Web Components Grid Summaries
The Ignite UI for Web Components Summaries feature in Web Components Grid functions on a per-column level as group footer. Web Components IgcGrid summaries is powerful feature which enables the user to see column information in a separate container with a predefined set of default summary items, depending on the type of data within the column or by implementing a custom template in the IgcGridComponent
Web Components Grid Summaries Overview Example
import 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids/combined';
import { ComponentRenderer, WebGridDescriptionModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-core';
import { IgcGridComponent, IgcColumnComponent } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids';
import NwindData from './NwindData.json';
import { IgcSummaryResult } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids';
import "igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids/themes/light/bootstrap.css";
import "./index.css";
export class Sample {
private grid: IgcGridComponent
private productID: IgcColumnComponent
private productName: IgcColumnComponent
private unitPrice: IgcColumnComponent
private unitsInStock: IgcColumnComponent
private discontinued: IgcColumnComponent
private orderDate: IgcColumnComponent
private _bind: () => void;
constructor() {
var grid = this.grid = document.getElementById('grid') as IgcGridComponent;
this.webGridCustomSummary = this.webGridCustomSummary.bind(this);
var productID = this.productID = document.getElementById('ProductID') as IgcColumnComponent;
var productName = this.productName = document.getElementById('ProductName') as IgcColumnComponent;
var unitPrice = this.unitPrice = document.getElementById('UnitPrice') as IgcColumnComponent;
var unitsInStock = this.unitsInStock = document.getElementById('UnitsInStock') as IgcColumnComponent;
var discontinued = this.discontinued = document.getElementById('Discontinued') as IgcColumnComponent;
var orderDate = this.orderDate = document.getElementById('OrderDate') as IgcColumnComponent;
this._bind = () => {
grid.data = this.nwindData;
grid.addEventListener("columnInit", this.webGridCustomSummary);
private _nwindData: any[] = NwindData;
public get nwindData(): any[] {
return this._nwindData;
private _componentRenderer: ComponentRenderer = null;
public get renderer(): ComponentRenderer {
if (this._componentRenderer == null) {
this._componentRenderer = new ComponentRenderer();
var context = this._componentRenderer.context;
return this._componentRenderer;
public webGridCustomSummary(args: any): void {
//if (args.detail.field === "UnitsInStock") {
// args.detail.summaries = 1; //TODO CUSTOM SUMMARY - NOT IMPLEMENTED YET(?)
//Units in Stock needs to have above "CustomSummary" class assigned to it in constructor. Not sure if this will be possible
//with current implementation of xplat examples?
new Sample();
ts<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Sample | Ignite UI | Web Components | infragistics</title>
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<div id="root">
<div class="container sample ig-typography">
<div class="container fill">
header="Product Name"
header="Unit Price"
header="Units In Stock"
header="Order Date"
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Like this sample? Get access to our complete Ignite UI for Web Components toolkit and start building your own apps in minutes. Download it for free.
The summary of the column is a function of all column values, unless filtering is applied, then the summary of the column will be function of the filtered result values
summaries can also be enabled on a per-column level in Ignite UI for Web Components, which means that you can activate it only for columns that you need. IgcGridComponent
summaries gives you a predefined set of default summaries, depending on the type of data in the column, so that you can save some time:
For string
and boolean
, the following function is available:
- Count
For number
, currency
and percent
data types, the following functions are available:
- Count
- Min
- Max
- Average
- Sum
For date
data type, the following functions are available:
- Count
- Earliest
- Latest
All available column data types could be found in the official Column types topic.
summaries are enabled per-column by setting hasSummary
property to true. It is also important to keep in mind that the summaries for each column are resolved according to the column data type. In the IgcGridComponent
the default column data type is string
, so if you want number
or date
specific summaries you should specify the dataType
property as number
or date
. Note that the summary values will be displayed localized, according to the grid locale
and column pipeArgs
<igc-grid id="grid1" auto-generate="false" height="800px" width="800px">
<igc-column field="ProductID" header="Product ID" width="200px" sortable="true">
<igc-column field="ProductName" header="Product Name" width="200px" sortable="true" has-summary="true">
<igc-column field="ReorderLevel" width="200px" editable="true" data-type="number" has-summary="true">
The other way to enable/disable summaries for a specific column or a list of columns is to use the public method enableSummaries
of the IgcGridComponent
<igc-grid id="grid" auto-generate="false" height="800px" width="800px">
<igc-column field="ProductID" header="Product ID" width="200px" sortable="true">
<igc-column field="ProductName" header="Product Name" width="200px" sortable="true" has-summary="true">
<igc-column field="ReorderLevel" width="200px" editable="true" data-type="number" has-summary="false">
<button id="enableBtn">Enable Summary</button>
<button id="disableBtn">Disable Summary </button>
constructor() {
var grid = this.grid = document.getElementById('grid') as IgcGridComponent;
var enableBtn = this.enableBtn = document.getElementById('enableBtn') as HTMLButtonElement;
var disableBtn = this.disableBtn = document.getElementById('disableBtn') as HTMLButtonElement;
grid.data = this.data;
enableBtn.addEventListener("click", this.enableSummary);
disableBtn.addEventListener("click", this.disableSummary);
public enableSummary() {
{fieldName: 'ReorderLevel'},
{fieldName: 'ProductID'}
public disableSummary() {
Custom Grid Summaries
If these functions do not fulfill your requirements you can provide a custom summary for the specific columns.
In order to achieve this you have to override one of the base classes IgcSummaryOperand
, IgcNumberSummaryOperand
or IgcDateSummaryOperand
according to the column data type and your needs. This way you can redefine the existing function or you can add new functions. IgcSummaryOperand
class provides the default implementation only for the count
method. IgcNumberSummaryOperand
extends IgcSummaryOperand
and provides implementation for the Min
, Max
, Sum
and Average
. IgcDateSummaryOperand
extends IgcSummaryOperand
and additionally gives you Earliest
and Latest
import { IgcSummaryResult, IgcSummaryOperand, IgcNumberSummaryOperand, IgcDateSummaryOperand } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids';
class MySummary extends IgcNumberSummaryOperand {
constructor() {
operate(data?: any[]): IgcSummaryResult[] {
const result = super.operate(data);
key: 'test',
label: 'Test',
summaryResult: data.filter(rec => rec > 10 && rec < 30).length
return result;
As seen in the examples, the base classes expose the operate
method, so you can choose to get all default summaries and modify the result, or calculate entirely new summary results.
The method returns a list of IgcSummaryResult
interface IgcSummaryResult {
key: string;
label: string;
summaryResult: any;
and take optional parameters for calculating the summaries. See Custom summaries, which access all data section below.
In order to calculate the summary row height properly, the Grid needs the Operate method to always return an array of IgcSummaryResult with the proper length even when the data is empty.
And now let's add our custom summary to the column UnitsInStock
. We will achieve that by setting the Summaries` property to the class we create below.
<igc-grid id="grid1" auto-generate="false" height="800px" width="800px">
<igc-column field="ProductID" width="200px" sortable="true">
<igc-column field="ProductName" width="200px" sortable="true" has-summary="true">
<igc-column id="unitsInStock" field="UnitsInStock" width="200px" data-type="number" has-summary="true" sortable="true">
<igc-column field="ReorderLevel" width="200px" editable="true" data-type="number" has-summary="true">
constructor() {
var grid1 = this.grid1 = document.getElementById('grid1') as IgcGridComponent;
var unitsInStock = this.unitsInStock = document.getElementById('unitsInStock') as IgcColumnComponent;
grid1.data = this.data;
unitsInStock.summaries = this.mySummary;
export class GridComponent implements OnInit {
mySummary = MySummary;
Custom summaries, which access all data
Now you can access all Grid data inside the custom column summary. Two additional optional parameters are introduced in the SummaryOperand Operate
As you can see in the code snippet below the operate method has the following three parameters:
- columnData - gives you an array that contains the values only for the current column
- allGridData - gives you the whole grid data source
- fieldName - current column field
class MySummary extends IgcNumberSummaryOperand {
constructor() {
operate(columnData: any[], allGridData = [], fieldName?): IgcSummaryResult[] {
const result = super.operate(allData.map(r => r[fieldName]));
result.push({ key: 'test', label: 'Total Discontinued', summaryResult: allData.filter((rec) => rec.Discontinued).length });
return result;
export class NwindDataItem {
public constructor(init: Partial<NwindDataItem>) {
Object.assign(this, init);
public ProductID: number;
public ProductName: string;
public SupplierID: number;
public CategoryID: number;
public QuantityPerUnit: string;
public UnitPrice: number;
public UnitsInStock: number;
public UnitsOnOrder: number;
public ReorderLevel: number;
public Discontinued: boolean;
public OrderDate: string;
public Rating: number;
public Locations: NwindDataItem_LocationsItem[];
export class NwindDataItem_LocationsItem {
public constructor(init: Partial<NwindDataItem_LocationsItem>) {
Object.assign(this, init);
public Shop: string;
public LastInventory: string;
export class NwindData extends Array<NwindDataItem> {
public constructor() {
this.push(new NwindDataItem(
ProductID: 1,
ProductName: `Chai`,
SupplierID: 1,
CategoryID: 1,
QuantityPerUnit: `10 boxes x 20 bags`,
UnitPrice: 18,
UnitsInStock: 39,
UnitsOnOrder: 30,
ReorderLevel: 10,
Discontinued: false,
OrderDate: `2012-02-12`,
Rating: 5,
Locations: [
new NwindDataItem_LocationsItem(
Shop: `Fun-Tasty Co.`,
LastInventory: `06/12/2018`
new NwindDataItem_LocationsItem(
Shop: `Farmer Market`,
LastInventory: `04/04/2018`
this.push(new NwindDataItem(
ProductID: 2,
ProductName: `Chang`,
SupplierID: 1,
CategoryID: 1,
QuantityPerUnit: `24 - 12 oz bottles`,
UnitPrice: 19,
UnitsInStock: 17,
UnitsOnOrder: 40,
ReorderLevel: 25,
Discontinued: true,
OrderDate: `2003-03-17`,
Rating: 5,
Locations: [
new NwindDataItem_LocationsItem(
Shop: `Super Market`,
LastInventory: `09/09/2018`
this.push(new NwindDataItem(
ProductID: 3,
ProductName: `Aniseed Syrup`,
SupplierID: 1,
CategoryID: 2,
QuantityPerUnit: `12 - 550 ml bottles`,
UnitPrice: 10,
UnitsInStock: 13,
UnitsOnOrder: 70,
ReorderLevel: 25,
Discontinued: false,
OrderDate: `2006-03-17`,
Rating: 3,
Locations: [
new NwindDataItem_LocationsItem(
Shop: `Farmer Market`,
LastInventory: `04/04/2018`
new NwindDataItem_LocationsItem(
Shop: `Street Market`,
LastInventory: `12/12/2018`
new NwindDataItem_LocationsItem(
Shop: `24/7 Market`,
LastInventory: `11/11/2018`
this.push(new NwindDataItem(
ProductID: 4,
ProductName: `Chef Antons Cajun Seasoning`,
SupplierID: 2,
CategoryID: 2,
QuantityPerUnit: `48 - 6 oz jars`,
UnitPrice: 22,
UnitsInStock: 53,
UnitsOnOrder: 30,
ReorderLevel: 0,
Discontinued: false,
OrderDate: `2016-03-17`,
Rating: 3,
Locations: [
new NwindDataItem_LocationsItem(
Shop: `Fun-Tasty Co.`,
LastInventory: `06/12/2018`
new NwindDataItem_LocationsItem(
Shop: `Farmer Market`,
LastInventory: `04/04/2018`
new NwindDataItem_LocationsItem(
Shop: `Street Market`,
LastInventory: `12/12/2018`
this.push(new NwindDataItem(
ProductID: 5,
ProductName: `Chef Antons Gumbo Mix`,
SupplierID: 2,
CategoryID: 2,
QuantityPerUnit: `36 boxes`,
UnitPrice: 21.35,
UnitsInStock: 0,
UnitsOnOrder: 30,
ReorderLevel: 0,
Discontinued: true,
OrderDate: `2011-11-11`,
Rating: 5,
Locations: [
new NwindDataItem_LocationsItem(
Shop: `Super Market`,
LastInventory: `09/09/2018`
this.push(new NwindDataItem(
ProductID: 6,
ProductName: `Grandmas Boysenberry Spread`,
SupplierID: 3,
CategoryID: 2,
QuantityPerUnit: `12 - 8 oz jars`,
UnitPrice: 25,
UnitsInStock: 0,
UnitsOnOrder: 30,
ReorderLevel: 25,
Discontinued: false,
OrderDate: `2017-12-17`,
Rating: 4,
Locations: [
new NwindDataItem_LocationsItem(
Shop: `Super Market`,
LastInventory: `09/09/2018`
this.push(new NwindDataItem(
ProductID: 7,
ProductName: `Uncle Bobs Organic Dried Pears`,
SupplierID: 3,
CategoryID: 7,
QuantityPerUnit: `12 - 1 lb pkgs.`,
UnitPrice: 30,
UnitsInStock: 150,
UnitsOnOrder: 30,
ReorderLevel: 10,
Discontinued: false,
OrderDate: `2016-07-17`,
Rating: 5,
Locations: [
new NwindDataItem_LocationsItem(
Shop: `Fun-Tasty Co.`,
LastInventory: `06/12/2018`
new NwindDataItem_LocationsItem(
Shop: `Farmer Market`,
LastInventory: `04/04/2018`
new NwindDataItem_LocationsItem(
Shop: `Street Market`,
LastInventory: `12/12/2018`
this.push(new NwindDataItem(
ProductID: 8,
ProductName: `Northwoods Cranberry Sauce`,
SupplierID: 3,
CategoryID: 2,
QuantityPerUnit: `12 - 12 oz jars`,
UnitPrice: 40,
UnitsInStock: 6,
UnitsOnOrder: 30,
ReorderLevel: 0,
Discontinued: false,
OrderDate: `2018-01-17`,
Rating: 4,
Locations: [
new NwindDataItem_LocationsItem(
Shop: `Fun-Tasty Co.`,
LastInventory: `06/12/2018`
new NwindDataItem_LocationsItem(
Shop: `Farmer Market`,
LastInventory: `04/04/2018`
this.push(new NwindDataItem(
ProductID: 9,
ProductName: `Mishi Kobe Niku`,
SupplierID: 4,
CategoryID: 6,
QuantityPerUnit: `18 - 500 g pkgs.`,
UnitPrice: 97,
UnitsInStock: 29,
UnitsOnOrder: 30,
ReorderLevel: 0,
Discontinued: true,
OrderDate: `2010-02-17`,
Rating: 4,
Locations: [
new NwindDataItem_LocationsItem(
Shop: `Farmer Market`,
LastInventory: `04/04/2018`
this.push(new NwindDataItem(
ProductID: 10,
ProductName: `Ikura`,
SupplierID: 4,
CategoryID: 8,
QuantityPerUnit: `12 - 200 ml jars`,
UnitPrice: 31,
UnitsInStock: 31,
UnitsOnOrder: 30,
ReorderLevel: 0,
Discontinued: false,
OrderDate: `2008-05-17`,
Rating: 3,
Locations: [
new NwindDataItem_LocationsItem(
Shop: `Wall Market`,
LastInventory: `12/06/2018`
this.push(new NwindDataItem(
ProductID: 11,
ProductName: `Queso Cabrales`,
SupplierID: 5,
CategoryID: 4,
QuantityPerUnit: `1 kg pkg.`,
UnitPrice: 21,
UnitsInStock: 22,
UnitsOnOrder: 30,
ReorderLevel: 30,
Discontinued: false,
OrderDate: `2009-01-17`,
Rating: 5,
Locations: [
new NwindDataItem_LocationsItem(
Shop: `Fun-Tasty Co.`,
LastInventory: `06/12/2018`
new NwindDataItem_LocationsItem(
Shop: `Farmer Market`,
LastInventory: `04/04/2018`
this.push(new NwindDataItem(
ProductID: 12,
ProductName: `Queso Manchego La Pastora`,
SupplierID: 5,
CategoryID: 4,
QuantityPerUnit: `10 - 500 g pkgs.`,
UnitPrice: 38,
UnitsInStock: 86,
UnitsOnOrder: 30,
ReorderLevel: 0,
Discontinued: false,
OrderDate: `2015-11-17`,
Rating: 3,
Locations: [
new NwindDataItem_LocationsItem(
Shop: `Farmer Market`,
LastInventory: `04/04/2018`
this.push(new NwindDataItem(
ProductID: 13,
ProductName: `Konbu`,
SupplierID: 6,
CategoryID: 8,
QuantityPerUnit: `2 kg box`,
UnitPrice: 6,
UnitsInStock: 24,
UnitsOnOrder: 30,
ReorderLevel: 5,
Discontinued: false,
OrderDate: `2015-03-17`,
Rating: 2,
Locations: [
new NwindDataItem_LocationsItem(
Shop: `Super Market`,
LastInventory: `09/09/2018`
this.push(new NwindDataItem(
ProductID: 14,
ProductName: `Tofu`,
SupplierID: 6,
CategoryID: 7,
QuantityPerUnit: `40 - 100 g pkgs.`,
UnitPrice: 23.25,
UnitsInStock: 35,
UnitsOnOrder: 30,
ReorderLevel: 0,
Discontinued: false,
OrderDate: `2017-06-17`,
Rating: 4,
Locations: [
new NwindDataItem_LocationsItem(
Shop: `Farmer Market`,
LastInventory: `04/04/2018`
new NwindDataItem_LocationsItem(
Shop: `Street Market`,
LastInventory: `12/12/2018`
this.push(new NwindDataItem(
ProductID: 15,
ProductName: `Genen Shouyu`,
SupplierID: 6,
CategoryID: 2,
QuantityPerUnit: `24 - 250 ml bottles`,
UnitPrice: 15.5,
UnitsInStock: 39,
UnitsOnOrder: 30,
ReorderLevel: 5,
Discontinued: false,
OrderDate: `2014-03-17`,
Rating: 4,
Locations: [
new NwindDataItem_LocationsItem(
Shop: `Local Market`,
LastInventory: `07/03/2018`
new NwindDataItem_LocationsItem(
Shop: `Wall Market`,
LastInventory: `12/06/2018`
this.push(new NwindDataItem(
ProductID: 16,
ProductName: `Pavlova`,
SupplierID: 7,
CategoryID: 3,
QuantityPerUnit: `32 - 500 g boxes`,
UnitPrice: 17.45,
UnitsInStock: 29,
UnitsOnOrder: 30,
ReorderLevel: 10,
Discontinued: false,
OrderDate: `2018-03-28`,
Rating: 2,
Locations: [
new NwindDataItem_LocationsItem(
Shop: `Farmer Market`,
LastInventory: `04/04/2018`
new NwindDataItem_LocationsItem(
Shop: `Street Market`,
LastInventory: `12/12/2018`
new NwindDataItem_LocationsItem(
Shop: `24/7 Market`,
LastInventory: `11/11/2018`
this.push(new NwindDataItem(
ProductID: 17,
ProductName: `Alice Mutton`,
SupplierID: 7,
CategoryID: 6,
QuantityPerUnit: `20 - 1 kg tins`,
UnitPrice: 39,
UnitsInStock: 0,
UnitsOnOrder: 30,
ReorderLevel: 0,
Discontinued: true,
OrderDate: `2015-08-17`,
Rating: 2,
Locations: [
new NwindDataItem_LocationsItem(
Shop: `Farmer Market`,
LastInventory: `04/04/2018`
this.push(new NwindDataItem(
ProductID: 18,
ProductName: `Carnarvon Tigers`,
SupplierID: 7,
CategoryID: 8,
QuantityPerUnit: `16 kg pkg.`,
UnitPrice: 62.5,
UnitsInStock: 42,
UnitsOnOrder: 30,
ReorderLevel: 0,
Discontinued: false,
OrderDate: `2005-09-27`,
Rating: 2,
Locations: [
new NwindDataItem_LocationsItem(
Shop: `24/7 Market`,
LastInventory: `11/11/2018`
new NwindDataItem_LocationsItem(
Shop: `Super Market`,
LastInventory: `09/09/2018`
this.push(new NwindDataItem(
ProductID: 19,
ProductName: `Teatime Chocolate Biscuits`,
SupplierID: 8,
CategoryID: 3,
QuantityPerUnit: ``,
UnitPrice: 9.2,
UnitsInStock: 25,
UnitsOnOrder: 30,
ReorderLevel: 5,
Discontinued: false,
OrderDate: `2001-03-17`,
Rating: 2,
Locations: [
new NwindDataItem_LocationsItem(
Shop: `Local Market`,
LastInventory: `07/03/2018`
this.push(new NwindDataItem(
ProductID: 20,
ProductName: `Sir Rodneys Marmalade`,
SupplierID: 8,
CategoryID: 3,
QuantityPerUnit: `4 - 100 ml jars`,
UnitPrice: 4.5,
UnitsInStock: 40,
UnitsOnOrder: 30,
ReorderLevel: 0,
Discontinued: false,
OrderDate: `2005-03-17`,
Rating: 5,
Locations: [
new NwindDataItem_LocationsItem(
Shop: `Super Market`,
LastInventory: `09/09/2018`
tsimport 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids/combined';
import { ComponentRenderer, WebGridDescriptionModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-core';
import { IgcGridComponent, IgcColumnComponent } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids';
import { NwindDataItem, NwindDataItem_LocationsItem, NwindData } from './NwindData';
import { IgcSummaryResult } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids';
import "igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids/themes/light/bootstrap.css";
class CustomSummary {
operate(data: any[], allData: any[] = [], fieldName: string): IgcSummaryResult[] {
const discontinuedData = allData.filter((rec) => rec['Discontinued']).map(r => (r as any)[fieldName]);
const result = [{
key: 'products',
label: 'Products',
summaryResult: data.length
key: 'total',
label: 'Total Items',
summaryResult: data.length ? data.reduce((a, b) => +a + +b) : 0
key: 'discontinued',
label: 'Discontinued Products',
summaryResult: allData.map(r => r['Discontinued']).filter((rec) => rec).length
key: 'totalDiscontinued',
label: 'Total Discontinued Items',
summaryResult: discontinuedData.length ? discontinuedData.reduce((a, b) => +a + +b) : 0
return result;
export class Sample {
private grid: IgcGridComponent
private productID: IgcColumnComponent
private productName: IgcColumnComponent
private unitPrice: IgcColumnComponent
private unitsInStock: IgcColumnComponent
private discontinued: IgcColumnComponent
private orderDate: IgcColumnComponent
private _bind: () => void;
constructor() {
var grid = this.grid = document.getElementById('grid') as IgcGridComponent;
this.webGridCustomSummary = this.webGridCustomSummary.bind(this);
var productID = this.productID = document.getElementById('ProductID') as IgcColumnComponent;
var productName = this.productName = document.getElementById('ProductName') as IgcColumnComponent;
var unitPrice = this.unitPrice = document.getElementById('UnitPrice') as IgcColumnComponent;
var unitsInStock = this.unitsInStock = document.getElementById('UnitsInStock') as IgcColumnComponent;
var discontinued = this.discontinued = document.getElementById('Discontinued') as IgcColumnComponent;
var orderDate = this.orderDate = document.getElementById('OrderDate') as IgcColumnComponent;
this._bind = () => {
grid.data = this.nwindData;
grid.addEventListener("columnInit", this.webGridCustomSummary);
private _nwindData: NwindData = null;
public get nwindData(): NwindData {
if (this._nwindData == null)
this._nwindData = new NwindData();
return this._nwindData;
private _componentRenderer: ComponentRenderer = null;
public get renderer(): ComponentRenderer {
if (this._componentRenderer == null) {
this._componentRenderer = new ComponentRenderer();
var context = this._componentRenderer.context;
return this._componentRenderer;
public webGridCustomSummary(args: any): void {
if (args.detail.field === "UnitsInStock") {
args.detail.summaries = CustomSummary;
new Sample();
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<div class="container fill">
header="Product Name"
header="Unit Price"
header="Units In Stock"
header="Order Date"
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Summary Template
targets the column summary providing as a context the column summary results.
<igc-column id="column" has-summary="true">
constructor() {
var column = this.column = document.getElementById('column') as IgcColumnComponent;
column.summaryTemplate = this.summaryTemplate;
public summaryTemplate = (ctx: IgcSummaryTemplateContext) => {
return html`
<span> My custom summary template</span>
<span>${ ctx.implicit[0].label } - ${ ctx.implicit[0].summaryResult }</span>
When a default summary is defined, the height of the summary area is calculated by design depending on the column with the largest number of summaries and the --ig-size
of the grid. Use the summaryRowHeight
input property to override the default value. As an argument it expects a number value, and setting a falsy value will trigger the default sizing behavior of the grid footer.
import { IgcPropertyEditorPanelModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-layouts';
import 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids/combined';
import { ComponentRenderer, PropertyEditorPanelDescriptionModule, WebGridDescriptionModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-core';
import { IgcPropertyEditorPanelComponent, IgcPropertyEditorPropertyDescriptionComponent } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-layouts';
import { IgcGridComponent, IgcColumnComponent } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids';
import NwindData from './NwindData.json';
import { IgcPropertyEditorPropertyDescriptionChangedEventArgs } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-layouts';
import { IgcSummaryResult, IgcSummaryTemplateContext } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids';
import { html, nothing } from 'lit-html';
import "igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids/themes/light/bootstrap.css";
import 'igniteui-webcomponents/themes/light/bootstrap.css';
import { defineAllComponents } from 'igniteui-webcomponents';
import { ModuleManager } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-core';
import "./index.css";
export class Sample {
private propertyEditorPanel1: IgcPropertyEditorPanelComponent
private summaryRowHeightEditor: IgcPropertyEditorPropertyDescriptionComponent
private toggleSummariesEditor: IgcPropertyEditorPropertyDescriptionComponent
private sizeEditor: IgcPropertyEditorPropertyDescriptionComponent
private grid: IgcGridComponent
private column1: IgcColumnComponent
private column2: IgcColumnComponent
private _bind: () => void;
constructor() {
var propertyEditorPanel1 = this.propertyEditorPanel1 = document.getElementById('propertyEditorPanel1') as IgcPropertyEditorPanelComponent;
var summaryRowHeightEditor = this.summaryRowHeightEditor = document.getElementById('SummaryRowHeightEditor') as IgcPropertyEditorPropertyDescriptionComponent;
var toggleSummariesEditor = this.toggleSummariesEditor = document.getElementById('ToggleSummariesEditor') as IgcPropertyEditorPropertyDescriptionComponent;
this.webGridHasSummariesChange = this.webGridHasSummariesChange.bind(this);
var sizeEditor = this.sizeEditor = document.getElementById('SizeEditor') as IgcPropertyEditorPropertyDescriptionComponent;
this.webGridSetGridSize = this.webGridSetGridSize.bind(this);
var grid = this.grid = document.getElementById('grid') as IgcGridComponent;
var column1 = this.column1 = document.getElementById('column1') as IgcColumnComponent;
var column2 = this.column2 = document.getElementById('column2') as IgcColumnComponent;
this._bind = () => {
propertyEditorPanel1.componentRenderer = this.renderer;
propertyEditorPanel1.target = this.grid;
toggleSummariesEditor.changed = this.webGridHasSummariesChange;
sizeEditor.changed = this.webGridSetGridSize;
grid.data = this.nwindData;
column1.summaries = this.discontinuedSummary;
column2.summaryTemplate = this.webGridOrderDateSummaryTemplate;
private _nwindData: any[] = NwindData;
public get nwindData(): any[] {
return this._nwindData;
private _componentRenderer: ComponentRenderer = null;
public get renderer(): ComponentRenderer {
if (this._componentRenderer == null) {
this._componentRenderer = new ComponentRenderer();
var context = this._componentRenderer.context;
return this._componentRenderer;
public webGridHasSummariesChange(sender: any, args: IgcPropertyEditorPropertyDescriptionChangedEventArgs): void {
let newValue = sender.primitiveValue as boolean;
const grid = this.grid;
var column1 = grid.getColumnByName("UnitsInStock");
var column2 = grid.getColumnByName("OrderDate");
column1.hasSummary = newValue;
column2.hasSummary = newValue;
public webGridSetGridSize(sender: any, args: IgcPropertyEditorPropertyDescriptionChangedEventArgs): void {
var newVal = (args.newValue as string).toLowerCase();
var grid = document.getElementById("grid");
grid.style.setProperty('--ig-size', `var(--ig-size-${newVal})`);
public webGridOrderDateSummaryTemplate = (ctx: IgcSummaryTemplateContext) => {
const summaryResults = ctx.implicit as IgcSummaryResult[];
return html`<div class="summary-temp">
<span><strong>${ summaryResults[0].label }</strong><span>${ summaryResults[0].summaryResult }</span></span>
<span><strong>${ summaryResults[1].label }</strong><span>${ summaryResults[1].summaryResult }</span></span>
private discontinuedSummary = {
sum(data: any[] = []): number {
return data.length && data.filter((el) => el === 0 || Boolean(el)).length ? data.filter((el) => el === 0 || Boolean(el)).reduce((a, b) => +a + +b) : 0;
operate(data?: any[], allData: any[] = [], fieldName = ''): any[] {
const result = [] as any[];
key: 'products',
label: 'Producs',
summaryResult: data?.length
key: 'total',
label: 'Total Items',
summaryResult: this.sum(data)
key: 'discontinued',
label: 'Discontinued Producs',
summaryResult: allData.map(r => r['Discontinued']).filter((rec) => rec).length
} );
key: 'totalDiscontinued',
label: 'Total Discontinued Items',
summaryResult: this.sum(allData.filter((rec) => rec['Discontinued']).map(r => r[fieldName]))
} );
return result;
new Sample();
ts<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Sample | Ignite UI | Web Components | infragistics</title>
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="https://static.infragistics.com/xplatform/images/browsers/wc.png" >
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Kanit&display=swap" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Titillium Web" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.infragistics.com/xplatform/css/samples/shared.v8.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/src/index.css" type="text/css" />
<div id="root">
<div class="container sample ig-typography">
<div class="options vertical">
label="Summary Row Height"
label="Toggle Summaries"
label="Grid Size:"
drop-down-names="Small, Medium, Large"
drop-down-values="Small, Medium, Large">
<div class="container fill">
header="Product ID"
header="Product Name"
header="Units in Stock"
<!-- This script is needed only for parcel and it will be excluded for webpack -->
<% if (false) { %><script src="src/index.ts"></script><% } %>
html/* shared styles are loaded from: */
/* https://static.infragistics.com/xplatform/css/samples */
.summary-temp {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
margin: 0 1px;
font-size: 14px;
line-height: 24px;
height: 100%;
overflow-y: auto;
overflow-x: hidden;
> * {
padding: 8px 0;
line-height: 18px;
border-bottom: 1px dashed hsla(var(--igx-gray-400));
&:last-child {
border-bottom: none;
.summary-temp span {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
align-items: center;
gap: 4px;
justify-content: space-between;
color: hsla(var(--ig-gray-900));
.summary-temp span span {
user-select: all;
max-width: 300px;
padding-right: 8px;
.summary-temp span strong {
font-size: 12px;
text-transform: uppercase;
min-width: 70px;
justify-self: flex-start;
text-align: left;
color: hsla(var(--ig-secondary-600));
user-select: none;
Disabled Summaries
The disabled-summaries
property provides precise per-column control over the Web Components Grid summary feature. This property enables users to customize the summaries displayed for each column in the IgcGrid, ensuring that only the most relevant and meaningful data is shown. For example, you can exclude specific summary types, such as ['count', 'min', 'max']
by specifying their summary keys in an array.
This property can also be modified dynamically at runtime through code, providing flexibility to adapt the IgcGrid's summaries to changing application states or user actions.
