Header="Order Date">
<IgbColumn Name="Discontinued"
@code {
@code {
protected readonly HttpClient Http = new HttpClient();
protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
if (firstRender)
var grid = this.grid;
grid.IsLoading = true;
double dataViewSize = 480.0 / 50.0;
this.PageSize = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(dataViewSize * 1.5));
// additional delay for TotalItemCount setter.
await Task.Delay(500);
var data = await GetDataRemote(1, this.PageSize);
this.CachedData = data;
this.LocalData = this.CachedData;
// for some reason if TotalItemCount is the same as the loaded records count it does not trigger loading events.
// so setting it to number of records + 1
grid.TotalItemCount = (this.PageSize * this.Page) + 1;
double pageCount = Math.Ceiling((double)this.TotalItems / (double)this.PageSize);
this.TotalPageCount = (int)pageCount;
grid.IsLoading = false;
public async Task<List<NwinCustomdDataItem>> GetDataRemote(int page, int pageSize)
var url = "";
int skip = (page - 1) * pageSize;
string query = String.Format("{0}?$format=json&$skip={1}&$top={2}", url, skip, pageSize);
NwindModel res = await Http.GetFromJsonAsync<NwindModel>(query);
this.TotalItems = res.Count;
return res.Value;
public async void OnDataPreLoad(IgbForOfStateEventArgs e)
int chunkSize = (int)e.Detail.ChunkSize;
int startIndex = (int)e.Detail.StartIndex;
int totalCount = (int)this.grid.TotalItemCount;
bool isLastChunk = totalCount == startIndex + chunkSize;
// when last chunk reached load another page of data
if (isLastChunk)
if (this.TotalPageCount == this.Page)
this.LocalData = this.CachedData.Skip(startIndex).Take(chunkSize).ToList();
// add next page of remote data to cache
this.grid.IsLoading = true;
var remoteData = await GetDataRemote(this.Page, this.PageSize);
var data = this.CachedData.Skip(startIndex).Take(chunkSize);
this.LocalData = data.ToList();
this.grid.IsLoading = false;
this.grid.TotalItemCount = Math.Min(this.Page * this.PageSize, this.TotalItems);
var data = this.CachedData.Skip(startIndex).Take(chunkSize).ToList();
this.LocalData = data;
private IgbGrid grid;
private int Page = 1;
private int PageSize = 0;
private int ChunkSize = 10;
private int TotalPageCount = 0;
private int TotalItems = 0;
public List<NwinCustomdDataItem> CachedData = new List<NwinCustomdDataItem>();
public List<NwinCustomdDataItem> LocalData = new List<NwinCustomdDataItem>();
CSS styles are loaded from the shared CSS file located at:
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Remote Paging
The paging feature can operate with remote data. In order to demonstrate this let's first declare our service that will be responsible for data fetching. We will need the count of all data items in order to calculate the page count. This logic will be added to our service.
As Blazor Server is already a remote instance, unlike the demos in the other platforms we do not need to set another remote instance for the data, as the data is already remote. In order to do remote paging, we just need to set a couple of methods ins the data class
public Task<List<NwindDataItem>> GetData(int index, int perPage)
var itemsToReturn = items.Skip(index).Take(perPage).ToList();
return Task.FromResult(itemsToReturn);
public Task<int> GetDataLength()
return Task.FromResult(items.Count);
After declaring the service, we need to create a component, which will be responsible for the IgbGrid
construction and data subscription.
First we should load some data to the grid. It is best to do after the grid has been rendered to avoid any timing issues.
protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
if (firstRender)
await Paginate(0, PerPage);
totalRecordsCount = await NwindDataService.GetDataLength();
After that we just need to bind the paging events to our custom methods, and remote paging is set:
<IgbPaginator @ref="pager" PageChange="OnPageChange" PerPageChange="OnPerPageChange" TotalRecords="totalRecordsCount"></IgbPaginator>
@code {
private async void OnPerPageChange(IgbNumberEventArgs e)
PerPage = e.Detail;
await Paginate(0, e.Detail);
private async void OnPageChange(IgbNumberEventArgs e)
await Paginate(e.Detail, PerPage);
private async Task Paginate(double page, double perPage)
{ = page;
double skip = * PerPage;
double top = PerPage;
data = await NwindDataService.GetData(Convert.ToInt32(skip), Convert.ToInt32(perPage));
isLoading = false;
catch (Exception ex)
Console.Error.WriteLine($"Error fetching data: {ex.Message}");
For further reference please check the full demo bellow:
Grid Remote Paging Demo
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Linq;
namespace Infragistics.Samples
public class FGridDataItem
public double ProductID { get; set; }
public string ProductName { get; set; }
public double SupplierID { get; set; }
public double CategoryID { get; set; }
public string QuantityPerUnit { get; set; }
public double UnitPrice { get; set; }
public double UnitsInStock { get; set; }
public double UnitsOnOrder { get; set; }
public double ReorderLevel { get; set; }
public bool Discontinued { get; set; }
public string OrderDate { get; set; }
public double Rating { get; set; }
public List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem> Locations { get; set; }
public class FGridDataItem_LocationsItem
public string Shop { get; set; }
public string LastInventory { get; set; }
public class FlatGridData
: List<FGridDataItem>
public List<FGridDataItem> items;
public FlatGridData()
items = GenerateSampleData();
private List<FGridDataItem> GenerateSampleData()
var sampleData = new List<FGridDataItem>();
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 1,
ProductName = @"Chai",
SupplierID = 1,
CategoryID = 1,
QuantityPerUnit = @"10 boxes x 20 bags",
UnitPrice = 18,
UnitsInStock = 39,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 10,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2012-02-12",
Rating = 5,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Fun-Tasty Co.",
LastInventory = @"2018-06-12"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 2,
ProductName = @"Chang",
SupplierID = 1,
CategoryID = 1,
QuantityPerUnit = @"24 - 12 oz bottles",
UnitPrice = 19,
UnitsInStock = 17,
UnitsOnOrder = 40,
ReorderLevel = 25,
Discontinued = true,
OrderDate = @"2003-03-17",
Rating = 5,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Super Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-09-09"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 3,
ProductName = @"Aniseed Syrup",
SupplierID = 1,
CategoryID = 2,
QuantityPerUnit = @"12 - 550 ml bottles",
UnitPrice = 10,
UnitsInStock = 13,
UnitsOnOrder = 70,
ReorderLevel = 25,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2006-03-17",
Rating = 3,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Street Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-12-12"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"24/7 Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-11-11"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 4,
ProductName = @"Chef Antons Cajun Seasoning",
SupplierID = 2,
CategoryID = 2,
QuantityPerUnit = @"48 - 6 oz jars",
UnitPrice = 22,
UnitsInStock = 53,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2016-03-17",
Rating = 3,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Fun-Tasty Co.",
LastInventory = @"2018-06-12"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Street Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-12-12"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 5,
ProductName = @"Chef Antons Gumbo Mix",
SupplierID = 2,
CategoryID = 2,
QuantityPerUnit = @"36 boxes",
UnitPrice = 21.35,
UnitsInStock = 0,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = true,
OrderDate = @"2011-11-11",
Rating = 5,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Super Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-09-09"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 6,
ProductName = @"Grandmas Boysenberry Spread",
SupplierID = 3,
CategoryID = 2,
QuantityPerUnit = @"12 - 8 oz jars",
UnitPrice = 25,
UnitsInStock = 0,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 25,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2017-12-17",
Rating = 4,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Super Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-09-09"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 7,
ProductName = @"Uncle Bobs Organic Dried Pears",
SupplierID = 3,
CategoryID = 7,
QuantityPerUnit = @"12 - 1 lb pkgs.",
UnitPrice = 30,
UnitsInStock = 150,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 10,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2016-07-17",
Rating = 5,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Fun-Tasty Co.",
LastInventory = @"2018-06-12"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Street Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-12-12"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 8,
ProductName = @"Northwoods Cranberry Sauce",
SupplierID = 3,
CategoryID = 2,
QuantityPerUnit = @"12 - 12 oz jars",
UnitPrice = 40,
UnitsInStock = 6,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2018-01-17",
Rating = 4,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Fun-Tasty Co.",
LastInventory = @"2018-06-12"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 9,
ProductName = @"Mishi Kobe Niku",
