
GetCellValue(Int32) Method

Gets the value of the cell at the specified column index.
public object GetCellValue( 
   int columnIndex


The 0-based index of the cell within the WorksheetRow.
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptioncolumnIndex is less than zero or greater than or equal to the number of columns in the worksheet.
System.InvalidOperationExceptionIf the row was removed from the worksheet.

If this cell belongs to a merged cell region and it is the top-left cell of the region, getting and setting the value will get and set the value of the associated merged cell region. Getting the value of other cells in a merged cell region will always return null. Setting the value of other cells in a merged cell region will have no effect.

If a formula has been applied to the cell or a data table is associated with the cell, getting the Value will return the calculated value of the cell.

The types supported for the value are:

  • System.Byte
  • System.SByte
  • System.Int16
  • System.Int64
  • System.UInt16
  • System.UInt64
  • System.UInt32
  • System.Int32
  • System.Single
  • System.Double
  • System.Boolean
  • System.Char
  • System.Enum
  • System.Decimal
  • System.DateTime
  • System.String
  • System.Text.StringBuilder
  • System.DBNull
  • ErrorValue
  • FormattedString


Target Platforms: Android 4.4+, iOS 8+

Development Environments: Visual Studio 2015+, Visual Studio for Mac Preview, Xamarin for Visual Studio 4.2+

See Also