
Project Configuration Overview

Topic Overview


This topic gives an overview of the xamGantt™ Project class and its configurable aspects.

Required background

The following topics are prerequisites to understanding this topic:

Topic Purpose

This topic describes basic conceptual information about xamGantt, project, tasks and other xamGantt elements.

This group of topics describes the xamGantt control in details.


Project class summary

The Project class is the xamGantt control’s the primary class.

It manages the data for the project which includes:

  • tasks

  • resources

  • calendars

It has a built-in scheduling engine similar to Microsoft’s Project 2010 engine that adjusts the dates of tasks based on their constraints, deadline, predecessors and successors.

Project Configuration Properties Summary

Project configuration properties summary chart

The following table lists some of the main configurable aspects of the xamGantt Project.

Configurable aspect Details Property

Getting or setting the calendar associated with the project by its unique id

Identifies or modifies ProjectCalendar associated with the project by id.

Getting the calendars associated with the project

Identifies the collection of ProjectCalendar objects associated with the project.

Getting or setting the finish date for a project in Coordinated Universal Time(UTC)

Identifies or modifies the project finish date in UTC.

If the scheduling of the project is from its finish date you must set the project finish date.

The project finish date is a read-only calculated value when scheduling the project from its start date.

Getting or setting whether the project is calculated from a start or from a finish date

Identifies or modifies whether the project’s calculations are from the start date.

Getting the resources associated with the project

Identifies the project’s collection of associated ProjectResource objects.

Getting the project root summary task

Identifies the project’s root task.

Configuring various project settings

Configures the project settings.

Getting or setting the start date for a project in Coordinated Universal Time(UTC)

Identifies or modifies the project’s start date in UTC.

If the scheduling of the project is from its start date you must set the project start date.

The project start date is a read-only calculated value when scheduling the project from its finish date.

Getting or setting the default settings for all tasks within the project

Configures project’s default tasks settings.

Project Configuration Methods Summary

Project configuration methods summary chart

The following table lists some of the main methods of the xamGantt Project.

Configurable aspect Details Method

Notifying about the beginning of loading data

Notifies the project that a batch initialization/update will be performed.

Scheduling the project explicitly when suspending automatic calculations

Calculates the schedule for the tasks in the project.

Notifying about the end of loading data

Notifies the project when performing either a batch initialization or update.

Getting local date properties

Returns the local time for the specified date property relative to the specified time zone.

Setting local date properties

Sets the local time for the specified date property relative to the specified time zone.

Related Content


The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

Topic Purpose

This topic explains how the xamGantt control calculates the project’s and tasks’ dates based upon the project’s start or finish date.

This topic explains how to calculate a project explicitly using the xamGantt control.