Web Components Shape Styling Utility

    The resource topic provides implementation of an utility that helps with styling UI elements of IgcGeographicShapeSeriesComponent in Web Components IgcGeographicMapComponent component.

    Required Imports

    import { IgcGeographicShapeSeriesComponent } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-maps';
    import { Style } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-core';

    Utility Implementation

    export abstract class ShapeStyling {
      public defaultStroke = 'black';
      public defaultFill = 'gray';
      public defaultThickness = 0.5;
      public defaultOpacity = 1.0;
      public defaultStyle = new Style();
      constructor() {
        this.defaultStyle = new Style();
        this.defaultStyle.stroke = this.defaultStroke;
        this.defaultStyle.fill = this.defaultFill;
        this.defaultStyle.opacity = this.defaultOpacity;
        this.defaultStyle.strokeThickness = this.defaultThickness;
      public abstract generate(record: any): Style;
      public getValue(itemMemberPath: string, item: any): any {
        let itemValue = null;
        if (item.fieldValues !== undefined) { // .hasOwnProperty("fieldValues")) {
          if (item.fieldsNames.indexOf(itemMemberPath) >= 0) {
            itemValue = item.fieldValues[itemMemberPath];
          } else {
            console.log('WARNING: ShapefileRecord does not have ' + itemMemberPath + ' in fieldValues property');
        } else if (item.hasOwnProperty(itemMemberPath)) {
          itemValue = item[itemMemberPath];
        } else {
          console.log('WARNING: Shape data item does not have ' + itemMemberPath + ' property');
        return itemValue;
    export class ShapeRandomStyling extends ShapeStyling {
      public shapeThickness = 0.5;
      public shapeOpacity = 1.0;
      public shapeStrokeColors = ['black'];
      public shapeFillColors   = ['red', 'orange', 'yellow'];
      public styleMappings = new Map<string, Style>();
      public generate(record: any): Style {
        const id = record.fieldValues.Name || this.getRandomValue(0, 1000);
        if (this.styleMappings.has(id)) {
          return this.styleMappings.get(id);
        } else {
          const randStroke = this.getRandomItem(this.shapeStrokeColors);
          const randFill = this.getRandomItem(this.shapeFillColors);
          const shapeStyle = new Style();
          shapeStyle.stroke = this.shapeStrokeColors[randStroke];
          shapeStyle.fill = this.shapeFillColors[randFill];
          shapeStyle.opacity = this.shapeOpacity;
          shapeStyle.strokeThickness = this.shapeThickness;
          this.styleMappings.set(id, shapeStyle);
          return shapeStyle;
      public getRandomValue(min: number, max: number): number {
          return Math.round(min + (Math.random() * (max - min)));
      public getRandomItem(array: any[]): any {
        return this.getRandomValue(0, array.length - 1);
    export class ShapeRangeStyling extends ShapeStyling {
      public itemMemberPath = '';
      public ranges: ShapeRange[] = [];
      constructor() {
        this.ranges.push({ minimum: 0, maximum: 50, fill: 'yellow'} );
        this.ranges.push({ minimum: 0, maximum: 100, fill: 'red'} );
      public generate(record: any): Style {
        let itemValue = this.getValue(this.itemMemberPath, record);
        if (itemValue === null) {
          return this.defaultStyle;
        for (const range of this.ranges) {
          if (range.minimum <= itemValue && itemValue < range.maximum) {
            const shapeStyle = new Style();
            shapeStyle.opacity = range.opacity || this.defaultOpacity;
            shapeStyle.fill    = range.fill || this.defaultFill;
            shapeStyle.stroke  = range.stroke || this.defaultStroke;
            shapeStyle.strokeThickness = range.strokeThickness || this.defaultThickness;
            return shapeStyle;
        return this.defaultStyle;
    export class ShapeRange {
      public minimum: number;
      public maximum: number;
      public opacity?: number;
      public fill: string;
      public stroke?: string;
      public strokeThickness?: number;
    export class ShapeScaleStyling extends ShapeStyling {
      public shapeThickness = 0.5;
      public shapeOpacity = 1.0;
      public shapeStrokeColors = ['black'];
      public shapeFillColors   = ['red', 'orange', 'yellow'];
      public itemMemberPath = '';
      public itemMinimumValue = 0;
      public itemMaximumValue = 1000;
      public isLogarithmic = true;
      public generate(record: any): Style {
        let itemValue = this.getValue(this.itemMemberPath, record);
        if (itemValue === null) {
          return this.defaultStyle;
        let fillColor = this.defaultFill;
        let strokeColor = this.defaultStroke;
        let scaleValue = this.getScaledValue(itemValue);
        if (!Number.isNaN(scaleValue)) {
          let fillIndex = Math.round(scaleValue * (this.shapeFillColors.length - 1));
          let strokeIndex = Math.round(scaleValue * (this.shapeStrokeColors.length - 1));
          fillColor = this.shapeFillColors[fillIndex];
          strokeColor = this.shapeStrokeColors[strokeIndex];
        const shapeStyle = new Style();
        shapeStyle.fill = fillColor;
        shapeStyle.stroke  = strokeColor;
        shapeStyle.strokeThickness = this.shapeThickness;
        shapeStyle.opacity = this.shapeOpacity;
        return shapeStyle;
      public getScaledValue(value: number): number {
          if (!Number.isFinite(value) || Number.isNaN(value)) { return Number.NaN; }
          let min = !Number.isFinite(this.itemMinimumValue) || Number.isNaN(this.itemMinimumValue) ? 0 : this.itemMinimumValue;
          let max = !Number.isFinite(this.itemMaximumValue) || Number.isNaN(this.itemMaximumValue) ? 1000 : this.itemMaximumValue;
          if (value < min || value > max) { return Number.NaN; }
          if (this.isLogarithmic) {
            return this.getLogarithmicValue(min, max, value);
          } else {
            return this.getLinearValue(min, max, value);
      public getLogarithmicValue(min: number, max: number, value: number) {
          if (!Number.isFinite(value)) { return Number.NaN; }
          let newMin = Math.log10(min);
          let newMax = Math.log10(max);
          let newVal = Math.log10(value);
          if (!Number.isFinite(newMin)) { newMin = 0.0; }
          if (!Number.isFinite(newMax)) { newMax = 1000; }
          if (newVal < 0) { newVal = 0.0; }
          return this.getLinearValue(newMin, newMax, newVal);
      public getLinearValue(min: number, max: number, value: number) {
          if (!Number.isFinite(value)) { return Number.NaN; }
          // if the value is outside the range
          if (value < min || value > max) { return Number.NaN; }
          let scaledValue = (value - min) / (max - min);
          return scaledValue;
    export class ShapeComparisonStyling extends ShapeStyling {
      public itemMemberPath = '';
      public itemMappings: ShapeComparison[] = [];
      public generate(record: any): Style {
        let itemValue = this.getValue(this.itemMemberPath, record);
        if (itemValue === null || itemValue === "") {
          return this.defaultStyle;
        for (const mapping of this.itemMappings) {
          if (mapping.itemValue === itemValue) {
            const shapeStyle = new Style();
            shapeStyle.opacity = mapping.opacity || this.defaultOpacity;
            shapeStyle.fill    = mapping.fill || this.defaultFill;
            shapeStyle.stroke  = mapping.stroke || this.defaultStroke;
            shapeStyle.strokeThickness = mapping.strokeThickness || this.defaultThickness;
            return shapeStyle;
        return this.defaultStyle;
    export class ShapeComparison {
      public itemValue: string;
      public opacity?: number;
      public fill: string;
      public stroke?: string;
      public strokeThickness?: number;
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