
Type Property (Series)

Returns or sets a SeriesType value which determines the type of this series. Applicable only for combo charts.
public SeriesType Type {get; set;}

This property is only applicable for combo charts. Setting this property for any other type of chart causes an exception to be thrown.

Combo charts do not support Bubble or Surface; setting this property to either of those values causes an exception to be thrown.

The ChartType property must be set to a value that is compatible with assigned series type. If the current value of the ChartType property is not compatible with the value assigned to this property, a reasonable default value, which is compatible, is assigned to the ChartType property.


Target Platforms: Android 4.4+, iOS 8+

Development Environments: Visual Studio 2015+, Visual Studio for Mac Preview, Xamarin for Visual Studio 4.2+

See Also