The following examples illustrate how to use the disabled-summaries
property to manage summaries for different columns and exclude specific default and custom summary types in the Web Components Grid:
<!-- Disable default summaries -->
header="Unit Price"
disabled-summaries="['count', 'sum', 'average']"
<!-- Disable custom summaries -->
header="Units In Stock"
disabled-summaries="['discontinued', 'totalDiscontinued']"
For UnitPrice
, default summaries like count
, sum
, and average
are disabled, leaving others like min
and max
For UnitsInStock
, custom summaries such as discontinued
and totalDiscontinued
are excluded using the disabled-summaries
At runtime, summaries can also be dynamically disabled using the disabled-summaries
property. For example, you can set or update the property on specific columns programmatically to adapt the displayed summaries based on user actions or application state changes.
export class NwindDataItem {
public constructor(init: Partial<NwindDataItem>) {
Object.assign(this, init);
public ProductID: number;
public ProductName: string;
public SupplierID: number;
public CategoryID: number;
public QuantityPerUnit: string;
public UnitPrice: number;
public UnitsInStock: number;
public UnitsOnOrder: number;
public ReorderLevel: number;
public Discontinued: boolean;
public OrderDate: string;
export class NwindData extends Array<NwindDataItem> {
public constructor() {
new NwindDataItem({
ProductID: 1,
ProductName: `Chai`,
SupplierID: 1,
CategoryID: 1,
QuantityPerUnit: `10 boxes x 20 bags`,
UnitPrice: 18,
UnitsInStock: 39,
UnitsOnOrder: 30,
ReorderLevel: 10,
Discontinued: false,
OrderDate: `2012-02-12`
new NwindDataItem({
ProductID: 2,
ProductName: `Chang`,
SupplierID: 1,
CategoryID: 1,
QuantityPerUnit: `24 - 12 oz bottles`,
UnitPrice: 19,
UnitsInStock: 17,
UnitsOnOrder: 40,
ReorderLevel: 25,
Discontinued: true,
OrderDate: `2003-03-17`
new NwindDataItem({
ProductID: 3,
ProductName: `Aniseed Syrup`,
SupplierID: 1,
CategoryID: 2,
QuantityPerUnit: `12 - 550 ml bottles`,
UnitPrice: 10,
UnitsInStock: 13,
UnitsOnOrder: 70,
ReorderLevel: 25,
Discontinued: false,
OrderDate: `2006-03-17`
new NwindDataItem({
ProductID: 4,
ProductName: `Chef Antons Cajun Seasoning`,
SupplierID: 2,
CategoryID: 2,
QuantityPerUnit: `48 - 6 oz jars`,
UnitPrice: 22,
UnitsInStock: 53,
UnitsOnOrder: 30,
ReorderLevel: 0,
Discontinued: false,
OrderDate: `2016-03-17`
new NwindDataItem({
ProductID: 5,
ProductName: `Chef Antons Gumbo Mix`,
SupplierID: 2,
CategoryID: 2,
QuantityPerUnit: `36 boxes`,
UnitPrice: 21.35,
UnitsInStock: 0,
UnitsOnOrder: 30,
ReorderLevel: 0,
Discontinued: true,
OrderDate: `2011-11-11`
new NwindDataItem({
ProductID: 6,
ProductName: `Grandmas Boysenberry Spread`,
SupplierID: 3,
CategoryID: 2,
QuantityPerUnit: `12 - 8 oz jars`,
UnitPrice: 25,
UnitsInStock: 0,
UnitsOnOrder: 30,
ReorderLevel: 25,
Discontinued: false,
OrderDate: `2017-12-17`
new NwindDataItem({
ProductID: 7,
ProductName: `Uncle Bobs Organic Dried Pears`,
SupplierID: 3,
CategoryID: 7,
QuantityPerUnit: `12 - 1 lb pkgs.`,
UnitPrice: 30,
UnitsInStock: 150,
UnitsOnOrder: 30,
ReorderLevel: 10,
Discontinued: false,
OrderDate: `2016-07-17`
new NwindDataItem({
ProductID: 8,
ProductName: `Northwoods Cranberry Sauce`,
SupplierID: 3,
CategoryID: 2,
QuantityPerUnit: `12 - 12 oz jars`,
UnitPrice: 40,
UnitsInStock: 6,
UnitsOnOrder: 30,
ReorderLevel: 0,
Discontinued: false,
OrderDate: `2018-01-17`
new NwindDataItem({
ProductID: 9,
ProductName: `Mishi Kobe Niku`,
SupplierID: 4,
CategoryID: 6,
QuantityPerUnit: `18 - 500 g pkgs.`,
UnitPrice: 97,
UnitsInStock: 29,
UnitsOnOrder: 30,
ReorderLevel: 0,
Discontinued: true,
OrderDate: `2010-02-17`
new NwindDataItem({
ProductID: 10,
ProductName: `Ikura`,
SupplierID: 4,
CategoryID: 8,
QuantityPerUnit: `12 - 200 ml jars`,
UnitPrice: 31,
UnitsInStock: 31,
UnitsOnOrder: 30,
ReorderLevel: 0,
Discontinued: false,
OrderDate: `2008-05-17`
new NwindDataItem({
ProductID: 11,
ProductName: `Queso Cabrales`,
SupplierID: 5,
CategoryID: 4,
QuantityPerUnit: `1 kg pkg.`,
UnitPrice: 21,
UnitsInStock: 22,
UnitsOnOrder: 30,
ReorderLevel: 30,
Discontinued: false,
OrderDate: `2009-01-17`
new NwindDataItem({
ProductID: 12,
ProductName: `Queso Manchego La Pastora`,
SupplierID: 5,
CategoryID: 4,
QuantityPerUnit: `10 - 500 g pkgs.`,
UnitPrice: 38,
UnitsInStock: 86,
UnitsOnOrder: 30,
ReorderLevel: 0,
Discontinued: false,
OrderDate: `2015-11-17`
new NwindDataItem({
ProductID: 13,
ProductName: `Konbu`,
SupplierID: 6,
CategoryID: 8,
QuantityPerUnit: `2 kg box`,
UnitPrice: 6,
UnitsInStock: 24,
UnitsOnOrder: 30,
ReorderLevel: 5,
Discontinued: false,
OrderDate: `2015-03-17`
new NwindDataItem({
ProductID: 14,
ProductName: `Tofu`,
SupplierID: 6,
CategoryID: 7,
QuantityPerUnit: `40 - 100 g pkgs.`,
UnitPrice: 23.25,
UnitsInStock: 35,
UnitsOnOrder: 30,
ReorderLevel: 0,
Discontinued: false,
OrderDate: `2017-06-17`
new NwindDataItem({
ProductID: 15,
ProductName: `Genen Shouyu`,
SupplierID: 6,
CategoryID: 2,
QuantityPerUnit: `24 - 250 ml bottles`,
UnitPrice: 15.5,
UnitsInStock: 39,
UnitsOnOrder: 30,
ReorderLevel: 5,
Discontinued: false,
OrderDate: `2014-03-17`
new NwindDataItem({
ProductID: 16,
ProductName: `Pavlova`,
SupplierID: 7,
CategoryID: 3,
QuantityPerUnit: `32 - 500 g boxes`,
UnitPrice: 17.45,
UnitsInStock: 29,
UnitsOnOrder: 30,
ReorderLevel: 10,
Discontinued: false,
OrderDate: `2018-03-28`
new NwindDataItem({
ProductID: 17,
ProductName: `Alice Mutton`,
SupplierID: 7,
CategoryID: 6,
QuantityPerUnit: `20 - 1 kg tins`,
UnitPrice: 39,
UnitsInStock: 0,
UnitsOnOrder: 30,
ReorderLevel: 0,
Discontinued: true,
OrderDate: `2015-08-17`
new NwindDataItem({
ProductID: 18,
ProductName: `Carnarvon Tigers`,
SupplierID: 7,
CategoryID: 8,
QuantityPerUnit: `16 kg pkg.`,
UnitPrice: 62.5,
UnitsInStock: 42,
UnitsOnOrder: 30,
ReorderLevel: 0,
Discontinued: false,
OrderDate: `2005-09-27`
new NwindDataItem({
ProductID: 19,
ProductName: `Teatime Chocolate Biscuits`,
SupplierID: 8,
CategoryID: 3,
QuantityPerUnit: ``,
UnitPrice: 9.2,
UnitsInStock: 25,
UnitsOnOrder: 30,
ReorderLevel: 5,
Discontinued: false,
OrderDate: `2001-03-17`
new NwindDataItem({
ProductID: 20,
ProductName: `Sir Rodneys Marmalade`,
SupplierID: 8,
CategoryID: 3,
QuantityPerUnit: `4 - 100 ml jars`,
UnitPrice: 4.5,
UnitsInStock: 40,
UnitsOnOrder: 30,
ReorderLevel: 0,
Discontinued: false,
OrderDate: `2005-03-17`
tsimport "igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids/combined";
import { defineComponents, IgcButtonComponent, IgcDialogComponent, IgcCheckboxComponent } from "igniteui-webcomponents";
import { ComponentRenderer, WebGridDescriptionModule } from "igniteui-webcomponents-core";
import { IgcGridComponent, IgcColumnComponent, IgcSummaryOperand, IgcSummaryResult } from "igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids";
import { NwindData } from "./NwindData";
import "igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids/themes/light/bootstrap.css";
import "./index.css";
defineComponents(IgcButtonComponent, IgcDialogComponent, IgcCheckboxComponent);
class UnitsInStockSummary extends IgcSummaryOperand {
constructor() {
operate(data: any[] = [], allData: any[] = [], fieldName: string = "", summaryResult: any = null): IgcSummaryResult[] {
const result: IgcSummaryResult[] = [];
const values = allData.map((item) => item[fieldName] ?? 0).filter((value) => value !== null);
const discontinuedItems = allData.filter((item) => item["Discontinued"] === true);
const discontinuedValues = discontinuedItems.map((item) => item[fieldName] ?? 0).filter((value) => !isNaN(value));
result.push({ key: "count", label: "Count", summaryResult: values.length });
result.push({ key: "min", label: "Min", summaryResult: values.length > 0 ? Math.min(...values) : "N/A" });
result.push({ key: "max", label: "Max", summaryResult: values.length > 0 ? Math.max(...values) : "N/A" });
result.push({ key: "sum", label: "Sum", summaryResult: values.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) });
key: "average",
label: "Average",
summaryResult: values.length > 0 ? values.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) / values.length : "N/A"
key: "median",
label: "Median",
values.length > 0
? (() => {
const sortedValues = values.slice().sort((a, b) => a - b);
return sortedValues.length % 2 === 0 ? (sortedValues[sortedValues.length / 2 - 1] + sortedValues[sortedValues.length / 2]) / 2 : sortedValues[Math.floor(sortedValues.length / 2)];
: "N/A"
result.push({ key: "range", label: "Range", summaryResult: values.length > 0 ? Math.max(...values) - Math.min(...values) : "N/A" });
result.push({ key: "discontinued", label: "Discontinued Products", summaryResult: discontinuedItems.length });
result.push({ key: "totalDiscontinued", label: "Total Discontinued Items", summaryResult: discontinuedValues.length > 0 ? discontinuedValues.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) : 0 });
return result;
class DiscontinuedSummary extends IgcSummaryOperand {
constructor() {
operate(data: any[] = [], allData: any[] = [], fieldName: string = ""): IgcSummaryResult[] {
const result: IgcSummaryResult[] = [];
result.push({ key: "count", label: "Count", summaryResult: allData.length });
result.push({ key: "true", label: "True", summaryResult: allData.filter((item) => item[fieldName] === true).length });
result.push({ key: "false", label: "False", summaryResult: allData.filter((item) => item[fieldName] === false).length });
return result;
export class Sample {
private grid: IgcGridComponent;
private dialog: IgcDialogComponent;
private _bind: () => void;
private currentColumn: IgcColumnComponent | null = null;
private summariesContainer: HTMLDivElement | null = null;
private disableAllBtn!: HTMLButtonElement;
private enableAllBtn!: HTMLButtonElement;
constructor() {
this.grid = document.getElementById("grid") as IgcGridComponent;
this.dialog = document.getElementById("dialog") as IgcDialogComponent;
this.dialog.closeOnOutsideClick = true;
this.dialog.keepOpenOnEscape = false;
this.summariesContainer = document.querySelector(".summaries");
if (this.summariesContainer) {
const title = document.createElement("p");
title.textContent = "Disable Summaries for Column:";
this.disableAllBtn = document.getElementById("disableAllBtn") as HTMLButtonElement;
this.enableAllBtn = document.getElementById("enableAllBtn") as HTMLButtonElement;
this.webGridCustomSummary = this.webGridCustomSummary.bind(this);
this.openDialog = this.openDialog.bind(this);
this.toggleSummary = this.toggleSummary.bind(this);
this.disableAllSummaries = this.disableAllSummaries.bind(this);
this.enableAllSummaries = this.enableAllSummaries.bind(this);
this.handleColumnInit = this.handleColumnInit.bind(this);
this.updateCheckboxes = this.updateCheckboxes.bind(this);
this._bind = () => {
this.grid.data = this.nwindData;
this.grid.addEventListener("columnInit", this.handleColumnInit);
document.getElementById("disableAllBtn")!.addEventListener("click", this.disableAllSummaries);
document.getElementById("enableAllBtn")!.addEventListener("click", this.enableAllSummaries);
private handleColumnInit(event: any) {
const column: IgcColumnComponent = event.detail;
if (!this.summariesContainer) return;
const button = document.createElement("igc-button");
button.textContent = column.header ? column.header.toString() : column.field;
button.setAttribute("variant", "contained");
button.addEventListener("click", () => this.openDialog(column));
private _nwindData: NwindData | undefined;
public get nwindData(): NwindData {
if (this._nwindData == null) {
this._nwindData = new NwindData();
return this._nwindData;
private _componentRenderer: ComponentRenderer | undefined;
public get renderer(): ComponentRenderer {
if (this._componentRenderer == null) {
this._componentRenderer = new ComponentRenderer();
return this._componentRenderer;
public webGridCustomSummary(args: any): void {
if (args.detail.field === "UnitsInStock") {
args.detail.summaries = UnitsInStockSummary;
if (args.detail.field === "Discontinued") {
args.detail.summaries = DiscontinuedSummary;
private updateCheckboxes() {
if (!this.currentColumn) return;
const dialogItemsContainer = this.dialog.querySelector(".summaries-dialog-items")!;
dialogItemsContainer.innerHTML = "";
let allSummaries: IgcSummaryResult[] = [];
const getSummaryResults = (operand: any): IgcSummaryResult[] => {
if (typeof operand === "function") {
operand = new operand();
if (operand instanceof IgcSummaryOperand) {
return operand.operate([], this.grid.data, this.currentColumn!.field);
return [];
if (!this.currentColumn.summaries) {
const defaultOperand = IgcSummaryOperand;
allSummaries = getSummaryResults(defaultOperand);
} else {
allSummaries = getSummaryResults(this.currentColumn.summaries);
let allDisabled = true;
let allEnabled = true;
allSummaries.forEach((summary) => {
const checkbox = document.createElement("igc-checkbox") as IgcCheckboxComponent;
checkbox.textContent = summary.label;
const isDisabled = this.currentColumn!.disabledSummaries?.includes(summary.key);
checkbox.checked = isDisabled;
if (isDisabled) {
allEnabled = false;
} else {
allDisabled = false;
checkbox.addEventListener("click", () => this.toggleSummary(summary.key));
this.disableAllBtn.disabled = allDisabled;
this.enableAllBtn.disabled = allEnabled;
public openDialog(column: IgcColumnComponent) {
this.currentColumn = column;
this.dialog.title = `Disable Summaries for ${column.header || column.field}`;
public toggleSummary(summaryKey: string) {
if (!this.currentColumn) return;
if (!this.currentColumn.disabledSummaries) {
this.currentColumn.disabledSummaries = [];
if (this.currentColumn.disabledSummaries.includes(summaryKey)) {
this.currentColumn.disabledSummaries = this.currentColumn.disabledSummaries.filter((key: string) => key !== summaryKey);
} else {
this.currentColumn.disabledSummaries = [...this.currentColumn.disabledSummaries, summaryKey];
public disableAllSummaries() {
if (!this.currentColumn) return;
let allSummaryKeys: string[] = [];
const getSummaryKeys = (operand: any): string[] => {
if (typeof operand === "function") {
operand = new operand();
if (operand instanceof IgcSummaryOperand) {
if (this.grid && this.currentColumn) {
return operand.operate([], this.grid.data, this.currentColumn.field).map((s: { key: any; }) => s.key);
return [];
return [];
if (!this.currentColumn.summaries) {
const defaultOperand = IgcSummaryOperand;
allSummaryKeys = getSummaryKeys(defaultOperand);
} else {
allSummaryKeys = getSummaryKeys(this.currentColumn.summaries);
this.currentColumn.disabledSummaries = allSummaryKeys;
public enableAllSummaries() {
if (!this.currentColumn) return;
this.currentColumn.disabledSummaries = [];
new Sample();
ts<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Sample | Ignite UI | Web Components | Infragistics</title>
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="https://static.infragistics.com/xplatform/images/browsers/wc.png" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" />
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="/src/index.css" type="text/css" />
<div id="root">
<div class="grid-wrapper">
<div class="summaries">
<igc-dialog id="dialog" title="Disabled Summaries">
<div class="summaries-dialog-items">
<igc-button id="disableAllBtn" slot="footer" variant="flat">Disable All</igc-button>
<igc-button id="enableAllBtn" slot="footer" variant="flat">Enable All</igc-button>
<igc-grid auto-generate="false" name="grid" id="grid" primary-key="ProductID">
<igc-column name="ProductID" id="productID" field="ProductID" has-summary="true"> </igc-column>
<igc-column name="ProductName" id="productName" field="ProductName" header="Product Name" has-summary="true"> </igc-column>
<igc-column name="UnitPrice" id="unitPrice" field="UnitPrice" header="Unit Price" has-summary="true" data-type="number"> </igc-column>
<igc-column name="UnitsInStock" id="unitsInStock" field="UnitsInStock" header="Units In Stock" has-summary="true" data-type="number"> </igc-column>
<igc-column name="Discontinued" id="discontinued" field="Discontinued" header="Discontinued" has-summary="true"> </igc-column>
<igc-column name="OrderDate" id="orderDate" field="OrderDate" header="Order Date" has-summary="true" data-type="date"> </igc-column>
<!-- This script is needed only for parcel and it will be excluded for webpack -->
<% if (false) { %>
<script src="src/index.ts"></script>
<% } %>
html.grid-wrapper {
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 16px;
height: 87%;
.grid-wrapper .summaries {
margin-bottom: 1rem;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
flex-wrap: wrap;
.grid-wrapper .summaries-title {
margin: 0 0 1rem 0;
flex-basis: 100%;
font-weight: bold;
.grid-wrapper .summary-button {
margin-right: 1rem;
igc-dialog {
border: 1px solid #e0e0e0;
border-radius: 8px;
igc-dialog::part(title) {
color: #1E6DFE;
.summaries-dialog-items {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: flex-start;
.summaries-dialog-items .summaries-dialog-item {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
padding: 0 1rem;
Formatting summaries
By default, summary results, produced by the built-in summary operands, are localized and formatted according to the grid locale
and column pipeArgs
. When using custom operands, the locale
and pipeArgs
are not applied. If you want to change the default appearance of the summary results, you may format them using the summaryFormatter
public dateSummaryFormat(summary: IgcSummaryResult, summaryOperand: IgcSummaryOperand): string {
const result = summary.summaryResult;
if (summaryOperand instanceof IgcDateSummaryOperand && summary.key !== "count" && result !== null && result !== undefined) {
const format = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en", { year: "numeric" });
return format.format(new Date(result));
return result;
<igc-column id="column"></igx-column>
constructor() {
var column = this.column = document.getElementById('column') as IgcColumnComponent;
column.summaryFormatter = this.dateSummaryFormat;
import 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids/combined';
import { IgcGridComponent, IgcColumnComponent } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids';
import NwindData from './NwindData.json';
import { IgcSummaryResult, IgcSummaryOperand } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids';
import "igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids/themes/light/bootstrap.css";
import "./index.css";
export class Sample {
private grid: IgcGridComponent
private column1: IgcColumnComponent
private _bind: () => void;
constructor() {
var grid = this.grid = document.getElementById('grid') as IgcGridComponent;
var column1 = this.column1 = document.getElementById('column1') as IgcColumnComponent;
this.webGridSummaryFormatter = this.webGridSummaryFormatter.bind(this);
this._bind = () => {
grid.data = this.nwindData;
column1.summaryFormatter = this.webGridSummaryFormatter;
private _nwindData: any[] = NwindData;
public get nwindData(): any[] {
return this._nwindData;
public webGridSummaryFormatter(summary: IgcSummaryResult, summaryOperand: IgcSummaryOperand): string {
const result = summary.summaryResult;
if (summary.key !== "count" && result !== null && result !== undefined) {
const format = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en", { year: "numeric" });
return format.format(new Date(result));
return result;
new Sample();
ts<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Sample | Ignite UI | Web Components | infragistics</title>
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<div id="root">
<div class="container sample ig-typography">
<div class="container fill">
header="Product Name"
header="Quantity Per Unit"
header="Unit Price Category"
header="Order Date"
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<% if (false) { %><script src="src/index.ts"></script><% } %>
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#grid {
--ig-size: var(--ig-size-small);
Summaries with Group By
When you have grouped by columns, the IgcGridComponent
allows you to change the summary position and calculation mode using the summaryCalculationMode
and summaryPosition
properties. Along with these two properties the IgcGridComponent
exposes and showSummaryOnCollapse
property which allows you to determine whether the summary row stays visible when the group row that refers to is collapsed.
The available values of the summaryCalculationMode
property are:
- Summaries are calculated only for the root level.ChildLevelsOnly
- Summaries are calculated only for the child levels.RootAndChildLevels
- Summaries are calculated for both root and child levels. This is the default value.
The available values of the summaryPosition
property are:
- The summary row appears before the group by row children.Bottom
- The summary row appears after the group by row children. This is the default value.
The showSummaryOnCollapse
property is boolean. Its default value is set to false, which means that the summary row would be hidden when the group row is collapsed. If the property is set to true the summary row stays visible when group row is collapsed.
The summaryPosition property applies only for the child level summaries. The root level summaries appear always fixed at the bottom of the IgcGridComponent.
export class InvoicesDataItem {
public constructor(init: Partial<InvoicesDataItem>) {
Object.assign(this, init);
public ShipName: string;
public ShipAddress: string;
public ShipCity: string;
public ShipPostalCode: number;
public ShipCountry: string;
public ShipRegion: string;
public ShipperName: string;
public CustomerID: number;
public CustomerName: string;
public CustomerFirstName: string;
public CustomerLastName: string;
public CustomerAddress: string;
public Salesperson: string;
public OrderID: number;
public OrderDate: string;
public ProductID: number;
public ProductName: string;
public UnitPrice: number;
public Quantity: number;
public ExtendedPrice: number;
public Freight: number;
public Discontinued: boolean;
public Region: string;
public Address: string;
public City: string;
public Country: string;
public PostalCode: number;
export class InvoicesData extends Array<InvoicesDataItem> {
public constructor(items: Array<InvoicesDataItem> | number = -1) {
if (Array.isArray(items)) {
} else {
const newItems = [
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Home`,
ShipAddress: `124 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 60098,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1000,
CustomerName: `Martin Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `124 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 60098`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1931,
OrderDate: `3/14/2022`,
ProductID: 189,
ProductName: `IPad`,
UnitPrice: 16150.61,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 48451.83,
Freight: 980.61,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `124 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60098
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Home`,
ShipAddress: `162 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 80193,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1001,
CustomerName: `Anna Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `162 Main Street, Miami, USA, 80193`,
Salesperson: `Anna Smith`,
OrderID: 1163,
OrderDate: `5/22/2022`,
ProductID: 138,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 18520.59,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 74082.36,
Freight: 850.59,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `162 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80193
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `164 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 50111,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1002,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `164 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 50111`,
Salesperson: `Martin Watson`,
OrderID: 1230,
OrderDate: `2/9/2022`,
ProductID: 118,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 25310.39,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 75931.17,
Freight: 210.39,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `164 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50111
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `124 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 90123,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1003,
CustomerName: `Max Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `124 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90123`,
Salesperson: `Anna Black`,
OrderID: 1176,
OrderDate: `6/3/2022`,
ProductID: 169,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 29890.86,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 119563.44,
Freight: 800.86,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `124 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90123
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `181 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 90095,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1004,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `181 Market Street, Miami, USA, 90095`,
Salesperson: `Max Black`,
OrderID: 1382,
OrderDate: `1/10/2022`,
ProductID: 185,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 7810.61,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 15621.22,
Freight: 1790.61,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `181 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90095
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Home`,
ShipAddress: `188 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 50149,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1005,
CustomerName: `Mike Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `188 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50149`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1864,
OrderDate: `8/18/2022`,
ProductID: 168,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 9370.76,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 37483.04,
Freight: 970.76,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `188 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50149
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Home`,
ShipAddress: `174 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 90112,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1006,
CustomerName: `Martin Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `174 Market Street, Huston, USA, 90112`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Smith`,
OrderID: 1502,
OrderDate: `6/13/2022`,
ProductID: 199,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 20830.47,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 41660.94,
Freight: 1530.47,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `174 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90112
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `134 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 50083,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1007,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `134 Market Street, Miami, USA, 50083`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1305,
OrderDate: `10/21/2022`,
ProductID: 185,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 7320.44,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 14640.88,
Freight: 630.44,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `134 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50083
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Estate`,
ShipAddress: `177 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 70185,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1008,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `177 Main Street, New York, USA, 70185`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Watson`,
OrderID: 1725,
OrderDate: `5/7/2022`,
ProductID: 133,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 11240.72,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 33722.16,
Freight: 420.72,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `177 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70185
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Estate`,
ShipAddress: `169 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 90183,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1009,
CustomerName: `Mike Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `169 Main Street, Miami, USA, 90183`,
Salesperson: `Anna Watson`,
OrderID: 1977,
OrderDate: `10/14/2022`,
ProductID: 178,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 6460.55,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 19381.65,
Freight: 370.55,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `169 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90183
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Estate`,
ShipAddress: `151 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 80160,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1010,
CustomerName: `James Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `151 Market Street, New York, USA, 80160`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Black`,
OrderID: 1666,
OrderDate: `12/6/2022`,
ProductID: 140,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 7940.82,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 15881.64,
Freight: 1670.82,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `151 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80160
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Market`,
ShipAddress: `147 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 80183,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1011,
CustomerName: `James Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `147 Main Street, Miami, USA, 80183`,
Salesperson: `Mike Madison`,
OrderID: 1059,
OrderDate: `5/14/2022`,
ProductID: 174,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 14650.56,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 29301.12,
Freight: 1770.56,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `147 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80183
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Estate`,
ShipAddress: `134 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 80066,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1012,
CustomerName: `Mike Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `134 Main Street, New York, USA, 80066`,
Salesperson: `Mike Black`,
OrderID: 1851,
OrderDate: `7/24/2022`,
ProductID: 175,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 7870.39,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 15740.78,
Freight: 360.39,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `134 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80066
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Estate`,
ShipAddress: `159 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 80096,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1013,
CustomerName: `Ben Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `159 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 80096`,
Salesperson: `Anna Madison`,
OrderID: 1451,
OrderDate: `10/4/2022`,
ProductID: 188,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 13920.38,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 55681.52,
Freight: 1140.38,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `159 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80096
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Estate`,
ShipAddress: `187 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 60144,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1014,
CustomerName: `Martin Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `187 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 60144`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1331,
OrderDate: `4/4/2022`,
ProductID: 119,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 6940.73,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 34703.65,
Freight: 640.73,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `187 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60144
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `158 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 60063,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1015,
CustomerName: `Ben Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `158 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 60063`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1609,
OrderDate: `9/6/2022`,
ProductID: 171,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 29080.28,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 58160.56,
Freight: 1810.28,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `158 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60063
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Market`,
ShipAddress: `168 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 60184,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1016,
CustomerName: `James Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `168 Main Street, Huston, USA, 60184`,
Salesperson: `Martin Watson`,
OrderID: 1772,
OrderDate: `3/20/2022`,
ProductID: 152,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 28350.9,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 141754.5,
Freight: 1290.9,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `168 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60184
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Market`,
ShipAddress: `116 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 60129,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1017,
CustomerName: `Nancy Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `116 Main Street, Miami, USA, 60129`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Smith`,
OrderID: 1792,
OrderDate: `9/1/2022`,
ProductID: 182,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 13730.78,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 54923.12,
Freight: 740.78,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `116 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60129
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Market`,
ShipAddress: `116 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 80090,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1018,
CustomerName: `Martin Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `116 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 80090`,
Salesperson: `Anna Madison`,
OrderID: 1285,
OrderDate: `10/21/2022`,
ProductID: 157,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 8120.36,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 24361.08,
Freight: 410.36,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `116 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80090
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `135 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 90101,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1019,
CustomerName: `Max Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `135 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90101`,
Salesperson: `Mike Madison`,
OrderID: 1205,
OrderDate: `12/22/2022`,
ProductID: 153,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 11830.22,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 23660.44,
Freight: 330.22,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `135 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90101
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Home`,
ShipAddress: `164 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 70056,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1020,
CustomerName: `James Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `164 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 70056`,
Salesperson: `Ben Watson`,
OrderID: 1759,
OrderDate: `8/3/2022`,
ProductID: 129,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 15140.82,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 60563.28,
Freight: 1400.82,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `164 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70056
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Estate`,
ShipAddress: `196 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 90169,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1021,
CustomerName: `Max Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `196 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 90169`,
Salesperson: `Mike Smith`,
OrderID: 1879,
OrderDate: `8/17/2022`,
ProductID: 127,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 26710.41,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 133552.05,
Freight: 1810.41,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `196 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90169
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Market`,
ShipAddress: `175 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 50142,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1022,
CustomerName: `Nancy Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `175 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50142`,
Salesperson: `Anna Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1917,
OrderDate: `3/6/2022`,
ProductID: 114,
ProductName: `IPad`,
UnitPrice: 9640.51,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 28921.53,
Freight: 840.51,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `175 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50142
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Home`,
ShipAddress: `122 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 60097,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1023,
CustomerName: `Pamela Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `122 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60097`,
Salesperson: `James Black`,
OrderID: 1176,
OrderDate: `8/4/2022`,
ProductID: 197,
ProductName: `IPad`,
UnitPrice: 14500.56,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 58002.24,
Freight: 530.56,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `122 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60097
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Home`,
ShipAddress: `139 Main Street`,
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ShipPostalCode: 60175,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1024,
CustomerName: `James Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `139 Main Street, Miami, USA, 60175`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1317,
OrderDate: `5/21/2022`,
ProductID: 115,
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UnitPrice: 17200.82,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 34401.64,
Freight: 1610.82,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `139 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60175
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ShipName: `Watson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `155 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 60124,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1025,
CustomerName: `James Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `155 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60124`,
Salesperson: `Max Smith`,
OrderID: 1721,
OrderDate: `6/15/2022`,
ProductID: 197,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 9810.3,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 19620.6,
Freight: 1990.3,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `155 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60124
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `136 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 80120,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1026,
CustomerName: `Ben Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `136 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80120`,
Salesperson: `Max Smith`,
OrderID: 1266,
OrderDate: `12/13/2022`,
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ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 25410.64,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 50821.28,
Freight: 1860.64,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `136 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80120
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1027,
CustomerName: `Max Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `114 Main Street, New York, USA, 60186`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1636,
OrderDate: `7/7/2022`,
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UnitPrice: 13740.7,
Quantity: 4,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `114 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1028,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `167 Market Street, Huston, USA, 70193`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1689,
OrderDate: `1/2/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Freight: 490.83,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `167 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70193
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ShipName: `Madison Home`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1029,
CustomerName: `Anna Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `139 Wall Street, New York, USA, 80080`,
Salesperson: `Anna Black`,
OrderID: 1610,
OrderDate: `3/17/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 59582.46,
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Discontinued: true,
Region: `West`,
Address: `139 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80080
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ShipName: `Madison Home`,
ShipAddress: `173 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 70054,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1030,
CustomerName: `Ben Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `173 Market Street, New York, USA, 70054`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jackson`,
OrderID: 1404,
OrderDate: `12/8/2022`,
ProductID: 171,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `173 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Jefferson Market`,
ShipAddress: `187 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 60100,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1031,
CustomerName: `Mike Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `187 Wall Street, New York, USA, 60100`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Smith`,
OrderID: 1480,
OrderDate: `2/8/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 53461.32,
Freight: 510.66,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `187 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60100
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ShipName: `Madison Home`,
ShipAddress: `149 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1032,
CustomerName: `Mike Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `149 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90150`,
Salesperson: `Max Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1886,
OrderDate: `12/2/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `149 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90150
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ShipName: `Smith Market`,
ShipAddress: `124 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 80175,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1033,
CustomerName: `Martin Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `124 Market Street, Huston, USA, 80175`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Smith`,
OrderID: 1625,
OrderDate: `11/9/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `124 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80175
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `193 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 60165,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1034,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `193 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60165`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jackson`,
OrderID: 1669,
OrderDate: `7/3/2022`,
ProductID: 157,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 38440.62,
Freight: 1130.31,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `193 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60165
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 80146,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1035,
CustomerName: `Max Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `200 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80146`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1654,
OrderDate: `1/7/2022`,
ProductID: 155,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 14081.66,
Freight: 1420.83,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `200 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80146
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ShipName: `Smith Estate`,
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ShipPostalCode: 80150,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1036,
CustomerName: `Nancy Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `122 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 80150`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jackson`,
OrderID: 1678,
OrderDate: `12/14/2022`,
ProductID: 120,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 6530.89,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 19592.67,
Freight: 250.89,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `122 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80150
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ShipName: `Jackson Market`,
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ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 50068,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1037,
CustomerName: `Max Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `128 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50068`,
Salesperson: `Ben Watson`,
OrderID: 1301,
OrderDate: `1/25/2022`,
ProductID: 166,
ProductName: `IPad`,
UnitPrice: 11420.23,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 22840.46,
Freight: 950.23,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `128 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50068
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Home`,
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ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 60180,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1038,
CustomerName: `Pamela Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `119 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60180`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Madison`,
OrderID: 1385,
OrderDate: `6/24/2022`,
ProductID: 132,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 119242.4,
Freight: 220.6,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `119 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60180
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ShipPostalCode: 90168,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1039,
CustomerName: `James Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `115 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90168`,
Salesperson: `Martin Smith`,
OrderID: 1308,
OrderDate: `8/13/2022`,
ProductID: 109,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 20770.59,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 103852.95,
Freight: 1690.59,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `115 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90168
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ShipName: `Watson Estate`,
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ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 50118,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1040,
CustomerName: `Anna Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `128 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50118`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Black`,
OrderID: 1519,
OrderDate: `10/4/2022`,
ProductID: 139,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 14860.44,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 29720.88,
Freight: 1670.44,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `128 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50118
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Townhouse`,
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ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 90129,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1041,
CustomerName: `Martin Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `108 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90129`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Black`,
OrderID: 1118,
OrderDate: `2/7/2022`,
ProductID: 126,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 28690.85,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 114763.4,
Freight: 500.85,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `108 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90129
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ShipName: `Smith Market`,
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ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 50101,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1042,
CustomerName: `Anna Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `180 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50101`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1541,
OrderDate: `5/3/2022`,
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ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 67890.84,
Freight: 1200.28,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `180 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50101
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `177 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 90107,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1043,
CustomerName: `Max Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `177 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90107`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1747,
OrderDate: `5/11/2022`,
ProductID: 133,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 6930.51,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 20791.53,
Freight: 1660.51,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `177 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90107
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ShipName: `Jefferson Estate`,
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ShipPostalCode: 70172,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1044,
CustomerName: `Anna Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `134 Market Street, Miami, USA, 70172`,
Salesperson: `Mike Smith`,
OrderID: 1343,
OrderDate: `10/11/2022`,
ProductID: 190,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 26770.78,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 107083.12,
Freight: 960.78,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `134 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70172
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Estate`,
ShipAddress: `117 Wall Street`,
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ShipPostalCode: 90124,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1045,
CustomerName: `James Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `117 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90124`,
Salesperson: `Mike Watson`,
OrderID: 1152,
OrderDate: `2/25/2022`,
ProductID: 101,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 8790.3,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 43951.5,
Freight: 220.3,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `117 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90124
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ShipName: `Black Market`,
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 60181,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1046,
CustomerName: `James Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `156 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60181`,
Salesperson: `Anna Smith`,
OrderID: 1823,
OrderDate: `10/12/2022`,
ProductID: 178,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 9750.55,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 29251.65,
Freight: 1940.55,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `156 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60181
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 90182,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1047,
CustomerName: `Ben Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `122 Main Street, New York, USA, 90182`,
Salesperson: `Mike Black`,
OrderID: 1548,
OrderDate: `5/1/2022`,
ProductID: 181,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 11590.37,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 46361.48,
Freight: 900.37,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `122 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90182
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Townhouse`,
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ShipPostalCode: 60175,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1048,
CustomerName: `Pamela Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `112 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60175`,
Salesperson: `Mike Madison`,
OrderID: 1581,
OrderDate: `5/21/2022`,
ProductID: 134,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 8800.32,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 17600.64,
Freight: 1820.32,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `112 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60175
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ShipName: `Black Estate`,
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ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 90170,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1049,
CustomerName: `Pamela Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `153 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90170`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Watson`,
OrderID: 1145,
OrderDate: `11/13/2022`,
ProductID: 151,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 25830.42,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 77491.26,
Freight: 270.42,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `153 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90170
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ShipName: `Black Estate`,
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ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 80198,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1050,
CustomerName: `Anna Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `159 Market Street, Huston, USA, 80198`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1455,
OrderDate: `12/16/2022`,
ProductID: 115,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 28510.28,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 57020.56,
Freight: 1450.28,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `159 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80198
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ShipName: `Jefferson Market`,
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ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 70160,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1051,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `125 Market Street, Miami, USA, 70160`,
Salesperson: `Anna Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1787,
OrderDate: `1/3/2022`,
ProductID: 171,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 18830.35,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 56491.05,
Freight: 1770.35,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `125 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70160
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipAddress: `114 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 70083,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1052,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `114 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 70083`,
Salesperson: `Anna Madison`,
OrderID: 1591,
OrderDate: `4/6/2022`,
ProductID: 141,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 18840.75,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 37681.5,
Freight: 710.75,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `114 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70083
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 70170,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1053,
CustomerName: `James Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `193 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 70170`,
Salesperson: `Anna Jackson`,
OrderID: 1020,
OrderDate: `7/20/2022`,
ProductID: 177,
ProductName: `IPad`,
UnitPrice: 15250.55,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 45751.65,
Freight: 980.55,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `193 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70170
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Home`,
ShipAddress: `156 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 50127,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1054,
CustomerName: `Ben Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `156 Main Street, Huston, USA, 50127`,
Salesperson: `James Black`,
OrderID: 1770,
OrderDate: `3/24/2022`,
ProductID: 141,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 14910.59,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 74552.95,
Freight: 1330.59,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `156 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1055,
CustomerName: `Max Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `146 Market Street, Miami, USA, 60064`,
Salesperson: `Mike Smith`,
OrderID: 1766,
OrderDate: `10/23/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 50222.58,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `146 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1056,
CustomerName: `Max Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `163 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90158`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1415,
OrderDate: `9/2/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `163 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1057,
CustomerName: `James Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `171 Main Street, New York, USA, 50163`,
Salesperson: `Martin Smith`,
OrderID: 1430,
OrderDate: `9/2/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Address: `171 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1058,
CustomerName: `James Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `195 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60159`,
Salesperson: `Ben Black`,
OrderID: 1903,
OrderDate: `2/19/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `195 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1059,
CustomerName: `Pamela Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `171 Market Street, Huston, USA, 50154`,
Salesperson: `Anna Madison`,
OrderID: 1578,
OrderDate: `6/5/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `171 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1060,
CustomerName: `Max Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `103 Market Street, New York, USA, 70081`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jackson`,
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OrderDate: `4/1/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `103 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1061,
CustomerName: `Mike Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `187 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 70141`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1871,
OrderDate: `8/20/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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City: `Los Angeles`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1062,
CustomerName: `Ben Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `145 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50068`,
Salesperson: `Martin Watson`,
OrderID: 1747,
OrderDate: `1/20/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `145 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1063,
CustomerName: `Nancy Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `109 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90197`,
Salesperson: `James Black`,
OrderID: 1881,
OrderDate: `11/6/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `109 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1064,
CustomerName: `Nancy Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `155 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50184`,
Salesperson: `Mike Madison`,
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OrderDate: `5/14/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Address: `155 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1065,
CustomerName: `James Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `136 Main Street, New York, USA, 60147`,
Salesperson: `James Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1538,
OrderDate: `2/4/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `136 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1066,
CustomerName: `Mike Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `184 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 60091`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jackson`,
OrderID: 1863,
OrderDate: `2/6/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `184 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1067,
CustomerName: `James Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `103 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80170`,
Salesperson: `Max Black`,
OrderID: 1476,
OrderDate: `1/13/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `103 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1068,
CustomerName: `Ben Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `104 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 80188`,
Salesperson: `Martin Watson`,
OrderID: 1131,
OrderDate: `9/13/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `104 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1069,
CustomerName: `Martin Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `140 Main Street, New York, USA, 90197`,
Salesperson: `Anna Smith`,
OrderID: 1829,
OrderDate: `2/18/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Freight: 1840.52,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `140 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1070,
CustomerName: `Mike Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `172 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90159`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Watson`,
OrderID: 1082,
OrderDate: `10/1/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `172 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1071,
CustomerName: `Ben Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `147 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 90173`,
Salesperson: `Martin Smith`,
OrderID: 1449,
OrderDate: `1/21/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 33121,
Freight: 860.25,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `147 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Jackson Market`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1072,
CustomerName: `Mike Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `161 Main Street, Huston, USA, 90102`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Black`,
OrderID: 1609,
OrderDate: `9/22/2022`,
ProductID: 197,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 66961.4,
Freight: 1940.35,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `161 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1073,
CustomerName: `Ben Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `102 Market Street, Miami, USA, 70124`,
Salesperson: `Anna Smith`,
OrderID: 1984,
OrderDate: `8/6/2022`,
ProductID: 123,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 43981.98,
Freight: 1910.66,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `102 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70124
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ShipCity: `Miami`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1074,
CustomerName: `Martin Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `139 Market Street, Miami, USA, 90134`,
Salesperson: `Max Jackson`,
OrderID: 1060,
OrderDate: `3/11/2022`,
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ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 57841.48,
Freight: 1020.37,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `139 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90134
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1075,
CustomerName: `Martin Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `132 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60055`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Madison`,
OrderID: 1213,
OrderDate: `9/3/2022`,
ProductID: 108,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 58022.22,
Freight: 1370.74,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `132 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60055
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ShipName: `Black Market`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1076,
CustomerName: `Mike Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `192 Market Street, Miami, USA, 90135`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Madison`,
OrderID: 1563,
OrderDate: `5/8/2022`,
ProductID: 162,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 25340.96,
Freight: 1870.48,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `192 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90135
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ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 90156,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1077,
CustomerName: `Martin Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `108 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 90156`,
Salesperson: `Max Smith`,
OrderID: 1087,
OrderDate: `6/24/2022`,
ProductID: 194,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 20582.52,
Freight: 1880.84,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `108 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90156
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1078,
CustomerName: `Nancy Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `162 Wall Street, New York, USA, 80121`,
Salesperson: `Anna Black`,
OrderID: 1663,
OrderDate: `9/5/2022`,
ProductID: 149,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 147752.65,
Freight: 1270.53,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `162 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80121
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1079,
CustomerName: `Martin Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `165 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 70057`,
Salesperson: `James Watson`,
OrderID: 1724,
OrderDate: `5/6/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 40681.83,
Freight: 760.61,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `165 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1080,
CustomerName: `Anna Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `162 Main Street, Huston, USA, 60057`,
Salesperson: `Anna Watson`,
OrderID: 1156,
OrderDate: `10/5/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 51661.77,
Freight: 1550.59,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `162 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60057
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1081,
CustomerName: `Nancy Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `126 Main Street, Miami, USA, 70200`,
Salesperson: `Ben Watson`,
OrderID: 1982,
OrderDate: `9/11/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 51561.58,
Freight: 680.79,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `126 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70200
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ShipName: `Jackson Market`,
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ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 80141,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1082,
CustomerName: `Max Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `105 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 80141`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Watson`,
OrderID: 1462,
OrderDate: `6/6/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 33981.24,
Freight: 710.62,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `105 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80141
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1083,
CustomerName: `James Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `113 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50187`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1698,
OrderDate: `5/16/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 67723.48,
Freight: 1080.87,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `113 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50187
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1084,
CustomerName: `Mike Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `164 Main Street, New York, USA, 80172`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jackson`,
OrderID: 1300,
OrderDate: `11/11/2022`,
ProductID: 164,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 32482.36,
Freight: 1140.59,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `164 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80172
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ShipAddress: `108 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 90074,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1085,
CustomerName: `Pamela Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `108 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90074`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Madison`,
OrderID: 1401,
OrderDate: `12/3/2022`,
ProductID: 139,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Discontinued: false,
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City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1086,
CustomerName: `Max Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `175 Main Street, Huston, USA, 80111`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Watson`,
OrderID: 1474,
OrderDate: `9/1/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `175 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1087,
CustomerName: `Nancy Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `102 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 80173`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jackson`,
OrderID: 1678,
OrderDate: `5/6/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `102 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1088,
CustomerName: `Mike Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `163 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50105`,
Salesperson: `Martin Black`,
OrderID: 1384,
OrderDate: `4/16/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1089,
CustomerName: `Ben Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `165 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 90075`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1223,
OrderDate: `7/20/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `North East`,
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City: `Huston`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1090,
CustomerName: `Anna Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `140 Wall Street, New York, USA, 80134`,
Salesperson: `Anna Watson`,
OrderID: 1189,
OrderDate: `10/5/2022`,
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City: `New York`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1091,
CustomerName: `Max Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `191 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 80168`,
Salesperson: `Anna Madison`,
OrderID: 1657,
OrderDate: `8/7/2022`,
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Region: `South East`,
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City: `Los Angeles`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1092,
CustomerName: `Anna Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `111 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60130`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jackson`,
OrderID: 1818,
OrderDate: `12/2/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `South East`,
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City: `Los Angeles`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1093,
CustomerName: `Mike Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `190 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50162`,
Salesperson: `Mike Watson`,
OrderID: 1117,
OrderDate: `10/12/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Address: `190 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1094,
CustomerName: `James Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `121 Main Street, Miami, USA, 70156`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jackson`,
OrderID: 1188,
OrderDate: `11/23/2022`,
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CustomerName: `Martin Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `120 Main Street, Miami, USA, 60082`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Smith`,
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OrderDate: `1/25/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `South East`,
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City: `Miami`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1096,
CustomerName: `Pamela Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `102 Main Street, Miami, USA, 90125`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Smith`,
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OrderDate: `8/6/2022`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1097,
CustomerName: `James Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `125 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 80199`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Black`,
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OrderDate: `6/1/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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City: `Los Angeles`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1098,
CustomerName: `Mike Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `109 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 60118`,
Salesperson: `James Madison`,
OrderID: 1049,
OrderDate: `2/14/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `109 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1099,
CustomerName: `Anna Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `149 Main Street, Miami, USA, 50128`,
Salesperson: `James Watson`,
OrderID: 1292,
OrderDate: `3/15/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `149 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1100,
CustomerName: `Ben Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `183 Wall Street, New York, USA, 50089`,
Salesperson: `Max Watson`,
OrderID: 1724,
OrderDate: `9/22/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `183 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1101,
CustomerName: `Martin Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `195 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60110`,
Salesperson: `Martin Black`,
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OrderDate: `4/13/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `195 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1102,
CustomerName: `Ben Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `153 Market Street, New York, USA, 60113`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Black`,
OrderID: 1333,
OrderDate: `2/24/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Freight: 1520.8,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `153 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1103,
