Provides data for the SelectedItemsChanging event.


Hierarchy (view full)



  • get cancel(): boolean
  • Set this to true in order to stop the SelectedItems collection from changing.

    Returns boolean

  • set cancel(v): void
  • Parameters

    • v: boolean

    Returns void

  • get currentItems(): IgcChartSelectedItemCollection
  • A list of the current items selected.

    Returns IgcChartSelectedItemCollection

  • set currentItems(v): void
  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • get newItems(): IgcChartSelectedItemCollection
  • A list of the items being selected.

    Returns IgcChartSelectedItemCollection

  • set newItems(v): void
  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • get oldItems(): IgcChartSelectedItemCollection
  • A list of the previously selected items.

    Returns IgcChartSelectedItemCollection

  • set oldItems(v): void
  • Parameters

    Returns void