A collection of [[WorksheetDataTable]] instances on a worksheet.



  • Base
    • WorksheetDataTableCollection




$type: Type
$t: Type
nextHashCode: number


  • get count(): number
  • Gets the number of data tables in the collection. The number of data tables in the collection.

    Returns number


  • Returns EnumeratorWrapper<WorksheetDataTable>

  • Creates a new data table and adds it to the collection.

    The input cells specified must be different cell references and at least one must be non-null. See the [[WorksheetDataTable]] overview for more information on data tables.


    [[ArgumentNullException]] 'cellsInTable' is null.


    [[ArgumentException]] 'cellsInTable' is a region which does not belongs to the worksheet which owns this collection.


    [[ArgumentException]] 'columnInputCell' is not null but does not belong to the worksheet which owns this collection.


    [[ArgumentException]] 'rowInputCell' is not null but does not belong to the worksheet which owns this collection.


    [[InvalidOperationException]] Both 'columnInputCell' and 'rowInputCell' are null.


    [[InvalidOperationException]] 'columnInputCell' and 'rowInputCell' are the same cell.


    [[InvalidOperationException]] 'columnInputCell' or 'rowInputCell' are contained in the 'cellsInTable' region.


    [[InvalidOperationException]] One or more of the interior cells of the 'cellsInTable' region (all cells except the left-most column and top row) is an interior cell of another data table or is a cell in an array formula, and the entire range of that other entity extends outside the interior cells of 'cellsInTable'.


    • cellsInTable: WorksheetRegion

      The region of cells in the data table.

    • columnInputCell: WorksheetCell

      The cell used as the column-input cell in the data table.

    • rowInputCell: WorksheetCell

      The cell used as the row-input cell in the data table.

    Returns WorksheetDataTable

  • Clears all data tables from the collection.

    Once a data table is removed from the collection, it can no longer be used.

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • other: any

    Returns boolean

  • Returns number

  • Gets the data table at the specified index in the collection. The data table at the specified index.


    • a: number

    Returns WorksheetDataTable

  • Returns Base

  • Removes the data table at the specified index from the collection.

    Once a data table is removed from the collection, it can no longer be used.


    • index: number

      The zero-based index of the data table to remove from the collection.

    Returns void

  • Removes the specified data table from the collection.

    Once a data table is removed from the collection, it can no longer be used.


    Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • item1: any
    • item2: any

    Returns number

  • Parameters

    • item1: any
    • item2: any

    Returns number

  • Parameters

    • item1: any
    • item2: any

    Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • a: any
    • b: any

    Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • obj: any

    Returns any[]

  • Parameters

    • obj: any

    Returns any[]

  • Parameters

    • obj: any

    Returns number

  • Parameters

    • a: any
    • b: any

    Returns boolean

  • Returns void