
About WebTab

WebTab™ is a control that provides a multi-row tabbed layout with various appearance and behavior-based properties. WebTab is built using the Ultimate UI for ASP.NET AJAX Framework to leverage a proven code base that promotes a high performance and responsive end-user experience. You can find WebTab in the Infragistics.Web.UI.LayoutControls namespace.

Like all Ultimate UI for ASP.NET AJAX controls, WebTab seamlessly integrates into the Infragistics® Application Styling Framework. With CSS-based properties you can manually customize the WebTab by leveraging your existing style sheets.

WebTab also exposes a robust model within the client-side Javascript programming environment. The client-side object model (CSOM) consists of full-fledged properties and methods that enable developers to program significant units of functionality without the need for server-side postbacks.

Some of the WebTab control’s features include :

  • High Performance — Lightweight markup and optimized code improve performance.

  • Content Pane — Supports content panes as template areas or target URLs.

  • Display Mode — Can display single-row or multi-row tabs.

  • Load-on-Demand — Not all content is fetched during the initial load , only the content of the selected tab. Ajax features (using Update panels) can be combined with load-on-demand feature.

  • Tab Orientation — can be oriented either horizontally or vertically.

  • Animations — Supports animations when opening and closing a tab.

  • Scroll Buttons — Ability to have scrollable tabs using scroll buttons.

  • Tab Moving --Allows moving of tabs in a single row.

  • Auto Size — Ability to resize WebTab to fit content of the pane.

  • Tab Location — Tabs can be located on the top or bottom, with the option to align the tabs either to the left or to the right.

  • AddingTabs — Allows you to add tabs on the client without postback.

Whats New WebTab 01.png