
Scheduling a Project from Start or Finish Date

Topic Overview


This topic explains how the xamGantt™ control calculates the project’s and tasks’ dates based upon the project’s start or finish date.

Required background

The following topics are prerequisites to understanding this topic:

Topic Purpose

This topic describes how the xamGantt control is bound to an arbitrary tasks collection via ListBackedProject.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:

Scheduling a Project from a Start or Finish Date


By default, project scheduling using the xamGantt control begins with its start date. In this case, the scheduling engine calculates the tasks dates as well as the project finish date according to the project start date.

In case with a specified project finish date, configures the engine to calculate the tasks dates and the project start date according to the project’s finish date.

To achieve this, set the Project IsScheduledFromStart property to false and the Project Finish property to the finish date of type DateTime.


The scheduling from a project start or project finish date determines the default constraint type of the newly inserted tasks through the xamGantt control user interface.

If scheduling a project from its start date - the newly created tasks have constraint type = AsSoonAsPossible

If scheduling a project from its finish date - the newly created tasks have constraint type = AsLateAsPossible

The change in the scheduling mode affects the constraints of the existing summary tasks if their constraint type is invalid. This means that the, As Soon As Possible constraint is an invalid summary constraint in projects with their schedule based upon the finish and As Late as Possible constraints, which are invalid for projects scheduled from the start.

Property settings

The following table maps the desired configuration to property settings.

In order to: Use this property: And set it to:

Schedule the project from its start date


DateTime value

Schedule the project from its finish date


DateTime value


The example below demonstrates how to schedule a project from its finish date:


<ig:ListBackedProject x:Name="dataProvider"
                      TaskItemsSource="{Binding Tasks}"

Related Topics

The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

Topic Purpose

This topic gives an overview of the xamGantt Project class and its configurable aspects.

This topic explains how a project is explicitly calculated in the xamGantt control.