Constants which define the location at which a [[DataLabel]] is positioned.

Note that which constants in this enumeration are applicable is dependent on the chart type.

The following table lists the supported constants for each chart type.

Chart TypeSupported Constant(s)
3D charts (except pie/doughnut)Custom
Area, RadarCustom
SurfaceData labels are not supported
Bar/Column (stacked)Center, InsideEnd, InsideBase
Bar/Column (clustered)Center, InsideEnd, InsideBase, OutsideEnd
Line/Scatter/BubbleCenter, Left, Right, Above, Below
Pie/DoughnutCenter, InsideEnd, OutsideEnd, BestFit


  • [[DataLabel.labelPosition]]
  • [[Series.dataLabels]]
  • [[DataLabel]]

Enumeration Members

Above: 8

The label is positioned above the associated data point.

Below: 9

The label is positioned below the associated data point.

BestFit: 10

The label is positioned where it best fits with relation to the associated pie slice.

Center: 1

The label is centered with respect to the associated data point.

Custom: 5

The label's position is explicitly defined via the [[ChartTextAreaBase.left]] and [[]] properties.

Default: 0

The label position is not specified, and is determined automatically by Excel.

InsideBase: 2

The label's left edge coincides with the left edge of the series bar/line.

InsideEnd: 3

The label's right edge coincides with the right edge of the series bar/line.

Left: 6

The label is positioned to the left of the associated data point.

OutsideEnd: 4

The label's left edge coincides with the right edge of the series bar/line.

Right: 7

The label is positioned to the right of the associated data point.