

  • IIgrToolbarProps


actualActions?: string | IgrToolActionCollection

Gets or sets the data or data source instance to which to bind the grid.

autoGeneratedActions?: string | IgrToolActionCollection

Gets or sets the data or data source instance to which to bind the grid.

backgroundColor?: string

Gets or sets the color to use for the background of the component.

baseTheme?: string | BaseControlTheme

Gets or sets the base built in theme to use for the checkbox.

cellTextStyle?: string

Gets or sets the text style.

checkedBackgroundColor?: string

Gets or sets the background color of the radio when in the checked state.

checkedBorderColor?: string

Gets or sets the border color of the radio when in the checked state.

children?: ReactNode
disabledTextColor?: string

Gets or sets the color to use for the text in disabled tool actions.

dropdownDelay?: string | number

Gets or sets the dropdown delay time in milliseconds.

groupHeaderBackgroundColor?: string

Gets or sets the group header background color.

groupHeaderSubtitleTextColor?: string

Gets or sets the text color for group header subtitles.

groupHeaderTextColor?: string

Gets or sets the text color for group header tool actions.

height?: string
highlightColor?: string
highlightRadius?: string | number
highlightWidth?: string | number
hoverBackgroundColor?: string

Gets or sets the hover background color.

iconFill?: string

Gets or sets the fill color of icons in the ToolPanel.

iconStroke?: string

Gets or sets the stroke color of icons in the ToolPanel.

menuArrowStroke?: string

Gets or sets the stroke color for all icon menu dropdown arrows.

onCommand?: ((s, e) => void)

Type declaration

orientation?: string | ToolbarOrientation

Gets or sets the orientation of the toolbar.

rowHeight?: string | number

Gets or sets the row height that should be used.

separatorBackgroundColor?: string

Gets or sets the separator background color.

separatorHorizontalPaddingBottom?: string | number

Gets or sets the bottom padding for separators in the horizontal orientation.

separatorHorizontalPaddingLeft?: string | number

Gets or sets the left padding for separators in the horizontal orientation.

separatorHorizontalPaddingRight?: string | number

Gets or sets the right padding for separators in the horizontal orientation.

separatorHorizontalPaddingTop?: string | number

Gets or sets the top padding for separators in the horizontal orientation.

separatorVerticalPaddingBottom?: string | number

Gets or sets the bottom padding for separators in the vertical orientation.

separatorVerticalPaddingLeft?: string | number

Gets or sets the left padding for separators in the vertical orientation.

separatorVerticalPaddingRight?: string | number

Gets or sets the right padding for separators in the vertical orientation.

separatorVerticalPaddingTop?: string | number

Gets or sets the top padding for separators in the vertical orientation.

showOnHover?: string | boolean

Gets or sets if the tool actions should display their submenus on mouse hover.

submenuBackgroundColor?: string

Gets or sets the background color for submenus.

subtitleTextColor?: string

Gets or sets the text color for subtitles.

subtitleTextStyle?: string

Gets or sets the text style for subtitles.

target?: any
textColor?: string

Gets or sets the color to use for the text of the component.

toolTipBackgroundColor?: string

Gets or sets the tooltip background color.

toolTipCornerRadius?: string | number

Gets or sets the tooltip corner radius.

toolTipElevation?: string | number

Gets or sets the shadow elevation for the tooltip.

toolTipTextColor?: string

Gets or sets the tooltip text color.

uncheckedBackgroundColor?: string

Gets or sets the background color of the radio when in the unchecked state.

uncheckedBorderColor?: string

Gets or sets the border color of the radio when in the unchecked state.

width?: string