| Name | Description |
| ActualPosition | Gets or sets the actual position of the field in the arrangement of fields in the field layout. |
| AllowCellVirtualizationResolved | Determines if the cell uielement creation will be deferred until the cell is brought into view (read-only). |
| AllowFixing | Determines if the end user should be allowed to change the fixed state of the field and to which edges the field may be fixed. |
| AllowFixingResolved | Returns the resolved value indicating whether a field's FixedLocation may be changed and to which edge the field may be fixed. |
| AllowHiding | Specifies whether the user can show or hide a field. It also controls whether the field is displayed in the field chooser control. |
| AllowHidingResolved | Gets the resolved value of FieldSettings.AllowHiding property. |
| AllowLabelVirtualizationResolved | Determines if the LabelPresenter creation will be deferred until the label is brought into view (read-only). |
| AllowResize | Determines if the user can resize a cell or label in a FieldItem |
| AllowResizeResolved | Determines if the user can resize a cell or label in a FieldItem |
| CellContentAlignmentResolved | Gets the resolved relative position of the label to its field (read-only) |
| Column | The column in the grid in the Owner's generated template and optionally its FieldLayout.HeaderAreaTemplate where this Fields cells and labels should be placed. |
| ColumnSpan | Determines how many logical columns this Field's cells span in the layout |
| DependencyObjectType | Gets the System.Windows.DependencyObjectType that wraps the CLR type of this instance. (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject) |
| Dispatcher | Gets the System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher this System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherObject is associated with. (Inherited from System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherObject) |
| FixedButtonVisibility | Returns a value indicating if the fixed button should be visibility for the field. |
| FixedLocation | Indicates whether the field should be fixed and if so to which edge. |
| HasLabel | Returns true if Label property is set to a value other than null or an empty string. |
| Height | Returns or sets a FieldLength instance that represents the height of the field. |
| IsFixed | Returns a boolean indicating if the field is fixed based on the FixedLocation and whether the current view supports fixing fields. |
| IsFixedStateChanging | Returns a boolean indicating that the fixed state of the field will be changing. |
| IsSealed | Gets a value that indicates whether this instance is currently sealed (read-only). (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject) |
| IsVisibleWhenParentGroupIsCollapsed | Determines if this FieldItem is visible when its ParentFieldGroup's IsCollapsed property is true. |
| Label | The label for the Field |
| LabelHeightResolved | The resolved height for this field's labels in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) |
| LabelMaxHeightResolved | The resolved maximum height for this field's labels in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) |
| LabelMaxWidthResolved | The resolved maximum width for this field's labels in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) |
| LabelMinHeightResolved | The resolved minimum height for this field's labels in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) |
| LabelMinWidthResolved | The resolved minimum width for this field's labels in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) |
| LabelTextAlignment | Determines how text is aligned within the LabelPresenter. |
| LabelTextAlignmentResolved | Gets the resolved text alignment setting of the label to this field (read-only) |
| LabelTextTrimming | Determines how text is trimmed within the LabelPresenter if there isn't enough space to display it entirely. |
| LabelTextTrimmingResolved | Gets the resolved text trimming setting of the label to this field (read-only) |
| LabelTextWrapping | Determines whether text is wrapped within the LabelPresenter if there isn't enough width to display it on a single line. |
| LabelTextWrappingResolved | Gets the resolved wrapping setting of the label to its field (read-only) |
| LabelWidthResolved | The resolved width for this field's labels in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) |
| Name | The name of the Field which is used as its key into the FieldCollection. |
| OverallLabelPosition | After a layout pass has completed this will return the resolved positon of the label for this item. |
| Owner | Returns the FieldLayout that owns this field |
| ParentFieldGroup | Returns the parent, i.e. owning group or null if this is a top level Field or FieldGroup |
| Row | The row in the grid in the Owner's generated cell area template and optionally its FieldLayout.HeaderAreaTemplate where this Fields cells and labels should be placed. |
| RowSpan | Determines how many logical rows this FieldItem's cells span in the layout |
| Tag | Gets or sets an arbitrary object value that can be used to store custom information about this object. |
| ToolTip | Specifies the tooltip for the field. It's displayed when the user hovers the mouse over the field label. |
| Visibility | Gets/sets whether this field will be visible. |
| VisibilityResolved | Gets the resolved visibility for this field. |
| Width | Returns or sets a FieldLength instance that represents the width of the field. |