| Name | Description |
| ActivityGroupingMode | Returns/sets how a DayView or WeekView visually groups activities with respect to their associated Infragistics.Scheduler.ScheduleResource. |
| AgendaViewAppointmentEndTimeBackgroundBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment end time in an AgendaView. |
| AgendaViewAppointmentEndTimeFontAttributes | Returns or sets the font style for the appointment end time in an AgendaView.. |
| AgendaViewAppointmentEndTimeFontFamily | Returns or sets the font family for the appointment end time in an AgendaView.. |
| AgendaViewAppointmentEndTimeFontSize | Returns or sets the font size for the appointment end time in an AgendaView.. |
| AgendaViewAppointmentEndTimeSelectedBackgroundBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of a selected Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment's end time in an AgendaView. |
| AgendaViewAppointmentEndTimeSelectedTextBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for a selected Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment's end time in the AgendaView. |
| AgendaViewAppointmentEndTimeTextBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment end time in the AgendaView. |
| AgendaViewAppointmentLocationBackgroundBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment location in an AgendaView. |
| AgendaViewAppointmentLocationFontAttributes | Returns or sets the font style for the appointment location in an AgendaView.. |
| AgendaViewAppointmentLocationFontFamily | Returns or sets the font family for the appointment location in an AgendaView.. |
| AgendaViewAppointmentLocationFontSize | Returns or sets the font size for the appointment location in an AgendaView.. |
| AgendaViewAppointmentLocationSelectedBackgroundBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of a selected Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment's location in an AgendaView. |
| AgendaViewAppointmentLocationSelectedTextBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for a selected Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment's location in an AgendaView. |
| AgendaViewAppointmentLocationTextBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment location in an AgendaView. |
| AgendaViewAppointmentMargin | Returns/sets the margin to use for rendering an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment an an AgendaView. |
| AgendaViewAppointmentScope | Returns/sets the scope of appointments that are displayed in an AgendaView. |
| AgendaViewAppointmentSeparatorLineBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use when rendering the separator line between Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointments in an AgendaView. |
| AgendaViewAppointmentStartTimeBackgroundBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment start time in an AgendaView. |
| AgendaViewAppointmentStartTimeFontAttributes | Returns or sets the font style for the appointment start time in an AgendaView.. |
| AgendaViewAppointmentStartTimeFontFamily | Returns or sets the font family for the appointment start time in an AgendaView.. |
| AgendaViewAppointmentStartTimeFontSize | Returns or sets the font size for the appointment start time in an AgendaView.. |
| AgendaViewAppointmentStartTimeSelectedBackgroundBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of a selected Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment's start time in an AgendaView. |
| AgendaViewAppointmentStartTimeSelectedTextBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for a selected Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment's start time in the AgendaView. |
| AgendaViewAppointmentStartTimeTextBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment start time in the AgendaView. |
| AgendaViewAppointmentSubjectBackgroundBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment subject in an AgendaView. |
| AgendaViewAppointmentSubjectFontAttributes | Returns or sets the font style for the appointment subject in an AgendaView.. |
| AgendaViewAppointmentSubjectFontFamily | Returns or sets the font family for the appointment subject in an AgendaView.. |
| AgendaViewAppointmentSubjectFontSize | Returns or sets the font size for the appointment subject in an AgendaView.. |
| AgendaViewAppointmentSubjectSelectedBackgroundBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of a selected Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment's subject in an AgendaView. |
| AgendaViewAppointmentSubjectSelectedTextBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for a selected Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment's subject in an AgendaView. |
| AgendaViewAppointmentSubjectTextBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment subject in an AgendaView. |
| AgendaViewBackgroundBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of an AgendaView. |
| AgendaViewDayHeaderBackgroundBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of a day header in an AgendaView. |
| AgendaViewDayHeaderFontAttributes | Returns or sets the font style for the day header in an AgendaView.. |
| AgendaViewDayHeaderFontFamily | Returns or sets the font family for the day header in an AgendaView.. |
| AgendaViewDayHeaderFontSize | Returns or sets the font size for the day header in an AgendaView.. |
| AgendaViewDayHeaderMargin | Returns/sets the margin to use for rendering the text for the day header of a MonthView. |
| AgendaViewDayHeaderSeparatorLineBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use when rendering the separator line between a day header and the day's Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointments in an AgendaView. |
| AgendaViewDayHeaderTextBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for a day header in an AgendaView. |
| AgendaViewInterDaySpacing | Returns/sets the spacing between months in a MonthView. |
| AgendaViewMaximumDate | Returns/sets the maximum date for which appointments should be displayed in an AgendaView. When this property is set, its value will be constrained to the MinimumDate and MaximumDate dates. |
| AgendaViewMessageFontAttributes | Returns or sets the font style for the 'No Events' message in an AgendaView.. |
| AgendaViewMessageFontFamily | Returns or sets the font family for the 'No Events' message in an AgendaView.. |
| AgendaViewMessageFontSize | Returns or sets the font size for the 'No Events' message in an AgendaView.. |
| AgendaViewMessageTextBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for the 'No Events' message in an AgendaView. |
| AgendaViewMinimumDate | Returns/sets the minimum date for which appointments should be displayed in an AgendaView. When this property is set, its value will be constrained to the MinimumDate and MinimumDate dates. |
| AllDayEventAreaBackgroundBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of the all-day event area in DayView and WeekView. |
| AllDayEventAreaVisibility | Returns/sets the visibility of the all-day event area. |
| AllDayEventBackgroundBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of an all-day event in the all-day event area in DayView and WeekView. |
| AllDayEventFontAttributes | Returns or sets the font style for the all-day event in a DayView or WeekView.. |
| AllDayEventFontFamily | Returns or sets the font family for the all-day event in a DayView or WeekView.. |
| AllDayEventFontSize | Returns or sets the font size for the all-day event in a DayView or WeekView.. |
| AllDayEventTextBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for an all-day event in the all-day event area in DayView and WeekView. |
| AnchorX | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| AnchorY | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| AutomationId | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.Element) |
| BackgroundColor | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| Behaviors | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| BindingContext | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.BindableObject) |
| Bounds | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| class | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.NavigableElement) |
| ClassId | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.Element) |
| DataSource | Returns/sets the ScheduleDataSource to use for obtaining the activity data to display in the control. |
| DayHeaderBackgroundBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of a day header in a DayView or WeekView. |
| DayHeaderFontAttributes | Returns or sets the font style for the day header in a DayView or WeekView.. |
| DayHeaderFontFamily | Returns or sets the font family for the day header in a DayView or WeekView.. |
| DayHeaderFontSize | Returns or sets the font size for the day header in a DayView or WeekView.. |
| DayHeaderTextBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for a day header in a DayView or WeekView. |
| DaysOfWeekSettings | Returns or sets an object which determines the workdays and working hours for the control. |
| DayViewAppointmentBackgroundBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for filling the background of an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment in a DayView or WeekView when there is no resource assigned to the Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment. When there IS a Infragistics.Scheduler.ScheduleResource assigned to the Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment this property is ignored and the brush associated with the Infragistics.Scheduler.ScheduleResource is used instead. |
| DayViewAppointmentLocationBackgroundBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment location in a DayView or WeekView. |
| DayViewAppointmentLocationFontAttributes | Returns or sets the font style for the appointment location in a DayView or WeekView.. |
| DayViewAppointmentLocationFontFamily | Returns or sets the font family for the appointment location in a DayView or WeekView.. |
| DayViewAppointmentLocationFontSize | Returns or sets the font size for the appointment location in a DayView or WeekView.. |
| DayViewAppointmentLocationTextBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment location in a DayView or WeekView. |
| DayViewAppointmentSubjectBackgroundBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment subject in a DayView or WeekView. |
| DayViewAppointmentSubjectFontAttributes | Returns or sets the font style for the appointment subject in a DayView or WeekView.. |
| DayViewAppointmentSubjectFontFamily | Returns or sets the font family for the appointment subject in a DayView or WeekView.. |
| DayViewAppointmentSubjectFontSize | Returns or sets the font size for the appointment subject in a DayView or WeekView.. |
| DayViewAppointmentSubjectTextBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment subject in a DayView or WeekView. |
| DayViewBackgroundBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of a DayView. |
| DayViewNavigationHeaderDateFontAttributes | Returns or sets the font style for the navigation header date in a DayView or WeekView.. |
| DayViewNavigationHeaderDateFontFamily | Returns or sets the font family for the navigation header date in a DayView or WeekView.. |