CustomerName: `James Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `185 Market Street, Miami, USA, 60118`,
Salesperson: `Max Black`,
OrderID: 1243,
OrderDate: `2/7/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Address: `185 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1104,
CustomerName: `Anna Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `181 Market Street, Miami, USA, 80055`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Madison`,
OrderID: 1090,
OrderDate: `12/2/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `181 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1105,
CustomerName: `Ben Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `185 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60149`,
Salesperson: `Martin Madison`,
OrderID: 1697,
OrderDate: `10/12/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Freight: 1030.22,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `185 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1106,
CustomerName: `Anna Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `110 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90160`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1868,
OrderDate: `6/20/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Freight: 1250.49,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `110 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1107,
CustomerName: `Martin Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `124 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 90129`,
Salesperson: `Max Madison`,
OrderID: 1419,
OrderDate: `11/8/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `124 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90129
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1108,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `144 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 80145`,
Salesperson: `Mike Smith`,
OrderID: 1103,
OrderDate: `5/14/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Freight: 1840.33,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `144 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1109,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `200 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50073`,
Salesperson: `Max Jackson`,
OrderID: 1461,
OrderDate: `6/13/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `200 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1110,
CustomerName: `Mike Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `196 Market Street, New York, USA, 70070`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Smith`,
OrderID: 1713,
OrderDate: `3/6/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `196 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1111,
CustomerName: `Martin Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `154 Main Street, New York, USA, 70167`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jackson`,
OrderID: 1956,
OrderDate: `1/2/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Freight: 1360.88,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `154 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1112,
CustomerName: `Mike Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `110 Main Street, Miami, USA, 90055`,
Salesperson: `Anna Madison`,
OrderID: 1530,
OrderDate: `10/15/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 98283.48,
Freight: 930.87,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `110 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1113,
CustomerName: `Martin Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `200 Market Street, Huston, USA, 70105`,
Salesperson: `James Jackson`,
OrderID: 1488,
OrderDate: `7/13/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `200 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1114,
CustomerName: `Ben Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `181 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80175`,
Salesperson: `Max Jackson`,
OrderID: 1143,
OrderDate: `6/13/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 141953.15,
Freight: 300.63,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `181 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1115,
CustomerName: `Ben Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `137 Market Street, Huston, USA, 50144`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jackson`,
OrderID: 1274,
OrderDate: `4/8/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 45160.68,
Freight: 1720.34,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `137 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1116,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `186 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 70112`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1597,
OrderDate: `8/6/2022`,
ProductID: 127,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 28490.48,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 85471.44,
Freight: 760.48,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `186 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70112
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ShipName: `Watson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `152 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1117,
CustomerName: `Nancy Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `152 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 50080`,
Salesperson: `Max Jackson`,
OrderID: 1632,
OrderDate: `4/15/2022`,
ProductID: 179,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 103401.9,
Freight: 490.38,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `152 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50080
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ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 60136,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1118,
CustomerName: `Pamela Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `147 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 60136`,
Salesperson: `Mike Watson`,
OrderID: 1461,
OrderDate: `4/21/2022`,
ProductID: 118,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 6990.24,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 34951.2,
Freight: 460.24,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `147 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCity: `Huston`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1119,
CustomerName: `James Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `161 Market Street, Huston, USA, 80121`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1380,
OrderDate: `1/3/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 132703.95,
Freight: 470.79,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `West`,
Address: `161 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Watson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `118 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 50189,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1120,
CustomerName: `Ben Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `118 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50189`,
Salesperson: `Ben Watson`,
OrderID: 1658,
OrderDate: `1/4/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 84152.05,
Freight: 1660.41,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `118 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50189
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ShipAddress: `186 Market Street`,
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ShipPostalCode: 60097,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1121,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `186 Market Street, Miami, USA, 60097`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Watson`,
OrderID: 1754,
OrderDate: `7/3/2022`,
ProductID: 148,
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Quantity: 3,
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Freight: 1660.24,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `186 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipPostalCode: 90155,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1122,
CustomerName: `Ben Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `191 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90155`,
Salesperson: `Anna Madison`,
OrderID: 1279,
OrderDate: `3/14/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `191 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Market`,
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ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 80075,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1123,
CustomerName: `James Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `190 Main Street, New York, USA, 80075`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jackson`,
OrderID: 1310,
OrderDate: `11/7/2022`,
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UnitPrice: 26450.4,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 132252,
Freight: 420.4,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `190 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Home`,
ShipAddress: `160 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 80067,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1124,
CustomerName: `Pamela Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `160 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80067`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jackson`,
OrderID: 1920,
OrderDate: `12/17/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `160 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Black Market`,
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ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 90124,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1125,
CustomerName: `Max Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `151 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 90124`,
Salesperson: `Mike Watson`,
OrderID: 1497,
OrderDate: `2/21/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `151 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1126,
CustomerName: `Nancy Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `151 Market Street, Huston, USA, 70173`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1925,
OrderDate: `2/15/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `151 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Watson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `114 Main Street`,
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ShipPostalCode: 80067,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1127,
CustomerName: `James Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `114 Main Street, Miami, USA, 80067`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Black`,
OrderID: 1338,
OrderDate: `5/19/2022`,
ProductID: 196,
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Quantity: 4,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `114 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Market`,
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ShipPostalCode: 80157,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1128,
CustomerName: `Anna Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `189 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80157`,
Salesperson: `Ben Watson`,
OrderID: 1794,
OrderDate: `9/9/2022`,
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ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 102202.24,
Freight: 400.56,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `189 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80157
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Home`,
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ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 60169,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1129,
CustomerName: `Ben Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `198 Main Street, New York, USA, 60169`,
Salesperson: `James Black`,
OrderID: 1108,
OrderDate: `2/5/2022`,
ProductID: 194,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 32670.78,
Freight: 760.26,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `198 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60169
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `106 Main Street`,
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ShipPostalCode: 60117,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1130,
CustomerName: `James Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `106 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60117`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jackson`,
OrderID: 1953,
OrderDate: `11/24/2022`,
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ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 59822.52,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `106 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Home`,
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ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 90090,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1131,
CustomerName: `James Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `192 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90090`,
Salesperson: `Max Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1337,
OrderDate: `10/10/2022`,
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ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 37280.62,
Freight: 280.31,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `192 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90090
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Townhouse`,
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ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 50136,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1132,
CustomerName: `Martin Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `128 Market Street, Miami, USA, 50136`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1617,
OrderDate: `4/10/2022`,
ProductID: 148,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 52280.74,
Freight: 1270.37,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `128 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50136
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Home`,
ShipAddress: `164 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 70190,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1133,
CustomerName: `Max Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `164 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 70190`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Watson`,
OrderID: 1222,
OrderDate: `3/15/2022`,
ProductID: 140,
ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 61622.22,
Freight: 1190.74,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `164 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70190
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 60126,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1134,
CustomerName: `Ben Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `118 Main Street, Huston, USA, 60126`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1888,
OrderDate: `7/3/2022`,
ProductID: 133,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 51940.78,
Freight: 1110.39,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `118 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60126
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Estate`,
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ShipPostalCode: 50093,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1135,
CustomerName: `James Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `145 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50093`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1661,
OrderDate: `5/14/2022`,
ProductID: 199,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 12190.38,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 24380.76,
Freight: 1670.38,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `145 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50093
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Home`,
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ShipPostalCode: 70094,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1136,
CustomerName: `Ben Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `174 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 70094`,
Salesperson: `Max Madison`,
OrderID: 1495,
OrderDate: `1/19/2022`,
ProductID: 188,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 91552.7,
Freight: 810.54,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `174 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70094
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ShipName: `Watson Market`,
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 90093,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1137,
CustomerName: `Martin Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `146 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90093`,
Salesperson: `Mike Smith`,
OrderID: 1649,
OrderDate: `1/4/2022`,
ProductID: 171,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 6400.45,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 19201.35,
Freight: 220.45,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `146 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90093
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1138,
CustomerName: `Martin Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `181 Main Street, Miami, USA, 80117`,
Salesperson: `Mike Black`,
OrderID: 1152,
OrderDate: `5/12/2022`,
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ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 133802.9,
Freight: 1480.58,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `181 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80117
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 70191,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1139,
CustomerName: `Mike Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `183 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 70191`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1471,
OrderDate: `5/19/2022`,
ProductID: 119,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 110154.4,
Freight: 990.88,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `West`,
Address: `183 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70191
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 80082,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1140,
CustomerName: `Pamela Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `100 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80082`,
Salesperson: `Max Madison`,
OrderID: 1793,
OrderDate: `3/16/2022`,
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ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 60691.26,
Freight: 1990.42,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `100 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80082
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ShipPostalCode: 90155,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1141,
CustomerName: `Pamela Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `173 Market Street, New York, USA, 90155`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Black`,
OrderID: 1928,
OrderDate: `8/24/2022`,
ProductID: 114,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 48921.36,
Freight: 1840.68,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `173 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90155
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ShipName: `Smith Townhouse`,
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ShipPostalCode: 60087,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1142,
CustomerName: `James Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `171 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60087`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Madison`,
OrderID: 1027,
OrderDate: `1/25/2022`,
ProductID: 145,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 6010.73,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 18032.19,
Freight: 1860.73,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `171 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60087
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipAddress: `175 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 60122,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1143,
CustomerName: `Mike Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `175 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 60122`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jackson`,
OrderID: 1700,
OrderDate: `12/10/2022`,
ProductID: 150,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 44060.72,
Freight: 940.36,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `175 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60122
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ShipName: `Smith Townhouse`,
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ShipPostalCode: 90071,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1144,
CustomerName: `Max Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `174 Main Street, Miami, USA, 90071`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jackson`,
OrderID: 1769,
OrderDate: `2/20/2022`,
ProductID: 183,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 25890.72,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 77672.16,
Freight: 1540.72,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `174 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90071
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1145,
CustomerName: `Martin Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `100 Market Street, Huston, USA, 90059`,
Salesperson: `Max Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1835,
OrderDate: `5/15/2022`,
ProductID: 142,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 28310.48,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 84931.44,
Freight: 2000.48,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `100 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90059
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Townhouse`,
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ShipCity: `Miami`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1146,
CustomerName: `Ben Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `120 Market Street, Miami, USA, 90120`,
Salesperson: `Max Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1787,
OrderDate: `5/16/2022`,
ProductID: 104,
ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 16820.88,
Freight: 1620.44,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `120 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90120
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ShipName: `Watson Estate`,
ShipAddress: `163 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 80132,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1147,
CustomerName: `Pamela Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `163 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 80132`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Watson`,
OrderID: 1026,
OrderDate: `7/10/2022`,
ProductID: 130,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 40951.26,
Freight: 750.42,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `163 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80132
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipPostalCode: 90138,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1148,
CustomerName: `Ben Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `169 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 90138`,
Salesperson: `Anna Smith`,
OrderID: 1805,
OrderDate: `1/6/2022`,
ProductID: 126,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 116521.28,
Freight: 800.32,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `169 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90138
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ShipName: `Jefferson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `167 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 60152,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1149,
CustomerName: `Max Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `167 Market Street, Miami, USA, 60152`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jackson`,
OrderID: 1292,
OrderDate: `10/3/2022`,
ProductID: 178,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 45753.2,
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Discontinued: true,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `167 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipPostalCode: 80133,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1150,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `194 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80133`,
Salesperson: `Martin Watson`,
OrderID: 1240,
OrderDate: `10/14/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `194 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Smith Home`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1151,
CustomerName: `James Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `168 Wall Street, New York, USA, 60104`,
Salesperson: `Martin Madison`,
OrderID: 1307,
OrderDate: `5/19/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 91651.65,
Freight: 1960.33,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `168 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1152,
CustomerName: `Nancy Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `122 Market Street, New York, USA, 60149`,
Salesperson: `Mike Madison`,
OrderID: 1360,
OrderDate: `11/2/2022`,
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ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Freight: 950.6,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `122 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Black Home`,
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 80098,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1153,
CustomerName: `Pamela Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `147 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80098`,
Salesperson: `James Black`,
OrderID: 1445,
OrderDate: `11/2/2022`,
ProductID: 151,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 54361,
Freight: 790.5,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `147 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipAddress: `113 Wall Street`,
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ShipPostalCode: 90111,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1154,
CustomerName: `Martin Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `113 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90111`,
Salesperson: `Anna Jackson`,
OrderID: 1014,
OrderDate: `1/24/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `113 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 60050,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1155,
CustomerName: `Nancy Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `154 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 60050`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Smith`,
OrderID: 1845,
OrderDate: `4/8/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `154 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Townhouse`,
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 80121,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1156,
CustomerName: `James Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `188 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80121`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1587,
OrderDate: `5/13/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `188 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 90097,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1157,
CustomerName: `Anna Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `181 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 90097`,
Salesperson: `Anna Madison`,
OrderID: 1706,
OrderDate: `5/22/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `181 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Estate`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1158,
CustomerName: `James Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `171 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 50118`,
Salesperson: `Max Smith`,
OrderID: 1335,
OrderDate: `6/16/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `171 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1159,
CustomerName: `Ben Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `193 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 70176`,
Salesperson: `Martin Black`,
OrderID: 1003,
OrderDate: `9/11/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 77553.5,
Freight: 200.7,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `West`,
Address: `193 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70176
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Home`,
ShipAddress: `125 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 80142,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1160,
CustomerName: `Ben Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `125 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80142`,
Salesperson: `Martin Madison`,
OrderID: 1723,
OrderDate: `3/14/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `125 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80142
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 70111,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1161,
CustomerName: `Anna Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `128 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 70111`,
Salesperson: `Max Jackson`,
OrderID: 1810,
OrderDate: `1/18/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 98102.75,
Freight: 1030.55,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `128 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70111
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 90058,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1162,
CustomerName: `Max Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `131 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90058`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Madison`,
OrderID: 1224,
OrderDate: `2/2/2022`,
ProductID: 108,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 9130.21,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 18260.42,
Freight: 1110.21,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `131 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90058
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 50176,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1163,
CustomerName: `James Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `145 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50176`,
Salesperson: `Mike Smith`,
OrderID: 1265,
OrderDate: `4/22/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 30420.58,
Freight: 1470.29,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `145 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50176
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 90058,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1164,
CustomerName: `Ben Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `123 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90058`,
Salesperson: `Martin Watson`,
OrderID: 1428,
OrderDate: `9/14/2022`,
ProductID: 195,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 25761.44,
Freight: 350.36,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `123 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90058
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Townhouse`,
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ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1165,
CustomerName: `Ben Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `148 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60161`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Black`,
OrderID: 1367,
OrderDate: `9/1/2022`,
ProductID: 196,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 107961,
Freight: 950.25,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `148 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60161
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1166,
CustomerName: `James Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `151 Main Street, New York, USA, 90156`,
Salesperson: `Ben Smith`,
OrderID: 1812,
OrderDate: `6/23/2022`,
ProductID: 182,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 6230.76,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 31153.8,
Freight: 920.76,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `151 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90156
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Townhouse`,
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ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 90073,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1167,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `128 Main Street, New York, USA, 90073`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Madison`,
OrderID: 1121,
OrderDate: `3/25/2022`,
ProductID: 166,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 8360.33,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 25080.99,
Freight: 1870.33,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `128 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90073
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Market`,
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 70139,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1168,
CustomerName: `Mike Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `109 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 70139`,
Salesperson: `James Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1086,
OrderDate: `11/22/2022`,
ProductID: 192,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 52201.8,
Freight: 1850.45,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `109 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70139
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Home`,
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ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 60096,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1169,
CustomerName: `Anna Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `196 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60096`,
Salesperson: `Mike Watson`,
OrderID: 1859,
OrderDate: `8/11/2022`,
ProductID: 157,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 74751,
Freight: 1140.2,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `196 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60096
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 90111,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1170,
CustomerName: `James Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `101 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90111`,
Salesperson: `Mike Madison`,
OrderID: 1952,
OrderDate: `7/19/2022`,
ProductID: 152,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 29810.56,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 119242.24,
Freight: 470.56,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `101 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90111
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Estate`,
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ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 90157,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1171,
CustomerName: `Max Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `147 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90157`,
Salesperson: `Ben Black`,
OrderID: 1351,
OrderDate: `5/22/2022`,
ProductID: 180,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 13470.4,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 67352,
Freight: 1610.4,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `147 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90157
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ShipName: `Smith Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `195 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 80071,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1172,
CustomerName: `Anna Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `195 Market Street, Huston, USA, 80071`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1371,
OrderDate: `12/9/2022`,
ProductID: 105,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 76162.88,
Freight: 1480.72,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `195 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80071
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ShipName: `Black Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `184 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 90197,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1173,
CustomerName: `Martin Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `184 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90197`,
Salesperson: `Martin Watson`,
OrderID: 1537,
OrderDate: `4/3/2022`,
ProductID: 137,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 50741.58,
Freight: 1980.79,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `184 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90197
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ShipAddress: `102 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 70185,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1174,
CustomerName: `Ben Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `102 Market Street, Huston, USA, 70185`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jackson`,
OrderID: 1378,
OrderDate: `7/6/2022`,
ProductID: 182,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 19620.84,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 39241.68,
Freight: 730.84,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `102 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70185
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ShipName: `Watson Market`,
ShipAddress: `192 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 60144,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1175,
CustomerName: `Nancy Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `192 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 60144`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1350,
OrderDate: `10/23/2022`,
ProductID: 138,
ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 52021.76,
Freight: 260.88,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `192 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60144
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Home`,
ShipAddress: `114 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 70079,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1176,
CustomerName: `Ben Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `114 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 70079`,
Salesperson: `Anna Watson`,
OrderID: 1889,
OrderDate: `8/21/2022`,
ProductID: 146,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 23970.6,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 71911.8,
Freight: 1870.6,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `114 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70079
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `199 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 90182,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1177,
CustomerName: `Nancy Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `199 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 90182`,
Salesperson: `Anna Madison`,
OrderID: 1285,
OrderDate: `3/12/2022`,
ProductID: 146,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 13660.54,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 27321.08,
Freight: 1870.54,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `199 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90182
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `141 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 80097,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1178,
CustomerName: `Pamela Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `141 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80097`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Watson`,
OrderID: 1886,
OrderDate: `8/1/2022`,
ProductID: 107,
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UnitPrice: 11630.46,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 46521.84,
Freight: 1530.46,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `141 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80097
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ShipPostalCode: 80162,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1179,
CustomerName: `Max Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `168 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 80162`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jackson`,
OrderID: 1009,
OrderDate: `4/7/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 50880.96,
Freight: 1510.32,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `168 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80162
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ShipName: `Smith Home`,
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ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 80063,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1180,
CustomerName: `Martin Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `100 Market Street, Miami, USA, 80063`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Smith`,
OrderID: 1046,
OrderDate: `10/21/2022`,
ProductID: 123,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 58082.01,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `100 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1181,
CustomerName: `Anna Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `145 Market Street, Huston, USA, 90152`,
Salesperson: `Max Watson`,
OrderID: 1593,
OrderDate: `11/17/2022`,
ProductID: 169,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 28870.27,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 144351.35,
Freight: 1430.27,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `145 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 90080,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1182,
CustomerName: `Ben Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `154 Main Street, Miami, USA, 90080`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1234,
OrderDate: `3/21/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 33221.56,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `154 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 70090,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1183,
CustomerName: `Anna Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `166 Market Street, Huston, USA, 70090`,
Salesperson: `Ben Watson`,
OrderID: 1362,
OrderDate: `5/2/2022`,
ProductID: 122,
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UnitPrice: 6870.64,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 27482.56,
Freight: 750.64,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `166 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1184,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `180 Market Street, Miami, USA, 90169`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Black`,
OrderID: 1698,
OrderDate: `1/18/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 54803.55,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `180 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Madison Estate`,
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ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 50114,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1185,
CustomerName: `Nancy Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `169 Main Street, Huston, USA, 50114`,
Salesperson: `Martin Smith`,
OrderID: 1458,
OrderDate: `6/15/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `169 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Madison Estate`,
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ShipPostalCode: 90064,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1186,
CustomerName: `Max Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `132 Market Street, Miami, USA, 90064`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jackson`,
OrderID: 1563,
OrderDate: `6/17/2022`,
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ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `132 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Madison Market`,
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ShipPostalCode: 50110,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1187,
CustomerName: `Martin Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `107 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50110`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1934,
OrderDate: `6/5/2022`,
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ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `107 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1188,
CustomerName: `Pamela Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `170 Wall Street, New York, USA, 50149`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1880,
OrderDate: `12/7/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `170 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Jefferson Market`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1189,
CustomerName: `Ben Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `152 Wall Street, New York, USA, 50085`,
Salesperson: `Anna Jackson`,
OrderID: 1159,
OrderDate: `5/18/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `152 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipPostalCode: 60146,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1190,
CustomerName: `Mike Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `186 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60146`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Madison`,
OrderID: 1960,
OrderDate: `3/2/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `186 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1191,
CustomerName: `Nancy Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `194 Wall Street, New York, USA, 50170`,
Salesperson: `Max Watson`,
OrderID: 1658,
OrderDate: `9/1/2022`,
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ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 27450.8,
Quantity: 4,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `194 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1192,
CustomerName: `Ben Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `172 Main Street, New York, USA, 70191`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Madison`,
OrderID: 1225,
OrderDate: `3/22/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `172 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 70146,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1193,
CustomerName: `Mike Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `108 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 70146`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Black`,
OrderID: 1886,
OrderDate: `8/20/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `108 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1194,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `109 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90083`,
Salesperson: `Max Smith`,
OrderID: 1191,
OrderDate: `5/9/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `109 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Smith Market`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1195,
CustomerName: `Max Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `121 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 70102`,
Salesperson: `Ben Black`,
OrderID: 1051,
OrderDate: `5/21/2022`,
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ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Freight: 1030.32,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `121 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70102
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1196,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `104 Wall Street, New York, USA, 90066`,
Salesperson: `Ben Watson`,
OrderID: 1385,
OrderDate: `2/2/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Freight: 1930.45,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `104 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90066
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 60091,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1197,
CustomerName: `Ben Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `126 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60091`,
Salesperson: `Anna Madison`,
OrderID: 1675,
OrderDate: `6/22/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 52961.4,
Freight: 890.35,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `126 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60091
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 70063,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1198,
CustomerName: `Ben Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `139 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 70063`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Black`,
OrderID: 1997,
OrderDate: `11/17/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Freight: 1340.83,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `139 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70063
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1199,
CustomerName: `Mike Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `133 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 70071`,
Salesperson: `James Watson`,
OrderID: 1641,
OrderDate: `11/12/2022`,
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ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 10150.31,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 30450.93,
Freight: 720.31,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `133 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70071
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ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 60137,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1200,
CustomerName: `Max Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `166 Main Street, Miami, USA, 60137`,
Salesperson: `Ben Madison`,
OrderID: 1418,
OrderDate: `11/8/2022`,
ProductID: 135,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 18820.92,
Freight: 970.46,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `166 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60137
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ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 70069,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1201,
CustomerName: `James Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `143 Main Street, Miami, USA, 70069`,
Salesperson: `Anna Watson`,
OrderID: 1545,
OrderDate: `6/24/2022`,
ProductID: 190,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 15092.34,
Freight: 1630.78,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `143 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70069
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipPostalCode: 50097,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1202,
CustomerName: `Max Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `106 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50097`,
Salesperson: `James Jackson`,
OrderID: 1493,
OrderDate: `7/24/2022`,
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ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Freight: 1960.72,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `106 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50097
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 50052,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1203,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `143 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50052`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1495,
OrderDate: `2/14/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Freight: 420.46,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `143 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1204,
CustomerName: `Nancy Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `174 Wall Street, New York, USA, 60127`,
Salesperson: `Max Watson`,
OrderID: 1123,
OrderDate: `11/20/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 83721.92,
Freight: 950.48,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `174 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60127
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ShipPostalCode: 60111,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1205,
CustomerName: `Pamela Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `123 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60111`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1342,
OrderDate: `12/8/2022`,
ProductID: 140,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 81031.02,
Freight: 1470.34,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `123 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1206,
CustomerName: `James Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `166 Market Street, Miami, USA, 50102`,
Salesperson: `Ben Madison`,
OrderID: 1017,
OrderDate: `10/2/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 64053.95,
Freight: 1990.79,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `166 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50102
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1207,
CustomerName: `Max Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `193 Main Street, Huston, USA, 80187`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1558,
OrderDate: `11/12/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 52420.9,
Freight: 1110.45,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `193 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Jefferson Market`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1208,
CustomerName: `Ben Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `137 Main Street, Miami, USA, 80111`,
Salesperson: `Mike Watson`,
OrderID: 1466,
OrderDate: `11/18/2022`,
ProductID: 189,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 6190.57,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 18571.71,
Freight: 1810.57,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `137 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80111
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `122 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 80088,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1209,
CustomerName: `Ben Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `122 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80088`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1539,
OrderDate: `11/13/2022`,
ProductID: 131,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 21280.22,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 85120.88,
Freight: 760.22,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `122 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80088
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipAddress: `115 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 80079,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1210,
CustomerName: `Anna Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `115 Main Street, New York, USA, 80079`,
Salesperson: `Max Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1411,
OrderDate: `11/22/2022`,
ProductID: 135,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 13700.71,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 41102.13,
Freight: 1730.71,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `115 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80079
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Market`,
ShipAddress: `114 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 50137,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1211,
CustomerName: `Mike Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `114 Main Street, New York, USA, 50137`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Smith`,
OrderID: 1890,
OrderDate: `8/5/2022`,
ProductID: 169,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 11320.48,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 33961.44,
Freight: 930.48,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `114 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50137
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Market`,
ShipAddress: `130 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 90082,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1212,
CustomerName: `Martin Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `130 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 90082`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Madison`,
OrderID: 1783,
OrderDate: `9/1/2022`,
ProductID: 109,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 24340.75,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 121703.75,
Freight: 490.75,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `130 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90082
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ShipName: `Jefferson Estate`,
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ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 80095,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1213,
CustomerName: `James Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `140 Main Street, New York, USA, 80095`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Watson`,
OrderID: 1101,
OrderDate: `5/25/2022`,
ProductID: 101,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 29980.24,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 119920.96,
Freight: 1190.24,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `140 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Jefferson Market`,
ShipAddress: `165 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1214,
CustomerName: `Ben Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `165 Main Street, Huston, USA, 90200`,
Salesperson: `Max Watson`,
OrderID: 1932,
OrderDate: `2/10/2022`,
ProductID: 159,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 23460.59,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 93842.36,
Freight: 710.59,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `165 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90200
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Market`,
ShipAddress: `154 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 70200,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1215,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `154 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 70200`,
Salesperson: `Mike Black`,
OrderID: 1514,
OrderDate: `10/8/2022`,
ProductID: 148,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 29540.27,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 118161.08,
Freight: 1960.27,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `154 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70200
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Home`,
ShipAddress: `113 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 50127,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1216,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `113 Market Street, New York, USA, 50127`,
Salesperson: `James Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1736,
OrderDate: `10/21/2022`,
ProductID: 188,
ProductName: `IPad`,
UnitPrice: 15350.27,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 61401.08,
Freight: 540.27,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `113 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50127
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Market`,
ShipAddress: `153 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 80064,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1217,
CustomerName: `James Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `153 Main Street, Huston, USA, 80064`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jackson`,
OrderID: 1978,
OrderDate: `12/25/2022`,
ProductID: 125,
ProductName: `IPad`,
UnitPrice: 15880.31,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 47640.93,
Freight: 800.31,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `153 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Estate`,
ShipAddress: `107 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 50196,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1218,
CustomerName: `Mike Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `107 Main Street, Miami, USA, 50196`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jackson`,
OrderID: 1324,
OrderDate: `7/18/2022`,
ProductID: 188,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 26990.38,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 107961.52,
Freight: 610.38,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `107 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50196
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Estate`,
ShipAddress: `140 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 70154,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1219,
CustomerName: `James Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `140 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 70154`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Madison`,
OrderID: 1307,
OrderDate: `4/19/2022`,
ProductID: 114,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 73202.6,
Freight: 800.65,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `West`,
Address: `140 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70154
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `158 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 50154,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1220,
CustomerName: `Mike Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `158 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50154`,
Salesperson: `James Black`,
OrderID: 1808,
OrderDate: `3/18/2022`,
ProductID: 172,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 27460.67,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 82382.01,
Freight: 1220.67,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `158 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50154
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Home`,
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ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 90170,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1221,
CustomerName: `Pamela Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `116 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90170`,
Salesperson: `James Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1481,
OrderDate: `5/22/2022`,
ProductID: 177,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 47540.52,
Freight: 480.26,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `116 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90170
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `124 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 50137,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1222,
CustomerName: `Max Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `124 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 50137`,
Salesperson: `Martin Watson`,
OrderID: 1874,
OrderDate: `10/1/2022`,
ProductID: 102,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 12080.68,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 60403.4,
Freight: 400.68,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `124 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50137
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Market`,
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ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 60174,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1223,
CustomerName: `Nancy Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `197 Main Street, New York, USA, 60174`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1377,
OrderDate: `10/24/2022`,
ProductID: 123,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 10520.88,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 42083.52,
Freight: 800.88,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `197 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60174
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Estate`,
ShipAddress: `192 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 80134,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1224,
CustomerName: `Mike Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `192 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 80134`,
Salesperson: `James Madison`,
OrderID: 1691,
OrderDate: `6/13/2022`,
ProductID: 123,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 22181.64,
Freight: 910.82,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `192 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80134
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Estate`,
ShipAddress: `111 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 80054,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1225,
CustomerName: `Anna Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `111 Market Street, Huston, USA, 80054`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jackson`,
OrderID: 1242,
OrderDate: `4/6/2022`,
ProductID: 180,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 8180.25,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 40901.25,
Freight: 510.25,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `111 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80054
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Estate`,
ShipAddress: `106 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 60139,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1226,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `106 Market Street, New York, USA, 60139`,
Salesperson: `James Madison`,
OrderID: 1745,
OrderDate: `1/18/2022`,
ProductID: 115,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 6570.23,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 32851.15,
Freight: 840.23,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `106 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60139
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Market`,
ShipAddress: `198 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 60058,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1227,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `198 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60058`,
Salesperson: `James Madison`,
OrderID: 1111,
OrderDate: `10/11/2022`,
ProductID: 132,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 10970.23,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 32910.69,
Freight: 1670.23,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `198 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60058
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Estate`,
ShipAddress: `138 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 50133,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1228,
CustomerName: `Anna Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `138 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 50133`,
Salesperson: `Ben Madison`,
OrderID: 1182,
OrderDate: `12/18/2022`,
ProductID: 184,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 27020.67,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 81062.01,
Freight: 1750.67,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `138 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50133
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Market`,
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ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 50182,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1229,
CustomerName: `James Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `198 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50182`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jackson`,
OrderID: 1252,
OrderDate: `10/7/2022`,
ProductID: 146,
ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 109551.7,
Freight: 840.34,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `198 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50182
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `141 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 70058,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1230,
CustomerName: `James Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `141 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 70058`,
Salesperson: `Martin Watson`,
OrderID: 1635,
OrderDate: `6/1/2022`,
ProductID: 196,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 16430.54,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 32861.08,
Freight: 1420.54,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `141 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70058
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `107 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 80108,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1231,
CustomerName: `Anna Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `107 Market Street, New York, USA, 80108`,
Salesperson: `Mike Smith`,
OrderID: 1922,
OrderDate: `10/6/2022`,
ProductID: 154,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 8920.46,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 44602.3,
Freight: 1160.46,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `107 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80108
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Market`,
ShipAddress: `166 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 60199,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1232,
CustomerName: `Martin Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `166 Main Street, New York, USA, 60199`,
Salesperson: `Anna Smith`,
OrderID: 1759,
OrderDate: `3/10/2022`,
ProductID: 145,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 22420.27,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 112101.35,
Freight: 1900.27,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `166 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60199
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Home`,
ShipAddress: `188 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 90082,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1233,
CustomerName: `Anna Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `188 Main Street, New York, USA, 90082`,
Salesperson: `Ben Black`,
OrderID: 1172,
OrderDate: `11/9/2022`,
ProductID: 148,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 22260.33,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 111301.65,
Freight: 1530.33,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `188 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90082
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Home`,
ShipAddress: `168 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 80160,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1234,
CustomerName: `Martin Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `168 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 80160`,
Salesperson: `Max Black`,
OrderID: 1855,
OrderDate: `9/9/2022`,
ProductID: 195,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 11120.68,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 55603.4,
Freight: 540.68,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `168 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80160
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Market`,
ShipAddress: `151 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 50192,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1235,
CustomerName: `James Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `151 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50192`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Watson`,
OrderID: 1253,
OrderDate: `9/24/2022`,
ProductID: 153,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 17650.73,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 88253.65,
Freight: 1010.73,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `151 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50192
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Estate`,
ShipAddress: `131 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 60171,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1236,
CustomerName: `Anna Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `131 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60171`,
Salesperson: `James Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1711,
OrderDate: `9/12/2022`,
ProductID: 192,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 56941.26,
Freight: 1070.42,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `131 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60171
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Estate`,
ShipAddress: `101 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 70109,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1237,
CustomerName: `Mike Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `101 Market Street, Huston, USA, 70109`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Smith`,
OrderID: 1155,
OrderDate: `9/1/2022`,
ProductID: 174,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 22330.35,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 44660.7,
Freight: 250.35,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `101 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70109
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Home`,
ShipAddress: `145 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 50126,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1238,
CustomerName: `Max Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `145 Main Street, New York, USA, 50126`,
Salesperson: `Mike Watson`,
OrderID: 1656,
OrderDate: `3/7/2022`,
ProductID: 139,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 9890.72,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 29672.16,
Freight: 1890.72,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `145 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50126
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Home`,
ShipAddress: `190 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 60055,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1239,
CustomerName: `Martin Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `190 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 60055`,
Salesperson: `Mike Smith`,
OrderID: 1192,
OrderDate: `3/12/2022`,
ProductID: 151,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 16510.6,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 82553,
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Discontinued: true,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `190 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60055
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1240,
CustomerName: `Martin Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `114 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50122`,
Salesperson: `James Madison`,
OrderID: 1997,
OrderDate: `8/3/2022`,
ProductID: 195,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 83081.68,
Freight: 920.42,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `114 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Jackson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `184 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 50147,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1241,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `184 Main Street, Miami, USA, 50147`,
Salesperson: `Martin Madison`,
OrderID: 1944,
OrderDate: `7/11/2022`,
ProductID: 105,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 22970.54,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 68911.62,
Freight: 2000.54,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `184 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 50058,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1242,