SupplierID = 4,
CategoryID = 6,
QuantityPerUnit = @"18 - 500 g pkgs.",
UnitPrice = 97,
UnitsInStock = 29,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = true,
OrderDate = @"2010-02-17",
Rating = 4,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 10,
ProductName = @"Ikura",
SupplierID = 4,
CategoryID = 8,
QuantityPerUnit = @"12 - 200 ml jars",
UnitPrice = 31,
UnitsInStock = 31,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2008-05-17",
Rating = 3,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Wall Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-12-06"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 11,
ProductName = @"Queso Cabrales",
SupplierID = 5,
CategoryID = 4,
QuantityPerUnit = @"1 kg pkg.",
UnitPrice = 21,
UnitsInStock = 22,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 30,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2009-01-17",
Rating = 5,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Fun-Tasty Co.",
LastInventory = @"2018-06-12"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 12,
ProductName = @"Queso Manchego La Pastora",
SupplierID = 5,
CategoryID = 4,
QuantityPerUnit = @"10 - 500 g pkgs.",
UnitPrice = 38,
UnitsInStock = 86,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2015-11-17",
Rating = 3,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 13,
ProductName = @"Konbu",
SupplierID = 6,
CategoryID = 8,
QuantityPerUnit = @"2 kg box",
UnitPrice = 6,
UnitsInStock = 24,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 5,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2015-03-17",
Rating = 2,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Super Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-09-09"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 14,
ProductName = @"Tofu",
SupplierID = 6,
CategoryID = 7,
QuantityPerUnit = @"40 - 100 g pkgs.",
UnitPrice = 23.25,
UnitsInStock = 35,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2017-06-17",
Rating = 4,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Street Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-12-12"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 15,
ProductName = @"Genen Shouyu",
SupplierID = 6,
CategoryID = 2,
QuantityPerUnit = @"24 - 250 ml bottles",
UnitPrice = 15.5,
UnitsInStock = 39,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 5,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2014-03-17",
Rating = 4,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Local Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-07-03"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Wall Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-12-06"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 16,
ProductName = @"Pavlova",
SupplierID = 7,
CategoryID = 3,
QuantityPerUnit = @"32 - 500 g boxes",
UnitPrice = 17.45,
UnitsInStock = 29,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 10,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2018-03-28",
Rating = 2,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Street Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-12-12"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"24/7 Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-11-11"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 17,
ProductName = @"Alice Mutton",
SupplierID = 7,
CategoryID = 6,
QuantityPerUnit = @"20 - 1 kg tins",
UnitPrice = 39,
UnitsInStock = 0,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = true,
OrderDate = @"2015-08-17",
Rating = 2,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 18,
ProductName = @"Carnarvon Tigers",
SupplierID = 7,
CategoryID = 8,
QuantityPerUnit = @"16 kg pkg.",
UnitPrice = 62.5,
UnitsInStock = 42,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2005-09-27",
Rating = 2,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"24/7 Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-11-11"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Super Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-09-09"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 19,
ProductName = @"Teatime Chocolate Biscuits",
SupplierID = 8,
CategoryID = 3,
QuantityPerUnit = @"",
UnitPrice = 9.2,
UnitsInStock = 25,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 5,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2001-03-17",
Rating = 2,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Local Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-07-03"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 20,
ProductName = @"Sir Rodneys Marmalade",
SupplierID = 8,
CategoryID = 3,
QuantityPerUnit = @"4 - 100 ml jars",
UnitPrice = 4.5,
UnitsInStock = 40,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2005-03-17",
Rating = 5,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Super Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-09-09"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 1,
ProductName = @"Chai",
SupplierID = 1,
CategoryID = 1,
QuantityPerUnit = @"10 boxes x 20 bags",
UnitPrice = 18,
UnitsInStock = 39,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 10,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2012-02-12",
Rating = 5,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Fun-Tasty Co.",
LastInventory = @"2018-06-12"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 2,
ProductName = @"Chang",
SupplierID = 1,
CategoryID = 1,
QuantityPerUnit = @"24 - 12 oz bottles",
UnitPrice = 19,
UnitsInStock = 17,
UnitsOnOrder = 40,
ReorderLevel = 25,
Discontinued = true,
OrderDate = @"2003-03-17",
Rating = 5,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Super Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-09-09"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 3,
