
DataGridView Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by DataGridView.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorDataGridView ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
Public PropertyAccessibilityLiveRegion (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyAccessibilityNodeProvider (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyActivated (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyActivationModeSets or gets the grid selection mode.  
Public PropertyActiveCellGets or sets the position of the active cell.  
Public PropertyActualDataSourceGets the actual data source that is being used by the grid. If a collection was provided for the grid data, an implicit LocalDataSource has been created, and this is available via this property.  
Public PropertyActualPrimaryKeyGets either the inferred primary key from the data source, or the user provided primary key, if present. Represents the actual primary key that the grid will use in operations that require it.  
Public PropertyActualVisibleRegionGets the region of the grid that is visible.  
Public PropertyAlpha (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyAlwaysDrawnWithCacheEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public PropertyAnimation (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyAnimationCacheEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public PropertyAnimationSettingsSets or gets the default animation settings for the grid.  
Public PropertyApplicationWindowToken (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyAutoGenerateColumnsConfigures whether or not the grid will autogenerate columns when the data source is set.  
Public PropertyBackground (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyBaseline (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyBottom (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyCameraDistance (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyCellBackgroundGets or sets the default background color to use for content cells  
Public PropertyCellDataLoadedAnimationModeSets or gets the cell data loaded animation mode to use.  
Public PropertyCellFontFamilyReturns or sets the font family for the text.  
Public PropertyCellFontSizeReturns or sets the font size for the text.  
Public PropertyCellFontStyleReturns or sets the font style for the text.  
Public PropertyCellSelectedBackgroundGets or sets the default background color to use for content cells when a row is in a selected state  
Public PropertyCellSelectionAnimationModeSets or gets the cell selection animation mode to use.  
Public PropertyCellTextColorGets or sets the default text color to use for content cells  
Public PropertyChildCount (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public PropertyClass (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Public PropertyClickable (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyClipBounds (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyClipChildren (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public PropertyColumnAddingAnimationModeSets or gets the Column Adding Animation mode to use.  
Public PropertyColumnAnimationSettingsSets or gets the default column animation settings for all columns.  
Public PropertyColumnExchangingAnimationModeSets or gets the column exchanging animation mode to use.  
Public PropertyColumnHidingAnimationModeSets or gets the column hiding animation mode to use.  
Public PropertyColumnMovingAnimationModeSets or gets the column moving animation mode to use.  
Public PropertyColumnPropertyUpdatingAnimationModeSets or gets the Column Property Updating Animation mode to use.  
Public PropertyColumnsGets the column definitions that are assigned to the grid. This collection can be modified to add or remove columns in the grid.  
Public PropertyColumnShowingAnimationModeSets or gets the column showing animation mode to use.  
Public PropertyContentDescription (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyContentDescriptionFormatted (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyContext (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyDataSourceDesiredPropertiesGets or sets the desired properties for the data source to load. If specified the data source may decide to constrain the properties it fetches to these properties and must make sure that at least those properties are loaded, rather than the default behavior for that data source.  
Public PropertyDefaultColumnMinWidthGets or sets the default minimum width to use on all columns. Ignored if NaN.  
Public PropertyDefaultColumnWidthGets or sets the default width to use on all columns.  
Public PropertyDescendantFocusability (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public PropertyDisplay (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyDrawingCache (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyDrawingCacheBackgroundColor (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyDrawingCacheEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyDrawingCacheQuality (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyDrawingTime (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyDuplicateParentStateEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyFilterExpressionsGets the current filter that is applied to the grid. Collection can be updated to modify the filter for the grid. Once filter expresisons are in this collection, the grid will no longer listen for changes on their properties.  
Public PropertyFilterTouchesWhenObscured (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyFitsSystemWindows (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyFocusable (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyFocusableInTouchMode (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyFocusedChild (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public PropertyGroupDescriptionsGets the current grouping that is applied to the grid. Collection can be updated to modify the grouping for the grid. Once grouping descriptions are in this collection, the grid will no longer listen for changes on their properties.  
Public PropertyGroupHeaderDisplayModeGets or sets how group headers are displayed when there are multiple groups defined in the grid.  
Public PropertyGroupSummaryDisplayModeGets or sets the display mode summaries will use inside groups.  