CustomerName: `Pamela Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `140 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50058`,
Salesperson: `Max Madison`,
OrderID: 1076,
OrderDate: `12/1/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `140 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1243,
CustomerName: `James Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `178 Market Street, New York, USA, 60194`,
Salesperson: `James Madison`,
OrderID: 1076,
OrderDate: `6/25/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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City: `New York`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1244,
CustomerName: `Ben Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `179 Main Street, Huston, USA, 70085`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jackson`,
OrderID: 1070,
OrderDate: `5/7/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Address: `179 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1245,
CustomerName: `Pamela Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `169 Market Street, Miami, USA, 70087`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Black`,
OrderID: 1469,
OrderDate: `8/22/2022`,
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ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `169 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1246,
CustomerName: `Martin Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `108 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90128`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Smith`,
OrderID: 1948,
OrderDate: `4/25/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Freight: 280.55,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `108 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Townhouse`,
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 80141,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1247,
CustomerName: `Mike Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `195 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80141`,
Salesperson: `Martin Smith`,
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OrderDate: `1/1/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `195 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipPostalCode: 50163,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1248,
CustomerName: `Anna Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `142 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50163`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jefferson`,
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OrderDate: `5/1/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `142 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 80155,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1249,
CustomerName: `Mike Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `177 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80155`,
Salesperson: `Anna Jefferson`,
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OrderDate: `9/2/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `177 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1250,
CustomerName: `Mike Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `175 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 80141`,
Salesperson: `Martin Black`,
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OrderDate: `7/5/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `175 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1251,
CustomerName: `Pamela Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `110 Market Street, New York, USA, 90174`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Black`,
OrderID: 1397,
OrderDate: `7/2/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `110 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1252,
CustomerName: `Mike Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `121 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 70083`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1938,
OrderDate: `1/20/2022`,
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ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `121 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1253,
CustomerName: `Mike Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `122 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 70122`,
Salesperson: `Mike Watson`,
OrderID: 1608,
OrderDate: `2/9/2022`,
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ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `122 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1254,
CustomerName: `Pamela Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `151 Main Street, Huston, USA, 50057`,
Salesperson: `Martin Watson`,
OrderID: 1217,
OrderDate: `8/4/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `151 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1255,
CustomerName: `Mike Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `120 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 50131`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jackson`,
OrderID: 1661,
OrderDate: `5/1/2022`,
ProductID: 190,
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Quantity: 5,
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Freight: 1350.85,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `120 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1256,
CustomerName: `Mike Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `134 Main Street, Huston, USA, 90060`,
Salesperson: `James Madison`,
OrderID: 1766,
OrderDate: `11/11/2022`,
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ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Freight: 1790.63,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `134 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90060
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipPostalCode: 60151,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1257,
CustomerName: `James Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `150 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 60151`,
Salesperson: `Martin Black`,
OrderID: 1321,
OrderDate: `8/4/2022`,
ProductID: 125,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Freight: 680.24,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `150 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1258,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `155 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 60121`,
Salesperson: `Max Jackson`,
OrderID: 1872,
OrderDate: `2/20/2022`,
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ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 68251.35,
Freight: 840.45,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `155 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60121
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1259,
CustomerName: `Anna Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `184 Market Street, New York, USA, 90156`,
Salesperson: `James Watson`,
OrderID: 1828,
OrderDate: `5/25/2022`,
ProductID: 191,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Freight: 1960.3,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `184 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90156
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1260,
CustomerName: `Anna Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `133 Market Street, Huston, USA, 50074`,
Salesperson: `Mike Black`,
OrderID: 1966,
OrderDate: `6/18/2022`,
ProductID: 160,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 37252.2,
Freight: 590.44,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `133 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50074
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ShipPostalCode: 70052,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1261,
CustomerName: `Martin Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `154 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 70052`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jackson`,
OrderID: 1421,
OrderDate: `9/17/2022`,
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ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 46000.94,
Freight: 550.47,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `154 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70052
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `114 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 90174,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1262,
CustomerName: `Max Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `114 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90174`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Smith`,
OrderID: 1192,
OrderDate: `12/4/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Freight: 1150.26,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `114 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90174
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ShipName: `Jefferson Townhouse`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1263,
CustomerName: `Ben Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `154 Wall Street, New York, USA, 90162`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Smith`,
OrderID: 1539,
OrderDate: `7/16/2022`,
ProductID: 139,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 11830.34,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 23660.68,
Freight: 1930.34,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `154 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90162
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ShipName: `Smith Townhouse`,
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ShipPostalCode: 70136,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1264,
CustomerName: `Martin Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `140 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 70136`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jackson`,
OrderID: 1271,
OrderDate: `10/7/2022`,
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ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 42041.62,
Freight: 1420.81,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `140 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70136
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ShipName: `Smith Townhouse`,
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ShipPostalCode: 60116,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1265,
CustomerName: `James Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `185 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60116`,
Salesperson: `James Watson`,
OrderID: 1090,
OrderDate: `9/11/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 48211.38,
Freight: 1490.46,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `185 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60116
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1266,
CustomerName: `Max Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `179 Market Street, Huston, USA, 80107`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Smith`,
OrderID: 1286,
OrderDate: `1/10/2022`,
ProductID: 161,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 78481.14,
Freight: 570.38,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `179 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80107
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ShipPostalCode: 90073,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1267,
CustomerName: `Ben Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `189 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 90073`,
Salesperson: `Martin Madison`,
OrderID: 1754,
OrderDate: `5/2/2022`,
ProductID: 143,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 118163.36,
Freight: 500.84,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `189 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90073
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1268,
CustomerName: `Anna Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `106 Market Street, Miami, USA, 90153`,
Salesperson: `Anna Black`,
OrderID: 1321,
OrderDate: `6/21/2022`,
ProductID: 136,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 62752.75,
Freight: 1440.55,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `106 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90153
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1269,
CustomerName: `Pamela Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `149 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50102`,
Salesperson: `James Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1262,
OrderDate: `7/13/2022`,
ProductID: 178,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 26071.35,
Freight: 1420.45,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `West`,
Address: `149 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50102
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Market`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1270,
CustomerName: `Martin Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `192 Market Street, New York, USA, 60078`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jackson`,
OrderID: 1586,
OrderDate: `11/13/2022`,
ProductID: 130,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 57261.72,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `192 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60078
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1271,
CustomerName: `James Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `159 Main Street, New York, USA, 50050`,
Salesperson: `Max Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1915,
OrderDate: `2/10/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `159 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1272,
CustomerName: `Nancy Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `171 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60099`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jackson`,
OrderID: 1503,
OrderDate: `4/7/2022`,
ProductID: 153,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 26320.3,
Quantity: 3,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `171 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1273,
CustomerName: `Anna Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `161 Main Street, Huston, USA, 70087`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Watson`,
OrderID: 1129,
OrderDate: `9/4/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `161 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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CustomerID: 1274,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `163 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50127`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1508,
OrderDate: `1/6/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `163 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1275,
CustomerName: `James Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `131 Market Street, Huston, USA, 50052`,
Salesperson: `Martin Watson`,
OrderID: 1285,
OrderDate: `8/6/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Address: `131 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1276,
CustomerName: `Ben Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `125 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 60101`,
Salesperson: `Ben Smith`,
OrderID: 1881,
OrderDate: `12/5/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `125 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1277,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `184 Main Street, Miami, USA, 50157`,
Salesperson: `Mike Smith`,
OrderID: 1478,
OrderDate: `9/18/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `184 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1278,
CustomerName: `Nancy Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `199 Market Street, Huston, USA, 80050`,
Salesperson: `Max Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1767,
OrderDate: `1/17/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `199 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1279,
CustomerName: `Nancy Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `127 Market Street, Miami, USA, 60073`,
Salesperson: `Mike Smith`,
OrderID: 1229,
OrderDate: `12/7/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `127 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1280,
CustomerName: `Mike Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `169 Main Street, New York, USA, 50123`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jackson`,
OrderID: 1761,
OrderDate: `2/10/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `169 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1281,
CustomerName: `James Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `109 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80143`,
Salesperson: `Anna Black`,
OrderID: 1461,
OrderDate: `9/8/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `109 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1282,
CustomerName: `James Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `103 Main Street, New York, USA, 80198`,
Salesperson: `Ben Black`,
OrderID: 1210,
OrderDate: `11/7/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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City: `New York`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1283,
CustomerName: `Martin Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `102 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50100`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1262,
OrderDate: `4/17/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `102 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50100
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1284,
CustomerName: `Pamela Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `194 Market Street, New York, USA, 80057`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1490,
OrderDate: `4/6/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `194 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1285,
CustomerName: `Nancy Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `102 Main Street, Miami, USA, 70175`,
Salesperson: `James Jackson`,
OrderID: 1031,
OrderDate: `3/18/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `102 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1286,
CustomerName: `Nancy Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `139 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60067`,
Salesperson: `Max Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1803,
OrderDate: `1/22/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `139 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1287,
CustomerName: `Martin Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `167 Market Street, New York, USA, 80115`,
Salesperson: `Anna Black`,
OrderID: 1465,
OrderDate: `2/14/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `167 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1288,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `167 Market Street, New York, USA, 80080`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jackson`,
OrderID: 1303,
OrderDate: `12/12/2022`,
ProductID: 191,
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Quantity: 2,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `167 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1289,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `167 Market Street, New York, USA, 90093`,
Salesperson: `Anna Smith`,
OrderID: 1122,
OrderDate: `8/6/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Discontinued: true,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `167 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90093
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1290,
CustomerName: `Nancy Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `114 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60133`,
Salesperson: `Anna Madison`,
OrderID: 1402,
OrderDate: `6/9/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Freight: 590.76,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `114 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60133
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1291,
CustomerName: `Anna Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `164 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60153`,
Salesperson: `Max Smith`,
OrderID: 1165,
OrderDate: `11/24/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `164 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60153
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ShipPostalCode: 90068,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1292,
CustomerName: `Mike Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `102 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90068`,
Salesperson: `Mike Madison`,
OrderID: 1512,
OrderDate: `9/4/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Freight: 660.88,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `102 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1293,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `158 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 80149`,
Salesperson: `Max Jackson`,
OrderID: 1358,
OrderDate: `2/22/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Freight: 1260.31,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `158 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1294,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `125 Market Street, Huston, USA, 80176`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Watson`,
OrderID: 1106,
OrderDate: `2/7/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Freight: 1900.56,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `125 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1295,
CustomerName: `Pamela Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `177 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50079`,
Salesperson: `Max Watson`,
OrderID: 1931,
OrderDate: `6/5/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Freight: 1170.45,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `177 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1296,
CustomerName: `Mike Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `148 Market Street, New York, USA, 90184`,
Salesperson: `James Smith`,
OrderID: 1108,
OrderDate: `8/5/2022`,
ProductID: 122,
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Quantity: 4,
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Freight: 960.75,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `148 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1297,
CustomerName: `Max Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `113 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 50064`,
Salesperson: `Martin Smith`,
OrderID: 1782,
OrderDate: `3/24/2022`,
ProductID: 107,
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Quantity: 4,
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Freight: 510.88,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `113 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1298,
CustomerName: `Martin Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `134 Wall Street, New York, USA, 80155`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1886,
OrderDate: `3/6/2022`,
ProductID: 181,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 34201.84,
Freight: 1830.46,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `134 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCity: `New York`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1299,
CustomerName: `Max Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `142 Market Street, New York, USA, 90103`,
Salesperson: `Anna Watson`,
OrderID: 1578,
OrderDate: `10/5/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 77963.36,
Freight: 490.84,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `West`,
Address: `142 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1300,
CustomerName: `Anna Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `132 Market Street, Miami, USA, 90111`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1903,
OrderDate: `6/23/2022`,
ProductID: 173,
ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 116752.6,
Freight: 1210.52,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `132 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90111
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Home`,
ShipAddress: `180 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 50182,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1301,
CustomerName: `Mike Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `180 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50182`,
Salesperson: `Ben Black`,
OrderID: 1201,
OrderDate: `11/25/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 20191.71,
Freight: 1600.57,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `180 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50182
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ShipPostalCode: 60076,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1302,
CustomerName: `James Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `135 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60076`,
Salesperson: `Mike Smith`,
OrderID: 1488,
OrderDate: `5/1/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 136201.5,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `135 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60076
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1303,
CustomerName: `Nancy Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `104 Wall Street, New York, USA, 70191`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1636,
OrderDate: `2/16/2022`,
ProductID: 104,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 14830.46,
Quantity: 2,
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Freight: 540.46,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `104 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1304,
CustomerName: `James Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `122 Market Street, New York, USA, 70071`,
Salesperson: `Max Black`,
OrderID: 1588,
OrderDate: `8/22/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `122 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1305,
CustomerName: `Anna Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `178 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80064`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jackson`,
OrderID: 1422,
OrderDate: `7/3/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `178 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 80126,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1306,
CustomerName: `Martin Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `199 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80126`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1922,
OrderDate: `1/13/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `199 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1307,
CustomerName: `Nancy Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `187 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 70093`,
Salesperson: `Ben Watson`,
OrderID: 1023,
OrderDate: `8/20/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `187 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Watson Market`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1308,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `110 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50180`,
Salesperson: `Martin Smith`,
OrderID: 1651,
OrderDate: `8/10/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `110 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1309,
CustomerName: `James Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `196 Wall Street, New York, USA, 50190`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Madison`,
OrderID: 1918,
OrderDate: `7/11/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `196 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1310,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `172 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80154`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jackson`,
OrderID: 1803,
OrderDate: `2/14/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `172 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1311,
CustomerName: `Martin Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `181 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50200`,
Salesperson: `James Watson`,
OrderID: 1467,
OrderDate: `12/13/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `181 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1312,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `151 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 70118`,
Salesperson: `Martin Watson`,
OrderID: 1359,
OrderDate: `4/5/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Address: `151 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1313,
CustomerName: `James Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `156 Market Street, Miami, USA, 90109`,
Salesperson: `James Jackson`,
OrderID: 1592,
OrderDate: `4/16/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `156 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1314,
CustomerName: `Pamela Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `147 Main Street, Huston, USA, 60054`,
Salesperson: `Ben Watson`,
OrderID: 1454,
OrderDate: `12/12/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `147 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1315,
CustomerName: `Ben Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `123 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90190`,
Salesperson: `James Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1529,
OrderDate: `4/19/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `123 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1316,
CustomerName: `James Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `100 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90115`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Smith`,
OrderID: 1783,
OrderDate: `9/2/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `100 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1317,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `184 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 50144`,
Salesperson: `Max Jackson`,
OrderID: 1533,
OrderDate: `12/19/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Freight: 1550.6,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `184 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50144
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1318,
CustomerName: `Mike Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `187 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 70132`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jackson`,
OrderID: 1483,
OrderDate: `1/8/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `187 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1319,
CustomerName: `Mike Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `162 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90083`,
Salesperson: `Max Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1869,
OrderDate: `6/3/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 31860.6,
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Discontinued: true,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `162 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90083
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ShipName: `Watson Home`,
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ShipPostalCode: 50191,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1320,
CustomerName: `Nancy Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `147 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50191`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1541,
OrderDate: `2/1/2022`,
ProductID: 159,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Freight: 900.51,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `147 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1321,
CustomerName: `Martin Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `175 Wall Street, New York, USA, 90056`,
Salesperson: `Anna Black`,
OrderID: 1050,
OrderDate: `8/6/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 142451.9,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `175 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90056
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1322,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `129 Market Street, Huston, USA, 50089`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1188,
OrderDate: `7/23/2022`,
ProductID: 119,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Freight: 1160.58,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `129 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 70079,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1323,
CustomerName: `Ben Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `104 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 70079`,
Salesperson: `Martin Madison`,
OrderID: 1452,
OrderDate: `2/1/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `104 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70079
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ShipName: `Jefferson Townhouse`,
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ShipPostalCode: 70137,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1324,
CustomerName: `Mike Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `167 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 70137`,
Salesperson: `James Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1542,
OrderDate: `7/21/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Freight: 610.82,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `167 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70137
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ShipPostalCode: 50188,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1325,
CustomerName: `Mike Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `128 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50188`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1993,
OrderDate: `3/7/2022`,
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ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Freight: 1260.59,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `128 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50188
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1326,
CustomerName: `Martin Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `171 Market Street, Huston, USA, 70190`,
Salesperson: `Anna Madison`,
OrderID: 1815,
OrderDate: `7/4/2022`,
ProductID: 195,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 136703.3,
Freight: 1790.66,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `171 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1327,
CustomerName: `Anna Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `191 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60123`,
Salesperson: `Anna Madison`,
OrderID: 1319,
OrderDate: `8/5/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 142502.5,
Freight: 1280.5,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `191 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60123
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1328,
CustomerName: `Mike Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `150 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80139`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Watson`,
OrderID: 1592,
OrderDate: `2/22/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 114453,
Freight: 920.6,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `150 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80139
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1329,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `112 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 70172`,
Salesperson: `Max Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1959,
OrderDate: `10/15/2022`,
ProductID: 156,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 48202.84,
Freight: 270.71,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `112 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1330,
CustomerName: `Martin Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `121 Market Street, New York, USA, 80122`,
Salesperson: `Ben Black`,
OrderID: 1343,
OrderDate: `5/25/2022`,
ProductID: 118,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 7060.29,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 28241.16,
Freight: 400.29,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `121 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80122
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1331,
CustomerName: `Pamela Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `183 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 90122`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Smith`,
OrderID: 1876,
OrderDate: `2/8/2022`,
ProductID: 137,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 40563.36,
Freight: 640.84,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `183 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1332,
CustomerName: `Mike Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `105 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50068`,
Salesperson: `Ben Madison`,
OrderID: 1322,
OrderDate: `6/7/2022`,
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UnitPrice: 20150.45,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 80601.8,
Freight: 1190.45,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `105 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50068
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ShipName: `Madison Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `199 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1333,
CustomerName: `Martin Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `199 Market Street, Huston, USA, 70061`,
Salesperson: `Max Smith`,
OrderID: 1046,
OrderDate: `2/3/2022`,
ProductID: 162,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 56960.76,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `199 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1334,
CustomerName: `Ben Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `142 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 60058`,
Salesperson: `Mike Madison`,
OrderID: 1433,
OrderDate: `2/1/2022`,
ProductID: 177,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 33854.45,
Freight: 520.89,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `142 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 90131,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1335,
CustomerName: `Martin Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `140 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90131`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Black`,
OrderID: 1894,
OrderDate: `9/13/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Freight: 1610.38,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `140 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1336,
CustomerName: `Ben Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `106 Market Street, Miami, USA, 60063`,
Salesperson: `Anna Jackson`,
OrderID: 1017,
OrderDate: `6/12/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `106 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1337,
CustomerName: `Max Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `190 Market Street, Huston, USA, 70115`,
Salesperson: `Martin Smith`,
OrderID: 1583,
OrderDate: `2/12/2022`,
ProductID: 147,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 7560.53,
Quantity: 2,
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Freight: 260.53,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `190 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70115
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Home`,
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ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 70051,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1338,
CustomerName: `Nancy Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `129 Market Street, Miami, USA, 70051`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Madison`,
OrderID: 1202,
OrderDate: `3/15/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `129 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70051
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ShipName: `Smith Home`,
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ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 70144,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1339,
CustomerName: `Martin Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `143 Main Street, Miami, USA, 70144`,
Salesperson: `James Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1172,
OrderDate: `10/15/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 75041.04,
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Discontinued: true,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `143 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Smith Market`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1340,
CustomerName: `Martin Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `179 Market Street, New York, USA, 90174`,
Salesperson: `Martin Madison`,
OrderID: 1491,
OrderDate: `4/19/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 64002.24,
Freight: 690.56,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `179 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 90077,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1341,
CustomerName: `Mike Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `152 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90077`,
Salesperson: `James Black`,
OrderID: 1351,
OrderDate: `9/19/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `152 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1342,
CustomerName: `Anna Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `170 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60097`,
Salesperson: `Martin Black`,
OrderID: 1619,
OrderDate: `3/13/2022`,
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ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Freight: 1480.88,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `170 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60097
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1343,
CustomerName: `Martin Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `198 Wall Street, New York, USA, 90077`,
Salesperson: `James Smith`,
OrderID: 1646,
OrderDate: `9/2/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Freight: 1480.87,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `198 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipAddress: `193 Wall Street`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1344,
CustomerName: `Ben Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `193 Wall Street, New York, USA, 60165`,
Salesperson: `Ben Madison`,
OrderID: 1516,
OrderDate: `4/20/2022`,
ProductID: 113,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 44620.5,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `193 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60165
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ShipCity: `New York`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1345,
CustomerName: `James Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `108 Wall Street, New York, USA, 90123`,
Salesperson: `Mike Madison`,
OrderID: 1356,
OrderDate: `11/2/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 81203.9,
Freight: 260.78,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `108 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 60061,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1346,
CustomerName: `Max Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `173 Main Street, Miami, USA, 60061`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1062,
OrderDate: `3/5/2022`,
ProductID: 101,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 25540.71,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 127703.55,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `173 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60061
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ShipPostalCode: 60178,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1347,
CustomerName: `Nancy Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `118 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60178`,
Salesperson: `Max Madison`,
OrderID: 1482,
OrderDate: `8/24/2022`,
ProductID: 105,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 68002.4,
Freight: 1390.6,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `118 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60178
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipCity: `New York`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1348,
CustomerName: `Martin Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `134 Wall Street, New York, USA, 60096`,
Salesperson: `Ben Madison`,
OrderID: 1443,
OrderDate: `7/1/2022`,
ProductID: 105,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 25340.92,
Freight: 1280.46,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `134 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60096
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1349,
CustomerName: `Ben Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `125 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50134`,
Salesperson: `Mike Watson`,
OrderID: 1498,
OrderDate: `1/17/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 70410.66,
Freight: 1370.22,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `125 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50134
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 80099,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1350,
CustomerName: `Mike Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `145 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80099`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Watson`,
OrderID: 1002,
OrderDate: `11/11/2022`,
ProductID: 116,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 51181.71,
Freight: 1800.57,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `145 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80099
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 70052,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1351,
CustomerName: `Ben Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `130 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 70052`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Watson`,
OrderID: 1144,
OrderDate: `10/15/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 52041.4,
Freight: 980.35,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `130 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70052
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ShipName: `Black Market`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1352,
CustomerName: `Nancy Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `136 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 60165`,
Salesperson: `Mike Black`,
OrderID: 1745,
OrderDate: `4/9/2022`,
ProductID: 119,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 7900.53,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 31602.12,
Freight: 1400.53,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `136 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60165
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ShipName: `Madison Townhouse`,
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 60176,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1353,
CustomerName: `Pamela Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `190 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60176`,
Salesperson: `Martin Smith`,
OrderID: 1489,
OrderDate: `3/25/2022`,
ProductID: 113,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 23420.42,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 93681.68,
Freight: 1660.42,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `190 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60176
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1354,
CustomerName: `Mike Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `114 Main Street, Huston, USA, 50060`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jackson`,
OrderID: 1302,
OrderDate: `3/21/2022`,
ProductID: 144,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 106203.55,
Freight: 1000.71,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `114 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50060
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 90062,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1355,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `130 Market Street, Huston, USA, 90062`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jackson`,
OrderID: 1901,
OrderDate: `11/5/2022`,
ProductID: 101,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 68682.08,
Freight: 1600.52,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `130 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Watson Market`,
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ShipPostalCode: 50149,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1356,
CustomerName: `Nancy Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `160 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50149`,
Salesperson: `Ben Watson`,
OrderID: 1331,
OrderDate: `2/5/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 70602.92,
Freight: 1720.73,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `160 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50149
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ShipPostalCode: 50184,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1357,
CustomerName: `Anna Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `130 Main Street, New York, USA, 50184`,
Salesperson: `Anna Watson`,
OrderID: 1161,
OrderDate: `5/18/2022`,
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ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 38762.52,
Freight: 780.84,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `130 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50184
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ShipName: `Watson Townhouse`,
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ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 90122,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1358,
CustomerName: `Ben Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `120 Wall Street, New York, USA, 90122`,
Salesperson: `Martin Madison`,
OrderID: 1211,
OrderDate: `11/13/2022`,
ProductID: 136,
ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 85522,
Freight: 1130.5,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `120 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90122
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1359,
CustomerName: `Pamela Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `108 Market Street, New York, USA, 80106`,
Salesperson: `Anna Watson`,
OrderID: 1010,
OrderDate: `3/15/2022`,
ProductID: 198,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 72241.84,
Freight: 330.46,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `108 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 70117,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1360,
CustomerName: `Nancy Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `114 Market Street, Miami, USA, 70117`,
Salesperson: `James Smith`,
OrderID: 1001,
OrderDate: `2/24/2022`,
ProductID: 121,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 110102.75,
Freight: 1970.55,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `114 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70117
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipAddress: `134 Main Street`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1361,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `134 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50108`,
Salesperson: `Max Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1871,
OrderDate: `3/1/2022`,
ProductID: 114,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 13010.27,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 65051.35,
Freight: 1490.27,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `134 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50108
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `138 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 90082,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1362,
CustomerName: `Mike Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `138 Market Street, Huston, USA, 90082`,
Salesperson: `Ben Watson`,
OrderID: 1175,
OrderDate: `4/11/2022`,
ProductID: 159,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 17660.27,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 88301.35,
Freight: 1770.27,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `138 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90082
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Market`,
ShipAddress: `131 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 90189,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1363,
CustomerName: `James Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `131 Main Street, Miami, USA, 90189`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Madison`,
OrderID: 1072,
OrderDate: `2/14/2022`,
ProductID: 169,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 24150.8,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 96603.2,
Freight: 1040.8,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `131 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90189
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `133 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 90077,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1364,
CustomerName: `Martin Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `133 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90077`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jackson`,
OrderID: 1971,
OrderDate: `10/16/2022`,
ProductID: 108,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 18520.3,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 37040.6,
Freight: 300.3,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `133 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90077
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Estate`,
ShipAddress: `128 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 90109,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1365,
CustomerName: `Pamela Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `128 Market Street, Huston, USA, 90109`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jackson`,
OrderID: 1024,
OrderDate: `12/21/2022`,
ProductID: 188,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 10040.29,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 40161.16,
Freight: 1900.29,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `128 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90109
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Estate`,
ShipAddress: `154 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 80119,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1366,
CustomerName: `Nancy Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `154 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80119`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jackson`,
OrderID: 1537,
OrderDate: `6/24/2022`,
ProductID: 161,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 20110.8,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 100554,
Freight: 1990.8,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `154 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80119
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `156 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 50128,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1367,
CustomerName: `Ben Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `156 Main Street, Miami, USA, 50128`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Smith`,
OrderID: 1289,
OrderDate: `7/2/2022`,
ProductID: 125,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 18320.56,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 54961.68,
Freight: 890.56,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `156 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50128
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ShipName: `Madison Home`,
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ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 60146,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1368,
CustomerName: `James Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `130 Main Street, Miami, USA, 60146`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jackson`,
OrderID: 1451,
OrderDate: `12/4/2022`,
ProductID: 140,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 6030.21,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 24120.84,
Freight: 1930.21,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `130 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60146
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Market`,
ShipAddress: `159 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 70158,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1369,
CustomerName: `Nancy Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `159 Wall Street, New York, USA, 70158`,
Salesperson: `Max Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1056,
OrderDate: `1/10/2022`,
ProductID: 151,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 27710.33,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 83130.99,
Freight: 300.33,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `159 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70158
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `189 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 90186,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1370,
CustomerName: `Pamela Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `189 Wall Street, New York, USA, 90186`,
Salesperson: `Anna Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1611,
OrderDate: `9/14/2022`,
ProductID: 180,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 63762.6,
Freight: 1210.65,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `189 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Estate`,
ShipAddress: `190 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 50065,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1371,
CustomerName: `Mike Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `190 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50065`,
Salesperson: `Martin Watson`,
OrderID: 1731,
OrderDate: `2/7/2022`,
ProductID: 103,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 21560.2,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 86240.8,
Freight: 1880.2,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `190 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50065
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipAddress: `127 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 80182,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1372,
CustomerName: `Pamela Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `127 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 80182`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1156,
OrderDate: `7/16/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 77203.85,
Freight: 1730.77,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `127 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80182
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Estate`,
ShipAddress: `150 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 50154,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1373,
CustomerName: `Ben Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `150 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50154`,
Salesperson: `Max Jackson`,
OrderID: 1592,
OrderDate: `12/25/2022`,
ProductID: 109,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 51021.14,
Freight: 1350.57,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `150 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50154
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Estate`,
ShipAddress: `163 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 50149,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1374,
CustomerName: `Max Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `163 Market Street, Miami, USA, 50149`,
Salesperson: `James Smith`,
OrderID: 1504,
OrderDate: `10/7/2022`,
ProductID: 197,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 23590.87,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 117954.35,
Freight: 460.87,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `163 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50149
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `114 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 90131,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1375,
CustomerName: `Pamela Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `114 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90131`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1121,
OrderDate: `11/25/2022`,
ProductID: 148,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 13030.29,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 26060.58,
Freight: 1140.29,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `114 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90131
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Townhouse`,
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ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 50058,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1376,
CustomerName: `Nancy Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `167 Market Street, Huston, USA, 50058`,
Salesperson: `Martin Black`,
OrderID: 1455,
OrderDate: `8/6/2022`,
ProductID: 196,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 69351.45,
Freight: 1080.29,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `167 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50058
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `181 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 80062,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1377,
CustomerName: `Anna Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `181 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 80062`,
Salesperson: `Anna Black`,
OrderID: 1320,
OrderDate: `1/15/2022`,
ProductID: 109,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 10990.65,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 32971.95,
Freight: 310.65,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `181 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80062
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Market`,
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ShipPostalCode: 80140,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1378,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `113 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 80140`,
Salesperson: `Anna Jackson`,
OrderID: 1936,
OrderDate: `12/2/2022`,
ProductID: 171,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 9550.78,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 38203.12,
Freight: 1380.78,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `113 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80140
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Estate`,
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ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 80072,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1379,
CustomerName: `Anna Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `188 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 80072`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Watson`,
OrderID: 1767,
OrderDate: `10/23/2022`,
ProductID: 130,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 21500.21,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 43000.42,
Freight: 1680.21,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `188 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80072
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Home`,
ShipAddress: `177 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 80160,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1380,
CustomerName: `Anna Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `177 Market Street, Huston, USA, 80160`,
Salesperson: `Max Jackson`,
OrderID: 1118,
OrderDate: `6/2/2022`,
ProductID: 111,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 20100.73,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 80402.92,
Freight: 540.73,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `177 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80160
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `139 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 80074,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1381,
CustomerName: `Mike Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `139 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 80074`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Madison`,
OrderID: 1269,
OrderDate: `6/12/2022`,
ProductID: 192,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 17200.34,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 68801.36,
Freight: 1280.34,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `139 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80074
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Home`,
ShipAddress: `115 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 90081,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1382,
CustomerName: `Pamela Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `115 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90081`,
Salesperson: `James Jackson`,
OrderID: 1587,
OrderDate: `4/9/2022`,
ProductID: 187,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 24670.86,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 49341.72,
Freight: 1360.86,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `115 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90081
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Estate`,
ShipAddress: `130 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 50175,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1383,
CustomerName: `Anna Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `130 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 50175`,
Salesperson: `Mike Smith`,
OrderID: 1632,
OrderDate: `3/3/2022`,
ProductID: 197,
ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 29340.72,
Freight: 1420.24,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `130 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50175
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Estate`,
ShipAddress: `110 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 90171,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1384,
CustomerName: `Max Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `110 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90171`,
Salesperson: `Max Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1400,
OrderDate: `6/24/2022`,
ProductID: 123,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 12010.77,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 24021.54,
Freight: 560.77,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `110 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90171
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Market`,
ShipAddress: `111 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 80086,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1385,
CustomerName: `Mike Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `111 Market Street, Huston, USA, 80086`,
Salesperson: `Ben Watson`,
OrderID: 1040,
OrderDate: `8/25/2022`,
ProductID: 192,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 27920.64,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 139603.2,
Freight: 250.64,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `111 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80086
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ShipName: `Black Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `132 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 60121,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1386,
CustomerName: `Mike Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `132 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 60121`,
Salesperson: `Anna Watson`,
OrderID: 1445,
OrderDate: `6/12/2022`,
ProductID: 139,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 17460.46,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 52381.38,
Freight: 1060.46,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `132 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60121
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `150 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 60127,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1387,
CustomerName: `Ben Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `150 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60127`,
Salesperson: `Max Smith`,
OrderID: 1803,
OrderDate: `4/15/2022`,
ProductID: 172,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 17820.62,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 71282.48,
Freight: 1150.62,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `150 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60127
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Estate`,
ShipAddress: `173 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 50160,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1388,
CustomerName: `Anna Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `173 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50160`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1719,
OrderDate: `4/23/2022`,
ProductID: 134,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 22780.47,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 68341.41,
Freight: 500.47,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `173 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50160
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `120 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 60064,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1389,
CustomerName: `Max Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `120 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60064`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1706,
OrderDate: `5/15/2022`,
ProductID: 151,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 16430.61,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 49291.83,
Freight: 1650.61,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `West`,
Address: `120 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60064
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Market`,
ShipAddress: `109 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 70200,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1390,
CustomerName: `Ben Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `109 Main Street, Huston, USA, 70200`,
Salesperson: `James Watson`,
OrderID: 1318,
OrderDate: `6/10/2022`,
ProductID: 163,
ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 106843.04,
Freight: 330.76,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `109 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70200
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `161 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 60159,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1391,
CustomerName: `Mike Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `161 Main Street, Huston, USA, 60159`,
Salesperson: `Ben Smith`,
OrderID: 1322,
OrderDate: `6/3/2022`,
ProductID: 170,
ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 74642.8,
Freight: 1480.7,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `161 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60159
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Estate`,
ShipAddress: `194 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 60148,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1392,
CustomerName: `Ben Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `194 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60148`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Black`,
OrderID: 1664,
OrderDate: `9/11/2022`,
ProductID: 131,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 16990.84,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 84954.2,
Freight: 1870.84,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `194 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60148
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Estate`,
ShipAddress: `191 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 60148,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1393,
CustomerName: `James Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `191 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60148`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jackson`,
OrderID: 1995,
OrderDate: `7/3/2022`,
ProductID: 107,
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UnitPrice: 18490.66,
Quantity: 2,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `191 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1394,
CustomerName: `Martin Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `129 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80148`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1344,
OrderDate: `10/13/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1395,
CustomerName: `Anna Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `148 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 70084`,
Salesperson: `Martin Smith`,
OrderID: 1602,
OrderDate: `3/2/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `148 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1396,
CustomerName: `Max Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `152 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 90101`,
Salesperson: `Ben Black`,
OrderID: 1059,
OrderDate: `4/12/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `North East`,
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City: `Miami`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1397,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `147 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50200`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Watson`,
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OrderDate: `5/12/2022`,
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City: `Philadelphia`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1398,
CustomerName: `Max Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `106 Main Street, Miami, USA, 60064`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Watson`,
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OrderDate: `2/13/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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CustomerID: 1399,
CustomerName: `Nancy Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `112 Main Street, Miami, USA, 90118`,
Salesperson: `Martin Black`,
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OrderDate: `9/24/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `112 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1400,
CustomerName: `Mike Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `135 Main Street, Huston, USA, 80177`,
Salesperson: `Max Madison`,
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OrderDate: `7/15/2022`,
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Address: `135 Main Street`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1401,
CustomerName: `Max Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `156 Main Street, Miami, USA, 70110`,
Salesperson: `Anna Watson`,
OrderID: 1160,
OrderDate: `10/21/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Address: `156 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1402,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `124 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90077`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1017,
