| Name | Description |
| ColorAxis | Determines the color of the axis |
| ColorFirstPoint | Determines the color of the first point |
| ColorHighPoint | Determines the color of the high point |
| ColorLastPoint | Determines the color of the last point |
| ColorLowPoint | Determines the color of the low point |
| ColorMarkers | Determines the color of the markers |
| ColorNegativePoints | Determines the color of the negative point |
| ColorSeries | Determines the default color for the series |
| DateAxis | Determines whether to use a date axis |
| DateRange | The date range (read-only) |
| DateRangeFormula | The date range formula (read-only) |
| DisplayBlanksAs | Determines how blanks will be displayed |
| DisplayHidden | Determines whether values from cells that are hidden will be displayed |
| DisplayXAxis | Determines if the x-axis will be displayed |
| FirstPoint | Determines if the first point is displayed differently. |
| Guid | A unique identifier for this group (read-only). |
| HighPoint | Determines if the high point is displayed differently. |
| LastPoint | Determines if the last point is displayed differently. |
| LineWeight | Determines the weight of a line in points. |
| LowPoint | Determines if the low point is displayed differently. |
| Markers | Determines if markers are displayed. |
| NegativePoints | Determines if the negative points are displayed differently. |
| RightToLeft | Determines if the sparkline goes from right to left. |
| Sparklines | The collection of sparklines in the group (read-only) |
| Type | The type of sparkline |
| VerticalAxisMax | A custom maximum value for the Y axis. |
| VerticalAxisMaxType | Determines how the maximum value for the Y axis is calculated. |
| VerticalAxisMin | A custom minimum value for the Y axis. |
| VerticalAxisMinType | Determines how the minimum value for the Y axis is calculated. |
| Workbook | Returns a reference to the associated workbook. |
| Worksheet | Returns a reference to the associated worksheet. |