Public PropertyHandle (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Public PropertyHandler (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyHapticFeedbackEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyHasFocus (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyHasFocusable (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyHasOnClickListeners (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyHasOverlappingRendering (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyHasTransientState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyHasWindowFocus (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyHeaderBackgroundGets or sets the default background color to use for header cells  
Public PropertyHeaderClickActionReturns/sets the action to take when a column header is clicked.  
Public PropertyHeaderFontFamilyReturns or sets the font family for the text.  
Public PropertyHeaderFontSizeReturns or sets the font size for the text.  
Public PropertyHeaderFontStyleReturns or sets the font style for the text.  
Public PropertyHeaderHeightGets or sets the height to use for the header row.  
Public PropertyHeaderSeparatorGets or sets the header seperator settings.  
Public PropertyHeaderSeparatorBackgroundGets or sets the default background color to use for header separators.  
Public PropertyHeaderSeparatorWidthGets or sets the width of the header separators.  
Public PropertyHeaderSortIndicatorColorGets or sets the default text color to use for content cells  
Public PropertyHeaderSortIndicatorStyleGets or sets the default render style for sort indicators in header cells.  
Public PropertyHeaderTextColorGets or sets the default text color to use for header cells  
Public PropertyHeight (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyHorizontalFadingEdgeEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyHorizontalFadingEdgeLength (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyHorizontalScrollBarEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyHovered (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyId (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyImportantForAccessibility (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyInsetRepresents how much the content is inset within the scroller.  
Public PropertyIsAttachedToWindow (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsDirty (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsFilterUIEnabledGets or sets whether to show the filtering UI in the headers for columns where filtering is enabled.  
Public PropertyIsFocused (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsGroupExpandedDefaultGets or sets whether groups are expanded or collapsed by default.  
Public PropertyIsGroupRowStickyGets or sets if group rows will stick to the top of the grid.  
Public PropertyIsHardwareAccelerated (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsHeaderSeparatorVisibleGets or sets if header separators are rendered.  
Public PropertyIsInEditMode (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsInLayout (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsInTouchMode (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsLaidOut (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsLayoutDirectionResolved (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsLayoutRequested (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsOpaque (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsPaddingRelative (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsPlaceholderRenderingEnabledConfigures whether or not place holders are used for cells who do not have their data yet.  
Public PropertyIsScrollContainer (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsShown (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsTextAlignmentResolved (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsTextDirectionResolved (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyItemsSourceGets or sets the data to which to bind the grid. This can be some type of array or list, or it can be an IDataSource instance.  
Public PropertyKeepScreenOn (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyKeyDispatcherState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyLabelFor (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyLastStickyRowBackgroundGets or sets the default color to use for the last sticky row  
Public PropertyLayerType (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyLayoutAnimation (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public PropertyLayoutAnimationListener (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public PropertyLayoutDirection (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyLayoutMode (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public PropertyLayoutParameters (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyLayoutTransition (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public PropertyLeft (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyLongClickable (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyMatrix (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyMeasuredHeight (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyMeasuredHeightAndState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyMeasuredState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyMeasuredWidth (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyMeasuredWidthAndState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyMinimumHeight (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyMinimumWidth (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyMotionEventSplittingEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public PropertyNextFocusDownId (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyNextFocusForwardId (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyNextFocusLeftId (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyNextFocusRightId (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyNextFocusUpId (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyOnFocusChangeListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyOverlay (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyOverScrollMode (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyPaddingBottom (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyPaddingEnd (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyPaddingLeft (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyPaddingRight (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyPaddingStart (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyPaddingTop (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyParent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyParentForAccessibility (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyPersistentDrawingCache (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public PropertyPinnedAreaSeparatorWidthGets or sets the width of the pinned area separators.  
Public PropertyPinnedItemsGets which items are currently pinned in the grid. Collection can be updated to programatically pin items.  
Public PropertyPinnedKeysGets which primary keys are currently pinned in the grid. Collection can be updated to programatically pin items.  