OrderDate: `7/21/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Address: `124 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1403,
CustomerName: `Anna Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `144 Market Street, New York, USA, 50110`,
Salesperson: `James Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1990,
OrderDate: `5/17/2022`,
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City: `New York`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1404,
CustomerName: `James Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `105 Main Street, Miami, USA, 80117`,
Salesperson: `Max Watson`,
OrderID: 1002,
OrderDate: `10/25/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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City: `Miami`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1405,
CustomerName: `Anna Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `142 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90124`,
Salesperson: `James Madison`,
OrderID: 1433,
OrderDate: `7/22/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1406,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `141 Market Street, Huston, USA, 50115`,
Salesperson: `Anna Watson`,
OrderID: 1195,
OrderDate: `8/12/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Address: `141 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1407,
CustomerName: `Mike Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `145 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 70160`,
Salesperson: `Max Watson`,
OrderID: 1486,
OrderDate: `1/13/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `145 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1408,
CustomerName: `Ben Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `106 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 80149`,
Salesperson: `James Smith`,
OrderID: 1646,
OrderDate: `9/4/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `106 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1409,
CustomerName: `Anna Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `171 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60182`,
Salesperson: `James Smith`,
OrderID: 1839,
OrderDate: `12/12/2022`,
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Address: `171 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1410,
CustomerName: `Ben Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `195 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60122`,
Salesperson: `Martin Madison`,
OrderID: 1925,
OrderDate: `1/22/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `195 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1411,
CustomerName: `James Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `137 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 70152`,
Salesperson: `Anna Jackson`,
OrderID: 1055,
OrderDate: `12/9/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `137 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1412,
CustomerName: `Anna Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `129 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 50177`,
Salesperson: `Martin Smith`,
OrderID: 1845,
OrderDate: `10/21/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Freight: 1050.31,
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Region: `West`,
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City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1413,
CustomerName: `Mike Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `174 Main Street, Huston, USA, 90080`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1560,
OrderDate: `6/23/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `174 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1414,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `139 Market Street, New York, USA, 60178`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1102,
OrderDate: `2/18/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Freight: 960.48,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `139 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1415,
CustomerName: `Max Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `127 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60192`,
Salesperson: `Ben Smith`,
OrderID: 1570,
OrderDate: `5/19/2022`,
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ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Freight: 1860.59,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `127 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1416,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `186 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90145`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1872,
OrderDate: `11/18/2022`,
ProductID: 165,
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Quantity: 2,
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Freight: 690.85,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `186 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90145
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1417,
CustomerName: `Anna Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `198 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 70160`,
Salesperson: `Martin Madison`,
OrderID: 1155,
OrderDate: `11/1/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `198 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1418,
CustomerName: `Ben Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `110 Main Street, New York, USA, 80119`,
Salesperson: `Anna Black`,
OrderID: 1600,
OrderDate: `8/12/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Freight: 1410.45,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `110 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1419,
CustomerName: `Ben Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `187 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50082`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Watson`,
OrderID: 1451,
OrderDate: `12/10/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 50361.4,
Freight: 560.7,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `187 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1420,
CustomerName: `Mike Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `121 Main Street, Miami, USA, 60178`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jackson`,
OrderID: 1294,
OrderDate: `2/18/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 93351.55,
Freight: 1410.31,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `121 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60178
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1421,
CustomerName: `Anna Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `185 Wall Street, New York, USA, 50177`,
Salesperson: `James Watson`,
OrderID: 1095,
OrderDate: `6/16/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 52252.2,
Freight: 1030.44,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `185 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1422,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `177 Market Street, New York, USA, 90081`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Smith`,
OrderID: 1333,
OrderDate: `5/21/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 119502.45,
Freight: 1700.49,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `177 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1423,
CustomerName: `Anna Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `106 Market Street, Miami, USA, 70099`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jackson`,
OrderID: 1147,
OrderDate: `6/13/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Freight: 1280.63,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `106 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1424,
CustomerName: `Martin Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `179 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80150`,
Salesperson: `James Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1595,
OrderDate: `7/19/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Freight: 980.64,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `179 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1425,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `142 Main Street, Huston, USA, 90100`,
Salesperson: `Martin Black`,
OrderID: 1061,
OrderDate: `4/4/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `142 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1426,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `189 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90144`,
Salesperson: `Martin Smith`,
OrderID: 1114,
OrderDate: `2/13/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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City: `Philadelphia`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
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CustomerName: `Pamela Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `130 Wall Street, New York, USA, 90175`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Black`,
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OrderDate: `11/6/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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City: `New York`,
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CustomerID: 1428,
CustomerName: `Anna Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `144 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80153`,
Salesperson: `Mike Smith`,
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OrderDate: `8/5/2022`,
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City: `Philadelphia`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
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CustomerName: `James Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `175 Wall Street, New York, USA, 50150`,
Salesperson: `James Jefferson`,
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OrderDate: `12/7/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Address: `175 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1430,
CustomerName: `Max Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `152 Wall Street, New York, USA, 70091`,
Salesperson: `Ben Smith`,
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OrderDate: `1/1/2022`,
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City: `New York`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1431,
CustomerName: `Martin Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `127 Main Street, Miami, USA, 90099`,
Salesperson: `Anna Smith`,
OrderID: 1789,
OrderDate: `10/15/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Address: `127 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1432,
CustomerName: `Mike Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `157 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 70162`,
Salesperson: `Martin Madison`,
OrderID: 1622,
OrderDate: `6/6/2022`,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `157 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
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CustomerName: `Mike Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `159 Market Street, New York, USA, 50198`,
Salesperson: `Mike Smith`,
OrderID: 1961,
OrderDate: `9/7/2022`,
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City: `New York`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1434,
CustomerName: `Ben Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `109 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60160`,
Salesperson: `Mike Madison`,
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OrderDate: `2/5/2022`,
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City: `Philadelphia`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1435,
CustomerName: `Max Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `138 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80164`,
Salesperson: `Mike Smith`,
OrderID: 1223,
OrderDate: `7/4/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1436,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `164 Main Street, New York, USA, 90183`,
Salesperson: `James Watson`,
OrderID: 1766,
OrderDate: `7/14/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Address: `164 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1437,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `187 Main Street, New York, USA, 80053`,
Salesperson: `Martin Watson`,
OrderID: 1602,
OrderDate: `12/25/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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City: `New York`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1438,
CustomerName: `Max Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `197 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 50076`,
Salesperson: `James Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1281,
OrderDate: `3/18/2022`,
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City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1439,
CustomerName: `James Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `127 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90067`,
Salesperson: `James Madison`,
OrderID: 1736,
OrderDate: `2/4/2022`,
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City: `Los Angeles`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1440,
CustomerName: `Max Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `150 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90161`,
Salesperson: `Anna Watson`,
OrderID: 1683,
OrderDate: `5/15/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `150 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1441,
CustomerName: `Pamela Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `128 Market Street, Huston, USA, 70131`,
Salesperson: `Ben Smith`,
OrderID: 1652,
OrderDate: `11/16/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `128 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1442,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `151 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 70185`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Black`,
OrderID: 1385,
OrderDate: `6/12/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `151 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1443,
CustomerName: `Pamela Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `183 Wall Street, New York, USA, 60080`,
Salesperson: `Mike Madison`,
OrderID: 1158,
OrderDate: `3/11/2022`,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `183 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1444,
CustomerName: `James Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `137 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80117`,
Salesperson: `Anna Black`,
OrderID: 1310,
OrderDate: `9/5/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Address: `137 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1445,
CustomerName: `Anna Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `158 Wall Street, New York, USA, 80138`,
Salesperson: `Martin Madison`,
OrderID: 1385,
OrderDate: `5/9/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `158 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1446,
CustomerName: `Mike Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `145 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 70189`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jackson`,
OrderID: 1725,
OrderDate: `9/6/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Address: `145 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1447,
CustomerName: `Pamela Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `155 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 60114`,
Salesperson: `Martin Madison`,
OrderID: 1520,
OrderDate: `6/15/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `155 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1448,
CustomerName: `Max Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `184 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 80059`,
Salesperson: `Max Smith`,
OrderID: 1764,
OrderDate: `4/4/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `184 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1449,
CustomerName: `Ben Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `195 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 80052`,
Salesperson: `Max Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1325,
OrderDate: `8/23/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `195 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1450,
CustomerName: `Anna Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `168 Market Street, Miami, USA, 70196`,
Salesperson: `Martin Madison`,
OrderID: 1216,
OrderDate: `9/9/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Freight: 1040.88,
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Address: `168 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1451,
CustomerName: `Anna Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `196 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 70064`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Madison`,
OrderID: 1924,
OrderDate: `9/9/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `196 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1452,
CustomerName: `Max Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `125 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 90158`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jackson`,
OrderID: 1952,
OrderDate: `8/23/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `125 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1453,
CustomerName: `Ben Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `113 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50104`,
Salesperson: `Mike Black`,
OrderID: 1388,
OrderDate: `7/12/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1454,
CustomerName: `Nancy Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `176 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90069`,
Salesperson: `Max Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1197,
OrderDate: `9/3/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `176 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1455,
CustomerName: `Max Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `142 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50098`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Smith`,
OrderID: 1808,
OrderDate: `3/2/2022`,
ProductID: 145,
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UnitPrice: 18130.62,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 54391.86,
Freight: 660.62,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `142 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50098
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipPostalCode: 50125,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1456,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `184 Main Street, New York, USA, 50125`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jackson`,
OrderID: 1098,
OrderDate: `9/11/2022`,
ProductID: 106,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 29450.81,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 147254.05,
Freight: 820.81,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `184 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50125
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ShipName: `Jefferson Market`,
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ShipPostalCode: 70130,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1457,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `190 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 70130`,
Salesperson: `Max Madison`,
OrderID: 1942,
OrderDate: `9/1/2022`,
ProductID: 136,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 28790.51,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 86371.53,
Freight: 460.51,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `190 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Jefferson Market`,
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ShipPostalCode: 70093,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1458,
CustomerName: `Mike Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `121 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 70093`,
Salesperson: `James Black`,
OrderID: 1815,
OrderDate: `6/16/2022`,
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ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 9060.8,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 27182.4,
Freight: 1990.8,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `121 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 50082,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1459,
CustomerName: `Nancy Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `111 Main Street, Huston, USA, 50082`,
Salesperson: `Max Black`,
OrderID: 1551,
OrderDate: `4/6/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 88111.68,
Freight: 1970.56,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `111 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Jefferson Market`,
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ShipPostalCode: 90155,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1460,
CustomerName: `Max Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `128 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90155`,
Salesperson: `James Smith`,
OrderID: 1660,
OrderDate: `6/6/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 58261.16,
Freight: 340.58,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `128 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90155
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ShipName: `Smith Home`,
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ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 60166,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1461,
CustomerName: `Mike Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `159 Main Street, Huston, USA, 60166`,
Salesperson: `Mike Black`,
OrderID: 1860,
OrderDate: `5/20/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 74522.64,
Freight: 1540.66,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `159 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Jefferson Home`,
ShipAddress: `115 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 60171,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1462,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `115 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60171`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jackson`,
OrderID: 1312,
OrderDate: `9/12/2022`,
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UnitPrice: 19120.8,
Quantity: 3,
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Freight: 470.8,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `115 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 80169,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1463,
CustomerName: `Nancy Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `184 Main Street, New York, USA, 80169`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Madison`,
OrderID: 1738,
OrderDate: `1/7/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `184 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Black Market`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1464,
CustomerName: `Ben Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `147 Main Street, Miami, USA, 60068`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Madison`,
OrderID: 1981,
OrderDate: `5/23/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `147 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1465,
CustomerName: `Ben Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `143 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 80182`,
Salesperson: `Anna Watson`,
OrderID: 1067,
OrderDate: `12/19/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `143 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1466,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `170 Main Street, New York, USA, 60155`,
Salesperson: `James Jackson`,
OrderID: 1746,
OrderDate: `9/2/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `170 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1467,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `111 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60079`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1334,
OrderDate: `5/23/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `111 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Black Market`,
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ShipPostalCode: 90056,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1468,
CustomerName: `Anna Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `153 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 90056`,
Salesperson: `Anna Jackson`,
OrderID: 1230,
OrderDate: `4/15/2022`,
ProductID: 128,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 74654.1,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `153 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90056
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ShipName: `Jackson Market`,
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ShipPostalCode: 50070,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1469,
CustomerName: `Max Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `143 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50070`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Madison`,
OrderID: 1761,
OrderDate: `1/23/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `143 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Black Estate`,
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 80126,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1470,
CustomerName: `Pamela Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `174 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80126`,
Salesperson: `Martin Madison`,
OrderID: 1217,
OrderDate: `7/7/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 66641.08,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `174 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Home`,
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ShipPostalCode: 60161,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1471,
CustomerName: `Max Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `189 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60161`,
Salesperson: `Max Madison`,
OrderID: 1882,
OrderDate: `11/5/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 54631.17,
Freight: 990.39,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `189 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60161
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1472,
CustomerName: `Max Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `193 Market Street, Huston, USA, 50163`,
Salesperson: `Mike Black`,
OrderID: 1855,
OrderDate: `5/3/2022`,
ProductID: 188,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 9860.59,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 49302.95,
Freight: 1610.59,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `193 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50163
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ShipName: `Jackson Townhouse`,
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ShipPostalCode: 60162,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1473,
CustomerName: `Max Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `128 Main Street, Miami, USA, 60162`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Black`,
OrderID: 1087,
OrderDate: `4/5/2022`,
ProductID: 166,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 48361.32,
Freight: 1020.33,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `128 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60162
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ShipName: `Jackson Townhouse`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1474,
CustomerName: `Ben Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `179 Wall Street, New York, USA, 50104`,
Salesperson: `Martin Black`,
OrderID: 1121,
OrderDate: `12/2/2022`,
ProductID: 169,
ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 72080.88,
Freight: 830.22,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `179 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50104
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ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 60117,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1475,
CustomerName: `Martin Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `168 Market Street, Huston, USA, 60117`,
Salesperson: `James Madison`,
OrderID: 1965,
OrderDate: `10/17/2022`,
ProductID: 166,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 33851.95,
Freight: 240.39,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `168 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60117
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ShipPostalCode: 50103,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1476,
CustomerName: `Mike Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `195 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 50103`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jackson`,
OrderID: 1241,
OrderDate: `2/3/2022`,
ProductID: 159,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 14250.8,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 71254,
Freight: 1870.8,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `195 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50103
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ShipPostalCode: 70069,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1477,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `192 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 70069`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Watson`,
OrderID: 1440,
OrderDate: `6/4/2022`,
ProductID: 191,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 69002.61,
Freight: 1680.87,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `192 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70069
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ShipName: `Jefferson Estate`,
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ShipPostalCode: 50143,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1478,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `139 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50143`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Madison`,
OrderID: 1507,
OrderDate: `10/10/2022`,
ProductID: 176,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 76472.4,
Freight: 830.8,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `139 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50143
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ShipAddress: `131 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 80108,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1479,
CustomerName: `Mike Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `131 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 80108`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1702,
OrderDate: `10/16/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 114482.32,
Freight: 950.58,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `131 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80108
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ShipPostalCode: 90097,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1480,
CustomerName: `James Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `127 Market Street, Huston, USA, 90097`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Black`,
OrderID: 1875,
OrderDate: `7/24/2022`,
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ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 13501.7,
Freight: 1160.85,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `127 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90097
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1481,
CustomerName: `Pamela Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `190 Market Street, New York, USA, 70142`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Smith`,
OrderID: 1373,
OrderDate: `5/19/2022`,
ProductID: 108,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 51690.99,
Freight: 1270.33,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `190 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70142
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ShipPostalCode: 90146,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1482,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `179 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90146`,
Salesperson: `James Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1452,
OrderDate: `5/16/2022`,
ProductID: 170,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 33282,
Freight: 510.5,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `179 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90146
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ShipPostalCode: 90165,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1483,
CustomerName: `Anna Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `183 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90165`,
Salesperson: `Max Watson`,
OrderID: 1835,
OrderDate: `9/8/2022`,
ProductID: 198,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 13800.6,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 41401.8,
Freight: 700.6,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `183 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90165
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ShipName: `Black Townhouse`,
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ShipPostalCode: 50151,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1484,
CustomerName: `Max Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `108 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50151`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1448,
OrderDate: `11/16/2022`,
ProductID: 103,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 21840.84,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 109204.2,
Freight: 1500.84,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `108 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50151
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ShipCity: `New York`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1485,
CustomerName: `James Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `150 Market Street, New York, USA, 80053`,
Salesperson: `Anna Black`,
OrderID: 1160,
OrderDate: `6/7/2022`,
ProductID: 156,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 24480.65,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 48961.3,
Freight: 860.65,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `150 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80053
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Estate`,
ShipAddress: `121 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 50087,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1486,
CustomerName: `Mike Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `121 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 50087`,
Salesperson: `Anna Jackson`,
OrderID: 1277,
OrderDate: `8/16/2022`,
ProductID: 108,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 27370.31,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 54740.62,
Freight: 350.31,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `121 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50087
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `187 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 90094,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1487,
CustomerName: `Anna Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `187 Market Street, Miami, USA, 90094`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1895,
OrderDate: `7/18/2022`,
ProductID: 138,
ProductName: `IPad`,
UnitPrice: 15270.6,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 45811.8,
Freight: 1920.6,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `187 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90094
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Market`,
ShipAddress: `142 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 50160,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1488,
CustomerName: `Pamela Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `142 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50160`,
Salesperson: `Max Smith`,
OrderID: 1559,
OrderDate: `11/2/2022`,
ProductID: 129,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 19940.22,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 99701.1,
Freight: 540.22,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `142 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50160
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `190 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 60164,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1489,
CustomerName: `James Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `190 Market Street, Miami, USA, 60164`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1144,
OrderDate: `5/7/2022`,
ProductID: 169,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 29010.82,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 116043.28,
Freight: 1870.82,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `190 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60164
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Market`,
ShipAddress: `180 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 70181,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1490,
CustomerName: `Ben Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `180 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 70181`,
Salesperson: `Ben Black`,
OrderID: 1396,
OrderDate: `2/24/2022`,
ProductID: 137,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 15420.8,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 61683.2,
Freight: 1870.8,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `180 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70181
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Home`,
ShipAddress: `152 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 60139,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1491,
CustomerName: `Anna Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `152 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60139`,
Salesperson: `Mike Madison`,
OrderID: 1733,
OrderDate: `9/23/2022`,
ProductID: 117,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 26430.79,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 132153.95,
Freight: 270.79,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `152 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60139
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Home`,
ShipAddress: `176 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 60072,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1492,
CustomerName: `Nancy Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `176 Main Street, Miami, USA, 60072`,
Salesperson: `Mike Black`,
OrderID: 1473,
OrderDate: `6/23/2022`,
ProductID: 175,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 18440.43,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 73761.72,
Freight: 1770.43,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `176 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60072
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Home`,
ShipAddress: `120 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 80161,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1493,
CustomerName: `Martin Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `120 Main Street, Miami, USA, 80161`,
Salesperson: `Ben Watson`,
OrderID: 1674,
OrderDate: `5/1/2022`,
ProductID: 175,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 23490.67,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 70472.01,
Freight: 820.67,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `120 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80161
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Estate`,
ShipAddress: `127 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 90183,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1494,
CustomerName: `Ben Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `127 Main Street, Miami, USA, 90183`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Smith`,
OrderID: 1279,
OrderDate: `2/9/2022`,
ProductID: 108,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 7560.83,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 30243.32,
Freight: 470.83,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `127 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90183
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Estate`,
ShipAddress: `129 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 50067,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1495,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `129 Market Street, New York, USA, 50067`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jackson`,
OrderID: 1502,
OrderDate: `9/25/2022`,
ProductID: 175,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 24020.51,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 96082.04,
Freight: 1320.51,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `129 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50067
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `118 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 70088,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1496,
CustomerName: `Mike Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `118 Market Street, New York, USA, 70088`,
Salesperson: `Anna Watson`,
OrderID: 1672,
OrderDate: `7/8/2022`,
ProductID: 178,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 9150.21,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 18300.42,
Freight: 470.21,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `118 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70088
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `146 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 60135,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1497,
CustomerName: `Mike Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `146 Main Street, Huston, USA, 60135`,
Salesperson: `Anna Black`,
OrderID: 1449,
OrderDate: `4/4/2022`,
ProductID: 194,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 19390.48,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 77561.92,
Freight: 1350.48,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `146 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60135
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Home`,
ShipAddress: `146 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 80195,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1498,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `146 Market Street, Huston, USA, 80195`,
Salesperson: `Ben Black`,
OrderID: 1100,
OrderDate: `7/1/2022`,
ProductID: 103,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 12430.89,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 37292.67,
Freight: 1060.89,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `146 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80195
tsimport { IgcPropertyEditorPanelModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-layouts';
import 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids/combined';
import { ComponentRenderer, PropertyEditorPanelDescriptionModule, WebGridDescriptionModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-core';
import { IgcPropertyEditorPanelComponent, IgcPropertyEditorPropertyDescriptionComponent } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-layouts';
import { IgcGridComponent, IgcGroupingExpression, SortingDirection, IgcColumnComponent, IgcColumnPipeArgs } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids';
import { InvoicesDataItem, InvoicesData } from './InvoicesData';
import "igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids/themes/light/bootstrap.css";
import 'igniteui-webcomponents/themes/light/bootstrap.css';
import { defineAllComponents } from 'igniteui-webcomponents';
import { ModuleManager } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-core';
import "./index.css";
export class Sample {
private propertyEditor: IgcPropertyEditorPanelComponent
private summaryCalcModeEditor: IgcPropertyEditorPropertyDescriptionComponent
private summaryPositionEditor: IgcPropertyEditorPropertyDescriptionComponent
private showOnCollapseEditor: IgcPropertyEditorPropertyDescriptionComponent
private grid: IgcGridComponent
private _groupingExpression1: IgcGroupingExpression[] | null = null;
public get groupingExpression1(): IgcGroupingExpression[] {
if (this._groupingExpression1 == null)
let groupingExpression1: IgcGroupingExpression[] = [];
var groupingExpression2: IgcGroupingExpression = {} as IgcGroupingExpression;
groupingExpression2.fieldName = "ShipCountry";
groupingExpression2.ignoreCase = false;
groupingExpression2.dir = SortingDirection.Asc;
this._groupingExpression1 = groupingExpression1;
return this._groupingExpression1;
private column1: IgcColumnComponent
private _columnPipeArgs1: IgcColumnPipeArgs | null = null;
public get columnPipeArgs1(): IgcColumnPipeArgs {
if (this._columnPipeArgs1 == null)
var columnPipeArgs1: IgcColumnPipeArgs = {} as IgcColumnPipeArgs;
columnPipeArgs1.currencyCode = "USD";
columnPipeArgs1.digitsInfo = "1.2-2";
this._columnPipeArgs1 = columnPipeArgs1;
return this._columnPipeArgs1;
private _bind: () => void;
constructor() {
var propertyEditor = this.propertyEditor = document.getElementById('PropertyEditor') as IgcPropertyEditorPanelComponent;
var summaryCalcModeEditor = this.summaryCalcModeEditor = document.getElementById('SummaryCalcModeEditor') as IgcPropertyEditorPropertyDescriptionComponent;
var summaryPositionEditor = this.summaryPositionEditor = document.getElementById('SummaryPositionEditor') as IgcPropertyEditorPropertyDescriptionComponent;
var showOnCollapseEditor = this.showOnCollapseEditor = document.getElementById('ShowOnCollapseEditor') as IgcPropertyEditorPropertyDescriptionComponent;
var grid = this.grid = document.getElementById('grid') as IgcGridComponent;
var column1 = this.column1 = document.getElementById('column1') as IgcColumnComponent;
this._bind = () => {
propertyEditor.componentRenderer = this.renderer;
propertyEditor.target = this.grid;
grid.data = this.invoicesData;
grid.groupingExpressions = this.groupingExpression1;
column1.pipeArgs = this.columnPipeArgs1;
private _invoicesData: InvoicesData = null;
public get invoicesData(): InvoicesData {
if (this._invoicesData == null)
this._invoicesData = new InvoicesData();
return this._invoicesData;
private _componentRenderer: ComponentRenderer = null;
public get renderer(): ComponentRenderer {
if (this._componentRenderer == null) {
this._componentRenderer = new ComponentRenderer();
var context = this._componentRenderer.context;
return this._componentRenderer;
new Sample();
ts<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Sample | Ignite UI | Web Components | infragistics</title>
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="https://static.infragistics.com/xplatform/images/browsers/wc.png" >
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Kanit&display=swap" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Titillium Web" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.infragistics.com/xplatform/css/samples/shared.v8.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/src/index.css" type="text/css" />
<div id="root">
<div class="container sample ig-typography">
<div class="options vertical">
label="Show Summary Row when Group Row is Collapsed">
<div class="container fill">
header="Ship Country"
header="Ship City"
header="Unit Price"
<!-- This script is needed only for parcel and it will be excluded for webpack -->
<% if (false) { %><script src="src/index.ts"></script><% } %>
html/* shared styles are loaded from: */
/* https://static.infragistics.com/xplatform/css/samples */
Keyboard Navigation
The summary rows can be navigated with the following keyboard interactions:
- UP - navigates one cell up.
- DOWN - navigates one cell down.
- LEFT - navigates one cell left.
- RIGHT - navigates one cell right.
- CTRL + LEFT or HOME - navigates to the leftmost cell.
- CTRL + RIGHT or END - navigates to the rightmost cell.
In addition to the predefined themes, the grid could be further customized by setting some of the available CSS properties. In case you would like to change some of the colors, you need to set a class for the grid first:
<igc-grid class="grid"></igc-grid>
Then set the related CSS properties for that class:
.grid {
--ig-grid-summary-focus-background-color: rgba( #94d1f7, .3 );
--ig-grid-summary-label-color: rgb(228, 27, 117);
--ig-grid-summary-result-color: black;
export class InvoicesDataItem {
public constructor(init: Partial<InvoicesDataItem>) {
Object.assign(this, init);
public ShipName: string;
public ShipAddress: string;
public ShipCity: string;
public ShipPostalCode: number;
public ShipCountry: string;
public ShipRegion: string;
public ShipperName: string;
public CustomerID: number;
public CustomerName: string;
public CustomerFirstName: string;
public CustomerLastName: string;
public CustomerAddress: string;
public Salesperson: string;
public OrderID: number;
public OrderDate: string;
public ProductID: number;
public ProductName: string;
public UnitPrice: number;
public Quantity: number;
public ExtendedPrice: number;
public Freight: number;
public Discontinued: boolean;
public Region: string;
public Address: string;
public City: string;
public Country: string;
public PostalCode: number;
export class InvoicesData extends Array<InvoicesDataItem> {
public constructor(items: Array<InvoicesDataItem> | number = -1) {
if (Array.isArray(items)) {
} else {
const newItems = [
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Home`,
ShipAddress: `124 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 60098,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1000,
CustomerName: `Martin Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `124 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 60098`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1931,
OrderDate: `3/14/2022`,
ProductID: 189,
ProductName: `IPad`,
UnitPrice: 16150.61,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 48451.83,
Freight: 980.61,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `124 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60098
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Home`,
ShipAddress: `162 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 80193,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1001,
CustomerName: `Anna Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `162 Main Street, Miami, USA, 80193`,
Salesperson: `Anna Smith`,
OrderID: 1163,
OrderDate: `5/22/2022`,
ProductID: 138,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 18520.59,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 74082.36,
Freight: 850.59,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `162 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80193
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `164 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 50111,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1002,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `164 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 50111`,
Salesperson: `Martin Watson`,
OrderID: 1230,
OrderDate: `2/9/2022`,
ProductID: 118,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 25310.39,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 75931.17,
Freight: 210.39,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `164 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50111
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `124 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 90123,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1003,
CustomerName: `Max Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `124 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90123`,
Salesperson: `Anna Black`,
OrderID: 1176,
OrderDate: `6/3/2022`,
ProductID: 169,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 29890.86,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 119563.44,
Freight: 800.86,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `124 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90123
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `181 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 90095,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1004,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `181 Market Street, Miami, USA, 90095`,
Salesperson: `Max Black`,
OrderID: 1382,
OrderDate: `1/10/2022`,
ProductID: 185,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 7810.61,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 15621.22,
Freight: 1790.61,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `181 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90095
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Home`,
ShipAddress: `188 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 50149,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1005,
CustomerName: `Mike Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `188 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50149`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1864,
OrderDate: `8/18/2022`,
ProductID: 168,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 9370.76,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 37483.04,
Freight: 970.76,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `188 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50149
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Home`,
ShipAddress: `174 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 90112,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1006,
CustomerName: `Martin Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `174 Market Street, Huston, USA, 90112`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Smith`,
OrderID: 1502,
OrderDate: `6/13/2022`,
ProductID: 199,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 20830.47,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 41660.94,
Freight: 1530.47,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `174 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90112
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `134 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 50083,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1007,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `134 Market Street, Miami, USA, 50083`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1305,
OrderDate: `10/21/2022`,
ProductID: 185,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 7320.44,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 14640.88,
Freight: 630.44,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `134 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50083
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Estate`,
ShipAddress: `177 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 70185,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1008,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `177 Main Street, New York, USA, 70185`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Watson`,
OrderID: 1725,
OrderDate: `5/7/2022`,
ProductID: 133,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 11240.72,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 33722.16,
Freight: 420.72,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `177 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70185
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Estate`,
ShipAddress: `169 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 90183,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1009,
CustomerName: `Mike Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `169 Main Street, Miami, USA, 90183`,
Salesperson: `Anna Watson`,
OrderID: 1977,
OrderDate: `10/14/2022`,
ProductID: 178,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 6460.55,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 19381.65,
Freight: 370.55,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `169 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90183
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Estate`,
ShipAddress: `151 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 80160,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1010,
CustomerName: `James Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `151 Market Street, New York, USA, 80160`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Black`,
OrderID: 1666,
OrderDate: `12/6/2022`,
ProductID: 140,
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UnitPrice: 7940.82,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 15881.64,
Freight: 1670.82,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `151 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1011,
CustomerName: `James Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `147 Main Street, Miami, USA, 80183`,
Salesperson: `Mike Madison`,
OrderID: 1059,
OrderDate: `5/14/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 29301.12,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `147 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1012,
CustomerName: `Mike Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `134 Main Street, New York, USA, 80066`,
Salesperson: `Mike Black`,
OrderID: 1851,
OrderDate: `7/24/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 2,
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City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1013,
CustomerName: `Ben Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `159 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 80096`,
Salesperson: `Anna Madison`,
OrderID: 1451,
OrderDate: `10/4/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `159 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1014,
CustomerName: `Martin Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `187 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 60144`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1331,
OrderDate: `4/4/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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City: `Miami`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1015,
CustomerName: `Ben Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `158 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 60063`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1609,
OrderDate: `9/6/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1016,
CustomerName: `James Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `168 Main Street, Huston, USA, 60184`,
Salesperson: `Martin Watson`,
OrderID: 1772,
OrderDate: `3/20/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `168 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1017,
CustomerName: `Nancy Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `116 Main Street, Miami, USA, 60129`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Smith`,
OrderID: 1792,
OrderDate: `9/1/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `116 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1018,
CustomerName: `Martin Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `116 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 80090`,
Salesperson: `Anna Madison`,
OrderID: 1285,
OrderDate: `10/21/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1019,
CustomerName: `Max Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `135 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90101`,
Salesperson: `Mike Madison`,
OrderID: 1205,
OrderDate: `12/22/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `135 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1020,
CustomerName: `James Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `164 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 70056`,
Salesperson: `Ben Watson`,
OrderID: 1759,
OrderDate: `8/3/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `164 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1021,
CustomerName: `Max Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `196 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 90169`,
Salesperson: `Mike Smith`,
OrderID: 1879,
OrderDate: `8/17/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `196 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1022,
CustomerName: `Nancy Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `175 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50142`,
Salesperson: `Anna Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1917,
OrderDate: `3/6/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `175 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50142
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1023,
CustomerName: `Pamela Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `122 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60097`,
Salesperson: `James Black`,
OrderID: 1176,
OrderDate: `8/4/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `122 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1024,
CustomerName: `James Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `139 Main Street, Miami, USA, 60175`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1317,
OrderDate: `5/21/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `139 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1025,
CustomerName: `James Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `155 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60124`,
Salesperson: `Max Smith`,
OrderID: 1721,
OrderDate: `6/15/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 19620.6,
Freight: 1990.3,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `155 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Jackson Townhouse`,
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 80120,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1026,
CustomerName: `Ben Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `136 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80120`,
Salesperson: `Max Smith`,
OrderID: 1266,
OrderDate: `12/13/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Freight: 1860.64,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `136 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1027,
CustomerName: `Max Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `114 Main Street, New York, USA, 60186`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1636,
OrderDate: `7/7/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `114 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1028,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `167 Market Street, Huston, USA, 70193`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1689,
OrderDate: `1/2/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Freight: 490.83,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `167 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70193
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1029,
CustomerName: `Anna Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `139 Wall Street, New York, USA, 80080`,
Salesperson: `Anna Black`,
OrderID: 1610,
OrderDate: `3/17/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 59582.46,
Freight: 1990.82,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `West`,
Address: `139 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCity: `New York`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1030,
CustomerName: `Ben Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `173 Market Street, New York, USA, 70054`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jackson`,
OrderID: 1404,
OrderDate: `12/8/2022`,
ProductID: 171,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Freight: 880.21,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `173 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1031,
CustomerName: `Mike Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `187 Wall Street, New York, USA, 60100`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Smith`,
OrderID: 1480,
OrderDate: `2/8/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Freight: 510.66,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `187 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60100
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1032,
CustomerName: `Mike Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `149 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90150`,
Salesperson: `Max Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1886,
OrderDate: `12/2/2022`,
ProductID: 132,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Freight: 1110.64,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `149 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90150
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1033,
CustomerName: `Martin Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `124 Market Street, Huston, USA, 80175`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Smith`,
OrderID: 1625,
OrderDate: `11/9/2022`,
ProductID: 100,
ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Freight: 1080.58,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `124 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 60165,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1034,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `193 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60165`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jackson`,
OrderID: 1669,
OrderDate: `7/3/2022`,
ProductID: 157,
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Quantity: 2,
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Freight: 1130.31,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `193 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60165
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 80146,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1035,
CustomerName: `Max Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `200 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80146`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1654,
OrderDate: `1/7/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 14081.66,
Freight: 1420.83,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `200 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80146
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1036,
CustomerName: `Nancy Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `122 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 80150`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jackson`,
OrderID: 1678,
OrderDate: `12/14/2022`,
ProductID: 120,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 19592.67,
Freight: 250.89,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `122 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80150
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ShipPostalCode: 50068,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1037,
CustomerName: `Max Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `128 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50068`,
Salesperson: `Ben Watson`,
OrderID: 1301,
OrderDate: `1/25/2022`,
ProductID: 166,
ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 22840.46,
Freight: 950.23,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `128 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50068
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1038,
CustomerName: `Pamela Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `119 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60180`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Madison`,
OrderID: 1385,
OrderDate: `6/24/2022`,
ProductID: 132,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 119242.4,
Freight: 220.6,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `119 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60180
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1039,
CustomerName: `James Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `115 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90168`,
Salesperson: `Martin Smith`,
OrderID: 1308,
OrderDate: `8/13/2022`,
ProductID: 109,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 103852.95,
Freight: 1690.59,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `115 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90168
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1040,
CustomerName: `Anna Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `128 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50118`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Black`,
OrderID: 1519,
OrderDate: `10/4/2022`,
ProductID: 139,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 29720.88,
Freight: 1670.44,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `128 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50118
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ShipName: `Smith Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `108 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 90129,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1041,
CustomerName: `Martin Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `108 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90129`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Black`,
OrderID: 1118,
OrderDate: `2/7/2022`,
ProductID: 126,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 114763.4,
Freight: 500.85,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `108 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90129
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ShipPostalCode: 50101,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1042,
CustomerName: `Anna Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `180 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50101`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1541,
OrderDate: `5/3/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Freight: 1200.28,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `180 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50101
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ShipName: `Black Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `177 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 90107,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1043,
CustomerName: `Max Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `177 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90107`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1747,
OrderDate: `5/11/2022`,
ProductID: 133,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 6930.51,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 20791.53,
Freight: 1660.51,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `177 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Jefferson Estate`,
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ShipPostalCode: 70172,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1044,
CustomerName: `Anna Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `134 Market Street, Miami, USA, 70172`,
Salesperson: `Mike Smith`,
OrderID: 1343,
OrderDate: `10/11/2022`,
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ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 26770.78,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 107083.12,
Freight: 960.78,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `134 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1045,
CustomerName: `James Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `117 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90124`,
Salesperson: `Mike Watson`,
OrderID: 1152,
OrderDate: `2/25/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Freight: 220.3,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `117 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 60181,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1046,
CustomerName: `James Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `156 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60181`,
Salesperson: `Anna Smith`,
OrderID: 1823,
OrderDate: `10/12/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 29251.65,
Freight: 1940.55,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `156 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1047,
CustomerName: `Ben Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `122 Main Street, New York, USA, 90182`,
Salesperson: `Mike Black`,
OrderID: 1548,
OrderDate: `5/1/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Freight: 900.37,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `122 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 60175,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1048,
CustomerName: `Pamela Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `112 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60175`,
Salesperson: `Mike Madison`,
OrderID: 1581,
OrderDate: `5/21/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `112 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Black Estate`,
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ShipPostalCode: 90170,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1049,
CustomerName: `Pamela Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `153 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90170`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Watson`,
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OrderDate: `11/13/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Discontinued: true,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `153 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1050,
CustomerName: `Anna Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `159 Market Street, Huston, USA, 80198`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1455,
OrderDate: `12/16/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Freight: 1450.28,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `159 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 70160,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1051,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `125 Market Street, Miami, USA, 70160`,
Salesperson: `Anna Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1787,
OrderDate: `1/3/2022`,
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ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `125 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70160
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipPostalCode: 70083,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1052,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `114 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 70083`,
Salesperson: `Anna Madison`,
OrderID: 1591,
OrderDate: `4/6/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `114 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70083
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ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 70170,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1053,
CustomerName: `James Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `193 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 70170`,
Salesperson: `Anna Jackson`,
OrderID: 1020,
OrderDate: `7/20/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `193 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70170
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 50127,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1054,
CustomerName: `Ben Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `156 Main Street, Huston, USA, 50127`,
Salesperson: `James Black`,
OrderID: 1770,
OrderDate: `3/24/2022`,
ProductID: 141,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 14910.59,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 74552.95,
Freight: 1330.59,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `156 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50127
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Market`,
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ShipPostalCode: 60064,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1055,
CustomerName: `Max Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `146 Market Street, Miami, USA, 60064`,
