Blazor Using Workbooks
The Infragistics Blazor Excel Engine enables you to save data to and load data from Microsoft® Excel®. You can create workbooks and worksheets, input data, and export the data to Excel using the library’s various classes. The Infragistics Blazor Excel Engine makes it easy to export the data in your application as an Excel spreadsheet as well as import data from Excel into your application.
Blazor Using Workbooks Example
using System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript;
namespace Infragistics.Samples
public partial class BlazorFastDownload
[JSImport("BlazorDownloadFileFast" , "BlazorFastDownload" ) ]
internal static partial void DownloadFile (string name, string contentType, byte [] content ) ;
cs コピー using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Hosting;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using IgniteUI.Blazor.Controls;
namespace Infragistics.Samples
public class Program
public static async Task Main (string [] args )
var builder = WebAssemblyHostBuilder.CreateDefault(args);
builder.RootComponents.Add<App>("app" );
builder.Services.AddScoped(sp => new HttpClient { BaseAddress = new Uri(builder.HostEnvironment.BaseAddress) });
typeof (IgbDataGridModule)
await builder.Build().RunAsync();
cs コピー using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Infragistics.Samples
public class SalesEmployee
public double ID { get ; set ; }
public string ContactName { get ; set ; }
public string CompanyName { get ; set ; }
public string ContactTitle { get ; set ; }
public int Age { get ; set ; }
public string Country { get ; set ; }
public string City { get ; set ; }
public double Salary { get ; set ; }
public string Fax { get ; set ; }
public string Phone { get ; set ; }
public string Address { get ; set ; }
public string PostalCode { get ; set ; }
public string Region { get ; set ; }
public List<Order> Order { get ; set ; }
public class Expense
public int Year { get ; set ; }
public double ComputerExpense { get ; set ; }
public double ResearchExpense { get ; set ; }
public double TravelExpense { get ; set ; }
public double SalaryExpense { get ; set ; }
public double SoftwareExpense { get ; set ; }
public class Income
public int Year { get ; set ; }
public double PhoneIncome { get ; set ; }
public double ComputerIncome { get ; set ; }
public double SoftwareIncome { get ; set ; }
public double ServiceIncome { get ; set ; }
public double RoyaltyIncome { get ; set ; }
public class Order : SalesEmployee
public string CustomerName { get ; set ; }
public string CustomerID { get ; set ; }
public double Freight { get ; set ; }
public string OrderDate { get ; set ; }
public double OrderID { get ; set ; }
public string RequiredDate { get ; set ; }
public string ShipAddress { get ; set ; }
public string ShipCity { get ; set ; }
public string ShipCountry { get ; set ; }
public string ShipName { get ; set ; }
public string ShipPostalCode { get ; set ; }
public string ShipRegion { get ; set ; }
public double ShipVia { get ; set ; }
public string ShippedDate { get ; set ; }
public double ShipperID { get ; set ; }
public string ShipperName { get ; set ; }
public double TotalItems { get ; set ; }
public double TotalPrice { get ; set ; }
cs コピー
@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components
@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Rendering
@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Forms
@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.RenderTree
@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web
@using System.Text.RegularExpressions
@using System.Net.Http
@using System.Net.Http.Json
@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Routing
@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Http
@using Microsoft.JSInterop
@using Microsoft.JSInterop.WebAssembly
@using Infragistics.Documents.Excel
@using IgniteUI.Blazor.Controls
@using System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript
@ implements IDisposable