Public PropertyPinnedRowBackgroundGets or sets the default color to use for pinned rows  
Public PropertyPinnedRowOpacityGets or sets the default opacity to use for pinned rows  
Public PropertyPivotX (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyPivotY (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyPressed (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyPrimaryKeySets or gets the user provided primary key to assume for the data. Certain functionality of the grid requires a way to uniquely identify items in order to work correctly. If a primary key cannot be inferred from the data source, you may need to provide one here.  
Public PropertyReactsToFilterChangesSets or gets whether the grid will react to filter changes.  
Public PropertyReactsToGroupChangesSets or gets whether the grid will react to group changes.  
Public PropertyReactsToSortChangesSets or gets whether the grid will react to sort changes.  
Public PropertyResources (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyResponsiveStatesA set of states that can be applied to the columns of the grid based on available space.  
Public PropertyRight (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyRootView (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyRotation (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyRotationX (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyRotationY (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyRowHeightGets or sets the height to use for the rows in the grid.  
Public PropertyRowSelectionAnimationModeSets or gets the row selection animation mode to use.  
Public PropertyRowSeparatorGets or sets the row seperator settings.  
Public PropertyRowSeparatorBackgroundGets or sets the default background color to use for row separators  
Public PropertyRowSeparatorHeightSets or gets the height to use for the row separators.  
Public PropertyRowSeparatorLastStickyRowBackgroundGets or sets the default last sticky row background color to use for row separators  
Public PropertyRowSeparatorPinnedRowBackgroundGets or sets the pinned row background color to use for row separators  
Public PropertyRowSeparatorStickyRowBackgroundGets or sets the default sticky row background color to use for row separators  
Public PropertySaveEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertySaveFromParentEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyScaleX (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyScaleY (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyScrollBarDefaultDelayBeforeFade (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyScrollBarFadeDuration (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyScrollbarFadingEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyScrollBarSize (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyScrollBarStyle (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyScrollX (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyScrollY (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertySectionHeaderGets or sets the header type used for sectioning off groups of rows.  
Public PropertySectionHeaderBackgroundGets or sets the default background color to use for section header cells  
Public PropertySectionHeaderFontFamilyReturns or sets the font family for the text.  
Public PropertySectionHeaderFontSizeReturns or sets the font size for the text.  
Public PropertySectionHeaderFontStyleReturns or sets the font style for the text.  
Public PropertySectionHeaderSelectedBackgroundGets or sets the default background color to use for section header cells when a row is in a selected state  
Public PropertySectionHeaderTextColorGets or sets the default text color to use for section header cells  
Public PropertySelected (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertySelectedCellRangesGets which cell ranges are currently selected in the grid. Collection can be updated to programatically select cells.  
Public PropertySelectedCellsGets which cells are currently selected in the grid. Collection can be updated to programatically select cells.  
Public PropertySelectedItemsGets which items are currently selected in the grid. Collection can be updated to programatically select items.  
Public PropertySelectedKeysGets which primary key values are currently selected in the grid. Collection can be updated to programatically select items.  
Public PropertySelectionModeSets or gets the grid selection mode.  
Public PropertySolidColor (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertySortDescriptionsGets the current sort that is applied to the grid. Collection can be updated to modify the sort for the grid. Once sort descriptions are in this collection, the grid will no longer listen for changes on their properties.  
Public PropertySoundEffectsEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyStickyRowBackgroundGets or sets the default color to use for sticky rows  
Public PropertySummaryDescriptionsGets the current summaries that are applied to the grid.  
Public PropertySummaryFontFamilyReturns or sets the font family for the text.  
Public PropertySummaryFontSizeReturns or sets the font size for the text.  
Public PropertySummaryFontStyleReturns or sets the font style for the text.  
Public PropertySummaryRootBackgroundGets or sets the default background color to use for summary cells at the root level.  
Public PropertySummaryRootNameTextColorGets or sets the default text color to use for summary names in summary cells at the root level.  
Public PropertySummaryRootSelectedBackgroundGets or sets the default background color to use for summary cells at the root level.  
Public PropertySummaryRootTextColorGets or sets the default text color to use for summary cells at the root level.  
Public PropertySummaryRowRootGets or sets the cell definition used for summary rows at the root level.  
Public PropertySummaryRowSectionGets or sets the cell definition used for summary rows at the section level.  
