| Class | Description |
| AverageSummaryCalculator | Summary calculator for calculating the average. |
| CardHeaderPresenter | An element used to represent the header area of a CardViewCard |
| CardView | A ViewBase dervied class that implements a custom card style view. |
| CardViewCard | Content control derived class used by the XamDataCards (and XamDataPresenter's CardView) to serve as a container (wrapper) for each item in the list. |
| CardViewFieldLayoutTemplateGenerator | Initializes a field layout's settings for a gridview presentation |
| CardViewPanel | A Infragistics.Windows.Virtualization.RecyclingItemsPanel derived class that wraps and arranges items in an array of CardViewCard elements that are organized into rows and columns. |
| CardViewSettings | An object that exposes properties for controlling the features supported by the CardView. The CardView object is used by XamDataCards control and XamDataPresenter |
| CarouselBreadcrumb | Represents an individual item in the stack of items maintained by the CarouselBreadcrumbControl control. |
| CarouselBreadcrumbCollection | A read only collection of CarouselBreadcrumbs contained in a CarouselBreadcrumbControl. |
| CarouselBreadcrumbControl | A control used by the XamDataCarousel and XamDataPresenter to display a collection of CarouselBreadcrumb objects that represent the trail of parent DataRecords during hierarchy navigation. |
| CarouselItem | Infragistics.Windows.Controls.CarouselListBoxItem derived class used by the XamDataCarousel (and XamDataPresenter's CarouselView) to serve as a container (wrapper) for each item in the list. |
| CarouselView | ViewBase derived class that defines settings and defaults for a view that arranges data along a user defined path. |
| CarouselViewPanel | A Infragistics.Windows.Controls.XamCarouselPanel derived class for use in the XamDataCarousel and XamDataPresenter's CarouselView. This derived panel adds support for XamDataPresenter navigation commands, hierarchical data display and the CarouselBreadcrumb control. |
| Cell | Class used by the to represent the value of a specific Field of a specific DataRecord. |
| CellBinding | Used to specify a binding to a property on a CellValuePresenter or Infragistics.Windows.Editors.ValueEditor in a specific Field |
| CellBindingCollection | A collection of CellBinding objects |
| CellCollection | A collection of Cells exposed off a DataRecord |
| CellPlaceholder | For internal use only |
| CellPresenter | A control used to display a cell Cell.Value and/or FieldItem.Label. This control is automatically generated by the DataPresenterBase to display the value and/or label for a particular Field in a particular DataRecord. |
| CellPresenterBase | Base class for a cell within the DataPresenterBase that will contain a CellPresenterLayoutElementBase to position its label and/or value. |
| CellPresenterLayoutElement | An element used in the visual tree of the CellPresenter control to arrange a CellValuePresenter element and/or a LabelPresenter element based on the LabelLocation in effect for the cell. |
| CellPresenterLayoutElementBase | Base class for an element used in the visual tree of a cell to arrange label and the cell content. |
| CellValueHolder | A class that contains information representing a cell value. |
| CellValueHolderCollection | Collection of CellValueHolder instances |
| CellValuePresenter | An element used to display the value of a Cell. |
| CheckBoxField | Field that by default uses a Infragistics.Windows.Editors.XamCheckEditor in each associated cell. |
| ComboBoxField | Field that by default uses a Infragistics.Windows.Editors.XamComboEditor in each associated cell. |
| ConditionFilterCommand | Custom record filter command that uses the specified Condition to update the record filter for a given Field and RecordManager |
| CountSummaryCalculator | Summary calculator for counting number of data items. |
| CrossFieldRecordFilter | Defines an Operator and Operand relating to a specific field. |
| CrossFieldRecordFilterBase | Abstract base class for CrossFieldRecordFilter and CrossFieldRecordFilterGroup |
| CrossFieldRecordFilterCollection | Collection of CrossFieldRecordFilterBase instances exposed off by the CrossFieldRecordFilterGroup.Filters property. |
