Class IgrFinancialCalculationSupportingCalculations

Represents a contract between the financial series and the calculation strategies detailing the supporting calculation strategies that the financial series will provide in order for the indicator calculations to be performed.



  • IgrFinancialCalculationSupportingCalculations



  • get makeSafe(): ((arg1) => number)
  • The strategy provided to make doubles safe for plotting, by default will just make zero if the value is invalid.

    Returns ((arg1) => number)

      • (arg1): number
      • The strategy provided to make doubles safe for plotting, by default will just make zero if the value is invalid.


        • arg1: number

        Returns number

  • set makeSafe(v): void
  • Parameters

    • v: ((arg1) => number)
        • (arg1): number
        • Parameters

          • arg1: number

          Returns number

    Returns void

  • get nativeElement(): HTMLElement
  • Returns HTMLElement

  • get shortVolumeOscillatorAverage(): IgrDataSourceSupportingCalculation
  • The strategy provided to calculate the short period moving average for volume oscillator indicators.

    Returns IgrDataSourceSupportingCalculation

  • set shortVolumeOscillatorAverage(v): void
  • Parameters

    Returns void


  • Parameters

    • name: string

    Returns any