ProductName = @"Aniseed Syrup",
SupplierID = 1,
CategoryID = 2,
QuantityPerUnit = @"12 - 550 ml bottles",
UnitPrice = 10,
UnitsInStock = 13,
UnitsOnOrder = 70,
ReorderLevel = 25,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2006-03-17",
Rating = 3,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Street Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-12-12"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"24/7 Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-11-11"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 4,
ProductName = @"Chef Antons Cajun Seasoning",
SupplierID = 2,
CategoryID = 2,
QuantityPerUnit = @"48 - 6 oz jars",
UnitPrice = 22,
UnitsInStock = 53,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2016-03-17",
Rating = 3,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Fun-Tasty Co.",
LastInventory = @"2018-06-12"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Street Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-12-12"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 5,
ProductName = @"Chef Antons Gumbo Mix",
SupplierID = 2,
CategoryID = 2,
QuantityPerUnit = @"36 boxes",
UnitPrice = 21.35,
UnitsInStock = 0,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = true,
OrderDate = @"2011-11-11",
Rating = 5,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Super Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-09-09"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 6,
ProductName = @"Grandmas Boysenberry Spread",
SupplierID = 3,
CategoryID = 2,
QuantityPerUnit = @"12 - 8 oz jars",
UnitPrice = 25,
UnitsInStock = 0,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 25,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2017-12-17",
Rating = 4,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Super Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-09-09"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 7,
ProductName = @"Uncle Bobs Organic Dried Pears",
SupplierID = 3,
CategoryID = 7,
QuantityPerUnit = @"12 - 1 lb pkgs.",
UnitPrice = 30,
UnitsInStock = 150,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 10,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2016-07-17",
Rating = 5,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Fun-Tasty Co.",
LastInventory = @"2018-06-12"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Street Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-12-12"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 8,
ProductName = @"Northwoods Cranberry Sauce",
SupplierID = 3,
CategoryID = 2,
QuantityPerUnit = @"12 - 12 oz jars",
UnitPrice = 40,
UnitsInStock = 6,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2018-01-17",
Rating = 4,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Fun-Tasty Co.",
LastInventory = @"2018-06-12"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 9,
ProductName = @"Mishi Kobe Niku",
SupplierID = 4,
CategoryID = 6,
QuantityPerUnit = @"18 - 500 g pkgs.",
UnitPrice = 97,
UnitsInStock = 29,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = true,
OrderDate = @"2010-02-17",
Rating = 4,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 10,
ProductName = @"Ikura",
SupplierID = 4,
CategoryID = 8,
QuantityPerUnit = @"12 - 200 ml jars",
UnitPrice = 31,
UnitsInStock = 31,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2008-05-17",
Rating = 3,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Wall Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-12-06"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 11,
ProductName = @"Queso Cabrales",
SupplierID = 5,
CategoryID = 4,
QuantityPerUnit = @"1 kg pkg.",
UnitPrice = 21,
UnitsInStock = 22,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 30,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2009-01-17",
Rating = 5,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Fun-Tasty Co.",
LastInventory = @"2018-06-12"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 12,
ProductName = @"Queso Manchego La Pastora",
SupplierID = 5,
CategoryID = 4,
QuantityPerUnit = @"10 - 500 g pkgs.",
UnitPrice = 38,
UnitsInStock = 86,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2015-11-17",
Rating = 3,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 13,
ProductName = @"Konbu",
SupplierID = 6,
CategoryID = 8,
QuantityPerUnit = @"2 kg box",
UnitPrice = 6,
UnitsInStock = 24,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 5,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2015-03-17",
Rating = 2,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Super Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-09-09"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 14,
ProductName = @"Tofu",
SupplierID = 6,
CategoryID = 7,
QuantityPerUnit = @"40 - 100 g pkgs.",
UnitPrice = 23.25,
UnitsInStock = 35,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2017-06-17",
Rating = 4,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Street Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-12-12"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 15,
ProductName = @"Genen Shouyu",
SupplierID = 6,
CategoryID = 2,
QuantityPerUnit = @"24 - 250 ml bottles",
UnitPrice = 15.5,
UnitsInStock = 39,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 5,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2014-03-17",
Rating = 4,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Local Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-07-03"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Wall Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-12-06"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 16,
ProductName = @"Pavlova",
SupplierID = 7,
CategoryID = 3,
QuantityPerUnit = @"32 - 500 g boxes",
UnitPrice = 17.45,
