Blazor Esri Utility

    El tema de recursos proporciona la implementación de una utilidad que ayuda con el uso IgbArcGISOnlineMapImagery proporcionada por Esri Maps en IgbGeographicMap.

    Code Snippet

    public class EsriStyle
        // these Esri maps show geographic tiles for the whole of world
        public static string WorldStreetMap = "";
        public static string WorldTopographicMap = "";
        public static string WorldImageryMap = "";
        public static string WorldOceansMap = "";
        public static string WorldNationalGeoMap = "";
        public static string WorldTerrainMap = "";
        public static string WorldDeLormesMap = "";
        public static string WorldLightGrayMap = "";
        public static string WorldShadedReliefMap = "";
        public static string WorldPhysicalMap = "";
        // these Esri maps show geographic tiles for the whole of world without contours of continents
        // therefore the Map should also load a shapefile of continents when using them
        public static string WorldAdminOverlay = "";
        public static string WorldTransportationOverlay = "";
        public static string WorldBoundariesDarkOverlay = "";
        public static string WorldBoundariesLightOverlay = "";
        public static string WorldLabelsLightGrayOverlay = "";
        // these Esri maps show only geographic tiles for the USA
        // therefore the Map should be zoomed in to geographic bounds of USA when using them
        public static string UsaOwnerOccupiedHousing = "";
        public static string UsaSoilSurvey = "";
        public static string UsaPopulationOlderThanAge64 = "";
        public static string UsaPopulationYoungerThan18 = "";
        public static string UsaPopulationGrowth2015 = "";
        public static string UsaUnemploymentRate = "";
        public static string UsaSocialVulnerability = "";
        public static string UsaRetailSpendingPotential = "";
        public static string UsaPopulationChange2010 = "";
        public static string UsaPopulationChange2000 = "";
        public static string UsaPopulationDensity = "";
        public static string UsaPopulationByGender = "";
        public static string UsaMedianHouseholdIncome = "";
        public static string UsaMedianNetWorth = "";
        public static string UsaMedianHomeValue = "";
        public static string UsaMedianAge = "";
        public static string UsaLaborForceParticipation = "";
        public static string UsaAverageHouseholdSize = "";
        public static string UsaDiversityIndex = "";
        public static string UsaRailNetwork = "";

    API References