Public PropertySummaryScopeGets or sets the scope which summaries are calculated for.  
Public PropertySummarySectionBackgroundGets or sets the default background color to use for summary cells at the section level.  
Public PropertySummarySectionFontFamilyReturns or sets the font family for the text.  
Public PropertySummarySectionFontSizeReturns or sets the font size for the text.  
Public PropertySummarySectionFontStyleReturns or sets the font style for the text.  
Public PropertySummarySectionNameTextColorGets or sets the default text color to use for summary names in summary cells at the section level.  
Public PropertySummarySectionSelectedBackgroundGets or sets the default background color to use for summary cells at the section level.  
Public PropertySummarySectionTextColorGets or sets the default text color to use for summary cells at the section level.  
Public PropertySystemUiVisibility (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyTag (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyTextAlignment (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyTextDirection (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyTop (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyTouchables (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyTouchDelegate (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyTranslationX (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyTranslationY (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyVerticalFadingEdgeEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyVerticalFadingEdgeLength (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyVerticalScrollBarEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyVerticalScrollbarPosition (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyVerticalScrollbarWidth (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyViewTreeObserver (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyVisibility (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyWidth (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyWindowId (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyWindowSystemUiVisibility (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyWindowToken (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyWindowVisibility (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyBottomFadingEdgeStrength (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertyBottomPaddingOffset (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertyChildrenDrawingOrderEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected PropertyChildrenDrawnWithCacheEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected PropertyContextMenuInfo (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertyHorizontalScrollbarHeight (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertyIsPaddingOffsetRequired (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertyIsXLockedReturns true if scrolling is 'locked in the X dimension. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.ScrollView2D)
Protected PropertyIsYLockedReturns true if scrolling is 'locked in the Y dimension. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.ScrollView2D)
Protected PropertyLeftFadingEdgeStrength (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertyLeftPaddingOffset (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertyRightFadingEdgeStrength (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertyRightPaddingOffset (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertySuggestedMinimumHeight (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertySuggestedMinimumWidth (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertyThresholdClass (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected PropertyThresholdType (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected PropertyTopFadingEdgeStrength (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertyTopPaddingOffset (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertyWindowAttachCount (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public Methods
Public MethodAddChildrenForAccessibility (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodAddFocusablesOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodAddOnAttachStateChangeListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodAddOnLayoutChangeListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodAddStatesFromChildren (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodAddTouchables (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodAddViewOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodAnimate (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodAnnounceForAccessibilityOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodBringChildToFront (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodBringToFront (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodBuildDrawingCacheOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodBuildLayer (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodCallOnClick (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodCancelLongPress (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodCancelPendingInputEvents (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodCanMoveColumnLeftReturns true if a column can be moved to the left of it's current position; otherwise false.  
Public MethodCanMoveColumnRightReturns true if a column can be moved to the right of it's current position; otherwise false.  
Public MethodCanResolveLayoutDirection (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodCanResolveTextAlignment (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodCanResolveTextDirection (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodCanScrollHorizontally (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodCanScrollVertically (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodCheckInputConnectionProxy (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodChildDrawableStateChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodChildHasTransientStateChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodClearAnimation (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodClearChildFocus (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodClearDisappearingChildren (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodClearFocus (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodComputeScrollComputes the scroll position. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.ScrollView2D)
Public MethodCreateAccessibilityNodeInfo (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodCreateContextMenu (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDataIndexOfItemReturns the data index of an item within the bound data source.  
Public MethodDataIndexOfPrimaryKeyReturns the data index of a primary key value.  
Public MethodDestroyDrawingCache (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchConfigurationChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchDisplayHint (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchDragEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchGenericMotionEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchKeyEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchKeyEventPreIme (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchKeyShortcutEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchSetActivated (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodDispatchSetSelected (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodDispatchSystemUiVisibilityChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchTouchEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchTrackballEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchUnhandledMove (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchWindowFocusChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchWindowSystemUiVisiblityChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchWindowVisibilityChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDisposeOverloaded. Overridden. Releases the resources used by the View.  
