Represents the various units in which a column width can be represented.


  • [[Worksheet.getDefaultColumnWidth]]
  • [[Worksheet.setDefaultColumnWidth]]
  • [[WorksheetColumn.getWidth]]
  • [[WorksheetColumn.setWidth]]

Enumeration Members

Character: 0

The column width is represented in units of the '0' digit character width, including column padding. The digit is measured with the default font for the workbook. The padding is a few pixels on either side of the column plus an additional pixel for the gridline.

Character256th: 1

The column width is represented in 256ths of the '0' digit character width, including column padding, which means this value will be 256 times the width expressed in Character units. The digit is measured with the default font for the workbook. The padding is a few pixels on either side of the column plus an additional pixel for the gridline. These units are the units in which the [[WorksheetColumn.width]] and [[Worksheet.defaultColumnWidth]] properties are expressed.

CharacterPaddingExcluded: 2

The column width is represented in units of the '0' digit character width, excluding padding. The digit is measured with the default font for the workbook. These units are the units in which Microsoft Excel displays column widths to the user and accepts new column widths from the user in the 'Column Width' dialog.

Pixel: 3

The column width is represented in pixels.

Point: 4

The column width is represented in points.

Twip: 5

The column width is represented in twips (20ths of a point).