Describes available radial label modes.

Enumeration Members

Auto: 0

Labelling mode is determined automatically.

Label: 5

The label of the category is used as a label.

LabelAndPercentage: 7

The label of the category and the percentage are used as the label, if using a proportional axis, otherwise the label and value is used as a fallback.

LabelAndValue: 6

The label of the category and the value are used as the label.

LabelAndValueAndPercentage: 8

The label of the category and the value and the percentage are used as the label, if using a proportional axis, otherwise the label and value is used as a fallback.

Normal: 1

Labelling mode is defined by the settings of the callout layer.

Percentage: 3

The percentage of the whole is displayed, if using a proportional axis, otherwise the value is used as a fallback.

Value: 2

The value of the item is displayed.

ValueAndPercentage: 4

The value and the percentage are displayed, if using a proportional axis, otherwise the value is used as a fallback.