| DayViewNavigationHeaderDateFontSize | Returns or sets the font size for the navigation header date in a DayView or WeekView.. |
| DayViewNavigationHeaderDateTextBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for a navigation header date in XamScheduler in a DayView or WeekView. |
| DayViewNumberOfDays | Returns/sets the number of days displayed in a DayView. |
| Dispatcher | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.BindableObject) |
| Effects | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.Element) |
| FirstDayOfWeekOverride | Returns/sets the System.DayOfWeek to use as the first day of the week instead of the current culture's default first day of the week. |
| FlowDirection | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| GestureRecognizers | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.View) |
| Height | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| HeightRequest | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| HorizontalOptions | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.View) |
| Id | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.Element) |
| InputTransparent | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| IsEnabled | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| IsFocused | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| IsTabStop | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| IsVisible | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| Margin | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.View) |
| MaximumDate | Returns/sets the earliest System.DateTime that can possibly be displayed in the control. Defaults to a date that is 5 years later than the current date. |
| MinimumDate | Returns/sets the latest System.DateTime that can possibly be displayed in the control. Defaults to a date that is 5 years prior to the current date. |
| MinimumHeightRequest | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| MinimumWidthRequest | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| MonthViewAgendaVisibility | Returns/sets the visibility of an AgendaView in a MonthView. When true, the MonthView will display an AgendaView showing the Appointments for the currently selected day at the top of its list of Appointments. |
| MonthViewAppointmentFontAttributes | Returns or sets the font style for the Appointment text in a MonthView.. |
| MonthViewAppointmentFontFamily | Returns or sets the font family for the Appointment text in a MonthView.. |
| MonthViewAppointmentFontSize | Returns or sets the font size for the Appointment text in a MonthView.. |
| MonthViewBackgroundBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of a MonthView. |
| MonthViewDayActivityIndicatorBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for filling the activity content (indicator or subject) within a day in a MonthView when there is no resource assigned to an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment. When there IS a Infragistics.Scheduler.ScheduleResource assigned to an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment this property is ignored and the brush associated with the Infragistics.Scheduler.ScheduleResource is used instead. |
| MonthViewDayBackgroundBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of a day in a MonthView. |
| MonthViewDayContentDisplayMode | Returns/sets the type of content displayed in a MonthView day. |
| MonthViewDayFontAttributes | Returns or sets the font style for the day in a MonthView.. |
| MonthViewDayFontFamily | Returns or sets the font family for the day in a MonthView.. |
| MonthViewDayFontSize | Returns or sets the font size for the day in a MonthView.. |
| MonthViewDayOfWeekHeaderBackgroundBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for filling the background of a MonthView day of week header. |
| MonthViewDayOfWeekHeaderFontAttributes | Returns or sets the font style for the day of week header in a MonthView.. |
| MonthViewDayOfWeekHeaderFontFamily | Returns or sets the font family for the day of week header in a MonthView.. |
| MonthViewDayOfWeekHeaderFontSize | Returns or sets the font size for the day of week header in a MonthView.. |
| MonthViewDayOfWeekHeaderMargin | Returns/sets the margin to use for rendering the text for the month day of week header of a MonthView. NOTE: Only the Top and Bottom margin values are applied - the Left and Right values are ignored. |
| MonthViewDayOfWeekHeaderTextBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for rendering the text for a MonthView day of week header. |
| MonthViewDayOfWeekHeaderVisibility | Returns/sets the visibility of the MonthView day of week headers. |
| MonthViewDayTextBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for a day in the MonthView. |
| MonthViewHorizontalSeparatorVisibility | Returns/sets the visibility of the horizontal separators between weeks in the MonthView. |
| MonthViewInterMonthSpacing | Returns/sets the spacing between months in a MonthView. |
| MonthViewLeadingDayBackgroundBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of a leading day in a MonthView. |
| MonthViewLeadingDayFontAttributes | Returns or sets the font style for the leading day in a MonthView.. |
| MonthViewLeadingDayFontFamily | Returns or sets the font family for the leading day in a MonthView.. |
| MonthViewLeadingDayFontSize | Returns or sets the font size for the leading day in a MonthView.. |
| MonthViewLeadingDayTextBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for a leading day in the MonthView. |
| MonthViewLeadingDayVisibility | Returns/sets the visibility of the leading days in a MonthView (i.e. days from the prior month that occur in the first week of a given month). |
| MonthViewNameBackgroundBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for filling the background of the month name in a MonthView. |
| MonthViewNameFontAttributes | Returns or sets the font style for the month name in a MonthView.. |
| MonthViewNameFontFamily | Returns or sets the font family for the month name in a MonthView.. |
| MonthViewNameFontSize | Returns or sets the font size for the month name in a MonthView.. |
| MonthViewNameMargin | Returns/sets the margin to use for rendering the text for the month name of a MonthView. |
| MonthViewNameSeparatorLineBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use when rendering the separator line below a month name in a MonthView. |
| MonthViewNameTextBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for rendering the text for the month name of a MonthView. |
| MonthViewNameVisibility | Returns/sets the visibility of the month name of a MonthView. |
| MonthViewNavigationHeaderDateFontAttributes | Returns or sets the font style for the navigation header date in a MonthView.. |
| MonthViewNavigationHeaderDateFontFamily | Returns or sets the font family for the navigation header date in a MonthView.. |
| MonthViewNavigationHeaderDateFontSize | Returns or sets the font size for the navigation header date in a MonthView.. |
| MonthViewNavigationHeaderDateTextBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for a navigation header date in XamScheduler in a MonthView. |
| MonthViewScrollDirection | Returns/sets the Infragistics.Scheduler.Core.SchedulerViewScrollDirection which determines the direction in which the MonthView scrolls. |
| MonthViewSelectedDayBackgroundBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for filling the background of a selected day in a MonthView. |
| MonthViewSelectedDayTextBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for rendering the text of a selected day in a MonthView. |
| MonthViewSeparatorLineBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for rendering the separator lines of a MonthView. |
| MonthViewTodayHighlightBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use when rendering the highlight circle for the day in the MonthView that represents today. |
| MonthViewTodayTextBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for the day in the MonthView that represents today. |
| MonthViewTrailingDayBackgroundBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of a trailing day in a MonthView. |
| MonthViewTrailingDayFontAttributes | Returns or sets the font style for the trailing day in a MonthView.. |
| MonthViewTrailingDayFontFamily | Returns or sets the font family for the trailing day in a MonthView.. |
| MonthViewTrailingDayFontSize | Returns or sets the font size for the trailing day in a MonthView.. |
| MonthViewTrailingDayTextBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for a trailing day in the MonthView. |
| MonthViewTrailingDayVisibility | Returns/sets the visibility of the trailing days in a MonthView (i.e. days from the following month that occur in the last week of a given month). |
| MonthViewVerticalSeparatorVisibility | Returns/sets the visibility of the vertical separators between days of the week in a MonthView. |
| MonthViewWeekNumberBackgroundBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for filling the background of a week number in a MonthView. |
| MonthViewWeekNumberFontAttributes | Returns or sets the font style for the week number in a MonthView.. |
| MonthViewWeekNumberFontFamily | Returns or sets the font family for the week number in a MonthView.. |
| MonthViewWeekNumberFontSize | Returns or sets the font size for the week number in a MonthView.. |
| MonthViewWeekNumberTextBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for rendering the text of a week number in the MonthView |
| MonthViewWeekNumberVisibility | Returns/sets the visibility of the week numbers in a MonthView. |
| Navigation | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.NavigableElement) |
| NavigationHeaderBackgroundBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of a navigation header in XamScheduler views that support a navigation header. |
| NavigationHeaderBorderBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for filling the border of a navigation header in XamScheduler views that support a navigation header. |
| NavigationHeaderVisibility | Returns/sets the visibility of the navigation header in XamScheduler views that support a navigation header. When true, supported views will display a header with buttons for navigating from page to page. |
| Opacity | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| Parent | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.Element) |
| ResourceHeaderBackgroundBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of a resource header in a DayView or WeekView. |
| ResourceHeaderFontAttributes | Returns or sets the font style for the resource header in a DayView or WeekView.. |
| ResourceHeaderFontFamily | Returns or sets the font family for the resource header in a DayView or WeekView.. |
| ResourceHeaderFontSize | Returns or sets the font size for the resource header in a DayView or WeekView.. |
| ResourceHeaderTextBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for a resource header in a DayView or WeekView. |