| CrossFieldRecordFilterGroup | Represents a group of CrossFieldRecordFilterBases that are evalulated using the specified LogicalOperator |
| CurrencyField | Field that by default uses a Infragistics.Windows.Editors.XamNumericEditor in each associated cell. |
| CustomFilterSelectionControl | Provides a custom filtering UI that allows the user to specify multiple filter conditions for a single Field |
| DataItemPresenter | Abstract base class for CellPresenter and LabelPresenter |
| DataPresenterBase | Base class for the XamDataGrid, XamDataCarousel and XamDataPresenter controls. |
| DataPresenterBase.DataItemsCollection | Class used to hold data items for a DataPresenterBase |
| DataPresenterBase.SelectedItemHolder | Object used to hold a DataPresenterBase's selected Records, Fields and Cells |
| DataPresenterBrushKeys | Static class that exposes the resource keys used by the datapresenter elements. |
| DataPresenterCommands | Provides the list of RoutedCommands supported by the DataPresenterBase. |
| DataRecord | Used by a XamDataGrid, XamDataCarousel or XamDataPresenter to represent an item in the DataSource. |
| DataRecordCellArea | A control that sits within a DataRecordPresenter control and contains the record's cells. It is used primarily for styling the area around the cells. |
| DataRecordCollection | A collection of Records used by the DataPresenterBase control |
| DataRecordPresenter | An element that represents a DataRecord in the UI of a XamDataGrid, XamDataCarousel or XamDataPresenter. |
| DataValueInfo | Class used to hold information about a Cell value change. |
| DateTimeField | Field that by default uses a Infragistics.Windows.Editors.XamDateTimeEditor in each associated cell. |
| ExcelStyleFilterButton | Used for displaying a filter button, that has an ExcelStyle filter drop down, inside each field's FilterCell. |
| ExpandableFieldRecord | Used by a XamDataGrid, XamDataCarousel or XamDataPresenter to represent the child records of a DataRecord from an expandable field. |
| ExpandableFieldRecordCollection | A collection of Records used by the DataPresenterBase control |
| ExpandableFieldRecordPresenter | An element that represents an ExpandableFieldRecord in the UI of a XamDataGrid, XamDataCarousel or XamDataPresenter. |
| ExpandedCellPresenter | An element used to display the value of an ExpandableFieldRecord (that does not contain a list of items) when it is expanded. |
| ExportInfo | Object used to provide information about an export operation |
| Field | Used in a FieldLayout's FieldLayout.Fields collection to define the layout of a single field |
| FieldBinding | Custom markup extension for binding to properties exposed off Field, FieldLayout, FieldSettings and FieldLayoutSettings objects |
| FieldChooser | A control that allows the user to customize which fields are displayed in the data presenter. |
| FieldChooserCommands | Provides the list of RoutedCommands supported by the FieldChooser. |
| FieldChooserEntry | Represents a field in a FieldChooser. |
| FieldChooserFilter | Used for specifying a group of fields. |
| FieldChooserGroup | A class that represents an entry in the field-group selector's drop-down list in the FieldChooser. |
| FieldCollection | A collection of Field objects |
| FieldDragIndicator | This control is used for displaying drag indicator when a field is being dragged. |
| FieldGroup | Represents a group of fields that can be moved together. |
| FieldGroupLabelPresenter | An element used to display the Label of a FieldGroup. |
| FieldItem | Abstract base class for Field and FieldGroup |
| FieldItemCollection | A collection of Fields and FieldGroups/> |
| FieldLayout | Used in a DataPresenterBase to define the layout of Fields for one or more items. |
| FieldLayoutCollection | A collection of FieldLayout objects |
| FieldLayoutGroupByInfo | A control used inside the GroupByAreaMulti in a XamDataPresenter, XamDataGrid or XamDataCarousel that presents a UI for performing Outlook style Grouping for a specific FieldLayouts. |
| FieldLayoutGroupByInfoCollection | A read-only collection of FieldLayoutGroupByInfos for use in the GroupByAreaMulti. |