<div class ="container vertical" >
<div class ="options vertical" >
<button @onclick ="GenerateData" > Generate Data</button >
<button @onclick ="CreateXlsx" > Save Workbook to XLSX</button >
<button @onclick ="CreateXls" > Save Workbook to XLS</button >
<span > Select Table to Export:</span >
<select @onchange ="OnTableChange" >
<option > Sales Employee - Table1</option >
<option > Expense - Table2</option >
<option > Income - Table3</option >
</select >
</div >
<div class ="container vertical" >
@ if (Data != null )
<IgbDataGrid @ref ="@ grid " Height ="100%" Width ="100%"
DataSource ="Data"
AutoGenerateColumns ="true" >
</IgbDataGrid >
</div >
</div >
@code {
[Inject ]
public IJSRuntime Runtime { get ; set ; }
public bool canSave = false ;
public Random Rand = new Random();
public IgbDataGrid grid;
public object Data;
public Workbook wb;
public List <SalesEmployee > salesEmployeeData;
public List <Expense > expenseData;
public List <Income > incomeData;
public string [] companies;
public string [] firstNames;
public string [] lastNames;
public string [] countries;
public string [] cities;
public string [] titles;
public string [] employeeColumns;
public string [] streets;
public string selected = "Employees - Table1" ;
protected override void OnInitialized ( )
Workbook.InProcessRuntime = this .Runtime as IJSInProcessRuntime;
this .companies = new string [] { "Amazon" , "Ford" , "Jaguar" , "Tesla" , "IBM" , "Microsoft" };
this .firstNames = new string [] { "Andrew" , "Mike" , "Martin" , "Ann" , "Victoria" , "John" , "Brian" , "Jason" , "David" };
this .lastNames = new string [] { "Smith" , "Jordan" , "Johnson" , "Anderson" , "Louis" , "Phillips" , "Williams" };
this .countries = new string [] { "UK" , "France" , "USA" , "Germany" , "Poland" , "Brazil" };
this .cities = new string [] { "London" , "Paris" , "Boston" , "Berlin" };
this .titles = new string [] { "Sales Rep." , "Engineer" , "Administrator" , "Manager" };
this .employeeColumns = new string [] { "Name" , "Company" , "Title" , "Age" , "Country" };
this .streets = new string [] { "Main St" , "Madison St" , "Broad Way" };
this .Data = this .salesEmployeeData;
public void GenerateData ( ) {
this .InitData();
this .SwitchDataSource(this .selected);
public void InitData ( )
this .salesEmployeeData = new List<SalesEmployee>();
this .expenseData = new List<Expense>();
this .incomeData = new List<Income>();
var startYear = 2011 ;
for (var i = 1 ; i < 20 ; i++)
var year = startYear + i;
string company = companies[Rand.Next(0 , companies.Length)];
string title = titles[Rand.Next(0 , titles.Length)];
string country = countries[Rand.Next(0 , countries.Length)];
string name = firstNames[Rand.Next(0 , firstNames.Length)] + " " + firstNames[Rand.Next(0 , firstNames.Length)];
double salary = this .GetRandom(45000 , 95000 );
double age = this .GetRandom(20 , 65 );
string city = cities[Rand.Next(0 , cities.Length)];
string address = this .GetRandom(10 , 60 ).ToString() + " " + streets[Rand.Next(0 , streets.Length)];
string postalCode = "CID-" + this .GetRandom(500 , 900 );
string phone = this .GetRandom(500 , 900 ) + "-" + this .GetRandom(200 , 900 ) + "-" + this .GetRandom(2000 , 9000 );
string fax = this .GetRandom(500 , 900 ) + "-" + this .GetRandom(200 , 900 ) + "-" + this .GetRandom(2000 , 9000 );
double computerExpense = this .GetRandom(50000 , 60000 );
double researchExpense = this .GetRandom(120000 , 160000 );
double travelExpense = this .GetRandom(15000 , 25000 );
double salaryExpense = this .GetRandom(1000000 , 2000000 );
double softwareExpense = this .GetRandom(100000 , 150000 );
double phoneIncome = this .GetRandom(3500000 , 6000000 );
double computerIncome = this .GetRandom(200000 , 300000 );
double softwareIncome = this .GetRandom(700000 , 800000 );
double serviceIncome = this .GetRandom(650000 , 750000 );
double royaltyIncome = this .GetRandom(400000 , 450000 );
this .salesEmployeeData.Add(new SalesEmployee()
ContactName = name,
CompanyName = company,
ID = this .GetRandom(1000 , 8000 ),