UnitsInStock = 29,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 10,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2018-03-28",
Rating = 2,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Street Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-12-12"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"24/7 Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-11-11"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 17,
ProductName = @"Alice Mutton",
SupplierID = 7,
CategoryID = 6,
QuantityPerUnit = @"20 - 1 kg tins",
UnitPrice = 39,
UnitsInStock = 0,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = true,
OrderDate = @"2015-08-17",
Rating = 2,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 18,
ProductName = @"Carnarvon Tigers",
SupplierID = 7,
CategoryID = 8,
QuantityPerUnit = @"16 kg pkg.",
UnitPrice = 62.5,
UnitsInStock = 42,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2005-09-27",
Rating = 2,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"24/7 Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-11-11"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Super Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-09-09"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 19,
ProductName = @"Teatime Chocolate Biscuits",
SupplierID = 8,
CategoryID = 3,
QuantityPerUnit = @"",
UnitPrice = 9.2,
UnitsInStock = 25,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 5,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2001-03-17",
Rating = 2,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Local Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-07-03"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 20,
ProductName = @"Sir Rodneys Marmalade",
SupplierID = 8,
CategoryID = 3,
QuantityPerUnit = @"4 - 100 ml jars",
UnitPrice = 4.5,
UnitsInStock = 40,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2005-03-17",
Rating = 5,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Super Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-09-09"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 1,
ProductName = @"Chai",
SupplierID = 1,
CategoryID = 1,
QuantityPerUnit = @"10 boxes x 20 bags",
UnitPrice = 18,
UnitsInStock = 39,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 10,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2012-02-12",
Rating = 5,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Fun-Tasty Co.",
LastInventory = @"2018-06-12"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 2,
ProductName = @"Chang",
SupplierID = 1,
CategoryID = 1,
QuantityPerUnit = @"24 - 12 oz bottles",
UnitPrice = 19,
UnitsInStock = 17,
UnitsOnOrder = 40,
ReorderLevel = 25,
Discontinued = true,
OrderDate = @"2003-03-17",
Rating = 5,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Super Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-09-09"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 3,
ProductName = @"Aniseed Syrup",
SupplierID = 1,
CategoryID = 2,
QuantityPerUnit = @"12 - 550 ml bottles",
UnitPrice = 10,
UnitsInStock = 13,
UnitsOnOrder = 70,
ReorderLevel = 25,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2006-03-17",
Rating = 3,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Street Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-12-12"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"24/7 Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-11-11"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 4,
ProductName = @"Chef Antons Cajun Seasoning",
SupplierID = 2,
CategoryID = 2,
QuantityPerUnit = @"48 - 6 oz jars",
UnitPrice = 22,
UnitsInStock = 53,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2016-03-17",
Rating = 3,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Fun-Tasty Co.",
LastInventory = @"2018-06-12"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Street Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-12-12"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 5,
ProductName = @"Chef Antons Gumbo Mix",
SupplierID = 2,
CategoryID = 2,
QuantityPerUnit = @"36 boxes",
UnitPrice = 21.35,
UnitsInStock = 0,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = true,
OrderDate = @"2011-11-11",
Rating = 5,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Super Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-09-09"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 6,
ProductName = @"Grandmas Boysenberry Spread",
SupplierID = 3,
CategoryID = 2,
QuantityPerUnit = @"12 - 8 oz jars",
UnitPrice = 25,
UnitsInStock = 0,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 25,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2017-12-17",
Rating = 4,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Super Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-09-09"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 7,
ProductName = @"Uncle Bobs Organic Dried Pears",
SupplierID = 3,
CategoryID = 7,
QuantityPerUnit = @"12 - 1 lb pkgs.",
UnitPrice = 30,
UnitsInStock = 150,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 10,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2016-07-17",
Rating = 5,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Fun-Tasty Co.",
LastInventory = @"2018-06-12"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Street Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-12-12"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 8,
ProductName = @"Northwoods Cranberry Sauce",
SupplierID = 3,
CategoryID = 2,
QuantityPerUnit = @"12 - 12 oz jars",
UnitPrice = 40,
UnitsInStock = 6,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2018-01-17",
Rating = 4,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Fun-Tasty Co.",
LastInventory = @"2018-06-12"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 9,
ProductName = @"Mishi Kobe Niku",
SupplierID = 4,