| Resources | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| Rotation | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| RotationX | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| RotationY | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| Scale | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| ScaleX | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| ScaleY | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| SelectedAppointment | Returns/sets the Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment that is currently selected in the . Returns null if no Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment is currently selected. |
| SelectedDate | Returns/sets the date that is currently selected in the Scheduler. Returns null if no date is currently selected. |
| SelectedTimeRange | Returns the Infragistics.Scheduler.TimeRange that is currently selected in a DayView or WeekView. Returns null if no Infragistics.Scheduler.TimeRange is currently selected. NOTE: The DayView or WeekView will highlight the TimeSlot which contains the Infragistics.Scheduler.TimeRange.Start time associated with the SelectedTimeRange. |
| Style | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.NavigableElement) |
| StyleClass | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.NavigableElement) |
| StyleId | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.Element) |
| TabIndex | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| TimeFormat | Returns/sets the manner in which time values are formatted and displayed. |
| TimeSlotDescriptorBackgroundBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for filling the background of a time slot descriptor in a DayView or WeekView. |
| TimeSlotDescriptorFontAttributes | Returns or sets the font style for the time slot descriptor in a DayView or WeekView.. |
| TimeSlotDescriptorFontFamily | Returns or sets the font family for the time slot descriptor in a DayView or WeekView.. |
| TimeSlotDescriptorFontSize | Returns or sets the font size for the time slot descriptor in a DayView or WeekView.. |
| TimeSlotDescriptorTextBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for a time slot descriptor in a DayView or WeekView. |
| TimeSlotInterval | Returns/sets the amount of time represented by each time slot in a DayView or WeekView. |
| TimeSlotMajorHorizontalSeparatorBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for rendering the horizontal separators between the major groupings of time slots in a DayView or WeekView. |
| TimeSlotMajorHorizontalSeparatorVisibility | Returns/sets the visibility of the horizontal separators between 'major' time slots in a DayView or WeekView. |
| TimeSlotMajorVerticalSeparatorBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for rendering the vertical separators between the major groupings of time slots in a DayView or WeekView. |
| TimeSlotMajorVerticalSeparatorVisibility | Returns/sets the visibility of the vertical separators between the major groupings of time slots in a DayView or WeekView. |
| TimeSlotMinorHorizontalSeparatorBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for rendering the horizontal separators between the minor groupings of time slots in a DayView or WeekView. |
| TimeSlotMinorHorizontalSeparatorVisibility | Returns/sets the visibility of the horizontal separators between 'minor' time slots in a DayView or WeekView. |
| TimeSlotMinorVerticalSeparatorBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for rendering the vertical separators between the minor groupings of time slots in a DayView or WeekView. |
| TimeSlotMinorVerticalSeparatorVisibility | Returns/sets the visibility of the vertical separators between the minor groupings of time slots in a DayView or WeekView. |
| TimeSlotNonWorkingHourBackgroundBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for filling the background of a non-working hour time slot in a DayView or WeekView. |
| TimeSlotSelectedBackgroundBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for filling the background of a selected time slot in a DayView or WeekView. |
| TimeSlotWorkingHourBackgroundBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for filling the background of a working hour time slot in a DayView or WeekView. |
| TranslationX | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| TranslationY | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| Triggers | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| VerticalOptions | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.View) |
| ViewMode | Returns/sets the Infragistics.Scheduler.Core.SchedulerViewMode which determines which view is currently displayed in the component. |
| ViewSplitOrientation | Returns/sets the Infragistics.Scheduler.Core.SchedulerViewSplitOrientation which determines whether the primary and secondary views are split vertically or horizontally. |
| ViewSplitOrientationMode | Returns/sets the Infragistics.Scheduler.Core.SchedulerViewSplitOrientationMode which determines whether the orientation of the split between views is changed automatically based on control aspect ratio changes or manually by the developer. |
| Visual | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| WeekViewBackgroundBrush | Returns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of a WeekView. |
| WeekViewDisplayMode | Returns/sets whether a WeekView displays activity for all 7 days in a week or just for the days designated as working days for the selected resources. |
| Width | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| WidthRequest | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| WorkingHoursDisplayMode | Returns/sets whether a DayView or WeekView displays activity for working and/or non-working hours. |
| X | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| Y | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |