Enumeration OneConstraintDataValidationOperator

Represents the various operators which can be used when validating the cell value against a constraint.


  • [[OneConstraintDataValidationRule]]
  • [[OneConstraintDataValidationRule.setConstraint]]
  • [[OneConstraintDataValidationRule.setConstraint]]
  • [[OneConstraintDataValidationRule.getConstraintFormula]]
  • [[OneConstraintDataValidationRule.getConstraintFormula]]
  • [[OneConstraintDataValidationRule.setConstraintFormula]]
  • [[OneConstraintDataValidationRule.setConstraintFormula]]
  • [[ValueConstraintDataValidationRule.validationCriteria]]

Enumeration Members

EqualTo: 2

Only allows the cell value if it or its text length, depending on the validation criteria, is equal to the constraint applied to the validation rule.

GreaterThan: 4

Only allows the cell value if it or its text length, depending on the validation criteria, is greater than the constraint applied to the validation rule.

GreaterThanOrEqualTo: 6

Only allows the cell value if it or its text length, depending on the validation criteria, is greater than or equal to the constraint applied to the validation rule.

LessThan: 5

Only allows the cell value if it or its text length, depending on the validation criteria, is less than the constraint applied to the validation rule.

LessThanOrEqualTo: 7

Only allows the cell value if it or its text length, depending on the validation criteria, is less than or equal to the constraint applied to the validation rule.

NotEqualTo: 3

Only allows the cell value if it or its text length, depending on the validation criteria, is not equal to the constraint applied to the validation rule.