| FieldLayoutSettings | Used in a DataPresenterBase derived control to specify settings to apply to one or more FieldLayouts. |
| FieldLayoutTemplateGenerator | Base class for initializing a field layout's settings |
| FieldLengthConverter | Converts FieldLength instances to and from other types. |
| FieldMenuDataItem | ViewModel object that represents a menu item. |
| FieldMenuItem | Custom menu item for use with a FieldMenuDataItem |
| FieldSettings | Used by a DataPresenterBase to specify settings for Fields. |
| FieldSortDescription | Specifies how a field is sorted and optionally grouped |
| FieldSortDescriptionCollection | A collection of FieldSortDescription objects |
| FilterButton | Used for displaying a filter button inside each field's label. |
| FilterButtonBase | Used for displaying a filter button inside each field's label. |
| FilterCell | Class used to represent a cell in the FilterRecord. |
| FilterCellCollection | A collection of FilterCell objects exposed off a FilterRecord via its 'Cells' property. |
| FilterCellValuePresenter | Element that represents a FilterCell. |
| FilterDropDownItem | Represents an entry in the filter drop-down list. |
| FilterRecord | A filter record lets the user filter data records by specifying filter criteria for one or more fields. |
| FixedFieldButton | A custom element used to provide UI within a LabelPresenter for changing the FieldItem.FixedLocation of a field. |
| FixedFieldSplitter | Indicator used within the VirtualizingDataRecordCellPanel to change the FieldItem.FixedLocation of the fields. |
| FixedRecordButton | A custom element used to provide UI within a RecordPresenter for changing the Record.FixedLocation of a record. |
| GridView | ViewBase derived class that defines settings and defaults for a view that arranges data using a classic grid layout. The GridView object is used by XamDataGrid and XamDataPresenter |
| GridViewBase | Abstract base class for GridView and TreeView |
| GridViewFieldLayoutTemplateGenerator | Initializes a field layout's settings for a gridview presentation |
| GridViewPanel | A Infragistics.Windows.Virtualization.RecyclingItemsPanel derived abtract base class used by the DataPresenterBase derived controls such as XamDataGrid and XamDataPresenter to arrange RecordPresenter instances in a tabular fashion, either horizontally or vertically. |
| GridViewPanelAdorner | The Adorner created by the GridViewPanel and used to hold various elements such as RecordPresenters for displaying Headers. |
| GridViewPanelFlat | A GridViewPanel derived class used by the DataPresenterBase derived controls such as XamDataGrid and XamDataPresenter to arrange RecordPresenter instances in a tabular fashion, either horizontally or vertically. The GridViewPanelFlat displays hierarchical data directly with a single instance. |
| GridViewPanelNested | A GridViewPanel derived class used by the DataPresenterBase derived controls such as XamDataGrid and XamDataPresenter to arrange RecordPresenter instances in a tabular fashion, either horizontally or vertically. The GridViewPanelNested supports nesting to display hierarchical data and a single unified scrolling capability for all nested panels. |
| GridViewSettings | An object that exposes properties for controlling the features supported by the GridView. The GridView object is used by XamDataGrid and XamDataPresenter |
| GridViewSettingsBase | Abstract base class for GridViewSettings and TreeViewSettings |
| GroupByArea | A control used by the XamDataPresenter, XamDataGrid and XamDataCarousel for managing and displaying a list of fields that are available for grouping and a list of fields that are already grouped. It also provides support for managing the contents of the lists as fields are dragged and dropped between the lists. |
| GroupByAreaBase | The abstract base class for GroupByArea and GroupByAreaMulti used by the XamDataPresenter, XamDataGrid and XamDataCarousel for managing and displaying grouped by fields. |
| GroupByAreaFieldLabel | Used to represent a Field in the group by area. |
| GroupByAreaFieldLabelCollection | A read-only collection of GroupByAreaFieldLabels |
