Web Components ComboBox Templates
The Ignite UI for Web Components ComboBox component allows defining custom templates for different areas such as items, group headers, empty list, and icons.
ComboBox Templates Example
import { defineComponents, registerIconFromText, IgcComboComponent, ComboItemTemplate } from "igniteui-webcomponents" ;
import { html } from "lit-html" ;
import "igniteui-webcomponents/themes/light/bootstrap.css" ;
import "./index.css" ;
interface City {
id : string ;
name: string ;
country: string ;
const cities: City[] = [
{ name : "London" , id : "UK01" , country : "UK" },
{ name : "Manchester" , id : "UK02" , country : "UK" },
{ name : "Birmingham" , id : "UK03" , country : "UK" },
{ name : "Glasgow" , id : "UK04" , country : "UK" },
{ name : "Liverpool" , id : "UK05" , country : "UK" },
{ name : "New York" , id : "US01" , country : "USA" },
{ name : "Miami" , id : "US02" , country : "USA" },
{ name : "Philadelphia" , id : "US03" , country : "USA" },
{ name : "Chicago" , id : "US04" , country : "USA" },
{ name : "Springfield" , id : "US05" , country : "USA" },
{ name : "Los Angeles" , id : "US06" , country : "USA" },
{ name : "Houston" , id : "US07" , country : "USA" },
{ name : "Phoenix" , id : "US08" , country : "USA" },
{ name : "San Diego" , id : "US09" , country : "USA" },
{ name : "Dallas" , id : "US010" , country : "USA" },
{ name : "Sofia" , id : "BG01" , country : "Bulgaria" },
{ name : "Plovdiv" , id : "BG02" , country : "Bulgaria" },
{ name : "Varna" , id : "BG03" , country : "Bulgaria" },
{ name : "Burgas" , id : "BG04" , country : "Bulgaria" },
{ name : "Rome" , id : "IT01" , country : "Italy" },
{ name : "Milan" , id : "IT02" , country : "Italy" },
{ name : "Naples" , id : "IT03" , country : "Italy" },
{ name : "Turin" , id : "IT04" , country : "Italy" },
{ name : "Palermo" , id : "IT05" , country : "Italy" },
{ name : "Florence" , id : "IT06" , country : "Italy" }
const toggleIcon = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M7 10l5 5 5-5z"/></svg>' ;
const clearIcon = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M19 6.41L17.59 5 12 10.59 6.41 5 5 6.41 10.59 12 5 17.59 6.41 19 12 13.41 17.59 19 19 17.59 13.41 12z"/></svg>' ;
export class ComboTemplates {
private combo: IgcComboComponent<City>;
protected itemTemplate: ComboItemTemplate<City> = ({ item } ) => {
return html` <span > <b > ${item.name} </b > [${item.id} ]</span > ` ;
protected groupHeaderTemplate: ComboItemTemplate<City> = ({ item } ) => {
return html`<span > Country of ${item.country} </span > ` ;
constructor ( ) {
registerIconFromText("clear" , clearIcon);
registerIconFromText("down" , toggleIcon);
this .combo = document .getElementById("combo" ) as IgcComboComponent<City>;
this .combo.data = cities;
this .combo.itemTemplate = this .itemTemplate;
this .combo.groupHeaderTemplate = this .groupHeaderTemplate;
new ComboTemplates();
<html >
<head >
<title > Combo Templates</title >
<meta charset ="UTF-8" />
<link rel ="stylesheet" href ="https://static.infragistics.com/xplatform/css/samples/shared.v8.css" type ="text/css" />
<link href ="https://static.infragistics.com/xplatform/css/samples/custom-legend.css" rel ="stylesheet" type ="text/css" />
</head >
<body >
<div id ="root" >
<div class ="container sample center" >
id ="combo"
value-key ="id"
display-key ="name"
group-key ="country"
<header slot ="header" >
Header content goes here
</header >
<igc-icon name ="clear" slot ="clear-icon" > </igc-icon >
<igc-icon name ="down" slot ="toggle-icon" > </igc-icon >
<span slot ="empty" > ¯\_(ツ)_/¯</span >
<footer slot ="footer" >
Footer content goes here
</footer >
</igc-combo >
</div >
</div >
<% if (false) { %><script src ="src/index.ts" > </script > <% } %>
</body >
</html >
igc-combo::part (header ),
igc-combo::part (footer ) {
padding : 12px 8px ;
text-align : center;
igc-combo::part (empty) {
font-size : 16px ;
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Template Types
Item Template
The itemTemplate
is a custom template that if defined should be used when rendering items in the list of options.
import { ComboItemTemplate } from 'igniteui-webcomponents' ;
const itemTemplate: ComboItemTemplate<City> = ({ item } ) => {
return html`
<span > <b > ${item.name} </b > [${item.id} ]</span >
` ;
combo.itemTempate = itemTemplate;
The groupHeaderTemplate
is a custom template that if defined should be used when rendering group headers in the list of options.
import { ComboItemTemplate } from 'igniteui-webcomponents' ;
const groupHeaderTemplate: ComboItemTemplate<City> = ({ item } ) => {
return html`<div > Country of ${item.country} </div > ` ;
combo.groupHeaderTemplate = groupHeaderTemplate;
Other than custom templates, the Ignite UI for Web Components ComboBox component exposes several slots that allow users to pass custom content to different combo parts.
To render a custom header above the list of options pass content to the header
<igc-combo >
<div slot ="header" > Custom header content</div >
</igc-combo >
To render a custom footer below the list of options pass content to the footer
<igc-combo >
<div slot ="footer" > Custom footer content</div >
</igc-combo >
Empty List Slot
To render a custom content when the filtering operation returns no result, use the empty
<igc-combo >
<div slot ="empty" > ¯\_(ツ)_/¯</div >
</igc-combo >
Toggle Icon Slot
The toggle icon in the combo input can also be modified via the toggle-icon
<igc-combo >
<igc-icon name ="down" slot ="toggle-icon" > </igc-icon >
</igc-combo >
Clear Icon Slot
The clear icon can be changed via the clear-icon
<igc-combo >
<igc-icon name ="clear" slot ="clear-icon" > </igc-icon >
</igc-combo >
API Reference
Additional Resources