Class IgcComboComponent<T>

The Combo component is similar to the Select component in that it provides a list of options from which the user can make a selection. In contrast to the Select component, the Combo component displays all options in a virtualized list of items, meaning the combo box can simultaneously show thousands of options, where one or more options can be selected. Additionally, users can create custom item templates, allowing for robust data visualization. The Combo component features case-sensitive filtering, grouping, complex data binding, dynamic addition of values and more.


prefix - Renders content before the input of the combo.

suffix - Renders content after the input of the combo.

header - Renders a container before the list of options of the combo.

footer - Renders a container after the list of options of the combo.

helper-text - Renders content below the input of the combo.

toggle-icon - Renders content inside the suffix container of the combo.

clear-icon - Renders content inside the suffix container of the combo.

igcChange - Emitted when the control's selection has changed.

igcOpening - Emitted just before the list of options is opened.

igcOpened - Emitted after the list of options is opened.

igcClosing - Emitter just before the list of options is closed.

igcClosed - Emitted after the list of options is closed.

label - The encapsulated text label of the combo.

input - The main input field of the combo.

native-input - The native input of the main input field of the combo.

prefix - The prefix wrapper of the combo.

suffix - The suffix wrapper of the combo.

toggle-icon - The toggle icon wrapper of the combo.

clear-icon - The clear icon wrapper of the combo.

case-icon - The case icon wrapper of the combo.

helper-text - The helper text wrapper of the combo.

search-input - The search input field of the combo.

list-wrapper - The list of options wrapper of the combo.

list - The list of options box of the combo.

item - Represents each item in the list of options of the combo.

group-header - Represents each header in the list of options of the combo.

active - Appended to the item parts list when the item is active of the combo.

selected - Appended to the item parts list when the item is selected of the combo.

checkbox - Represents each checkbox of each list item of the combo.

checkbox-indicator - Represents the checkbox indicator of each list item of the combo.

checked - Appended to checkbox parts list when checkbox is checked in the combo.

header - The container holding the header content of the combo.

footer - The container holding the footer content of the combo.

empty - The container holding the empty content of the combo.

Type Parameters

  • T extends object = any



  • FormRequiredInterface<this> & FormAssociatedElementInterface<this> & EventEmitterInterface<IgcComboEventMap, this> & LitElement<this>
    • IgcComboComponent


autofocus: boolean

The autofocus attribute of the control.


autofocusList: boolean = false

Focuses the list of options when the menu opens.


caseSensitiveIcon: boolean = false

Enables the case sensitive search icon in the filtering input.


data: T[] = []

The data source used to generate the list of options.

disableFiltering: boolean = false

Disables the filtering of the list of options.


disabled: boolean

The disabled state of the component


displayKey?: keyof T = ...

The key in the data source used to display items in the list.


groupHeaderTemplate: ComboItemTemplate<T> = ...

The template used for the content of each combo group header.

groupKey?: keyof T = ...

The key in the data source used to group items in the list.


groupSorting: GroupingDirection = 'asc'

Sorts the items in each group by ascending or descending order.


invalid: boolean

Control the validity of the control.

itemTemplate: ComboItemTemplate<T> = ...

The template used for the content of each combo item.

label: string

The label attribute of the control.


name: string

The name attribute of the control.

open: boolean = false

Sets the open state of the component.


outlined: boolean = false

The outlined attribute of the control.


placeholder: string

The placeholder attribute of the control.


placeholderSearch: string = 'Search'

The placeholder attribute of the search input.


required: boolean

Makes the control a required field in a form context.

singleSelect: boolean = false

Enables single selection mode and moves item filtering to the main input.


valueKey?: keyof T

The key in the data source used when selecting items.


tagName: "igc-combo" = 'igc-combo'

Returns the HTML-uppercased qualified name.

MDN Reference

  • get filteringOptions(): FilteringOptions<T>
  • An object that configures the filtering of the combo.


    Returns FilteringOptions<T>

  • get form(): null | HTMLFormElement
  • Returns the HTMLFormElement associated with this element.

    Returns null | HTMLFormElement

  • get validationMessage(): string
  • A string containing the validation message of this element.

    Returns string

  • get validity(): ValidityState
  • Returns a ValidityState object which represents the different validity states the element can be in, with respect to constraint validation.

    Returns ValidityState

  • get value(): ComboValue<T>[]
  • Returns the current selection as a list of comma separated values, represented by the value key, when provided.

    Returns ComboValue<T>[]

  • set value(items): void
  • Sets the value (selected items). The passed value must be a valid JSON array. If the data source is an array of complex objects, the valueKey attribute must be set. Note that when displayKey is not explicitly set, it will fall back to the value of valueKey.


    id: 'BG01',
    name: 'Sofia'
    id: 'BG02',
    name: 'Plovdiv'
    value='["BG01", "BG02"]'>


    • items: ComboValue<T>[]

    Returns void

  • get willValidate(): boolean
  • A boolean value which returns true if the element is a submittable element that is a candidate for constraint validation.

    Returns boolean

  • Removes focus from the component.

    Returns void

  • Checks for validity of the control and emits the invalid event if it invalid.

    Returns boolean

  • Deselects option(s) in the list by either reference or valueKey. If not argument is provided all items will be deselected.

    const combo<IgcComboComponent<T>> = document.querySelector('igc-combo');

    // Deselect one item at a time by reference when valueKey is not specified.

    // Deselect multiple items at a time by reference when valueKey is not specified.

    // Deselect one item at a time when valueKey is specified.

    // Deselect multiple items at a time when valueKey is specified.
    combo.deselect(['BG01', 'BG02']);


    • items: Item<T> | Item<T>[]

      One or more items to be deselected. Multiple items should be passed as an array. When valueKey is specified, the corresponding value should be used in place of the item reference.

    Returns void

  • Sets focus on the component.


    • options: FocusOptions

    Returns void

  • Checks for validity of the control and shows the browser message if it invalid.

    Returns boolean

  • Selects option(s) in the list by either reference or valueKey. If not argument is provided all items will be selected.

    const combo<IgcComboComponent<T>> = document.querySelector('igc-combo');

    // Select one item at a time by reference when valueKey is not specified.[0]);

    // Select multiple items at a time by reference when valueKey is not specified.[[0],[1]]);

    // Select one item at a time when valueKey is specified.'BG01');

    // Select multiple items at a time when valueKey is specified.['BG01', 'BG02']);


    • items: Item<T> | Item<T>[]

      One or more items to be selected. Multiple items should be passed as an array. When valueKey is specified, the corresponding value should be used in place of the item reference.

    Returns void

  • Sets a custom validation message for the control. As long as message is not empty, the control is considered invalid.


    • message: string

    Returns void


  • Invoked when the component is added to the document's DOM.

    In connectedCallback() you should setup tasks that should only occur when the element is connected to the document. The most common of these is adding event listeners to nodes external to the element, like a keydown event handler added to the window.

    connectedCallback() {
    addEventListener('keydown', this._handleKeydown);

    Typically, anything done in connectedCallback() should be undone when the element is disconnected, in disconnectedCallback().

    Returns void