ContactTitle = title,
Age = (int )age,
Country = country,
City = city,
Salary = salary,
Phone = phone,
Fax = fax,
Address = address,
PostalCode = postalCode,
Region = GetRandom(0 ,100 ).ToString()
this .expenseData.Add(new Expense()
Year = year,
ComputerExpense = computerExpense,
ResearchExpense = researchExpense,
TravelExpense = travelExpense,
SalaryExpense = salaryExpense,
SoftwareExpense = softwareExpense
this .incomeData.Add(new Income()
Year = year,
PhoneIncome = phoneIncome,
ComputerIncome = computerIncome,
SoftwareIncome = softwareIncome,
ServiceIncome = serviceIncome,
RoyaltyIncome = royaltyIncome
private void CreateXls ( )
this .SaveFile(this .wb, "ExcelWorkbook" );
private void CreateXlsx ( )
this .SaveFile(this .wb, "ExcelWorkbook" );
public void SwitchDataSource (string value )
if (value .Contains("Sales Employee" ))
this .Data = this .salesEmployeeData;
else if (value .Contains("Expense" ))
this .Data = this .expenseData;
else if (value .Contains("Income" ))
this .Data = this .incomeData;
public void ExportGridData (WorkbookFormat format )
this .wb = new Workbook(format);
var ws = this .wb.Worksheets.Add("Sheet1" );
ws.DefaultColumnWidth = 300 * 20 ;
if (this .Data is List<SalesEmployee>)
int worksheetRow = 0 ;
foreach (SalesEmployee emp in this .salesEmployeeData)
for (int i = 0 ; i < this .grid.ActualColumns.Count; i++)
IgbDataGridColumn c = this .grid.ActualColumns[i];
var value = typeof (SalesEmployee).GetProperty(c.Field).GetValue(emp);
ws.Rows[worksheetRow].Cells[i].Value = value ;
else if (this .Data is List<Expense>)
int worksheetRow = 0 ;
foreach (Expense emp in this .expenseData)
for (int i = 0 ; i < this .grid.ActualColumns.Count; i++)
IgbDataGridColumn c = this .grid.ActualColumns[i];
var value = typeof (Expense).GetProperty(c.Field).GetValue(emp);
ws.Rows[worksheetRow].Cells[i].Value = value ;
else if (this .Data is List<Income>)
int worksheetRow = 0 ;
foreach (Income emp in this .incomeData)
for (int i = 0 ; i < this .grid.ActualColumns.Count; i++)
IgbDataGridColumn c = this .grid.ActualColumns[i];
var value = typeof (Income).GetProperty(c.Field).GetValue(emp);
ws.Rows[worksheetRow].Cells[i].Value = value ;
public void SaveFile (Workbook wb, string fileNameWithoutExtension )
var ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
if (wb != null )
string extension;
switch (wb.CurrentFormat)
default :
case WorkbookFormat.StrictOpenXml:
case WorkbookFormat.Excel2007:
extension = ".xlsx" ;
break ;
case WorkbookFormat.Excel2007MacroEnabled:
extension = ".xlsm" ;
break ;
case WorkbookFormat.Excel2007MacroEnabledTemplate:
extension = ".xltm" ;
break ;
case WorkbookFormat.Excel2007Template:
extension = ".xltx" ;
break ;
case WorkbookFormat.Excel97To2003:
extension = ".xls" ;
break ;
case WorkbookFormat.Excel97To2003Template:
extension = ".xlt" ;
break ;
string fileName = fileNameWithoutExtension + extension;
string mime;
switch (wb.CurrentFormat)
default :
case WorkbookFormat.Excel2007:
case WorkbookFormat.Excel2007MacroEnabled:
case WorkbookFormat.Excel2007MacroEnabledTemplate:
case WorkbookFormat.Excel2007Template:
case WorkbookFormat.StrictOpenXml:
mime = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet" ;
break ;
case WorkbookFormat.Excel97To2003:
case WorkbookFormat.Excel97To2003Template:
mime = "application/" ;
break ;
ms.Position = 0 ;
var bytes = ms.ToArray();
SaveFile(bytes, fileName, mime);
JSObject module;
bool moduleDownloaded = false ;
public async void SaveFile (byte [] bytes, string fileName, string mime )
if (Runtime is WebAssemblyJSRuntime wasmRuntime)
if (!moduleDownloaded)
module = await JSHost.ImportAsync("BlazorFastDownload" , "../BlazorFastDownloadFile.js" );
moduleDownloaded = true ;
BlazorFastDownload.DownloadFile(fileName, mime, bytes);
else if (Runtime is IJSInProcessRuntime inProc)
inProc.InvokeVoid("BlazorDownloadFile" , fileName, mime, bytes);
public void Dispose ( )
if (moduleDownloaded && module != null )
public void OnTableChange (ChangeEventArgs args )