CategoryID = 6,
QuantityPerUnit = @"18 - 500 g pkgs.",
UnitPrice = 97,
UnitsInStock = 29,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = true,
OrderDate = @"2010-02-17",
Rating = 4,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 10,
ProductName = @"Ikura",
SupplierID = 4,
CategoryID = 8,
QuantityPerUnit = @"12 - 200 ml jars",
UnitPrice = 31,
UnitsInStock = 31,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2008-05-17",
Rating = 3,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Wall Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-12-06"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 11,
ProductName = @"Queso Cabrales",
SupplierID = 5,
CategoryID = 4,
QuantityPerUnit = @"1 kg pkg.",
UnitPrice = 21,
UnitsInStock = 22,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 30,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2009-01-17",
Rating = 5,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Fun-Tasty Co.",
LastInventory = @"2018-06-12"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 12,
ProductName = @"Queso Manchego La Pastora",
SupplierID = 5,
CategoryID = 4,
QuantityPerUnit = @"10 - 500 g pkgs.",
UnitPrice = 38,
UnitsInStock = 86,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2015-11-17",
Rating = 3,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 13,
ProductName = @"Konbu",
SupplierID = 6,
CategoryID = 8,
QuantityPerUnit = @"2 kg box",
UnitPrice = 6,
UnitsInStock = 24,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 5,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2015-03-17",
Rating = 2,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Super Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-09-09"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 14,
ProductName = @"Tofu",
SupplierID = 6,
CategoryID = 7,
QuantityPerUnit = @"40 - 100 g pkgs.",
UnitPrice = 23.25,
UnitsInStock = 35,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2017-06-17",
Rating = 4,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Street Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-12-12"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 15,
ProductName = @"Genen Shouyu",
SupplierID = 6,
CategoryID = 2,
QuantityPerUnit = @"24 - 250 ml bottles",
UnitPrice = 15.5,
UnitsInStock = 39,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 5,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2014-03-17",
Rating = 4,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Local Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-07-03"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Wall Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-12-06"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 16,
ProductName = @"Pavlova",
SupplierID = 7,
CategoryID = 3,
QuantityPerUnit = @"32 - 500 g boxes",
UnitPrice = 17.45,
UnitsInStock = 29,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 10,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2018-03-28",
Rating = 2,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Street Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-12-12"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"24/7 Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-11-11"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 17,
ProductName = @"Alice Mutton",
SupplierID = 7,
CategoryID = 6,
QuantityPerUnit = @"20 - 1 kg tins",
UnitPrice = 39,
UnitsInStock = 0,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = true,
OrderDate = @"2015-08-17",
Rating = 2,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 18,
ProductName = @"Carnarvon Tigers",
SupplierID = 7,
CategoryID = 8,
QuantityPerUnit = @"16 kg pkg.",
UnitPrice = 62.5,
UnitsInStock = 42,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2005-09-27",
Rating = 2,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"24/7 Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-11-11"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Super Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-09-09"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 19,
ProductName = @"Teatime Chocolate Biscuits",
SupplierID = 8,
CategoryID = 3,
QuantityPerUnit = @"",
UnitPrice = 9.2,
UnitsInStock = 25,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 5,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2001-03-17",
Rating = 2,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Local Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-07-03"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 20,
ProductName = @"Sir Rodneys Marmalade",
SupplierID = 8,
CategoryID = 3,
QuantityPerUnit = @"4 - 100 ml jars",
UnitPrice = 4.5,
UnitsInStock = 40,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2005-03-17",
Rating = 5,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Super Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-09-09"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 1,
ProductName = @"Chai",
SupplierID = 1,
CategoryID = 1,
QuantityPerUnit = @"10 boxes x 20 bags",
UnitPrice = 18,
UnitsInStock = 39,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 10,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2012-02-12",
Rating = 5,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Fun-Tasty Co.",
LastInventory = @"2018-06-12"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 2,
ProductName = @"Chang",
SupplierID = 1,
CategoryID = 1,
QuantityPerUnit = @"24 - 12 oz bottles",
UnitPrice = 19,
UnitsInStock = 17,
UnitsOnOrder = 40,
ReorderLevel = 25,
Discontinued = true,
OrderDate = @"2003-03-17",
Rating = 5,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Super Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-09-09"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 3,
ProductName = @"Aniseed Syrup",