Salesperson: `Mike Smith`,
OrderID: 1766,
OrderDate: `10/23/2022`,
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ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 50222.58,
Freight: 580.86,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `146 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60064
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1056,
CustomerName: `Max Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `163 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90158`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1415,
OrderDate: `9/2/2022`,
ProductID: 112,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 75571.11,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `163 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1057,
CustomerName: `James Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `171 Main Street, New York, USA, 50163`,
Salesperson: `Martin Smith`,
OrderID: 1430,
OrderDate: `9/2/2022`,
ProductID: 120,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 52681.42,
Freight: 770.71,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `171 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50163
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Townhouse`,
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 60159,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1058,
CustomerName: `James Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `195 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60159`,
Salesperson: `Ben Black`,
OrderID: 1903,
OrderDate: `2/19/2022`,
ProductID: 161,
ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 31451.65,
Freight: 890.33,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `195 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60159
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1059,
CustomerName: `Pamela Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `171 Market Street, Huston, USA, 50154`,
Salesperson: `Anna Madison`,
OrderID: 1578,
OrderDate: `6/5/2022`,
ProductID: 103,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 20240.82,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 101204.1,
Freight: 1490.82,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `West`,
Address: `171 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50154
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Market`,
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ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 70081,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1060,
CustomerName: `Max Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `103 Market Street, New York, USA, 70081`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jackson`,
OrderID: 1142,
OrderDate: `4/1/2022`,
ProductID: 108,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 29371.23,
Freight: 980.41,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `103 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70081
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ShipName: `Smith Market`,
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ShipPostalCode: 70141,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1061,
CustomerName: `Mike Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `187 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 70141`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1871,
OrderDate: `8/20/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Freight: 1280.39,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `187 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70141
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 50068,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1062,
CustomerName: `Ben Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `145 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50068`,
Salesperson: `Martin Watson`,
OrderID: 1747,
OrderDate: `1/20/2022`,
ProductID: 198,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 12530.74,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 50122.96,
Freight: 480.74,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `145 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50068
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 90197,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1063,
CustomerName: `Nancy Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `109 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90197`,
Salesperson: `James Black`,
OrderID: 1881,
OrderDate: `11/6/2022`,
ProductID: 162,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 29810.51,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 59621.02,
Freight: 750.51,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `109 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90197
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ShipName: `Smith Market`,
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ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 50184,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1064,
CustomerName: `Nancy Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `155 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50184`,
Salesperson: `Mike Madison`,
OrderID: 1172,
OrderDate: `5/14/2022`,
ProductID: 154,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 22881.76,
Freight: 1570.88,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `155 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50184
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 60147,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1065,
CustomerName: `James Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `136 Main Street, New York, USA, 60147`,
Salesperson: `James Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1538,
OrderDate: `2/4/2022`,
ProductID: 142,
ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 91701.25,
Freight: 1730.25,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `136 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60147
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ShipName: `Madison Market`,
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ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 60091,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1066,
CustomerName: `Mike Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `184 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 60091`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jackson`,
OrderID: 1863,
OrderDate: `2/6/2022`,
ProductID: 186,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 33452,
Freight: 930.4,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `184 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60091
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ShipPostalCode: 80170,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1067,
CustomerName: `James Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `103 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80170`,
Salesperson: `Max Black`,
OrderID: 1476,
OrderDate: `1/13/2022`,
ProductID: 156,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 145201.55,
Freight: 1070.31,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `103 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80170
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 80188,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1068,
CustomerName: `Ben Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `104 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 80188`,
Salesperson: `Martin Watson`,
OrderID: 1131,
OrderDate: `9/13/2022`,
ProductID: 131,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 27123.16,
Freight: 600.79,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `104 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80188
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ShipName: `Madison Townhouse`,
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ShipCity: `New York`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1069,
CustomerName: `Martin Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `140 Main Street, New York, USA, 90197`,
Salesperson: `Anna Smith`,
OrderID: 1829,
OrderDate: `2/18/2022`,
ProductID: 152,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 80602.08,
Freight: 1840.52,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `140 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90197
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Market`,
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 90159,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1070,
CustomerName: `Mike Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `172 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90159`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Watson`,
OrderID: 1082,
OrderDate: `10/1/2022`,
ProductID: 164,
ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 47620.62,
Freight: 320.31,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `172 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90159
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ShipName: `Jackson Market`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1071,
CustomerName: `Ben Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `147 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 90173`,
Salesperson: `Martin Smith`,
OrderID: 1449,
OrderDate: `1/21/2022`,
ProductID: 111,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 33121,
Freight: 860.25,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `147 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90173
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Market`,
ShipAddress: `161 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 90102,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1072,
CustomerName: `Mike Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `161 Main Street, Huston, USA, 90102`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Black`,
OrderID: 1609,
OrderDate: `9/22/2022`,
ProductID: 197,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 16740.35,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 66961.4,
Freight: 1940.35,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `161 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90102
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Home`,
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ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 70124,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1073,
CustomerName: `Ben Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `102 Market Street, Miami, USA, 70124`,
Salesperson: `Anna Smith`,
OrderID: 1984,
OrderDate: `8/6/2022`,
ProductID: 123,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 14660.66,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 43981.98,
Freight: 1910.66,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `102 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70124
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Estate`,
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ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 90134,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1074,
CustomerName: `Martin Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `139 Market Street, Miami, USA, 90134`,
Salesperson: `Max Jackson`,
OrderID: 1060,
OrderDate: `3/11/2022`,
ProductID: 154,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 14460.37,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 57841.48,
Freight: 1020.37,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `139 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Jackson Market`,
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 60055,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1075,
CustomerName: `Martin Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `132 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60055`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Madison`,
OrderID: 1213,
OrderDate: `9/3/2022`,
ProductID: 108,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 58022.22,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `132 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Black Market`,
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ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 90135,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1076,
CustomerName: `Mike Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `192 Market Street, Miami, USA, 90135`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Madison`,
OrderID: 1563,
OrderDate: `5/8/2022`,
ProductID: 162,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 25340.96,
Freight: 1870.48,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `192 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Jefferson Market`,
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ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 90156,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1077,
CustomerName: `Martin Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `108 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 90156`,
Salesperson: `Max Smith`,
OrderID: 1087,
OrderDate: `6/24/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Freight: 1880.84,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `108 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 80121,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1078,
CustomerName: `Nancy Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `162 Wall Street, New York, USA, 80121`,
Salesperson: `Anna Black`,
OrderID: 1663,
OrderDate: `9/5/2022`,
ProductID: 149,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 147752.65,
Freight: 1270.53,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `162 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Market`,
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ShipPostalCode: 70057,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1079,
CustomerName: `Martin Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `165 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 70057`,
Salesperson: `James Watson`,
OrderID: 1724,
OrderDate: `5/6/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Freight: 760.61,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `165 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Watson Market`,
ShipAddress: `162 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 60057,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1080,
CustomerName: `Anna Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `162 Main Street, Huston, USA, 60057`,
Salesperson: `Anna Watson`,
OrderID: 1156,
OrderDate: `10/5/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 51661.77,
Freight: 1550.59,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `162 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60057
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Estate`,
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ShipPostalCode: 70200,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1081,
CustomerName: `Nancy Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `126 Main Street, Miami, USA, 70200`,
Salesperson: `Ben Watson`,
OrderID: 1982,
OrderDate: `9/11/2022`,
ProductID: 123,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 51561.58,
Freight: 680.79,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `126 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70200
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Market`,
ShipAddress: `105 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 80141,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1082,
CustomerName: `Max Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `105 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 80141`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Watson`,
OrderID: 1462,
OrderDate: `6/6/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 33981.24,
Freight: 710.62,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `105 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80141
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Market`,
ShipAddress: `113 Market Street`,
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ShipPostalCode: 50187,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1083,
CustomerName: `James Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `113 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50187`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1698,
OrderDate: `5/16/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 67723.48,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `113 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50187
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Market`,
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ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 80172,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1084,
CustomerName: `Mike Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `164 Main Street, New York, USA, 80172`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jackson`,
OrderID: 1300,
OrderDate: `11/11/2022`,
ProductID: 164,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 8120.59,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 32482.36,
Freight: 1140.59,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `164 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80172
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipAddress: `108 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 90074,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1085,
CustomerName: `Pamela Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `108 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90074`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Madison`,
OrderID: 1401,
OrderDate: `12/3/2022`,
ProductID: 139,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 6160.25,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 24641,
Freight: 1600.25,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `108 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90074
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipCity: `Huston`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1086,
CustomerName: `Max Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `175 Main Street, Huston, USA, 80111`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Watson`,
OrderID: 1474,
OrderDate: `9/1/2022`,
ProductID: 138,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 7220.7,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 28882.8,
Freight: 1530.7,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `175 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80111
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Estate`,
ShipAddress: `102 Wall Street`,
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ShipPostalCode: 80173,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1087,
CustomerName: `Nancy Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `102 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 80173`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jackson`,
OrderID: 1678,
OrderDate: `5/6/2022`,
ProductID: 190,
ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 71961.12,
Freight: 1420.28,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `102 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80173
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `163 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 50105,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1088,
CustomerName: `Mike Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `163 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50105`,
Salesperson: `Martin Black`,
OrderID: 1384,
OrderDate: `4/16/2022`,
ProductID: 156,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 46380.81,
Freight: 1250.27,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `163 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50105
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Home`,
ShipAddress: `165 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 90075,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1089,
CustomerName: `Ben Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `165 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 90075`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1223,
OrderDate: `7/20/2022`,
ProductID: 105,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 15450.62,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 30901.24,
Freight: 1350.62,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `165 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90075
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Market`,
ShipAddress: `140 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 80134,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1090,
CustomerName: `Anna Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `140 Wall Street, New York, USA, 80134`,
Salesperson: `Anna Watson`,
OrderID: 1189,
OrderDate: `10/5/2022`,
ProductID: 128,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 15460.25,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 77301.25,
Freight: 840.25,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `140 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80134
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Market`,
ShipAddress: `191 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 80168,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1091,
CustomerName: `Max Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `191 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 80168`,
Salesperson: `Anna Madison`,
OrderID: 1657,
OrderDate: `8/7/2022`,
ProductID: 154,
ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 124953,
Freight: 1890.6,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `191 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80168
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Market`,
ShipAddress: `111 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 60130,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1092,
CustomerName: `Anna Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `111 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60130`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jackson`,
OrderID: 1818,
OrderDate: `12/2/2022`,
ProductID: 107,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 19750.45,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 79001.8,
Freight: 1840.45,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `111 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60130
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Estate`,
ShipAddress: `190 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 50162,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1093,
CustomerName: `Mike Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `190 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50162`,
Salesperson: `Mike Watson`,
OrderID: 1117,
OrderDate: `10/12/2022`,
ProductID: 176,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 15390.57,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 76952.85,
Freight: 1500.57,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `190 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50162
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Market`,
ShipAddress: `121 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 70156,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1094,
CustomerName: `James Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `121 Main Street, Miami, USA, 70156`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jackson`,
OrderID: 1188,
OrderDate: `11/23/2022`,
ProductID: 177,
ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 69360.84,
Freight: 1670.28,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `121 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70156
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Market`,
ShipAddress: `120 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 60082,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1095,
CustomerName: `Martin Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `120 Main Street, Miami, USA, 60082`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Smith`,
OrderID: 1673,
OrderDate: `1/25/2022`,
ProductID: 189,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 65241.24,
Freight: 370.31,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `120 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60082
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Estate`,
ShipAddress: `102 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 90125,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1096,
CustomerName: `Pamela Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `102 Main Street, Miami, USA, 90125`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Smith`,
OrderID: 1048,
OrderDate: `8/6/2022`,
ProductID: 148,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 14920.59,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 29841.18,
Freight: 1110.59,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `102 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90125
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Home`,
ShipAddress: `125 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 80199,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1097,
CustomerName: `James Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `125 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 80199`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Black`,
OrderID: 1336,
OrderDate: `6/1/2022`,
ProductID: 159,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 11370.4,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 56852,
Freight: 1210.4,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `125 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80199
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `109 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 60118,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1098,
CustomerName: `Mike Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `109 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 60118`,
Salesperson: `James Madison`,
OrderID: 1049,
OrderDate: `2/14/2022`,
ProductID: 172,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 18730.79,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 93653.95,
Freight: 300.79,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `109 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60118
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `149 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 50128,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1099,
CustomerName: `Anna Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `149 Main Street, Miami, USA, 50128`,
Salesperson: `James Watson`,
OrderID: 1292,
OrderDate: `3/15/2022`,
ProductID: 183,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 16730.48,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 83652.4,
Freight: 1320.48,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `149 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50128
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Estate`,
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ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 50089,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1100,
CustomerName: `Ben Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `183 Wall Street, New York, USA, 50089`,
Salesperson: `Max Watson`,
OrderID: 1724,
OrderDate: `9/22/2022`,
ProductID: 160,
ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 70111.53,
Freight: 1200.51,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `183 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50089
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Estate`,
ShipAddress: `195 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 60110,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1101,
CustomerName: `Martin Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `195 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60110`,
Salesperson: `Martin Black`,
OrderID: 1154,
OrderDate: `4/13/2022`,
ProductID: 180,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 99481.96,
Freight: 1200.49,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `195 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60110
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Estate`,
ShipAddress: `153 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 60113,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1102,
CustomerName: `Ben Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `153 Market Street, New York, USA, 60113`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Black`,
OrderID: 1333,
OrderDate: `2/24/2022`,
ProductID: 192,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 12710.8,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 50843.2,
Freight: 1520.8,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `153 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60113
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Market`,
ShipAddress: `185 Market Street`,
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ShipPostalCode: 60118,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1103,
CustomerName: `James Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `185 Market Street, Miami, USA, 60118`,
Salesperson: `Max Black`,
OrderID: 1243,
OrderDate: `2/7/2022`,
ProductID: 124,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 16270.33,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 65081.32,
Freight: 1050.33,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `185 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60118
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Home`,
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ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 80055,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1104,
CustomerName: `Anna Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `181 Market Street, Miami, USA, 80055`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Madison`,
OrderID: 1090,
OrderDate: `12/2/2022`,
ProductID: 106,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 125754.25,
Freight: 560.85,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `181 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80055
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ShipPostalCode: 60149,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1105,
CustomerName: `Ben Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `185 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60149`,
Salesperson: `Martin Madison`,
OrderID: 1697,
OrderDate: `10/12/2022`,
ProductID: 193,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 18440.22,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 92201.1,
Freight: 1030.22,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `185 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60149
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipPostalCode: 90160,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1106,
CustomerName: `Anna Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `110 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90160`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1868,
OrderDate: `6/20/2022`,
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ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 54952.45,
Freight: 1250.49,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `110 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Madison Home`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1107,
CustomerName: `Martin Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `124 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 90129`,
Salesperson: `Max Madison`,
OrderID: 1419,
OrderDate: `11/8/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `124 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1108,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `144 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 80145`,
Salesperson: `Mike Smith`,
OrderID: 1103,
OrderDate: `5/14/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `144 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 50073,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1109,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `200 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50073`,
Salesperson: `Max Jackson`,
OrderID: 1461,
OrderDate: `6/13/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `200 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1110,
CustomerName: `Mike Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `196 Market Street, New York, USA, 70070`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Smith`,
OrderID: 1713,
OrderDate: `3/6/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `196 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70070
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ShipName: `Smith Home`,
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ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 70167,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1111,
CustomerName: `Martin Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `154 Main Street, New York, USA, 70167`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jackson`,
OrderID: 1956,
OrderDate: `1/2/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Freight: 1360.88,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `154 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Jefferson Townhouse`,
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ShipPostalCode: 90055,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1112,
CustomerName: `Mike Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `110 Main Street, Miami, USA, 90055`,
Salesperson: `Anna Madison`,
OrderID: 1530,
OrderDate: `10/15/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `110 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1113,
CustomerName: `Martin Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `200 Market Street, Huston, USA, 70105`,
Salesperson: `James Jackson`,
OrderID: 1488,
OrderDate: `7/13/2022`,
ProductID: 109,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `200 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Home`,
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ShipPostalCode: 80175,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1114,
CustomerName: `Ben Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `181 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80175`,
Salesperson: `Max Jackson`,
OrderID: 1143,
OrderDate: `6/13/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Freight: 300.63,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `181 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 50144,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1115,
CustomerName: `Ben Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `137 Market Street, Huston, USA, 50144`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jackson`,
OrderID: 1274,
OrderDate: `4/8/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 45160.68,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `137 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 70112,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1116,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `186 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 70112`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1597,
OrderDate: `8/6/2022`,
ProductID: 127,
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Quantity: 3,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `186 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Townhouse`,
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ShipCity: `Huston`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1117,
CustomerName: `Nancy Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `152 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 50080`,
Salesperson: `Max Jackson`,
OrderID: 1632,
OrderDate: `4/15/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `152 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 60136,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1118,
CustomerName: `Pamela Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `147 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 60136`,
Salesperson: `Mike Watson`,
OrderID: 1461,
OrderDate: `4/21/2022`,
ProductID: 118,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Freight: 460.24,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `147 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60136
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ShipCity: `Huston`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1119,
CustomerName: `James Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `161 Market Street, Huston, USA, 80121`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1380,
OrderDate: `1/3/2022`,
ProductID: 176,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Freight: 470.79,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `West`,
Address: `161 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80121
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Townhouse`,
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 50189,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1120,
CustomerName: `Ben Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `118 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50189`,
Salesperson: `Ben Watson`,
OrderID: 1658,
OrderDate: `1/4/2022`,
ProductID: 184,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Freight: 1660.41,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `118 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50189
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ShipPostalCode: 60097,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1121,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `186 Market Street, Miami, USA, 60097`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Watson`,
OrderID: 1754,
OrderDate: `7/3/2022`,
ProductID: 148,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 15090.72,
Freight: 1660.24,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `186 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60097
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipPostalCode: 90155,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1122,
CustomerName: `Ben Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `191 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90155`,
Salesperson: `Anna Madison`,
OrderID: 1279,
OrderDate: `3/14/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Freight: 1120.82,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `191 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90155
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1123,
CustomerName: `James Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `190 Main Street, New York, USA, 80075`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jackson`,
OrderID: 1310,
OrderDate: `11/7/2022`,
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ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 132252,
Freight: 420.4,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `190 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80075
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipPostalCode: 80067,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1124,
CustomerName: `Pamela Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `160 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80067`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jackson`,
OrderID: 1920,
OrderDate: `12/17/2022`,
ProductID: 174,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 94643.52,
Freight: 1220.88,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `160 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80067
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ShipName: `Black Market`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1125,
CustomerName: `Max Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `151 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 90124`,
Salesperson: `Mike Watson`,
OrderID: 1497,
OrderDate: `2/21/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Freight: 1880.51,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `151 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90124
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1126,
CustomerName: `Nancy Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `151 Market Street, Huston, USA, 70173`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1925,
OrderDate: `2/15/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `151 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70173
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ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 80067,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1127,
CustomerName: `James Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `114 Main Street, Miami, USA, 80067`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Black`,
OrderID: 1338,
OrderDate: `5/19/2022`,
ProductID: 196,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 83283.28,
Freight: 1570.82,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `114 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80067
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ShipName: `Madison Market`,
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ShipPostalCode: 80157,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1128,
CustomerName: `Anna Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `189 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80157`,
Salesperson: `Ben Watson`,
OrderID: 1794,
OrderDate: `9/9/2022`,
ProductID: 168,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 102202.24,
Freight: 400.56,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `189 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80157
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Home`,
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ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 60169,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1129,
CustomerName: `Ben Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `198 Main Street, New York, USA, 60169`,
Salesperson: `James Black`,
OrderID: 1108,
OrderDate: `2/5/2022`,
ProductID: 194,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 32670.78,
Freight: 760.26,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `198 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60169
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipAddress: `106 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 60117,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1130,
CustomerName: `James Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `106 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60117`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jackson`,
OrderID: 1953,
OrderDate: `11/24/2022`,
ProductID: 179,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 59822.52,
Freight: 890.84,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `106 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60117
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 90090,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1131,
CustomerName: `James Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `192 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90090`,
Salesperson: `Max Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1337,
OrderDate: `10/10/2022`,
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ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 37280.62,
Freight: 280.31,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `192 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90090
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ShipPostalCode: 50136,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1132,
CustomerName: `Martin Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `128 Market Street, Miami, USA, 50136`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1617,
OrderDate: `4/10/2022`,
ProductID: 148,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 52280.74,
Freight: 1270.37,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `128 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50136
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Home`,
ShipAddress: `164 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 70190,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1133,
CustomerName: `Max Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `164 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 70190`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Watson`,
OrderID: 1222,
OrderDate: `3/15/2022`,
ProductID: 140,
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UnitPrice: 20540.74,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 61622.22,
Freight: 1190.74,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `164 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70190
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Home`,
ShipAddress: `118 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 60126,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1134,
CustomerName: `Ben Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `118 Main Street, Huston, USA, 60126`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1888,
OrderDate: `7/3/2022`,
ProductID: 133,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 25970.39,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 51940.78,
Freight: 1110.39,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `118 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60126
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Estate`,
ShipAddress: `145 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 50093,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1135,
CustomerName: `James Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `145 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50093`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1661,
OrderDate: `5/14/2022`,
ProductID: 199,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 12190.38,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 24380.76,
Freight: 1670.38,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `145 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50093
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Home`,
ShipAddress: `174 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 70094,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1136,
CustomerName: `Ben Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `174 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 70094`,
Salesperson: `Max Madison`,
OrderID: 1495,
OrderDate: `1/19/2022`,
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ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 91552.7,
Freight: 810.54,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `174 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70094
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Market`,
ShipAddress: `146 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 90093,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1137,
CustomerName: `Martin Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `146 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90093`,
Salesperson: `Mike Smith`,
OrderID: 1649,
OrderDate: `1/4/2022`,
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UnitPrice: 6400.45,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 19201.35,
Freight: 220.45,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `146 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90093
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ShipName: `Smith Estate`,
ShipAddress: `181 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 80117,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1138,
CustomerName: `Martin Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `181 Main Street, Miami, USA, 80117`,
Salesperson: `Mike Black`,
OrderID: 1152,
OrderDate: `5/12/2022`,
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UnitPrice: 26760.58,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 133802.9,
Freight: 1480.58,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `181 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Jefferson Market`,
ShipAddress: `183 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 70191,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1139,
CustomerName: `Mike Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `183 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 70191`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1471,
OrderDate: `5/19/2022`,
ProductID: 119,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 22030.88,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 110154.4,
Freight: 990.88,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `West`,
Address: `183 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70191
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Estate`,
ShipAddress: `100 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 80082,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1140,
CustomerName: `Pamela Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `100 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80082`,
Salesperson: `Max Madison`,
OrderID: 1793,
OrderDate: `3/16/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 60691.26,
Freight: 1990.42,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `100 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80082
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Market`,
ShipAddress: `173 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 90155,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1141,
CustomerName: `Pamela Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `173 Market Street, New York, USA, 90155`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Black`,
OrderID: 1928,
OrderDate: `8/24/2022`,
ProductID: 114,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 48921.36,
Freight: 1840.68,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `173 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90155
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `171 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 60087,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1142,
CustomerName: `James Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `171 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60087`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Madison`,
OrderID: 1027,
OrderDate: `1/25/2022`,
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ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 18032.19,
Freight: 1860.73,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `171 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60087
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `175 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 60122,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1143,
CustomerName: `Mike Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `175 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 60122`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jackson`,
OrderID: 1700,
OrderDate: `12/10/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 44060.72,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `175 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60122
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Townhouse`,
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ShipPostalCode: 90071,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1144,
CustomerName: `Max Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `174 Main Street, Miami, USA, 90071`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jackson`,
OrderID: 1769,
OrderDate: `2/20/2022`,
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ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 77672.16,
Freight: 1540.72,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `174 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90071
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Estate`,
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ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 90059,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1145,
CustomerName: `Martin Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `100 Market Street, Huston, USA, 90059`,
Salesperson: `Max Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1835,
OrderDate: `5/15/2022`,
ProductID: 142,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 28310.48,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 84931.44,
Freight: 2000.48,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `100 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90059
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `120 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 90120,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1146,
CustomerName: `Ben Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `120 Market Street, Miami, USA, 90120`,
Salesperson: `Max Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1787,
OrderDate: `5/16/2022`,
ProductID: 104,
ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 16820.88,
Freight: 1620.44,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `120 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90120
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Estate`,
ShipAddress: `163 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 80132,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1147,
CustomerName: `Pamela Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `163 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 80132`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Watson`,
OrderID: 1026,
OrderDate: `7/10/2022`,
ProductID: 130,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 13650.42,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 40951.26,
Freight: 750.42,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `163 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80132
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Home`,
ShipAddress: `169 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 90138,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1148,
CustomerName: `Ben Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `169 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 90138`,
Salesperson: `Anna Smith`,
OrderID: 1805,
OrderDate: `1/6/2022`,
ProductID: 126,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 116521.28,
Freight: 800.32,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `169 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90138
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `167 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 60152,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1149,
CustomerName: `Max Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `167 Market Street, Miami, USA, 60152`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jackson`,
OrderID: 1292,
OrderDate: `10/3/2022`,
ProductID: 178,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 9150.64,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 45753.2,
Freight: 1530.64,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `167 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60152
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Home`,
ShipAddress: `194 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 80133,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1150,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `194 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80133`,
Salesperson: `Martin Watson`,
OrderID: 1240,
OrderDate: `10/14/2022`,
ProductID: 128,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 114501.9,
Freight: 1500.38,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `194 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80133
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Home`,
ShipAddress: `168 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 60104,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1151,
CustomerName: `James Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `168 Wall Street, New York, USA, 60104`,
Salesperson: `Martin Madison`,
OrderID: 1307,
OrderDate: `5/19/2022`,
ProductID: 109,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 18330.33,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 91651.65,
Freight: 1960.33,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `168 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60104
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Market`,
ShipAddress: `122 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 60149,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1152,
CustomerName: `Nancy Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `122 Market Street, New York, USA, 60149`,
Salesperson: `Mike Madison`,
OrderID: 1360,
OrderDate: `11/2/2022`,
ProductID: 141,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 8620.6,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 17241.2,
Freight: 950.6,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `122 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60149
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Home`,
ShipAddress: `147 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 80098,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1153,
CustomerName: `Pamela Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `147 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80098`,
Salesperson: `James Black`,
OrderID: 1445,
OrderDate: `11/2/2022`,
ProductID: 151,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 27180.5,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 54361,
Freight: 790.5,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `147 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80098
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Estate`,
ShipAddress: `113 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 90111,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1154,
CustomerName: `Martin Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `113 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90111`,
Salesperson: `Anna Jackson`,
OrderID: 1014,
OrderDate: `1/24/2022`,
ProductID: 185,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 14760.63,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 29521.26,
Freight: 1520.63,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `113 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90111
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Estate`,
ShipAddress: `154 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 60050,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1155,
CustomerName: `Nancy Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `154 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 60050`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Smith`,
OrderID: 1845,
OrderDate: `4/8/2022`,
ProductID: 105,
ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 90403.08,
Freight: 670.77,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `154 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60050
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `188 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 80121,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1156,
CustomerName: `James Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `188 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80121`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1587,
OrderDate: `5/13/2022`,
ProductID: 174,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 17020.74,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 34041.48,
Freight: 1490.74,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `188 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80121
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Home`,
ShipAddress: `181 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 90097,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1157,
CustomerName: `Anna Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `181 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 90097`,
Salesperson: `Anna Madison`,
OrderID: 1706,
OrderDate: `5/22/2022`,
ProductID: 112,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 21780.43,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 65341.29,
Freight: 1650.43,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `181 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90097
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Estate`,
ShipAddress: `171 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 50118,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1158,
CustomerName: `James Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `171 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 50118`,
Salesperson: `Max Smith`,
OrderID: 1335,
OrderDate: `6/16/2022`,
ProductID: 116,
ProductName: `IPad`,
UnitPrice: 7560.43,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 22681.29,
Freight: 1140.43,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `171 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50118
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Estate`,
ShipAddress: `193 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 70176,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1159,
CustomerName: `Ben Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `193 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 70176`,
Salesperson: `Martin Black`,
OrderID: 1003,
OrderDate: `9/11/2022`,
ProductID: 170,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 15510.7,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 77553.5,
Freight: 200.7,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `West`,
Address: `193 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70176
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Home`,
ShipAddress: `125 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 80142,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1160,
CustomerName: `Ben Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `125 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80142`,
Salesperson: `Martin Madison`,
OrderID: 1723,
OrderDate: `3/14/2022`,
ProductID: 179,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 14760.6,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 44281.8,
Freight: 1650.6,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `125 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80142
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Estate`,
ShipAddress: `128 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 70111,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1161,
CustomerName: `Anna Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `128 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 70111`,
Salesperson: `Max Jackson`,
OrderID: 1810,
OrderDate: `1/18/2022`,
ProductID: 117,
ProductName: `IPad`,
UnitPrice: 19620.55,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 98102.75,
Freight: 1030.55,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `128 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70111
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Estate`,
ShipAddress: `131 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 90058,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1162,
CustomerName: `Max Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `131 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90058`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Madison`,
OrderID: 1224,
OrderDate: `2/2/2022`,
ProductID: 108,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 9130.21,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 18260.42,
Freight: 1110.21,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `131 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90058
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Market`,
ShipAddress: `145 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 50176,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1163,
CustomerName: `James Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `145 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50176`,
Salesperson: `Mike Smith`,
OrderID: 1265,
OrderDate: `4/22/2022`,
ProductID: 147,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 15210.29,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 30420.58,
Freight: 1470.29,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `145 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50176
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Estate`,
ShipAddress: `123 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 90058,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1164,
CustomerName: `Ben Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `123 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90058`,
Salesperson: `Martin Watson`,
OrderID: 1428,
OrderDate: `9/14/2022`,
ProductID: 195,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 6440.36,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 25761.44,
Freight: 350.36,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `123 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90058
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Townhouse`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1165,
CustomerName: `Ben Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `148 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60161`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Black`,
OrderID: 1367,
OrderDate: `9/1/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `148 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1166,
CustomerName: `James Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `151 Main Street, New York, USA, 90156`,
Salesperson: `Ben Smith`,
OrderID: 1812,
OrderDate: `6/23/2022`,
ProductID: 182,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 6230.76,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 31153.8,
Freight: 920.76,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `151 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCity: `New York`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1167,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `128 Main Street, New York, USA, 90073`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Madison`,
OrderID: 1121,
OrderDate: `3/25/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 25080.99,
Freight: 1870.33,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `128 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1168,
CustomerName: `Mike Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `109 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 70139`,
Salesperson: `James Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1086,
OrderDate: `11/22/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `109 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1169,
CustomerName: `Anna Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `196 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60096`,
Salesperson: `Mike Watson`,
OrderID: 1859,
OrderDate: `8/11/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `196 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 90111,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1170,
CustomerName: `James Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `101 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90111`,
Salesperson: `Mike Madison`,
OrderID: 1952,
OrderDate: `7/19/2022`,
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UnitPrice: 29810.56,
Quantity: 4,
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Freight: 470.56,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `101 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1171,
CustomerName: `Max Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `147 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90157`,
Salesperson: `Ben Black`,
OrderID: 1351,
OrderDate: `5/22/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `147 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1172,
CustomerName: `Anna Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `195 Market Street, Huston, USA, 80071`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1371,
OrderDate: `12/9/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `195 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Black Townhouse`,
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ShipPostalCode: 90197,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1173,
CustomerName: `Martin Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `184 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90197`,
Salesperson: `Martin Watson`,
OrderID: 1537,
OrderDate: `4/3/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `184 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 70185,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1174,
CustomerName: `Ben Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `102 Market Street, Huston, USA, 70185`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jackson`,
OrderID: 1378,
OrderDate: `7/6/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `102 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1175,
CustomerName: `Nancy Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `192 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 60144`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1350,
OrderDate: `10/23/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `192 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1176,
CustomerName: `Ben Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `114 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 70079`,
Salesperson: `Anna Watson`,
OrderID: 1889,
OrderDate: `8/21/2022`,
ProductID: 146,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 23970.6,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 71911.8,
Freight: 1870.6,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `114 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Madison Townhouse`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1177,
CustomerName: `Nancy Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `199 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 90182`,
Salesperson: `Anna Madison`,
OrderID: 1285,
OrderDate: `3/12/2022`,
ProductID: 146,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 27321.08,
Freight: 1870.54,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `199 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Madison Townhouse`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1178,
CustomerName: `Pamela Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `141 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80097`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Watson`,
OrderID: 1886,
OrderDate: `8/1/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `141 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 80162,
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ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1179,
CustomerName: `Max Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `168 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 80162`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jackson`,
OrderID: 1009,
OrderDate: `4/7/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Discontinued: true,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `168 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 80063,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1180,
CustomerName: `Martin Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `100 Market Street, Miami, USA, 80063`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Smith`,
OrderID: 1046,
OrderDate: `10/21/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `100 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1181,
CustomerName: `Anna Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `145 Market Street, Huston, USA, 90152`,
Salesperson: `Max Watson`,
OrderID: 1593,
OrderDate: `11/17/2022`,
ProductID: 169,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Freight: 1430.27,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `145 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1182,
CustomerName: `Ben Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `154 Main Street, Miami, USA, 90080`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1234,
OrderDate: `3/21/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `154 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1183,
CustomerName: `Anna Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `166 Market Street, Huston, USA, 70090`,
Salesperson: `Ben Watson`,
OrderID: 1362,
OrderDate: `5/2/2022`,
ProductID: 122,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 27482.56,
Freight: 750.64,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `166 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1184,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `180 Market Street, Miami, USA, 90169`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Black`,
OrderID: 1698,
OrderDate: `1/18/2022`,
ProductID: 129,
ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 54803.55,
Freight: 1530.71,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `180 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90169
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1185,
CustomerName: `Nancy Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `169 Main Street, Huston, USA, 50114`,
Salesperson: `Martin Smith`,
OrderID: 1458,
OrderDate: `6/15/2022`,
ProductID: 183,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 32760.46,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `169 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 90064,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1186,
CustomerName: `Max Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `132 Market Street, Miami, USA, 90064`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jackson`,
OrderID: 1563,
OrderDate: `6/17/2022`,
ProductID: 193,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 25940.61,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 103762.44,
Freight: 970.61,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `132 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 50110,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1187,
CustomerName: `Martin Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `107 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50110`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1934,
OrderDate: `6/5/2022`,
ProductID: 110,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 16081.41,
Freight: 1680.47,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `107 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1188,
CustomerName: `Pamela Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `170 Wall Street, New York, USA, 50149`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1880,
OrderDate: `12/7/2022`,
ProductID: 137,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `170 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1189,
CustomerName: `Ben Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `152 Wall Street, New York, USA, 50085`,
Salesperson: `Anna Jackson`,
OrderID: 1159,
OrderDate: `5/18/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 38540.5,
Freight: 1050.25,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `152 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1190,
CustomerName: `Mike Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `186 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60146`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Madison`,
OrderID: 1960,
OrderDate: `3/2/2022`,
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ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Freight: 1790.53,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `186 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1191,