Public MethodDrawCalled when the control is painted. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.ScrollView2D)
Public MethodEndViewTransition (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodEquals (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Public MethodExchangeColumnExchanges a column currently in the grid with another that is not presently in the grid.  
Public MethodExportSerializedVisualModelReturns a serialized copy of the exported visual model  
Public MethodExportVisualModelExports visual information about the current state of the grid.  
Public MethodFindFocus (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodFindViewByIdOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodFindViewsWithTextOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodFindViewWithTag (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodFlushMakes sure pending work has completed if the grid need to be synchronously examined.  
Public MethodFocusableViewAvailable (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodFocusSearchOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodForceLayout (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGatherTransparentRegion (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodGenerateLayoutParamsOverloaded. Generates some layout params from other params. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.SimpleViewGroup)
Public MethodGetChildAt (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodGetChildVisibleRect (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodGetColumnAtRenderedIndexGets the column that appears at the index specified. This is not the columns actual index in the column's collection but the index for how it appears visually in the grid.  
Public MethodGetDrawableState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetDrawingCache (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetDrawingRect (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetFirstVisibleIndexGets the first visible index in the grid.  
Public MethodGetFocusables (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetFocusedRect (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetGlobalVisibleRectOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetHashCode (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Public MethodGetHitCell  
Public MethodGetHitRect (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetLastVisibleIndexGets the last visible index in the grid.  
Public MethodGetLocalVisibleRect (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetLocationInWindow (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetLocationOnScreen (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetRootSummaryResultsGets the summary results for root level.  
Public MethodGetSectionSummaryResultsGets the summary results for a specific section.  
Public MethodGetTag (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetWindowVisibleDisplayFrame (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetX (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetY (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodHideThenRemoveColumnPlays the hide animation for a column and then removes it once the hiding animation has completed.  
Public MethodIndexOfChild (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodInvalidateOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodInvalidateChild (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodInvalidateChildInParent (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodInvalidateDrawable (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodInvalidateVisibleRowsInvalidates the bound data for the rows currently visible.  
Public MethodInvokeFitsSystemWindows (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodJumpDrawablesToCurrentState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodLayout (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodMeasure (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodMoveColumnMoves a column from one index to another in the grid.  
Public MethodMoveColumnLeftMoves a column to the left, if possible.  
Public MethodMoveColumnRightMoves a column to the right, if possible.  
Public MethodNotify (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Public MethodNotifyAll (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Public MethodNotifyClearItemsManually notifies the grid's data source that the data it has bound to has been cleared and needs to be re-examined. This should not be called if the data that the grid is bound to is already observable.  
Public MethodNotifyInsertItemManually notifies the grid's data source that an item has been inserted in the data it is bound to. This should not be called if the data that the grid is bound to is already observable.  
Public MethodNotifyRemoveItemManually notifies the grid's data source that an item has been removed in the data it is bound to. This should not be called if the data that the grid is bound to is already observable.  
Public MethodNotifySetItemManually notifies the grid's data source that an item has been changed in the data it is bound to. This should not be called the data that the grid is bound to is already observable.  
Public MethodNotifySubtreeAccessibilityStateChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodOffsetDescendantRectToMyCoords (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodOffsetLeftAndRight (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOffsetRectIntoDescendantCoords (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodOffsetTopAndBottom (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnCancelPendingInputEvents (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnCheckIsTextEditor (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnCreateInputConnection (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnDragEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnFilterTouchEventForSecurity (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnFinishTemporaryDetach (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnGenericMotionEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnHoverChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnHoverEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnInitializeAccessibilityEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnInterceptHoverEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodOnInterceptTouchEventCalled when a touch event is occurring. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.ScrollView2D)
Public MethodOnKeyDown (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnKeyLongPress (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnKeyMultiple (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnKeyPreIme (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnKeyShortcut (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnKeyUp (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnPopulateAccessibilityEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnRequestSendAccessibilityEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodOnRtlPropertiesChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnScreenStateChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnStartTemporaryDetach (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnTouchEventCalled when a touch event occurs. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.ScrollView2D)
Public MethodOnTrackballEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnWindowFocusChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnWindowSystemUiVisibilityChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodPerformAccessibilityAction (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodPerformClick (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodPerformHapticFeedbackOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodPerformLongClick (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodPinColumnPins a column to the desired location.  