SupplierID = 1,
CategoryID = 2,
QuantityPerUnit = @"12 - 550 ml bottles",
UnitPrice = 10,
UnitsInStock = 13,
UnitsOnOrder = 70,
ReorderLevel = 25,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2006-03-17",
Rating = 3,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Street Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-12-12"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"24/7 Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-11-11"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 4,
ProductName = @"Chef Antons Cajun Seasoning",
SupplierID = 2,
CategoryID = 2,
QuantityPerUnit = @"48 - 6 oz jars",
UnitPrice = 22,
UnitsInStock = 53,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2016-03-17",
Rating = 3,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Fun-Tasty Co.",
LastInventory = @"2018-06-12"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Street Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-12-12"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 5,
ProductName = @"Chef Antons Gumbo Mix",
SupplierID = 2,
CategoryID = 2,
QuantityPerUnit = @"36 boxes",
UnitPrice = 21.35,
UnitsInStock = 0,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = true,
OrderDate = @"2011-11-11",
Rating = 5,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Super Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-09-09"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 6,
ProductName = @"Grandmas Boysenberry Spread",
SupplierID = 3,
CategoryID = 2,
QuantityPerUnit = @"12 - 8 oz jars",
UnitPrice = 25,
UnitsInStock = 0,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 25,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2017-12-17",
Rating = 4,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Super Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-09-09"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 7,
ProductName = @"Uncle Bobs Organic Dried Pears",
SupplierID = 3,
CategoryID = 7,
QuantityPerUnit = @"12 - 1 lb pkgs.",
UnitPrice = 30,
UnitsInStock = 150,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 10,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2016-07-17",
Rating = 5,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Fun-Tasty Co.",
LastInventory = @"2018-06-12"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Street Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-12-12"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 8,
ProductName = @"Northwoods Cranberry Sauce",
SupplierID = 3,
CategoryID = 2,
QuantityPerUnit = @"12 - 12 oz jars",
UnitPrice = 40,
UnitsInStock = 6,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2018-01-17",
Rating = 4,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Fun-Tasty Co.",
LastInventory = @"2018-06-12"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 9,
ProductName = @"Mishi Kobe Niku",
SupplierID = 4,
CategoryID = 6,
QuantityPerUnit = @"18 - 500 g pkgs.",
UnitPrice = 97,
UnitsInStock = 29,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = true,
OrderDate = @"2010-02-17",
Rating = 4,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 10,
ProductName = @"Ikura",
SupplierID = 4,
CategoryID = 8,
QuantityPerUnit = @"12 - 200 ml jars",
UnitPrice = 31,
UnitsInStock = 31,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2008-05-17",
Rating = 3,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Wall Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-12-06"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 11,
ProductName = @"Queso Cabrales",
SupplierID = 5,
CategoryID = 4,
QuantityPerUnit = @"1 kg pkg.",
UnitPrice = 21,
UnitsInStock = 22,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 30,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2009-01-17",
Rating = 5,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Fun-Tasty Co.",
LastInventory = @"2018-06-12"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 12,
ProductName = @"Queso Manchego La Pastora",
SupplierID = 5,
CategoryID = 4,
QuantityPerUnit = @"10 - 500 g pkgs.",
UnitPrice = 38,
UnitsInStock = 86,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2015-11-17",
Rating = 3,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 13,
ProductName = @"Konbu",
SupplierID = 6,
CategoryID = 8,
QuantityPerUnit = @"2 kg box",
UnitPrice = 6,
UnitsInStock = 24,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 5,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2015-03-17",
Rating = 2,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Super Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-09-09"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 14,
ProductName = @"Tofu",
SupplierID = 6,
CategoryID = 7,
QuantityPerUnit = @"40 - 100 g pkgs.",
UnitPrice = 23.25,
UnitsInStock = 35,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2017-06-17",
Rating = 4,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Street Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-12-12"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 15,
ProductName = @"Genen Shouyu",
SupplierID = 6,
CategoryID = 2,
QuantityPerUnit = @"24 - 250 ml bottles",
UnitPrice = 15.5,
UnitsInStock = 39,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 5,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2014-03-17",
Rating = 4,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Local Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-07-03"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Wall Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-12-06"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 16,
ProductName = @"Pavlova",
SupplierID = 7,
CategoryID = 3,
QuantityPerUnit = @"32 - 500 g boxes",
UnitPrice = 17.45,
UnitsInStock = 29,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 10,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2018-03-28",