CustomerName: `Nancy Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `194 Wall Street, New York, USA, 50170`,
Salesperson: `Max Watson`,
OrderID: 1658,
OrderDate: `9/1/2022`,
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ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 109803.2,
Freight: 270.8,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `194 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1192,
CustomerName: `Ben Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `172 Main Street, New York, USA, 70191`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Madison`,
OrderID: 1225,
OrderDate: `3/22/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 105754.2,
Freight: 1230.84,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `172 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1193,
CustomerName: `Mike Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `108 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 70146`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Black`,
OrderID: 1886,
OrderDate: `8/20/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `108 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1194,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `109 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90083`,
Salesperson: `Max Smith`,
OrderID: 1191,
OrderDate: `5/9/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Freight: 640.35,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `109 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Smith Market`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1195,
CustomerName: `Max Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `121 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 70102`,
Salesperson: `Ben Black`,
OrderID: 1051,
OrderDate: `5/21/2022`,
ProductID: 192,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 108651.6,
Freight: 1030.32,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `121 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1196,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `104 Wall Street, New York, USA, 90066`,
Salesperson: `Ben Watson`,
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OrderDate: `2/2/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `104 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 60091,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1197,
CustomerName: `Ben Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `126 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60091`,
Salesperson: `Anna Madison`,
OrderID: 1675,
OrderDate: `6/22/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `126 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1198,
CustomerName: `Ben Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `139 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 70063`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Black`,
OrderID: 1997,
OrderDate: `11/17/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1199,
CustomerName: `Mike Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `133 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 70071`,
Salesperson: `James Watson`,
OrderID: 1641,
OrderDate: `11/12/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `133 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1200,
CustomerName: `Max Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `166 Main Street, Miami, USA, 60137`,
Salesperson: `Ben Madison`,
OrderID: 1418,
OrderDate: `11/8/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1201,
CustomerName: `James Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `143 Main Street, Miami, USA, 70069`,
Salesperson: `Anna Watson`,
OrderID: 1545,
OrderDate: `6/24/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `143 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 50097,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1202,
CustomerName: `Max Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `106 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50097`,
Salesperson: `James Jackson`,
OrderID: 1493,
OrderDate: `7/24/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `106 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1203,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `143 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50052`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1495,
OrderDate: `2/14/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `143 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1204,
CustomerName: `Nancy Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `174 Wall Street, New York, USA, 60127`,
Salesperson: `Max Watson`,
OrderID: 1123,
OrderDate: `11/20/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `174 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1205,
CustomerName: `Pamela Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `123 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60111`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1342,
OrderDate: `12/8/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `West`,
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City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 50102,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1206,
CustomerName: `James Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `166 Market Street, Miami, USA, 50102`,
Salesperson: `Ben Madison`,
OrderID: 1017,
OrderDate: `10/2/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `166 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1207,
CustomerName: `Max Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `193 Main Street, Huston, USA, 80187`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1558,
OrderDate: `11/12/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Freight: 1110.45,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `193 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1208,
CustomerName: `Ben Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `137 Main Street, Miami, USA, 80111`,
Salesperson: `Mike Watson`,
OrderID: 1466,
OrderDate: `11/18/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `137 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1209,
CustomerName: `Ben Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `122 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80088`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1539,
OrderDate: `11/13/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `122 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1210,
CustomerName: `Anna Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `115 Main Street, New York, USA, 80079`,
Salesperson: `Max Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1411,
OrderDate: `11/22/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `115 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1211,
CustomerName: `Mike Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `114 Main Street, New York, USA, 50137`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Smith`,
OrderID: 1890,
OrderDate: `8/5/2022`,
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ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Freight: 930.48,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `114 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 90082,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1212,
CustomerName: `Martin Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `130 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 90082`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Madison`,
OrderID: 1783,
OrderDate: `9/1/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `130 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 80095,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1213,
CustomerName: `James Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `140 Main Street, New York, USA, 80095`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Watson`,
OrderID: 1101,
OrderDate: `5/25/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 119920.96,
Freight: 1190.24,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `140 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1214,
CustomerName: `Ben Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `165 Main Street, Huston, USA, 90200`,
Salesperson: `Max Watson`,
OrderID: 1932,
OrderDate: `2/10/2022`,
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ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 93842.36,
Freight: 710.59,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `165 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1215,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `154 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 70200`,
Salesperson: `Mike Black`,
OrderID: 1514,
OrderDate: `10/8/2022`,
ProductID: 148,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 29540.27,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 118161.08,
Freight: 1960.27,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `154 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70200
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1216,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `113 Market Street, New York, USA, 50127`,
Salesperson: `James Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1736,
OrderDate: `10/21/2022`,
ProductID: 188,
ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 61401.08,
Freight: 540.27,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `113 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50127
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ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 80064,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1217,
CustomerName: `James Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `153 Main Street, Huston, USA, 80064`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jackson`,
OrderID: 1978,
OrderDate: `12/25/2022`,
ProductID: 125,
ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 47640.93,
Freight: 800.31,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `153 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80064
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ShipPostalCode: 50196,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1218,
CustomerName: `Mike Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `107 Main Street, Miami, USA, 50196`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jackson`,
OrderID: 1324,
OrderDate: `7/18/2022`,
ProductID: 188,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 26990.38,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 107961.52,
Freight: 610.38,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `107 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50196
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ShipName: `Smith Estate`,
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ShipPostalCode: 70154,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1219,
CustomerName: `James Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `140 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 70154`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Madison`,
OrderID: 1307,
OrderDate: `4/19/2022`,
ProductID: 114,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 73202.6,
Freight: 800.65,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `West`,
Address: `140 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70154
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ShipAddress: `158 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 50154,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1220,
CustomerName: `Mike Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `158 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50154`,
Salesperson: `James Black`,
OrderID: 1808,
OrderDate: `3/18/2022`,
ProductID: 172,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 82382.01,
Freight: 1220.67,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `158 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50154
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1221,
CustomerName: `Pamela Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `116 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90170`,
Salesperson: `James Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1481,
OrderDate: `5/22/2022`,
ProductID: 177,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 47540.52,
Freight: 480.26,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `116 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90170
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ShipAddress: `124 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 50137,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1222,
CustomerName: `Max Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `124 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 50137`,
Salesperson: `Martin Watson`,
OrderID: 1874,
OrderDate: `10/1/2022`,
ProductID: 102,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 60403.4,
Freight: 400.68,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `124 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50137
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ShipName: `Smith Market`,
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ShipPostalCode: 60174,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1223,
CustomerName: `Nancy Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `197 Main Street, New York, USA, 60174`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1377,
OrderDate: `10/24/2022`,
ProductID: 123,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 42083.52,
Freight: 800.88,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `197 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60174
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ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 80134,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1224,
CustomerName: `Mike Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `192 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 80134`,
Salesperson: `James Madison`,
OrderID: 1691,
OrderDate: `6/13/2022`,
ProductID: 123,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 22181.64,
Freight: 910.82,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `192 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80134
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1225,
CustomerName: `Anna Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `111 Market Street, Huston, USA, 80054`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jackson`,
OrderID: 1242,
OrderDate: `4/6/2022`,
ProductID: 180,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 40901.25,
Freight: 510.25,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `111 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80054
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Estate`,
ShipAddress: `106 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 60139,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1226,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `106 Market Street, New York, USA, 60139`,
Salesperson: `James Madison`,
OrderID: 1745,
OrderDate: `1/18/2022`,
ProductID: 115,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 6570.23,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 32851.15,
Freight: 840.23,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `106 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60139
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Market`,
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ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 60058,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1227,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `198 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60058`,
Salesperson: `James Madison`,
OrderID: 1111,
OrderDate: `10/11/2022`,
ProductID: 132,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 10970.23,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 32910.69,
Freight: 1670.23,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `198 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60058
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Estate`,
ShipAddress: `138 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 50133,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1228,
CustomerName: `Anna Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `138 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 50133`,
Salesperson: `Ben Madison`,
OrderID: 1182,
OrderDate: `12/18/2022`,
ProductID: 184,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 27020.67,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 81062.01,
Freight: 1750.67,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `138 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Smith Market`,
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ShipPostalCode: 50182,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1229,
CustomerName: `James Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `198 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50182`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jackson`,
OrderID: 1252,
OrderDate: `10/7/2022`,
ProductID: 146,
ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 109551.7,
Freight: 840.34,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `198 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50182
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `141 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 70058,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1230,
CustomerName: `James Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `141 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 70058`,
Salesperson: `Martin Watson`,
OrderID: 1635,
OrderDate: `6/1/2022`,
ProductID: 196,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 16430.54,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 32861.08,
Freight: 1420.54,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `141 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `107 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 80108,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1231,
CustomerName: `Anna Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `107 Market Street, New York, USA, 80108`,
Salesperson: `Mike Smith`,
OrderID: 1922,
OrderDate: `10/6/2022`,
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ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 8920.46,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 44602.3,
Freight: 1160.46,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `107 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80108
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ShipName: `Watson Market`,
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ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 60199,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1232,
CustomerName: `Martin Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `166 Main Street, New York, USA, 60199`,
Salesperson: `Anna Smith`,
OrderID: 1759,
OrderDate: `3/10/2022`,
ProductID: 145,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 22420.27,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 112101.35,
Freight: 1900.27,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `166 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60199
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Home`,
ShipAddress: `188 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 90082,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1233,
CustomerName: `Anna Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `188 Main Street, New York, USA, 90082`,
Salesperson: `Ben Black`,
OrderID: 1172,
OrderDate: `11/9/2022`,
ProductID: 148,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 111301.65,
Freight: 1530.33,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `188 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90082
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Home`,
ShipAddress: `168 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 80160,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1234,
CustomerName: `Martin Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `168 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 80160`,
Salesperson: `Max Black`,
OrderID: 1855,
OrderDate: `9/9/2022`,
ProductID: 195,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 11120.68,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 55603.4,
Freight: 540.68,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `168 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Market`,
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 50192,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1235,
CustomerName: `James Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `151 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50192`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Watson`,
OrderID: 1253,
OrderDate: `9/24/2022`,
ProductID: 153,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 17650.73,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 88253.65,
Freight: 1010.73,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `151 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50192
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Estate`,
ShipAddress: `131 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 60171,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1236,
CustomerName: `Anna Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `131 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60171`,
Salesperson: `James Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1711,
OrderDate: `9/12/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 56941.26,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `131 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60171
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Estate`,
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ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 70109,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1237,
CustomerName: `Mike Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `101 Market Street, Huston, USA, 70109`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Smith`,
OrderID: 1155,
OrderDate: `9/1/2022`,
ProductID: 174,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 22330.35,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 44660.7,
Freight: 250.35,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `101 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70109
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Home`,
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ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 50126,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1238,
CustomerName: `Max Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `145 Main Street, New York, USA, 50126`,
Salesperson: `Mike Watson`,
OrderID: 1656,
OrderDate: `3/7/2022`,
ProductID: 139,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 9890.72,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 29672.16,
Freight: 1890.72,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `145 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50126
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Home`,
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ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 60055,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1239,
CustomerName: `Martin Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `190 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 60055`,
Salesperson: `Mike Smith`,
OrderID: 1192,
OrderDate: `3/12/2022`,
ProductID: 151,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 16510.6,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 82553,
Freight: 260.6,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `190 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60055
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Estate`,
ShipAddress: `114 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 50122,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1240,
CustomerName: `Martin Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `114 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50122`,
Salesperson: `James Madison`,
OrderID: 1997,
OrderDate: `8/3/2022`,
ProductID: 195,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 83081.68,
Freight: 920.42,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `114 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50122
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `184 Main Street`,
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ShipPostalCode: 50147,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1241,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `184 Main Street, Miami, USA, 50147`,
Salesperson: `Martin Madison`,
OrderID: 1944,
OrderDate: `7/11/2022`,
ProductID: 105,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 22970.54,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 68911.62,
Freight: 2000.54,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `184 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50147
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Townhouse`,
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ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 50058,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1242,
CustomerName: `Pamela Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `140 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50058`,
Salesperson: `Max Madison`,
OrderID: 1076,
OrderDate: `12/1/2022`,
ProductID: 108,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 29753.45,
Freight: 1440.69,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `140 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50058
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Estate`,
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ShipPostalCode: 60194,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1243,
CustomerName: `James Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `178 Market Street, New York, USA, 60194`,
Salesperson: `James Madison`,
OrderID: 1076,
OrderDate: `6/25/2022`,
ProductID: 176,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 34160.42,
Freight: 1200.21,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `178 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60194
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ShipName: `Madison Home`,
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ShipPostalCode: 70085,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1244,
CustomerName: `Ben Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `179 Main Street, Huston, USA, 70085`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jackson`,
OrderID: 1070,
OrderDate: `5/7/2022`,
ProductID: 101,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 19310.75,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 38621.5,
Freight: 1270.75,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `179 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70085
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Estate`,
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ShipPostalCode: 70087,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1245,
CustomerName: `Pamela Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `169 Market Street, Miami, USA, 70087`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Black`,
OrderID: 1469,
OrderDate: `8/22/2022`,
ProductID: 193,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 25420.4,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 50840.8,
Freight: 1690.4,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `169 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70087
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Home`,
ShipAddress: `108 Wall Street`,
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ShipPostalCode: 90128,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1246,
CustomerName: `Martin Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `108 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90128`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Smith`,
OrderID: 1948,
OrderDate: `4/25/2022`,
ProductID: 141,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 19070.55,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 57211.65,
Freight: 280.55,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `108 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90128
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Townhouse`,
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 80141,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1247,
CustomerName: `Mike Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `195 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80141`,
Salesperson: `Martin Smith`,
OrderID: 1116,
OrderDate: `1/1/2022`,
ProductID: 162,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 22190.27,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 110951.35,
Freight: 1830.27,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `195 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80141
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Home`,
ShipAddress: `142 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 50163,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1248,
CustomerName: `Anna Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `142 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50163`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1640,
OrderDate: `5/1/2022`,
ProductID: 153,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 7690.79,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 23072.37,
Freight: 1730.79,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `142 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50163
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Market`,
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 80155,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1249,
CustomerName: `Mike Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `177 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80155`,
Salesperson: `Anna Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1748,
OrderDate: `9/2/2022`,
ProductID: 186,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 25230.84,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 100923.36,
Freight: 670.84,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `177 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80155
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Estate`,
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ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 80141,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1250,
CustomerName: `Mike Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `175 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 80141`,
Salesperson: `Martin Black`,
OrderID: 1251,
OrderDate: `7/5/2022`,
ProductID: 140,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 25960.45,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 51920.9,
Freight: 260.45,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `175 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80141
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Market`,
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ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 90174,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1251,
CustomerName: `Pamela Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `110 Market Street, New York, USA, 90174`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Black`,
OrderID: 1397,
OrderDate: `7/2/2022`,
ProductID: 141,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 22150.67,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 66452.01,
Freight: 640.67,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `110 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90174
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Estate`,
ShipAddress: `121 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 70083,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1252,
CustomerName: `Mike Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `121 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 70083`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1938,
OrderDate: `1/20/2022`,
ProductID: 171,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 36882.96,
Freight: 1030.74,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `121 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70083
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `122 Wall Street`,
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ShipPostalCode: 70122,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1253,
CustomerName: `Mike Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `122 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 70122`,
Salesperson: `Mike Watson`,
OrderID: 1608,
OrderDate: `2/9/2022`,
ProductID: 109,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 11240.75,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 22481.5,
Freight: 1010.75,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `122 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70122
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Estate`,
ShipAddress: `151 Main Street`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1254,
CustomerName: `Pamela Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `151 Main Street, Huston, USA, 50057`,
Salesperson: `Martin Watson`,
OrderID: 1217,
OrderDate: `8/4/2022`,
ProductID: 185,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 50041.65,
Freight: 1710.55,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `151 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50057
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Market`,
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ShipPostalCode: 50131,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1255,
CustomerName: `Mike Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `120 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 50131`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jackson`,
OrderID: 1661,
OrderDate: `5/1/2022`,
ProductID: 190,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 21450.85,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 107254.25,
Freight: 1350.85,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `120 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50131
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Market`,
ShipAddress: `134 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 90060,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1256,
CustomerName: `Mike Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `134 Main Street, Huston, USA, 90060`,
Salesperson: `James Madison`,
OrderID: 1766,
OrderDate: `11/11/2022`,
ProductID: 134,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 12850.63,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 38551.89,
Freight: 1790.63,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `134 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90060
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1257,
CustomerName: `James Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `150 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 60151`,
Salesperson: `Martin Black`,
OrderID: 1321,
OrderDate: `8/4/2022`,
ProductID: 125,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 116760.96,
Freight: 680.24,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `150 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60151
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ShipName: `Watson Estate`,
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ShipCity: `Huston`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1258,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `155 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 60121`,
Salesperson: `Max Jackson`,
OrderID: 1872,
OrderDate: `2/20/2022`,
ProductID: 188,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 22750.45,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 68251.35,
Freight: 840.45,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `155 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1259,
CustomerName: `Anna Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `184 Market Street, New York, USA, 90156`,
Salesperson: `James Watson`,
OrderID: 1828,
OrderDate: `5/25/2022`,
ProductID: 191,
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UnitPrice: 29760.3,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 59520.6,
Freight: 1960.3,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `184 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Watson Market`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1260,
CustomerName: `Anna Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `133 Market Street, Huston, USA, 50074`,
Salesperson: `Mike Black`,
OrderID: 1966,
OrderDate: `6/18/2022`,
ProductID: 160,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 37252.2,
Freight: 590.44,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `133 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 70052,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1261,
CustomerName: `Martin Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `154 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 70052`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jackson`,
OrderID: 1421,
OrderDate: `9/17/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `154 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 90174,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1262,
CustomerName: `Max Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `114 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90174`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Smith`,
OrderID: 1192,
OrderDate: `12/4/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Freight: 1150.26,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `114 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1263,
CustomerName: `Ben Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `154 Wall Street, New York, USA, 90162`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Smith`,
OrderID: 1539,
OrderDate: `7/16/2022`,
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ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `154 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Smith Townhouse`,
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ShipPostalCode: 70136,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1264,
CustomerName: `Martin Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `140 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 70136`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jackson`,
OrderID: 1271,
OrderDate: `10/7/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `140 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 60116,
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ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1265,
CustomerName: `James Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `185 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60116`,
Salesperson: `James Watson`,
OrderID: 1090,
OrderDate: `9/11/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `185 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1266,
CustomerName: `Max Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `179 Market Street, Huston, USA, 80107`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Smith`,
OrderID: 1286,
OrderDate: `1/10/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `179 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1267,
CustomerName: `Ben Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `189 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 90073`,
Salesperson: `Martin Madison`,
OrderID: 1754,
OrderDate: `5/2/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 118163.36,
Freight: 500.84,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `189 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1268,
CustomerName: `Anna Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `106 Market Street, Miami, USA, 90153`,
Salesperson: `Anna Black`,
OrderID: 1321,
OrderDate: `6/21/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 62752.75,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `106 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90153
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1269,
CustomerName: `Pamela Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `149 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50102`,
Salesperson: `James Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1262,
OrderDate: `7/13/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Discontinued: true,
Region: `West`,
Address: `149 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1270,
CustomerName: `Martin Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `192 Market Street, New York, USA, 60078`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jackson`,
OrderID: 1586,
OrderDate: `11/13/2022`,
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UnitPrice: 28630.86,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 57261.72,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `192 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1271,
CustomerName: `James Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `159 Main Street, New York, USA, 50050`,
Salesperson: `Max Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1915,
OrderDate: `2/10/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 95253.75,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `159 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1272,
CustomerName: `Nancy Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `171 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60099`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jackson`,
OrderID: 1503,
OrderDate: `4/7/2022`,
ProductID: 153,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Freight: 1360.3,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `171 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60099
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Townhouse`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1273,
CustomerName: `Anna Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `161 Main Street, Huston, USA, 70087`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Watson`,
OrderID: 1129,
OrderDate: `9/4/2022`,
ProductID: 119,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 80911.59,
Freight: 1890.53,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `161 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70087
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ShipName: `Watson Market`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1274,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `163 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50127`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1508,
OrderDate: `1/6/2022`,
ProductID: 136,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 12620.81,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 37862.43,
Freight: 650.81,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `163 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50127
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ShipName: `Watson Townhouse`,
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ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 50052,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1275,
CustomerName: `James Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `131 Market Street, Huston, USA, 50052`,
Salesperson: `Martin Watson`,
OrderID: 1285,
OrderDate: `8/6/2022`,
ProductID: 123,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Freight: 1140.24,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `131 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50052
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Home`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1276,
CustomerName: `Ben Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `125 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 60101`,
Salesperson: `Ben Smith`,
OrderID: 1881,
OrderDate: `12/5/2022`,
ProductID: 128,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 75122.24,
Freight: 820.56,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `125 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60101
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ShipName: `Jackson Market`,
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ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 50157,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1277,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `184 Main Street, Miami, USA, 50157`,
Salesperson: `Mike Smith`,
OrderID: 1478,
OrderDate: `9/18/2022`,
ProductID: 131,
ProductName: `IPad`,
UnitPrice: 15000.21,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 75001.05,
Freight: 1390.21,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `184 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50157
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ShipCity: `Huston`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1278,
CustomerName: `Nancy Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `199 Market Street, Huston, USA, 80050`,
Salesperson: `Max Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1767,
OrderDate: `1/17/2022`,
ProductID: 196,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 64800.93,
Freight: 1130.31,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `199 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80050
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ShipPostalCode: 60073,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1279,
CustomerName: `Nancy Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `127 Market Street, Miami, USA, 60073`,
Salesperson: `Mike Smith`,
OrderID: 1229,
OrderDate: `12/7/2022`,
ProductID: 184,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 82501.77,
Freight: 1380.59,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `West`,
Address: `127 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60073
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1280,
CustomerName: `Mike Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `169 Main Street, New York, USA, 50123`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jackson`,
OrderID: 1761,
OrderDate: `2/10/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 107153.5,
Freight: 1170.7,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `169 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50123
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Home`,
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ShipPostalCode: 80143,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1281,
CustomerName: `James Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `109 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80143`,
Salesperson: `Anna Black`,
OrderID: 1461,
OrderDate: `9/8/2022`,
ProductID: 155,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 28470.33,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 113881.32,
Freight: 1750.33,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `109 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Madison Townhouse`,
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ShipCity: `New York`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1282,
CustomerName: `James Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `103 Main Street, New York, USA, 80198`,
Salesperson: `Ben Black`,
OrderID: 1210,
OrderDate: `11/7/2022`,
ProductID: 123,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 56302.6,
Freight: 330.52,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `103 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 50100,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1283,
CustomerName: `Martin Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `102 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50100`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1262,
OrderDate: `4/17/2022`,
ProductID: 134,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 87562.2,
Freight: 500.55,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `102 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50100
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Home`,
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ShipPostalCode: 80057,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1284,
CustomerName: `Pamela Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `194 Market Street, New York, USA, 80057`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1490,
OrderDate: `4/6/2022`,
ProductID: 191,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 62682.32,
Freight: 1320.58,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `194 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1285,
CustomerName: `Nancy Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `102 Main Street, Miami, USA, 70175`,
Salesperson: `James Jackson`,
OrderID: 1031,
OrderDate: `3/18/2022`,
ProductID: 196,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 48842.07,
Freight: 380.69,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `102 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70175
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ShipName: `Watson Estate`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1286,
CustomerName: `Nancy Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `139 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60067`,
Salesperson: `Max Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1803,
OrderDate: `1/22/2022`,
ProductID: 134,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 31761.16,
Freight: 620.29,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `139 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60067
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1287,
CustomerName: `Martin Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `167 Market Street, New York, USA, 80115`,
Salesperson: `Anna Black`,
OrderID: 1465,
OrderDate: `2/14/2022`,
ProductID: 166,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 20420.2,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 81680.8,
Freight: 960.2,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `167 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1288,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `167 Market Street, New York, USA, 80080`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jackson`,
OrderID: 1303,
OrderDate: `12/12/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Address: `167 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1289,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `167 Market Street, New York, USA, 90093`,
Salesperson: `Anna Smith`,
OrderID: 1122,
OrderDate: `8/6/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Discontinued: true,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `167 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1290,
CustomerName: `Nancy Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `114 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60133`,
Salesperson: `Anna Madison`,
OrderID: 1402,
OrderDate: `6/9/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `114 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1291,
CustomerName: `Anna Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `164 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60153`,
Salesperson: `Max Smith`,
OrderID: 1165,
OrderDate: `11/24/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Address: `164 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1292,
CustomerName: `Mike Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `102 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90068`,
Salesperson: `Mike Madison`,
OrderID: 1512,
OrderDate: `9/4/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Address: `102 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1293,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `158 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 80149`,
Salesperson: `Max Jackson`,
OrderID: 1358,
OrderDate: `2/22/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `158 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1294,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `125 Market Street, Huston, USA, 80176`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Watson`,
OrderID: 1106,
OrderDate: `2/7/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `125 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1295,
CustomerName: `Pamela Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `177 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50079`,
Salesperson: `Max Watson`,
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OrderDate: `6/5/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `177 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
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ShipName: `Jackson Estate`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1296,
CustomerName: `Mike Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `148 Market Street, New York, USA, 90184`,
Salesperson: `James Smith`,
OrderID: 1108,
OrderDate: `8/5/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `148 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1297,
CustomerName: `Max Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `113 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 50064`,
Salesperson: `Martin Smith`,
OrderID: 1782,
OrderDate: `3/24/2022`,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `113 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1298,
CustomerName: `Martin Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `134 Wall Street, New York, USA, 80155`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1886,
OrderDate: `3/6/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `134 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1299,
CustomerName: `Max Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `142 Market Street, New York, USA, 90103`,
Salesperson: `Anna Watson`,
OrderID: 1578,
OrderDate: `10/5/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `142 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1300,
CustomerName: `Anna Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `132 Market Street, Miami, USA, 90111`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1903,
OrderDate: `6/23/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `132 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1301,
CustomerName: `Mike Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `180 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50182`,
Salesperson: `Ben Black`,
OrderID: 1201,
OrderDate: `11/25/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `180 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1302,
CustomerName: `James Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `135 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60076`,
Salesperson: `Mike Smith`,
OrderID: 1488,
OrderDate: `5/1/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Address: `135 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1303,
CustomerName: `Nancy Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `104 Wall Street, New York, USA, 70191`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1636,
OrderDate: `2/16/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `104 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1304,
CustomerName: `James Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `122 Market Street, New York, USA, 70071`,
Salesperson: `Max Black`,
OrderID: 1588,
OrderDate: `8/22/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `122 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1305,
CustomerName: `Anna Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `178 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80064`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jackson`,
OrderID: 1422,
OrderDate: `7/3/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 28401.48,
Freight: 1560.37,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `178 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1306,
CustomerName: `Martin Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `199 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80126`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1922,
OrderDate: `1/13/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Freight: 1970.22,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `199 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80126
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1307,
CustomerName: `Nancy Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `187 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 70093`,
Salesperson: `Ben Watson`,
OrderID: 1023,
OrderDate: `8/20/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Freight: 980.63,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `187 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1308,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `110 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50180`,
Salesperson: `Martin Smith`,
OrderID: 1651,
OrderDate: `8/10/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `110 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50180
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1309,
CustomerName: `James Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `196 Wall Street, New York, USA, 50190`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Madison`,
OrderID: 1918,
OrderDate: `7/11/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 44800.62,
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Discontinued: true,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `196 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1310,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `172 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80154`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jackson`,
OrderID: 1803,
OrderDate: `2/14/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 26351.7,
Freight: 320.34,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `172 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1311,
CustomerName: `Martin Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `181 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50200`,
Salesperson: `James Watson`,
OrderID: 1467,
OrderDate: `12/13/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Freight: 1740.21,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `181 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1312,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `151 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 70118`,
Salesperson: `Martin Watson`,
OrderID: 1359,
OrderDate: `4/5/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `151 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1313,
CustomerName: `James Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `156 Market Street, Miami, USA, 90109`,
Salesperson: `James Jackson`,
OrderID: 1592,
OrderDate: `4/16/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 74552.05,
Freight: 1790.41,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `156 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1314,
CustomerName: `Pamela Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `147 Main Street, Huston, USA, 60054`,
Salesperson: `Ben Watson`,
OrderID: 1454,
OrderDate: `12/12/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Freight: 1440.22,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `147 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 90190,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1315,
CustomerName: `Ben Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `123 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90190`,
Salesperson: `James Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1529,
OrderDate: `4/19/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `123 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1316,
CustomerName: `James Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `100 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90115`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Smith`,
OrderID: 1783,
OrderDate: `9/2/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Freight: 1800.88,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `100 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Watson Townhouse`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1317,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `184 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 50144`,
Salesperson: `Max Jackson`,
OrderID: 1533,
OrderDate: `12/19/2022`,
ProductID: 189,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Freight: 1550.6,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `184 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50144
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ShipName: `Black Home`,
ShipAddress: `187 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1318,
CustomerName: `Mike Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `187 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 70132`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jackson`,
OrderID: 1483,
OrderDate: `1/8/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `187 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1319,
CustomerName: `Mike Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `162 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90083`,
Salesperson: `Max Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1869,
OrderDate: `6/3/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `162 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1320,
CustomerName: `Nancy Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `147 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50191`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1541,
OrderDate: `2/1/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `147 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1321,
CustomerName: `Martin Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `175 Wall Street, New York, USA, 90056`,
Salesperson: `Anna Black`,
OrderID: 1050,
OrderDate: `8/6/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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City: `New York`,
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CustomerID: 1322,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `129 Market Street, Huston, USA, 50089`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1188,
OrderDate: `7/23/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `129 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1323,
CustomerName: `Ben Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `104 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 70079`,
Salesperson: `Martin Madison`,
OrderID: 1452,
OrderDate: `2/1/2022`,
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Region: `South East`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1324,
CustomerName: `Mike Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `167 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 70137`,
Salesperson: `James Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1542,
OrderDate: `7/21/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Address: `167 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 50188,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1325,
CustomerName: `Mike Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `128 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50188`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1993,
OrderDate: `3/7/2022`,
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Address: `128 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1326,
CustomerName: `Martin Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `171 Market Street, Huston, USA, 70190`,
Salesperson: `Anna Madison`,
OrderID: 1815,
OrderDate: `7/4/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `171 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1327,
CustomerName: `Anna Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `191 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60123`,
Salesperson: `Anna Madison`,
OrderID: 1319,
OrderDate: `8/5/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1328,
CustomerName: `Mike Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `150 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80139`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Watson`,
OrderID: 1592,
OrderDate: `2/22/2022`,
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City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1329,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `112 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 70172`,
Salesperson: `Max Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1959,
OrderDate: `10/15/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `North East`,
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City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1330,
CustomerName: `Martin Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `121 Market Street, New York, USA, 80122`,
Salesperson: `Ben Black`,
OrderID: 1343,
OrderDate: `5/25/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `West`,
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City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1331,
CustomerName: `Pamela Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `183 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 90122`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Smith`,
OrderID: 1876,
OrderDate: `2/8/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `183 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1332,
CustomerName: `Mike Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `105 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50068`,
Salesperson: `Ben Madison`,
OrderID: 1322,
OrderDate: `6/7/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `105 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1333,
CustomerName: `Martin Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `199 Market Street, Huston, USA, 70061`,
Salesperson: `Max Smith`,
OrderID: 1046,
OrderDate: `2/3/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Address: `199 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1334,
CustomerName: `Ben Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `142 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 60058`,
Salesperson: `Mike Madison`,
OrderID: 1433,
OrderDate: `2/1/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `142 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1335,
CustomerName: `Martin Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `140 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90131`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Black`,
OrderID: 1894,
OrderDate: `9/13/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `140 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1336,
CustomerName: `Ben Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `106 Market Street, Miami, USA, 60063`,
Salesperson: `Anna Jackson`,
OrderID: 1017,
OrderDate: `6/12/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `106 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1337,
CustomerName: `Max Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `190 Market Street, Huston, USA, 70115`,
Salesperson: `Martin Smith`,
OrderID: 1583,
OrderDate: `2/12/2022`,
ProductID: 147,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Freight: 260.53,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `190 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70115
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ShipPostalCode: 70051,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1338,
CustomerName: `Nancy Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `129 Market Street, Miami, USA, 70051`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Madison`,
OrderID: 1202,
OrderDate: `3/15/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `129 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 70144,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1339,
CustomerName: `Martin Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `143 Main Street, Miami, USA, 70144`,
Salesperson: `James Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1172,
OrderDate: `10/15/2022`,
ProductID: 136,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 75041.04,
Freight: 540.26,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `143 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70144
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1340,
CustomerName: `Martin Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `179 Market Street, New York, USA, 90174`,
Salesperson: `Martin Madison`,
OrderID: 1491,
OrderDate: `4/19/2022`,
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ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 64002.24,
Freight: 690.56,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `179 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90174
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 90077,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1341,
CustomerName: `Mike Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `152 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90077`,
Salesperson: `James Black`,
OrderID: 1351,
OrderDate: `9/19/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Freight: 920.36,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `152 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1342,
CustomerName: `Anna Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `170 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60097`,
Salesperson: `Martin Black`,
OrderID: 1619,
OrderDate: `3/13/2022`,
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ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 81422.64,
Freight: 1480.88,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `170 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60097
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1343,
CustomerName: `Martin Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `198 Wall Street, New York, USA, 90077`,
Salesperson: `James Smith`,
OrderID: 1646,
OrderDate: `9/2/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Freight: 1480.87,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `198 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1344,
CustomerName: `Ben Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `193 Wall Street, New York, USA, 60165`,
Salesperson: `Ben Madison`,
OrderID: 1516,
OrderDate: `4/20/2022`,
ProductID: 113,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 44620.5,
Freight: 1740.25,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `193 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60165
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1345,
CustomerName: `James Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `108 Wall Street, New York, USA, 90123`,
Salesperson: `Mike Madison`,
OrderID: 1356,
OrderDate: `11/2/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 81203.9,
Freight: 260.78,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `108 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1346,
CustomerName: `Max Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `173 Main Street, Miami, USA, 60061`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1062,
OrderDate: `3/5/2022`,
ProductID: 101,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 127703.55,
Freight: 2000.71,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `173 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60061
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ShipPostalCode: 60178,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1347,
CustomerName: `Nancy Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `118 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60178`,
Salesperson: `Max Madison`,
OrderID: 1482,
OrderDate: `8/24/2022`,
ProductID: 105,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 68002.4,
Freight: 1390.6,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `118 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60178
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1348,
CustomerName: `Martin Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `134 Wall Street, New York, USA, 60096`,
Salesperson: `Ben Madison`,
OrderID: 1443,
OrderDate: `7/1/2022`,
ProductID: 105,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 25340.92,
Freight: 1280.46,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `134 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60096
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Estate`,
ShipAddress: `125 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 50134,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1349,
CustomerName: `Ben Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `125 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50134`,
Salesperson: `Mike Watson`,
OrderID: 1498,
OrderDate: `1/17/2022`,
ProductID: 194,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 23470.22,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 70410.66,
Freight: 1370.22,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `125 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50134
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Home`,
ShipAddress: `145 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 80099,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1350,
CustomerName: `Mike Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `145 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80099`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Watson`,
OrderID: 1002,
OrderDate: `11/11/2022`,
ProductID: 116,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 17060.57,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 51181.71,
Freight: 1800.57,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `145 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80099
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Home`,
ShipAddress: `130 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 70052,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1351,
CustomerName: `Ben Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `130 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 70052`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Watson`,
OrderID: 1144,
OrderDate: `10/15/2022`,
ProductID: 168,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 13010.35,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 52041.4,
Freight: 980.35,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `130 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70052
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Market`,
ShipAddress: `136 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 60165,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1352,
CustomerName: `Nancy Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `136 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 60165`,
Salesperson: `Mike Black`,
OrderID: 1745,
OrderDate: `4/9/2022`,
ProductID: 119,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 7900.53,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 31602.12,
Freight: 1400.53,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `136 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60165
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `190 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 60176,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1353,
CustomerName: `Pamela Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `190 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60176`,
Salesperson: `Martin Smith`,
OrderID: 1489,
OrderDate: `3/25/2022`,
ProductID: 113,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 23420.42,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 93681.68,
Freight: 1660.42,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `190 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60176
