Class IgcStepperComponent

IgxStepper provides a wizard-like workflow by dividing content into logical steps.

The stepper component allows the user to navigate between multiple steps. It supports horizontal and vertical orientation as well as keyboard navigation and provides API methods to control the active step.


  • Renders the step components inside default slot.

igcActiveStepChanging - Emitted when the active step is about to change.

igcActiveStepChanged - Emitted when the active step is changed.



  • EventEmitterInterface<IgcStepperEventMap, this> & LitElement<this>
    • IgcStepperComponent


animationDuration: number = 320

The animation duration in either vertical or horizontal mode.


contentTop: boolean = false

Get/Set whether the content is displayed above the steps.

Default value is false and the content is below the steps.

horizontalAnimation: "none" | "fade" | "slide" = 'slide'

The animation type when in horizontal mode.


linear: boolean = false

Get/Set whether the stepper is linear.

If the stepper is in linear mode and if the active step is valid only then the user is able to move forward.

orientation: "horizontal" | "vertical" = 'horizontal'

Gets/Sets the orientation of the stepper.

Default value is horizontal.

stepType: "title" | "full" | "indicator" = 'full'

Get/Set the type of the steps.

Default value is full.

Returns all of the stepper's steps.

    | "end"
    | "start"
    | "top"
    | "bottom"

Get/Set the position of the steps title.

The default value is undefined. When the stepper is horizontally orientated the title is positioned below the indicator. When the stepper is horizontally orientated the title is positioned on the right side of the indicator.

verticalAnimation: "none" | "grow" | "fade" = 'grow'

The animation type when in vertical mode.


tagName: "igc-stepper" = 'igc-stepper'

Returns the HTML-uppercased qualified name.

MDN Reference

  • Resets the stepper to its initial state i.e. activates the first step.

    The steps' content will not be automatically reset.

    Returns void


  • Invoked when the component is added to the document's DOM.

    In connectedCallback() you should setup tasks that should only occur when the element is connected to the document. The most common of these is adding event listeners to nodes external to the element, like a keydown event handler added to the window.

    connectedCallback() {
    addEventListener('keydown', this._handleKeydown);

    Typically, anything done in connectedCallback() should be undone when the element is disconnected, in disconnectedCallback().

    Returns void