Class IgcToggleButtonComponent

The igc-toggle-button wraps a native button element and exposes additional value and selected properties. It is used in the context of an igc-button-group to facilitate the creation of group/toolbar like UX behaviors.


Renders the label/content of the button.

toggle - The native button element.



  • LitElement
    • IgcToggleButtonComponent


disabled: boolean = false

Determines whether the button is disabled.

selected: boolean = false

Determines whether the button is selected.

value: string

The value attribute of the control.


shadowRootOptions: {
    delegatesFocus: boolean;
} = ...

Options used when calling attachShadow. Set this property to customize the options for the shadowRoot; for example, to create a closed shadowRoot: {mode: 'closed'}.

Note, these options are used in createRenderRoot. If this method is customized, options should be respected if possible.

Type declaration

  • delegatesFocus: boolean


styles: CSSResult[] = ...

Array of styles to apply to the element. The styles should be defined using the css tag function, via constructible stylesheets, or imported from native CSS module scripts.

Note on Content Security Policy:

Element styles are implemented with <style> tags when the browser doesn't support adopted StyleSheets. To use such <style> tags with the style-src CSP directive, the style-src value must either include 'unsafe-inline' or nonce-<base64-value> with <base64-value> replaced be a server-generated nonce.

To provide a nonce to use on generated <style> elements, set window.litNonce to a server-generated nonce in your page's HTML, before loading application code:

// Generated and unique per request:
window.litNonce = 'a1b2c3d4';