string newVal = args.Value.ToString();
this .selected = newVal;
this .SwitchDataSource(newVal);
public double GetRandom (double min, double max )
return Math.Round(min + (Rand.NextDouble() * (max - min)));
razor コピー
function BlazorDownloadFile (filename, contentType, content ) {
var data = base64DecToArr(content);
var file = new File([data], filename, { type : contentType });
var exportUrl = URL.createObjectURL(file);
var a = document .createElement("a" );
document .body.appendChild(a);
a.href = exportUrl; = filename; = "_self" ;;
function b64ToUint6 (nChr ) {
return nChr > 64 && nChr < 91 ? nChr - 65 : nChr > 96 && nChr < 123 ? nChr - 71 : nChr > 47 && nChr < 58 ? nChr + 4 : nChr === 43 ? 62 : nChr === 47 ? 63 : 0 ;
function base64DecToArr (sBase64, nBlocksSize ) {
var sB64Enc = sBase64.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/]/g , "" ), nInLen = sB64Enc.length, nOutLen = nBlocksSize ? Math .ceil((nInLen * 3 + 1 >> 2 ) / nBlocksSize) * nBlocksSize : nInLen * 3 + 1 >> 2 , taBytes = new Uint8Array (nOutLen);
for (var nMod3, nMod4, nUint24 = 0 , nOutIdx = 0 , nInIdx = 0 ; nInIdx < nInLen; nInIdx++) {
nMod4 = nInIdx & 3 ;
nUint24 |= b64ToUint6(sB64Enc.charCodeAt(nInIdx)) << 18 - 6 * nMod4;
if (nMod4 === 3 || nInLen - nInIdx === 1 ) {
for (nMod3 = 0 ; nMod3 < 3 && nOutIdx < nOutLen; nMod3++, nOutIdx++) {
taBytes[nOutIdx] = nUint24 >>> (16 >>> nMod3 & 24 ) & 255 ;
nUint24 = 0 ;
return taBytes;
js コピー
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Change Default Font
First create a new instance of IWorkbookFont
. Next, add the new font to the Styles
collection of the Workbook
. This style contains the default properties for all cells in the workbook, unless otherwise specified on a row, column, or cell. Changing properties of the style will change the default cell format properties in the workbook.
var workbook = new Workbook();
var font = workbook.Styles.NormalStyle.StyleFormat.Font;
font.Name = "Times New Roman";
font.Height = 16 * 20;
Setting Workbook Properties
Microsoft Excel® document properties provide information to help organize and keep track of your documents. You can use the Infragistics Blazor Excel Library to set these properties using the Workbook
object’s DocumentProperties
property. The available properties are:
The following code demonstrates how to create a workbook and set its title
and status
document properties.
var workbook = new Workbook();
workbook.DocumentProperties.Title = "Expense Report";
workbook.DocumentProperties.Status = "Complete";
Workbook Protection
The workbook protection feature allows you to protect the structure of the workbook. That is, the ability for a user to add, rename, delete, hide, and reorder the worksheets in that workbook.
The protection is not enforced via the Infragistics Excel Engine's object model. It is a responsibility of the UI visualizing this object model to honor these protection settings and allow or restrict the user from performing the corresponding operations.
Protection is applied to a workbook by invoking its protect
When a Workbook
is protected without a password, the end user may unprotect the Workbook
in Excel without having to supply a password. To programmatically unprotect a Workbook
, one may use the unprotect
When a Workbook
is protected, the values of the properties of the WorkbookProtection
instance from this Workbook
's protection
property indicate the disabled operations.
If IsProtected
is already true, the protect
method will be ignored.
var workbook = new Workbook();
workbook.Protect(false, false);
Check if a workbook has protection. This read-only property returns true if the workbook has any protection set using the overloads of the Protect method.
var workbook = new Workbook();
var protect = workbook.IsProtected;
This read-only property returns an object of type WorkbookProtection which contains properties for obtaining each protection setting individually.
var workbook = new Workbook();
var protect = workbook.Protection;
API References