Class IgxCustomPaletteBrushScaleComponent

Represents a brush scale that uses index-based brush selection mode.





ngAcceptInputType_brushSelectionMode: string | BrushSelectionMode
ngAcceptInputType_brushes: string | string[]
ngAcceptInputType_isBrushScale: string | boolean
ngAcceptInputType_isReady: string | boolean
ɵcmp: unknown
ɵfac: unknown


  • get brushSelectionMode(): BrushSelectionMode
  • Gets or sets the brush selection mode.

    Returns BrushSelectionMode

  • set brushSelectionMode(v: BrushSelectionMode): void
  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • get brushes(): string[]
  • Gets the brushes collection used by this scale.

    Returns string[]

  • set brushes(v: string[]): void
  • Parameters

    • v: string[]

    Returns void

  • get isBrushScale(): boolean
  • Checks if this item is a BrushScale

    Returns boolean

  • get isReady(): boolean
  • Checks if this scale is ready for useage with a series

    Returns boolean

  • get propertyUpdated(): EventEmitter<{
        args: IgxPropertyUpdatedEventArgs;
        sender: any;
  • Event raised when a property (including "effective" and non-dependency property) value changes.

    Returns EventEmitter<{
        args: IgxPropertyUpdatedEventArgs;
        sender: any;


  • Parameters

    • name: string

    Returns any

  • Gets a brush from the brushes collection by index.


    • index: number

    Returns string

  • Parameters

    • index: number
    • total: number

    Returns string

  • Returns void

  • Notify attached series about changes to this scale

    Returns void

  • Registers a series with the scale. Under normal circumstances you should not need to call this manually.


    Returns void

  • Unregisters a series with the scale. Under normal circumstances you should not need to call this manually.


    Returns void