
IFastItemsSource Interface Members

The following tables list the members exposed by IFastItemsSource.

Public Properties
 PropertyCountGets the number of records in the items source.  
 PropertyItemGets the item that the requested index.  
Public Methods
 MethodContentsAsIListFetches the contents as an IList  
 MethodDeregisterColumnDeregisters a column.  
 MethodHandleCollectionChangedNotifies of a collection event.  
 MethodIndexOfGets the index of the requested item.  
 MethodRegisterColumnGets a column for a specific property name.  
 MethodRegisterColumnDateTimeGets a date time column for a specific property name.  
 MethodRegisterColumnIntGets an integer column for a specific property name.  
 MethodRegisterColumnObjectGets an object column for a specific property name.  
Public Events
 EventEventIndicates that the data has changed.  
See Also