Enumerates options that specify the initial display of the Filter Dialog.

Enumeration Members

BeginsWith: 6

Filter in string values which begin with the comparison value.

Between: 12

Filter in values which are between two comparison values.

Contains: 10

Filter in string values which contain the comparison value.

Custom: 13

Show the dialog with the default options.

DoesNotBeginWith: 7

Filter in string values which do not begin with the comparison value.

DoesNotContain: 11

Filter in string values which do not contain the comparison value.

DoesNotEndWith: 9

Filter in string values which do not end with the comparison value.

EndsWith: 8

Filter in string values which ends with the comparison value.

Equals: 0

Filter in values which are equal to the comparison value.

GreaterThan: 2

Filter in values which are greater than the comparison value.

GreaterThanOrEqual: 3

Filter in values which are greater than or equal to the comparison value.

LessThan: 4

Filter in values which are less than the comparison value.

LessThanOrEqual: 5

Filter in values which are less than or equal to the comparison value.

NotEqual: 1

Filter in values which are not equal to the comparison value.