Constants which identify the chart's type, i.e., area chart, bar chart, pie chart, etc.

Enumeration Members

Area: 1


Area3D: -4098

3D Area.

Area3DStacked: 78

3D Stacked Area.

Area3DStacked100: 79

100% Stacked Area.

AreaStacked: 76

Stacked Area.

AreaStacked100: 77

100% Stacked Area.

Bar3DClustered: 60

3D Clustered Bar.

Bar3DStacked: 61

3D Stacked Bar.

Bar3DStacked100: 62

3D 100% Stacked Bar.

BarClustered: 57

Clustered Bar.

BarOfPie: 71

Bar of Pie.

BarStacked: 58

Stacked Bar.

BarStacked100: 59

100% Stacked Bar.

BoxAndWhisker: 114

Box and whisker (Office2016 or later)

Bubble: 15


Bubble3DEffect: 87

Bubble with 3D effects.

Column3D: -4100

3D Column.

Column3DClustered: 54

3D Clustered Column.

Column3DStacked: 55

3D Stacked Column.

Column3DStacked100: 56

3D 100% Stacked Column.

ColumnClustered: 51

Clustered Column.

ColumnStacked: 52

Stacked Column.

ColumnStacked100: 53

100% Stacked Column.

Combo: 113

Combination of different chart types.

ConeBarClustered: 102

Clustered Cone Bar.

ConeBarStacked: 103

Stacked Cone Bar.

ConeBarStacked100: 104

100% Stacked Cone Bar.

ConeCol: 105

3D Cone Column.

ConeColClustered: 99

Clustered Cone Column.

ConeColStacked: 100

Stacked Cone Column.

ConeColStacked100: 101

100% Stacked Cone Column.

CylinderBarClustered: 95

Clustered Cylinder Bar.

CylinderBarStacked: 96

Stacked Cylinder Bar.

CylinderBarStacked100: 97

100% Stacked Cylinder Bar.

CylinderCol: 98

3D Cylinder Column.

CylinderColClustered: 92

Clustered Cone Column.

CylinderColStacked: 93

Stacked Cone Column.

CylinderColStacked100: 94

100% Stacked Cylinder Column.

Doughnut: -4120


DoughnutExploded: 80

Exploded Doughnut.

Funnel: 115

Funnel (Office365 only)

Histogram: 117

Histogram chart (Office2016 or later)

Line: 4


Line3D: -4101

3D Line.

LineMarkers: 65

Line with Markers.

LineMarkersStacked: 66

Stacked Line with Markers.

LineMarkersStacked100: 67

100% Stacked Line with Markers.

LineStacked: 63

Stacked Line.

LineStacked100: 64

100% Stacked Line.

Pareto: 116

Pareto chart with bars and lines (Office2016 or later)

Pie: 5


Pie3D: -4102

3D Pie.

Pie3DExploded: 70

Exploded 3D Pie.

PieExploded: 69

Exploded Pie.

PieOfPie: 68

Pie of Pie.

PyramidBarClustered: 109

Clustered Pyramid Bar.

PyramidBarStacked: 110

Stacked Pyramid Bar.

PyramidBarStacked100: 111

100% Stacked Pyramid Bar.

PyramidCol: 112

3D Pyramid Column.

PyramidColClustered: 106

Clustered Pyramid Column.

PyramidColStacked: 107

Stacked Pyramid Column.

PyramidColStacked100: 108

100% Stacked Pyramid Column.

Radar: -4151


RadarFilled: 82

Filled Radar.

RadarMarkers: 81

Radar with Data Markers.

RegionMap: 121

Region map (geographic) chart (Office365 only)

StockHLC: 88


StockOHLC: 89


StockVHLC: 90


StockVOHLC: 91


Sunburst: 118

Sunburst chart (Office2016 or later)

Surface: 83

Surface (a.k.a. Contour).

SurfaceTopView: 85

3D Surface (Top View).

SurfaceTopViewWireframe: 86

3D Surface (Top View wireframe).

SurfaceWireframe: 84

Surface (a.k.a. Contour - wireframe).

Treemap: 119

Tree map chart (Office2016 or later)

Unknown: 0

Not an actual value; used for variable initialization.

Waterfall: 120

Waterfall chart (Office2016 or later)

XYScatter: -4169


XYScatterLines: 74

Scatter with Lines.

XYScatterLinesNoMarkers: 75

Scatter with Lines and No Data Markers.

XYScatterSmooth: 72

Scatter with Smoothed Lines.

XYScatterSmoothNoMarkers: 73

Scatter with Smoothed Lines and No Data Markers.