

  • IIgrSparklineProps


actualPixelScalingRatio?: string | number

Gets the actual scaling value used by the component to affect the pixel density of the control. A higher scaling ratio will produce crisper visuals at the expense of memory. Lower values will cause the control to appear blurry.

brush?: string

Gets or sets the sparkline brush.

children?: ReactNode
dataSource?: any
displayNormalRangeInFront?: string | boolean

Gets or sets the position of the normal range on the sparkline.

displayType?: string | SparklineDisplayType

Gets or sets the display type of the sparkline.

firstMarkerBrush?: string

Gets or sets the first marker brush of the sparkline.

firstMarkerSize?: string | number

Gets or sets the first marker size of the sparkline.

firstMarkerVisibility?: string | Visibility

Gets or sets the first marker visibility of the sparkline.

formatLabel?: ((arg1) => string)

Type declaration

    • (arg1): string
    • Sets or gets a function which takes an object that produces a formatted label for displaying in the chart.


      • arg1: any

      Returns string

height?: string
highMarkerBrush?: string

Gets or sets the high marker brush of the sparkline.

highMarkerSize?: string | number

Gets or sets the high marker size of the sparkline.

highMarkerVisibility?: string | Visibility

Gets or sets the high marker visibility of the sparkline.

horizontalAxisBrush?: string

Gets or sets the horizontal axis line brush of the sparkline.

horizontalAxisLabel?: any

The value or content to display on the horizontal axis. This can be set to a formatted string, such as "{0}", or it can be set to a DataTemplate.

horizontalAxisVisibility?: string | Visibility

Gets or sets the display state of the horizontal axis.

horizontalLabelFormat?: string

Gets or sets the label composite format used when creating label values.

horizontalLabelFormatSpecifiers?: any[]

Gets or sets the format specifiers to use with the HorizontalLabelFormat string.

labelMemberPath?: string

String identifier of a column or property name to get labels from on each item in the data source. These labels will be retrieved from the first and last item, and displayed by the horizontal axis.

lastMarkerBrush?: string

Gets or sets the last marker brush of the sparkline.

lastMarkerSize?: string | number

Gets or sets the last marker size of the sparkline.

lastMarkerVisibility?: string | Visibility

Gets or sets the last marker visibility of the sparkline.

lineThickness?: string | number

Gets or sets the line thickness of the sparkline.

lowMarkerBrush?: string

Gets or sets the low marker brush of the sparkline.

lowMarkerSize?: string | number

Gets or sets the low marker size of the sparkline.

lowMarkerVisibility?: string | Visibility

Gets or sets the low marker visibility of the sparkline.

markerBrush?: string

Gets or sets the marker brush of the sparkline.

markerSize?: string | number

Gets or sets the marker size of the sparkline.

markerVisibility?: string | Visibility

Gets or sets the marker visibility of the sparkline.

maximum?: string | number

Gets or sets the maximum value of the y axis.

minimum?: string | number

Gets or sets the minimum value of the y axis.

negativeBrush?: string

Gets or sets the negative brush of the sparkline.

negativeMarkerBrush?: string

Gets or sets the negative marker brush of the sparkline.

negativeMarkerSize?: string | number

Gets or sets the negative marker size of the sparkline.

negativeMarkerVisibility?: string | Visibility

Gets or sets the negative marker visibility of the sparkline.

normalRangeFill?: string

Gets or sets the normal range brush of the sparkline.

normalRangeMaximum?: string | number

Gets or sets the maximum value of the normal range.

normalRangeMinimum?: string | number

Gets or sets the minimum value of the normal range.

normalRangeVisibility?: string | Visibility

Gets or sets the normal range visibility of the sparkline.

pixelScalingRatio?: string | number

Gets or sets the scaling value used to affect the pixel density of the control. A higher scaling ratio will produce crisper visuals at the expense of memory. Lower values will cause the control to appear blurry.

tooltipTemplate?: FunctionComponent<IChartTooltipProps> | Component<IChartTooltipProps, {}, any>
trendLineBrush?: string

Gets or sets the trendline brush of the sparkline.

trendLinePeriod?: string | number

Gets or sets the trendline period used by the sparkline.

trendLineThickness?: string | number

Gets or sets the thickness of the sparkline's trendline.

trendLineType?: string | TrendLineType

Gets or sets the type of trendline used by the sparkline.

unknownValuePlotting?: string | UnknownValuePlotting

Gets or sets the way null values are interpreted.

valueMemberPath?: string

Gets or sets the string path to the value column.

verticalAxisBrush?: string

Gets or sets the vertical axis line brush of the sparkline.

verticalAxisLabel?: any

The value or content to display on the vertical axis. This can be set to a formatted string, such as "{0:n}", or it can be set to a DataTemplate.

verticalAxisVisibility?: string | Visibility

Gets or sets the display state of the vertical axis.

verticalLabelFormat?: string

Gets or sets the label composite format used when creating label values.

verticalLabelFormatSpecifiers?: any[]

Gets or sets the format specifiers to use with the VerticalLabelFormat string.

width?: string