

  • IIgrDatePickerProps


allowTextInput?: string | boolean

Gets or sets the AllowTextInput property to detirmine if entering text into the input is allowed

baseTheme?: string | BaseControlTheme

Gets or sets the base built in theme to use for the date picker.

changing?: ((s, e) => void)

Type declaration

children?: ReactNode
dateFormat?: string | DateFormats

Gets or sets the date time format to use for this column. If FormatString is specificied this value is ignored.

density?: string | ControlDisplayDensity

Gets or sets the display density to use for the date pcicker.

firstDayOfWeek?: string | DayOfWeek

Gets or sets the FirstDayOfWeek property to detirmine first day of the week

firstWeekOfYear?: string | FirstWeek

Gets or sets the FirstWeekOfYear property to detirmine first week of the year

formatString?: string

Gets or sets the Format property to detirmine the format of the date in the input

gotFocus?: ((s, e) => void)

Type declaration

height?: string
iconColor?: string

Gets or Sets the text color

isDisabled?: string | boolean
isFixed?: string | boolean

Indicates that the calendar dropdown will position itself relative to the window instead of the document.

keyDown?: ((s, e) => void)

Type declaration

    • (s, e): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void

label?: string

Gets or Sets the property name that contains the label.

labelTextColor?: string

Gets or sets the color to use for the text.

labelTextStyle?: string

Gets or sets the font to use for the combobox.

lostFocus?: ((s, e) => void)

Type declaration

maxDate?: Date

Gets or Sets the property name that contains the MaxDate.

minDate?: Date

Gets or Sets the property name that contains the MinDate.

openAsChild?: string | boolean

Indicates that the dropdown should open as a child of the date picker.

openOnFocus?: string | boolean

Gets or sets the AllowTextInput property to detirmine if entering text into the input is allowed

placeholder?: string

Gets or Sets the property name that contains the placeholder.

selectedValueChanged?: ((s, e) => void)

Type declaration

showClearButton?: string | boolean

Gets or sets the ShowClearButton property to detirmine if the clear button is shown

showTodayButton?: string | boolean

Gets or sets the ShowTodayButton property to detirmine if the today button is shown

showWeekNumbers?: string | boolean

Gets or sets the ShowWeekNumbers property to detirmine if the week numbers are shown

textColor?: string

Gets or Sets the text color

textStyle?: string

Gets or sets the font to use for the combobox.

today?: Date

Gets or Sets the property name that contains the values.

useTopLayer?: string | boolean

Indicates that the dropdown will place itself into the browser top layer.

value?: Date

Gets or Sets the property name that contains the values.

width?: string