Public MethodPlaySoundEffect (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodPostOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodPostDelayedOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodPostInvalidateOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodPostInvalidateDelayedOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodPostInvalidateOnAnimationOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodPostOnAnimation (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodPostOnAnimationDelayed (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodRecomputeViewAttributes (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodRefreshForces a refresh of the grid content.  
Public MethodRefreshDrawableState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodRemoveAllViews (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodRemoveAllViewsInLayout (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodRemoveCallbacksOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodRemoveOnAttachStateChangeListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodRemoveOnLayoutChangeListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodRemoveView (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodRemoveViewAt (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodRemoveViewInLayout (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodRemoveViews (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodRemoveViewsInLayout (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodRequestChildFocus (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodRequestChildRectangleOnScreen (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodRequestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodRequestFitSystemWindows (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodRequestFocusOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodRequestFocusFromTouch (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodRequestLayout (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodRequestRectangleOnScreenOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodRequestSendAccessibilityEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodRequestTransparentRegion (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodResolveCellValueResolves the value of a specific cell.  
Public MethodResolveCellValueFromPosition  
Public MethodRestoreHierarchyState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSaveHierarchyState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodScheduleDrawableOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodScheduleLayoutAnimation (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodScrollBy (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodScrollTo (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodScrollToColumnByIndexScrolls the grid to given column, by index  
Public MethodScrollToItemScrolls to an item, if found.  
Public MethodScrollToLastRowByIndexScrolls the grid so that a row is the last visible, by index.  
Public MethodScrollToPrimaryKeyScrolls to a primary key value if possible.  
Public MethodScrollToRowByIndexScrolls the grid to given row, by index  
Public MethodSendAccessibilityEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSendAccessibilityEventUnchecked (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetAccessibilityDelegate (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetActiveResponsiveStateManually set the active responsive state of the grid.  
Public MethodSetAddStatesFromChildren (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodSetBackgroundColor (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetBackgroundDrawable (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetBackgroundResource (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetCameraDistance (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetCellFontSizeSets the CellFontSize property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetClipChildren (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodSetClipToPadding (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodSetDefaultColumnMinWidthSets the DefaultColumnMinWidth property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetFadingEdgeLength (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetFitsSystemWindows (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetHeaderFontSizeSets the HeaderFontSize property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetHeaderHeightSets the HeaderHeight property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetHeaderSeparatorWidthSets the HeaderSeparatorWidth property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetInsetSets the Inset property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetLayerPaint (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetLayerType (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetMinimumHeight (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetMinimumWidth (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetOnClickListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetOnCreateContextMenuListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetOnDragListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetOnGenericMotionListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetOnHierarchyChangeListener (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodSetOnHoverListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetOnKeyListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetOnLongClickListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetOnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetOnTouchListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetPadding (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetPaddingRelative (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetPinnedAreaSeparatorWidthSets the PinnedAreaSeparatorWidth property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetRowHeightSets the RowHeight property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetRowSeparatorHeightSets the RowSeparatorHeight property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetScrollContainer (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetSectionHeaderFontSizeSets the SectionHeaderFontSize property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetSummaryFontSizeSets the SummaryFontSize property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetSummarySectionFontSizeSets the SummarySectionFontSize property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetTag (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetWillNotCacheDrawing (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetWillNotDraw (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetX (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetY (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodShouldDelayChildPressedState (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodShowContextMenu (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodShowContextMenuForChild (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodStartActionMode (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodStartActionModeForChild (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodStartAnimation (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodStartDrag (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodStartLayoutAnimation (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodStartViewTransition (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodToArray<T> (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Public MethodToString (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Public MethodUnscheduleDrawableOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodUpdateViewLayout (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodWaitOverloaded.  (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Public MethodWillNotCacheDrawing (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodWillNotDraw (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected Methods
Protected MethodAddViewInLayoutOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodAttachLayoutAnimationParameters (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodAttachViewToParent (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodAwakenScrollBarsOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodCanAnimate (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodCheckLayoutParamsChecks if the layout params are appropriate. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.SimpleViewGroup)
Protected MethodCleanupLayoutState (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodClone (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Protected MethodComputeHorizontalScrollExtent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodComputeHorizontalScrollOffset (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodComputeHorizontalScrollRangeComputes the horizontal scroll range. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.ScrollView2D)
Protected MethodComputeVerticalScrollExtent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodComputeVerticalScrollOffset (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodComputeVerticalScrollRangeComputes the vertical scroll range. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.ScrollView2D)
Protected MethodDebug (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodDetachAllViewsFromParent (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodDetachViewFromParentOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodDetachViewsFromParent (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodDispatchDraw (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodDispatchFreezeSelfOnly (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodDispatchGenericFocusedEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodDispatchGenericPointerEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodDispatchHoverEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodDispatchRestoreInstanceState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodDispatchSaveInstanceState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodDispatchSetPressed (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodDispatchThawSelfOnly (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodDispatchVisibilityChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodDrawableStateChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodDrawChild (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodEndDragEnd the current drag operation. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.ScrollView2D)
Protected MethodEnsureTrackerEnsures the velocity tracker is created. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.ScrollView2D)
Protected MethodFinalize (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Protected MethodFitSystemWindows (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodGenerateDefaultLayoutParamsGenerates the default layout params. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.SimpleViewGroup)
Protected MethodGetChildDrawingOrder (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodGetChildStaticTransformation (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodInitializeFadingEdge (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodInitializeScrollbars (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodJavaFinalize (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Protected MethodLayoutChildrenCalled when the children are layed out. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.SimpleViewGroup)
Protected MethodMeasureChild (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodMeasureChildForSizeMeasures the specified child using the specified constraints. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.ScrollView2D)
Protected MethodMeasureChildren (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodMeasureChildWithMargins (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodMeasureViewOverloaded. Measures a child view. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.SimpleViewGroup)
Protected MethodOnActiveCellChangedUsed to invoke the ActiveCellChanged event.  
Protected MethodOnAnimationEnd (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnAnimationStart (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnAttachedToWindow (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnCellClickedUsed to invoke the CellClicked event.  
Protected MethodOnColumnExchangingAnimationCanceledUsed to invoke the ColumnExchangingAnimationCanceled event.  
Protected MethodOnColumnExchangingAnimationCompletedUsed to invoke the ColumnExchangingAnimationCompleted event.  
Protected MethodOnColumnHiddenChangedUsed to invoke the ColumnHiddenChanged event.  
Protected MethodOnColumnHidingAnimationCanceledUsed to invoke the ColumnHidingAnimationCanceled event.  
Protected MethodOnColumnHidingAnimationCompletedUsed to invoke the ColumnHidingAnimationCompleted event.  
Protected MethodOnColumnMovingAnimationCanceledUsed to invoke the ColumnMovingAnimationCanceled event.  
Protected MethodOnColumnMovingAnimationCompletedUsed to invoke the ColumnMovingAnimationCompleted event.  
Protected MethodOnColumnsAutoGeneratedUsed to invoke the ColumnsAutoGenerated event.  
Protected MethodOnColumnShowingAnimationCanceledUsed to invoke the ColumnShowingAnimationCanceled event.  
Protected MethodOnColumnShowingAnimationCompletedUsed to invoke the ColumnShowingAnimationCompleted event.  
Protected MethodOnConfigurationChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnCreateContextMenu (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnCreateDrawableState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnDetachedFromWindow (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnDisplayHint (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnDraw (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnDrawScrollBars (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnFilterExpressionsChangedUsed to invoke the FilterExpressionsChanged event.  
Protected MethodOnFilterExpressionsChangingUsed to invoke the FilterExpressionsChanging event.  
Protected MethodOnFinishInflate (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnFocusChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnGroupDescriptionsChangedUsed to invoke the GroupDescriptionsChanged event.  
Protected MethodOnLayoutCalled when child views should be arranged. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.SimpleViewGroup)
Protected MethodOnMeasureOverridden. Measure the view.  
Protected MethodOnOverScrolled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnPropertyChangedUsed to raise the PropertyChanged event when a property of the object has been changed.  
Protected MethodOnRequestFocusInDescendants (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodOnRestoreInstanceStateCalled when the instance state needs to be restored. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.ScrollView2D)
Protected MethodOnSaveInstanceStateCalled when the instance state needs to be saved. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.ScrollView2D)
Protected MethodOnScrollChangedCalled when the scroll changes. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.ScrollView2D)
Protected MethodOnSelectedCellRangesChangedUsed to invoke the SelectedCellRangesChanged event.  
Protected MethodOnSelectedCellsChangedUsed to invoke the SelectedCellsChanged event.  
Protected MethodOnSelectedItemsChangedUsed to invoke the SelectedItemsChanged event.  
Protected MethodOnSelectedKeysChangedUsed to invoke the SelectedKeysChanged event.  
Protected MethodOnSetAlpha (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnSizeChangedOverridden. Called during layout when the size of this view has changed.  
Protected MethodOnSortDescriptionsChangedUsed to invoke the SortDescriptionsChanged event.  
Protected MethodOnVisibilityChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnWindowVisibilityChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOverScrollBy (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodProcessDownProcess the specified 'down' event (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.ScrollView2D)
Protected MethodProcessMoveProcess the specified 'move' event (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.ScrollView2D)
Protected MethodProcessUpProcess the 'up' event (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.ScrollView2D)
Protected MethodRemoveDetachedView (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodResetResolvedLayoutDirection (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodResetResolvedTextDirection (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodSetChildrenDrawingCacheEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodSetContentSizeSets the content size. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.ScrollView2D)
Protected MethodSetHandle (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Protected MethodSetMeasuredDimension (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodSetStaticTransformationsEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodShouldCallFlingToCustomEndpointReturn true to indicate that FlingToCustomEndpoint should be called from ProcessUp when _scrollViewWillEndDragging is non-null (i.e., when a OnScrollViewDraggingEndChangingListener has been set via a call to SetScrollViewWillEndDragging). NOTE: This method returns 'true' by default to preserve existing behavior where FlingToCustomEndpoint was ALWAYS called if an OnScrollViewDraggingEndChangingListener was set. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.ScrollView2D)
Protected MethodVerifyDrawable (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public Events
Public EventActiveCellChangedCalled when the active cell changes.  
Public EventAnimationEnd (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public EventAnimationRepeat (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public EventAnimationStart (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public EventCellClickedCalled when a cell is clicked.  
Public EventChildViewAdded (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public EventChildViewRemoved (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public EventClick (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventColumnExchangingAnimationCanceledCalled when a column exchanging animation is canceled.  
Public EventColumnExchangingAnimationCompletedCalled when a column exchanging animation is completed.  
Public EventColumnHiddenChangedCalled when a column is hidden or unhidden.  
Public EventColumnHidingAnimationCanceledCalled when a column hiding animation is canceled.  
Public EventColumnHidingAnimationCompletedCalled when a column hiding animation is completed.  
Public EventColumnMovingAnimationCanceledCalled when a column moving animation is canceled.  
Public EventColumnMovingAnimationCompletedCalled when a column moving animation is completed.  
Public EventColumnsAutoGeneratedCalled when the columns are autogenerated.  
Public EventColumnShowingAnimationCanceledCalled when a column showing animation is canceled.  
Public EventColumnShowingAnimationCompletedCalled when a column showing animation is completed.  
Public EventContextMenuCreated (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventDrag (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventFilterExpressionsChanged  
Public EventFilterExpressionsChanging  
Public EventFocusChange (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventGenericMotion (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventGroupDescriptionsChangedCalled when grouping has changed.  
Public EventHover (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventKeyPress (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventLayoutChange (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventLongClick (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventPropertyChangedInvoked when a property of the object has been changed.  
Public EventSelectedCellRangesChangedCalled when the selected cell ranges changed.  
Public EventSelectedCellsChangedCalled when the selected cells change.  
Public EventSelectedItemsChangedCalled when the selected items change.  
Public EventSelectedKeysChangedCalled when the selected keys change.  
Public EventSortDescriptionsChangedCalled when sorting has changed.  
Public EventSystemUiVisibilityChange (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventTouch (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventViewAttachedToWindow (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventViewDetachedFromWindow (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
See Also