Windows Forms Desktop Alert
Stand out with pop-up “toaster” messages that are popular in many instant messaging and social media applications.
Download Windows Forms SamplesPopular Styles and Behaviors Built-In
Set the Style property to instantly obtain the default appearance and behavior of desktop alert windows for Windows Live Messenger or Outlook styles.
Animation As You Like It
The desktop alert window can slide into view from any of eight different directions. Control its opacity, and set it to slowly materialize and then fade away.
Formattable Text and Hyperlinks
The familiar FormattedTextUIElement from the PLF™ allows for richly- formatted text that can serve as a hyperlink.
Alert Buttons
Add alert buttons to a tool bar in the desktop alert window that can be associated with application-specific functions.
Play .WAV Sound Files
Associate any .WAV sound clip to play when the alert appears within the desktop alert window.