Enumeration ColumnComparisonConditionOperatorType

Identifies the operator type of a column comparison condition.

Enumeration Members

Bottom: 7
BottomPercentile: 9
Contains: 12
Custom: 44
DoesNotContain: 13
DoesNotEndWith: 17
DoesNotStartWith: 15
Empty: 40
EndsWith: 16
Equals: 0
False: 11
GreaterThan: 4
GreaterThanOrEqualTo: 5
IsNotNull: 43
IsNull: 42
LastMonth: 26
LastQuarter: 29
LastWeek: 23
LastYear: 32
LessThan: 2
LessThanOrEqualTo: 3
Month: 38
NextMonth: 24
NextQuarter: 27
NextWeek: 21
NextYear: 30
NotEmpty: 41
NotEquals: 1
Q1: 34
Q2: 35
Q3: 36
Q4: 37
StartsWith: 14
ThisMonth: 25
ThisQuarter: 28
ThisWeek: 22
ThisYear: 31
Today: 18
Tomorrow: 19
Top: 6
TopPercentile: 8
True: 10
Year: 39
YearToDate: 33
Yesterday: 20