Web Components Spreadsheet Chart Adapter

    The Web Components Spreadsheet component allows displaying charts in your IgcSpreadsheetComponent.

    Web Components Spreadsheet Chart Adapter Example


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    Chart Adapter Overview

    Using chartAdapter you can display the charts in the spreadsheet. The spreadsheet chart adapters creates and initializes chart elements for the spreadsheet based on a Infragistics.Documents.Excel.WorksheetChart instance.

    In order to add a WorksheetChart to a worksheet, you must use the addChart method of the worksheet’s Shapes collection.You can find more detail of adding charts in Excel below.

    Here are the steps by step description :

    1. Add the SpreadsheetChartAdapterModule reference to your project
    2. Create an instance of a SpreadsheetChartAdapter class assigning it to the Spreadsheet
    3. Run your app and load a worksheet containing a chart.
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    Supported Charts Types

    There are over 35 chart types supported by the Spreadsheet ChartAdapters including, Line, Area, Column, and Doughnut. See the full list here:

    • Column Charts
      • Clustered column
      • Stacked column
      • 100% stacked column
    • Line Charts
      • Line
      • Line with Markers
      • Stacked line
      • Stacked line with markers
      • 100% stacked line
      • 100% stacked line with markers
    • Pie Charts
    • Donut Charts
    • Bar Charts
      • Clustered bar
      • Stacked bar
      • 100% stacked bar
      • Area Charts
      • Area
      • Stacked area
      • 100% stacked area
    • XY (Scatter) and Bubble Charts
      • Scatter (with Marker only)
      • Scatter with smooth lines
      • Scatter with smooth lines and markers
      • Scatter with straight lines
      • Scatter with straight lines and markers
      • Bubble (without effects)
      • Bubble3DEffect
    • Stock Charts
      • High-low-close
      • Open-high-low-close
      • Volume-high-low-close
      • Volume-open-high-low-close
    • Radar Charts
      • Radar without markers
      • Radar with markers
      • Filled Radar
    • Combo Charts
      • Column and line chart sharing xAxis
      • Column and line chart and 2nd xAxis
      • Stacked Area and Column
      • Custom Combination


    In the following code snippet, an external ExcelUtility class is used to save and load a workbook.

    When setting up your Web Components spreadsheet control to add charts, you will need to import the SpreadsheetChartAdapter class like so:

    // Module Manager for registering the modules of the chart
    import { ModuleManager } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-core';
    import { IgcExcelXlsxModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-excel';
    import { IgcExcelCoreModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-excel';
    import { IgcExcelModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-excel';
    import { IgcSpreadsheetChartAdapterModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-spreadsheet-chart-adapter';
    import { SpreadsheetChartAdapter } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-spreadsheet-chart-adapter';
    import { ExcelUtility } from "ExcelUtility";
    import { Worksheet } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-excel';
    import { WorksheetCell } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-excel';
    import { ChartType, ChartTitle, FormattedString, Workbook } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-excel';
    // register the modules

    Code Snippet

    The following code snippet demonstrates how to add charts to the currently viewed worksheet in the IgcSpreadsheetComponent control:

    this.spreadsheet.chartAdapter = new SpreadsheetChartAdapter();
    ExcelUtility.loadFromUrl(process.env.PUBLIC_URL + "/ExcelFiles/ChartData.xlsx").then((w) => {
        this.spreadsheet.workbook = w;
        const sheet: Worksheet = this.spreadsheet.workbook.worksheets(0);
        sheet.defaultColumnWidth = 500 * 20;
        sheet.rows(0).height = 150 * 20;
        const cell1: WorksheetCell = sheet.getCell("A1");
        const cell2: WorksheetCell = sheet.getCell("B1");
        const cell3: WorksheetCell = sheet.getCell("C1");
        const cell4: WorksheetCell = sheet.getCell("D1");
        const dataCellAddress = "A4:D6";
        const chart1 = sheet.shapes().addChart(ChartType.Line, cell1, { x: 0, y: 0 }, cell1, { x: 100, y: 100 });
        const title: Web Components ChartTitle = new ChartTitle();
        title.text = new FormattedString("Line Chart");
        chart1.chartTitle = title;
        chart1.setSourceData(dataCellAddress, true);
        const chart2 = sheet.shapes().addChart(ChartType.ColumnClustered, cell2, { x: 0, y: 0 }, cell2, { x: 100, y: 100 });
        const title2: ChartTitle = new ChartTitle();
        title2.text = new FormattedString("Column Chart");
        chart2.chartTitle = title2;
        chart2.setSourceData(dataCellAddress, true);
        const chart3 = sheet.shapes().addChart(ChartType.Area, cell3, { x: 0, y: 0 }, cell3, { x: 100, y: 100 });
        const title3: ChartTitle = new ChartTitle();
        title3.text = new FormattedString("Area Chart");
        chart3.chartTitle = title3;
        chart3.setSourceData(dataCellAddress, true);
        const chart4 = sheet.shapes().addChart(ChartType.Pie, cell4, { x: 0, y: 0 }, cell4, { x: 100, y: 100 });
        const title4: ChartTitle = new ChartTitle();
        title4.text = new FormattedString("Pie Chart");
        chart4.chartTitle = title4;
        chart4.setSourceData(dataCellAddress, true);

    API References