Describes available transition effects that can applied to initial rendering of a series

Enumeration Members

AccordionFromBottom: 10

Series accordions in from the bottom.

AccordionFromCategoryAxisMaximum: 17

Series accordions in from the category axis maximum.

AccordionFromCategoryAxisMinimum: 16

Series accordions in from the category axis minimum.

AccordionFromLeft: 7

Series accordions in from the left.

AccordionFromRight: 8

Series accordions in from the right.

AccordionFromTop: 9

Series accordions in from the top.

AccordionFromValueAxisMaximum: 19

Series accordions in from the value axis maximum.

AccordionFromValueAxisMinimum: 18

Series accordions in from the value axis minimum.

Auto: 0

Series transitions in an automatically chosen based on type of series and its orientation

Expand: 11

Series expands from the value midpoints.

FromParent: 20

If the series is a child layer, animate from the values that the parent currently has.

FromZero: 1

Series transitions in from the reference value of the value axis.

SweepFromBottom: 5

Series sweeps in from the bottom.

SweepFromCategoryAxisMaximum: 13

Series sweeps in from the category axis maximum.

SweepFromCategoryAxisMinimum: 12

Series sweeps in from the category axis minimum.

SweepFromCenter: 6

Series sweeps in from the center.

SweepFromLeft: 2

Series sweeps in from the left

SweepFromRight: 3

Series sweeps in from the right

SweepFromTop: 4

Series sweeps in from the top.

SweepFromValueAxisMaximum: 15

Series sweeps in from the value axis maximum.

SweepFromValueAxisMinimum: 14

Series sweeps in from the value axis minimum.