| GroupByAreaFieldListBox | A System.Windows.Controls.ListBox that contains the collection of GroupByArea.AvailableFieldLabels or GroupByArea.GroupedFieldLabels for the GroupByArea of a DataPresenterBase derived control such as XamDataGrid, XamDataCarousel or XamDataPresenter. |
| GroupByAreaMulti | A control used by the XamDataPresenter, XamDataGrid and XamDataCarousel that presents a UI for performing Outlook style Grouping across multiple FieldLayouts. |
| GroupByAreaMultiPanel | A panel used to position FieldLayoutGroupByInfo objects or LabelPresenters representing Fields inside a GroupByAreaMulti |
| GroupByFieldCollection | A read-only collection of all Fields that a specific FieldLayout is grouped by. |
| GroupByRecord | Used by a XamDataGrid, XamDataCarousel or XamDataPresenter to represent a grouping of records. |
| GroupByRecordCollection | A collection of GroupByRecords used by the DataPresenterBase control |
| GroupByRecordPresenter | An element that represents a GroupByRecord in the UI of a XamDataGrid, XamDataCarousel or XamDataPresenter. |
| GroupBySummariesPresenter | Element used for displaying summaries inside group-by records. |
| HeaderedGridViewFieldLayoutTemplateGenerator | Initializes a field layout's settings for a gridview presentation that has a separate header |
| HeaderLabelArea | A control that contains one or more LabelPresenter instances (i.e. column headers) in the DataPresenterBase derived controls that display a separate header area such as in XamDataGrid. It is used primarily for styling the area around the LabelPresenters. |
| HeaderPrefixArea | A control that is placed in the header area and sized to match the dimensions of the RecordSelectors so that the LabelPresenters in the HeaderLabelArea line up with the cells in each record. |
| HeaderPresenter | A control that contains all the elements that make up the header area in the DataPresenterBase controls that display a separate header area such as in XamDataGrid. The HeaderPresenter contains the HeaderPrefixArea and HeaderLabelArea controls. It is used primarily for styling the outermost portion of the header area. |
| HeaderRecord | A record that displays field labels. |
| ImageField | A field that displays an image when bound to data that contains an ImageSource, an image byte array, a Uri or a string that represents a properly formatted Uri. |
| LabelPresenter | An element used to display the Label of a Field. |
| MaskedTextField | Field that by default uses a Infragistics.Windows.Editors.XamMaskedEditor in each associated cell. |
| MaximumSummaryCalculator | Summary calculator for calculating the maximum. |
| MergedCellPresenter | An element that represents a merged cell, i.e. a cell that spans multiple sibling DataRecords for a specific Field that have the same value to display. |
| MinimumSummaryCalculator | Summary calculator for calculating the total. |
| NumericField | Field that by default uses a Infragistics.Windows.Editors.XamNumericEditor in each associated cell. |
| ProcessRecordParams | A class providing various options for controlling the exporting of a Record through the IDataPresenterExporter.ProcessRecord method. |
| Record | Abstract base class used by a XamDataGrid, XamDataCarousel or XamDataPresenter to represent a record |
| RecordCellAreaBase | Base class for the DataRecordCellArea, HeaderLabelArea and SummaryRecordContentArea |
| RecordCollection | A collection of Records used by the DataPresenterBase control |
| RecordCollectionBase | An abstract base collection of Records used by the DataPresenterBase control |
| RecordExportCancellationInfo | Used to provide additional information to the exporter about how the operation was cancelled. |
| RecordExportStatusControl | Custom element used to provide status information about a DataPresenterBase asynchronous export that is in progress. |
| RecordFilter | RecordFilter contains filter criteria information that will be used to filter data records. |
| RecordFilterActionTypeConverter | TypeConveter for RecordFilterAction that strips out the obsoleted 'None' value from the StandardValuesCollection. |
| RecordFilterCollection | A collection of RecordFilter objects. |
| RecordFilterCommandBase | Base class for a command that updates the RecordFilter of a given Field and RecordManager |
| RecordFilterFieldInfo | Custom class that exposes the Field and RecordManager associated with a given LabelPresenter |