Rating = 2,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Street Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-12-12"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"24/7 Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-11-11"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 17,
ProductName = @"Alice Mutton",
SupplierID = 7,
CategoryID = 6,
QuantityPerUnit = @"20 - 1 kg tins",
UnitPrice = 39,
UnitsInStock = 0,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = true,
OrderDate = @"2015-08-17",
Rating = 2,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Farmer Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-04-04"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 18,
ProductName = @"Carnarvon Tigers",
SupplierID = 7,
CategoryID = 8,
QuantityPerUnit = @"16 kg pkg.",
UnitPrice = 62.5,
UnitsInStock = 42,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2005-09-27",
Rating = 2,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"24/7 Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-11-11"
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Super Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-09-09"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 19,
ProductName = @"Teatime Chocolate Biscuits",
SupplierID = 8,
CategoryID = 3,
QuantityPerUnit = @"",
UnitPrice = 9.2,
UnitsInStock = 25,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 5,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2001-03-17",
Rating = 2,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Local Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-07-03"
sampleData.Add(new FGridDataItem()
ProductID = 20,
ProductName = @"Sir Rodneys Marmalade",
SupplierID = 8,
CategoryID = 3,
QuantityPerUnit = @"4 - 100 ml jars",
UnitPrice = 4.5,
UnitsInStock = 40,
UnitsOnOrder = 30,
ReorderLevel = 0,
Discontinued = false,
OrderDate = @"2005-03-17",
Rating = 5,
Locations = new List<FGridDataItem_LocationsItem>()
new FGridDataItem_LocationsItem()
Shop = @"Super Market",
LastInventory = @"2018-09-09"
return sampleData;
public Task<List<FGridDataItem>> GetData(int index, int perPage)
var itemsToReturn = items.Skip(index).Take(perPage).ToList();
return Task.FromResult(itemsToReturn);
public Task<int> GetDataLength()
return Task.FromResult(items.Count);
csusing System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Hosting;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using IgniteUI.Blazor.Controls; // for registering Ignite UI modules
namespace Infragistics.Samples
public class Program
public static async Task Main(string[] args)
var builder = WebAssemblyHostBuilder.CreateDefault(args);
builder.Services.AddScoped(sp => new HttpClient { BaseAddress = new Uri(builder.HostEnvironment.BaseAddress) });
// registering Ignite UI modules
await builder.Build().RunAsync();
@using IgniteUI.Blazor.Controls
@inject FlatGridData NwindDataService
<div class="container vertical ig-typography">
<div class="container vertical fill">
<IgbGrid @ref="grid1" AutoGenerate="false" Moving="true" PagingMode="GridPagingMode.Remote">
<IgbPaginator @ref="pager" PageChange="OnPageChange" PerPageChange="OnPerPageChange" TotalRecords="totalRecordsCount"></IgbPaginator>
<IgbColumn Name="OrderDate" Field="OrderDate" Header="Order Date"></IgbColumn>
<IgbColumn Name="ProductName" Field="ProductName" Header="Product Name"></IgbColumn>
<IgbColumn Name="QuantityPerUnit" Field="QuantityPerUnit" Header="Quantity Per Unit"></IgbColumn>
<IgbColumn Name="UnitPrice" Field="UnitPrice" Header="Unit Price"></IgbColumn>
<IgbColumn Name="SupplierID" Field="SupplierID" Header="Supplier ID"></IgbColumn>
<IgbColumn Name="UnitsInStock" Field="UnitsInStock" Header="Units In Stock"></IgbColumn>
<IgbColumn Name="UnitsOnOrder" Field="UnitsOnOrder" Header="Units On Order"></IgbColumn>
@code {
private FlatGridData data = new FlatGridData();
private int dataLength = 0;
private IgbGrid grid1;
private int totalRecordsCount;
private double page = 0;
private double _perPage = 15;
private IgbPaginator pager;
private bool isLoading = true;
protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
if (firstRender)
await Paginate(0, PerPage);
totalRecordsCount = await NwindDataService.GetDataLength();
private async Task Paginate(double page, double perPage)
{ = page;
double skip = * PerPage;
double top = PerPage;
data.items = await NwindDataService.GetData(Convert.ToInt32(skip), Convert.ToInt32(perPage));
isLoading = false;
catch (Exception ex)
Console.Error.WriteLine($"Error fetching data: {ex.Message}");
private void UpdateUI()
if (grid1 != null && data.items != null)
grid1.Data = data.items;
private double PerPage
get => _perPage;
_perPage = value;
new Task(async () => await Paginate(page, PerPage)).Start();
private async void OnPerPageChange(IgbNumberEventArgs e)
PerPage = e.Detail;
await Paginate(0, e.Detail);
private async void OnPageChange(IgbNumberEventArgs e)
await Paginate(e.Detail, PerPage);
CSS styles are loaded from the shared CSS file located at:
Problemas conocidos y limitaciones
- Cuando la grilla no tiene
configurada y los escenarios de datos remotos están habilitados (al paginar, ordenar, filtrar y desplazar solicitudes de activación a un servidor remoto para recuperar los datos que se mostrarán en la grilla), una fila perderá el siguiente estado después de un dato. solicitud completa:
- Selección de fila
- Fila Expandir/contraer
- Edición de filas
- Fijación de filas
Referencias de API
Recursos adicionales
- Paginación
- Virtualización y rendimiento
- Filtración
- Clasificación
- resúmenes
- Columna en movimiento
- Fijación de columnas
- Cambio de tamaño de columna
- Selección
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