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `114 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 50060,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1354,
CustomerName: `Mike Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `114 Main Street, Huston, USA, 50060`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jackson`,
OrderID: 1302,
OrderDate: `3/21/2022`,
ProductID: 144,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 21240.71,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 106203.55,
Freight: 1000.71,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `114 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50060
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `130 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 90062,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1355,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `130 Market Street, Huston, USA, 90062`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jackson`,
OrderID: 1901,
OrderDate: `11/5/2022`,
ProductID: 101,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 17170.52,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 68682.08,
Freight: 1600.52,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `130 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90062
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Market`,
ShipAddress: `160 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 50149,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1356,
CustomerName: `Nancy Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `160 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50149`,
Salesperson: `Ben Watson`,
OrderID: 1331,
OrderDate: `2/5/2022`,
ProductID: 151,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 17650.73,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 70602.92,
Freight: 1720.73,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `160 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50149
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `130 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 50184,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1357,
CustomerName: `Anna Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `130 Main Street, New York, USA, 50184`,
Salesperson: `Anna Watson`,
OrderID: 1161,
OrderDate: `5/18/2022`,
ProductID: 185,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 12920.84,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 38762.52,
Freight: 780.84,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `130 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50184
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `120 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 90122,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1358,
CustomerName: `Ben Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `120 Wall Street, New York, USA, 90122`,
Salesperson: `Martin Madison`,
OrderID: 1211,
OrderDate: `11/13/2022`,
ProductID: 136,
ProductName: `IPad`,
UnitPrice: 21380.5,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 85522,
Freight: 1130.5,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `120 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90122
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Market`,
ShipAddress: `108 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 80106,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1359,
CustomerName: `Pamela Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `108 Market Street, New York, USA, 80106`,
Salesperson: `Anna Watson`,
OrderID: 1010,
OrderDate: `3/15/2022`,
ProductID: 198,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 18060.46,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 72241.84,
Freight: 330.46,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `108 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80106
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Estate`,
ShipAddress: `114 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 70117,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1360,
CustomerName: `Nancy Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `114 Market Street, Miami, USA, 70117`,
Salesperson: `James Smith`,
OrderID: 1001,
OrderDate: `2/24/2022`,
ProductID: 121,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 22020.55,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 110102.75,
Freight: 1970.55,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `114 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70117
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Home`,
ShipAddress: `134 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 50108,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1361,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `134 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50108`,
Salesperson: `Max Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1871,
OrderDate: `3/1/2022`,
ProductID: 114,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 13010.27,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 65051.35,
Freight: 1490.27,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `134 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50108
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `138 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 90082,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1362,
CustomerName: `Mike Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `138 Market Street, Huston, USA, 90082`,
Salesperson: `Ben Watson`,
OrderID: 1175,
OrderDate: `4/11/2022`,
ProductID: 159,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 17660.27,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 88301.35,
Freight: 1770.27,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `138 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90082
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Market`,
ShipAddress: `131 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 90189,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1363,
CustomerName: `James Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `131 Main Street, Miami, USA, 90189`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Madison`,
OrderID: 1072,
OrderDate: `2/14/2022`,
ProductID: 169,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 24150.8,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 96603.2,
Freight: 1040.8,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `131 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90189
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `133 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 90077,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1364,
CustomerName: `Martin Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `133 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90077`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jackson`,
OrderID: 1971,
OrderDate: `10/16/2022`,
ProductID: 108,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 18520.3,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 37040.6,
Freight: 300.3,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `133 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90077
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Estate`,
ShipAddress: `128 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 90109,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1365,
CustomerName: `Pamela Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `128 Market Street, Huston, USA, 90109`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jackson`,
OrderID: 1024,
OrderDate: `12/21/2022`,
ProductID: 188,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 10040.29,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 40161.16,
Freight: 1900.29,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `128 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90109
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Estate`,
ShipAddress: `154 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 80119,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1366,
CustomerName: `Nancy Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `154 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80119`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jackson`,
OrderID: 1537,
OrderDate: `6/24/2022`,
ProductID: 161,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 20110.8,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 100554,
Freight: 1990.8,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `154 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80119
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `156 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 50128,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1367,
CustomerName: `Ben Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `156 Main Street, Miami, USA, 50128`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Smith`,
OrderID: 1289,
OrderDate: `7/2/2022`,
ProductID: 125,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 18320.56,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 54961.68,
Freight: 890.56,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `156 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50128
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Home`,
ShipAddress: `130 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 60146,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1368,
CustomerName: `James Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `130 Main Street, Miami, USA, 60146`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jackson`,
OrderID: 1451,
OrderDate: `12/4/2022`,
ProductID: 140,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 6030.21,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 24120.84,
Freight: 1930.21,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `130 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60146
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Market`,
ShipAddress: `159 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 70158,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1369,
CustomerName: `Nancy Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `159 Wall Street, New York, USA, 70158`,
Salesperson: `Max Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1056,
OrderDate: `1/10/2022`,
ProductID: 151,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 27710.33,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 83130.99,
Freight: 300.33,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `159 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70158
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `189 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 90186,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1370,
CustomerName: `Pamela Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `189 Wall Street, New York, USA, 90186`,
Salesperson: `Anna Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1611,
OrderDate: `9/14/2022`,
ProductID: 180,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 15940.65,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 63762.6,
Freight: 1210.65,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `189 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90186
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Estate`,
ShipAddress: `190 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 50065,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1371,
CustomerName: `Mike Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `190 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50065`,
Salesperson: `Martin Watson`,
OrderID: 1731,
OrderDate: `2/7/2022`,
ProductID: 103,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 21560.2,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 86240.8,
Freight: 1880.2,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `190 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50065
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Home`,
ShipAddress: `127 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 80182,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1372,
CustomerName: `Pamela Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `127 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 80182`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1156,
OrderDate: `7/16/2022`,
ProductID: 132,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 15440.77,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 77203.85,
Freight: 1730.77,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `127 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80182
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Estate`,
ShipAddress: `150 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 50154,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1373,
CustomerName: `Ben Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `150 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50154`,
Salesperson: `Max Jackson`,
OrderID: 1592,
OrderDate: `12/25/2022`,
ProductID: 109,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 25510.57,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 51021.14,
Freight: 1350.57,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `150 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50154
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Estate`,
ShipAddress: `163 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 50149,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1374,
CustomerName: `Max Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `163 Market Street, Miami, USA, 50149`,
Salesperson: `James Smith`,
OrderID: 1504,
OrderDate: `10/7/2022`,
ProductID: 197,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 23590.87,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 117954.35,
Freight: 460.87,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `163 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50149
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `114 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 90131,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1375,
CustomerName: `Pamela Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `114 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90131`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1121,
OrderDate: `11/25/2022`,
ProductID: 148,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 13030.29,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 26060.58,
Freight: 1140.29,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `114 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90131
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `167 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 50058,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1376,
CustomerName: `Nancy Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `167 Market Street, Huston, USA, 50058`,
Salesperson: `Martin Black`,
OrderID: 1455,
OrderDate: `8/6/2022`,
ProductID: 196,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 13870.29,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 69351.45,
Freight: 1080.29,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `167 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50058
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `181 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 80062,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1377,
CustomerName: `Anna Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `181 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 80062`,
Salesperson: `Anna Black`,
OrderID: 1320,
OrderDate: `1/15/2022`,
ProductID: 109,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 10990.65,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 32971.95,
Freight: 310.65,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `181 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80062
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Market`,
ShipAddress: `113 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 80140,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1378,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `113 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 80140`,
Salesperson: `Anna Jackson`,
OrderID: 1936,
OrderDate: `12/2/2022`,
ProductID: 171,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 9550.78,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 38203.12,
Freight: 1380.78,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `113 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80140
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Estate`,
ShipAddress: `188 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 80072,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1379,
CustomerName: `Anna Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `188 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 80072`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Watson`,
OrderID: 1767,
OrderDate: `10/23/2022`,
ProductID: 130,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 21500.21,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 43000.42,
Freight: 1680.21,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `188 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80072
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1380,
CustomerName: `Anna Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `177 Market Street, Huston, USA, 80160`,
Salesperson: `Max Jackson`,
OrderID: 1118,
OrderDate: `6/2/2022`,
ProductID: 111,
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UnitPrice: 20100.73,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 80402.92,
Freight: 540.73,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `177 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Jefferson Townhouse`,
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ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 80074,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1381,
CustomerName: `Mike Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `139 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 80074`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Madison`,
OrderID: 1269,
OrderDate: `6/12/2022`,
ProductID: 192,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 68801.36,
Freight: 1280.34,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `139 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 90081,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1382,
CustomerName: `Pamela Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `115 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90081`,
Salesperson: `James Jackson`,
OrderID: 1587,
OrderDate: `4/9/2022`,
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ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 24670.86,
Quantity: 2,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `115 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1383,
CustomerName: `Anna Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `130 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 50175`,
Salesperson: `Mike Smith`,
OrderID: 1632,
OrderDate: `3/3/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `130 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1384,
CustomerName: `Max Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `110 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90171`,
Salesperson: `Max Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1400,
OrderDate: `6/24/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `110 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1385,
CustomerName: `Mike Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `111 Market Street, Huston, USA, 80086`,
Salesperson: `Ben Watson`,
OrderID: 1040,
OrderDate: `8/25/2022`,
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ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `111 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Black Townhouse`,
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ShipPostalCode: 60121,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1386,
CustomerName: `Mike Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `132 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 60121`,
Salesperson: `Anna Watson`,
OrderID: 1445,
OrderDate: `6/12/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `132 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Townhouse`,
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ShipPostalCode: 60127,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1387,
CustomerName: `Ben Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `150 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60127`,
Salesperson: `Max Smith`,
OrderID: 1803,
OrderDate: `4/15/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 71282.48,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `150 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 50160,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1388,
CustomerName: `Anna Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `173 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50160`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1719,
OrderDate: `4/23/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `173 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Jefferson Townhouse`,
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1389,
CustomerName: `Max Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `120 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60064`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1706,
OrderDate: `5/15/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `120 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1390,
CustomerName: `Ben Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `109 Main Street, Huston, USA, 70200`,
Salesperson: `James Watson`,
OrderID: 1318,
OrderDate: `6/10/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `109 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Townhouse`,
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ShipCity: `Huston`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1391,
CustomerName: `Mike Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `161 Main Street, Huston, USA, 60159`,
Salesperson: `Ben Smith`,
OrderID: 1322,
OrderDate: `6/3/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `161 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1392,
CustomerName: `Ben Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `194 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60148`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Black`,
OrderID: 1664,
OrderDate: `9/11/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `194 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1393,
CustomerName: `James Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `191 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60148`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jackson`,
OrderID: 1995,
OrderDate: `7/3/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `191 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipPostalCode: 80148,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1394,
CustomerName: `Martin Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `129 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80148`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1344,
OrderDate: `10/13/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `129 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipName: `Jefferson Estate`,
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1395,
CustomerName: `Anna Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `148 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 70084`,
Salesperson: `Martin Smith`,
OrderID: 1602,
OrderDate: `3/2/2022`,
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ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 25472.04,
Freight: 1650.68,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `148 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70084
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ShipPostalCode: 90101,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1396,
CustomerName: `Max Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `152 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 90101`,
Salesperson: `Ben Black`,
OrderID: 1059,
OrderDate: `4/12/2022`,
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ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 37381.5,
Freight: 280.5,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `152 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90101
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Estate`,
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ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 50200,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1397,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `147 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50200`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Watson`,
OrderID: 1159,
OrderDate: `5/12/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 83161.84,
Freight: 780.46,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `147 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50200
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1398,
CustomerName: `Max Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `106 Main Street, Miami, USA, 60064`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Watson`,
OrderID: 1646,
OrderDate: `2/13/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 76721.16,
Freight: 1760.29,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `106 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60064
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ShipCity: `Miami`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1399,
CustomerName: `Nancy Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `112 Main Street, Miami, USA, 90118`,
Salesperson: `Martin Black`,
OrderID: 1205,
OrderDate: `9/24/2022`,
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ProductName: `IPad`,
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Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 103803.44,
Freight: 1780.86,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `112 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90118
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ShipPostalCode: 80177,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1400,
CustomerName: `Mike Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `135 Main Street, Huston, USA, 80177`,
Salesperson: `Max Madison`,
OrderID: 1619,
OrderDate: `7/15/2022`,
ProductID: 174,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 49780.62,
Freight: 1540.31,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `135 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80177
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Home`,
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ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 70110,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1401,
CustomerName: `Max Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `156 Main Street, Miami, USA, 70110`,
Salesperson: `Anna Watson`,
OrderID: 1160,
OrderDate: `10/21/2022`,
ProductID: 127,
ProductName: `IPad`,
UnitPrice: 18400.21,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 55200.63,
Freight: 580.21,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `156 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70110
new InvoicesDataItem(
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ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 90077,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1402,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `124 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90077`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1017,
OrderDate: `7/21/2022`,
ProductID: 160,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 15430.8,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 77154,
Freight: 1660.8,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `124 Wall Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90077
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ShipName: `Black Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `144 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 50110,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1403,
CustomerName: `Anna Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `144 Market Street, New York, USA, 50110`,
Salesperson: `James Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1990,
OrderDate: `5/17/2022`,
ProductID: 112,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 60121.11,
Freight: 1710.37,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `144 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50110
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ShipName: `Smith Market`,
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ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 80117,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1404,
CustomerName: `James Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `105 Main Street, Miami, USA, 80117`,
Salesperson: `Max Watson`,
OrderID: 1002,
OrderDate: `10/25/2022`,
ProductID: 119,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 28760.88,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 143804.4,
Freight: 1220.88,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `105 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80117
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1405,
CustomerName: `Anna Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `142 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90124`,
Salesperson: `James Madison`,
OrderID: 1433,
OrderDate: `7/22/2022`,
ProductID: 158,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 88753.2,
Freight: 1300.64,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `142 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90124
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ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 50115,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1406,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `141 Market Street, Huston, USA, 50115`,
Salesperson: `Anna Watson`,
OrderID: 1195,
OrderDate: `8/12/2022`,
ProductID: 124,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 44080.96,
Freight: 1260.48,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `141 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50115
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1407,
CustomerName: `Mike Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `145 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 70160`,
Salesperson: `Max Watson`,
OrderID: 1486,
OrderDate: `1/13/2022`,
ProductID: 103,
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Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 88442.01,
Freight: 1810.67,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `145 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70160
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ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 80149,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1408,
CustomerName: `Ben Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `106 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 80149`,
Salesperson: `James Smith`,
OrderID: 1646,
OrderDate: `9/4/2022`,
ProductID: 191,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 29453.55,
Freight: 670.71,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `106 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1409,
CustomerName: `Anna Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `171 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60182`,
Salesperson: `James Smith`,
OrderID: 1839,
OrderDate: `12/12/2022`,
ProductID: 120,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
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Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 87553.2,
Freight: 1150.64,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `West`,
Address: `171 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60182
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ShipName: `Jefferson Home`,
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ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 60122,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1410,
CustomerName: `Ben Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `195 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60122`,
Salesperson: `Martin Madison`,
OrderID: 1925,
OrderDate: `1/22/2022`,
ProductID: 164,
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Quantity: 2,
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Address: `195 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1411,
CustomerName: `James Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `137 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 70152`,
Salesperson: `Anna Jackson`,
OrderID: 1055,
OrderDate: `12/9/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `137 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1412,
CustomerName: `Anna Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `129 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 50177`,
Salesperson: `Martin Smith`,
OrderID: 1845,
OrderDate: `10/21/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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City: `Miami`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1413,
CustomerName: `Mike Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `174 Main Street, Huston, USA, 90080`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1560,
OrderDate: `6/23/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Address: `174 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
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CustomerID: 1414,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `139 Market Street, New York, USA, 60178`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jefferson`,
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OrderDate: `2/18/2022`,
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City: `New York`,
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CustomerID: 1415,
CustomerName: `Max Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `127 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60192`,
Salesperson: `Ben Smith`,
OrderID: 1570,
OrderDate: `5/19/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1416,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `186 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90145`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1872,
OrderDate: `11/18/2022`,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `186 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1417,
CustomerName: `Anna Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `198 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 70160`,
Salesperson: `Martin Madison`,
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OrderDate: `11/1/2022`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1418,
CustomerName: `Ben Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `110 Main Street, New York, USA, 80119`,
Salesperson: `Anna Black`,
OrderID: 1600,
OrderDate: `8/12/2022`,
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City: `New York`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1419,
CustomerName: `Ben Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `187 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50082`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Watson`,
OrderID: 1451,
OrderDate: `12/10/2022`,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `187 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1420,
CustomerName: `Mike Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `121 Main Street, Miami, USA, 60178`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jackson`,
OrderID: 1294,
OrderDate: `2/18/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1421,
CustomerName: `Anna Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `185 Wall Street, New York, USA, 50177`,
Salesperson: `James Watson`,
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OrderDate: `6/16/2022`,
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City: `New York`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1422,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `177 Market Street, New York, USA, 90081`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Smith`,
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OrderDate: `5/21/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `177 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1423,
CustomerName: `Anna Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `106 Market Street, Miami, USA, 70099`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jackson`,
OrderID: 1147,
OrderDate: `6/13/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `106 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1424,
CustomerName: `Martin Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `179 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80150`,
Salesperson: `James Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1595,
OrderDate: `7/19/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Address: `179 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1425,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `142 Main Street, Huston, USA, 90100`,
Salesperson: `Martin Black`,
OrderID: 1061,
OrderDate: `4/4/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `142 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1426,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `189 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90144`,
Salesperson: `Martin Smith`,
OrderID: 1114,
OrderDate: `2/13/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `189 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1427,
CustomerName: `Pamela Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `130 Wall Street, New York, USA, 90175`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Black`,
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OrderDate: `11/6/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `130 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1428,
CustomerName: `Anna Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `144 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80153`,
Salesperson: `Mike Smith`,
OrderID: 1523,
OrderDate: `8/5/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `144 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1429,
CustomerName: `James Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `175 Wall Street, New York, USA, 50150`,
Salesperson: `James Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1027,
OrderDate: `12/7/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Discontinued: true,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `175 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1430,
CustomerName: `Max Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `152 Wall Street, New York, USA, 70091`,
Salesperson: `Ben Smith`,
OrderID: 1626,
OrderDate: `1/1/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `152 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1431,
CustomerName: `Martin Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `127 Main Street, Miami, USA, 90099`,
Salesperson: `Anna Smith`,
OrderID: 1789,
OrderDate: `10/15/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 32440.46,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `127 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1432,
CustomerName: `Mike Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `157 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 70162`,
Salesperson: `Martin Madison`,
OrderID: 1622,
OrderDate: `6/6/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Freight: 1660.73,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `157 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1433,
CustomerName: `Mike Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `159 Market Street, New York, USA, 50198`,
Salesperson: `Mike Smith`,
OrderID: 1961,
OrderDate: `9/7/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `159 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1434,
CustomerName: `Ben Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `109 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60160`,
Salesperson: `Mike Madison`,
OrderID: 1868,
OrderDate: `2/5/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Freight: 1640.46,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `109 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60160
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1435,
CustomerName: `Max Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `138 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80164`,
Salesperson: `Mike Smith`,
OrderID: 1223,
OrderDate: `7/4/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `138 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1436,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `164 Main Street, New York, USA, 90183`,
Salesperson: `James Watson`,
OrderID: 1766,
OrderDate: `7/14/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `164 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1437,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `187 Main Street, New York, USA, 80053`,
Salesperson: `Martin Watson`,
OrderID: 1602,
OrderDate: `12/25/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `187 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1438,
CustomerName: `Max Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `197 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 50076`,
Salesperson: `James Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1281,
OrderDate: `3/18/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `197 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1439,
CustomerName: `James Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `127 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90067`,
Salesperson: `James Madison`,
OrderID: 1736,
OrderDate: `2/4/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `West`,
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City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1440,
CustomerName: `Max Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `150 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90161`,
Salesperson: `Anna Watson`,
OrderID: 1683,
OrderDate: `5/15/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `150 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1441,
CustomerName: `Pamela Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `128 Market Street, Huston, USA, 70131`,
Salesperson: `Ben Smith`,
OrderID: 1652,
OrderDate: `11/16/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `128 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1442,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `151 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 70185`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Black`,
OrderID: 1385,
OrderDate: `6/12/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
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CustomerName: `Pamela Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `183 Wall Street, New York, USA, 60080`,
Salesperson: `Mike Madison`,
OrderID: 1158,
OrderDate: `3/11/2022`,
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CustomerName: `James Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `137 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80117`,
Salesperson: `Anna Black`,
OrderID: 1310,
OrderDate: `9/5/2022`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
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CustomerName: `Anna Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `158 Wall Street, New York, USA, 80138`,
Salesperson: `Martin Madison`,
OrderID: 1385,
OrderDate: `5/9/2022`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1446,
CustomerName: `Mike Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `145 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 70189`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jackson`,
OrderID: 1725,
OrderDate: `9/6/2022`,
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CustomerName: `Pamela Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `155 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 60114`,
Salesperson: `Martin Madison`,
OrderID: 1520,
OrderDate: `6/15/2022`,
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Address: `155 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1448,
CustomerName: `Max Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `184 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 80059`,
Salesperson: `Max Smith`,
OrderID: 1764,
OrderDate: `4/4/2022`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1449,
CustomerName: `Ben Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `195 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 80052`,
Salesperson: `Max Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1325,
OrderDate: `8/23/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Address: `195 Wall Street`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1450,
CustomerName: `Anna Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `168 Market Street, Miami, USA, 70196`,
Salesperson: `Martin Madison`,
OrderID: 1216,
OrderDate: `9/9/2022`,
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City: `Miami`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1451,
CustomerName: `Anna Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `196 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 70064`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Madison`,
OrderID: 1924,
OrderDate: `9/9/2022`,
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City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1452,
CustomerName: `Max Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `125 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 90158`,
Salesperson: `Martin Jackson`,
OrderID: 1952,
OrderDate: `8/23/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Address: `125 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1453,
CustomerName: `Ben Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `113 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50104`,
Salesperson: `Mike Black`,
OrderID: 1388,
OrderDate: `7/12/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1454,
CustomerName: `Nancy Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `176 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90069`,
Salesperson: `Max Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1197,
OrderDate: `9/3/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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City: `Philadelphia`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1455,
CustomerName: `Max Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `142 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50098`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Smith`,
OrderID: 1808,
OrderDate: `3/2/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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City: `Los Angeles`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1456,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `184 Main Street, New York, USA, 50125`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jackson`,
OrderID: 1098,
OrderDate: `9/11/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Address: `184 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1457,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `190 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 70130`,
Salesperson: `Max Madison`,
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OrderDate: `9/1/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `North East`,
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City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1458,
CustomerName: `Mike Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `121 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 70093`,
Salesperson: `James Black`,
OrderID: 1815,
OrderDate: `6/16/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `121 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1459,
CustomerName: `Nancy Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `111 Main Street, Huston, USA, 50082`,
Salesperson: `Max Black`,
OrderID: 1551,
OrderDate: `4/6/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `111 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1460,
CustomerName: `Max Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `128 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90155`,
Salesperson: `James Smith`,
OrderID: 1660,
OrderDate: `6/6/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `128 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1461,
CustomerName: `Mike Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `159 Main Street, Huston, USA, 60166`,
Salesperson: `Mike Black`,
OrderID: 1860,
OrderDate: `5/20/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `159 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1462,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `115 Market Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60171`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jackson`,
OrderID: 1312,
OrderDate: `9/12/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Freight: 470.8,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `115 Market Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1463,
CustomerName: `Nancy Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `184 Main Street, New York, USA, 80169`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Madison`,
OrderID: 1738,
OrderDate: `1/7/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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Region: `West`,
Address: `184 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipCountry: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1464,
CustomerName: `Ben Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `147 Main Street, Miami, USA, 60068`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Madison`,
OrderID: 1981,
OrderDate: `5/23/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `147 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1465,
CustomerName: `Ben Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `143 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 80182`,
Salesperson: `Anna Watson`,
OrderID: 1067,
OrderDate: `12/19/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `143 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1466,
CustomerName: `Max Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `170 Main Street, New York, USA, 60155`,
Salesperson: `James Jackson`,
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OrderDate: `9/2/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `170 Main Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1467,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `111 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60079`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1334,
OrderDate: `5/23/2022`,
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Quantity: 2,
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City: `Philadelphia`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1468,
CustomerName: `Anna Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `153 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 90056`,
Salesperson: `Anna Jackson`,
OrderID: 1230,
OrderDate: `4/15/2022`,
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Quantity: 5,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `153 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1469,
CustomerName: `Max Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `143 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50070`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Madison`,
OrderID: 1761,
OrderDate: `1/23/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `South East`,
Address: `143 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1470,
CustomerName: `Pamela Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `174 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 80126`,
Salesperson: `Martin Madison`,
OrderID: 1217,
OrderDate: `7/7/2022`,
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Quantity: 4,
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Region: `North East`,
Address: `174 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
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ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1471,
CustomerName: `Max Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `189 Wall Street, Los Angeles, USA, 60161`,
Salesperson: `Max Madison`,
OrderID: 1882,
OrderDate: `11/5/2022`,
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Quantity: 3,
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Region: `South East`,
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City: `Los Angeles`,
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ShipPostalCode: 50163,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1472,
CustomerName: `Max Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `193 Market Street, Huston, USA, 50163`,
Salesperson: `Mike Black`,
OrderID: 1855,
OrderDate: `5/3/2022`,
ProductID: 188,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 9860.59,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 49302.95,
Freight: 1610.59,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `193 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50163
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `128 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 60162,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1473,
CustomerName: `Max Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `128 Main Street, Miami, USA, 60162`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Black`,
OrderID: 1087,
OrderDate: `4/5/2022`,
ProductID: 166,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 12090.33,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 48361.32,
Freight: 1020.33,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `128 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60162
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `179 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 50104,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1474,
CustomerName: `Ben Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `179 Wall Street, New York, USA, 50104`,
Salesperson: `Martin Black`,
OrderID: 1121,
OrderDate: `12/2/2022`,
ProductID: 169,
ProductName: `IPad`,
UnitPrice: 18020.22,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 72080.88,
Freight: 830.22,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `179 Wall Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50104
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `168 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 60117,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1475,
CustomerName: `Martin Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `168 Market Street, Huston, USA, 60117`,
Salesperson: `James Madison`,
OrderID: 1965,
OrderDate: `10/17/2022`,
ProductID: 166,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 6770.39,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 33851.95,
Freight: 240.39,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `168 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60117
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Market`,
ShipAddress: `195 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 50103,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1476,
CustomerName: `Mike Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `195 Wall Street, Huston, USA, 50103`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jackson`,
OrderID: 1241,
OrderDate: `2/3/2022`,
ProductID: 159,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 14250.8,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 71254,
Freight: 1870.8,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `195 Wall Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50103
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Market`,
ShipAddress: `192 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 70069,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1477,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `192 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 70069`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Watson`,
OrderID: 1440,
OrderDate: `6/4/2022`,
ProductID: 191,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 23000.87,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 69002.61,
Freight: 1680.87,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `192 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70069
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Estate`,
ShipAddress: `139 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 50143,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1478,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `139 Wall Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50143`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Madison`,
OrderID: 1507,
OrderDate: `10/10/2022`,
ProductID: 176,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 25490.8,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 76472.4,
Freight: 830.8,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `139 Wall Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50143
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Estate`,
ShipAddress: `131 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 80108,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1479,
CustomerName: `Mike Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `131 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 80108`,
Salesperson: `Ben Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1702,
OrderDate: `10/16/2022`,
ProductID: 174,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 28620.58,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 114482.32,
Freight: 950.58,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `131 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80108
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Smith Estate`,
ShipAddress: `127 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 90097,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1480,
CustomerName: `James Smith`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Smith`,
CustomerAddress: `127 Market Street, Huston, USA, 90097`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Black`,
OrderID: 1875,
OrderDate: `7/24/2022`,
ProductID: 164,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 6750.85,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 13501.7,
Freight: 1160.85,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `127 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90097
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Home`,
ShipAddress: `190 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 70142,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1481,
CustomerName: `Pamela Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `190 Market Street, New York, USA, 70142`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Smith`,
OrderID: 1373,
OrderDate: `5/19/2022`,
ProductID: 108,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 17230.33,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 51690.99,
Freight: 1270.33,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `190 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70142
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Market`,
ShipAddress: `179 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 90146,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1482,
CustomerName: `Nancy Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `179 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 90146`,
Salesperson: `James Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1452,
OrderDate: `5/16/2022`,
ProductID: 170,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 8320.5,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 33282,
Freight: 510.5,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `179 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90146
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `183 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 90165,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1483,
CustomerName: `Anna Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `183 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 90165`,
Salesperson: `Max Watson`,
OrderID: 1835,
OrderDate: `9/8/2022`,
ProductID: 198,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 13800.6,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 41401.8,
Freight: 700.6,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `183 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90165
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `108 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 50151,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1484,
CustomerName: `Max Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Max`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `108 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 50151`,
Salesperson: `Mike Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1448,
OrderDate: `11/16/2022`,
ProductID: 103,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 21840.84,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 109204.2,
Freight: 1500.84,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `108 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50151
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Estate`,
ShipAddress: `150 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 80053,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1485,
CustomerName: `James Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `150 Market Street, New York, USA, 80053`,
Salesperson: `Anna Black`,
OrderID: 1160,
OrderDate: `6/7/2022`,
ProductID: 156,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 24480.65,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 48961.3,
Freight: 860.65,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `150 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80053
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Estate`,
ShipAddress: `121 Wall Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 50087,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1486,
CustomerName: `Mike Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `121 Wall Street, Miami, USA, 50087`,
Salesperson: `Anna Jackson`,
OrderID: 1277,
OrderDate: `8/16/2022`,
ProductID: 108,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 27370.31,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 54740.62,
Freight: 350.31,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `121 Wall Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50087
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `187 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 90094,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1487,
CustomerName: `Anna Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `187 Market Street, Miami, USA, 90094`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1895,
OrderDate: `7/18/2022`,
ProductID: 138,
ProductName: `IPad`,
UnitPrice: 15270.6,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 45811.8,
Freight: 1920.6,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `187 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90094
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Market`,
ShipAddress: `142 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Los Angeles`,
ShipPostalCode: 50160,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1488,
CustomerName: `Pamela Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `142 Main Street, Los Angeles, USA, 50160`,
Salesperson: `Max Smith`,
OrderID: 1559,
OrderDate: `11/2/2022`,
ProductID: 129,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 19940.22,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 99701.1,
Freight: 540.22,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `142 Main Street`,
City: `Los Angeles`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50160
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `190 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 60164,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1489,
CustomerName: `James Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `James`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `190 Market Street, Miami, USA, 60164`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jefferson`,
OrderID: 1144,
OrderDate: `5/7/2022`,
ProductID: 169,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 29010.82,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 116043.28,
Freight: 1870.82,
Discontinued: true,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `190 Market Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60164
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Market`,
ShipAddress: `180 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 70181,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1490,
CustomerName: `Ben Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `180 Main Street, Philadelphia, USA, 70181`,
Salesperson: `Ben Black`,
OrderID: 1396,
OrderDate: `2/24/2022`,
ProductID: 137,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 15420.8,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 61683.2,
Freight: 1870.8,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `180 Main Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70181
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Home`,
ShipAddress: `152 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Philadelphia`,
ShipPostalCode: 60139,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1491,
CustomerName: `Anna Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Anna`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `152 Market Street, Philadelphia, USA, 60139`,
Salesperson: `Mike Madison`,
OrderID: 1733,
OrderDate: `9/23/2022`,
ProductID: 117,
ProductName: `Mac Book Pro`,
UnitPrice: 26430.79,
Quantity: 5,
ExtendedPrice: 132153.95,
Freight: 270.79,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `152 Market Street`,
City: `Philadelphia`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60139
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Home`,
ShipAddress: `176 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 60072,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1492,
CustomerName: `Nancy Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Nancy`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `176 Main Street, Miami, USA, 60072`,
Salesperson: `Mike Black`,
OrderID: 1473,
OrderDate: `6/23/2022`,
ProductID: 175,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 18440.43,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 73761.72,
Freight: 1770.43,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `176 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60072
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Home`,
ShipAddress: `120 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 80161,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1493,
CustomerName: `Martin Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Martin`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `120 Main Street, Miami, USA, 80161`,
Salesperson: `Ben Watson`,
OrderID: 1674,
OrderDate: `5/1/2022`,
ProductID: 175,
ProductName: `Samsung Galaxy 22`,
UnitPrice: 23490.67,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 70472.01,
Freight: 820.67,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `120 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80161
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Black Estate`,
ShipAddress: `127 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Miami`,
ShipPostalCode: 90183,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1494,
CustomerName: `Ben Black`,
CustomerFirstName: `Ben`,
CustomerLastName: `Black`,
CustomerAddress: `127 Main Street, Miami, USA, 90183`,
Salesperson: `Pamela Smith`,
OrderID: 1279,
OrderDate: `2/9/2022`,
ProductID: 108,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 7560.83,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 30243.32,
Freight: 470.83,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `127 Main Street`,
City: `Miami`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 90183
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jackson Estate`,
ShipAddress: `129 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 50067,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `South East`,
ShipperName: `United Package`,
CustomerID: 1495,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jackson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jackson`,
CustomerAddress: `129 Market Street, New York, USA, 50067`,
Salesperson: `Nancy Jackson`,
OrderID: 1502,
OrderDate: `9/25/2022`,
ProductID: 175,
ProductName: `Samsung Note`,
UnitPrice: 24020.51,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 96082.04,
Freight: 1320.51,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `South East`,
Address: `129 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 50067
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Madison Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `118 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `New York`,
ShipPostalCode: 70088,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `West`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1496,
CustomerName: `Mike Madison`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Madison`,
CustomerAddress: `118 Market Street, New York, USA, 70088`,
Salesperson: `Anna Watson`,
OrderID: 1672,
OrderDate: `7/8/2022`,
ProductID: 178,
ProductName: `Mac Book Air`,
UnitPrice: 9150.21,
Quantity: 2,
ExtendedPrice: 18300.42,
Freight: 470.21,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `West`,
Address: `118 Market Street`,
City: `New York`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 70088
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Watson Townhouse`,
ShipAddress: `146 Main Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 60135,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Speedy Express`,
CustomerID: 1497,
CustomerName: `Mike Watson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Mike`,
CustomerLastName: `Watson`,
CustomerAddress: `146 Main Street, Huston, USA, 60135`,
Salesperson: `Anna Black`,
OrderID: 1449,
OrderDate: `4/4/2022`,
ProductID: 194,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 19390.48,
Quantity: 4,
ExtendedPrice: 77561.92,
Freight: 1350.48,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `146 Main Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 60135
new InvoicesDataItem(
ShipName: `Jefferson Home`,
ShipAddress: `146 Market Street`,
ShipCity: `Huston`,
ShipPostalCode: 80195,
ShipCountry: `USA`,
ShipRegion: `North East`,
ShipperName: `Federal Shipping`,
CustomerID: 1498,
CustomerName: `Pamela Jefferson`,
CustomerFirstName: `Pamela`,
CustomerLastName: `Jefferson`,
CustomerAddress: `146 Market Street, Huston, USA, 80195`,
Salesperson: `Ben Black`,
OrderID: 1100,
OrderDate: `7/1/2022`,
ProductID: 103,
ProductName: `IPhone`,
UnitPrice: 12430.89,
Quantity: 3,
ExtendedPrice: 37292.67,
Freight: 1060.89,
Discontinued: false,
Region: `North East`,
Address: `146 Market Street`,
City: `Huston`,
Country: `USA`,
PostalCode: 80195
tsimport { IgcPropertyEditorPanelModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-layouts';
import 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids/combined';
import { ComponentRenderer, PropertyEditorPanelDescriptionModule, WebGridDescriptionModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-core';
import { IgcPropertyEditorPanelComponent, IgcPropertyEditorPropertyDescriptionComponent } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-layouts';
import { IgcGridComponent, IgcGroupingExpression, SortingDirection, IgcColumnComponent, IgcColumnPipeArgs } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids';
import { InvoicesDataItem, InvoicesData } from './InvoicesData';
import "igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids/themes/light/bootstrap.css";
import 'igniteui-webcomponents/themes/light/bootstrap.css';
import { defineAllComponents } from 'igniteui-webcomponents';
import { ModuleManager } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-core';
import "./index.css";
export class Sample {
private propertyEditor: IgcPropertyEditorPanelComponent
private summaryCalcModeEditor: IgcPropertyEditorPropertyDescriptionComponent
private summaryPositionEditor: IgcPropertyEditorPropertyDescriptionComponent
private grid: IgcGridComponent
private _groupingExpression1: IgcGroupingExpression[] | null = null;
public get groupingExpression1(): IgcGroupingExpression[] {
if (this._groupingExpression1 == null)
let groupingExpression1: IgcGroupingExpression[] = [];
var groupingExpression2: IgcGroupingExpression = {} as IgcGroupingExpression;
groupingExpression2.dir = SortingDirection.Asc;
groupingExpression2.fieldName = "ShipCountry";
groupingExpression2.ignoreCase = false;
this._groupingExpression1 = groupingExpression1;
return this._groupingExpression1;
private column1: IgcColumnComponent
private _columnPipeArgs1: IgcColumnPipeArgs | null = null;
public get columnPipeArgs1(): IgcColumnPipeArgs {
if (this._columnPipeArgs1 == null)
var columnPipeArgs1: IgcColumnPipeArgs = {} as IgcColumnPipeArgs;
columnPipeArgs1.currencyCode = "USD";
columnPipeArgs1.digitsInfo = "1.2-2";
this._columnPipeArgs1 = columnPipeArgs1;
return this._columnPipeArgs1;
private _bind: () => void;
constructor() {
var propertyEditor = this.propertyEditor = document.getElementById('PropertyEditor') as IgcPropertyEditorPanelComponent;
var summaryCalcModeEditor = this.summaryCalcModeEditor = document.getElementById('SummaryCalcModeEditor') as IgcPropertyEditorPropertyDescriptionComponent;
var summaryPositionEditor = this.summaryPositionEditor = document.getElementById('SummaryPositionEditor') as IgcPropertyEditorPropertyDescriptionComponent;
var grid = this.grid = document.getElementById('grid') as IgcGridComponent;
var column1 = this.column1 = document.getElementById('column1') as IgcColumnComponent;
this._bind = () => {
propertyEditor.componentRenderer = this.renderer;
propertyEditor.target = this.grid;
grid.data = this.invoicesData;
grid.groupingExpressions = this.groupingExpression1;
column1.pipeArgs = this.columnPipeArgs1;
private _invoicesData: InvoicesData = null;
public get invoicesData(): InvoicesData {
if (this._invoicesData == null)
this._invoicesData = new InvoicesData();
return this._invoicesData;
private _componentRenderer: ComponentRenderer = null;
public get renderer(): ComponentRenderer {
if (this._componentRenderer == null) {
this._componentRenderer = new ComponentRenderer();
var context = this._componentRenderer.context;
return this._componentRenderer;
new Sample();
ts<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Sample | Ignite UI | Web Components | infragistics</title>
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<div id="root">
<div class="container sample ig-typography">
<div class="options vertical">
<div class="container fill">
header="Ship Country"
header="Ship City"
header="Unit Price"
<!-- This script is needed only for parcel and it will be excluded for webpack -->
<% if (false) { %><script src="src/index.ts"></script><% } %>
html/* shared styles are loaded from: */
/* https://static.infragistics.com/xplatform/css/samples */
#grid {
--ig-grid-summary-focus-background-color: rgba( #94d1f7, .3 );
--ig-grid-summary-label-color: rgb(228, 27, 117);
--ig-grid-summary-result-color: black;
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