| RecordFilterTreeControl | Custom control used to display the available filtered cell values for a given field |
| RecordFilterTreeItem | Object that represents an item in the tree containing the list of unique values. |
| RecordListControl | This is an ItemsControl that is created internally by a DataPresenterBase to hold a list of sibling Records |
| RecordManager | Used by DataPresenterBase to manage the root record collection and by ExpandableFieldRecord to manage its child records. |
| RecordPrefixArea | A base class for HeaderPrefixArea and SummaryRecordPrefixArea controls. Used by records that do not display record selectors to occupy the area where record selecotrs would go. |
| RecordPresenter | Base class used to represent a Record in a XamDataGrid, XamDataCarousel or XamDataPresenter. |
| RecordScrollTip | ToolTip class used to display information about the top record when DataPresenterBase.ScrollingMode is set to DeferredWithScrollTips. |
| RecordScrollTipInfo | Represents the hierarchy of information |
| RecordSelector | A control used inside a DataRecordPresenter to provide a UI for selecting a record. |
| RecordSelectorNumber | A control used inside a RecordSelector to display a record's number. |
| ReportViewBase | Abstract base class for all report views in DataPresenterBase derived controls. |
| Resources | Exposes a Infragistics.Shared.ResourceCustomizer instance for this assembly. |
| ResourcesDataPresenter | Exposes the Infragistics.Shared.DynamicResourceString instances used in the assembly. |
| RoutedEventWrapper | Holds a reference to a routed events. |
| SelectedCellCollection | Collection of selected Cells |
| SelectedFieldCollection | Collection of selected Fields |
| SelectedItemCollectionBase | Abstract base class for the SelectedRecordCollection, SelectedFieldCollection and SelectedCellCollections. |
| SelectedRecordCollection | Collection of selected Records |
| SpecialFilterOperandCommand | Custom record filter command that creates a Infragistics.Windows.Controls.ComparisonCondition for a given registered Infragistics.Windows.Controls.SpecialFilterOperandBase |
| SpecialRecordOrder | Object used to specify the FieldLayoutSettings' FieldLayoutSettings.SpecialRecordOrder property. |
| SummaryButton | Used for displaying summary button inside each field's label. When a summary button is clicked upon, a user interface for selecting summary calculations for the field is displayed. |
| SummaryCalculator | Represents a summary calculator. It contains logic for calculating summary of data. |
| SummaryCalculator.SummaryCalculatorConverter | Converter class that uses registered calculators collection to convert between calculator's name and other way around. |
| SummaryCalculatorHolder | This class is used by the SummaryCalculatorSelectionControl. |
| SummaryCalculatorSelectionControl | Control for displaying the user interface for selecting summary calculation type. |
| SummaryCellPresenter | Represents a summary cell inside a SummaryRecordPresenter. |
| SummaryCellPresenterLayoutElement | An element used in the visual tree of the CellPresenter control to arrange a CellValuePresenter element and/or a LabelPresenter element based on the LabelLocation in effect for the cell. |
| SummaryDefinition | Describes a summary to calculate. |
| SummaryDefinitionCollection | A collection of SummaryDefinition objects. |
| SummaryRecord | Summary record displays summary results. |
| SummaryRecordCellArea | Element inside SummaryRecordContentArea that contains summaries that are aligned with fields. |
| SummaryRecordContentArea | Element inside SummaryRecordPresenter that contains SummaryRecordHeaderPresenter, SummaryRecordCellArea and also free-form summaries. |
| SummaryRecordHeaderPresenter | Element that represents the header of a SummaryRecord. |
| SummaryRecordPrefixArea | A control that is placed in the summary record and sized to match the dimensions of the RecordSelectors so that the summary results line up with the cells in data records. |
| SummaryRecordPresenter | Element that represents a SummaryRecord. |
| SummaryResult | SummaryResult object holds result of a summary calculation. |
