Specifies type of FDC3 intent https://fdc3.finos.org/docs/1.0/intents-spec

Enumeration Members

All: 1

Specifies all intents for FDC3 data adapter to listen to

None: 0

Specifies no intent for FDC3 data adapter to listen to

StartCall: 5

Currently not supported - Starts a call with Contact(s) context

StartChat: 6

Currently not supported - Starts a chat with Contact(s) context

Unknown: 2

Specifies an intent that is unknown by FDC3 data adapter

ViewAnalysis: 7

Currently not supported - Display analysis about Instrument, Contact, or Organization

ViewChart: 3

Specifies an intent to view a chart for stock tickers in the Instrument context

ViewContact: 8

Currently not supported - Display details of the Contact context

ViewInstrument: 4

Specifies an intent to view information about stock tickers in the Instrument context

ViewNews: 9

Currently not supported - Display news for Instrument, Contact, or Organization

ViewQuote: 10

Currently not supported - Display pricing for the Instrument context