| SummaryResultCollection | A collection of SummaryResult objects. |
| SummaryResultEntry | Used by the SummaryResultsPresenter.SummaryResultEntries property. |
| SummaryResultPresenter | Represents a summary result inside a SummaryCellPresenter. |
| SummaryResultsPresenter | SummaryResultsPresenter displays one or more summary results. |
| SumSummaryCalculator | Summary calculator for calculating the total. |
| TabularReportView | A report view that prints the contents of a DataPresenterBase derived control in a tabular format. |
| TabularReportViewPanel | Panel responsible for laying out records in a tabular arrangment on behalf of a TabularReportView. |
| TabularReportViewPanelBase | Abstract base class for TabularReportViewPanel and TreeReportViewPanel |
| TemplateField | Field that by default uses a Infragistics.Windows.Editors.TemplateEditor in each associated cell. |
| TextAlignmentToHorizontalAlignmentConverter | Value converter for converting a System.Windows.TextAlignment to a System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment that is used by the LabelPresenter to correctly align the label text and SortIndicator based on the Field's LabelTextAlignment setting. |
| TextField | Field that by default uses a Infragistics.Windows.Editors.XamTextEditor in each associated cell. |
| TextFieldBase | Abstract base class for TextField, MaskedTextField and ComboBoxField |
| TreeCellValuePresenter | An element used when in TreeView to display the value of a Cell in a tree field with an expansion indicator, indented appropriately. |
| TreeReportView | A report view that prints the contents of a DataPresenterBase derived control in a tree format. |
| TreeReportViewPanel | Panel responsible for laying out records in a tree arrangment on behalf of a TreeReportView. |
| TreeView | ViewBase derived class that defines settings and defaults for a view that arranges data using a classic grid layout. The TreeView object is used by XamDataGrid and XamDataPresenter |
| TreeViewPanel | A GridViewPanelFlat derived class used by the DataPresenterBase derived controls such as XamTreeGrid and XamDataPresenter to arrange RecordPresenter instances in a tabular fashion with a single set of headers. |
| TreeViewSettings | An object that exposes properties for controlling the features supported by the TreeView. The TreeView object is used by XamTreeGrid and XamDataPresenter |
| UnboundCell | Class used by the to represent the value of a specific UnboundField of a specific DataRecord/> |
| UndeleteRecordsStrategy | Abstract class used to provide the ability to undelete records that were deleted through the DataPresenterBase control. |
| UndeleteRecordsStrategy.RecordInfo | Class used to provide information about the records to be undeleted. |
| ViewableRecordCollection | A read only collection of sibling records whose visibility is not set to 'Collapsed'. |
| ViewBase | Abstract base class for all DataPresenterBase views that defines settings and defaults for the view . |
| VirtualizingDataRecordCellPanel | A control that sits within a DataRecordCellArea and virtualizes the creation of the contained cells. |
| VirtualizingSummaryCellPanel | A control that sits within a SummaryRecordCellArea and virtualizes the creation of the contained cells. |
| VisibleDataBlock | Contains a list of data records and a list of fields that represent a block of cells that's currently visible in the data presenter. |
| XamDataCards | A DataPresenterBase derived control that uses a CardView and an associated CardViewPanel to arrange DataRecords inside 'cards' which are organized in a tabular layout. |
| XamDataCarousel | A DataPresenterBase derived control that uses a CarouselView and an associated CarouselViewPanel to arrange DataRecords along a user defined path. |
| XamDataGrid | A DataPresenterBase derived control that uses a GridView and an associated GridViewPanel to arrange DataRecords in a classic grid layout. |
| XamDataPresenter | A DataPresenterBase derived control that can display data using different 'views', depending on the setting of its View property. |
| XamTreeGrid | A DataPresenterBase derived control that uses a TreeView and an associated TreeViewPanel to arrange DataRecords in a tree grid layout. |